good feks! two we March 18 March 31, 2009
Homestyle Guide
Cheap eats
7 under $7
Get your band a gig
claddagh full 2
March 18 • March 31
March 18 - March 31, 2009 Vol. 9 • Issue 43
Adams Street Publishing Co.
For the record
We’re cheap. We like to do cheap things. Check out how we save dough:
Publisher/Editor in Chief
Collette Jacobs (
Co-publisher/Chief Financial Officer Mark I. Jacobs (
Assignment Editor: Gina Sares (
GOING TO GARAGE SALES IN THE SUMMER Arts & Entertainment Editor: Emily Rippe (
Contributing Writers: Johnny Hildo, Sue Lovett, Kevin Moore, Karen Zickes, Matt Cummings, Kelly McGilvery, Sharon Gittleman, Sarah Cohen Editorial Interns: Allison Wingate ( Chevonne Harris ( Christy Penka, Dianah Victorian
Art Director: Jocelyn Hasenbalg (
THURSDAYS AT EASY STREET. 25¢ WINGS. $2.50 DRAFTS. YUMMY. Graphic Design: Erin Kanary (
Micah Lindenberger (
Amanda Holman (
The future’s even brighter I recently read the piece on several networking groups in the Toledo Area (Banking on a Brighter Future, February 18 – March 3), and wanted to draw your attention to Work, Play, Live, Toledo! — WPLT. We are a group of professionals living and working in the Toledo area, over the age of 30, who meet monthly through social and leisure activities. We partner with local businesses and typically bring in 60-100 people per event. Basically, WPLT is a social network, doing our part to support the local economy. WPLT launched in December 2007, with an initial group of 12. To date, there are 250 members. We have continued to grow monthly, have officers in place, and have a blog. WPLT is taking a tour of Toledo, and inviting others along for the ride. Warm regards,
Julia Smirnov WPLT President
Sales Coordinator: Jean Martin (
Hey Hildo, In your latest unwarranted and factually challenged rip job on me, you asked a rhetorical question. Do I have my finger on the pulse of Lucas County? Is developing and advocating a program to provide college scholarships for high school seniors and displaced workers not having my finger on Toledo’s pulse? Is fighting tirelessly to use funds to save and create jobs, rather than to waste them on dysfunctional bureaucracies, not in line with what Lucas County residents are searching for in elected officials? Or how about providing free cell phones for over 1000 senior citizens, starting the Veterans Business Resource Center serving hundreds of veterans at The Source, or helping to provide thousands of gas cards to needy families when prices climbed? And surely, some taxpayers appreciated my pushing for transparency in government, the streamlining of government functions, and accountability in county spending. You’re saying I’m out of touch? Not sure quite what you’re getting at. Nor will I apologize for creating a position for a county poet laureate or a program to help local artists sell their work. Young people, those most quickly leaving Lucas County, are starving for some culture. Is it so bad to promote a couple small programs that might inspire creativity and support artistic endeav-
Account Executives: Andrew Spahr (
ors? Isn’t that, in part, the mission of your paper? By the way, Hildie, that little four square tournament I hosted on Adams Street you continually whine about? If I remember correctly, your paper helped me plan it and even entered one or two teams filled with your young, creative, and energetic staff. Good time had by all. And while you mock my concern about Princess (the 10-pound Pomeranian killed by a deputy dog warden), I will not apologize for caring about animal and pet owner welfare. It is my job under the Ohio Revised Code to oversee the dog warden. Besides, man, people love their dogs. Maybe you should get one to help warm your bitter heart. People in Lucas County are worried about keeping their homes and jobs. They’re fighting to retain the dreams that this devastating economic climate stole from them. Others are concerned about college costs, public safety, and that their tax dollars are spent wisely. Yes, some are even concerned about their pets. And is there anyone in Lucas County who really wants our youngest, brightest minds to continue fleeing? These are the things I focus on everyday, and my record backs it up. Johnny, my friend, perhaps it is you who is out of touch.
Ben Konop County Commisioner continued on pg.4
Nathan Schank (
Accounting: Robin Armstrong (
Distribution: Kyle Staggs (
Advertising/General Info For advertising and general information, call 419/244-9859 or fax 419/244-9871. E-mail ads to Deadline for advertising copy 2 p.m. Friday before publication. Toledo City Paper subscriptions are available by mail for $20/quarterly or $75 per year at Toledo City Paper, 1120 Adams St., Toledo, Ohio 43604. One copy free per person per week; extra copies $1 each. Persons taking copies for any reason other than personal use are subject to prosecution. Letters to the editor must be limited to 300 words, are subject to editing and should include the writer’s full name and phone number. Any letter submitted to the editor or publisher may be printed at the publisher’s discretion in issues subsequent to its receipt. Entire contents © 2009 by Adams Street Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher. Member
Audited by
Alternative Weekly Network
Also publishers of:
March 18 • March 31
continued from pg.4
A league for the home
once again be a strong town would be for people to begin moving back in. These were high hopes on my part, and probably a huge mistake. I pay more in taxes and insurance than I did previously in Perrysburg Township, and have far fewer services available to me.
