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MARCH 3, MARCH 16, 2010
Help is on the Way: isoh/impact
responds to time of need
Soul Food for the Family:
ruby’s kitchen serves mouthwatering favorites
Aqua Fresh:
har simrit singh transcends street art with new gallery show
Lo ic Mus ew i v e R SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 3
March 3 • March 16
March 3 • March 16
March 3 March 16, 2010 Vol. 10 • Issue 16
Where is Residential Regionalism?
Adams Street Publishing Co.
Danke Schon!
There is a great deal of conversation about Regionalism in government, is it not time for Residential Regionalism? To eliminate the reciprocity agreement would be very harmful to Toledo. It would be a determining factor to those who may want to live in Toledo even though they work outside our city. In all the comments about the residents who work outside Toledo, nothing is said about the thousands who work in Toledo but live outside the city. Their payroll taxes are paid to the place of employment not the place of residency. Have we reached a point in this region that the place of employment will dictate the place of residency? Where is Residential Regionalism? Additionally, there was the option of adding 1/4 percent temporary increase to the income tax for voter approval, or take the option to end reciprocity. Once again the choice is taxation through the stroke of the pen, rather than taxation through the stroke of the vote.
Karen Shanahan
I would like to thank the readers of the Toledo City Paper for again voting the German-American Festival the “Best Neighborhood/Ethnic Festival” for the last twelve out of thirteen years. Our organizing committee and members of the German and Swiss community work hard year around to offer the best food, entertainment and hospitality of any Festival. In German, the term is “Gemütlichkeit!” We would appreciate hearing your suggestions to make your experience that much better at: festchairman@gafsociety.org. We look forward to welcoming you to Oak Shade Grove during the weekend of August 27, 28, and 29 for our 45th Annual Festival. We say: “Danke Schön!” Thank You for your support!
Timothy Pecsenye
PS: The German and Swiss Societies that
sponsor the Festival are always looking for fresh blood, including singers and dancers. Please visit www.gafsociety.org to learn about our organizations and their activities – all of which are open to the public!
We don’t like to admit it, but when it comes to music, we don’t always have the best of taste. Here are our “guilty pleasure” songs and artists — those we hate to admit how much we love.
Publisher/Editor in Chief
Collette Jacobs (cjacobs@toledocitypaper.com)
Co-publisher/Chief Financial Officer Mark I. Jacobs (mjacobs@toledocitypaper.com)
Assignment Editor: Gina Sares (gsares@toledocitypaper.com)
KELLY CLARKSON, THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN IDOL A&E/Metro Music Coordinator: Emily Rippe (erippe@toledocitypaper.com)
KATY PERRY - HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ME THUMB DANCE TO “HOT N’ COLD”? Calendar: Nathan Mattimoe (calendar@toledocitypaper.com)
OLD MADONNA, HER FIRST SELF-TITLED ALBUM WAS PRETTY SWEET Contributing Writers: Johnny Hildo, Sue Lovett, Clara Engel, Allen Sanders, Matt Desmond, Kelly McGilvery, Brittany Jones, Karen Zickes, Clara Engel
Design Manager: Jocelyn Hasenbalg (jocelyn@toledocitypaper.com)
UB40 - “RED, RED WINE” MAKE ME FEEL SO FINE Production Coordinator: Danielle Suffron (danielle@toledocitypaper.com)
Graphic Design: Erin Kanary (adsin@toledocitypaper.com)
NEWSIES SOUNDTRACK ��������������������� ����
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Amanda Holman (amanda@toledocitypaper.com)
Sales Coordinator: Allison Garcia (allison@toledocitypaper.com)
Corrections to the Best of Toledo 2k9 issue
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[FEBRUARY 3-16, 2010]
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BIKE/HIKING PATH: University/ Parks Trail (Toledo Metroparks)
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FLEETWOOD MAC... OH YES, STEVIE NICKS Account Executives: Andrew Spahr (andrew@toledocitypaper.com)
Sharon Kornowa (sharon@toledocitypaper.com)
Nathan Schank (nate@toledocitypaper.com)
Natasha West (natasha@toledocitypaper.com)
Classifieds: Melissa Reed (classifieds@toledocitypaper.com)
Accounting: Robin Armstrong (rarmstrong@toledocitypaper.com)
Distribution: Beth Wayton (distribution@toledocitypaper.com)
“PARALYZER” BY FINGER ELEVEN (IT’S CATCHY) Tisha Carroll (distribution@toledocitypaper.com)
To the T-town Boys
(“ROCKIN’ THE HUMOR” FEBRUARY 17 - MARCH 2, 2010) Speaking for the modern silent majority, you guys are a hometown success story that continues to provide good food, beer, fun, music and an “up yours if you can’t take a joke”
attitude that is refreshing in this Big Brother Era of political correctness. I bet your detractors employ that same “screw them” idealism in their approach to writing scathing criticisms from the comfort of the shadows that they lurk in. Don’t let the bastards wear you down.
WE’LL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS send us your STAFF Q’s and check back to see our answers
email: gsares@toledocitypaper.com
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Alternative Weekly Network
March 3 • March 16
A winning combination
Lotto ticket a dud? Ohio State Park Lodges and the Ohio Lottery are teaming up to turn lotto losers into winners. Through March 31, guests of eight Ohio State Park Lodges operated by Xanterra Parks & Resorts may present a losing lottery ticket to receive a $25 discount off the retail rate of a room. In addition, guests staying both Friday and Saturday nights on the same room reservation may enter their losing lottery ticket in a Sunday-morning drawing where the winner will have their weekend room rental fee waived. The resorts include Shawnee State Park Lodge, Hueston Woods State Park Lodge, Maumee Bay State Park Lodge, as well as five other lodges throughout the state. Participating guests should mention the promotional code OHLOTTO when making their reservation online at www.atapark.com or calling 1-800-AT-A-PARK.
Tax time
is gearing up for There’s no doubt about it — tax season an exciting season, can be taxing. That’s why Sylvania Area and is in search of Family Services is hosting an Ohio Ben- friendly and helpful efit Bank tax clinic on Thursday, March volunteers to inter4 from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. The service assists act with over 100,000 people who made less than $57,000 in 2009 visitors annually from by e-filing their federal, Ohio and school all over the world. The program district taxes (not local/city taxes) and is volunteer available by appointment. Call Sarah or runs from March through Maureen at 419-242-5000 ext. 203 or Dottie November. Volunteers are at 419-882-8415. Those with date conflicts asked to work only two days per month; choosing the can call the Ohio Benefit Bank at 800-648-1176, or visit the site locator at www.obb. ohio.gov. Ladies, get ready for a night out! Perrysburg’s Puttin on the Glitz hosts a special private shopping event for girls only on Friday, Be one March 19 from 6-9 p.m. Miche Bags, Bauble Lulu Jewelry, interchangeable Twa La (of many) Rings, and Swan Creek Candles are just with nature a few of the unique items you’ll find at The Magee this event to benefit Humane Ohio Spay/ Marsh Wildlife Neuter Clinic. Refreshments will also area in Oak Harbe served. For more info, visit www. bor, Ohio is looking puttinontheglitzstore.com. Country for volunteers for Charm Shopping Center, Perrysburg. their Bird Center. 419-874-3334. As one of the top ten bird watching spots in the country, Magee Marsh
A feel-good reason to shop
March 3 • March 16
days and hours. Interested individuals should attend the volunteer training session on Saturday, March 13 at the Bird Center at Magee Marsh, 13229 W. State Route 2, Oak Harbor. The training begins at 10 a.m. and lasts 1-2 hours. To sign up for training or to find out more, call Mary Warren at 419-898-0960 ext. 31.
Mastering your garden
Roll up your sleeves and get ready to play in the dirt! The Lucas County Master Gardener Speakers Bureau is presenting a 3-part lecture series, covering a wide variety of topics to help you plan and maintain your lawn and garden. From learning about the soil, to the importance of garden site selection, to properly caring for landscaping tools, these courses cover all the basics. Thursday, March 8 features Sumptuous Soils & Luscious Lawns; Thursday, April 8 covers Landscape Design & Container Gardens; and Thursday, May 13’s topic is Water Gardens & Spring Preparation. All classes 6:30- 9 p.m. $15 per individual session or $35 for the series. Reservations are required and may be made by calling OSU Extension Lucas County, 419-578-6783. —GS
Help is on the way
International Ser- Reaching Out & Serving, their program vices of Hope (ISOH), to sponsor the more than 500 orphans founded in Waterville who are left without homes, families, and in 1991, focused on food. helping poverty-ridKnowing exactly where your donatden families through- ed money is going is an important part out Haiti and Guate- of making a difference. ISOH/IMPACT mala with food and spends more than $0.97 out of every $1.00 clothing, and Impact directly on the people they’re serving, With God Crusades, yet another reason why Charity NavigaInc. (IMPACT), a tor named them a four-star charity two non-denominational years in a row. Christian organizaWith everything that they do, ISOH/ tion started in Maumee in 1958, joined IMPACT is working on construction of a forces in 1998 to form larger facility with more room for supply PHOTO FROM WWW.ISOHIMPACT.ORG this positive force storage, volunteers, and the necessary and to encompass a equipment needed to help the needy. It ISOH and IMPACT joined forces in 1998 to provide a greater amount of community work and child advocacy. broader framework will also serve as the area’s only dedicatfor community or- ed center with a distribution area to allow With the recent devastation in Haiti Rebecca Rynn, who started volunganization and child medical teams and volunteers to manage and the overwhelming number of Ameri- teering for the organization in 2002 and advocacy. Since then, shipments of food and administer disaster response and can charities and organizations spring- has recently acquired her position as and supplies, medical help, child spon- emergency aid. ing up overnight to address the need, it’s Children’s Lighthouse Manager, says that sorship, and emergency relief have kept great to have a local, well-established or- in addition to the outpouring of local vol- I S O H / I M P A C T ganization already ready to help. unteers and donations, ISOH/IMPACT is members busy, In this area, that organization is receiving calls from a broader reaching changing the world ISOH/IMPACT, a group that runs on the network of groups wanting to make do- one step at a time. support of the community, with generos- nations through a reliable charity. “Our Under unfortuity not based on religion, color, or ethnici- reputation has preceded us,” she says. nate circumstancty, and a dedication to creating a brighter “We are present in the community and es, the communityfuture for those who need it most, espe- are known for work we’ve already done based non-profit through those we’ve helped, our partners, cially children. located in Perrysand our ever-growing network.” burg Ohio has been very busy with Haiti relief. “We’ve already sent over 2 million meals to Haiti so far,” says Rynn, not to menISOH/IMPACT has sent over 2 million meals to Haiti, in tion medical and addition to medical and logistics teams and supplies. logistics teams and supplies. “When The new International Hope Center we are working in a devastated area (like Haiti), we work with established organi- will be located near Levis Commons and zations that already know the area and ground construction has already begun. can get supplies to the people who need “We’re proud of the fact that we started it in the safest way possible.” Partnering little and now we provide big services, with Double Harvest, a Haiti-based agri- but we’re still very grass roots,” Rynn cultural and development organization, says. ISOH/IMPACT has been able to provide If you’d like to get involved in helping those nourishment and medical care to the in need through ISOH/IMPACT, visit www. devastated Haitians in an organized and isohimpact.org, look them up on Twitter or efficient manner. And in the midst of this Facebook, or call 419-878-8548. crisis, the organization has established
March 3 • March 16
Toledo area’s ISOH/IMPACT respond in a time of need by Clara Engel
Marketplace changes
Snow removal that’s safe for the earth
Spring may be around the corner, but snow and ice haven’t completely melted from the weather forecast. According to TMACOG’s Stormwater Coalition, snow- and ice-melting products, known as deicers, can have negative environmental impacts, including fish and vegetation kills, damage to lawns and landscape plants, and even pet hazards. Limiting the use of salt-based de-icers on driveways and sidewalks helps reduce these negative effects. Here are some tips from the Stormwater Coalition: Shovel or plow your driveway and sidewalks before spreading de-icer. Limit the use of de-icers, especially those with the most damaging environmental impacts. Only use as much de-icer as you need. Do not use fertilizer, kitty litter or ash for traction. Pets can be harmed by some de-icers. Wipe your pet’s paws if they walk on any salts or chemicals. This helps prevent ingestion and damage to their paws. —GS
Let’s do lunch!
In the business world, it’s often said, “It’s all who you know.” And the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce is helping you really get to know others through their new ConnectForLunch program. Each Wednesday, program members receive an email invite asking if they’d like to go to lunch the following week. After accepting the request, they receive a list of the members (no more than three) who will be joining them for lunch at a designated restaurant. By sharing a meal, members can get to know each other in a fun and personal way, making the introduction more than a business card swap. The Chamber is currently offering a free trial of the program — four lunches in eight weeks. The subscription plans start at $9.95 per month; costs of the meal not included. For more information, visit www.connect4lunch.com. —GS
Alissa’s Home Decor & Garden Store at 1855 S. Reynolds Rd. is now open! The shop, in the Diamond Plaza next to Olive Garden, offers unique gifts and items for the home. Hours: Mon-Fri 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Check out the wares at www.alissashomedecor. com or stop in to see the unique furnishings and items. 419-725-5006. Yaldo Eye Center, opened on March 1 at 3840 Woodley Rd., Suite A, Toledo. The center brings specialized training and expertise, including LASIK surgery and other vision corrective surgeries. For more information, visit www.yaldoeyecenter.com. Claudia’s Natural Food Market is on the move. The store is temporarily closed, but will reopen soon at 3904 Secor Rd., Toledo (between Monroe and Sylvania). The store will be open seven days a week. For more info, 419-474-2400. The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul at 1001 Washington St. is temporarily discontinuing thrift store operations for approximately three months. The store will be cleaned, renovated and reorganized to better serve the people of Northwest Ohio. www.svdptoledo.org. Know of news in the marketplace? Send it to editor@toledocitypaper.com.
want more TCP? it’s all online. www.toledocitypaper.com
March 3 • March 16
Won’t get fooled again Same as the old boss? by Johnny Hildo
Ghost of Finkledinks past
Boy, have times changed! It’s a brand new day. The long, dark years of Carty fatigue wane into the recesses of our memories. The fights with Council are a thing of the past as the Bell Administration brings forward novel, out-of-the-box ideas for balancing a budget left unconscious and bleeding on the shoals of the Finkbeiner years. We all must reach deep lective love for T-town and gether to save her future. pain, sez Hizzoner, for the beloved burg.
into our colsacrifice toSpread the sake of our
Ideas have been floated through a citizens group convened by Hizzoner and leaked slowly into the mainstream consciousness. Privatize all non-essential services. Levy an additional tax, but for a specified period of time with a strict sundown provision. Get serious about collecting delinquent taxes and fees owed the City. Charge employees more for health care. Charge citizens more for refuse collection. Many of these ideas are no-brainers, such as working to collect what’s owed. Others have been more controversial, and the Bellistas have trod lightly, assuring everyone within hearing distance that they are simply options for dialogue, not hard and fast proposals.
A balanced budget is mandated by March three one. The ink on the socalled “options” is drying, and the proposals are slowly congealing into hard and fast intentions.
even suggested pushing that fee up to $16 for those who don’t recycle and $8 for those who do, a massive increase. Plus assorted and sundry efficiencies, financial derring do and other flims and flams.
