good feks! two we February 18 March 3, 2009
life in a
Rebuilding Sylvania’s For Ivan Kende, Centennial art comes first p19 p6 Terrace
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February 18 • March 3 75379-Toledo-9.5x11.875-4C-2.18
February 18 March 3, 2009 Vol. 9 • Issue 41
Adams Street Publishing Co.
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ELOPEMENT. I’VE HAD TWO BIG ONES ALREADY; I’M WAY OVER THAT. NOT THAT I’M EVER GOING TO MARRY AGAIN. Contributing Writers: Johnny Hildo, Sue Lovett, Kevin Moore, Matt Cummings, Karen Zickes, Clara Engel, Steven Athanas, Chris Cabin Editorial Interns: Allison Wingate ( Chevonne Harris ( Dianah Victorian
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Workin’ alternative energy
Danke Schön!
I would like to thank the readers of the Toledo City Paper for again voting the German-American Festival the “Best Neighborhood/Ethnic Festival” for the last ten out of twelve years. Our organizing committee and members of the German and Swiss community work hard year round to offer the best food, entertainment and hospitality of any festival. In German, the term is “Gemütlichkeit!” We would appreciate hearing your suggestions to make your experience that much better at: We look forward to welcoming you to Oak Shade Grove during the weekend of August 28, 29 & 30 for our 44th Annual Festival! The German and Swiss Societies that sponsor the Festival are always looking for fresh blood, including singers and dancers. Please visit www. to learn about our organizations and their activities — all of which are open to the public!
Timothy Pecsenye Chairman
via email
Seeger’s music hits home
Montana Miller’s review of the Pete Seeger performance was on target. It was an amazing evening; and I, too, believed he would pluck me out of the audience providing me with a personal interview. I have followed Pete’s career for over 40 years. Pete influenced my change from growing up in a conservative Republican family into a social worker who is a great believer in empowering people to make their voices heard. Montana left out what I believe to be the most powerful moment for the 3500+ in attendance at Hill – all those voices singing “Bring Em Home.” The voices sang out softly but resonated very strongly. I still hear the feeling throughout my body. He is still an amazingly strong influence in my life – and the lives of many, many others.
Mary Hurlburt, LSW via email
A site for sore eyes
Lucas County just got a makeover — online, at least. With new drop-down menus of public services and a number of built-in modules, including a news flash feature and a countywide calendar, the cuttingedge website is fresh with its first major upgrade this decade. Visit to see what the new site has in store.
Look good, feel great
Looking good makes you feel great at Camelot Salon in Holland. Throughout the month of February, the salon is hosting a fundraiser to benefit the Toledo Northwest Ohio Food Bank. Stop in with a non-perishable food item or a cash donation to the Food Bank and you’ll receive a 10 percent discount on any of Camelot’s services or products, including hair ser-
vices, tanning, massage, pedicures and more. Giving back never felt (or looked) so good! Camelot Salon, 7409 International Dr., Holland. 419-8651700/
Warming hearts
Hannah’s Socks is not only warming feet in the Toledo community, its warming hearts throughout the nation. The Toledo-based nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing clothing necessities to the less fortunate, is featured in the “Heroes Among Us” section of the February 9, 2009 issue of People Magazine. Download the story on the organization’s website at www.hannahssocks. org and help spread the word! —GS
best of toledo corrections
Due to proofing oversights, some of the winners of the 2008 Best of Toledo in our last issue were listed incorrectly. The actual winners:
Best Wings
Best Smoke/cigar shop
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar For locations visit Runner-Up: Fricker’s
Cigar Affair 323 Conant St., Maumee 419-891-0109 • Runner-Up: La Casa de la Habana
Best Chiropractor
Alternative Weekly Network
Also publishers of:
Getting from here to there doesn’t have to be hard on Mother Nature. Sure, we all have places to go, but there are “greener” ways of commuting than driving. On Thursday, February 19, join experts from TARTA, Bowling Green State University’s electric race car department and a local bicycling group to learn how to reduce driving, how our community is making a difference and why this change is important. “Green Your Ride!” begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Nederhouser Community Hall, Olander Park, 6930 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania. 419-882-8313/ —GS
Thank you for your support!
Audited by
Want to make your work environment more environmentally friendly? Join Bowling Green’s Green by Design on Saturday, February 28 from 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. for a free Alternative Energy Workshop. Learn about alternative energy options for your home and business, including wind systems, solar alternatives and battery charging options. Also receive important information about grants, incentives, zoning considerations and view an installed Skystream wind turbine. Registration is free, but space is limited. Refreshments will be served. Call 877-636-3366 or email for more information or to reserve your seat. Green by Design, 19551 N. Dixie Hwy., Bowling Green.
Be green on the go
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Runner-Up: Greg Davis
Also in the Best of Toledo issue [February 4 - February 17] we wrote that Nico Vega and The Von Bondies were playing Sunday, February 15. Those bands are actually playing at Mickey Finn’s on Sunday, February 22. $10 (21+). $12 (18-20)
February 18 • March 3
Dude, where’s our money?
T-town’s budget crisis by the numbers by Johnny Hildo The first shoe has dropped. The Finkledink administration has released its plan for filling the hole in its budgetary dike, and it ain’t pretty, folks. Admittedly, it’s easy to get lost in the thicket of numbers, especially those big, fat red ones with lots of zeroes. As a service to our loyal readers we offer the following analysis of the current sorry state of finances in the Frog Capital.
Keeping count $8.1 million. That’s the amount of red ink still on the books from 2008. Carty dropped it on City Council recently while muttering something about an unexpected slump in income tax collections. Dude. Read the paper. When local businesses lay off hundreds of local workers income tends to dip a bit. Council Finance Chair George Sarantou, who never saw a boneheaded Carty initiative he didn’t love, is a reliable FOCer (Friend of Carty) when it comes to Council votes, regularly adding harmony to cover Carty’s every financial miscue. Remember, Carty dug the City into a dark crimson hole as Mayor in the booming 1990s. Floundering into a budget abyss should have been expected in the depression of 2008. It would have been
nice if Sarantou, in his role as Council’s finance czar, would have kept a sober eye on the till instead of sniffing the Mayor’s beaming backside. $6.4 million. That’s the so-called rainy day fund the City once had to ensure budgetary stability and liquidity in case the Mayor’s crack staff of prognosticators goofs again. Its purpose is to provide a reserve for rapid response in case emergency adjustments are needed. It was never intended to be applied to fill longterm budget holes. Now that it’s flat lined, the City will have no reserve in case a financial emergency occurs in the future. These budget reserves are a major factor in determining a public body’s financial rating. Don’t be surprised when that goes south as fast as the Mayor’s approval ratings. He had originally sought to apply $2 million of the reserve to the oh nine budget. To reiterate, that is not what the reserve is supposed to be for. Regardless, draining the full kit and caboodle off to reduce the oh eight deficit means the oh nine budget hemorrhage just got worse. $1.7 million. Do the math. There’s still an unaddressed, and illegal, shortfall from last year. The second shoe will have to drop soon. Layoffs? Concessions? How about just writing it off as bad debt.
Wanna guess whether the financial guys in New York and Chicago will like that one? $11 million. That’s the predicted shortfall for oh nine. Stuff ’s gotta hit the fan. How to fill a budget hole, when you didn’t last year and frittered away your reserves, is Carty’s dilemma. City charter requires him to submit a balanced budget to Council for their consideration and approval.
Taxes, taxes, taxes Here’s Carty’s plan. Tax you to maintain city services, and then tax you again if you use those services. Plus raise your taxes if you live in Toledo but work outside the city, and raise ‘em again if you recycle. Here’s an example. Your taxes maintain city fire safety services, from trucks and stations to the brave men and women of TFD. You pay these taxes whether you have a fire or not. But if you do, sez Carty, we’ll bill you again for making use of the fire safety services your taxes already paid for. Your taxes also pay for refuse collection, from trucks to collectors. Then you pay again to have the privilege of actually making use of the service by having your trash collected. Council had passed a phase out of this tax for those who dutifully recycle. Not so fast, sez the Mayor. Carty recommends making this double taxation permanent, whether you recycle or not. If you live in Frogopolis but work elsewhere, you are given credit for the taxes you already pay at your place of employment. Carty would cut that credit in half, effectively raising taxes on an estimated nineteen thousand city residents. Of course, these same folks pay property taxes, sales taxes, and other sundry taxes and fees to our beloved Swamptown. Not enough, sez the Mayor. Tax ‘em again and see how they like it.
February 18 • March 3
laments our stro ng mayor form of government. The problem isn’t the strong mayor. The problem is th e
milquetoast wea k city council.
Carty also proposes reducing safety forces overtime, but promises no reduction in response times or basic safety services. He wants four day work weeks for city employees, but pledges no impact on other city services. He intends to automate refuse collection, thereby reducing the need for refuse collectors by two jobs per truck, but says there will be no layoffs.
The final countdown We look forward to the approaching day when pigs can, in fact, fly. In the meantime, we have our ever vigilant elected representatives on council to stand up for our interests, end the double taxation and fight Carty’s other tax increases, and take a sober and structural look at the budget for critical efficiencies and cutbacks. Lindsay Webb stopped whining about river dredging just long enough to whine about not being consulted on the budget. Not a peep about the substance of Carty’s proposals. Sarantou predictably thinks the Mayor’s ideas make great sense. Ditto lockstep FOCer Mark Sobczak, Council President. Seven. The number of council members it will take to show some spine and stop the Finkledink double taxation scenarios. Good luck with that. Two Hundred and Nine. Perhaps the most important number of all. That’s the days remaining until the September 15th municipal primary when we can all have a chance to vote the chuckleheads out.
Networking it
Young adults in the Toledo area get together for charity, business, and fun by Jessica Luther Are you between the ages of 21 and 40 and live or work in the Toledo area? Are you looking for a way to advance your career and meet new people? Over the past few years, Toledo has taken notice that its young professionals are migrating to bigger cities to find work and social lives. This has put social and professional networking opportunities for young people at the top of Toledo’s priority list. Groups like EPIC, created by the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce in 2007, are dedicated to linking future leaders of Toledo with one another. EPIC, which stands for “engaging people, inspiring change,” is divided into different action teams that emphasize cultural arts, social networking, professional development, and other interests. On February 6th, they celebrated their two-year anniversary with a party at the Seagate Center. They also sponsor several events throughout the year, like the EPIC race, a kind of scavenger hunt that sends members to all kinds of northwest Ohio locations. Individual membership is $75, and more information can be found on their website www.
No suits, no ties Centered more on the social aspects of networking, another group, called Focus on Young People, formed three years ago by local businessman Derek Feniger. Feniger said he began the group because he felt the need for a no-strings-attached social networking group to bring young professionals together. “It is created by and for young people, with no fees, committees, no suits and ties,” Feniger explained. “The main focus is to create a social network that combines with a business network. We just ask that you attend and donate for our charity events.”
FYP has begun sponsoring four events a year, with volunteer board members organizing each event. Their last get-together was “Amazon at the Avalon,” a rainforest-themed cocktail party that raised $3,000 for Kids Saving the Rain Forest in Costa Rica, a charity that gives kids a chance to plant a tree in the Amazon. To join or find out more, visit FYP’s website at, or email Feniger directly at “We want people to know that this group was made to bring the young generation together to create a social community, that leads to a [more vibrant] business community,” Feniger described. Focused on improving the community, Thosefellas, LLC could fit nicely into your social repertoire. Event manager Kamaron Kyser said the group is all about economic and community growth, with events on the last Thursday of each month called N.E.T.T. (Networking and Economic development in Toledo by Thosefellas). Past featured guests include county commissioner Ben Konop, George Robinson from the Chamber of Commerce and Francis Dumbya, author of Winning Strategies of Successful People. On February 6th, Thosefellas, LLC held an event for African-American HIV/ AIDs Awareness Day at the Blueprint Bar and Grill with keynote speaker WilliAnn Moore, president of the Toledo chapter of the NAACP. Their next networking event will be held on February 26th, and those interested can contact Kyser at “We feel like we in the community are the change we’ve been looking for,” Kyser said. “We can do so much better together than we can individually.”
Giving back For ladies who want to do some good for the area while also meeting new people, the fundraising mavens at Chicks for Charity are a good place to start. Founder Martha Vetter began the group in 2006, and membership has reached 1200, with a new branch in Australia. “We want members to gain confidence in their ability to give back and inspire philanthropy,” Vetter said. “In and of itself, though, Chicks for Charity is a great networking experience.” Though aimed at all ages, young professional women can find a niche here with a goal is to do some good. Each year, CFC has picked a single charity to sponsor all year, with organized events and individual participation. This year, the Victory Center is their recipient, and the format has been changed so that two years will be dedicated to this nonprofit that offers programs for cancer patients. On February 4th, CFC helped The Victory Center hold its annual Luncheon and Fashion Show, and every summer CFC holds its own event for its members
Members of Focus on Young People (FYP) enjoy a get together, meeting other local professionals. with drinks, raffles and entertainment. Besides these group events, however, members are encouraged to raise between $50 and $100 a year individually. Kids run Kool-Aid stands, women hold wine tastings, and one member even invited friends to sponsor her as she dropped pounds; the proceeds go to the charity CFC has chosen that year. With interest from Detroit and parts of Florida, CFC could be expanding throughout the country as well, creating a great networking opportunity, as well as an opportunity to give back. For more information, visit
Escape to Serenity
The Zen-like atmosphere of Serenity helps clients “Relax. Unwind. Receive.”