In a ditch The City is experiencing the same financial hardship that the rest of us are, but if we don’t fix the condition of our streets, then just turn off the lights, shut the City down, and write it off. It looks like we’re getting close to that point now. I live on Eastway, north of Eleanor in the troubled Library District. A recent article in the Blade spoke about this area as one of the hardest hit in the City by home foreclosures. The empty houses will not sell with streets nearly impassable at many places in the neighborhood. I purchased my home 2 1⁄2 years ago. I can’t even consider moving again, because like many Americans, my home value is now far below what I owe on it or paid for it just a few years ago. I previously did not live in Toledo, and knew that the only way Toledo could
Eastway does not have speed bumps, which makes it a convenient cut through street for many. It should not be ignored and must be repaired, and hopefully repaved in 2009. To top it off, Columbia Gas has recently begun their piping project in the Library District and has cut square holes into the street that make driving worse than just living with the potholes. These holes are in some cases 6-12 inches deep and have no cones, barrels, or markings indicating they are there. They are most prevalent on Eastway, south of Eleanor. Several of the residents have hit these holes causing damage to our cars. How much more can we take? Soon, we’ll be parking blocks away and walking home because we won’t be able to drive to our own homes. Thank you for your service to the community,
Mark Simon Toledo
Astrologer and Psychic Janet Amid guides Toledo
Members of TFDL plans to use nonviolent, civil, disobedience & organized protest to keep Toledoans in their homes. The statistics are staggering. According to data released by the Ohio Supreme Court, the number of Ohio home foreclosures last year hit an all-time high - 85,773. This number is expected to increase in this year as unemployment rates continue to rise., a leading marketplace for foreclosure properties, reports that one in every 377 homes in Lucas County have been the subject of a foreclosure filing as of January 2009. This means that hundreds of Toledoans have faced the possibility of losing their homes with no other place to go. Toledo Foreclosure Defense League, a new local social activist group, wants to help.
Starry Eyed
Toledoans aren’t blinded by the stars. We have Janet Amid, Astrologer and Psychic, to light the way for us. Voted Toledo’s Best Psychic/Astrologer, Janet Amid first began being tutored in astrology by her father at the young age of five. Her gift and talent go back 12 generations in the family. Born and raised in Toledo, she has been helping people create order out of chaos since 1979. Amid is an astrologer, columnist, and media personality. Many Toledoans tune in to hear her every Monday around 8:15a.m. on KISS FM with Andrew Z in the morning. “I have a degree in family counseling,” said Amid, noting that her degree and astrology go hand in hand. “I look at astrology as our cosmic code,” said Amid. She uses stars and planets to give her insight into what’s happening with her clients. One of her goals is to empower her clients and help them understand themselves better. However, Amid said that free will is still the higher law of our lives, and ultimately, it’s all up to us.
Toledo’s Foreclosure Defense League fights against evictions by Matt Cummings
Janet Amid lights the way for Toledo with the stars and planets as her guide. What’s in Toledo’s cosmic future? Amid certainly recognized that economically there have been some crazy years in the past, with 2007-2009 being even more stressful. She predicts that by June 2009 our community will begin to feel some subtle relief, and, after November ,2009, we will see some notable shifting and turning around for the city. But a complete reformation may take a few years beyond that. And with much confidence, Amid said, “I definitely feel there is hope for Toledo.” Janet Amid’s office is located at Saxon Square, 6600 Sylvania Ave. & McCord Rd., Sylvania. 419-882-5510/
“We think it’s an injustice for a society based on the American dream to give bailouts to these mismanaged banks and then to still kick people out of their homes for coming on hard times,” said Keith Sadler, one of the founding members of TFDL. Sadler, who is currently fighting to save his own home from foreclosure after being out of work for months due medical problems, says that he knows from experience the pain of potentially losing a home he’s worked hard all his life to own. Using ACORN, Take Back the Land, and other types of community groups as an example, TFDL plans to use nonviolent civil disobedience and organized protests to prevent evictions. “By putting social pressure on local, state, and federal politicians and law enforcement agencies; by organizing demonstrations and pooling our efforts to more easily direct people to the resources they need, we want community control over this issue,” says Lance Crandall, another founding member of TFDL. “Right now in Toledo, we have groups like the Cherry Street Mission,
March 18 • March 31
and they’re full all of the time. That’s a problem when you have vacant homes everywhere in the city. It’s absurd that people have to live on the street when we have perfectly good homes and safe places for people to live.” One of the first steps TFDL is taking is to contact members of the community who are in danger of losing their homes. “There’s no list available of houses that are in danger of foreclosure, not until the foreclosure has (been filed in court),” Crandall said. “So we’re doing things like going door-to-door to find people who are in the process of losing their homes or who have already lost their homes. We’re going to try to assist them in any way we can — helping with food and clothing, and sometimes moving them back into their homes. But the big step would be a moratorium on foreclosures. It’s worked in other cities. Some sheriffs are refusing to kick people out of their homes.” In Michigan, Wayne County Sheriff Warren Evans announced that he won’t enforce sales of foreclosed homes, and, speaking before Congress recently, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur has urged homeowners facing foreclosures to be “squatters in [their] own homes.” Sadler says he’s encouraged by these actions, but it’s still not enough. “There are a lot of people on the verge of losing their homes,” Sadler said. “We want to organize the community to help families and individuals before their properties end up on the chopping block.” TDFL will host a press conference Tuesday, March 24, at 12:15 p.m. at the Sanger Branch Library, followed by a public meeting Tuesday, March 31, from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. at the Mott Branch Library. If you are facing eviction or would like to volunteer with TDFL, call 419-931-6517, or email foreclosuredefenseleague@gmail. com.