What does the new Mayor ask of us? Concessions from the employees unions, demanded and debated in the media without direct discussions with union representatives themselves. Eliminating credit for taxes paid by Toledoans to other jurisdictions. This will force those who work outside the City to pony up their full two point two five per cent to Toledo in addition to anything already skimmed by their municipalities of employment. Maintaining a trash fee, which would have been eliminated for those who pledge to recycle later this year. Council finance chair Georgie Sarantou has
Where have we heard this all before? C a r t y marred last year’s negotiations with the unions by hashing out needed concessions in the media rather than conducting them behind closed doors. The result was minimal concessions providing short term budget relief. The Fink’s final budget included an across the board $16 trash fee and a 50% reduction in the tax credit. Plus assorted and sundry efficiencies, financial derring do
and other flims and flams. Barely two months in and the Bell Administration is looking Finklier and Finklier. Boy, have times changed?
Georgie Porgie puddin’ and pie
������������� Speaking of Georgie, his path to the Commissioner’s office now seems assured. Peter Ujvagi, Frank Szollosi, even Keith Wilkowski would have given him a real run for his money on the campaign trail. All declined to run. Instead, his primary opponents have never appeared on a city-wide ballot before. And his likely Democratic challenger is either Carol Contrada, whose claim to fame is mostly Contrada and Associates advertising, or Wilkowski strategist Ben Krompak.
At least Contrada has some experience as an elected official, currently serving as Sylvania Twip Trustee. Krompak, on the other hand, has more City of Toledo connections. Smooth sailing ahead, Georgie.
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March 3 • March 16
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Jeff Loose
As a solo artist, Loose has experienced a surge of creative expression. “Seeing as I have way too many songs for just one record, I may use my band WEe to put out a second one,” Loose said. “WEe is the band I work with to play my songs out live. The band has a lot of out of town shows booked over the next few months in Cleveland, Chicago, Columbus and Detroit.” When he isn’t touring with WEe, or playing in his new Bowling Green influenced trio, Adult Books, Loose can be found spinning records. “I’ve been doing some DJing, trying to push some great obscure tracks on people.” Additionally, Loose collaborates with Pretend Records, helping local bands to record songs. “I really enjoy it and I think I have a good ear for it,” Loose said. For info on all of Jeff Loose’s projects, www.myspace.com/jeffloose.
Jim Holley
Rock/Blues/Country The music never stops — not when guitarist Jim Holley is involved. Playing music since the ‘60s, Holley still pumps away at the guitar solos, fresh sounds and rockstar vocals. Holley first found his passion working in several garage bands including Omaha Flight Deck and Black Light, which was featured on Bob Kelly’s TV program Let’s Dance. After a 30-year hiatus to focus on his family, Holley came back onto the music scene in 1997 and joined The Knobs in 2002. After four years with the band, Holley started recording his own music with fellow musicians Tim Richter (bass) and Humpy Navarre (drums) from the local band Flyte 66. Now Holley finds that the best way to express himself musically is on his own. Holley’s solo album, Thoughts & Visions, proves that with his rock voice, country beats and groovy guitar riffs, he doesn’t need anybody else to please the audience. The track “Don’t Tell Me” perfectly grabs the nostalgic classic rock feel and mixes in soft modern beats that elicit an involuntary sway in the listener. www.myspace.com/jimholley.
March 3 • March 16
2010 MUSIC for the
Kerry Clark
Acoustic Folk Rock
Kerry Clark is more than a singer-songwriter; he is a storyteller. A sampling of Clark’s many credits — he is a former member of the nationally renowned folk group, The New Christy Minstrels; he has performed on every nationally televised talent show prior to American Idol; and he has won multiple regional and national awards, including Male Vocalist of the Year and Entertainer of the Year. The musical influences of John Denver and Harry Chapin are recognizable in his melodic and heartwarming music with tracks such as “The Mistakes I’ve Made” and “How to Say Goodbye.” Hopeful, inspiring, soothing and poetic, his album Choose Love can cure any torn mind. Clark knows how to capture a person and entertain them with more than a catchy beat. “Anybody can pick up a 6-string guitar and play ‘Brown-Eyed Girl’...I recognized early on that telling stories is a wonderful way to draw people in. An audience can appreciate the songs that tell the story of an emotional experience.” Clark’s fifth album is due out in May 2010 with a regional tour to follow. www.kerryclark.net.
Meaghan Roberts Acoustic Folk Rock
Meaghan Roberts is a traveling troubadour in every sense of the word. Born, raised and based in Toledo, Roberts spent six years studying, working and performing in Europe—an experience the singer-songwriter described as musically inspiring, yet personally challenging. “There was a lot of questioning that took place,” Roberts said. “Being in a completely different culture from where I grew up, it made me question my values and ask myself, ‘What is normal?” A piano player at the start, Roberts discovered the guitar to be a valuable (and much more portable) instrument as she wandered across Ireland, England, France and even India. Back in Ohio (a place she said hosts plenty of opportunity for creative people), Roberts carries a piece of every place she’s been, playing sets of original tunes as well as American covers. Roberts is a regular at the Attic on Adams’ Thursday Acoustic Nights. She’s happy to take requests, but her true talent shines whenever she plays one from the heart. We recommend the catchy “Oh Baby, Baby” featured on the 2007 release, Extended Play. Meaghan Roberts plays Friday, March 12 at Sidelines at the Arena, 233 N. Huron St. and Thursday, March 18 at the Attic on Adams, 1701 Adams St. For more info, www.myspace.com/meaghanroberts.
Measure The Redshift Metal
When did metal start becoming a synonym for invisible ninja fighters wearing their sister’s jeans? And why is the scene oversaturated with mediocre bands? That’s what Measure The Redshift wants to know. This talented group of guys play metal the way it should be played, leaving out the gimmicky fashion styles and trashy song writing that has taken over the genre. Formed last March by guitarist Chad Schoen and drummer Dom Perna, Measure The Redshift began as a group with high standards, striving to write serious metal songs with grooves, melodies and dynamics. “One thing that Dom and I said when we started this band is ‘Every band nowadays sounds exactly the same. We shouldn’t sound like them,’” Schoen said. “And we don’t.” With lead singer Jeremiah Geis and Ty Sparks on bass, the foursome have come out of the fields of Northwest Ohio to reclaim metal, chanting the mantra, “No Bull, Just Metal.” The band plays at Woodchucks, 224 S. Erie St. Saturday, March 6. www.myspace.com/measuretheredshift.
March 3 • March 16
MUSIC 2010 for the
Laurie Swyers Blues
Bourbon Street Rock/Blues/R&B
Bourbon Street brings a little bit of Cajun soul to Toledo. Their blend of classic rock and New Orleans style rhythm and blues leaves their audience feeling refreshed and ready for anything. With more than 30 years of experience playing music, Bourbon Street holds a tight, solid sound that is nearly unmatched in Toledo. The group is made up of ex-traveling musician Jim Schira (drums/lead vocals), Keith Gorka (lead guitar/vocals) who “makes his guitar sing,” Bluesy saxophonist Jim O’Reilly, Ian Frost (keyboards/organ) who spent time playing music in London with several bands, and bassist Jim Earl. Their live shows are as exciting as Mardi Gras, and a thousand times more satisfying. “Having fun with our music and watching our family and fans enjoy the music is what it is all about,” say Earl. The band plays Friday, March 5 at the Bier Stube, 5333 Monroe St., Friday, March 19 at Sidelines, 233 N. Huron St. and Saturday, March 20 at The Roadhouse, 11900 Jeffers Rd., Grand Rapids. Stay tuned for an upcoming website, currently in progress.
Laurie Swyers has been fighting gender stereotypes of the female musician for 27 years. “I was the only woman in Toledo back then with a guitar and a harmonica,” Swyers said. “Bands were just looking for someone young and pretty who could sing.” While the music industry has changed a lot since the ‘70s, Swyers has not. She’s always been a blues musician at heart, playing and recording music with her band, Blue Sun. All the fun came to a halt about four years ago when Swyers became very sick; as a result of her illness she had to steer away from the bar atmosphere. Out of the scene for a couple months, a fellow bluesman said, “I thought you were dead.” Swyers laughed and said, “Hell no, I’m still around!” And to prove it, Swyers participated in the 2010 International Blues Challenge in Memphis last month (her second time competing, her first as a solo artist). Though she didn’t win the competition, Swyers did make a good showing. “The competition featured the best of the best,” she said. “I was up against people who are really working it hard, and I got to jam with musicians from all over the world.” Laurie Swyers is currently recording her third studio album, due out in early summer. www.cdbaby.com (search for Laurie Swyers).
The Americanos Americana
One of the more diverse bands to spring up within the last year is The Americanos. The group consists of prominent local musicians AJ Szozda (guitar, harp, mandolin), Steve Knurek (stand up bass), Mick Mason (guitar) and Tom Goodwin (mandolin, violin, percussion). This all acoustic act prides itself on being an original music string band, producing an array of bluegrass, country, folk, blues, jazz and reggae tunes. With rich harmonies, catchy melodies and attention to detail in songwriting, The Americanos have found the secret formula to becoming top contenders in Toledo’s local music scene. Check out “Everyone Keeps Asking Me” for a rootsy surprise. The Americanos are currently in the studio working on their debut album. Their next live performance is at The Village Idiot, 309 Conant St., Maumee Sunday, March 7. www.myspace.com/theamericanosband.
March 3 • March 16
2010 MUSIC for the
The Bartones Blues Rock and Funk
Bowling Green is home to a blues rock trio known as The Bartones. Making funky, passionate grooves since the fall of 2007, the group currently consists of founding members Andy DeWitt on guitar and vocals and Steve Mizer on drums and vocals with Evan Turner, who replaced the band’s former bass player in 2008. Influenced by some of rock’s legendary musicians—Jimi Hendrix, Santana and Stevie Ray Vaughan—The Bartones span multiple genres, mixing elements of blues, funk and rock into original tracks like “Don’t Steal From Me” and “Let Me Go.” “The Hardest Thing” is, personally, one of my favorite blues ballads to come out of Northwest Ohio. The Bartones bring their eclectic sound to Howard’s Club H Saturday, March 27. www.myspace.com/bartones.
The Corrells
Acoustic cover band The Corrells are the newest father-son acoustic duo to hail from Toledo, and they’re hoping to make a break into the local music scene in 2010. Over the past year, Kevin Correll (51) and his son Brandon (27) have been perfecting their sound, recording an acoustic guitar/piano collection of cover songs from multiple genres. From Paul McCartney’s “Bluebird” and the Traveling Wilburys “Handle With Care” to Keith Urban’s “You’ll Think Of Me” and the Zombies’ “Time of the Season,” The Corrells play it all. “We capitalize on our crisp harmonies and choice of songs that everybody has heard before,” Kevin said. “I’ve been told we sound like a full band with five guys singing, but honestly, we are just two guys who love to sing and play.” The father-son team plays private functions, and with any luck, they’ll be at a coffee shop or bar near you soon. For more info, kjcorrell@msn.com.
Shane Piasecki Alt-country
Combining efforts —TCP, O’Connor, and participating musicians— we’ve created a compilation album, featuring select artists presented in the 2010 Local Music Guide. Those interested in obtaining a copy can email us at erippe@toledocitypaper. com or visit Culture Clash Records, 4020 Secor Rd. Music links at www.toledocitypaper.com
At first sound, Shane Piasecki doesn’t fit the typical Toledo singer-songwriter mold. His accent is a little too Southern; he sings with a Nashville twang. Born in northwest Ohio, Piasecki has lived all over the country—including California and Tennessee—but he still calls Toledo home. Given his first guitar at age four, Piasecki considered himself an acoustic guitarist, then he discovered alt country rocker, Ryan Adams. “When I first heard him, it brought back that old, organic feeling of rocking out,” Piasecki said. “I was completely blown away.” Adams inspired Piasecki to revamp his sound, switching out his old acoustic for an electric guitar, and looking for a full band to back him up on his latest album. Fortunately, Piasecki still resides part time in Nashville, granting him access to an array of well-known producers and musicians. The album, which is still being finalized, is produced by Nashville’s own Dave Roe (who previously toured with Johnny Cash). Roe, along with Patrick Keeler (drummer for The Raconteurs), Grammy-nominated guitarist John Hiatt and guitarist Doug Lancio (he played guitar for Patty Griffin) create Piasecki’s back up band, a group the singer-songwriter said he’s been trying to put together for a long time. “I have a lot of confidence in these guys, they know what they’re doing,” Piasecki said. Shane Piasecki is planning a homecoming CD release show for late March, date and place TBA. www.myspace.com/shanepiasecki. ��
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It’s been a year since we touched base with the four bands who graced the cover of TCP’s 2009 Local Music Guide (see the digital copy, www.toledocitypaper.com). Here’s the skinny on what Hazard Perry, The Falling Spikes, Sinker and Empire Drift have been up to as of late. by Matt Desmond
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The Falling Spikes
The Falling Spikes (Kelly Johns, Jimmy Danger, Jeff Loose, and Matthew Ruch) have been relatively quiet lately, as a full band. After a busy 2009, which featured a regular gig at Mikey Finn’s and numerous other shows in the Toledo area, individual members have been focusing on solo efforts. “The Falling the Spikes have been taking a little time off to work on ������ new stuff, and other projects,” said guitarist Loose, ������������� �� �� ������������������ ����� who is currently working on his next solo album, and playing with his other three bands—WEe, Joey & The Traitors and Adult Books. Meanwhile, drummer Johns and guitarist Danger are working on a new collaboration project. “Jim and I started practicing with a possible new band which includes David Picciuto from Sinker and Zak Durst from Sangsara and The Matt Truman Ego Trip,” Johns said. “I don’t know when or if the efforts will escape the practice room.” There’s more good news for fans of the ultra-cool, hard-hitting Velvet Underground tribute band. Keeping the bohemian spirit of 30 years ago alive, the Falling Spikes play their first show in months at the Ottawa Tavern, 1817 Adams St., on Saturday, March 13. www.myspace.com/duckandsally. —MD ��������� ��������������
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Sinker Sinker took a bit of a break this past fall, but they’ve come roaring back, and have exciting things in store. The two-piece group comprised of David Picciuto (vocals, guitar, and programming) and Ian Robedeau (drums) is an anchor of Toledo’s up-and-coming label, Pretend Records (see “Friends For Pretend,” page 13). In a perfect world, their grimy, propulsive, impossible-to-resist electrorock would be blasting from every dorm-room stereo in the country, and they may yet get there. Listen to “One More Shot,” at www.myspace.com/sinkersinker, and just try to sit still. Sinker’s debut EP, Ghosts on the Dance Floor, is available as a free download on their website, and they are ready to begin recording a full-length album in May. Sinker plays Frankie’s Inner City, 308 Main St., on Saturday, March 6 with Chicago’s antic dance-rock combo Dr. Manhattan. —MD
March 3 • March 16
Empire Drift Toledo born, Toledo raised! Empire Drift remains best known for “A Good Place to Call Home,” a love-letter to our hometown that won the Song of Toledo contest last spring. The crowd-pleasing pop-rock band, made up of Rick Shugarman (guitar/keyboard), Dave Pfenning (vocals/guitar), Allen Spencer (percussion) and Mike Pfenning (bass) is nothing if not versatile. They have over an album’s worth of original material, and are also an adept and fully-functioning cover band with a repertoire made up of dozens of songs, ranging in vintage from the 1960s to last week. After a busy schedule of shows in 2009— the band opened for Kenny Wayne Shepherd in front of a 40,000 person crowd at the Michigan International Speedway NASCAR Rase last summer—Empire Drift has been on hiatus since October. The guys are back for one night on Saturday March 6 for Put-in-Palooza 2010 with Killer Flamingos, Bob Gatewood & Calabash and Ray Fogg. LyHarbor, man 1615 1st St., Sandusky. www. the empiredrift.com.