“Me time.” Unfortunately, most of us don’t get enough of it. But when you do finally find a precious hour or two, the people at Serenity Salon & Wellness Center will make sure every minute is treated like gold. Owners Stephanie Beamish and Rebecca BuckholzCarpenter like to say “Relax. Unwind. Receive.” They previously worked together in a salon doing hair and massages. Their objective in opening Serenity is to create a more Zen-like, serene experience for clients, and they’ve accomplished this in their new 4,100 square foot digs. Besides the typical services such as hair and waxes, this full service salon has five massage therapists offering everything from maternity massages to myofascial massage. Pedicures, manicures, and facials all occupy their Zen-like space. In the very near future Serenity will also be
February 18 • March 3
Owners Beamish and Buckholz-Carpenter offering its clients wellness treatments such as hypnotherapy and reflexology. Beamish said their goal is to take care of wellness inside the body as well as outward appearance for their clients. Their mission is to feed the mind, body, and soul. They’ve dedicated a room to yoga as well. Take the “me time” you promised yourself with your New Year’s resolution and escape to Serenity. Go ahead! Relax. Unwind. Receive. 4405 Talmadge Rd. Suite 4 Toledo, OH 43623. 419-720-7070
Dancing Under the Stars
Sylvania’s Centennial Terrace rebuilds for future generations by Sue MacPhee-Gray Nearly everyone has heard of “Dancing With the Stars,” the hit TV show that pairs professional ballroom dancers with b-list celebrities. But in our area one of the most popular pastimes has been dancing under the stars at the Centennial Terrace in Sylvania. Part of the property known as the Centennial Quarry (originally owned by the Toledo Stone & Glass Co., a subsidiary of the France Stone Co.), the Terrace was built in 1938. Run by Bob Burge, the Terrace first opened for business on June 29, 1939. The venue featured a band shell, concession stand and open-air 10,000 sq ft terrazzo dance floor. Centennial Terrace soon became a popular midwestern stop for entertainers like Glenn Miller, Harry James, and Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, as well as a haven for ballroom dancers and lovers of swing and the Big Band sound. Local bandleader Johnny Knorr (The Johnny Knorr Orchestra) performed at the Terrace with many of the groups who came through in the late 40s. “Their route would be Cleveland, Centennial and then Detroit, and Chicago, with a week’s stand at each place.” At the time the Terrace was strictly a big band, dance and outdoor ballroom, 7 days a week. “We’d play for 1200-1500 people. If you liked big band music, it was the place to be unless you went up to Detroit. But the Terrace was unusual, because it was outside.” Shirley Prond, a resident of Ottawa Lake, Michigan, remembers Centennial Terrace in its glory days. She grew up on Toledo’s east side and attended numerous events there, particularly after she met husband Ed (a west-sider) in 1954. “We’d go at least once a year and always loved it.” Prond recalled that the annual Weenie Roast Dance was a big draw. The renovated Centennial Terrace bids farewell to the classic terazzo floor that has “It was the last dance of the season.” hosted dancers for over 60 years. “We loved the marble floor; es-
pecially when it was wet it was pretty, and seemed to have kind of a pinkish tone to it. It was like a fantasy world dancing outside, under the stars.” Centennial Terrace continued to host a variety of events throughout the 50s and 60s and eventually was donated to Lucas County in 1969. The City of Sylvania leased the property in 1993, and in 1994 the Sylvania Area Joint Recreation District (SAJRD) forged an agreement with the city and took over operations, eventually buying the facilities from the county in 2007 for a mere $1. The Terrace is currently undergoing remodeling courtesy of SAJRD along with Wilson Builders, Inc. (the general contractor), Paxton Demolition and Poggemeyer Design Group (architect). Ken Katafias, Operations Manager for Sylvania Recreation Corporation (which is partially funded by SAJRD), said “The facility was in pretty rough shape and the goal is to construct something that will be an entertainment complex for the next 70 years. We want to have more flexibility in the type of acts we can bring in.” The many changes being made, include enlarging the stage (adding interior height) and expanding the concession facilities. Sadly, the once beautiful terrazzo dance floor will Toledo’s best cigar store boasts a be no more. “The terazzo was homey lounge and cigarden badly cracked, and in some cases The Cigar Affair is smokin’ hot, and TCP almost dangerous,” said Katafias. readers know it! Voted the Best Cigar Store Billy Paxton of Paxton Demolition in the area (due to a proofing oversight, we confirmed that efforts were made did not list Cigar Affair as the winner in our to try and salvage the material. last issue), The Cigar Affair has much to “Some of the terrazzo has been boast about. Established in 1996, owner John Swemba describes, “We have Ohio’s largest recycled. We saw-cut two pieces walk-in humidor and probably always have to go into the new entry way, and over 1,000 open boxes on display.” In addition we saved some of the smaller terto one of Ohio’s largest selections of handrazzo pieces to give to those who crafted cigars and pipe tobaccos, pricing is donated funds and have particivery competitive. “I’d rather have too much pated in events over the years.” than too little.” The new dance floor will be polHaving gutted the store down to the ished concrete, which is more 1870s brick, he added, “It’s really kind of a suitable for outdoor use, and the homey atmosphere.” The lounge in front of floor stained with 8-ft squares to the store is casual and comfortable, and the resemble the checkerboard pat“cigarden,” aka “outdoor patio,” will be open tern familiar to so many. In adas soon as the weather permits. dition, the concrete will contain After a recent trip to Santiago touring embedded pea gravel to enhance farms and rolling factories, Swemba is now its resemblance to the original an Honorary Master Cigar Roller. He’s planflooring. ning another trip, and hopes to eventually offer cigar rolling demonstrations in his Paxton had better luck savstore. ing the trees that surrounded the pavilion. “Eighty percent (80%) of Don’t feel overwhelmed, the service is friendly and accommodating and their the trees were relocated to other goal is that you leave with exactly what you areas in the county,” he said. came looking for. Take a virtual tour at “I was proud of that. Being that or call it’s winter, they were dormant 419-891-0109. enough to move fairly easily.” —KZ Flying in the face of the area’s record snowfall the “new” Centennial Terrace is set to open on schedule by late June. And because the Terrace is the only place where one can dance under a moonlit sky and feel the cool night breeze, it is likely that future generations will be drawn there, just as their parents were, to dance under the Cigar Affair owner John Swemba stars. (right) inspects a tobacco crop.
February 18 • March 3
Smokin’ Hot
life in a
glasshouse World-renowned glass artist Baker O’Brien does things differently. In Northwest Ohio, with a thriving community of glass artists, O’Brien has set herself apart with a diverse, brilliant, and ever-evolving body of work,distinguishable for its elegance and grace as much as for its boldness and its spirit of fierce independence.
“I’m the only apprentice-trained solo practitioner working alone in a glass studio today that I know of,” said O’Brien. Her independence frees her to create unique pieces that contradict the homogenized work of today’s glass artists.
studio glass movement to the corners of the continent, the quiet and unassuming Labino continued to experiment tirelessly and to develop techniques that would establish him as one of the foremost authorities on glass for a generation. O’Brien’s working relationship with Labino began when she was a student at Antioch College and was looking for a place to complete the school’s cooperative educational curriculum, which required each student to compliment his or her traditional course work with practical work experience. But, even though she knew of Labino’s reputation as a master glass artist, she had no intention to work with glass. “I was aware of Labino,” she said, “but I wasn’t particularly interested in blowing glass at that time. I wanted to do architectural wrought iron, so that’s why Otto the opportunity of a lifetime Whitman suggested it. I went down to the museum and showed Whitman, who The seeds of Toledo’s infatuation with was a friend of my grandfather, what I was glass were sewn during the region’s industrial doing with metalwork, and he said I should golden age early in the Twentieth Century. As go talk to the Labinos. The friendship grew vice president of research and development gradually.” at Johns-Manville Fiber Glass Corporation, O’Brien never returned to Antioch, a Labino had a hand in tending the crop that decision which she doesn’t regret. grew out of that soil. Then, in 1962, Labino “Everybody and their brother has a BA was invited by Otto Whitman, then director of today,” she said. “Unless you’re going to the Toledo Museum of Art, to participate in go for an MFA and then for a teaching job, a workshop with Harvey Littleton, a ceram- there’s not a lot of need for that. I was just ics professor from Madison, Wisconsin, to always geared toward the more practical. experiment with molten glass as an artistic So even my parents thought that the oppormedium. In the months and years following tunity to work with Mr. Labino was going to the TMA workshops, as Littleton and his be worth leaving school for. And it was.” students, including Dale Chihuly, fanned out to spread the pollen of the newly blooming continued on pg 8
“I’m a dinosaur,” said O’Brien, who, in 1975, began an apprenticeship with Dominick Labino, one of the pioneering patriarchs of the studio glass movement. “I’m the only apprentice-trained solo practitioner working alone in a glass studio today that I know of. Everywhere else, it’s all about mass production. That’s the way of the world. But I’ve never had a real desire to do that. I probably could have set up a production studio, having the rights to the Labino name, and set the world on fire twenty years ago. But I just never had the heart for that.” And it’s not just Labino’s name that would have carried her far. The techniques Labino developed and refined over his decades-long career have armed O’Brien with an arsenal of skills and know-how that would be nearly impossible to duplicate.
“You could never order two of anything that look alike from me,” said O’Brien, who formulates her glass from raw materials like sand, soda ash and lime.
February 18 • March 3
(Left) O’Brien worked alongside Dominick Labino, studio glass movement pioneer, for 12 years. (Right) Labino’s studio in 1963.
one-of-a-kind artwork For twelve years, O’Brien worked with Labino until his death in 1987. O’Brien then continued to run the studio under the auspices of Labino’s widow until she bought the Grand Rapids, Ohio, studio and the eighty acres surrounding it in 1991. Ever since, she has been utilizing Labino’s unique and groundbreaking methods to create exquisite works of art. Ranging from one-of-a-kind bowls and vessels, to delicate, almost weightless-looking hot glass sculptures, Baker also creates monotypes printed off glass plates and cast glass sculptures and tiles that seem impossibly to suggest an entire list of opposites — stillness and movement, fire and ice, temporality and timelessness. Somehow, her work always seems to express an overall sense of unity rather than contradiction. Her cast glass sculpture, “Trojan Horse,” for example, is a vibrant cobalt blue interpretation of the fabled Homeric horse that tricked the Trojans into opening the otherwise impenetrable gates of their fortress city to Achilles and his fellow Greek warriors. The sharp, irregular, angles and the stately posture of the horse recall classical depictions of the scene on ancient vases, while the abstract deconstruction of the visual image makes the sculpture fresh, relevant, and unmistakably contemporary. Her ability to create objects that seem at once comfortingly familiar and excitingly new is a hallmark of O’Brien’s work, but more than anything else, color is what elevates her glass to a class of its own. It is also what would make mass production nearly impossible. “You could never order two of anything that look alike from me,” she said.
Most glass artists and studios start by making a batch of colorless glass. They then work glass grains of color known as “frit” or colored rods into the glass to achieve the desired hue. “Ninety-nine percent of studios buy their colors separately,” O’Brien said. “The color is basically like a veneer. But what Labino did, and the way I learned, was to actually formulate the glass from raw materials. So when I mix a batch of glass, I’m mixing sand, soda ash, lime along with various colorants and oxidizing agents or reducing agents or whatever is called for. As a result, my oxidized colors — the greens, the blues, the purples, those kinds of colors, even the amber (even though amber is a reduced color, it’s still dependably predictable) — are controllable. I can control them to the nth degree by what ingredients I add in. But the reds and the silver glasses, which are the most fabulous glass, they’re different every time. Even in an ovenload, the colors will vary unpredictably.”
an independent artist O’Brien has made a home for herself in the art world without compromising her desire to remain apart from the grinding arts-and-craft show circuit, which, she said, has homogenized much of what used to be a very regionally distinct art market, sacrificing regional character to commerce. “Thirty years ago,” she said, “if you were traveling a thousand miles away from your home — say you were out in Arizona and you went into a gallery — you would see regional artists. You might see painters from Santa Fe and ceramicists from Sedona. It would all be local stuff. But it’s not that way anymore. Gallery owners don’t seek out indi-
vidual artists. They go to wholesale shows and they look at what’s offered there and they order a dozen of these in blue, and a dozen of those in red, and maybe half a dozen of those in yellow. Now, you see the same stuff in Sedona that you see in Vermont or in San Francisco or in Ann Arbor. It’s become a cottage industry. Mass marketing is the way it works now.” O’Brien, who counts Queen Noor of Jordan, Queen Sirikit of Thailand, Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, and Former New York City Mayor Rudy Guliani as her collectors, is grateful that her success has allowed her to continue doing what she loves. “One of the things I love about what I do is that I don’t have two days that are the same. Some days, it’s all about jewelry, some days I’m multitasking, I’m doing a little of this and that. Yesterday I blew twenty-six glasses. But I love it that there aren’t two days the same. Some days are absolutely crazy. I could never have known that I’d be making glass like this, but I always knew, whatever I was going to end up doing, it was always going to be artistic. It was like I just had no choice but to make art.” The fierce independence that characterizes so much of her work comes directly and unpretentiously from O’Brien. Often, glass art has the cold, impersonal feel of glass itself, so smooth and neat at times that we art lovers, with our rough-edged intellects and butter-fingered emotions, can’t grab hold. But Baker O’Brien’s work has an astonishing rawness, a kind of primitive texture that seems to survive its creation unaltered, surviving through the fire, through the artist, transcending glass and transcending color, so that in the end what’s left is the harmonious contradiction of art.
Baker O’Brien’s work can be purchased at American Gallery at 6600 Sylvania Ave. in Sylvania.
Your ad could be here: 419.244.9859 Thinning out
It’s hard to flip through a modern-day magazine and not feel at least slightly overweight. Celebrities are bashed for the slightest growth of their waistlines and supermodels seem just inches away from claiming the waif-like frame of Twiggy. The Women’s Research Network of the Women’s Center at Bowling Green State University is discussing the role of the media and thinness with “Whose Ideal is it Anyway? Presumed Media Influence and Pluralistic Ignorance on the Norm of Ideal Thinness”. Join presenter Dr. Sung-Yeon Park, Assistant Professor of Telecommunications on Friday, February 20,1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. Women’s Center, 107 Hanna Hall. offices/women.
Fit in the food court
Looking for a healthier option in the food court? ProMedica Health System has chosen the Westfield Franklin Park food court as the location for their yearlong weight-loss and fitness programs. On Friday, February 20 from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. ProMedica will assess people’s body mass index, check blood pressure, answer questions and give cooking demonstrations in an effort to help people lead healthier lifestyles. Check your health progress by attending later events on March 20, April 17, May 15, October 19, November 20 and December 11. For more information,
Gentle healing
Enjoy a therapeutic, medically-based exercise program at the 577 Foundation. “The Lebed Method - Focus on Healing” is a class that has benefited cancer survivors, seniors, individuals with chronic health conditions and others aiming to be fit and flexible. This effective, yet gentle class is led by Lori Brandt. Thursdays, February 26 - April 2. 6 - 7 p.m. $48. Register at —GS
Drum Circle: Integration Yoga Studio, The place to be. Bring a drum or rattle to circle, some provided. Sunday, Jan. 18th from 6-7 pm. $5 suggessted donation. 419-A-OM-YOGA, _______________________ Weight Loss Classes forming now! Structure, support, skills, and personal coaching you need to lose weight and keep it off. Great discounts available! Call 419-407-3990 or www.Mercyweightloss.Com ________________________ Yoga Teacher Training. Comprehensive 200-hour yoga alliance registered yoga teacher training program. 10-Month program. One weekend a month. For information visit or call Kathie. 419-877-9038. _______________________ Pole Dance Fitness, build strength, flexibility and confidence in a fun and relaxed environment. Ladies only. Classes forming now. Pre-registration required. Classes held at 10 S. Holland Sylvania Rd. Suite 302. Call Paulette’s Studio of Dance for more info. 419-654-3262 or __________________ Experience Yoga Zen In The District an innovative yoga studio in Downtown Toledo. Classes available for a wide range of fitness levels. 419-244-4Zen,
February 18 • March 3
________________________ Yoga And Meditation Listed On Oprah’s “Anti-aging Checklist.” Increase your flexibility and add years to your life. For more information on classes please call Kathie at 419-877-9038 or visit Monclova, OH _____________________________ Wellness Month At Integration Yoga Studio: Nutrition workshops: Boost Your Immune System, Vegetarian Vitals, Juicing, The Truths About Carbs & Fats, Healthy Snacks, & Fermented Foods, Better Breathing: Yogic Breathwork & Handmade Neti Pots by Potter Kelly Averill Savino. (419) A-OM-YOGA. _____________________ BELLY DANCE WITH AEGELA- Dance away the excesses of the holiday! No prior dance training required. Registering now for classes beginning March 2nd. Daytime, evening, weekend classes available; beginners thru professionals. $55 for 6-week series. Located in The Martin School, 10 S. Holland Sylvania at Hill Ave., Toledo.,, 517-918-9547.
A Jolt of Caffeini
New coffeehouse by UT covers a range of treats by Kevin Moore Americans like options; and that is a mantra that Ron Waxell, President of Campus Village Retail Beverage, LLC, took to heart when he opened Caffeini’s Coffee on Secor Road. After opening its doors on February 1, 2009 across the street from the University of Toledo’s Rocket Hall, Caffeini’s sits poised to serve both students and the surrounding neighborhood with the full gambit of coffeehouse specialties. In a modern atmosphere boasting free wi-fi, customers can select from any number of espresso-based lattes and cappuccinos, made with organic milk if requested. The café will soon be hosting coffee cupping, similar to wine tasting, to teach wishful connoisseurs the subtleties of fine coffee selection. Caffeini’s menu board is also stacked with several power smoothies than can be made into energy smoothies with the addition of Boosta Shot available at the counter. “We want our smoothies to stand out from others’ as something special,” says Maria Nguyen, the company’s regional manager. For those seeking a snack to go with their coffee or power smoothie, Caffeini’s kitchen makes grilled panini on multigrain bread as well as baked goods such as brownies, scones, and
[ thursday, february 19 ]
Fresh Mozarella Class
Learn how to make your own fresh mozarella. The Boulevard Market, 102 East Chicago Boulevard. Tecumseh. 517-423-6000.
[ saturday, february 21 ]
Juicing for Health
This playshop will cover enzymes and the minerals they depend on. Learn to make and enjoy easy and delicious, vitally healing smoothies and veggie juices. Recipes (to try at home) and handouts (for further reading) will be provided. $30. 419-266-9642.
[ sunday, february 22 ] cinnamon buns. The panini can, upon request, be made with gluten-free bread, prepared on a separate grill; and several select baked treats are also gluten and lactose free. “We wanted to be health conscious,” continues Nguyen. “Healthy alternatives are important and we wanted to have them available for our customers.” As a cold but sweet ending to the menu, Caffeini’s serves several flavors of gelato and sorbetto made with Fabbri gelato base, which is imported straight from Italy. “The reason I like gelato,” adds Waxell, “is there is no cream. The consistency is much denser and the flavor is much more pronounced.”