Women in office
With March being Women’s History Month, it seems fitting to discover how women have shaped and continue to shape the government of our community. Following this theme, the League of Women Voters of Toledo Lucas County is delving into the past to uncover stories of women who have held public office, some as early as 1895. Join in the reception on Tuesday, March 31 from 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at the historic Mansion View Inn, 2035 Collingwood Blvd. The event is free and open to the public, with a cash bar for wine and soda. Hear the stories of early women political pioneers and meet and greet current elected officials for this interesting and historic event. —GS
Get your paws on these dresses
Do some good with those old prom dresses you’ll never wear again. Planned Pethood, Inc. is now accepting donations of gently used prom dresses, shoes and accessories for their “Prom Dress Resale Event.” The event is Friday, April 3, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 4, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, April 5, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 418 Louisiana Ave. in Perrysburg. All proceeds from the event will benefit dogs and cats of Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan. The deadline for donations is Friday, March 27. Items can be dropped off at the First Federal Bank, 1077 Louisiana Ave. Perrysburg 419-872-8326/www.plannedparenthood. org. —CH
Grow something good
Help recover the earth by taking special care of its soil with natural and organic gardening. On Sunday, March 29, from 1 p.m. 4:30 pm, The Olander Park System, Lucas County Soil & Water Conservation District and The 577 Foundation are linking up to provide you with the information and essentials needed to build a better yard. Discover how to make your own compost bin, sample herbs, bring a soil sample for testing, and learn about native plants, raised beds and more. $25. To register or for more information, visit —DV
Bubbles in the swamp The strange journey of Chris Myers by Johnny Hildo
So our old friend Jason Webber was caught trusting folks on a private website, who then leaked his ruminations on his new boss, the Mayor of Toledo. Never mind the source of the leaks. Remember the Bush Administration’s attempt to destroy former ambassador Joe Wilson by leaking the undercover identity of his wife, Valerie Plame? They tried to leak the story to journalist after journalist, but no one with ethics would bite. Then they found a sleazeball who had no scruples and the story was out. Whoever wanted to leak Webber’s musings apparently had no such trouble. Looks like they went right to a pre-eminent local sleazeball, blogger and failed political candidate Chris Myers. Myers blogged Webber’s posts out of context, and without remorse. He then went on the talk show circuit defending his actions, even as public opinion went decidedly against him. Myers seems like that kid you hated in school, with the annoying voice grating out, “Mrs. Campbell, someone’s chewing gum back here...” How did Myers get like this, we wondered? Fortunately, we were able to conjure Myers’ own double secret Internet journals by hacking into our own recollections of his public past. Here, then, are some excerpts from Myers’ journal we bet really happened.
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Tales from the crypt
Late 2008. “Three time loser as a candidate. My Mike Bell’s party is thoroughly discredited. My political life is a Journal post, sometime entry into the shambles. My blog is a distant second on the local in the early 21st Century. Mayor’s race makes scene to the Glass City Jungle, just because the “Tired of being teased and Jim Moody about moderator over there fancies herself a journalist picked on by lesser moras relevant as with some measure of principled decision making. tals. So what if I look like the Opal Covey. Damn it all, I need something, anything to rebuild criminal in a B-movie who And less from the ashes!” gets snuffed in the first ten interesting. Early this year. “At last, my vindicaminutes. So what if I have a tion! An anonymous source has leaked perverse desire to be the information clearly meant to be kept pricenter of attention even as I vate which was posted months ago and how I creep around in my basement. Somesheds little new light on anything anymust get revenge.” one cares about, but which would make a Post from 2004. “Remember how fun it was to be few notable people feel like crap! And they a tattle tale in elementary school? What a hoot! A veneer of accountability over the bizarre need to make the are people who have teased me about being such a total popular people squirm. I need a way to use the same loser in the past! Perfect! Onto the blog we go...” Late last week. “Oh, cruel world. My work has slimy tactics in the grown-up world. But without the swirlies at recess. Hmmm...maybe I’ll start taking pot- been turned against me. They dare question the ethics shots at public figures for cheap personal gain. That’s of my tactics. Why can’t anyone see my perfection? I it! Enough of this personal blogging that no one reads am surrounded by dolts. But I have one last ditch effort before I bubble down into the swamp forever. anyway. I’ll go political!” “I must begin to infiltrate Johnny Hildo...” Later. “Trouble. Want to run for office so I can punLater ish the fools who made me feel silly, but I’m a blatant
Ann Strickland
Formally manager of Twigs Flower Shop, joined Bartz Viviano as Special Events Consultant.