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MUSIC 2010
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March 3 • March 16
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2010 MUSIC for the
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March 3 • March 16
Raising the bar Vino 100’s lounge combines delicious wine and food by Karen L. Zickes
Though still offering customers an enjoyable wine buying experience (“100 great wines for $25 or less”), Vino 100 owners George Burk and Diana Whitman have recently added a fabulous wine bar and lounge just steps from the retail store. This concept has something for everyone; a great place to relax for a bit, or catch up with friends for the evening. Wine flights are available everyday — a sampling of four pre-selected wines with accompaniments. Bartender Scott Boyer also serves up fine crafted cocktails and 40 artisan beers including six on tap that rotate periodically. You’ll never find pre-packaged mixes behind the bar. “We understand the value that comes in using the best ingredients,” said Burk. “We’ll even put the juice of a whole lime in a drink.” Fine cocktails deserve fine food. A small plate menu offers edibles like smoked salmon flatbread with capers a dill and sour cream sauce, fresh market cheeses with accompaniments, and grass-fed Niman Ranch beef mini burgers. “We offer 2-3 entrees every week and we change it up,” said Burk. Everything is made fresh to order with many
Vino 100 challenges your palate with a wide variety of wines, beers, cocktails and food.
local ingredients such as the non-pasteurized cheese that is delivered by the farmer himself. Seafood is delivered fresh daily. Vino 100 brings in various distributors to host special event tastings, including bourbon tastings. Themed martini flights are offered as well. “We’re trying to find those things that are unique,” said Burk. They believe it’s about constantly challenging your palate. The walls are graced with the artwork of a different local artist every month and area musicians provide extra fun on most Thursday evenings. Burk and Whitman are big proponents of supporting local
and have found ways to incorporate that into many aspects of their business. “[Wine] education is still the foundation,” said Burk, but now they can offer the customer the complete experience. It’s the best of everything; wining, dining, and purchasing a bottle or two of your favorite vino to enjoy at home. Check their online calendar often for upcoming events (including RSVP tastings) and sign up to receive their e-newsletter at www.vino100maumee.com. Vino 100, Promenade West, 3355 Briarfield Blvd. Suite D, Maumee. 419-866-8466/ www.Vino100maumee.com.
March 3 • March 16
Coffeehouses for Cancer Connection
Brewing the right thing
Make a toast to the best brewers in the area at the 4th annual Glass City Beer Fest on Friday, March 5 from 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. The event features over 20 craft brewers showcasing over 60 beers. Plus, good food paired with live rock and country by 56Daze will help make the evening a great night. All of the proceeds from the festival support the programs and services of two local nonprofit organizations, The Arc of Lucas County, which helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities become meaningful members of our community, and The Northwest Ohio Hemophilia Foundation, which assists those affected by bleeding disorders. Tickets cost $25 pre-purchase; $30 at the door. Discount tickets of $20 for all military, police and firefighters. Twelve tasting tickets are included with admission, additional tickets available for $1 each; food sold separately. Pre-purchase tickets are available at Customer Service Desks at all Toledo-area Anderson stores. For more information, 419-724-BREW (2739).
Stay casual, Toledo
Sylvania’s Treo Restaurant is helping you take it easy during the week with their “Casual Wednesdays.” All entrees on the regular menu are just $13, so you can enjoy delicious delicacies like New York Strip Steak or Blackened Sirloin or Salmon for a special price. Looking for more casual dining? The half-pound burgers are half off! Drink specials include $4 well drinks, $5 well martinis and (based upon availability) $4 glasses of select white and red wines. And nothing calms the nerves like live entertainment, from Captain Jack or Acoustic Outcast, starting at
Local coffeehouses are going head to head to collect the most nonperishable food donations for Cancer Connection of Northwest Ohio, a startup nonprofit that assists cancer patients and their caregivers. Throughout March, five area coffeehouses — Downtown Latte (44 S. St. Clair St., Toledo), The Flying Joe (2130 Preston Parkway, Perrysburg), Plate 21 (3664 Rugby Dr., Toledo), The Ground Level (2636 W. Central Ave., Toledo) and Chandler Cafe (5648 N. Main St., Sylvania) — are competing in the Coffeehouse Food Drive. Each will aim to collect the most donations by weight before the weigh-in on Thursday, April 1. Donations will be given to the Cancer Connection food bank, which helps support struggling cancer patients in the Northwest Ohio area. For more information about Cancer Connection and the food drive, visit www. cancerconnectionofnorthwestohio.com. —GS
7:30 p.m. So stop by and stay awhile! 5703 Main St., Sylvania. 419-882-2266/ www.treosylvania.com.
Pancakes for pooches
Autumn may be long gone, but the sweet flavor of pumpkin is making a reappearance at Downtown Toledo’s Pam’s Corner. On Saturday, March 6 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Pam flips her famous pumpkin “pamcakes” for Pancakes for Pooches, a brunchtime fundraiser to benefit DogWorks, Inc. Sporting Dog Rescue & Placement. Regular menu items will also be available. 116 10th St. (between Monroe & Jefferson). 419243-2081/www. pamstoledo.com. For more info about DogWorks, visit www. dogworksohio. petfinder.com.
Who you callin’ jerk?
Bring some flavor into your life with Findlay’s new on-the-go eatery, The BIG Jerk. Created by Mike Bulkowski of Revolver Restaurant and Elaine Bruggeman of Main Street Deli, the restaurant offers quick food with BIG taste for late night eaters. Try the thai or jerk-style chicken sandwiches, pulled pork sandwiches, or coconut curry chicken soup. Even the sides, including jicama cole slaw, are impressive. Take out or (local) delivery only, 227 1/2 N. Main St., Findlay. Tuesday - Thursday, 4 p.m. - 10 p.m., Friday - Saturday, 4 p.m. - 3 a.m. 419-421-JERK.
Victorian Tea Luncheon
Inquiring Cooks Need to Know
Learn the answers to the questions every cook needs to know such as “If I burn the garlic or butter do I really need to start over?” and “Does it make a difference how I measure the flour scoop, spoon or weigh?” while learning recipes these questions pertain to such as chocolate cake and spinach souffle. Call or see website to register. 10am-2pm. $65. un coup de main, 12695 Eggert Rd., Dundee, MI. 734-529-2318. www.georgeannbrown.com.
enter events online toledocitypaper.com
[thursday, march 11]
Gardening for Maximum Nutrition
Nutrition in vegetables is declining as soils are being “farmed out.” Learn how to get top nutrition, flavor and pest resistance into the foods you grow. Call or see website to register. 6pm-8pm. $10. The 577 Foundation, 577 River Rd., Perrysburg. 419-874-4174. www.577foundation.org.
Tastings take place Wednesdays and Thursdays, 6-8pm. $10 beer, $15 wine. Beer and Wine Cave, 4400 Heatherdowns. 419-382-6221. www.toledomeatsandmore.com.
[saturday, march 13] Sample a variety of wines, cheeses, and hors d’oeuvres. Participate in both live and silent auctions of pieces provided by local artists and businesses. Semiformal attire. 5:30pm. $45. Hilton Garden Inn,
March 3 • March 16
[monday, march 8]
Tastings at the Beer and Wine Cave
Join Vino 100 in welcoming Lindsay Schaffer from Goose Island Brewery in Chicago, IL for a beer and cheese pairing. Call for reservations. 7pm. Vino 100, 3355 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. $25. 419-866-8466. www.vino100maumee.com.
This luncheon is held in the restored Monclova School. Historic attire is welcome but not required. Tickets must be purchased in advance. 12:30pm. $25. Monclova Community Center, 8115 Monclova Rd., Monclova. 419-861-1336. www.monclovacommctr.org.
March 3-4
Goose Island Beer and Cheese Tasting
Mobile Meals of Toledo is heating things up with their 18th Annual Great Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, March 27 at the Stranhan Great Hall. The annual celebration helps raise funds for the organization known for its delivery of meals to the elderly, ill, disabled or homebound. Chili tasting takes place from noon - 4 p.m., followed by award presentations. A DJ from Glass City Sounds will keep the music playing as guests enjoy chef demonstrations and concessions. And it’s not too late to form your own team —head online to www. mobilemeals.org to register your team before the March 5 deadline! —GS
[saturday, march 6]
[saturday, march 6]
high spirits
It’s chili time!
Red and white blended wines and Spring release beers.
March 10-11
Great value wines of Spain and St. Patty’s Day beers.
March 17-18
Irish Beer and Spring Release Tasting. Wednesday 12-8pm, Thursday 6-8pm.
6165 Levis Commons Blvd., Perrysburg. 419-878-5188. www.watervillechamber.com.
[saturday, march 13]
Vineyard Adventure: Wines From Down Under
Enjoy an evening in the aquarium surrounded by aquatic life from around the world. Sample wine, enjoy entertainment and hors d’oeuvres. Call or see website to order tickets. 7-9pm. $35 members, $40 non-members. The Toledo Zoo, 2 Hippo Way, Toledo. 419-385-5721 x3092. www.toledozoo.org.
March 3 • March 16
Soul food for the family
Ruby’s Kitchen on Dorr St. serves up mouth-watering favorites by Brittany Jones Nestled in the middle of Library Plaza on Dorr Street, just east of Reynolds, is one of the few soul food restaurants in Toledo — Ruby’s Kitchen. The eatery began when owner Ruby Butler retired from Jeep. With time on her hands, she achieved her childhood dream of owning a restaurant. Teaming up with her daughter, she took her passion for cooking to another level, never looking back. With food that’s “cooked to order,” freshness is the focus. They bring the South up North with an array of mouthwatering food, including neck bones, polish sausage po’ boys, greens, catfish, black-eyed peas, and oxtails. No restaurant can be complete without a special
recipe, which, for Ruby’s, is the dressing. Their dressing is a year-round favorite, especially at Thanksgiving and Christmas, when people flock to Ruby’s in lieu of making their own. In addition to the dressing isthe batter Ruby’s prepares for fried fish and chicken. “Customers tell me they don’t cook as often since I opened,” said Butler, explaining their slogan, “Food so good, your kitchen will miss you.” “I take pride in my cooking. The food does not change and that is what’s special.” What makes it stand out from other soul food restaurants is the inclusion of family in the business operation. Alone, Butler and her daughter do all the cooking. Her other daughter and six grandchildren (ages six to 18) lend a hand by serving, taking orders and interacting with customers on a daily basis. This builds Ruby’s “homey,” family-oriented atmosphere.
Owner Ruby Butler creates soul food staples like polish sausage po’ boys, greens and oxtails at Ruby’s Kitchen. Butler credits her loyal customers for the restaurant’s success. Without them, another soul food eatery would disappear.
March 3 • March 16
“I appreciate the business,” says Butler, “Ours is the only restaurant of this type to hang in there and stay open,” Ruby’s Kitchen, 4933 Dorr St. Toledo. 419-578-5388. Open Tuesday noon - 8 p.m., Thursday - Saturday noon - 8 p.m., and Sunday 1 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Something great is in the ‘Works’ New Works Writers Series performs at Elizabeth’s House by Allen Sanders
The New Works Writers Series is no spring chicken to the Toledo theatre scene. Founded in 1989 by Dr. Imelda Hunt (currently a Professor at both Owens Community College and Bowling Green State University), NWWS was created to provide an outlet for local area writers, poets, musicians and actors. On Sunday, February 21, I had the opportunity to learn a little bit more about this theatre myself when I attended their performance of Pearl Cleage’s two character comedy/drama Late Bus To Mecca at Elizabeth’s House on the Notre Dame Provincial Campus.
l Jigs Dinn T ra d ition a t h o u r C he re f ’ s
wi p r e p a re d n e d b e e f a n d o c o w n r s e s al a d . ou a s m al l h
While the space itself does not necessarily lend itself to theatre performances, Hunt and her cast did a really smart job of staging and playing to the Dr. Imelda Hunt, founder of the New Works Writers space’s strength – its intimacy. Series, wows audiences with her latest play, Without benefit of set or lights, Late Bus To Mecca. it really came down to performance. And actors Latoya Williams and Jessica Kight were There is a conceit at work with this terrific as two women (one downtrodden, play that I won’t give away. But I will go the other a charismatic do-gooder) who so far as to say that mid-way through strike up a tenuous relationship over the Mecca, an event occurs that left me woncourse of waiting for a bus to Atlanta. dering, “What the heck just happened Not an easy thing to do considering one here?” and that affects the very nature of of the characters does not speak a word the piece through to the end. Needless to during the entire play. say, it’s pretty cool.
theater events [friday, march 5]
Murder Gets the Vote: Mystery Dinner
Follow the twists and turns with dogged Detective Horsit as he tries to find out who killed Senator Samuel Snootful and the ravishing singer, Suzanne Steamy. This dinner involves mystery and mayhem as Metroparks hosts the Memory Works dinner theater cast for a whodunit evening. See website for reservations. 6pm. $40 members, $50 nonmembers. Wildwood Manor House, 5100 W. Central Ave. 419-407-9700. www.metroparkstoledo.com.
[saturday, march 13]
The Designated Mourner
Woven out of three monologues, Wallace Shawn’s new play is a masterful drama about the self, politics, and the pursuit of aesthetic subtleties in brutal times. The play takes place in what seems to be the present or the near future in an unnamed Western country that is undergoing political conflict. Part of the Edgy Rep series. 8pm. $10. Trinity Episcopal Church, 1 Trinity Plaza. 419-243-9277. www.toledorep.org.
Mecca is a play that I would highly recommend if you’re in the mood for a thought-provoking, yet very funny theatre experience that is outside the mainstream. It kind of has an off-off Broadway, experimental feel to it. Oh, and leave the kiddies at home or you may find yourself on the red-faced end of explaining that just because dogs are animals and people are animals, why it’s not a good idea that they. . .er, um. . .you know. . . Of course, the hard part is finding the theatre. The New Works Writers Series leads a kind of nomadic existence, and their website has not been updated in a couple of years. After some in-depth researching, I found that New Works produces and conducts workshops, ethnic plays and seminars. They have produced over 50 plays, open poetry forums and musical performances. They also established the annual Northwest Ohio Poetry Slam in 1999. Nationally recognized spoken word poets such as Sonia Sanchez and Khari Kimani Turner have graced the New Works stage, and with performances as strong as Late Bus To Mecca, it’s surprising that the NWWS doesn’t make more arts news in the area. For more information, 419-380-8464/ www.newworkswritersseries.org
Be all the Irish you can be! If you’re looking to add a bit of luck to your St. Patty’s Day Celebration, join us for flowing pints of hand crafted green beer at the Maumee Bay Brew Pub. The pub will be open March 17th from 3pm - 10pm. The continue the party at Mutz until 2:30 a.m.