Simple Soups
Learn how to make simple, flavorful soups, including classic Asian varieties. Also demonstrated will be the basics of adding starches, boosting flavor and creative garnishes. Free. Call for reservations. Williams-Sonoma , 5001 Monroe St. Westfield, Franklin Park Mall. 419-475-6368.
Caffeini's menu board is stacked with power smoothies, coffees, sandwiches and sweets.
[ friday, february 27 ]
Caffeini’s Coffee is located at 1471 Secor Rd. Parking behind building. It is open 7 a.m. – 11 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 7 a.m. – 12 a.m. Friday, 8 a.m. – 12 a.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. – 11 p.m. Sunday. 419-536-9724. Rocket Card accepted. Catering available.
Chinese New Year Cooking
Lunar New Year is a big celebration for the Chinese. Family and relatives get together to celebrate from day one to day fifteen. Dishes featured are Chinese traditional vegetarian delight, vegetarian buns, butternut and apple soup, stewed beef and eggs, chinese new year special candy. $20. Call to register. The 577 Foundation, 577 River Road, Perrysburg. 419-874-4174.
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February 18 • March 3
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February 18 • March 3
Chili challenge
Want to have fun while also showcasing your culinary skills? Mobile Meals of Toledo, Inc is calling all chili makers to compete in the 17th Annual Great Chili Cook-off on Saturday, March 28 from 12 p.m to 5 pm. With four levels of competition (amateur, media, restaurant, and corporate), a Black Swamp Cruisers’ Classic Car Show, entertainment from Glass City Sounds, cooking demonstrations, and a salsa tasting, this event has a little something to suit everyone! Proceeds benefit Mobile Meals and the Home-Delivered Meal programs. Don’t procrastinate — assemble your team now to ensure a bowl of sheer greatness! Deadline to register is March 9. Visit www. or call 419-255-7806 to register. —DV
Strategize for your garden
Learn the best ways to design and plant your garden at the “Home Vegetable Garden.” The class will provide various styles, plant suggestions, organic tips and more. The class is $10, Sunday, March 8, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the 577 Foundation. 577 Foundation, 577 East Front St, Perrysburg, 419-874-4174. —CH
Made in Colombia
Need a break from the winter blahs? Spice up the season with the tropical flavors of Colombia at the 577 Foundation’s class, “Typical Colombian Dishes.” Learn how to make classic dishes like Bandeja Paisa (Colombia’s national dish since 2005), red bean soup, sweet plantains, rice and carne molida and other favorites. The class will be led by Maria Rodriguez
Polish pork, pierogis and paczki
Have a hankering for Polish delicacies? Toledo has three upcoming events to satisfy your cravings. On Thursday, February 19, Resurrection Polish National Church will host a “Polish Pork Chop Dinner” from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Enjoy a pork chop, kielbasa, mashed potatoes and more for $10. If you can’t make it to Resurrection, or just want seconds, join the Echoes of Poland Folk Song & Dance Ensemble at the P.R.C.U.A. Hall on Friday, February 27 from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. A $7 adult ticket or $3 child ticket gets you four pierogi, vegetable, salad, dessert and more. Then, the pre-Lenten celebration of Fat Tuesday kicks off with The Shoppes on Lagrinka’s Authentic Paczki Sale from Sunday, February 22 – Tuesday, February 24. Flavors like apple, raisin, raspberry, blueberry and more fill these delightful delicacies available for only $6 per half dozen. Deliveries and pre-orders available. For hours and more information, call 419-255-8406. Resurrection Polish National Catholic Church, 1835 W. Temperance Rd. 734-847-5052. P.R.C.U.A. Hall, 5255 N. Detroit Ave. 419-531-8658. —GS
on Saturday, February 21 from noon - 12:30 p.m. $20. Limited to 10 participants; register at
Go International
Taste the flavors of the world without leaving the Toledo area. “Affair with International Flair,” Lial Catholic School’s premier fundraising event, boasts Asian, Mediterranean, French and Italian delicacies at a beautiful grazing station. The event also has a silent
Bon appetite!
Follow your nose to the sweet smells emitting from The Oliver House — Petit Fours (formerly located in Downtown Perrysburg) has opened the doors to its new home. Like the former location, the new location boasts the same decadent pastries, cakes and desserts that makes our mouth water. The patisserie will be open on Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Working beside other companies in The Oliver House, Petit Fours will also make scrumptious desserts for its neighbors Maumee Bay Brewing Co. and Rockwell's. Petit Fours' former cafe is also expanding into The Cafe, which will start serving lunches Monday through Saturday starting March 2. 27 Broadway. 419-724-4477/ —GS
high spirits
[ wednesday, february 18 ]
Beer and Wine Tasting
Featuring beautiful red and white wine blends and the beers of Troegs Brewing Co. On February 25 enjoy a selection of newly arrived wines and beers for spring. 6-8pm. $10 beer, $15 wine. Beer & Wine Cave, 4400 Heatherdowns (at Key). 419-382-6221.
open 1/4
auction, with valuable items like diamond earrings, sports event tickets, student-made art pieces and even a puppy. Join parents and community supporters at Brandywine Country Club on Saturday, February 28 for this delicious cause with live entertainment. $45 per person. For more information, call 419-877-5167.
The papa of pies
A new pizza place is throwing dough in the Toledo area. PizzaPapalis opened the doors to its new home at 519 Monroe St. on February 2. The eighth location founded and operated by President Joe Sheena, the Downtown Toledo restaurant is the first in the Toledo area to house the Detroit tradition, known for its Chicago deep dish crust and fresh Wisconsin cheese. Stop in for a taste of their perfect pie, classic subs, strombolis, or sample their “Deep Dish Chocolate Cookie.” Carryout and delivery available. 419-244-7722/
Little plates in a bigger space
The family-style restaurant devoted to grazing just made more room at their table. Poco Piatti in Perrysburg added a 1,200 square foot expansion that includes a banquet area for up to 75 diners for family gatherings, parties, and business meetings. The sheer curtains and warm colors of the new space creates an elegant, yet cozy ambiance. The expansion also houses retail wine sales and falls in line with the revised Poco Piatti menu (with new favorites like falafel salad and shish kafta) that debuted in November 2008. Poco Piatti, 3155 Chappel Dr., Perrysburg. 419-931-0281/ —GS
[ thursday, february 19 ]
Southern Hemisphere Wines
Enjoy a sampling of wines from regions south of the Equator. $15. 7pm. The Vineyard, 5305 Monroe St.
[ tuesday, february 24 ]
Italian Mardi Gras Carnevale
This year’s annual wine dinner features Italian vintner Signore Alberto Canella of Tere di Ger winery from the Friuli region of Italy. Guests are encouraged to come in proper Mardi Gras attire (including beads and costumes) as they will enjoy Signore Canella’s wines paired with Chef Isabella’s foods. Call for reservations. 6:30pm. Paesano’s Italian Restaurant & Wine Bar, 3411 Washtenaw. Ann Arbor. 734-971-0484.
February 18 • March 3
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February 18 • March 3
etiquette TIPS
The Manor of Weddings Bridal Show March 20, 2009 | 5 to 9 p.m. Make your dream a reality. Tour the Manor House at Wildwood Preserve Metropark and visit with premier wedding service providers. Fashion shows throughout the evening courtesy of Atlas Bridal Shop. Refreshments available from Michael’s Gourmet Catering. Hair and make-up consultations provided by Above and Beyond Salon and Day Spa. Door Prizes. Sponsored by Metroparks Wildwood Preserve, 5100 W. Central Ave. Admission: $7 with reservations | $10 at the door Reservations: 419-407-9700
February 18 • March 3
Trash the Dress sessions take wedding photography to a whole new level
Brides-to-be spend extensive time and money in search of that perfect wedding dress for one of the most important days of their lives — but what happens to the coveted gown post-ceremony?
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February 18 • March 3
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“Thank you Toledo for voting Holiday Inn® French Quarter Toledo’s BEST HOTEL!”
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Special occasion coming up? Schedule a GIRLS NIGHT OUT PARTY
10 South Holland-Sylvania Road, Toledo
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February 18 • March 3
&GLAM by Gina Sares
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Every bride wants to look dazzling while walking down the aisle, and thanks to local experts like Puttin’ On The Glitz in Perrysburg, area brides can get that much needed help in finding the perfect accessories. The boutique was recently honored with a 2009 Bride’s Choice Award from WeddingWire, a leading wedding technology company. After examining surveys and reviews of recent newlyweds, Puttin’ On The Glitz was one of the top three percent of WeddingWire’s vendor community, which includes over 100,000 wedding vendors from across the nation. Stop by the boutique to see how their jewelry, tiaras, veils and accessories can make you sparkle on your special day. 120 W. South Boundary, Perrysburg. 419-874-3334/
Bridal Party Package
A Bride from Top to Toes $250 Get ready for your big day with us! This package includes two days of preparation: Practice Day: - Practice Up-Do - Practice Airbrush Make-Up Application Wedding Day -Up-do -Airbrush Make-Up Application -Cherished Pedicure -Manicure -Any Facial Waxing (can be done on practice day)
We also have packages for your bridal party at an additional $99.00 per person.
February 18 • March 3
34 South St. Clair Street Toledo, Ohio 43604 (419) 241-5877
������������������������� M-Th 11-7, F 11-8, Sat 10-8
954 Phillips Ave (at Sylvania)
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February 18 • March 3
March 15th, 1-4 p.m. Georgette’s will be hosting a bridal open house to showcase its new lines of fairly-traded house wares, its gift registry, catering services and much more. Special guest: Sounds of Music DJ Service.
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Special Events at Your Museum From weddings to business meetings, we’ll help you plan the perfect event! Choose from a variety of spaces in both the Main Building and Glass Pavilion.
Special Events Office 419.254.5771, ext. 7401 18
February 18 • March 3
The art comes first
Toledo’s Ivan Kende adds leather to his long list of artistic mediums by Steven J. Athanas Ivan Kende is not an easy interview. He’s soft spoken, irritable and fussy. On the other hand, Ivan is well-versed in his work, he’s creative, and he knows what he’s talking about. He’s the real deal, and the work in his Secor Building studio, where he’s been for the last two and a half years, demonstrates that. He works in acrylics, pastel, conté and leather and when asked if there’s a medium he’s tried and disliked, he thinks a bit. “Crayons,” he says with a laugh. “But never say never!” Kende is currently working on a large piece, using pastels on canvas. As we talk, Ivan’s focus is committed to the Artist Ivan Kende began drawing soon after his work. While verbalizing his family fled Budapest in 1956. thoughts, he grabs a pastel and adds a small detail to his work. The art comes first. vertent run-in with his secret chosen meKende was a child when his family dium — leather. Kende hooked up with fled Budapest in 1956. He immediately his cousin, who played the Hammond B-3 started drawing when the family settled organ, a bulky instrument with an instantin New York City. He attended several in- ly recognizable sound. The instrument stitutions, but found them too constrict- needed a cover to protect it during traving. In 1966 he set out on his own path el, and Ivan decided he would construct of study. Living in different cities around it out of leather. “We quickly realized it the U.S., he dedicated himself to an ex- would cost hundreds of dollars to make,” tensive study of the history of art, ex- Kende says. “But there was Naugahyde! perimenting with different media. It was Let’s try that.” Kende stayed up for two during the ‘60s that Kende had an inad- days making the enclosure, and it opened
Three’s company
The Arts Commission of Greater Toledo’s Parkwood Gallery understands the power of three. With its purpose to support the local arts scene, the gallery has decided to share the work of three different artists in its latest exhibition. Carol Imes-Luscombe, Jill Kelly and Julie Madden all work separately, but when put together, their artwork is united by their use of rich colors and materials to explore intimate spaces, both interior and exterior. The paintings and prints of Imes-Luscombe use bold colors, shapes and materials to create elegant but strong abstract structure. Kelly’s painting style depicts the personality of upper class individuals through the opulent and colorful interior spaces surrounding them. And Madden’s ceramic vessels, inspired by architecture and nature, have surfaces modeled with gold leaf, infusing the space of the gallery with warm light from outdoors. The Imes-Luscombe, Kelly, Madden Exhibition runs through Friday, March 6 at the Parkwood Gallery, 1838 Parkwood Ave., Suite 120 in Downtown Toledo. For more info, 419-254-ARTS/
Historic Galleries
20 North Gallery, Owens Community College and Toledo City Paper are get-
ting to know each other a little better. Throughout the month of February, the gallery and the college are collaborating on a special Black History Month exhibit and community outreach program appropriately titled “Owens Community College presents Black History Month 2009 at 20 North Gallery.” Featuring many prominent African American artists from the region and around the country, the event is the longest running Black History Month exhibit in Toledo. One of the show’s featured artists is Willis Bing Davis from Dayton, known for his masterful masks, paintings, drawings and sculpture. As part of the Black History Month festivities, Davis will host two hands-on workshops on Thursday, February 19. A master class with Davis, titled “Reach High, Reach Back: an Urban Journey from Sports to Art to Community Service” will be held at the Learning Center at the Source, 1301 Monroe St. from 9:30 -10:30 a.m. Later in the day Davis will present another master class at Owens Community College’s Center for Fine and Performing Arts (main campus)
him to a totally new medium. “I’m still on the verge of going public with the leather,” he says guardedly. Although his leather pieces are unique, Kende remains hesitant about putting them in galleries. The years of experimentation — from belt buckles to large sculptures — are something that he’s only “almost ready” to let loose on major galleries. His leather pieces are abstract sculptures
for the most part (including a bird house, ancient looking body armor), in a medium that grabs you. Seeing abstract sculpture created in ceramic, steel, bronze — any number of mediums — is more common, but there’s a tender vulnerability to the leather. That tenderness is deceiving however. “It’s a very difficult medium to work with,” Kende says. The pliability has to be tempered by getting it wet. To hold pieces together, he has to stitch with wide pieces of leather, which are very hard on the hands. Kende also “tools” designs into the leather surfaces, laying it flat while he etches. He may even paint them with acrylics or shoe polish. Kende has come to a place artistically where it all comes crashing together, as though the planets have aligned and Ivan is the Cosmic Juggler, ready to unleash his vision and he’s being carried along with it. It’s not absolutely intentional, but it’s ... right. Ivan smiles. “Somehow everything is getting tied together ... and you can’t ask for more than that.” Ivan Kende hosts drop-in figure drawing sessions once a month. The next one is Sunday, February 22 at the Secor Building, 425 Jefferson Ave. 1-4 p.m. $10 models’ fee. For more info, 419-345-8980/www.ivankende. com.
Toledo to Tanzania The great art exchange
Ohio artists are traveling across the globe to share their knowledge and to mentor developing creative types. Earlier this year, the Arts Council Lake Erie West (ACLEW) and the Great Lakes Consortium for International titled “Adornment: as Art and Culture” from Training (GLC) announced their pick of five female artisans 1-3 p.m. Both are free and open to the (four from northwest Ohio) to travel to Tanzania to conduct propublic. Call Owens Community College at fessional arts and women’s issues workshops, exhibit their art 537-661-7421 for more info. in a joint exhibition and deliver a Black History Month presentaThe Black History Month exhibit at 20 tion in conjunction with the U.S. Embassy. Joan Edwards North Gallery runs through Sunday, March and Emily French of Bowling Green, Mary Krueger of To1. 20 North Gallery, 8 N. Saint Clair St. ledo, Emily Schlueter of Wauseon and Stephanie Mat419-241-2400. thews of Columbus are all currently in east Africa, where they —ER will be until February 27. The five women artists all differ in preferred mediums — from quilt-making and drawing to oil painting, photography and fiber arts — but with their help, the ACLEW and GLC hope to fulfill an ambitious goal: To bring together emerging women artists in Tanzania with professional artists to illustrate how the visual arts are utilized to express issues, engage others in the community and promote tolerance and respect for women as artists and leaders in the community. Additionally, ten young Tanzanian women artists will come for a 28-day fellowship in NW Ohio to collaborate and network. The ACLEW and GLC are currently looking for interested female artists to participate in a second trip to Tanzania. Artist applications and A piece by Emily Schlueter of Wauseon, information can be found at www.artistsoftanone of five artists traveling to Tanzania. For more info, contact Martin Nagy or Elizabeth Balint at 419-531-2046. —ER
February 18 • March 3
Toledo Museum of Art
thursday19 Master Class with Artist Willis “Bing” Davis Internationally acclaimed artist and educator Willis “Bing” Davis will provide attendees with a first-hand account into his life as an artist and how African and African-American culture has influenced the creation of his masterful masks, paintings, drawings and sculptures. Additionally, Davis’ master class on the Toledo-area Campus will include an interactive African-inspired jewelry demonstration for audience attendees. Davis’ artwork is currently on display at the 20 North Gallery in downtown Toledo as part of their annual Black History Month Exhibit. 9:30-10:30am Learning Center at The Source, 1-3pm Center for Fine and Performing Arts Mainstage Theatre. Owens Community College. 567-661-7421.
exhibitions [ ongoing ] From Institutions to Independence, The Ward M. Canaday Center presents an exhibit entitled “From Institutions to Independence: A History of People With Disabilities in Northwest Ohio.” Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collection, UT Carlson Library. 419-530-4480. Through February 27. Pierre Camilien and Marcia Dersee, The exhibit features glass art by Pierre Camilien of Haiti as well as fiber arts by Sylvania native Marcia Derse. Come witness the contrast of their two preferred art mediums. Hudson Gallery, 5645 North Main St. Sylvania. 419-885-8381. Through February 28.