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Earn up to $18/hr
Republican. Just ran into this cool group of fellow travelers who are ticked off at the world called the Urban Coalition. I think I’ve infiltrated them, and they’ll support my aspirations even though I’m a total dweeb with no chance of winning. Eureka!” Still later post. “My nefarious scheme is progressing. I’ve started a website called ‘Swamp Bubbles,’ where all the disgruntled douche bags like me can post all the character assassinations and unfounded rumors they want. No one even has to know your secret identity! It takes tattle tale ethics into the new millennium. Hah! They’ll rue the day they started criticizing my lack of notable abilities and ideas!” Post from early 2007. “Well, the rubes in the UC and the Young Republicans failed me again. I have lost miserably in two attempts to lead this sorry community, once as school board member and again as statehouse rep. And my blog is known as a place for miserable malcontents that no one finds relevant or credible. Curses! One more run for office, then I’ll have to weigh my options.”
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WWW.BARTZVIVIANO.COM March 18 • March 31
Kilometers for Kidneys
Celebrate National Kidney Month in March by helping others and yourself! Join in the Kilometers for Kidneys Walk on Sunday, March 22 from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. at the University of Toledo Medical Center. This walk is a major fundraiser for the Kidney Foundation, and a wonderful chance to support a great cause. Afterwards, stay for a free health screening (glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure), educational games and displays. —GS
Weight Loss Classes forming now! Structure, support, skills, and personal coaching you need to lose weight and keep it off. Great discounts available! Call 419-407-3990 or www.Mercyweightloss.Com _________________________________ BELLY DANCE TOLEDO- “Everybelly’s Welcome” All Shapes-All Sizes-All Ages!!! Supportive enviornment for WOMEN! Sylvania-Owens-Monroe-Ann or call Kay Louise & MESMERIC Belly Dance. 419-280-3674 __________________________________ Yoga Teacher Training. Comprehensive 200-hour yoga alliance registered yoga teacher training program. 10month program. One weekend a month. For information visit or call Kathie. 419-877-9038. __________________________________
Pole Dance Fitness, build strength, flexibility and confidence in a fun and relaxed environment. Ladies only. Classes forming now. Pre-registration required. Classes held at 10 S. Holland Sylvania Rd. Suite 302. Call Paulette’s Studio of Dance for more info. 419-654-3262 or __________________________________ Experience Yoga Zen In The District an innovative yoga studio in Downtown Toledo. Classes available for a wide range of fitness levels. 419-244-4Zen, __________________________________ Yoga And Meditation Listed On Oprah’s “Anti-aging Checklist.” Increase your flexibility and add years to your life. For more information on classes please call Kathie at 419-877-9038 or visit Monclova, OH
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March 18 • March 31
Barrels of fun
American Rivers, City of Toledo Stormwater Program and Rain Garden Initiative of Toledo want to help you conserve water and keep your garden green this spring. For a limited time, they’re offering environmentally-friendly New England rain barrels at a reduced price. Order your rain barrel before March 27 and pay only $79.95 (regularly $119.95). Pick up your barrel on Saturday, April 4 from 9 a.m. - noon at the Erie St. Market (237 South Erie). 877-977-3135/
Art of recycling
Bus stops in Toledo are getting a makeover with the addition of functional and artsy refuse and recycling receptacles. Headed by the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA), the City of Toledo, Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful, the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo, and SMART BINZ, the SMART BINZ art of recycling program will feature works from a variety of local artists on the receptacles’ large panels. The program will begin on Earth Day, April 22 in an effort to minimize litter and promote recycling, especially at TARTA’s busiest bus stops. Funding for the program will be generated by recruiting sponsors for the individual bins. For more information, visit or —GS
Beautifully green: inside and out
How about de-stressing in a peaceful atmosphere that is not only relaxing and beautiful, but eco-friendly? K.D. Alexander’s is a salon and spa that not