Monday - Thursday 3pm - 10pm Friday & Saturday 3pm- 11pm Located in the Historic Oliver House. 27 BROADWAY • TOLEDO, OHIO 43604 • CALL 419.243.1302
March 3 • March 16
friend us on 19
Much ado about theater
Lourdes College’s Theater Vision continues its 25th season supporting the upand-coming drama community with one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies on Tuesday, March 9. “Much Ado About Nothing” is a story featuring two couples—one completely devoted to each other, the other always locking horns, seemingly immune to love’s charms. Presented by the National Players, this fast-paced performance is full of friendship, betrayal, mistaken identity, hilarious antics and the power of love. Students are encouraged to attend several interactive sessions, presented by the National Players cast during this special Theater Vision Day. After the play, students are served lunch, and explore what occurs behind the scenes. 10 a.m. $12. 419-824-3986/www.lourdes.edu.
Loyal Lucretia
Witness a timeless story of love and betrayal as the Toledo Opera presents “Lucretia” at the Valentine Theatre on Saturday, March 13Sunday, March 14. In this production, hauntingly beautiful music is married to an ancient Roman tale. Written by Benjamin Britten, the opera follows the men of the Roman army as they discover that during their absence, their wives have faithlessly betrayed them, except Lucretia. The young Roman soldier Tarquinius plots to test her fidelity. First presented in 1946 at the
Glyndebourne Festival in England, Lucretia is a simple story told in a brutally direct fashion; a timeless opera sung in English. Saturday at 7 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. For tickets, www.toledoopera.org. Valentine Theatre, 410 Adams St. 419-242-2787/ www.valentinetheatre.com.
Cookin’ up a comedy
Put your finest dress clothes on, we’re going to the church...basement. The Stranahan Theater presents two performances of “Church Basement Ladies” on Tuesday, March 16. A celebration of the church basement kitchen and the women who work there, “Church Basement Ladies”, set in 1964, is a new musical comedy, featuring four distinct characters, highlighting their relationships as they organize the food and solve the problems of a rural Minnesota church about to undergo changes. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. $22-$32. Stranahan Theater, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd. 419-381-8851/ www.stranahantheater.com.
Wasserstein’s wit
Wendy Wasserstein’s “Third” debuts at the Village Players Theatre Friday, March 5, with a stellar cast and crew from the local theatre scene. Starring Maryjo Gavin and James MacFarlane, this timely comedy tells the story of college professor Laurie Jameson, whose seemingly well-ordered life as a wife, mother and daughter is thrown into disarray when she accuses a student—an outwardly stereotypical jock nicknamed “Third”—of plagiarism. Defined by its smart dialogue, crackling wit and wryness, “Third” is a prime example of what made the late Wasserstein a prominent female playwright of the last 20 years. Runs through Saturday, March 20. 8 p.m. $14. Village Players Theatre, 2740 Upton Ave. 419-472-6817/www.thevillageplayers.org. —ER
Free and FOCUSed
Now in its tenth year of presenting free, independent, first-run feature films, the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library announces its schedule for the 2010 Film FOCUS series. Showcasing a thoughtprovoking, indie film every Monday through April 12, the series kicks off Monday, March 8 with In Search of Memory, the story of an irrepressible and brilliant neuroscientist who examines human memory in a compelling personal quest to find his past in WWII Vienna. All films start at 6:45 p.m. Main Library, McMaster Center, 325 Michigan St. For full schedule, www.toledolibrary.org.
Class for the classics
Learn more about classic film cinema with Lourdes College’s Lifelong Learning program. The monthly program, open to anyone with an interest in pursuing an educational journey, begins sharing classic films and shorts starting Friday, March 19 with “Wide Open Faces” (1938) at 12:30 p.m. Facilitated by the Collingwood Arts Center’s Evan J. Chase, the film series takes learners back to the golden age of movies. Films follow regular Lifelong Learning meetings, which meet monthly on the third Friday in the Franciscan Center Theatre. $20, includes lunch and movie. Reservations required. For info, 419-824-3703/www.lourdes.edu.
‘Sky’s’ the limit
Rally with regional activists and the Toledo Women’s Bar Association for a night of accountability. The Ethiopian
Women’s Lawyers Association wants you to join in the fight to enforce a new “Family Code” law to end child bride abduction and forced marriage in Ethiopia. A nationwide screening of “Half the Sky” takes place Thursday, March 4, with a local showing at the Maumee 18 Cinema de Lux at 7:30 p.m. Based on the book of the same name, “Half the Sky” brings attention to the oppression of women and girls in the developing world and the importance of being a global citizen. $12.50. Maumee 18 Cinema de Lux, 1360 Conant St., Maumee. www/halftheskylive.com. —ER
also playing [sunday, march 14]
This classic film of 1942 stars Humphrey Bogart, Claude Rains, Ingrid Bergman and the wonderful Dooley Wilson as Sam. 2:30, 4:30 and 7pm. $3.50. Maumee Indoor Theater, 601 Conant St., Maumee. 419-897-8902. www.greateasterntheatres.org.
[thursday, march 11]
Roxie Hart
The film focuses on a showgirl who confesses to a Chicago murder in the hope the publicity will propel her faltering show business career. The film was a remake of the 1927 silent movie Chicago, which had been based on a play by Maurine Dallas Watkins, a journalist who had found her inspiration in two reallife Chicago trials she had covered for the press. Part of the Reel Talk movie series. 10am. Free. Way Library, 101 E. Indiana. www.waylibrary.info.
[tuesday, march 16]
Shotgun Stories
Jeffrey Nichols’ directorial debut centers on the misdirected anger of two sets of half brothers that escalates after their father’s death. The interaction between brothers Kid, Son, and Boy reveal the importance of family ties, while their confrontations with their father’s other sons helps to deconstruct such a concept. 7:30pm. Free. Gish Film Theater Hannah Hall, Bowling Green State University. 419-372-GISH. www.bgsu.edu/gish.
Poets gone MADD
Student poets involved in the MADD (Making A Direct Difference) Poets Society perform their stand-up poetry at the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library Mott Branch on Tuesday, March 9. Originally coinciding with Black History Month in February, the MADD Poets Society Family Night was rescheduled due to inclement weather. Poems centered around the topic of Black History Month, and written and performed by talented Lucas County student poets. Join David Bush, Mott Branch employee and founder of MADD Poets Society for this free literary event. The evening also features a live dance performance set to the music of Michael Jackson. 6 p.m. Mott Branch, 1085 Dorr St. 419-259-5230/toledolibrary.org. For more info, www.maddpoetssociety.org. —ER
March 3 • March 16
One bead at a time TMA encourages community participation in The Bead Goes On by Kelly McGilvery
A unique community art project is currently taking shape at the Toledo Museum of Art, and museum officials would like as many Toledoans as possible to get involved. At least 10,000 beads are needed to build a three-panel curtain at the Glass Pavilion. Workshops and studio time are offered as part of The Bead Goes On, TMA’s community engagement project that runs through autumn. A portion of one curtain panel is currently displayed at the Glass Pavilion, and is already a stunning example of creativity in glass, clay, metals and fiber. While many of the hundreds of beads were created onsite in museum studios by workshop participants, art students, and TMA employees, the museum is also seeking beads from artists working offsite, often from locations around the country. The Glass Pavilion’s Flameworking Studio is located on the building’s first floor, with a bank of windows overlooksing Parkwood Avenue and the Professional Building. Once the bead curtain is finished, this will be its permanent home. “The curtains will serve as an inspiration to students in this studio and to passersby,” said Robin Schultes, glass artist and TMA flameworking instructor. Schultes has been working with glass for Community members seventeen create colorful beads years, and for collaborative flameworkTMA project, The Bead ing for seven. Goes On. She is one of several TMA instructors leading workshops and classes creating beads for the project. In addition to glass beads, participants can create beads from fibers, metals, clay and more. In the flameworking studio, Schultes discussed the project while demonstrating the process of making glass beads. There is an agility required when making glass beads, a manual dexterity akin to rubbing your stomach and patting your head simultaneously. After repeating the process several times while adding more colors, Schultes set the mandrel in a toolbox annealer, a device which gradually lowers its internal temperature so that glass pieces cool slowly to avoid breakage.
After watching Schultes’ demonstration, I tried out the process myself. Though I’ve spent virtually my entire life in Toledo, this was my first experience working with glass. I had initially wondered how difficult the process could be, but there was something about the clarifying nature of working with both hands several inches from a torch flame that answered the question for me. Coordinating the mandrel and glass rod within the flame while maintaining the accumulating glass bead at a steady temperature, I was a little overwhelmed in a way similar to the kid with two left feet in a foxtrot workshop. Eventually, with Schultes’ help, I finished two beads and donated them to the curtain project. I’m glad for the experience, which helped me to understand the appeal of working with glass, as well as its enduring legacy in Toledo. A section of the curtain is currently displayed in the Glass Pavilion on a metal frame with wheels, so it can be moved around the museum campus for showings in different galleries. The beads vary in shape, size and color. Clay beads representing animals and abstract metal shapes are shown next to glass beads made in the flameworking studio. TMA has also received beads sent from participants in other places as well as those made by local students. “The idea that a kid can participate in this, and that his beads may be on the curtain next to those of a famous artist, is really exciting to me,” said Schultes. “His work could potentially be on display for years to come.” An estimated 10,000 beads are needed to complete the curtain. “We’ve really just gotten the project going this year, and we’re hoping that by October we’ll have the beads we need,” said Schultes. In addition to soliciting participation from the Toledo community, bead entries are welcomed from artists around the world. Schultes described opportunities to get involved by making beads. “We’re doing a lot with this project. There are workshops for making metal beads, fabric beads, clay beads, and glass beads.” For more information about The Bead Goes On, including a list of related classes and workshops, visit TMA’s website at www.toledomuseum.org/events/community
March 3 • March 16
Aqua fresh
Har Simrit Singh transcends street art with his new gallery show by Nathan Mattimoe Artist Har Simrit Singh (A.K.A Doug Curtis, Type-O) bridges the gap between worlds that often seem contradictory from fine art to street art, the spiritual to the physical, the inward and the outward self, public and commercial. By incorporating elements of graffiti, graphic design, silk screening, illustration, typography and collage, Singh’s paintings invoke a sense of the many layers of the physical and spiritual world and how they relate to the human condition both personal and cultural. As a member of the B-Collective (along with Yusuf Lateef and Adam Russel) and the Rise Above graffiti crew, these themes are pushed and explored to their fullest, both personally and communally. Singh’s solo show, Rius Aqua, opens at Bozarts, 151 S. St. Clair, on March 5 with a reception starting at 6 p.m. A closing reception takes place on March 30 (which just so happens to be Singh’s 30th birthday.) TCP sat down with Singh in his downtown studio to discuss art and graffiti. How did you initially become the artist you are today?: I got into art as a kid with drawing. Comic books were a big part of that. I drew a lot of comic book characters like a lot of kids do. In junior high and high school I got heavily into skate boarding and was influenced by skate-influenced graphics and graffiti, ‘80s art. All through
high school, graffiti was the main influence. The teachers hated it and would argue that it wasn’t real art which became a motivation so to speak to prove them wrong. After high school I went to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh which was great because it’s an older school and they really focused on foundations like drawing and hands-on type stuff as opposed to all digital and that sort of thing. I needed a little reprieve from the cold midwest weather and transferred to the Art Institute in Phoenix where I finished my bachelor’s in graphic design. What is your preferred media?: I like a little bit of everything in my paintings - aerosol art, design work, silk screening and traditional illustration along with more traditonal print making techniques. I often paint on wood panels that I build or a friend builds for me. Aerosol is obviously a big part, but also acrylics, pigment-based inks and collage elements like torn paper. I’m getting into making vinyl stencils which are showing up more in my work. I just recently got into metal smithing, which adds a structural element to my work. What does graffiti mean as an art form to you, what is its intent personally?:
- it isn’t just visable by a select few like say in a gallery. It’s accesible by the community. It also gives me an opportunity to interact with people as I am creating a piece. The roots of graffiti are meant to contradict the more negative forces in the city and try to create something positive or add beauty to the environment, counteracting the pollution of commercial advertisement. It is also an art form that speaks well to young people, so it’s a powerful tool to educate young people in a non-sterile way. Kids are captivated by it. There is a magic involved in creating something with a spray Singh combines portraiture with elements of can. It is also a really quick megaraphic art and graffiti in his new series of work. dium to work with. You can cover a large area in a short period of time. With the acrylic painting and the iland the surrealist movement. As far as lustration I do it’s a lot slower process, graffiti goes here in Toledo Jerry Hazard with graffiti it almost has this element of (Haz) was a local legend and took a lot of performance art in it. It’s fun to watch us under his wing and steared us in the and see how it all comes together. right direction. I also have to mention other locals like Heist and Spiz. Outside Who are your artistic influences?: Toledo - legendary graf artists Mear One, As far as illustration and painting a Serk 2 and Fyce. few that I’ve always been influenced by Singh’s exhibit shows at Bozarts March5-30. are Frank Frazetta, Sam Kieth, and Dali 151 S. St. Clair, Toledo.
Graffiti is a powerful tool. It is public
Pop into Parkwood
The Arts Commission of Greater Toledo continues its artistically diverse exhibit “Carnick, Norman and Onodera” at the Parkwood Gallery. Running through Friday, March 12, this group exhibition features work by three completely original local artists. Come see large acrylic paintings by Andrea Carnick, digital work by Beverly Norman and experimental jewelry by Masako Onodero. Parkwood Gallery, 1838 Parkwood Ave. 419-254-2787/www.acgt.org.
Fiber artists are wanted to participate in the Perrysburg Area Arts Council’s third annual Fiber Art Show, scheduled for Saturday, June 5 and Sunday, June 6 at the 577 Foundation. The juried art show is a showcase of innovative uses of fiber media, including, but not limited to, art quilts, needle arts, wearable art, experimental fiber, textile collage and weaving. Monetary awards given for People’s Choice and Best Of Show. Deadline is Thursday, April 1, so submit your pieces today. Individual artists may submit up to three pieces, $15 entry fee. 419-873-2787/ www.perrysburgarts.org/fiberart.
Bras gone wild
Bust out those bras, ladies (and brave gents), it’s time for the 2010 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Battle of the Brassiere Project. This “comp.bra.tition” seeks creators of the most fabulous, funniest, or fancy bra. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, the decorative bra competition takes place at the Town Center
March 3 • March 16
at Levis Commons. Bras will be on display through the month of April, leading up to the breast cancer walk on Saturday, May 8. Don’t procrastinate, get those creative undergarments underway today. Submissions, along with contact info, can be dropped off at Second Sole at Levis Commons. You can also drop off or mail them to The American Cancer Society Northwest Ohio Office, 740 Commerce Dr. Suite B., Perrysburg, Ohio 43551. Submissions accepted through May 1. For more info, 888-227-6446 ext. 5206
Shot and framed
The Toledo Museum of Art offers plenty of hands-on workshops this month to help inspire the creative geniuses inside us all. Sunday, March 7 honors Gordon Parks (poet, musician and photographer) with a free framing workshop. “Get Framed!” will feature jazz music while you decorate your own frame and write a caption for your image. Workshop runs 2-4 p.m. Friday, March 12 calls out to all aspiring photographers. The workshop titled “Setting Up the Shot” provides tips on what to look for and how to capture the perfect image. Bring your own camera, and professionals will demonstrate the best arrangement for an incredible photograph. 7:30 p.m. For more info, www.toledomuseum. org. Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St. 419-255-8000. —ER
Toledo Museum of Art
events friday 5 Children’s Art Exhibit Opening Reception, 6pm. The Annual Children’s Art
Exhibit celebrates March Youth Art Month with several Toledo Elementary Public Schools and local art teacher Elizabeth Lane’s students showing off their creativity in a diverse array of media. Space 237 Galleries and ClaySpace, 237 N. Michigan St. 419-255-5117. www.space237.com. Through March 26.