Artist Beverly McIver Soul Food Luncheon and Lecture Authentic “soul food” from the AfricanAmerican culture will serve as theme for a Terrace View Café luncheon. In addition, Guggenheim and Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study Fellow Beverly McIver will provide attendees with insight into her vast array of artwork and how her cultural history and background influenced her artistic direction. The cuisine will be prepared by Owens students within the Culinary Arts program. Reservations must be made prior to the event. 11:30am-1pm. Call 567661-7421. Terrace View Cafe, Owens Community College - College Hall. An Evening with Artist Beverly McIver Internationally renowned artist Beverly McIver will share insightful detail about her work and journey as an artist. Specifically, McIver will discuss specific moments of her life as subject matter in her paintings. A reception will immediately follow the lecture. 7pm Owens Community College, Center for Fine and Performing Arts Room 111. Her paintings will be on display in the Walter E Terhune Gallery through March 26
Free Concert
Free Lecture & Demonstration Willis “Bing” Davis Owens Community College Center for the Fine and Performing Arts Thursday, February 19th, 1p.m.
With featured artist WILLIS “BING” DAVIS January 30—March 1, 2009
drop-in studio sessions Located in the Glass Pavilion
February 20 Pull a glass flower. Drop in during these hour-long sessions and give hot glass a try. Buy tickets ($15 members/$20 nonmembers) at the Glass Pavilion starting at 10am on the day of the session. Adults and children age 14 and older with an adult are welcome.
[ ongoing ] Look What’s New, The Second Century of Collecting at the TMA, In the eight years since the turn of the millennium, your Museum has acquired more than 1,100 works of art. Learn more about this diverse group of recent accessions, including how and why they were collected by the Museum, in this free exhibition. This multi-gallery presentation highlights recently acquired works of art, representing a diverse range of media, time periods, and geographic regions. Through May 31.
The Hudson Gallery displays the glass pieces of Pierre Camilien of Haiti and the fiber art of Sylvania native Marcia Derse. Black History Month Art Exhibitiont, Owens Community College presents this art exhibition featuring artist Willis “Bing” Davis. 20 North Gallery, 18 N. St. Clair Street. 419-241-2400. Through March 1.
Radiant Ensemble, This free exhibition entitled “Radiant Ensemble: Jewelry from the Nancy and Gilbert Levine Collection” celebrates the collection of 18th and 19th-century jewelry assembled by Nancy and Gilbert Levine. Through March 1.
The Far East at Home, The Chinese Association of Greater Toledo (CAGT) showcases the diverse and appealing works of art created by local Chinese artists. Established in 1965, CAGT has worked diligently to promote Chinese culture in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan. Through March 8.
Winter Hiatus, Take a break from the doldrums of winter with this colorful, happy art exhibition. The show features collage, paintings and ceramics by local artists Greg Justus, Kelly Lever, Adam Russell and Jules Webster. Space 237, 237 N. Michigan Ave.
NEW WEBSITE [finally]
February 27 Features tours, featured local glass artist Marc Vandenburgo, and more. Open until 10 pm. Free.
Michigan Small Colleges’ Art Exhibition, The exhibition will include student artwork from Adrian College, Albion College, Alma College and Olivet College. Flatlanders Art Gallery, 11993 E. US 223. Blissfield. 517-486-4591. Through April 17.
BlackHistoryAD_2009_F.indd 1
February 20 Features tours of the Glass Pavilion, a black history month hands-on activity, a presentation entitled “Legacy of African American Achievment,” and more. Open until 10 pm. Free.
Toledo-Lucas County Public Library continues a display of a traveling exhibition of World War I (1914-1918) posters titled, The Winds and Words of War, a commemora“Radiant Ensemble” showcases the exquisite tive collection held by the San Antonio 18th and 19th-century jewelry collected by Public Library. The exhibit continues Nancy and Gilbert Levine. through March 15 in the Gallery located on the second level of Main Library, 325 Michigan St.
Virtual tour of the exhibition online at Click > Business Directory > 20 North Gallery
it’s friday
The Sweet Light, A collection of stunning landscape and nature photographs by Kenneth West Jr. Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 5pm. National Center For Nature Photography, Secor Metropark. Through March 15.
Soprano Margaret Barron 20 North Gallery Sunday, February 15th, 2p.m.
FOURTEENTH ANNUAL BLACK HISTORY MONTH EXHIBITION SPONSORED BY: ������������������������������������������� WTVG-13abc ���������������������������������������������������abc
2445 Monroe St. 419.255.8000
1/29/09 2:34:50 PM
February 18 • March 3
r e p a p m y t i o c o c d e t l o t o d
also playing
Animation’s dark side
[ february 19 and 26 ]
This cryptic children’s fable comes to life with 3D splendor by Chris Cabin
'Coraline' ★★★★
[ thursday, february 19 ]
Rated PG, 100 min.
Remember The Nightmare Before Christmas? The holiday classic is invariably credited to its producer and story writer Tim Burton, but the film was actually directed by New Jersey native Henry Selick, an animator on Pete’s Dragon and The Fox and the Hound who met Burton when they both worked at Disney in the ‘80s. Selick finally returns to the world of stop-motion animation once again, which he used solely in both Nightmare and the 1996 Roald Dahl adaptation James and the Giant Peach, with Coraline, another adaptation of a cryptic children’s fable, this one written by literary goth overlord Neil Gaiman. Like Alice in Wonderland reconfigured for David Lynch fans, this eerie-yet-elegant tale sets its sights on the blue-haired, oddly-named girl who gives the film its title. Voiced with energy and charm by Dakota Fanning, Coraline is the only child of a pair of Michigan-alum parents (Teri Hatcher and John Hodgman) who write garden catalogues as their daughter explores the dire tundra outside their new home. Prompted by curiosity and ongoing rows over mom’s bad casserole and drab taste in clothing, the perilous scamp ultimately unlocks a small door and finds herself in a world where the land outside glows like Christmas lights, her Other Father is a buoyant inventor, and her Other Mother (both voiced by the same players) always cooks a luxurious feast. The catch: everyone, including the neighbors and their pets, has black buttons for eyes. Though a few of the more perverse concepts from Gaiman’s book have been smoothed-out, his knack for dark and lively imagery has been translated with gravitas by Selick, who by now should be the obvious candidate to hand over
Women with agricultural issues
The University of Toledo is hosting a series of programs designed to foster connections within the agricultural community. The Women and Sustainable Agriculture series is a first at the university, focusing on local and global strategies for food acquisition and production. While the group brings speakers (Dr. Marion Nestle, author of “What to Eat”) and local organizations (Toledo GROWS and Phoenix Earth Food Co-Op) to help further explain these concepts and voice concerns regarding rapid globalization and industrial agriculture, films are being utilized as a powerful learning resource in the program. Members of the community are encouraged to attend free documentary screenings of movies produced by feminist filmmakers throughout the program. The next film, “Homecoming/Sometimes I am Haunted by Memories of Red Dirt and Clay,”
Film Focus The Downtown Library present their annual "Film Focus" independant film series. 6:45. Free. www.toledolibrary. org. Main Library, 325 Michigan, Toledo. Thursdays through March 26. The Substitute When a 6th grade class gets a new substitute teacher, something isn’t right. How is she able to read kid’s minds? Why is she so mean? And how does she manage to convince everyone’s parents she is great when the whole class knows she is an alien. This is a darkly funny sci-fi comedy. [ thursday, february 26 ]
any and all Dr. Seuss or Shel Silverstein projects to. Despite a worn-out message (the grass is always greener/be careful what you wish for), Selick’s vision is lean, funny and a lot of fun to watch in all its big-screen 3D splendor. The visual scheme gets even more arresting when Other Mother turns into a skin-andbone, humpbacked witch who kidnaps Coraline’s real parents, sending all the inventive nuances into overdrive as our young heroine attempts to save her parents from the other world and herself from being black-buttoned.
Wild Horse Redemption At a prison in the high desert foothills of the Rockies, hard-core criminals are given 90 days to tame wild mustang horses. This powerful documentary portrays the struggle to rehabilitate and socialize these horses, and poses the question: Can two wild creatures - prisoner and mustang - help each other to a better life? [ february 20 and 21 ] Coraline's engaging visuals and solid voice acting opens the door to a new world of animation. film isn’t nearly as daring as Selick’s debut, although a healthy base of tweens could be well within the film’s cult reach. Still, with Pixar and Dreamworks’ next projects months away, Coraline keeps the welcome resurgence of mildly-intelligent, strangelytopical animated features rolling.
Glass City The film focuses on a middle-aged
Toledoan who rediscovers himself through involvement in a theater company, building new friendship and learning to see the world and the city of Toledo in a different light. This independent film by Cole Simon and John Klein won best drama at the Traildance Film Festival. Collingwood Arts Center, 2413 Collingwood Blvd., Toledo.
Coraline has some solid ruminations on parenting, individuality, and, most flagrantly, the mother-daughter bond. Mostly, however, it just knocks your eyes out of their sockets. The voice acting is solid, too. Ian McShane does dependable work as the Russian who runs a mouse circus upstairs, and Coraline’s downstairs neighbors (Jennifer Saunders and Dawn French) offer a grand performance in an opera house full of Scottish terriers. There’s also Keith David as a prophetic black cat who follows Coraline. Right now, one has to doubt that Coraline will ever be the sort of success Nightmare eventually became. There isn’t enough blatant marketability and the
was produced by Dr. Charlene Gilbert — a professor of womens and gender studies, as well as a theatre and film professor at UT. The film chronicles her family’s ongoing struggle to continue its farming business. The documentary will be shown on Wednesday, February 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Bowman-Oddy Laboratories, Room 1045. For a full itinerary, including the March 3 screening of "Darwin's Nightmare," keynote speakers and other films, visit www.utoledo. edu/as/envsciences/pdfs/Women_Sustainable_ Ag.pdf. For questions, contact Ashley Pryor at —ER
February 18 • March 3
theater events [ february 19-22 ]
A crumby situation
Can’t get enough family drama of your own? Escape to another world, where the Crumps are struggling between what is religiously right and wrong. This month, the UT Department of Theatre & Film brings “Crumbs from the Table of Joy” to Toledo. Written by Lynn Nottage, the drama explores the life of one family living in 1950s Brooklyn. Godfrey Crump pressures his two daughters to follow the strict teachings of his spiritual teacher, Father Divine. But when Aunt Lily arrives on the scene, the authority of Father Divine and Father Crump is put on trial. “Crumbs from the Table of Joy” runs from Friday, February 20 through Sunday, March 1 (Wednesdays-Sundays only). Check website for times. $13. UT Center for Performing Arts Theatre. 419-530-2452/
Get ready for a non-stop laughing experience with the Oregon Community Theatre’s presentation of “The Odd Couple.” This classic comedy, written by Neil Simon, is known for its zany story of Felix Unger and Oscar Madison. Expect a fresh take on the play, starring local rising stars, Reed Steele and Jeff Smith in the two lead roles. The cast also includes Patrick Boyer, Daniel Sifuentes, Keith Daniel, Kevin Harrington, Renee Harrington and Lisa Gordon — a hilarious team of thespians. “The Odd Couple” runs February 20, 21, 27 and 28 at 8 p.m. and March 1 at 3 p.m. $12 adults/ $10 seniors and students. Oregon Community Theatre, Fassett Auditorium, 3025 Starr Ave, Oregon. 419-691-1398/ —ER
A royal flush Here’s a play for all you former misfits. The Toledo School for the Arts is bringing every teenager’s autobiography to life with the hit play, “Thank You For Flushing My Head in the Toilet” — a teen dramedy that tells the story of two bullied teens struggling to
we've got spirit!
"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," Based on the popular 1988 MGM film, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” centers on two con men who make a bet: the first one to swindle $50,000 from a young heiress, triumphs and the other must leave town. What follows is a series of schemes, masquerades and doublecrosses where nothing is exactly what it seems. 419381-8851. Call or see website for show times and ticket prices. Stranahan Theater, 4645 Heatherdowns, Toledo.
Local laughter
survive high school life as they slowly become the very people they despise. Internationally renowned playwright Jonathan Dorf will be on hand for discussion following the show and to conduct workshops on playwriting. A certified playwriting expert, Dorf is the author of “Young Playwrights 101,” a book that has allowed him to travel to schools and festivals across the U.S. to share his knowledge. Dorf is currently the co-chair of the Alliance of Los Angeles Playwrights. “Thank You For Flushing My Head in the Toilet” runs from Tuesday, February 24 through Thursday, February 26. 7 p.m. $5 adults, $3 students and seniors. TSA Attic Theater, 333 14th St. 419-246-8732/ —CH
check out pg 11 for tasty events
February 18 • March 3
get comfy with our
homestyle guide
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the smart alternative
wednesday18 [ outdoors ]
Frozentoesen Enjoy ice carving demonstrations and Cabin Fever Feeds, along with some special activities and performances returning to the Indoor Theatre this year. 2 Hippo Way, Toledo.
[ literary ]
Text Messaging: The Literary Life of a Poet Laureate A public reception is being held for The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library’s Humanities department retrospective exhibit of the published works of Lucas County Poet Laureate Joel Lipman, titled “Text Messaging: The Literary Life of a Poet Laureate,” on view now through the end of March. Light refreshments will be served. Lipman, a professor of English at the University of Toledo, is a Poet-In-Residence at Main, where he holds office hours and develops poetry programming and exhibits. Main Library, 325 Michigan.
[ miscellaneous ]
Tarot Card Readings Liz Hazel does mini tarot and astrology readings every Wednesday night. 5pm. Manos Restaurant, 1701 Adams. Tribute to Keith Wilkowski Members of the community will gather to pay tribute to Keith Wilkowski, chairman of the Lucas County Democratic Party, 1994-1997. Wilkowski is currently a candidate for Mayor of Toledo. This event is sponsored by the United North Democratic Club. Mickey Finn’s, 602 Lagrange St. Bridal Expo and Tasting Preview Toledo’s finest wedding professionals including photographers, florists, bakers, and many more. Features free food tastings from the Hilton’s wedding reception menu. Call to RSVP. Hilton Toledo, 3100 Glendale Avenue.
Show off those guns saturday21 - sunday22 Come see who’s got the biggest, baddest guns in the area as members of the Maumee Valley Gun Collectors Association showcase all styles of firearms at this hot, two-day event. The show runs Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lucas County Recreation Center, 2901 Key St. 419-893-9602/ —CH
friday20 [ benefit ]
One party, five bars saturday21 Celebrate Mardi Gras Toledo-style with the Pardi Gras pub crawl on Saturday, February 21. The event spans across several popular Uptown bars on Adams Street, with live entertainment, drink specials and no cover charge at each stop. Manhattan’s will host a live rock performance from local jam band Stonehouse. Wesley’s bill features the trio of DJs Mattimoe, Folk and Perrine from the Bang Tech 12 collective. Bretz reigns in Mardi Gras with their infamous Hot Shots drag show. The Attic on Adams will get the party going with DJ Langlois and The Creole Kid. And The Ottawa Tavern favorites Erie Boys will bring in the night. Sponsors for Pardi Gras include The Village on Adams, the Uptown Association and the Toledo City Paper. Fun starts at 7 p.m. For more information, visit —AW
Med Students do the Darn’dst Things The University of Toledo Pathology Club is partnering with Medical Student Council to put together a talent show to help the Make-A-Wish foundation raise money for a Toledo child. Albert, 13, suffers from mitochondrial myopathy, a neuromuscular disease that causes muscle weakness making him unable to participate in athletic activities. His wish is to meet John Homa, an acting coach from L.A. $5. UT Center for Performing Arts, Recital Hall. 419-324-6287.