only supplies rest, relaxation and the latest spa treatments, but is also taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint. “You don’t have to have solar panels and cork on the floors to be eco-friendly,” said Teresa King, owner/manager of K.D. Alexander’s. “It’s the little things.” The spa not only recycles as many materials as possible, but also offers many organic and natural treatments. And their mini services allow patrons to feel pampered without breaking the bank. “Our menu of treatments is geared toward lower prices,” said King. “Come in and get a little something and feel better, because it makes you feel good when you look good.” (Mini treatments will be $10 through April 18.) K.D. Alexander’s uses and sells Eminence Organic Skin Care, Abba, Kuene So Pure, and is currently researching a hair color line made of yogurt. They use a blueberry lightener for highlights and a soy hair remover for those straggly hairs. Using an organic sea salt scrub for pedicures and natural lotions to smooth rough feet, K.D. Alexander’s Toes on the Go, $22.00, is perfect for a little pampering and polish change. K.D. Alexander’s may have many eco-friendly services, but it is also green behind the scenes. Organic cotton is used to remove products from the skin during facials. Energy-efficient washers and dryers are also used to wash their organic sheets and towels with an ecofriendly detergent. With affordable treatments and a knowhow for style, K.D. Alexander’s will lift you out of your beauty rut. 7015 Lighthouse Way, Suite 2, Perrysburg. 419-873-0919/ —CP
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K.D. Alexander’s reduces it’s carbon footprint with organic, natural treatments, products & towels
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10 South Holland-Sylvania Road, Toledo
March 18 • March 31
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homestyleGUIDE Does your home lack style? Flair? Pizzazz? Never fear — TCP’s got you covered. Our Homestyle guide highlights some of the coolest items from local shops that will bring some personality and panache into your abode.
Wake up your walls
Give your home a splash of color and personality with colors from Benjamin Moore and Pottery Barn. This exclusive collection of colors are timeless and versatile, and easily coordinate with one another. Four room color palettes make it easy to find hues that coordinate or contrast beautifully.
Color Concepts 6725 W. Central Ave. 419-843-5600
From field to floor
Give your floors natural beauty and softness with Smart Strand, made with DuPont Sorona. Created with corn and recycled plastic, this carpet has unbeatable durability and built-in stain resistance that won’t wear off. Good for the home; good for the earth.
Dalton Floorz 5656 Monroe St., Sylvania 419-885-5776
continued on pg11
March 18 • March 31
Toledo Garage Floor Coating authorized dealer
March 18 • March 31
March 18 • March 31
homestyleGUIDE Brighten your kitchen
Primitives by Kathy — a full line of beautiful pottery for your kitchen, with a special message to brighten your day! Prices range from $10 - $72.
Lily’s on the Lake The Shops at Fallen Timbers 419-878-0109
This grill’s got it all
Feast your eyes on the new Broil King Imperial — more storage, more grilling space, and, for the first time ever, stainless steel ovens. Grill perfect steaks on cast iron cooking grids, saute mushrooms on the side burner, and bake an elaborate dessert or pizza in the rust-resistant ovens. With the new Imperial, you may never go back into the kitchen!
Myers Fireplace & Patio 808 Reynolds Rd. 419-531-2005
Unparalleled floor protection
Toledo Garage Floor Coating specializes in a revolutionary full chip flooring system that is unlike any other offered in the industry, with unparalleled protection combined with a beautiful finish. Toledo Garage Floor Coating can transform your dull or damaged concrete surface into a sophisticated look that will last for years to come. This is a great opportunity to add aesthetic and financial value to your home.
Toledo Garage Floor Coating 419-841-COAT (2628) continued on pg12
March 18 • March 31
Doodles destinations
Miniature edifice is a hand tied and decorated sculpture in wire worthy of the most impressive desk, cabinet, or dining table. 1/2 price through March 28 (regularly $35 - $85).
homestyleGUIDE Get your lighting on track
Juno’s Trac 12 Low Power LEDs represent a breakthrough in track lighting technology. This lighting offers extremely low energy consumption, remarkably long life, minimal heat generation, and uniform illumination. Visit Gross Electric for a product demonstration and pricing.
Gross Electric 2807 N. Reynolds Rd. 419-537-1818
The Gallery at the Toledo Botanical Garden 5403 Elmer 419-536-2617
March 18 • March 31
7 under $7
Local lunchtime delights at a reasonable price by Gina Sares ith the current state of the economy, it may be tempting to swing by a drive-thru and grab a cheap lunch on the go. But there are plenty of local places in the Toledo area that serve deliciously fresh foods at a reasonable price. Here are 7 lunches under $7 that are well worth every penny.
[1] Zingo’s Mediterranean 106 Louisiana Ave., Perrysburg. 419-872-5800/
An array of Mediterranean favorites under $7 grace the menu, but the Greek Chicken Sandwich for $6 is a sure bet. Chargrilled chicken breast topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, feta and olives complete this fresh delight. The counter seats lining the front window provide a great view of downtown Perrysburg.