Flatlanders Art Gallery
UT Department of Art Juried Student Art Showcase, The University of Toledo
11993 E. US 223 Blissfield. 517-486-4591. www.flatlandersculpture.com
Department of Art is proud to showcase the work of its students in an annual juried exhibit. Sculptor and Wayne State art faculty member, Eric Troffkin, serves as juror. UT Center for Visual Arts, 620 Grove Place. www.utoledo.edu/as/art. Through March 21.
With Technical Assistance, Flatland-
ers Art Galleries proudly presents this exhibit with the TAs of Adrian College, featuring artists John Ahearn, Janel Dziesinski, and Meghan Walton. Through April 3.
Switch Hitters III, Features sculpture by Ken Tohmpson and John Leyland. Through April 25.
Leslie Adams: Recent Drawings,
Seder Burns and Jody Russ, Jody’s work
The show features recent drawings by local portrait artist Leslie Adams. Through April 25.
is of a series of her personal sketchbooks exploring the relationship between the public and private. Seder’s work is a series of photographs on local beekeeping and honey production. Downtown Latte’, 44 S. Saint Claire, 419-340-4764. www.downtownlatte.com. Through March 5.
Black History Month Exhibit, The 15th
annual exhibit features work by Aaron S. Bivins, with guest artists Wil Clay, Charles T. Gabriel, Jr. Marcus Nunn, John Wade III, Mack Walton, Warren Woodberry and Yolanda Woodberry. 20 North Gallery, 18 N. St. Clair St. Through March 6.
Carnick, Norman, Onodera, The group exhibit features large acrylic paintings by Andrea Carnick, digital work by Beverly Norman and experimental jewelry by Masako Onodera. Parkwood Gallery, 1838 Parkwood Ave., Toledo. 419-254-2787. www.acgt.org. Through March 12.
A photograph by Seder Burns on display at Downtown Latte through March 5. A Family Affair Art Exhibition, Family members and professional artists Louis, Susan and Matthew Kruger are known for using mixed media and the social commentary act as a common thread in the fabric of their artistic work. A Family Affair art exhibit combines an array of fibers, photographs and digital imagery to create a “carnival like” atmosphere. Walter E. Terhune Gallery, Owens Community College, Oregon Rd., Northwood. 567-661-2721. www.owens.edu. Through March 27.
March Art Showcase, This month’s Art Showcase features art from the Sunshine Studio on display and for sale through the month of March. Georgette’s Grounds and Gifts, 311 Conant, Maumee. 419-891-8888. www.georgettes.org. Through March 31 Absolut Europa, River House Arts gallery
presents a fine-art print show with pieces by many famous artists including Miro, Vogel, Kandinsky and Dali. River House Arts, 115 W. Front St., Perrysburg. 419-874-8900. www.river-house-arts.com. Through April 3.
enter events online toledocitypaper.com
March 3 • March 16
2445 Monroe St. 419.255.8000 www.toledomuseum.org
it’s friday Open until 10pm.
March 5 Create a glass flower in an Art Hour session ($15 members/$25 nonmembers), enjoy Irish music with Extra Stout, view glass-blowing demonstrations and take a public tour. March 12 Create a glass flower in an Art Hour session ($15 members/$25 nonmembers), make glass beads in a Flameworking session ($15 members/$25 nonmembers) and view glass-blowing demonstrations with featured artist Eric Slawson.
starting march12 Mexico’s Toledo, Francisco Toledo is inspired by Mexican culture, his native state of Oaxaca, and his Zapotic heritage. Using surrealist influences and a deep knowledge of printmaking technique, Toledo’s art shows an appreciation for the aesthetics of nature. Located in Gallery 18. Through May 9.
ongoing exhibitions Bare Witness: Photographs by Gordon Parks, Pioneering photographer, journalist, and film director Gordon Parks captured a cross section of the human experience—from wealth to poverty, fame to obscurity in his visually arresting images. Perhaps best known as the director of the Hollywood hit Shaft, Parks was first acknowledged as a master of the photographic arts. Through April 25. Whistler: Influences, Friends and the Not-So-Friendly, Featuring works on paper from the Toledo Museum of Art’s renowned collection, the exhibition highlights the talents of the iconic American artist James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834–1903), positioning his work within the context of his contemporaries, influences, friends, and enemies. As a printmaker, Whistler was a leading personality among all modern etchers. Through May 30.
wednesday 3 [ education ]
TOPICS Camera Club, Guest speaker, Ms. Sharon Cummings, gives a presentation entitled “How to Improve Your Nature Photography.” 7pm. Way Public Library, 101 E. Indiana Ave., Perrysburg.
[ literary ]
Authors! Authors! Series Featuring Mike Farrell, Producer and star of the show M*A*S*H, Farrell is also a human rights activist and speaks out on his opposition of the death penalty. His books include Of Mule and Men, and Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist. 7pm. $10, $8 for students. Great Hall at the Stranahan Theater, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd. 419-259-5207. www.toledolibrary.org.
[ spiritual fitness ]
Zen Buddhist Evening Practice, This traditional Zen Buddhist Wednesday evening practice at the Toledo Zen Center includes liturgy, Zen meditation, a talk and discussion. 7:15pm. Free will offering of $10 suggested. Shobu Aikido of Ohio, 6537 Angola Rd., Holland. 419-861-1163. www.toledozen.org.
[ miscellaneous ]
Law Day, Get free legal advice presented by the Thurgood Marshall Law Association. 6-8pm. Free. Frederick Douglass Community Center, 1001 Indiana Ave. 419-244-6722.
thursday 4 [ education ]
Eberly Center for Women Brown Bag Luncheon, Abby Youngs, General Manager, Phoenix Food Coop presents “Cooperatives in our Community.” 12:30pm. Free. Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women, University of Toledo, Tucker Hall 0168. 419-530-8570. www.womenscenter.utoledo.edu. Landscape Design for Wildlife, This five-part series introduces the elements of landscape design and allow participates to draft a formal landscape plan for their property while incorporating native plants, feeding stations and water features to attract watchable wildlife. See website to register. 6:30pm. Wildwood Metropark, 5100 W. Central. 419-407-9700. www.metroparkstoledo.com.
[ outdoors ]
March Forth on March Fourth, On the only day of the year that is a command, enjoy a walk across the battlefield of Fallen Timbers. Discover the path of Anthony Wayne’s Legion and the details of the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Weather permitting. See website to register. 4pm. Sidecut Metropark, Fallen Timbers Monument, Maumee. 419-407-9700. www.metroparkstoledo.com.
Do good and dodge saturday6
friday 5 [ dance ]
Limitless Dance, Toledo School for the Arts dancers present this program featuring the contemporary dance styles of jazz, tap, lyrical, and ballet. 7pm. Adults $10, students and seniors $5. OCC Center for Fine and Performing Arts, 30335 Oregon Rd., Perrysburg. www.ts4arts.org.
[ education ]
5th Annual Diversity Symposium, The conference is geared to human resources professionals and any business persons interested in the topic of diversity. Featured speakers are Mark Butler, “Making a Business Case for Diversity” and Linda Mansour, “Can’t We All Focus on Being Good People? Seeing Beyond Someone’s Religion” and keynote speaker, Victor Antonio, “Diversity – A New Perspective.” Emcee for the event is Sashem Brey, WTVG-TV 13 Anchor/Reporter. 7:30am-12pm. $50-$75. The Pinnacle, 1772 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee. 419-725-5205. www.toledoshrm.org.
[ singles ]
Glass City Singles: Fortune Cookie Blast, The hostess hands out fortune cookies containing a future prediction. Be sure to share them with your friends both present and future. $8. 8pm-11:55pm. Gladieux Meadows, 4480 Heatherdowns Rd. 734-856-8963. www.toledosingles.com.
[ sports ]
Toledo Walleye Hockey, The Walleye take on the Trenton Devils. 7pm. $15. Lucas County Arena, 500 Jefferson Ave. www.toledowalleye.com.
[ miscellaneous ]
Women Alive’s 25th Anniversary, The event celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Women Alive! Coalition which honors women’s history month. Featured is a plaque dedication for Ottabee Sims, local educator, public servent, minister, and realtor. Lunch speaker is Jennifer Moyer Geirger who will discuss “The Harvey Girls,” western pioneer waitresses in spotless uniforms who served “blue-plate specials.” Call for reservations. 11:30am-2:30pm. $10 lunch. 419-243-9952. Kent Branch Library, 3101 Collingwood Blvd.
Fans of the cult movie “Dodgeball” know Patches O’Houlihan’s five Ds of Dodgeball well: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge. But Toledo’s Just Play Sports Now along with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society have added a sixth D to the rulebook: Donate. Saturday, March 6th, Just Play Sports Now and the charity that raises money to support blood cancer research and patient services will host a one day Dodgeball tournament. Companies, families, friends and individuals are invited to play at Gold Medal in Rossford from noon-5 p.m., where you’ll be entered into a single elimination tournament. A portion of all proceeds go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, so don your sweatbands and gym shorts for a good time and a great cause. Sign yourself or your team up at www.justplaysportsnow.com for a discounted prepay rate of $25 per individual and $150 per 6 person team, or call Daniel at 419-283-4503 to pay by check. Day-of registration is also available starting at 11am for $30 per individual and $180 per 6 person team. —CE
saturday 6 [ benefit ]
Cheap and Chic, Shop an assortment of discounted items made available by many local boutiques. Proceeds benefit Toledo Children’s Hospital. 10am4pm. $5. Navy Bistro, 26 Main St. 419-843-7200. www.loftandhome.com. Mary Immaculate School Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle, Raffle prizes include a one night stay at a Kalahari African suite with free waterpark passes, an iPOD Touch 8GB, and an American Girl Doll. General raffles throughout the evening. 4pm-7pm. $5-$7. Notre Dame Academy, 3535 W. Sylvania Ave.
[ comedy ]
Royal Comedy Tour, Comedians Sommore, Bruce Bruce and Don “D.C.” Curry bring the funny for one night. Call or see website for ticket info. 8pm. Stranahan Theater, 4645 Heatherdowns Rd. 1-800-745-3000. www.stranahantheater.com.
[ health ]
A Day of Harmony and Wellness, Chicks for Charity and Harmony in Life present a day to bring harmony and balance to your life. Mini sessions are offered in Thai massage, chair yoga, chair massage, vibrational attunement with tuning forks and life coaching. Call to reserve your space. $30. 10am-4pm. Harmony in Life, 5747 Main St., Sylvania. 419-517-0047. www.harmonyinlifecenter.com.
[ outdoors ]
Travel Circle: Beijing Olympics, Spend an afternoon with Hostelling International. Hike or ski at 1pm, weather permitting. Enjoy a slide show
March 3 • March 16
presented by Jack McBride following at 2pm. 1pm. Sidecut Metropark, Lamb Center, 1025 W. River Rd. 419-407-9700. www.metroparkstoledo.com.
[ sports ]
Toledo Walleye Hockey, The Walleye take on the Charlotte Checkers. $15. 7pm. Lucas County Arena, 500 Jefferson Ave. www.toledowalleye.com.
sunday 7 [ dance ]
Northwest Ohio Dance Club, This dance includes swing, hustle, latin, country western, ballroom, and line dancing from 5pm-9pm. Come early for west coast swing dance lessons, 4pm-5pm. Lessons are free for members and $5 for guest members. Call for tickets. Members $5, guests $10. The Toledo Yacht Club, 3900 N. Summit St. 419-376-6071.
[ education ]
Organics 101, Learn crop rotations, planting schedules and varieties to get the most value from your garden. Entice pollinators with native plants and make a Mason Bee house. Bring a sample of your soil to get tested and sample garden foods. Sponsored by Olander Park System, Lucas County Soil and Water Conservation District and The 577 Foundation. Call or see website to register. 1pm-4pm. $25. The 577 Foundation, 577 River Rd., Perrysburg. 419-874-4174. www.577foundation.org. Momentum 2010, Momentum 2010 Northwest Ohio Young Women’s Summit features keynote speaker Kristin Brown from WTVG, who discusses “A Girl’s Guide to Gaining Momentum in Life.” The afternoon will be filled with motivational speakers as well as small interactive groups, led by talented, knowledgeable women who will share information and experiences. Free to young women in the
photo by Kevin Payravi - Wikimedia
Back to the Bay saturday13 Are you on a boat? The Toledo Yacht Club sure hopes so. Help them celebrate the warmer times that are almost upon us at the annual Back to the Bay party Saturday, March 13. This public event features live music by 56 Daze on the main floor, and dance music with a live DJ on the lower level. Hop aboard! 6 p.m. $5. Toledo Yacht Club, 3900 N. Summit St. 419-726-3485/ www.toledoyachtclub.com. —ER
7th through 12th grade. See website to register. 12pm.-5pm. Free. Dana Conference Center, 3100 Glendale Ave. 419-321-0023. www.momentum2010toledo.eventbrite.com. March Lecture Series, Join the Friends of Pearson Sundays for a lecture series discussing various products from the forest and how these shaped the
region. After the lecture, tour the Johlin Cabin for an open house until 5pm and learn how settlers to the area depended on these products for survival. 2pm. Pearson Metropark, 4600 Starr Ave., Oregon. 419-407-9700. www.metroparkstoledo.com.
[ sports ]
Toledo Walleye Hockey, The Walleye take on the Charlotte Checkers. $15. 5:30pm. Lucas County Arena, 500 Jefferson Ave. www.toledowalleye.com.