[ sports ]
Open Curling Club members will give basic instruction to any interested persons. This is an opportunity to try a sport that is enjoyed by over one million Canadians. 7pm. $10. BGSU Ice House, Mercer Street North of E. Wooster St.
saturday21 [ benefit ]
Cabin Fever Hungarian Brunch Cabin Fever Hungarian Brunch at Hungarian Club, 224 Paine Ave., in Toledo (Birmingham community). This fundraiser features Hungarian stuffed cabbage, salad bar, Hungarian crepes. Brunch $8 in advance, $10 at door. (Children under 12, $5). Short program on international educational program by Drs. Paul Longenecker and Dariel Jacobs of Lourdes College, Dr. Holly Monsos of The University of Toledo, and Ms. Kathleen Kovacs (LISC). 11am. Info/tickets: 419 874-1060. Hungarian Club, 224 Paine Ave. Toledo.
[ education ]
[ spiritual fitness ]
Zen Buddhist Evening Practice This traditional Zen Buddhist wednesday evening practice at the Toledo Zen Center includes liturgy, Zen meditation, a talk and discussion. Everyone is welcome, first timers will receive beginning instruction in Zen Meditation. For more info, see www. Shobu Aikido of Ohio, 6537 Angola Rd. Holland.
Black Holes: From Here to Infinity In celebration of the United Nation’s naming 2009 the International Year of Astronomy, Lourdes College is presenting this program at its Appold Planetarium. Narrated by Academy-Award nominated actor Liam Neeson, this production brings the science of black holes to the dome screen. This cutting-edge production features high-resolution visualizations of cosmic phenomena, working with data generated by computer simulations. $4 for adults and $3 children under 12 and Lourdes College students with student ID. 419-517-8897. Lourdes College Appold Planetarium, 6832 Convent Blvd. 7:30pm. Through May 23. See website for future dates and times.
February 18 • March 3
staff picks neuropsychologist Dr. Paul Nussbaum, who specializes in aging across the life span and brain health. ( The day will also include an interactive panel discussion on brain health from The University of Toledo Medical Center experts. 9am. University of Toledo’s McMaster Hall.
A celebration of culture saturday28 Celebrate Black History Month with a program that brings the rich, artistic culture of African Americans to life. Hosted by the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, “Expression of Culture through the Performing Arts” will unite song, dance, crafts and the spoken word in celebration on Saturday, February 28 from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. at the Main Library. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 419-259-5207 or visit —GS Reflections: Obama Looks Back Take a journey with President Barak Obama from his childhood to achieving the dream of becoming President of the United States. Portraying his journey include Toledo’s own talents such as Cynthia Drane-Valentine, Leigh Wizgen, and Tyrone Brock, Jr. Gospel singing will also be featured guests including The Difference and Debra Brock. Also February 26 at 6pm. $12 in advance and $15 at the door. 419-215-1464.
[ literary ]
Northwest Ohio Writers Forum Meeting A wide range of writing is represented. Members work in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, screenplays, children’s books, memoirs and more. The theme for the group this year is “Get Published in 2009!” 10am. Sanger Branch Library, 3030 W Central Ave. Toledo.
[ sports ]
Open Football Tryouts The 2008 Great Lakes Football League Champion Northwest Ohio Knights Minor League Football Team are holding open tryouts. 8pm. Gold Medal Indoor Sports, 10020 S. Compass Rd. Rossford.
sunday22 [ benefit ]
Oscar Night Walk of Fame 2009 Guests will enjoy live music, delectable treats from over 20 local restaurants, and get the opportunity to witness the Academy Awards on the big screen. Unique gift baskets and the chance to win a handful of large prizes completes the evening. Proceeds benefit the Red Cross. $100. 6pm. 419-329-2619. Center for Fine and Performing Arts - Owens Community College.
[ spiritual fitness ]
Ecumenical Lecture Pope Benedict declared that June 2008 – June 2009 is the year of St. Paul, in celebration of the second millennium of the birth of this Apostle of the Gentiles. In honor of the Pope’s direction, Lourdes College will host an ecumenical lecture. The Reverend Julian V. Hills, Th.D., will present “Christ the First Fruits: St. Paul’s Ecumenical Vision.” Franciscan Theatre and Conference Center, 6832 Convent Blvd. Sylvania.
monday 23 [ benefit ]
tuesday 24 [ health ]
Marion Nestle’s “What To Eat” Book Discussion This book is a guide for a new era in American food and nutrition- the one book that tells you everything you need to know about food, with clarity, insight, wit, and wisdom. Ms. Nestle will be appearing at the University of Toledo on March 17th at 7:30pm in the Memorial Field House-Room 2100. PCW will host a meeting to discuss her book (Intro through page 296) and again on March 10 (pages 297-524). The book is available at PCW with a 10% discount for book group members
wednesday 25 [ miscellaneous ]
Tarot Card Readings See Wed. February 18.
thursday 26 [ health ]
The Art of Making Medicinal Herbal Teas Learn how to use herbs in your daily life and how to make your own herbal tea blends for optimum wellness. 7pm. Claudia’s Natural Food Market, 5644 Monroe St. Sylvania.
friday 27 [ comedy ]
Comedian Flip Schultz Flip has performed with Lewis Black, George Carlin, Pauley Shore, Damon Wayans and “Weird Al” Yankovic. Additionally, he has been featured on HBO, the Latino Laugh Festival and Loco Comedy Jam. $10. 419-517-8946. Lourdes College Ebeid Student Center, 6832 Convent Blvd.
[ education ]
Brain Health Symposium Health care professionals, providers and educators are strongly encouraged to attend this unique and important free symposium featuring leading clinical
Cabin Fever Hungarian Brunch Gonna smash on some favorites like stuffed cabbage and crepes.
[ education ]
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Dinner The night, themed “A Progression of Change,” will feature keynote speaker, Ohio Senator Ray Miller, musical performances by Lift Your Hands Ministries and David Cunningham and more. Tickets are $60 per person and $30 per student. 7pm. 419-530-2508. University of Toledo Student Union Auditorium. Lucas County Chapter of Ohio Genealogical Society Meeting The President
I gina I
saturday 28
will give a short book review on the new book “The Streets of Toledo, A Pictorial History 1920s1970s.” All meetings are open to the public. 1:30pm. Toledo Lucas County Public Library - Downtown Branch, 325 Michigan. Located in the Huntington Room. Historical Lecture Series Wolcott House Museum Guild in conjunction with the Maumee Branch Library - Toledo-Lucas County Public Library presents the 2009 Historical Lecture Series. This week Fred Folger presents “Out and About Around Toledo.” 10am. Maumee Branch Library, 501 River Rd. Maumee. Mohammed Bilal from MTV’s The Real World Mohammed Bilal, best known as former cast mate on MTV’s Real World San Francisco (Season 3), will present “12 Steps Towards Appreciating Diversity.” As a diversity consultant, Mohammed offers a fun, interactive presentation that mixes scholarship, hip-hop and self-reflective narratives in order to equip audience members with easy, valuable and powerful tools for appreciating diversity. Free. 4:30pm. 419-517-8870. Lourdes College Ebeid Student Center, 6832 Convent Blvd.
[ health ]
I nate I
Darkstar Orchestra at the Omni Nate Schank and friends will be enjoying the sounds of the Grateful Dead as performed by the Darkstar Orchestra
Gaza - A Time for Understanding Peace Coalition and the Sisters of St. Francis are holding a forum about the recent and on-going crisis in Gaza. A continental breakfast will be served at 9am, followed by the forum from 10am to noon. Featured will be presenters recently arrived from Gaza with first-hand accounts of conditions in the war-torn area. Free. 9am. Franciscan Theatre and Conference Center, 6832 Convent Blvd.
[ miscellaneous ]
5th Annual Seed Swap Come to the Garden to exchange seeds, learn new skills and diversify your gardens. Workshops include Gardening for Maximum Nutrition, Urban Chickens and Edible Ornamental Landscaping. There will be activities for kids, music and more so bring the whole family. Free. 11am. 419-536-5563. Toledo Botanical Gardens, 5403 Elmer Drive, Toledo.
I nate I
Artomatic 419! fundraising event at The Ottawa Tavern Mingling and networking with some great local artists.
I amanda I
Pardi Gras on Adams The drag show sounds entertaining.
[ sports ]
The uniting Irish sunday1 With all the Irish culture that surrounds Toledo — the pubs, the bands, the dancers, etc. — it was only a matter of time before a group came along to unite them all. Enter the Irish United of Northwest Ohio, a steering committee whose goal is twofold: bring together everyone and everything Irish, while at the same time supporting a worthy Toledo cause. On Sunday, March 1, the group will host their first Irish fundraising event at Manhattan’s Restaurant, and believe us, there will be no cultural detail left out. The event includes an Irish buffet dinner, as well as live Irish entertainment, featuring pipers, dancers, fiddlers and music by local Irish legends, Connolly and Company and Extra Stout. Proceeds will benefit the Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank. The celebration runs from 3-7 p.m. $25. Tickets available at Manhattan’s Restaurant, 1516 Adams St., 419-243-6675 and the Blarney Irish Pub, 601 Monroe St., 419418-2339. For more information, contact Ellen McCarty at emccarty74@hotmail. com. —ER
February 18 • March 3
Japanese Swordsmanship Seminar This free two hour class on traditional Japanese Swordsmanship will be held Saturday morning at Shobu Aikido of Ohio with Jay Weik Sensei. Beginners are welcome to join in, no prior experience is necessary. Please visit the web site for more information. Shobu Aikido of Ohio, 6537 Angola Rd. Holland.
monday 2 [ education ]
Historical Lecture Series Wolcott House Museum Guild in conjunction with the Maumee Branch Library - Toledo-Lucas County Public Library presents the 2009 Historical Lecture Series. This week Ralph Finch presents “Kentuckians in the War of 1812.” 10am. Maumee Branch Library, 501 River Rd. Maumee.
[ health ]
Achieving a Strong Immune System The scoop on probiotics, fighting inflammation, and nurturing a healthy gut – make some probiotic foods. Class taught by Kris Johnson, MS Nutrition, & Lisa Bowe, CHP, Health Counselor. Register online at or by calling 419-874-4174. 577 Foundation, 577 E. Front St. Perrysburg.
tuesday 3 [ education ]
Ask a Patent/Copyright/Trademark Attorney During this session, attorney Doug Miller of Fraser, Clemens, Martin & Miller, LLC will provide an overview of intellectual property, explain the differences between patents, trademarks, and copyright, and be available to answer your questions. 7pm. Free. Searles Conference Room at Main Library, 325 Michigan St.
Cabaret Series
The Miller Family Blues Show
Finalist on
America’s Got Talent!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
7:30 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m. $15 reserved seating; $10 children under 12 Cash bar and snacks available See what all the hype is about! This family was featured on America’s Got Talent in 2006, and made it to the final two performers. After making their rounds with Blues Traveler and being featured on Ellen and CBSMobile, the Millers are taking time out of their schedule to stop in Sylvania and show us what they’ve got. At just 14 years of age, LD has been called the world’s greatest living harmonica player by both media and major artists.
February 18 • March 3
Shakin’ things up
Uptown welcomes a new music store on Adams Street by Allison Wingate Amid a tense economic climate, a new local business owner is showing that he isn’t afraid to open up shop and take some risks for the good of the city. Shakin’ Street Records, a new and used independent record store, opened its doors on Thursday, January 28 at 1503 Adams St., hoping to revitalize the area and fill a musical niche in Uptown. “I think there’s a need for the small independent collector used type of store,” owner Broc Curry explains. Curry, who also books concerts at the east side venue Frankie’s, is the man behind the storefront. He lives in the neighborhood and sees the cultural growth occurring in Uptown and the Old West End. “I like this location because it’s becoming a central hub for the arts with great bars like Wesley’s and Manhattans, a good community that needs a record store in the area.” Shakin’ Street has been in the works ever since Curry sold his half of Ramalama Records to former partner Rob Kimple due to time constraints between booking concerts and running that store. He’s been working on opening Shakin’ Street ever since, “Finally this past summer we decided we’re going to get this started and get the thing done.” Despite hard times for business own-
ers and even harder times for the recording industry, Curry was determined to open another record The Uptown new and used independent record store will also host store of his own, citing a in-store performances of bands and acoustic artists. childhood dream. “Basically I have always wanted to have a record store. I worked at Madhatter in BG when I was younger; it was something I always wanted to get to do.” The store boasts a variety of new and used vinyl and CDs, as well as used DVDs and video games. Special orders will also be available for customers. Curry plans to supplement in-store sales with online orders, which have been available for the past several months. The space is even equipped with a izing the Uptown area with worthy busistage for future plans to host in-store nesses that mesh well with the existing art performances, “We’re looking at doing scene. The store is open Monday through some in-store (performances) when Saturday from 11 a.m.- 8 p.m. and bands come to town and even some local Sunday from Noon - 6 p.m. Shakin’ Shakin' Street Records' owner, Broc Curry, chose Uptown because of its role as a acoustic artists.” Street Records, 1503 Adams St. central hub for the arts. The arrival of Shakin’ Street Records 419-724-3333 on Adams Street is a step toward revital-
February 18 • March 3
indicates our picks for the week
Avenue Bistro: Don and Rachel Coats
TCP Boody House: Fetish w/ Rage Route 66 Kitchen: Live 70’s and 80’s R&B DJs The Distillery: ‘80s Nite DJ Party
$80,000 for what?