[2] The Coffee Gallery 22 N. Third St., Waterville 419-878-0872
[3] Shai Mediterranean Café
[5] Pam’s Corner 116 10th St. 419-243-2081
Not quite sure what a “muffaletta” sandwich is? Pam’s Corner in Downtown Toledo boasts this New Orlean's favorite for only $5.59. The Grilled Muffaletta combines the flavors of salami, ham, provolone, olive tepenade, and Italian vinaigrette on a grilled Kaiser bun. Make your lunch break extra sweet with a delicious cookie ($0.75) and a few minutes to soak in the bright décor and live music during Wednesday's lunch.
A hidden gem, The Coffee Gallery in downtown Waterville is a great place to enjoy a bite. Local art lines the walls and fun reading material (TCP of course!) cover the coffee table, but nothing deserves your attention more than the delicious sandwiches that come from the kitchen. At only $4.95, the Bruschetta Panini is impressive with pressed pesto, asiago cheese, tomato, onion and fresh basil, served with gourmet kettle chips. With dollars to spare, splurge on an Italian soda ($1.75) or a homemade cookie ($0.45).
[6] Georgette’s
311 Conant St., Maumee 419-891-8888 Who says a salad can’t be a meal? Georgette’s classic Sweet Georgette Salad has mixed greens, asiago cheese, dried cranberries, apple slices and pecans. And, their mixed greens (some from hydroponic gardens) are locally grown by the eatery’s partner, Sunshine Children’s Home. Top this dish off with raspberry or homemade house vinaigrette with a side of garlic toast points, $5.49. With your change, grab a small fresh brewed coffee made from fair trade grounds ($1.29) and stroll through Georgette’s adjacent fair trade gift shop.
5236 Monroe St. 419-593-0083
Shai’s Mediterranean Café has a menu full of sandwiches and pitas around $4, but their platters also make the cut. The Shish Kabob Platter features juicy beef tenderloin, a bed of rice and vegetables for $6.95. The café, with high ceilings and tall tables, is great for a quick, healthy bite. Don’t leave without taking in the aroma of Shai’s full organic coffee bar.
[7] Le Pam Pam 901 Madison Ave. 419-243-6117
New to the Downtown dining scene, Le Pam Pam has settled in comfortably with its fresh offerings. Their small personal pizzas are hefty in both size and flavor. Take the traditional Le Pam Pam, built with a thick, crispy crust, premium pepperoni and mozzarella-provolone for just $4.99. Subs, salads, calzones and Mediterranean favorites are also available under $7.
[4] Chandler’s Café
5648 N. Main St., Sylvania/419-517-5088/ A quaint stop in downtown Sylvania, Chandler’s Café is a spot for a satisfying lunch. With a full line of sandwiches and salads just under $7, it’s hard to choose, but the Chandler Cobb sandwich is something special. Grilled chicken, fresh greens, tomato, guacamole, feta and crumbled bacon wrapped in flat bread make this heavenly, clearing the cutoff at $6.99.
March 18 • March 31
high spirits
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7-9:30pm. Enjoy four wines, light snacks and a view of the hot shop. $15 members, $20 nonmembers. Toledo Museum of Art, Glass Pavilion, 2445 Monroe St. Toledo
March 20: Wordly Grenache March 27: New Zealand: Kiwi Favorites
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Tastings at the Beer and Wine Cave
�The Place To Be... �
6-8pm. $10 beer, $15 wine. Beer and Wine Cave, 4400 Heatherdowns (at Key).
March 18: Rieslings and British Beers March 25: German Wines and Beers April 1: Great Value Vino and Micro Brews ������������������������������������������� �������������������������������
[ thursday, march 19 ]
Party Like It’s 1999
Sample selection of wines all priced at $19.99 or less. The Andersons, 4701 Talmadge Rd.Toledo, OH.
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Spring Beer Tasting
7pm. Enjoy a selection of seasonal Spring beers. $10. 419-5357301. www.thevineyardwineshop. com. The Vineyard, 5305 Monroe St. Toledo.
“When life hands you a lemon, make Margaritas!”
[ saturday, march 21 ]
Tapas with Juan
7pm. $45. Call for reservations. 419-535-7301. The Vineyard, 5305 Monroe St. Toledo.
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Fish Fry Fun
Wine Tastings at the Glass Pavilion
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TCP dishes on local Friday gatherings by Kelly McGilvery, Kevin Moore, and Gina Sares This time of year, church and VFW kitchens across the Toledo area are busy preparing Fish Fry dinners for the community. TCP sent out a few writers to get the scoop on what some places are serving. If you’re craving Neptune's Delight, this will satisfy your hunger.