[ miscellaneous ]
Sauder Village Bridal Show, From the wedding dress and flowers to decorations, food and photos – this show provides an afternoon of information and inspiration. 12pm-4pm. $5. Sauder Village, 2661 St. Rt. 2, Archbold. 800-590-9755. www.saudervillage.org.
tuesday 9 [ comedy ]
Luck of the Irish
A quick look at St. Patty’s Day events Blarney O’ Papalis The Blarney Irish Pub and Pizza Papalis 601 Huron St. Friday, March 12-Saturday, March 13 Toledo’s biggest pre-Patty’s Day celebration with beer tent, live music and special appearance by Leprechaun Paddy O’Rielly. Friday 4 p.m. - 1 a.m., Saturday 7 p.m. - 1 a.m. $5. www.theblarneyirishpub.com 20th Annual Hibernian St. Patrick’s Festival Sullivan Center at Central Catholic High School 2550 Cherry St. Friday, March 12-Saturday, March 13 Family-friendly event featuring live music, Irish dancers, Irish food, trip to Ireland raffle, a student art fair (All things Irish), kids korner, and Irish and American beer on tap. Friday 5 p.m. - midnight, Saturday 11 a.m. - midnight. $6, 13 and under free with an adult. www.tolaoh.com Irish Jiggs Dinner Sidelines Sports Eatery - 2111 Mellwood Ave. Sunday, March 14 Traditional Irish dinner and entertainment by Punching Buddha. Raffle and door prizes. 1-4 p.m. $20. Proceeds benefit the Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank. 419-474-0000
bluegrass tunes during the lunch rush. Noon. Free. www.glasscitycafe.com 13th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Party Mickey Finn’s Pub - 602 Lagrange St. Wednesday, March 17 It’s St. Patrick’s Day the 17th of every month at Mickey Finn’s, but March is a real cause for celebration, featuring all day specials, Jigg’s dinner and appearance by Paddy Murphy, Bobby May Drybones Revival and Boogie Matrix Mechanism. 11- 2:30 a.m. www.mickeyfinnspub.com
Jim Breuer, Breuer is most noted for his time as a cast member on Saturday Night Live and starring in the 1998 cult “stoner comedy” Half-Baked. Half-Baked 7:30pm. $27. Fat Fish Blue Home of the Funny Bone, 6140 Levis Commons Blvd., Perrysburg. 419-931-3474. www.toledofunnybone.com.
[ health ]
Tai Chi for Adults, Participants view a demonstration of the Yang style Short Form Tai Chi and learn basic moves that can be practiced at home. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and supportive shoes. Call to register. Toledo-Lucas County Library - Sanger Branch, 3030 W. Central Ave. 419-259-5370. www.toledolibrary.org.
St. Patrick’s Day Party Chuck’s on Monroe 4477 Monroe St. Wednesday, March 17 Toledo’s wildest St. Patty’s Day party, featuring Jiggs dinner, green beer, real leprechauns and tunes spun by DJ Matt Lewis. 10am-2:30 a.m. www.chucksonmonroe.com Dixieland and Corn Beef SouthBriar Restaurant 5147 Main St., Sylvania Wednesday, March 17 Enjoy music by Ray Heitger’s N’Orleans Dixeland Jass Jam and a corn beef dinner special. 7 p.m. Price TBA. www.southbriar.biz
Irish Bluegrass Lunch Glass City Cafe - 1107 Jackson St. Wednesday, March 17 The Blowing Grains play all your favorite Irish
March 3 • March 16
St. Patrick’s Festival friday12 - saturday13 May the luck of the Irish be with you at the 20th annual St. Patrick’s Festival on Friday, March 12- Saturday, March 13 at Catholic Central High School. Promoted as Toledo’s “only Irish festival,” the event features food, music and a chance to win a trip to Ireland through a raffle. Don’t miss performances by John Connolly & Co., Knot Fibb’n, Extra Stout and Clusterfolk. Live dance numbers by Ardan Academy Irish Dancers and Molly’s Irish Dancers. This event is co-sponsored by Adams Street Publishing Co. Friday, 5 p.m.-midnight, Saturday, 11 a.m.-midnight. $6. Central Catholic High School, 2550 Cherry St. www.tolaoh.com. —ER
[ poetry ]
Madd Poets Society Family Night In Celebration of Black History Month, The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library joins Madd Poets Society in celebrating Black History Month with an evening of poetry. Join David Bush, Mott employee and founder of Madd Poets Society, at this free event of creativity and poetry. Madd is an acronym for Making A Direct Difference, and is comprised of talented young poets throughout Lucas County. 6pm-7pm. Toledo-Lucas County Library - Mott Branch Library, 1085 Dorr St. 419-259-5230. www.toledolibrary.org.
[ spiritual fitness ]
Today and Beyond Ecumenical Bereavement Support Group, All who are grieving the loss of a loved one are welcome. Confidentiality, respect for others, and support are always present. The group offers monthly support meetings. Please bring an object that reflects the significance of your relationship/memory with your loved one. 6:30pm8pm. Christ the King Church, Parish Meeting Room, 4100 Harvest Lane. 419-475-4348.
[ miscellaneous ]
Anti-Cruelty Measure Campaign Kick-off, A historic ballot initiative campaign is now underway to prevent some of the cruelest factory farming practices in Ohio. Volunteers all over the state are communicating with their fellow citizens and starting to gather more than 600,000 signatures to place a measure on the November 2010 ballot. Volunteer petitioners are needed to make this vital effort a success. Find out how you can help. 6pm. Toledo Humane Society, 1920 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee. www.toledohumanesociety.com.
wednesday 10 [ miscellaneous ]
Twist, Resale shop, Twist, opens their doors for their monthly 4-day sale. Twist, 4330 Monroe St. Through March 13.
March 3 • March 16
networking events thursday 4 Women’s Entrepeneurial Network Marketing Roundtable
This meeting will be for WEN members only to brainstorm with fellow WEN members about the challenges, ideas, successes and failures you have had in marketing your business. Call or see website to find out how to become a member. 9:30am. Nedleys Ice Cream and Coffee Cafe, 200 E. Boundary St., Perrysburg. www.wen-usa.com.
friday 12 Women’s Connection West Luncheon
The luncheon features Stacy Gardner from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and special speaker Mary Haddad as she shares “Survival and Success in the Search for Significance.” Call for reservations by Monday, March 8. 11:15am-1:15pm. $14. 419-841-9653. Sylvania Country Club, 5201 Corey Rd.
HEY networking groups! enter your events at
Stop by the 2445 thursday11 The Toledo Museum of Art teams up with Toledo City Paper, Heidelberg Distributing and Guitar Center to present the next 2445 Series: The Art of Funk, Thursday, March 11. The second of four events in the series, The Art of Funk is a highenergy evening of free form creativity. An eclectic mix of ten local musicians present an extended jam session with funky band mashups like you’ve never heard, while various painters, potters and glassblowers present live demonstrations. Appearances by painters Jerry Gray and Kerry Krow of Quest for Fire Studios, potters Dan Michelsem and Julie Webster of Shine Ceramics and Glass Studio Manager and artist Jeff Mack. All pieces created during the event are available for purchase via silent auction. Delight in offbeat, original treats by Chef Erika Rapp, and an off-the-wall selection of beers, wines and liquors provided by Heidelberg Distributing. 7 p.m. $25 members/$30 nonmembers. Toledo Museum of Art Glass Pavilion, 2445 Monroe St. 419-255-8000/www.toledomuseum.org.. —ER
thursday 11 [ education ]
Wolcott House Museum Guild Lecture Series, Re-enactor Diane Bishop lectures on “Living Like a Native American: A Woman’s View.” 10am. Free. Toledo-Lucas County Library - Maumee Branch, 501 River Rd. 419-259-5360. www.toledolibrary.org.
friday 12 [ benefit ]
The Greater Toledo Urban League Dinner, The annual fundraiser acknowledges the services provided in the past year, reiterates their mission purpose and vision, and thanks their extremely loyal supporters. They are celebrating 100 years of service to communities across the nation through the National Urban League Movement. Keynote
speaker for the night is Marc Morial (National Urban League President). Call or see website for tickets. 6:15pm. $100. Parkway Place, 2592 Parkway Plaza, Maumee. 419-243-3343. www.gtul.org.
[ comedy ]
Taylor Mason, Comedian, musician and ventriloquist presents an evening of good clean entertainment the whole family can enjoy. Proceeds fund a new roof for the church building at Toledo Grace Brethren Church. 7:30pm. $20, $25. Maumee Indoor Theater, 601 Conant St. 419-472-1212.
[ education ]
Employment Law Conference, This seminar features the area’s foremost attorneys in labor and employment law. Twelve different workshops show you where potential costly mistakes exist and
provide practical guidelines for staying out of court. 8am-4pm. $185-$275. Hilton Garden Inn, Levis Commons, Perrysburg. 419-885-8505. www.employersassociation.com.
Funky shoes encouraged. Admission is free, dinner is $45. Call for dinner reservations. 6pm. The Toledo Club, 235 14th St. 419-246-8732 x224. www.ts4arts.org.
[ outdoors ]
[ outdoors ]
Star Watch, Learn about astronomy and interesting facts about constellations through an indoor presentation at the Oak Openings Lodge, followed by an outdoor sky watch. A telescope will be available to use, but you are encouraged to bring your own. If the sky is not clear, a night hike will be offered. See website to register. 7pm. $5. Oak Openings Preserve, 5598 Berkeley Southern Rd., Whitehouse. 419-407-9700. www.metroparkstoledo.com.
[ sports ]
Monster Trucks, These twelve-feet tall, tenthousand-pound machines rip up a custom-designed track full of obstacles to soar over or smash through. See website for times. $25, $30. Lucas County Arena, 500 Jefferson Ave. 800-745-3000. www.lucascountyarena.com.
[ miscellaneous ]
Home and Garden Show, The show features exhibits of garden displays, outdoor lighting and home improvements. See website for more info. SeaGate Convention Centre, 401 Jefferson Ave. 419-255-3300. www.toledo-seagate.com.
saturday 13 [ benefit ]
Steppin’ Out, The Toledo Club comes alive with the funky shoe event of the season: the fifth annual Steppin’ Out Live and Silent Auction with guest auctioneer WTOL’s Jerry Anderson. Auction items include student and professional art as well as trips, home furnishings and music. All funds raised benefit the programs of Toledo School for the Arts.
March 3 • March 16
Travel Circle: Spectacular Southwest Adventure, Spend an afternoon with Hostelling International. Hike or ski at 1pm, weather permitting. At 2:15pm, enjoy a slide show presented by Judy Pfaffenberger. Oak Openings Preserve, Lodge, Wilkins Rd. entrance. 419-407-9700. www.metroparkstoledo.com.
sunday 14 [ education ]
Shades of Green: Simple things You Can Do the Help the Earth, Jamie Kochensparger, Education Specialist for Lucas Soil and Water Conservation District, presents “Shades of Green: Simple Things You Can Do to Help the Earth.” Learn simple, everyday things you can do that can add up to a big impact both in green savings and a green environment. This presentation is part of Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Association’s “Naturally Speaking” seminar series, held on the second Sunday of each month. Ottawa Wildlife Refuge - Visitors Center, 14000 West US Rte. 2, Oak Harbor. 419-898-0014. www.fws.gov/midwest/ottawa.
monday 15 [ education ]
Vegetarian Vitals, The Toledo Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation announces the Healthy Living series of classes taught by Kris Johnson, M.S. nutrition, and Lisa Bowe, C.H.P., Health Counselor. The series teaches the basics of a traditional nourishing diet. Call to register. 6pm-8pm. Free. Grace Lutheran Church, 4441 Monroe St. 419-836-7637. www.WAPFToledo.org.
Howard’s Club H: Analog Revolution w/ Solar 8 and The Wobblies The Village Idiot: The Ron Baralli Band TCP
Degage Jazz Cafe: Gene Parker TCP SouthBriar Restaurant: Ray Heitger’s N’Orleans Dixieland Jass Jam
The Distillery: Nathan Cogan TCP Treo Restaurant: Acoustic Outcast featuring Kristie
The Distillery: Rock Star Wednesdays TCP
Bier Stube: Karaoke TCP Daddy Oh’s: Open Mic Night w/ Jason Quick and Ben Langlois
indicates our picks for the week
The Dog House Bar and Grill: Karaoke w/ Riz Pack WoodChuck’s: Karaoke w/ DJ Georgia Peach Yeeha’s Bar and Grill: Karaoke Night
Frankie’s Inner City: Seasons After Grumpy Dave’s Pub: Balloon Messenger Howard’s Club H: Dethrats w/ Red9 and Gale Tempest TCP Mickey Finn’s Pub: Joey and the Traitors The Bronze Boar: Rivers Edge TCP The Village Idiot: The Ragbirds Woodchuck’s: Univox w/ Faux Pas, Bad Cop and The Tides
Degage Jazz Cafe: Tim Whalen TCP Manhattan’s Restaurant: Quick Trio Papa’s Tavern: Bobby May and Friends
The Blarney Irish Pub: Rick Whited
Avalon: Temptation Thursdays
Bier Stube: Karaoke Mutz: Karaoke The Ottawa Tavern: Primal Groove
TCP Bier Stube: Bourbon Street Fat Fish Blue: East River Drive Frankie’s Inner City: The Tossers Ground Level Coffee House: Stately Mane w/ Shannon Headliners: 2010 Rock Fights Howard’s Club H: Sweet Assult w/ Metamotive and The Black Order Mickey Finn’s Pub: Bleu Ox w/ Tides The Bronze Boar: Noisy Neighbors The Distillery: Steve Mullan Band TCP The Omni: Thunderstruck (AC/DC Tribute) Woodchuck’s: Dave Richmond, Toby Moss, Eric Kleinert and Romantic Warfare
New Machines take a new approach to punk rock, complementing the often simplified genre with saxophones. Formed in Toledo in 1998 by Eric Blair and Sam Krall, the band has seen widespread success, undoubtedly due their unusual use of three chord progressions mixed with jazzy horns. Influenced by a variety of genres, New Machines sound has elements of ‘70s punk, ‘80s rock, along with blues, bebop and jazz. Having grown into a five-piece over the years—featuring Blair on guitar and lead vocals, Krall on tenor and baritone sax, Jayant Thomas on drums, and Jim DeGregorio and Leann Wanucha on bass—this talented group of musicians resides partly in Toledo and partly in Cincinnati (making practice an interesting event). Despite the distance between its members, New Machines keep swinging away, and they never miss a beat. Don’t miss a rare, but impressive live show at Woodchuck’s on Saturday, March 13. 8 p.m. Free. Woodchuck’s, 224 S. Erie St. www.myspace.com/newmachines. —ER
March 3 • March 16
W E H AV E I T A L L O N L I N E ! C O M P L E T E M U S I C E V E N T S AT T O L E D O C I T Y PA P E R . C O M
March 3 • March 16
indicates our picks for the week
TECUMSEH CENTER FOR THE ARTS/ SATURDAY, MARCH 6 Tonic Sol-fa create instruments with their mouths. They’re not the first group to sing a cappella but, accompanied only by a tambourine, they’re certainly a successful vocal group. Hailing from St. Cloud, Minnesota, Tonic Sol-fa has proven themselves to be the most in-demand band of their kind in the Midwest. Formed in the mid-‘90s by Mark McGowan (baritone), Shaun Johnson (lead vocals), Greg Bannwarth (tenor) and Jared Dove (bass), this singing quartet has received praise on NBC’s Today Show, The Jay Leno Show, and were recently part of Garrison Keillor’s 30th anniversary celebration of A Prairie Home Companion on NPR. They just released their sixth album, On Top of the World. Don’t miss a special public performance at the Tecumseh Center for the Arts on Saturday, March 6. 7:30 p.m. $24. Tecumseh Center for the Arts, 400 N. Maumee St., Tecumseh, MI. 517-423-6617/www.thetca.org. —ER
Degage Jazz Cafe: Gay
Galvin Manhattan’s Restaurant: Frostbite Murphy’s Place: Glenda McFarlin
The Blarney Irish Pub: Kyle White w/ Cheap Celebutantes