Wondering what’s up with the Toledo Civic Theatre (formerly the Erie Street Market) lately? We have too. What once hosted a line-up of A-list entertainers including Elvis Presley and Joe Louis is now home to, well, no one. Since it’s controversial re-opening in August 2008, the venue has yet to host a steady roster of acts. When plans for the renovation got under way in June 2008, local concert promoter and Verso Group front man Robert Croak said he planned to have up to 10 shows a month at the venue; unfortunately that hasn’t happened. According to the Civic Theatre website, the last scheduled show was January 29, 2009 and that one, like many others was moved to other venues. So what gives? According to mayor Carty Finkbeiner, “Many of those concerts there [the Toledo Civic Theatre] were sold-out and we got a really good reaction from the community. The city tapered off on the concerts over the holiday because the demand wasn’t there. We anticipate that we’re going to have a really good run of concerts this year as the weather warms up.” When our beloved mayor — who continues to be a major cheerleader for the project — is pretty much silent, you can bet something’s up. Since Croak partnered with the city to help revitalize the venue, there have been many questions regarding how the more than $80,000 of taxpayer money was spent. When asked about the hold up, Croak said that Verso Group is waiting for the mayor and city council to “finalize legal documents” and extend the Verso Group contract. According to the theatre’s slogan, the venue is supposed to be “bringing the party back to downtown Toledo,” — but that may be asking too much too soon. —CH
Murphy’s Jazz Place: Toledo Youth Jazz Ensemble SouthBriar Restaurant: Ray Heitger’s N’Orleans Dixieland Jass Jam
Avalon: Volume Route 66 Kitchen: Live 70’s and 80’s R&B DJs The Distillery: Rock Star Wednesdays TCP
OTHER Claddagh Irish Pub: Name This Tune outSKIRTS (formerly Gilda’s): Karaoke w/ Georgia Peach The Lounge (formerly the Break Room Lounge): Premier Karaoke
THUR, FEB 19 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP Centre Stage: Bitterson Howard’s Club H: Terrible Twos w/ Hot Damn TCP Mickey Finn’s: The Falling Spikes Woodchucks: Crucial 420
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Fat Fish Blue: Chris Shutters Band TCP Home Slice Pizza: Mike Whitty TCP Manhattans: Bobby Floyd Trio Murphy’s Jazz Place: Open Mic Night Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition: Ragtime Rick and Wes Linenkugel Stella’s Restaurant and Bar: CJ & Company
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC Blarney Irish Pub: Gregg Aranda TCP Bronze Boar: Tim Morrissey Ottawa Tavern: Jeff Stewart Poco Piatti: Craig Lemieux The Blue Devil: Bethany & Vince
Avenue Bistro: Professional Sounds DJ
Playmakers (Holland): DJ Georgia Peach
Blarney Irish Pub: Jeff Stewart & the 25’s Blue Devil: Running With Scissors Bronze Boar: Polka Floyd Cafe Classics: Unknown Legends Fat Fish Blue: East River Drive TCP Frankie’s: The Hard Lessons Howard's Club H: Parse w/ Grade School and A Million Engines in Neutral Ladies Choice: Flyte ‘66 TCP Mickey Finn’s: Downtown Electronics Mulvaney’s Bunker: Empire Drift TCP Ottawa Tavern: Benefit for Artomatic 419 w/ Desire The Lounge (formerly the Break Room Lounge): MAS FiNA TCP Village Idiot: The NuTones
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Avenue Bistro: Live Jazz Night JoJo's Nite Club: Bobby May Trio Manhattan’s: Quickness Murphy’s Jazz Place: Anna Givens Route 66 Kitchen: Old School Fridays with DJ 1 BLK Rose
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC Claddagh Irish Pub: Gone Cajun
DANCE AND TECHNO Bretz: Fierce Fridays TCP Dexter’s Jamaican Club: Jump-Up Friday (Jamaican Style) The Distillery: DJ Party TCP Wesley’s: Old School Friday’s w/ DJ’s Folk, N. Mattimoe, and Todd Perrine
OTHER Playmakers (Holland): DJ Georgia Peach The Lounge (formerly the Break Room Lounge): Premier Karaoke
SAT, FEB 21 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP Cafe Classics: Lost & Found Dorr St. Cafe: Don and Rachel Coats Fat Fish Blue: Swamp Kings Frankie’s: Once Over w/ Dying to Know, Turophile and Common Hatred TCP Howard’s Club H: Downtown Brown w/ Extra! Extra!, Saturnine Hello and The Junk Manhattan’s: Stonehouse Mickey Finn’s: Amino Acids w/ 7deadly5 and Wild Trees Mulvaney’s Bunker: Empire Drift Ottawa Tavern: Erie Boys Slow Ride Saloon: Deuces Wild TCP The Distillery: Mardi Gras Party w/ Moving to Boise The Lounge (formerly the Break Room Lounge): MAS FiNA Village Idiot: One Under Woodchuck's: Prayers for Rain w/ Pewter Cub and The Tide
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Avenue Bistro: Live Jazz Night Blarney Irish Pub: Chris Shutters Band Murphy’s Jazz Place: Glenda McFarlin Pizza Papalis: Quickness Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition: Ragtime Rick and Banjo Betsy
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC The Dog House: Kari Nichole
DANCE AND TECHNO TCP Attic on Adams: DJ Langlois & The Creole Kid Boody House: Lust Iky Plaid Ultra Theme Party Bronze Boar: DJ Cyrus and friends Route 66 Kitchen: Live 70’s and 80’s R&B DJs TCP Wesley’s: Bang Tech 12 DJs Mattimoe, Folk & Perrine
OTHER Bretz: Hot Shots Drag Show SouthBriar Restaurant: Jim Gottron The Lounge (formerly the Break Room Lounge): Premier Karaoke
SUN, FEB 22 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP TCP Mickey Finn’s: Nico Vega and The Von Bondies
Downtown Electronics Friday, February 20 Mickey Finn’s Get down with Toledo’s best underground sounds, as Innovator Entertainment Group, CJT Designs and Digital Dissent Productions present “Downtown Electronics” on Friday, February 20. This one night electronica fest offers nothing but the finest of underground musicians, including My Family Needs Food, voted TCP’s Best HipHop Group, as well as six special guest DJs, spinning from Midnight - 2:30 a.m. The night promises to be a “funk-down-dragout-multilayered tag team mix” with appearances by Prof. Russell Jones (funk/hip-hop), DJ Dirty Baby (ghetto drum-n-bass), DJ Antonio Garcia (electro), DJ Exodus (drum-n-bass), DJ Odawa (Brazilliansamba/house) and DJ Quake (soulful drum-n-bass). You might find yourself lost in the music, but don’t forget to get a henna tattoo or buy a raffle ticket while you’re there. $5. 10 p.m. Mickey Finn’s, 602 Lagrange St. 419-535-0863/ —ER
February 18 • March 3
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Route 66 Kitchen: R&B Slow Jam Sundays with DJ Dave
OTHER Claddagh Irish Pub: Premiere Karaoke TCP Village Idiot: Polka with Randy Kraschinsy and the Swinging Richards
MON, FEB 23 JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Murphy’s Jazz Place: The Murphys
TCP Boody House: Eccentric with DJ Sybil & DJ Kenya Route 66 Kitchen: Live 70’s and 80’s R&B DJs
OTHER Manhattans: Open Mic The Lounge (formerly the Break Room Lounge): Premier Karaoke
TUE, FEB 24 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP Claddagh Irish Pub: Venyx TCP Howard’s Club H: Zoroaster w/ Amenra, Bureaucratic Dysentery, Antilles, Everybody Goes to Hell and Lanthanides TCP YeeHa’s: Empire Drift
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Fat Fish Blue: Chris Shutters Band Murphy’s Jazz Place: The Murphys SouthBriar Restaurant: Jeff McDonald’s Original Big Band Sound
indicates our picks for the week
Mickey Finn’s: The Falling Spikes Mulvaney’s Bunker: Trailer Park Ninjas Village Idiot: Stonehouse Village Inn: Don and Rachel Coats Woodchuck’s: Crucial 420
The Distillery: ‘80s and ‘90s Nite DJ Party
Mulvaney’s Bunker: Kyle
OTHER R House: Karaoke w/ Georgia Peach The Lounge (formerly the Break Room Lounge): Premier Karaoke
WED, FEB 25 JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Avenue Bistro: Don and Rachel Coats Murphy’s Jazz Place: College Night SouthBriar Restaurant: Ray Heitger’s N’Orleans Dixieland Jass Jam
DANCE AND TECHNO TCP Avalon: Volume Route 66 Kitchen: Live 70’s and 80’s R&B DJs The Distillery: Rock Star Wednesdays
OTHER Claddagh Irish Pub: Name This Tune Frankie’s: Open Mic Mickey Finn’s: Open Mic Night w/ Mouths of Dogs outSKIRTS (formerly Gilda’s): Karaoke w/ Georgia Peach
THUR, FEB 26 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP TCP Centre Stage: Highland Band, Extra! Extra! and Man Down Frankie’s: Weaver at the Loom w/ Goodnight, Sleep Well
Manhattans: Dick Lange Trio Murphy’s Jazz Place: Open Mic Night TCP Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition: Ragtime Rick and Wes Linenkugel Stranahan Theater: Buddy Guy
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC Blarney Irish Pub: Kyle White Bronze Boar: Tim Morrissey Maumee Indoor Theater (The Red Bird): Kerry Clark Ottawa Tavern: Chris Knopp
DANCE AND TECHNO Avenue Bistro: Professional Sounds DJ TCP Boody House: Fetish w/ Rage The Distillery: ‘80s Nite DJ Party
FRI, FEB 27 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP TCP Avalon: Reggae in da Wintah featuring Crucial 420 and Kingston Jamaica Bronze Boar: Reggae Night with Crucial Cafe Classics: Louis Barnett and Friends TCP Frankie’s: The Antivillains w/ Homeville Circle and Sleeping in the Aviary Ladies Choice: Flyte ‘66 Mickey Finn’s: Los Caballeros Mulvaney’s Bunker: Swindlehub
Bobby Floyd Trio Manhattan’s Thursday, February 19 Local musician and concert promoter Andre Wright has been bringing concerts to Toledo for more than 15 years, priding himself on the fact that he helped develop many of the local venues’ music scenes, including Mickey Finn’s and Manhattan’s. So, when Wright suggests you see a show, you better check it out. On Thursday, February 19, Bobby Floyd (from Columbus) and his talented trio will be bringing their gospel-inspired jazz sound to Manhattan’s, where they will play two inspiring sets. Says Wright, “His music has so much soul. He knows how to put that Christian vibe into it, creating a different kind of spice to jazz music.” Floyd spent an entire lifetime perfecting that “spicy” musical recipe. Discovering his gift at the ripe age of two, Floyd is well versed in piano, organ and keyboard skills. With an impressive resume to match — he has shared the stage with Ray Charles, Jeff Tyzik, Chris Howes and Sarah Morrow — Bobby Floyd is somewhat of a legend. Don’t miss the chance to hear his rare and distinct Hammond B3 organ. Joining Floyd will be Dan Faehnle, a well-respected, homegrown jazz guitarist, and a guest appearance by Andre Wright on drums. Shows start at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $10 general admission, $5 students. Manhattan’s Restaurant, 1516 Adams St. 419-243-6675/ —ER
February 18 • March 3
The Lounge (formerly the Break Room Lounge): Alter Ego Village Idiot: Lady Moon
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Avenue Bistro: Live Jazz Night TCP Fat Fish Blue: Andrew Ellis and the Setting Sons Manhattan’s: Eric Brazier & the Truth Murphy’s Jazz Place: Anna Givens Ottawa Tavern: Chris Shutters Band Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition: The Cakewalkin’ Jass Band Route 66 Kitchen: Old School Fridays with DJ 1 BLK Rose
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC Claddagh Irish Pub: Gone Cajun
COUNTRY AND BLUEGRASS Blarney Irish Pub: High Country Ramblers
DANCE AND TECHNO Dexter’s Jamaican Club: Jump-Up Friday (Jamaican Style) The Barn: Internet DJ Tom Carros The Distillery: DJ Party TCP Wesley’s: Old School Friday’s w/ DJ’s Folk, N. Mattimoe, and Todd Perrine
OTHER Playmakers (Holland): DJ Georgia Peach The Lounge (formerly the Break Room Lounge): Premier Karaoke
SAT, FEB 28 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP Cafe Classics: Rusty Nail Club Soda: Catch ‘33’ Dorr St. Cafe: Don and Rachel Coats TCP Frankie’s: Mustard Plug w/ Every Other Day and Two Flights Up TCP Manhattan’s: Vytas & Electric Outfit Mickey Finn’s: The Polka Floyd Show Mulvaney’s Bunker: Swindlehub The Barn: Deuces Wild The Distillery: Coco Beanos The Lounge: Alter Ego
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Avenue Bistro: Live Jazz Night Fat Fish Blue: Jeff Williams Group featuring Isis TCP Griffin’s Hines Farm: Doktu Rhute Muuzic with Dan “Mudfoot” Hubbs and the Lost Soles Murphy’s Jazz Club: Kim Buehler Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition: Ragtime Rick and Banjo Betsy
indicates our picks for the week
J.J.’s Pub: Dave Carpenter Ottawa Tavern: Kyle White TCP The Dog House: Tom Goss
Route 66 Kitchen: R&B Slow Jam Sundays with DJ Dave
Blarney Irish Pub: Kentucky Chrome
DANCE AND TECHNO Boody House: Lust Iky Plaid Ultra Theme Party Route 66 Kitchen: Live 70’s and 80’s R&B DJs
OTHER TCP Maumee Indoor Theater: 1964 -The Tribute w/ special guests Peter Madcat Ruth and Shari Kane SouthBriar Restaurant: Jim Gottron The Lounge (formerly the Break Room Lounge): Premier Karaoke TCP Toledo School for the Arts: Guitar Fest
Strings in session
Frankie’s: Tim Reynolds & TR3
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC Blue Devil: Acoustic Scottie
OTHER Claddagh Irish Pub: Premiere Karaoke
Guitar lovers get your picks ready. The Toledo School for the Arts is holding their annual “Guitar Fest” for guitarists of all talent levels on Saturday, February 28. The day-long event includes clinics, workshops and jam sessions headed by some of the best-known guitarists in the region. Nashville songwriter Ted Schwartz, guitarist Joe Boes, guitar teacher Lee Dyament and more will be on hand for the entire day to teach you the ropes. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Fee includes a pizza lunch and a t-shirt. Toledo School for the Arts, 333 14th St. 419-246-8732/ —CH
DANCE AND TECHNO TCP Boody House: Eccentric with DJ Sybil & DJ Kenya Route 66 Kitchen: Live 70’s and 80’s R&B DJs
Manhattans: Open Mic
Route 66 Kitchen: Live 70’s and 80’s R&B DJs
Lunch concerts/Festivals/Orchestras Outdoors/Music your parents like
sunday, FEBRUarY 22
SouthBriar Restaurant: Jeff McDonald’s Original Big Band Sound
Band and Chorale ‘Collage’ Concert
The second-annual Monroe County Community College Collage Concert, “MC5,” will feature a variety of local musical talent show-cased in a fast-paced, multi-stage format. The concert will be hosted by the College/Community Symphony Band and Agora Chorale, and coordinated by Band Director Mark Felder and Chorale Director John Tyner. Two performances will be held - 2:30pm and 7:30pm. La-Z-Boy Center, Meyer Theater, 1555 S. Raisinville Rd.
Mulvaney’s Bunker: Kyle White
DANCE AND TECHNO Avalon: Volume Route 66 Kitchen: Live 70’s and 80’s R&B DJs
R House: Karaoke w/ Georgia
OTHER Claddagh Irish Pub: Name This Tune TCP Mickey Finn’s: Open Mic Night w/ Mouths of Dogs outSKIRTS (formerly Gilda’s): Karaoke w/ Georgia Peach
WED, MAR 4 JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Ottawa Tavern: Jason Quick SouthBriar Restaurant: Ray Heitger’s N’Orleans Dixieland Jass Jam
check it out
Cathedral Concert Series
The next inslallment in the series features Ann Corrigan, soprano and Tina Bunce, mezzo-soprano. Free. 419-244-9575. 3pm. Our Lady of the Queen Most Holy Rosary Cathedral, 2535 Collingwood, Toledo.
saturday, FEBRUarY 28 Toledo School for the Arts Jazz Cabaret
Cash bar and snacks available. $10. 419-824-3999. Franciscan Center Theatre, 6832 Convent Blvd. Sylvania.
tuesday, march 3
Irish Rovers
For more than four decades these Gaelic troubadours have charmed and entertained audiences around the world with exciting stage shows. Throughout the years, these international ambassadors of Irish music have maintained their timeless ability to deliver a rollicking, rousing performance of good cheer — one that will soon have you singing and clapping along. $35, $25, $20, $15. The Ritz Theatre, 30 S. Washington St., Tiffin.
Dark Star Orchestra
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The Omni Sunday, February 22
Some music is just meant to be heard live. And while you can’t deny a great album like the Grateful Dead’s “Skeletons From the Closet,” there’s something, as a listener, you find to be lacking. But the days of acid tripping with Jerry Garcia and fellow Deadheads have long since passed, and all you can do is relive the glory days alone in your basement, pretending it’s 1970 again, or even worse — pretending you were actually alive and old enough to appreciate The Dead in the ‘70s. Dark Star Orchestra (DSO) understands your pain. The seven-piece tribute band from Chicago has been re-inventing Grateful Dead concerts since 1997. Don’t get the wrong impression, DSO wasn’t created by some amateur fanboy (and girl) musicians. They want to keep the music alive, but as the members state, “this isn’t Beatlemania”. What you actually get with DSO is a spot-on interpretation of previous concerts performed by the Grateful Dead, with complete set lists and lots of groovy improvisation. The act has amazed fans and Grateful Dead members (some of whom have actually played alongside DSO) alike. And the experience? It doesn’t even compare to listening to an album. Dark Star Orchestra comes to Toledo for the first time on Sunday, February 22. 6 p.m. $25. The Omni, 2567 W. Bancroft St. 419-535-6664/ —ER
February 18 • March 3
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Through March 1
February 18 • March 3
Italian, Gold and Coral Necklace in the Etruscan Style (detail), About 1865, From the collection of Nancy & Gilbert Levine.