Gesu School, Loyola Hall
2045 Parkside
Every Friday through April 3, 4:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Carryout available. Community and parish members gather in the school cafeteria for an evening of food and fellowship. If you’re from the Old Orchard area, you’ll see a lot of familiar faces. Everyone is polite with plenty of room for the little ones to run around. Food: Alaskan Pollock (baked or fried), French fries, baked potato, macaroni and cheese, roll with butter, pizza Beverages: Fruit punch, coffee, water. Soda available for additional $0.50. Price: $8 adults, $3 children under 11
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, 3464 Glynn Dr. Every Friday through April 3, 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Carryout available. The school cafeteria is barely big enough to host all of those that line up for this meal. There is plenty of seating available, but expect a wait. Friendly volunteers fill your plate generously and roam throughout the cafeteria with additional servings of fish. Food: All-you-can-eat fish (baked or fried), French fries or baked potato, applesauce or coleslaw, macaroni and cheese (kids only). Order of shrimp, $1, and dessert sold separately. Beverages: Soda, iced tea, water Price: $7.50 adults, $7 seniors, $4 children 10 or younger
Mayberry Diner
8253 Mayberry Square, Sylvania Every Friday through April 10, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. The diner is bustling around dinnertime, so stop in early for your fish fix. All other menu items are also available, including a line of fresh pies made from scratch. Food: Beer battered white Alaskan pollock, with fries and slaw on the side. Beverages: Soda, iced tea, Kool-aid, lemonade Price: $7.95
Northwood VFW Hall 2984
102 West Andrus Rd, Northwood Every Friday through April 24, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. (no orders after 7:45 p.m.) This Hall serves up a unique community-oriented atmosphere. Rather than a cafeteria-style setup, volunteer waitstaff take orders and serve the tables., exchanging pleasant conversation with the customers. The bar section of the hall features music and television, creating the atmosphere of a pub or tavern. Food: Choose between various dinner selections: All-You-Can-Eat Walleye Dinner, New York Strip Dinner, Chicken Dinner, Chicken Tender Dinner, 21 piece Shrimp Dinner, Fish Sandwich. All dinners include choice of baked potato or French fries, and cole slaw. Beverages: Soft drinks, coffee, a variety of beers and various mixed drinks (Alcoholic beverages must be purchased by VFW members). Price: All-You-Can-Eat Walleye Dinner $7.50, New York Strip Dinner $12.50, Chicken Dinner $7, Chicken Tender Dinner $7.50, 21 piece Shrimp Dinner $6, Fish Sandwich $3
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� March 18• March 31
High-class food, low price
Just because we’re in a recession doesn’t mean you have to eat like it. J.B’s Sarnie Shoppe, a new delicatessen at The Town Center in Levis Commons, run by owners Bruce Bansbach and Gareth Jones, offers sandwiches, made with high quality meats and chesses, soups and salads all at affordable prices. The restaurant has dine-in seating, free wi-fi, a fax-in order menu and patio seating during the spring and summer. Open Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. 419-931-8888. —CH
culinary [ saturday, march 21 ]
Traditional Southern Staples with a New Twist
6:30pm. Learn how to make blueberry orange jicama cole slaw, chopped pork with balsamic vinegar barbecue sauce, sweet greens and black eyed peas with smoked turkey, macaroni and blue cheese, and chocolate na na pudding. $40. Call for reservations. 419-872-9090 Kitchen Tools And Skills, 26597 North Dixie, Perrysburg
[ wednesday, march 25 ]
Wednesday Night Dinner
6:30pm. Lisa Bowe, CHP, Health Counselor will instruct you in making an ordinary dinner special. Dishes include avocado grapefruit salad, chicken patties, potato quarters, carrots vichy and chocolate bavarian cream. $40. Call to register, 419-872-9090. Kitchen Tools And Skills, 26597 North Dixie, Perrysburg
Lunch with a view
A New Spin on Pizza
Looking for a tasty alternative to fish on Friday during Lent? Vito’s Pizza offers a plethora of specialty pizzas, salads and subs, but in celebration of the season they are showcasing their new Cajun Shrimp Pizza. Slightly spicy, to liven your taste buds. Small $12.99, medium $15.99, large $17.99. Vito’s is open daily until midnight, pick-up or delivery available. For more information and locations, visit
Soak up the sunshine and the scenery with a lunch by the Maumee River. Through March 31, the Maumee River Yacht Club’s Chelsea Pier is offering lunch service Tuesday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The menu features Manhattan’s Restaurant, operators of Chelsea Pier, with favorites like the Mad Anthony Rueben, gourmet pizza pies, and a handful of delicious entrees. Alcohol served to Club members and their guests. Reservations recommended. 2735 Broadway St. 419-382-3625/ —GS
Slice of heaven
A local favorite pizzeria has some new digs. Now on the corner of Central Avenue and King Road, Padrone’s Pizza boasts a dine-in area with seating for 75 and a new buffet that is sure to tempt even the pickiest of taste buds. Offering pizza, salads, entries and soups all made twice daily with the freshest ingredients, Padrone’s is a guaranteed slice of heaven. Carry-out and delivery available. 7408 W. Central Avenue. 419-517-7545. —CP
Get a taste for it! Now Open
[ friday, march 27 ]
Dim Sum Cooking
11:30am and 6pm.Dim Sum means “touch your heart”. Learn to make Dim Sum dishes such as shau mai (steamed chicken/shrimp dumplings), crystal shrimp dumplings, sweet rice bowl, egg drop soup and Chinese golden coins. $20. Call to register 419-874-4174. The 577 Foundation, 577 River Road, Perrysburg.