COUNTRY AND BLUEGRASS The Village Idiot: Kentucky Chrome
TCP The Ottawa Tavern: This Is Not Stylex (DJ sets by four members of Stylex) TCP Wesley’s Bar: Old School Fridays w/ DJs Folk, Perrine and N. Mattimoe
The Dog House Bar and Grill: Karaoke w/ Riz Pack TCP The Franciscan Center of Lourdes College: Dan And Don: The Concert
Fat Fish Blue: East River Drive TCP Frankie’s (Historic Lower Basement): Sinker w/ Dr. Manhattan and Extra! Extra! TCP Ground Level Coffee House: Great Lakes Crew w/ My Family Needs Food Headliners: Battle of the Bands with Hush Hush Love, Year of Resistance, Team Nate and more
March 3 • March 16
TCP Lyman Harbor: Put-in-Palooza w/ Empire Drift, Killer Flamingos, Bob Gatewood & Calabash and Ray Fogg TCP Players: Grand Opening w/ Death By Rodeo Sidelines at the Arena: 427 The Black Cherry: Ironclad w/ Death in Custody and Bad Assets The Bronze Boar: See Alice The Distillery: The Menus The Village Idiot: Polka Floyd Tony Packo’s: Voodoo Libido TCP WoodChuck’s: Measure The Red Shift w/ Pavidus and Laid in Stone
Manhattan’s Restaurant: The Swamp Kings Murphy’s Place: Johnny O’Neal
TCP Navy Bistro: Shane Piasecki Swig: Dave Carpenter Webber’s Waterfront Restaurant and Lounge: Junkanoo Brothers
COUNTRY AND BLUEGRASS TCP The Blarney Irish Pub: Kentucky Chrome
TCP Mutz: Basement Sessions w/ DJ N. Mattimoe and Friends
Degage Jazz Cafe: Gay Galvin
Local musicians once again band together in support of an awareness issue that lays close to their hearts. Sunday, March 7 is the annual Acoustics for Autism benefit, presented by the local non-profit Project iAm. This day of amazing music, scrumptious food, exciting silent auctions and great raffle prizes goes to supporting a great cause, finding the right treatment for individual families with autistic children (fact: one out of every 150 children are diagnosed with autism). Don’t miss performances by Arctic Clam, Dave Carpenter and the Jaeglers, Chris Shutters, Kyle White and Sleep in Aether. Noon-2 a.m. Free. The Village Idiot, 309 Conant St. 419-893-7281/ www.aboutprojectiam.com. —ER
W E H AV E I T A L L O N L I N E ! C O M P L E T E M U S I C E V E N T S AT T O L E D O C I T Y PA P E R . C O M
March 3 • March 16
indicates our picks for the week
Toledo Symphony presents Scheherazade and Sax Appeal, 8pm. The Classics Series performance includes Sax Fourth Avenue, Prokofiev Symphony No. 1 “Classical,” Glass Concerto for Saxophone Quartet* and Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade. Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle Theatre, 2445 Monroe St. www.toledosymphony.com
Masterworks Chorale’s Living, Hope, Passion, Wisdom Concert, 8pm. An uplifting concert to give you peace of mind. $20. 419-893-0223. First Presbyterian Church, 200 E. Broadway, Maumee OTHER TCP
Maumee Indoor Theater: The Red Benefit TCP Tecumseh Center for the Arts: Tonic Sol-Fa
ROCK, POP AND HIP-HOP Frankie’s Inner City: Flaw
TCP The Village Idiot: Acoustics For Austism Yeeha’s Bar and Grill: Yeeha’s Idol
MON, MARCH 8 ROCK, POP AND HIP-HOP Frankie’s Inner City: I Rival w/ Conditions & Life On Repeat
Murphy’s Place: UT Jazz Night
Doc Watson’s: Bobby May and Jon Barile The Village Idiot: Frankie May TCP
Manhattan’s Restaurant: Open Mic Night
TCP Murphy’s Place: Murphy and Black
JJ’s Pub: Bobby May and Jon Barile
The Village Idiot: 5 Neat
SouthBriar Restaurant: Ray Heitger’s N’Orleans Dixieland Jass Jam
The Distillery: Dave Carpenter
Bier Stube: Karaoke TCP WoodChuck’s: Karaoke w/ DJ Georgia Peach Yeeha’s Bar and Grill: Karaoke Night
Howard’s Club H: Minus Elliot w/ Citizen Band, Flaming Hot Marbles and Rubber Band Mickey Finn’s Pub: Fangs Out The Distillery: Noisy Neighbors
Manhattan’s Restaurant: John Jelinger Trio
Papa’s Tavern: Bobby May and Friends TCP The Blarney Irish Pub: Jeff Stewart
Club Eclipse: Eclipse Thursdays
Basin St. Grille: Open Jam TCP Ground Level Coffee House: Village Voice Soultry Cafe
TCP Frankie’s Inner City: Trainwreck ft. Kyle Gass from Tenacious D Manhattan’s Restaurant: Joe Woods Band TCP Mickey Finn’s Pub: Tobacco w/ goLab, Team Nate and Arobaphobics The Bronze Boar: Ravens The Distillery: Jeff Stewart and the Twenty Five’s The Omni: Appetite For Destruction The Village Idiot: Mark Mikel and The Werks Wild Hog Saloon: MAS FiNA
Listen to the Leprechaun. Paddy O’Rielly proclaims the official Irish bash is at Blarney O’ Papalis in the big, heated tent on Friday, March 12 and Saturday, March 13. He’s making an appearance at the Blarney, and suggests you do the same. Featuring live entertainment, food, and, of course, plenty of beer all weekend long, there’s no need to wait ‘til Wednesday to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Friday brings live acts Toast and Jam and The Bloody Tinth, and Saturday features another performance by The Bloody Tinth. Fun runs 4 p.m. - 1 a.m. on Friday and 7 p.m. -1 a.m. on Saturday. $5. The Blarney Irish Pub, 601 Monroe St. 419-418-2339/www.theblarneyirishpub.com. Pizza Papalis, 519 Monroe St. 419-246-9513/www.pizzapaplis.com. —ER
March 3 • March 16
TCP WoodChuck’s: The Funkin Wagnalls
Fat Fish Blue: Hepcat Revival Degage Jazz Cafe: Jerry Powell Murphy’s Place: Ellie Martin
Navy Bistro: Shane Piasecki TCP Sidelines Sports Eatery: Meaghan Roberts Swig: Chris Shutters
Wesley’s Bar: Old School Fridays w/ DJs Folk, Perrine and N. Mattimoe
TCP The Blarney Irish Pub: Blarney O’ Papalis
TCP Frankie’s Inner City: Once Over w/ Measure The Redshift, Curse Icon and Harrowsfield Headliners: Jonny Craig (from Emarosa) Mickey Finn’s Pub: Detroit Invades Toledo: Hard Lessons, The Muggs and Millions of Brazilians The Distillery: Jeff Stewart and the Twenty Five’s TCP The Ottawa Tavern: Falling Spikes Wild Hog Saloon: MAS FiNA Woodchuck’s: The New Machines
Degage Jazz Cafe: Jerry Powell Manhattan’s Restaurant: Tom Turner & Slowburn
Wesley’s Bar: Shane Piasecki
Mutz Pub: Basement Sessions w/ DJ N. Mattimoe and Friends
TCP The Blarney Irish Pub: Blarney O’ Papalis
TCP The Black Cherry: Hardcore Punk Show The Village Idiot: Bob Rex Trio and My Dear Disco
Murphy’s Place: Calvin Hughes’ Sunday Afternoon Music w/ Curtis Jr. and the Midnight Rockers
Yeeha’s Bar and Grill: Yeeha’s Idol
Manhattan’s Restaurant: Cynthia Kaay Bennett
Doc Watson’s: Bobby May and Jon Barile
The Distillery: ‘80s and ‘90s Night
Rhouse: Karaoke w/ DJ Georgia Peach
March 3 • March 16
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COMPUTE COMPLETE System Windows XP In Office, Office Premium Ready for Internet $199 or trade. 419474-9026 . I buy and trade computers. ________________________ DINETTE- Cherry Wood, 2 Swivel Chairs. Tan Upholstered $150.00. Must Sacrifi ce! 419-691-5864 ________________________ TOLEDO D5-D6 LIQUOR LICENSE Call 419-471-0521 ________________________ HOT WHEELS, Johny Lightning and Die Hard Cars. Toys and Bikes For Sale. Call 419-666-5706 ________________________ PLUMBING & FIRE PROTECTION TOOLS and Materials. Job Boxes, Power Vices, Dies and Wrenches, Ladders, Ect. Call Between 2-4 419-215-7759 ________________________ ANTIQUE WOOD WARDROBE, $50 Excellent Antique Dresser With Mirror, $50 Matching Bed Available. Distressed Hoosier Cabinet, $50 Call 419-381-1251 ________________________ MISCELLANEOUS for sale $90 or best off er 419-380-9363 ________________________ WHITE PRISIM 5 METAL DETECTOR Will Trade for Older Valuable Sports Cards. 419-882-1329 ________________________
Mail: Toledo City Paper Classifieds. 1120 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604. Phone: 419-244-9859. Fax: 419-244-9871. Email to: classifieds@toledocitypaper.com toledocitypaper toledocitypaper.com
APHASIA SUPPORT GROUP meets at Dazy Aphasia Centre, 2940 Douglas Rd. Toledo 43606. Every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. The group is for stroke survivors with Aphasia & their caregivers. ________________________
CLASSIFIEDS ONLINE Enter classifieds online at toledocitypaper.com. Create user account and enter classifieds online yourself. Call 419-244-9859 to have classified placed in the paper. _____________________________
FOR SALE _____________________________ MEN’S MUD HENS winter jacket medium. Worn once. Immaculate. Gift boxed. $30 - $40 419-866-1069 ____________________________ FRED BEAR QUEST compound bow like new $125 Fred Bear Golden Eagle compound bow $100 Both with free accessories .419-699-1929 ________________________ HUSKY CUSTOM molded floor mats.19972002 Expedition or Navigator. Front & middle row, gray. Like new condition. $70. 419-3766934 ________________________
_____________________ TRINITY CHURCH THRIFT SHOP Adams & St. Clair. Women's, men's and children's clothing. All proceeds go to local charities. Monday & Thursday 9:30a-3p ________________________ NEW! The Parrot Society of NW Ohio. Come join the latest in behavior, training, & enrichment. It’s free! Call 419-360-1234. ________________________ TOLEDO RECORD SHOW 45’s, 78’s, CD’s, Albums. $1.00 admission. Sumer Set Hall Sunday March 14th 9am-4pm Call Bill 419-833-5040 ________________________ SCOTT HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 70 is Planning its 40 Year Class Reunion on August 20-22nd 2010. For more Info Call 419-530-3232 or email Paulette. carter@att.net ________________________ ADOPTION HEALING SUPPORT GROUP. 2nd Wednesday and 4th Monday of every month. 7pm. Park Church, 1456 Harvard, Toledo. 419-727-8302, adoptionhealing@bex.net ________________________ UNCHURCHED PASTOR Looking For opportunity to grow Christ’s kingdom. Believers or churches call 419-279-7983 ________________________ ORDAINED GOSPEL MINISTER & CONCERT SINGER. Whole Bible & 300 Songs w/Accompaniment. Invited Back Repeatedly. 419-389-0863 ________________________ CRAFT SHOW Table Rentals Available May 1st and September 19th Call; 419-537-7657 ________________________
ROZMAROVITZ@HOTMAIL.COM ________________________
DISCUSSION CIRCLES for women incest and child sexual abuse survivors. Meets twice monthly. (419) 729-0245 or www.mynirvananow.org.
2 Door 24/32 MPG. Power Options, Roof, CD and More! New Tires, Battery, and Breaks. One Owner. 64K. $6,995. 419-867-1419 1970 BARON TRAILER
(14x60) Mobile Home. Good Condition. Centennial Manor. $8,000 for more info, call Darlene at 419-841-1595
419.244.9859 ________________________
________________________ SURROGATE MOTHERS, NEEDED FROM OHIO: Carry couple’s biological babies, prior birth experience required. Generous compensation. 1-888-363-9457, www.reproductivelawyer.com Melissa B. Brisman, Esq., LLC 77 Market Street / Park Ridge, NJ ________________________
EDUCATION A ATION ________________________ CHILDRENS’ ART CLASSES advanced drawing and mixed media Ages 5-17 The Toledo Artists Club at the Toledo Botanical Gardens Call 419-841-8153 ________________________ MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN integrates keyboard, creative movement, rhythm, ear training, sight reading, music theory and composition. Meg Keller 419.874.6762. kellermeg@yahoo.com ________________________
I BUY DIABETES SUPPLIES. Call 419-740-7162. Please leave a message. ________________________
DRAWING & PAINTING INSTRUCTION from professional artist on Saturday morning at the Secor Building Studios. 419-345-8980. www.ivankende.com ________________________
DIABETIC TEST STRIPS.$10 per 100. Same day cash. Call Dale. 419-707-2369 or Patsy 419-708-0914 ________________________
FREE KID’S CHESS LESSONS k-6 every Sat 9-11am at the children’s library 325 Michigan. For more info 419-259-5231 ________________________
March 3 • March 16
LOTS & ACREAGE ________________________ UPSTATE NY - BANK SAYS SELL! 10 acres - $24,900 Borders State Land, stream, woods, fields, great valley views! Must sell to avoid repo! Hurry! 888-679-5754 www.NewYorkLandandLakes.com ________________________
________________________ MARANDA’S CAKE SHOPP 3d specialty cakes for all occasions. Hours buy Looking To appointment. For more information, 419-691-6991 or visit Buy, Rent Or www.marandascakeshopp.webs.com ________________________
Own? Contact Me Today For ALL Of YOUR Real Estate Needs!!! LOOKING TO BUY, RENT, OR SELL? Looking ToALL CONTACT ME TODAY FOR 419-239-1266 OF YOUR REAL-ESTATE NEEDS!!! Buy, Rent Or 419-471-9323 *419-471-9323 *419-239-1266 Own? Contact JUSTINGENNARI@SBCGLOBAL.NET justingennari@sbcglobal.net Me Today For ALL Of YOUR Real Estate ________________________ Needs!!! WANTED TO BARTER/TRADE SERVICES. Dry wall and plaster, 38 years 419-239-1266 experience. Will exchange work with other professions. 419-320-2998. 419-471-9323 ________________________ justingennari@sbcglobal.net ACUPUNCTURE CHIROPRACTIC. Dumaschiropractic.com Mark Dumas DC. ________________________
GIRL’S NIGHT IN – Reserve your date for a night in with friends. We bring the pampering to you. Call now! (419) 283 –________________________ 4344...Marcia - for more details VALENTINE’S ALTERATIONS & TAILOR SHOP 520 Madison Avenue Toledo Avenue Toledo, OH 43604. Mend and Repair Hem Pants or Skirts or Make a NEW Outfit!!! ________________________ AFFORDABLE DAY CARE in my South Toledo Home. CPR & STNA Training Please Call Courtney at 419-386-6554 ________________________ REVEREND LYNETTE GERGICH Licensed and Ordained Minister in the State of Ohio Performing Celebrations, Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals and more Cell Phone 419-290-4664 Email: Lynvette@bex.net ________________________ SEAMSTRESS Experienced from Clothing to Boat Covers. You Name It! Call Rhonda at One Stitch at a Time. 419-704-2848
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������������ ________________________ DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE- Join 2 law firms, a title co and energy co. 241 Superior-Front entrance at the new walking plaza adjacent to Lucas County Arena. Third Floor, 1920 sq ft with Brand New common area amenities. Free Basement Storage. Contact Tom R Helberg 419-882-0096 thelberg@bex.net ________________________ FAIR HOUSING POLICY All residential real estate advertising in this paper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, handicap, national origin or familial status. This paper will not knowingly accept any advertising for residential real estate which is in violation of the law. All readers are hereby informed that all residential properties advertised in this publication are available on an equal opportunity basis. _______________________
HELP WANTED ________________________ DRIVERS OWNERS/OPS Dedicated Loads From MI to KS 100% No Touch Automotive Fright. Average 2500-3000 Miles/Weed. Requirements 1999 or Newer Tractor. CDL-A; 18 Months exp, 800-325-7884 ex 4 ________________________ PRESTIGIOUS COUNTRY CLUB seeking Hardworking, enthusiastic individuals for Seasonal, Part-time and possible Full time positions Including bartenders, servers, bussers, and hosts. Food & Beverage knowledge & experience helpful but not necessary. Apply in Person March 16th OR 20th, 12pm-3pm ONLY 3949 River Road Toledo OH 43614
Just drop in
Get moving any day of the week with Sylvania’s TamO-Shanter drop-in programs! Hockey, basketball, volleyball and ultimate frisbee games are scheduled throughout the week for teenagers and adults ages 16 and older to join in. Saturday nights feature futsal, a variant of indoor soccer, and Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays host pickleball, a new racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis and ping-pong. Games are $3-6 per person. For detailed schedule, visit www.playsylvania.com.