(3) THREE 16” RIMS. Aluminum. Cadillac Escalade. $200.00/OBO. 419472-8716 ________________________
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_____________________________ CHEAP RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. 419-356-0644 ___________________________ MEN'S 2-XL FIELD/STREAM hunting coat. Worn only one season. Also, ladies large black leather coat. Asking $60. 419-386-5661. ___________________________ NEW 1985 TOLEDO MUD HEN’S baseball cards. Make offer!!! 419-690-2243. ___________________________ 42" PEDESTAL TABLE. Rounded corners. 18" Leaf Tan upholstered. Captain chairs on casters. $250 ___________________________ 2006 WHIRLPOOL Electric Smoothtop 30” freestanding range. Model# RF364PXK. Asking $250 OBO. ___________________________ FOR SALE, Steelers Touch Lamp, $35.00, 5618 Secor Rd. Near Alexis next to Golden Dragon. ___________________________ ONE TOUCH ULTRAMINI glucose meter w/100 lancets. All new in box. Asking $50. 419-290-0091 ___________________________ DRESS TOP STYLE GUN SAFE. 9 x3 with key locking door. Bought at Gander Mt. $15. 419-290-0091 ___________________________ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for $30. 419-744-0748 ________________________ FINE DESIGN ivory leather sofa. In very good condition. Asking $250. 419-381-1251 ________________________ LADIES BLACK HOODED mink jacket. Size medium. $250/OBO. 419-472-8716 ________________________ NEW AMISH HANDCRAFTED dining table, w/ Walter of Wabash slides, 40+ yr old, will last 40 more, 419-704-3299 LV mess. $100 nego.
_______________________ NEW UP-TO-DATE well working refrigerator. $75. 419-870-3773 _______________________ NEW STAINLESS ROUNDER clothes rack. Approx. 4 ft. tall. Just like at the dept. stores. $20/OBO Reply to or 419290-0091 ________________________ EARTHLITE MASSAGE TABLE 7 ft. hydrarilec; blue slightly used. Gave $1200 take $850. Call 419-388-1027. ________________________ ADMIRAL GAS RANGE white & good condition, $120. Call 419-705-1443. _______________________ NICE USED COMPAQ desktop with 15” flat screen monitor or Dell desktop with 19” monitor, sold as-is, $175 ea. 419-304-6794 _______________________ MUST SELL Contemporary King Size Bed mirrored wood wall unit, medium finish, lots of storage, single user. $800. (567)249-4290. _______________________ LONGBERGER BUS TOUR to Dresden. The price is $100 and the date is June 27, 2009. Call Johanna for details at 419-389-5135. _______________________ HEWITT-PACKARD printer/scanner combination. $50. 419-539-6833 _______________________ GENUINE “COACH” BLACK/Nickel leather TOTE. Perfect condition, rare double handle OPEN TOP TOTE, roomy yet lightweight and only $200!!! 419344-9936 _______________________ NEW CHAMILIA Sterling Silver 7.5” Bracelet with 14K gold snap secure closure & 5 sterling silver charms all for $250. Brand new in original tin! 419-344-9936 ________________________ CRAFTSMAN ROLLING TOOL CHEST Six drawer, locking, old, works, $50. Firm, 419-754-9610. ________________________ MAYTAG Neptune Dryer, $200 OBO. 419-205-1838. _______________________ FOR SALE- 2 like new Fred Bear Bows with accessories- Call David for details 419 754 9775 ________________________ WHITE WEDDING DRESS with beads. 3X or size 28. Asking $200.00. 419-472-1315. ________________________ WOMAN'S OHIO STATE LEATHER JACKET: size is XL-1X; barely used, $200 OBO. Call 419-377-0052. ________________________ 3 TRACKTANDARD/LIONEL GAUGE STEAM ENGINE: plus 4 cars & caboose & track, plus more! For someone's Christmas. $500. Call 419-539-6833 ________________________
SINGLE/DANCE ________________________ MEET LOCAL SINGLES Browse & Respond FREE! 419-837-1200, Code 7271 Gay/Bi? 419-873-3000, 18+ _______________________ NEW WILD MISCHIEVOUS middle aged SWF looking for openminded knight and shining armor for intimate encounters and more. ________________________
ANNOUNCEMENTS ________________________ NEW SWF NS 55 ENJOYS theatre, outdoors, travel, quiet times @ home, dining out, cooking and entertaining, gardening, antiquing and much more, ISO SWM NS 50-60 stable, secure, with similar interests & ideals, who possesses all he wants & needs in life except that one special woman. Friendship, possible LTR. Respond to: CLM @ PO Box 352812 Toledo 43635 ________________________
APHASIA SUPPORT GROUP meets at Dazy Aphasia Centre, 2940 Douglas Rd. Toledo 43606. Every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. The group is for stroke survivors with Aphasia & their caregivers. _______________________ AURORA ACADEMY Craft Fair looking for vendors. Visit our website for more information _______________________ NEW KIM W. FORMALLY from Boric’s is now at “Hair-We-Are,” located at 1150 S. McCord. Holland, OH. 419-917-3342. ________________________
SATURDAY CHESS PLAYERS Every Saturday, 9-11am. Grades K-6. Do you want to learn to play chess or improve your game? Drop in on Saturday mornings for fun and practice in the Children’s Library at Toledo Lucas County Public Library. 325 N. Michigan St. 419-259-5231. _______________________ BENEFIT DINNER/AUCTION for the family of cancer victim Chuck Roach. February 22, 2009, 1:00pm-6:00pm at the Sylvania Moose Hall, 6072 N. Main St., Sylvania, Ohio. $7 per person. Please come out and support this family. _______________________ ADOPTION HEALING SUPPORT GROUP, for adoptees, birthparents, adoptive parents, and anyone affected by adoption. Monday, February 23, 7 p.m. at Park Church, 1456 Harvard Blvd, Toledo. For more information, call 419-260-5782. _______________________
________________________ AMERICAN HEART CPR/FIRST AID TRAINING Experienced instructor, flexible scheduling, affordable rates with student & group discounts. Call Kathy at 419-867-0695. ________________________
________________________ SURROGATE MOTHERS WANTED Established program seeks women, 21-45, to carry couples’ biological babies, prior birth experience required, non-smokers, generous compensation. 1-888-363-9457. M.Brisman, ESQ.www. ________________________
________________________ HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Fast, Affordabe, Accredited. FREE brochure. CALL NOW! 1-800-532-6546 EXT. 512. _______________________ NEW BEGINNER’S ORIGAMI CLASSES at Monroe St. Hobby Lobby Sat 1-2pm. Children and adults can learn Japanese paper folding for $5! Must pre-register: 419-380-2449. ________________________ ELEMENTARY TUTOR. Affordable tutoring by certified elementary schoolteacher. Available grades preK - 5, all subjects. For more information, please call 734-652-1436. _______________________ DRAWING & PAINTING INSTRUCTION from professional artist on Saturday morning at the Secor Building Studios. 419-345-8980. ________________________
TROUBLE HEARING? We have your solution... Please call LIFETIME HEARING CENTER, 419-720-4445, to schedule your appointment for your FREE Hearing Evaluation. _______________________ DISCUSSION CIRCLES for women SERVICES ________________________ incest and child sexual abuse survivors. Meets twice monthly. (419) 729-0245 or ________________________ PHASE 3 PARANORMAL - Free paranormal investigation and support. Visit us online at www.phase3paranormal. com” ________________________ ATTENTION! Behind on mortgage, credit cards, taxes? Purchasing a home but can’t get approved? I CAN HELP! ������������������������������� ����������������������������� Ryan at 717-475-0195 Old Guard ����������������������������� Mortgage ________________________ �����������������������������������
WANTED TO BUY ________________________ BUYING OLD HAND TOOLS: One item or a shop full. Not sure what you have? Please call anyway, Cooper at 419-382-5865 ________________________ DIABETIC TEST STRIPS.Will pay up to $10/box. Same day cash. Call Dale. 419-707-2369 or Patsy 419-708-0914. _______________________ NEW MOM LOOKING for breast pump that is in good cond. and sanitizable. Reply to newdaddy4mom@yahoo. com _______________________ NEW MOM LOOKING for any baby girl items any size 0-24 mths. Reply to ________________________
________________________ 4 MAG WHEELS with tires-off 1996 TBird with lug nuts and center caps. Like new condition. $180. 419-666-2528. _______________________ NEW 1993 FLEETWOOD BOUNDER RV, 95,000mi. Beautiful cond. Loads of extras, Must see to believe! call 419351-8085 lv.mess ________________________ TIRE RIMS , from a 2005 Ford Mustang. Factory rims. Perfect shape. $175 for 4. 419-343-1031 ________________________
Your own store within a store that requires no employees on coverage! 20x20 Spaces & 10x10 Spaces Cost: $1.95 per foot plus 10% of sales.
A-Dynamic, High Traffic, Anchor Store Consign-It! Home Interiors 28,000+ Cars Daily! How’s that for a location? Call Tony at: 419-841-4663 for more information and to reserve your spot!
6925 West Central Ave. Toledo, OH 43617 1 Mile West of 1-475 Across from Giant Eagle & Lowe’s IS YOUR PC ACTING FUNKY? Are you plagued with spyware and/or viruses? Don’t get a new PC. I can fix it for you. Pick-up and delivery available. Most problems, $75. Lance Truby Computer Contractor. Call for details! 419-351-0882. ________________________ FREE COMPUTER AND ELECTRONIC RECYCLING Business and residential pickup. Call Retro PC Recyclers at 734347-7004 Or email at ________________________ CHILD CARE FOR YOUR baby in my west Toledo home by responsible reliable mom. Experience and references. 419-478-6068 ________________________ TIMESHARES!!! Tired of fees? Call to sell, rent or buy a timeshare. Get free info today and get cash at closing. Call now! 1-877-271-3414 ________________________
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WWW.MIDWESTCARNIVAL.COM Swanton, OH Inflatable bounces, obstacle courses, waterwars, slides, concessions, games, tables, chairs. B-Day and Graduation Parties!!! 419-388-9858 ________________________ NEED A LOAN? Bad credit? Bankruptcy? Repo? Personal Consolidation or Business loans available. "Helping people with credit problems since 1991." Financial Specialty Services. 1-800-654-1816. ________________________ WHOLISTIC VIEW Foreign languages and performing arts. Ages 12-17. Monday-Friday 8:30-4:00. Call 419-9738510. Ms. Stuart. _______________________ CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS: Draperies, Window Treatments, Upholstery, pillows and Much More... Call Tricia 419-810-0832. ________________________ AFFORDABLE MOTORCYCLE REPAIR-15-years Harley Davidson service experience. Dirt bike, ATV, small engine repair, pick-up & delivery available. Call Bob at 517-486-4818. _______________________
February 18• March 3
_______________________ ADORABLE GRAY CAT NEEDS HOME. Sweet, cute, cuddly, playful girl. Under 1 year old, all vaccinations. Shiny, silvery coat with white crest, short tail. Adoptable to serious cat lovers. 419242-6888 or 419-705-9876. _______________________ AKC NORWEGIAN ELK HOUND- 1 year old male, well mannered, talented, looking for new home. Great with kids. UTD on all shots. All the hard work is done. $150 re-homing fee. 419-2907911. _______________________ NEW QUAKER PARROT W/CAGE. $150 or trade for 6-ft. fencing or 6 ft. dog kennel. 419-810-1272. ________________________
HOMES FOR SALE ________________________ WESTERN NC MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES Cabins, homes, acreage & investment property. Views and creeks. Free color brochure. Western Carolina Real Estate Company Inc. 1-800-924-2635. Murphy, NC. www. ________________________
________________________ FOR SALE: Restaurant/Bar in Bowling Green, OH. Very well established. 419-509-0001 ________________________ NEW OTTAWA HILLS AREA PROFESSIONAL BUILDING. 2800 sq. ft. of office space with 7-8 private offices, men's and women's restrooms. Mini kitchen, lunch room with windows and sky light in many offices. Located on University bike trail and near University of Toledo. Ideal for private medical practice, attorney or CPA office. 419351-5195 ________________________ FOR SALE/LEASE OFFICE BUILDING FOR VISIONARIES 241 N Superior, corner of Madison, a landmark Downtown corner. Located directly next door to the new Arena. This building will be the only one Downtown surrounded by the walking plaza with a clear view of all the activities. 4200 sq ft per floor available, may be divided, Handicap accessible, elevator and fully fire suppressed. Storage available in the basement. Plenty of windows and space. In move-in condition. Call Tom Helberg 419.882.0096. Also listed with CBRE Reichie, Pete Shawaker 419.861.1100. ________________________
________________________ ����� ����������� ���������� ���������������� ������������� ����������� ����������������������� ���������
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MAUMEE VALLEY SAVE-A-PET, the area's newest no-kill animal adoption facility, 833 Illinois Ave., Maumee, near The Andersons. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. Cats and older kittens. 419-470-2988.
3042 LAMBERT DR., 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, close to Elmhurst School. $650 + utilities. Pets OK. Immediate occupancy. Contact Chris at 419-464-2011 or for more information. _______________________ WALK TO PARK OR ZOO-Bike to MUO from clean spacious (2) two bedroom upper. Washer/Dryer available. Covered parking. $550+utilities. First month discount to UT/MUO students. 419-382-5069. _______________________ STUDIO SPACE available with mirrors. Great location with lots of parking. Perfect for yoga, Zumba or any aerobic fitness classes. Rates are reasonable, contact Karen at 419-870-2318 for more information. _______________________ UPTOWN AREA 425 13th- Remodeled 1 Bedroom Apts. w/laundry room. Paid utilities. By bus stop. A clean quiet Bldg. 419-215-2759. _______________________ NEW UPPER SPACIOUS Duplex for rent. 4419 Eastway. $550/mo plus utilities. 2BR all appliances washer dryer included. 419-376-1707 _______________________
FOR RENT: WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP: 2338 Brookridge. Appliances included. A/C . (3) Three bedroom. Living room, vaulted ceilings in family room and kitchen. Open Sunday from 1-3 PM. No pets/No smokers. $800/month + deposit. 419-265-2426. ________________________
SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM DuplexWest Toledo. Hardwood Floors, New Paint Job, Great Vintage Feel! 2 bedrooms, both upper and lower unit available. Appliances included, garage available. Close to UT and Ottawa Park. Cats OK. $530/ month. 2114 Wyndhurst. Call Jim at 419-266-0842 ________________________
3731 N. Erie St. Is no longer accepting applications for One bedroom Apartment The average wait for an aparment is one year or more
WOW CHECK-IT-OUT!!! Nice (2) two-bedroom mobile home. Everything new. Very desirable park. Sale or possible lease. Acres Road Mobile Home Park. Leave message. 419-882-9264. ________________________ Now Accepting Applications for Efficiencies, One and Two Bedroom Apartments at the
2520 Monroe Street Housing Community for Elderly (62 and older) or Handicapped/Disabled. Air Conditioning and Appliances Furnished Utility allowance. Rent based on income. Applications taken by appointment
OBLATES RESIDENCES 1225 Flaire Drive A Housing Community for the Elderly (62 andolder). Accepting applications forOne bedroom apartments. Appliances furnished. Utilities included in rent. Rent based on annual income. Applications by Appointment
FOR RENT: (2) Two bed, two bath condo Downtown Toledo, overlooking the Maumee River. Two car garage, exsercise room, roof top deck and boat dock on Swan Creek. Rent: $1,300 per month. 419-351-5195. _______________________ SYLVANIA SCHOOL DISTRICT. Franklin Park/Mall area. Big yard. $1000/month. 312-405-7834. ________________________ BEDROOM FOR RENT: Full use of house; must like dogs, non-smoker. $300 per month, call 419-344-3693 ________________________
NEW OTTAWA HILLS AREA. Upscale private dorm on University bike trail. Near University of Toledo. Windows and sky lights in many rooms. Bright, freshair building in park like setting. Building wired for networking. Five to six rooms available. 419-351-5195 ________________________
2 BEDROOMS FOR RENT: Includes utilities: "Pre-determined amount usage." Furnished option. Shared living w/separate entrance. University of Toledo area. $330/month plus $120 deposit. Call 419-578-0306. ________________________ NEW
DUPLEX W. TOLEDO NORTH Haven, 2 bedroom spacious upper. Bay windows, natural wood work, fire place, appliances, basement. Great neighborhood & location. $550, call 419-474-9062. __________________ BEAUTIFUL 3 BED SINGLE family FOR RENT next to Toledo Hospital/Midwood Dr. Major updates w/new furnace, windows, carpet, fenced yar, 2-car garage, all new appliances. Call 419-460-4505 for an application to qualify! $900 month...CALL TODAY!! __________________ HOUSE SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOMS like new, quiet neighborhood, garage, 2508 Locust, $650/month. 419-410-7193. __________________ WEST TOLEDO HOME: 2 beds, 1 bath, privacy fence & 2 car garage on a quiet street. Whitmer/DeVeaux/Start. $700/month with option to buy. 419-825-5995. __________________ HOUSE IN HOLLAND FOR RENT: Flexible tenant needed; 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath, partially furnished. $1,500/ month; plus utilities. Call 419-902-9232. ________________________ CONDO FOR RENT: AIRPORT & BERNATH $800 per month, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, NO PETS; appliances included. 419-215-8526. ________________________
TOLEDO: 1748 SYLVANIA AVE. Ideal location. $400/month. 90-days FREE rent!!! Needs redecorating. 419290-4791. ________________________ THE RENTAL/SALE of real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes it illegal to advertise "any limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal housing opportunity basis. ________________________
________________________ STYLIST & NAIL TECHS WANTED: Newly remodeled; booth rental, free vacation, earned commission on sales & customer discount. Call Jim at 419-575-4839. _______________________ LOOKING FOR A MORNING barrista Monday thru Friday 6:30 am -10 at Petit Fours Patisserie & Cafe, now located at 27 Broadway, at the Oliver House. Entrance located on the Ottawa Street side. Please apply in person. Questions call Liz Grosjean @ 419-724-4477 _______________________
NEW MIRABELLA HAIR STUDIO: Just opened in Sylvania. Currently seeking stylist. Commission or booth rental. For more information, contact Barbara at 419-593-0063. ________________________
POST OFFICE NOW HIRING NATIONALLY! Avg. pay $20/hr. or $57K/yr. Incl. Fed. Ben., OT. Optional fee-based Test prep materials, not affiliated with the US Postal Service 866-901-0065 ________________________ ATTENTION CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS. From home, flex hours, great pay; will train. Apply online ktpglobal. com OR 800-330-8446. ________________________ STORE ASSISTANT: mature individual with good people skills & computer knowledge. Retail experience, PartTime, weekends; $9/hr. Apply in person, no phone calls. Lefflers Antiques, 2646 W. Central Ave. ________________________ THE OMNI is looking for Entertainers: Mimes, Tarot readers, jugglers, stilt walkers, fire breather’s tumblers, etc. If you have a unique gift or talent we may want you call 419-535-6664 or email : ________________________
DEUCES WILD: Check out or call Larry at 419-478-1498.