The Center for Weight Loss Surgery at Bowling Green’s Wood County Hospital has recently received accreditation from two key organizations in the field of bariatric surgery. After a series of site inspections, The Surgical Review Corporation (SRC) of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery named the facility a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence. In addition, the center has been accredited by the Bariatric Surgery Center Network of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). Dr. Peter Lalor, Medical Director of the Center for Weight Loss Surgery, says, “Both honors are further acknowledgement of our strong commitment to providing our patients with a safe and high quality approach to manage their obesity issues.” Wood County Hospital pioneered weight loss surgery more than 30 years ago, and has since helped more than 2,000 patients through their comprehensive weight loss approach. For more information, visit www.bariatricprocedures. org or call 866-671-3836.
Take a seat
POLE DANCE FITNESS, build strength, flexibility and confidence in a fun and relaxed environment. Ladies only. Classes forming now. Pre-registration required. Classes held at 10 S. Holland Sylvania Rd. Suite 302. Call Paulette’s Studio of Dance for more info. 419-6543262 or www.Paulettesdancestudio.com. ________________________ BELLY DANCE – FOR THE FUN OF IT! Shake things up with Aegela, international artist and award-winning choreographer. Women of all ages and shapes welcome. No prior dance training needed. Daytime and evening classes. $55 for 6 week session. Martin School, 10 S. Holland Sylvania at Hill, Toledo. www.aegela. com, aegela@mindspring.com, (517) 918-9547 ________________________ HOT YOGA in Perrysburg uses heat to heal and strengthen. Warm muscles are suppler and result in deeper stretching with less soreness. First visit free. New student special 10 Days for $25! Ongoing AM & PM classes. Visit: www. hotyogawithjoe.com or call 419-8742911 ________________________ MIND, BODY, SPIRIT CLASSES – register now for Reiki classes, Intro to the Chakras, Discovering Your Divine/Soul Purpose and Basic Divination – tools to expand your awareness. Call Marcia at (419) 283 – 4344. ________________________ SMOOTHFLAVA LLC Ballroom classes. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday $8 per session (Monthly memberships available). 1411 Bernath Pkwy (Across form TGIF). For more info 567-277-1353 or 419-514-5784 ________________________ AUTHENTIC YOGA AND MEDITATION. Safe beginners CD/DVD set by Ann Arbor Yoga Master Ema Stefanova. $55. Order at www.yogaandmeditation. com, 734-665-7801. ________________________ INTEGRATION YOGA STUDIO, the Place to Be: Something Fun EVERY Friday – check out the website calendar! Day Retreat 2/6; Workshops: Ayurveda Series on Saturdays, Discover Your Purpose 2/6, Love Potions 2/7, Partner Yoga & Massage 2/13, Pilates 2/20; Restorative Yoga is back! More yoga, drumming & dancing on the website! 4633 West Bancroft (just west of Talmadge). www.integrationyogastudio.com. (419) A-OM-YOGA. yoga.jenn@sbcglobal.net. ________________________ *MaxGXL* - *ANTI-AGING BREAKTHROUGH* SUPERIOR RESULTS, can be quantified and verified. Patented, pharmaceutical grade, NSF certified for sport www.mporter.maxgxl.com 734-240-0609
With more than 3,000 Ohioans on the waiting list to receive organ, eye and tissue donations, Donate Life Ohio has introduced the 2010 Green Chair Campaign in an effort to add 240,000 new donor registrations in Ohio by June 30, 2010. Why the Green Chair? “The Green Chair is a unifying signature element that represents the opportunity to share personal stories about loss, hope and belief in organ and tissue donation,” said Amy Moeder, chair of the Second Chance Trust Fund. So far, Governor Ted Strickland, Ohio State University football coach Jim Tressel, and other Ohioans have joined together to support the campaign and share their personal stories of loss, hope and advocacy. The signature chair will travel to popular venues across the state in 2010 to offer Ohioans the opportunity to share their thoughts and stories about organ, eye and tissue donation. To join the discussion, share your story or to find where the Green Chair will be near you, visit www.facebook.com/DonateLifeOhio, or follow the Green Chair via Twitter @DonateLifeOH. —GS
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March 3 • March 16
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currently booking for the spring and summer season. Call 419-3449651 ask for Mr. Jimmy C. FIDDLE AND UPRIGHT BASS Player
need for all female Gospel/Bluegrass trio, All About Him. Call Alana at 419-833-8110 for info or audition.
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NUTRITIONAL OPPORTUNITY *6 Figure Potential*, Training. Breakthrough *Anti-Aging*, Sports Performance, Patented, Pharmaceutical Grade, NSF Certified for Sport. www.ShowMeMax. com 734-240-0609 _______________________
Disclaimer Toledo City Paper recommends that readers do not send money to any company that requires prepayment. Before doing so check out the company carefully!
PETS ________________________
background singers, male and female. www.goldenclassicsoul. com 419-508-0190. seeks keyboardist. Vocals or no vocals, come join the band! Call 419-320-8951
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ADORABLE KITTENS Two 4 month-old kittens need a loving home. Very affectionate. One peach male/one calico female. They would love to be adopted together. Worm and flea free. $25 for one, $40 for both. 419-283-6101
Available for pop and rock band and seeking other musicians. 517-486-3623 SINGER/SONGWRITER/GUITARIST.
AC/DC to Foo Fighters. Call Joe 419-867-1848
plays drums and keyboards. Looking for band or musicians. Call 419-691-2820.
1200 watts per side at 4 ohms. $200. 419-9173507.
Vocalist to Sing Modern Country Music. 419-460-7112
Country-Punk Style. Call Rich at 419-5097004
now storage spaces available 24/7 access. No noise restrictions. Call the house of rock 419-346-5803.
THE RAVE-ONS are now booking. Vintage Rock and Roll. Call Jeff 419-269-0633.
Country, all styles; 30 yrs. experience. Give me a call, what do you have to lose? 419-514-6097.
LESSONS, EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTOR. Any instrument, any style.
Contact Mike 419-376-8111.
Rehearsal Recording Jam Spaces Available. New Improved Upscale Spaces! 24/7 Access, NO Noise Restrictions. $175.00 and up/mo Call THE HOUSE OF ROCK 419346-5803
ADS FOR LOCAL ARTIST ARE FREE! Ads run for 2 issues and must be renewed after the two issues. You must be: advertising for band members or selling instruments under $200 or just looking to jam. Business related ads run for $20. Limit 20 words per ad; $0.40 per additional word.
toledocitypaper.com Or Call
Log onto www.toledocitypaper.com or call 419-244-9859 to post your ad!
Melissa at
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March 3 • March 16
need answers? get 'em @ toledocitypaper.com
LIBRA (September 23-October 22) You are out of hibernation by the 3rd. Venus, your ruling
Sue Lovett is available for personal astrology readings and private parties. Visit her on the Web at www.suelovett. com or call her at 419-474-6399.
©2009 Ben Tausig
March 3 • March 16
The BEST news is that Mars finally ends its three month retrograde period on the 10th at 12:09 PM. You lose an hour’s sleep on the 14th but enjoy a new moon on the 15th. — BY SUE LOVETT ARIES (March 21-April 19) On the 6th and planet, joins Uranus (the unstable one) for a few 7th you are like a firecracker on the 4th of July. days and you amaze people. By the 6th you return to being your “balanced” self. You are contacted Get ready to pop a cork at 12:09PM on the 10th by friends the week of the 8th about celebrations when Mars finally ends its 3 month retrograde the 13th and 14th. period. You won’t even be tired when you lose that sleep the 14th. You are stimulated by the new SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) You moon on the 15th. had to go back to work to rest. Pluto is movTAURUS (April 20-May 20)You are in demand ing quickly and you should too. You are on the to help friends with community projects. Venus go constantly the 6th and 7th and back to your enters the aggressive sign of Aries on the 7th routine after noon on the 8th. Think of career so you are more like a bull in a china shop as issues on the 10th. The new moon on the 15th brings good luck. you fulfill the obligations. Projects at home take shape on the 10th. You begin a fabulous week SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December on the 15th. 20) You attack work and play like a champ on the GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Mercury is in your 3rd. Whatever plans you make the 6th and 7th tenth house giving great vibes to your career and materialize without a hitch. Your love life looks reputation. Take advantage of all opportunities. better after the 10th. The 14th is special as you From the 3rd to the 10th you get help from Pluto are an honored guest. Make home improvements (power) and Jupiter (expansion). You’ll miss the after the 15th. sleep on the 14th but go ahead with career issues CAPRICORN (December 21-January 19) the 15th. You feel as if you are watching re-runs from your CANCER (June 21-July 22) There is emphasis life in November. Make an agreement on the on travel. Make plans for spring break, Easter 8th or 9th. The 13th could be lucky if you take a vacation, and summer fun. You always need chance. The new moon on the 15th makes you something to look forward to. You will have the think of a new computer, new cell phone, iPod, money to make deposits after noon on the 10th. whatever. The new moon on the 15th brings more money! AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) You How sweet! are questioning how to spend your time more LEO (July 23-August 22) The first few days efficiently. Someone sets you straight on the 7th. When Mars goes direct on the 10th you are good. On the 6th and 7th there may be an longer feel as if a bull’s eye is painted on your argument about where to go. You win! After Mars goes direct on the 10th you no longer have to back. You enjoy shopping and exploring on the defend your actions as you have since Christmas. 14th and 15th. Life is easier now. The new moon on the 15th PISCES (February 19-March 20th) With the brings more good luck sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus all in your VIRGO (August 23-September 22) With sign, you are on top of the world. Venus moves Mercury in your seventh house relationships away but you still have good luck. Trouble comes should be going well. Then the week of the 8th when you lose an hour’s sleep on the 14th. The new moon on the 15th is in your sign. Set goals finances are number one in your life. Your practiand make resolutions. cal side takes over. Starting the 14th you are a bit disorganized (due to a lack of sleep). Hang in there.
Hairy Situation
Why Can’t We Be Friends?
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Across 1. Common prayer opening 5. Popular 1990s arcade basketball game with Mark Price and Brad Daugherty 11. Sushi tuna 14. Endeavour sender 15. Maumee Bay area 16. ___ Chaney, Jr. 17. Backing group at the Super Bowl XLIII halftime show 19. Oil amts. 20. Star of a Seuss book 21. Experimental musician born in Tokyo 22. Manger trio 23. “___ get it now!” 24. Aura 28. “Mr. Roboto” effects device invented as a military encryption technology 30. Excessive 31. Textbook market category, for short 32. Tried to move silently, say 36. ___ Arann (Irish carrier) 37. Dry hair problem, or what 17-, 24-, 52, and 62-Across each contain 40. Cool of Green Day 43. Flamenco cheer 44. “What if they gave ___...” 48. Master/slave dialectic philosopher 50. Time when people got super into metal? 52. Chips, pudding, etc. 56. “This is my brother, Henry Plainview from Fond du ___” 57. Light touches 58. ENT part 59. Basic skateboarding move 61. “If you ask me,” in an email 62. Sean Combs, to Jennifer Lopez 65. Guitarist Paul 66. Celestial radio source 67. “The Big Board,” for short 68. Mormons’ gp. 69. Indifferent feeling 70. Basketball team on a record losing pace in 2010
Down 1. Song they played over and over at this Jamaican resort my wife and I went to 2. Pump portmanteau 3. Bird that doesn’t actually bury its head in the sand 4. Olympic swimmer Torres 5. UK pop rag 6. Swinger? 7. ___ Day 8. Former Chinese president Zemin 9. Keep poking, perhaps 10. Crazy 11. Adam Yahiye Gadahn’s group 12. Stuff that seeps out of a gun 13. One with special info 18. Crossed (out) 22. Favre’s team, on the scoreboard 25. Sam who played Dr. Grant in “Jurassic Park” 26. With 49-Down, South African vintner/golfer 27. Cartoon hunter on many a truck decal 29. Sue Grafton’s “___ for Outlaw” 33. Computer company VIP 34. Prefix with centric 35. Month before febrero 38. ___ sci: common Bowling Green major 39. Start of many California city names 40. Certain contraceptive, commonly 41. Given a new identity? 42. Picnic game 45. Great Lakes food fish 46. Con 47. Withdraws 49. See 26-Down 51. Foot issue 53. Make more exciting, slangily 54. Speak in Spanish 55. Fall coat 60. Mark ___-Baker (actor who played Larry Appleton on “Perfect Strangers”) 62. Org. headed by Lisa Perez Jackson 63. Impatient cry 64. Improve the taste of, generally
TOLEDOCITYPAPER.COM www.toledocitypaper.com
March 3 • March 16
Party animals
Ads are in
Toledo GROWs hosted the All Species Ball on Feb. 27 at Wildwood Metropark.
The Ad Club of Toledo
Guests dressed as their favorite species—leopards, roosters and bunnies, oh my!
hosted the 2010 Addy Awards on Feb. 25, honoring Toledo’s best marketing designers.
Jeff Payden, Brian Anderson and Dan Tischler looking daper at the 2010 Addy Awards.
Matt Ross, Michael Szuberla and Lance Crandall are cats and birds of the same feather.
Sue Hague Rogers, Martha Vetter (Silver Medal winner) and Hans Vetter celebrate in style.
Gary Giannetto and Mia Gonzalez are hoppin’ the night away.
Emily Ellis, Steve Hallock, Heather Clendenin and Abby Youngs make some beautiful species.
Team R/P front Valerie Vetter, Nicole Fraker. Middle Erin Schorr, Martha Vetter, Jess Lane, Sarah Comtois, Jessica Lashley, Back - Andy Durfey, Alex Hall, Becky Dibbel.
March 3 • March 16
March 3 •March 16