NATC-NURSING ASSISTANT TRAINING Center is now forming classes. STNA Classes, MRDD Re-Certification, MRDD Certification, Med Pass Classes, CPR and First Aid Classes. For nurses: ACLS Classes, PALS Classes, NRP Classes. Earn up to $18.00/hour. Online registration & payment available at www. 419-324-0488 ________________________ FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL and entertainment needs, please visit www. or please call 419-260-2544. ________________________ DANCERS WANTED. No fees. Apply in person. 707 Matzinger or call 419-7268589. No Experience required. Will train. ________________________ UTILITY CONSULTANTS SERVICES -$500.00 a week or more Need 10 reps immediately to represent our company for the deregulation of natural gas. We offer weekly pay, free training, 100% company support Apply today Job tomorrow Call 419-724-6858 NEW
on the current list of musicians in Toledo! Meet other musicians, Jam, start a band! E-Mail name, age instrument, music styles, and contact info to fpuccetti@yahoo. com C’mon, lets get out and PLAY! NEED A SOUND SYSTEM? Band,
LOOKING FOR experienced singer
/ frontman for modern rock cover band 80s, 90s and current songs. Will be playing out 2-3 times per month. Contact me by sending a little about yourself and will respond with more details: HAMMOND B-3/PIANOMAN NEEDED:
Pro situation, original format, Kid Rock meets today’s country. Can tour, dead serious, No flakes. 419-402-4130. Troy.
COUNTRY MUSIC GROUP, seeking male vocalist. Call 419-836-1081. WORKING FEMALE SINGER BAND
combo, solo, public speaker. Includes sound man, 8/12 channel PA, mics, speakers, stands. Experienced. Reasonable rates. 419-243-4510.
looking for lead guitarist; Pearl Jam to Pink. Call Jack at 419340-8068.
SHARE-A-CHURCH: Faith Commu-
GUITAR: Son of Beast, never
nity Church. Byrne and Arlington is looking for a congregation to share our air conditioning facilities. 419-385-3929.
MUSICIANS SEEKING GUITARIST/SINGER.WRITES rock 'n' roll. Green day to Foo fighters. Kiss to AC/DC. looking for others age 45 yrs old. Call Joe (PRESTO) 419-867-1848 WORKING MODERN COUNTRY MUSIC GROUP is seeking a female singer
who plays keyboard. Call 419460-7112.
LUVTAXXX is looking for musicians.
517-486-3623. Ask for Shane.
CLASSIC ROCK cover band needs a
bass player. Practice 1-2x/week, play out 1-2x/month. All for fun. Rob @ 419-367-1747.
LEAD VOCALIST looking for band.
Also plays keyboards and drums. 419-691-2820.
MODERN ROCK SINGER needed for cover band. Now auditioning. For more info. email JT6919@gmail. com
STYLIST/BARBER WANTED booth rental, Reynolds & Glendale area. Rent negotiable. Call Kelly at 419-810-6566. ________________________ THEATRE TECH STAFF NEEDED. The Toledo Rep is looking for some talented backstage volunteers to help with performances. Different levels of skill are acceptable. We need lighting & sound crew as well as running crew. Call Aggie at 419-243-9277. _______________________ NEW PRESTIGIOUS, UPSCALE salon & spa in Holland is looking for dedicated, talented, motivated, professional aestheticians, massage therapists, and nail technicians to join our team. Please call 419-866-1400
Ads run for 2 issues and must be renewed after the two issues. You must be: advertising for band members or selling instruments under $200. Business related ads run for $20. Limit 20 words per ad; $0.40 per additional word. Log onto or call 419-2449859 to post your ad!
LOOKING TO BOOK DJ to play ass-moving music.Stop by Russ’ Lounge 5329 Dorr St. with play list and references. See Keith.
________________________ THERE HAS NEVER been a better time to start your own business, and you won’t find a better partner then AVON.” Open your door to unlimited earnings potential. Contact Michelle/unit leader 419-902-3612 ________________________
Sing along tunes. Have practice space. Social Distortion. Drop Kick Murphy’s style. 419-5097004.
used, still in box; all accessories. 12-watts, 6.5 design speakers; cables, bags & strap. Call 419841-5503.
KENWOOD 350 WATT AMP and (2) two POLK 6x9’s and 6 1⁄2 inch speakers. NEW in box!!! Paid $375.00, asking $250.00. 419-902-8277 SLINGERLAND 5 piece drum set from the 80’s. Bass pedal but no cymbals. $250.00 firm. Call Ken at 419-450-1402. ALVAREX ACOUSTIC GUITAR: excellent condition, leather strap and hard case included. $250 OBO. Nicole 419-205-5746. MACKIE CFX 12 MIXER, with light in
case. Mint condition. $250. 419-474-1876.
FREE GUITAR LESSONS Rock, Blues, Country, all styles; 30 yrs. experience. Give me a call, what do you have to lose? 419-514-6097.
MUSICIANS: Rehearsal practice art and now storage space. Available 24/7 Access. FREE electricity. No noise restrictions. Located in the Hip Downtown area. Alarms available. $150 + mo. Call now: 419-346-5803.
February 18• March 3
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Starting the
18th you are so full of energy that nobody can keep up with you. Your week beginning the 23rd is so exciting you can catch falling stars. On the 25th and 26th love makes your world go round. Accept all offers. Bizarre thoughts begin on the 2nd.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) On the 19th
you want to spend the weekend close to home. Catch up on correspondence to old friends. Then when you go back to work on the 23rd you feel contented. The 1st and 2nd are terrific days. Keep a list of your duties and your accomplishments.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) After the 18th
your energy amazes everyone around you. You are such a multi-tasker. Are you going to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras? If not, watch the festivities. From the 1st thru the 3rd ideas are fast and furious. Both twins are extremely busy.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) An interesting
offer comes your way on the 20th. Consider it carefully. The new moon on the 23rd brings you good luck. Plan to enjoy the 28th and the 1st because it is a special weekend. You find yourself ahead of the game financially on the 2nd.
LEO (July 23-August 22) On the 18th you should talk to your tax accountant. At least make the appointment. On the 20th your phone starts ringing and you never say “no” to any invitations. You are chock full of energy on the 1st and 2nd but may lose some steam on the 3rd. VIRGO
(August 23-September 22)
Starting the 18th all emphasis shifts to partnerships (old and new) and to new projects. The new moon on the 23rd intensifies your need to be involved. On the 28th and the 1st you are enthusiastic about a multitude of your spring time goals.
(September 23-October 22)
health improves as does your mental attitude after the 23rd. Working conditions are better also. Don’t let anyone tip your scales from the 1st thru the 3rd.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)
Your psychic power works overtime after the 18th. Keep track of your ideas. The new moon on the 23rd shines where your creativity blossoms. It awakens your curiosity and desire to take chances. You move slowly on the 2nd and 3rd.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 20) Starting the 18th schedule some time at home. You have neglected the place since Christmas. Look into storage boxes and closet modifications. Set it up by the 23rd. Then you are bored and need to explore a fun weekend on the 28th.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 19)
Think about buying a new car because it is the patriotic thing to do. You can be in the driver’s seat when the new moon shines on the 23rd. Do some research but end up buying whatever pleases you. That is how you live! A good period.....
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
You are still on a high. Astrologically you are getting great vibes. Try to get some much needed rest on the 21st and 22nd. The new moon on the 23rd improves your financial situation AND your own sense of self worth. A happy time!
PISCES (February 19-March 20) Get busy on the 18th with a list of goals and resolutions. The new moon on the 23rd at 8:35 PM is IN your sign. This is your New Year’s Eve. Celebrate the fact that you control your own destiny for the year ahead. Happy Birthday. Sue Lovett is available for personal astrology readings and private parties. Visit her on the Web at www.suelovett. com or call her at 419-474-6399.
From the 18th thru the 22nd you find that you are more aggressive in your personal life. Your
get comfy with our
homestyle guide
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need answers? get 'em @
The sun moves into the sensitive sign of Pisces. There is a new moon there also on the 24th. People tend to be more considerate at that time. It is also Fat Tuesday and the Mardi Gras will be celebrated in New Orleans. — BY SUE LOVETT
©2009 Jonesin’ Crosswords (
February 18 • March 3
ACROSS 1 Univ. guy with status 5 Two fives for ___ 9 MySpace adjunct, perhaps 13 Poland’s Walesa 14 Average knucklehead 16 Seldom seen 17 ___ Spumante (sparkling wine) 18 Phrase in a Spanish Valentine’s Day card 19 The yoke’s on them 20 Red MacGregor, McEwan’s Lager, or Tennent’s Super, in pubs 23 Listening device 24 Start of long-distance dialing 25 Atlantic Coast clock setting: abbr. 26 College football championship circuit: abbr. 29 Lowlife 31 With 45-across, contact a pedestrian from a tall building, in a way 34 Public hanging? 36 The other woman 37 Race place, for short 38 Play like the phrases at 20-across, 31/45across and 57-across? 41 Actress Fisher of 2007’s “Hot Rod” 43 Ring bearer, maybe 44 “Chuck” network 45 See 31-across 48 Otherworldly 52 “Danny and the Dinosaur” author Hoff 53 El ___ (Spanish hero) 54 Woolly female 56 Pull the plug on 57 Understaffed situation 60 “___ it in a heartbeat!” 63 ___-Croatian 64 “___ Nagila” 65 It may come with answers 66 Courtroom drama, e.g. 67 Gluttonous exchange student on “The Simpsons” 68 To a degree 69 Lord’s worker 70 Sci-fi conventiongoer, stereotypically
DOWN 1 N-test events 2 Distilled spirit from the agave plant 3 Armed swimmers 4 IOU of sorts 5 Actor Sean of the “Lord of the Rings” series 6 Grad school papers 7 “In the Valley of ___” (Tommy Lee Jones movie) 8 Person who really counts? 9 Bert’s prominent feature 10 Airport of the SW U.S. 11 Refinable rock 12 ___-Y 15 Come really close to 21 “___ is human...” 22 Greek vowel 26 Fictional character often introduced last name first 27 Cow’s mouthful 28 Farm structure 30 Cousin of a cockatoo 32 Spanish actress often seen on “The Love Boat” 33 Chop into tiny bits 35 Least likely to be spotted 38 Downhill racer 39 Ducks, when moving around 40 “Since ___ Gone” (Kelly Clarkson song) 41 “___ alive!” 42 Just short 46 “That’s gross!” 47 Home entertainment area with a sink 49 Give a new ranking 50 “Well!” 51 Actor Furlong of “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” 55 Author Virginia 57 “The Usual Suspects” bad guy Keyser ___ 58 Lake near Niagara Falls 59 “Street Fighter: The Legend of ___-Li” (2009 movie) 60 Figs. averaging 100 61 The Captain and Tennille, e.g. 62 Poorly lit
unique ���
advertise with us. get results.
the smart alternative
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February 18• March 3
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Toledo Best of 2008 Party
The Annex at the Omni was bustling as folks from across the Toledo area came out to celebrate the best and brightest of our city. Sarah Cohen, voted Best Singer-Songwriter, and Empire Drift, voted Most Underrated Local Band, kept the music flowing as the crowd nibbled on delicacies from The Beirut(Best Middle Eastern Food). Thanks to all of you who came out — we can’t wait to see you again next year.
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Empire Drift, voted Most Underrated Band, gets the crowd movin'.
Jon Stainbrook poses with TCP co-publisher Mark Jacobs.
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Sarah Cohen, voted Best Singer-Songwriter, and her brother, Ben get the party started.
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Margot Jacobs, Brendan Connolly, Josh Watkins, Saul Jacobs, and Nick ConnollyBallot Counters
Emily Rippe (left) with Jordon Johnson from My Family Needs Food and his family.
Mayoral hopeful Keith Wilkowski celebrates Toledo's best.
Stacy Jurich, of Toledo Choose Local, sits with Joel Washing & Jacob David (Best Local Filmmakers)
Kevin Whaley and coucil canidate, Terry Biel party it up.
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The TCP Staff joins publishers Collette and Mark Jacobs on stage for a special thanks.
February 18• March 3
Commissioner Ben Konop smiles for the camera.
All smiles
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Dentists at Brookview Dental in Sylvania opened their door for free dental care on February 14. People lined the streets and came as early as 7 p.m. the night before to camp out for the chance to get free fillings, tooth removals and cleanings. Over 180 people were helped through this “Dentistry from the Heart” event, which occurs every Valentine’s Day.
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�The Place To Be... �
Todd Schultz, Peter Urbanik, and Brad Barricklow take a break to pose for the camera.
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Brad Barricklow and assistant Karen stay busy helping patients.
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“When life hands you a lemon, make Margaritas! ” Margaritas!”
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Dorothy Smith, Cheryl Weis, Shane Ferguson, and Jenny Hall are all smiles at the all-day event.
Amy Barriclow, and dental assistant Faye help treat over 180 people for this special event.
Loma Linda’s��
Caring for the Community
On Saturday, February 7, community members opened up their heart and soul to benefit Harbor Behavioral Healthcare. “Heart and Soul 2009: Caring for our Community” featured dinner, music by Ramona Collins and the Toledo School for the Arts Jazz Trio, as well as a silent auction. Delicious food, drinks and great music turned giving back into a great night out.
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Jessica Stygles & Jennifer Baumeier of Harborside sport their red flair.
Dale Shreve, CEO of Harbor Behavioral Healthcare poses with Muddy.
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Co-chairs Sally Binard and Tony Rasczyk, with new friend Muddy.
Harborside Board members Dave Lehmann, Jean Drees, Mark Sobczak, and Kim Shaffer pose for the camera.
February 18• March 3
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February 18• March 3