[ saturday, march 28 ]
Dessert Making
10am. Dessert making is very different from other types of everyday cooking. Learn how to make honey apple pie with orange lattice crust; lemon curd mousse with blackberry purée; chocolate genoise with chocolate-peppermint ganache. Salad lunch will be served. $65. Call or email to register, 734-5292318, un coup de main, 12695 Eggert Road, Dundee, MI.
Toledo’s newest urban dinning spot. All day dining
Hours Monday ~ Saturday 11-3 for lunch.
No matter what you’re craving, the new Borderline Diner in downtown Sylvania's Haymarket Square probably has it on their menu. From delicious, hearty breakfasts to dinner platters, specialty pizzas, and 8-inch subs, this diner’s got it all. Borderline is open Tuesday through Saturday from 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., with breakfast served between 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. So even if you roll out of bed late, you can still enjoy filling omelets, stacked pancakes, or their traditional Borderline Breakfast. 5758 N. Main Street, Sylvania. 419-517-1337.
27 Broadway Toledo, Ohio 43604 (Entrance on the Ottawa Street side of building) phone: 419-724-4477
March 18 • March 31
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In these tough economic times, it may seem easy to surrender your social life to nights alone in the basement, dwelling on sinking interests rates and studying Suze Orman’s latest financial advice. It’s time to snap out of it! There are plenty of ways to enjoy the Toledo area on a reasonable budget. And, once again, TCP’s full of ideas. We’ve created this handy resource, from tasty restaurant deals to cheap creative outlets, we’ve got what you need to save a dime and still have fun.
Fill your belly without emptying your pockets
Doc Watson’s — All you can eat tacos $6.95
Delight in the tastes of Toledo with weekly specials.
Smokey Bones Bar & Fire Grill
Daily or almost Daily
— 1 free appetizer to every public service employee, 4 p.m. - close.
Fricker’s — 1⁄2 price appetizers
after 10 p.m. every day
South End Bar and Grille — 6 select lunch items for $4.99, Monday – Friday, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Cheeseburger, coney dogs, wraps, chicken balls, and more. 5105 Glendale Ave.
Rosie’s Italian Grille — 1⁄2 price appetizers and gourmet pizza Sunday – Thursday, bar top and high top tables only
Ralphie’s — 14 lunch items for
Tea Tree Asian Bistro — 1/2 price
sushi platters from select menu, 5 p.m. - close.
El Matador — 3 tacos for $1.25 3309 N. Holland Sylvania Rd., 7011 Airport Hwy., Holland
Chowders N’ Moor — $0.50 hard and
soft tacos
Jo Jo’s Pizzeria — 1⁄2 price pizza 4336 Monroe St. location only
Buffalo Wild Wings — $0.60 boneless wings
Ralphie’s — Buy 10 wings, get 10 wings free
Sebastiano’s — Soup of the day
Smokey Bones Bar & Fire Grill —
and 1/2 club sandwich for $4.50 for lunch. 4448 Heatherdowns Blvd.
Smokey Bones Bar & Fire Grill — 1/2 price appetizers Monday - Friday, and everyday 9 p.m. close.
Zia’s — 1/2 price appetizers and free pizza for groups of 6 or more at bar, Sunday - Thursday, open - close, Friday - Saturday, open - 6:30 p.m.
Mancy’s Italian — 1/2 price pizza at the bar, every weekday from 4 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Uncle John’s Pancake House — All you can eat roasted chicken for $5.99
Ralphie’s — All appetizers 1⁄2 price from 9 p.m. – close
P & D’s Sports Bar — Slow roasted prime rib dinner with salad, baked potato and dinner roll, $8.99. Sundays, too. 3340 W. Laskey Rd.
Free or nearly free kids meals.
Every day
The Original Pancake House — free buttermilk pancakes for kids every day
Jo Jo’s Pizzeria — 1⁄2 price pizza
4336 Monroe St. location only
Spaghetti Warehouse — Spaghetti, salad, and drink for $5.99
Spaghetti Warehouse — $0.99 kids’ meals with an adult purchase
Hospitality Night, 9 p.m. - close. $0.50 wings —multiple of 8s.
Pam’s Corner — 9 inch pizza for $4
South End Bar and Grille — Kids 12 or under eat free on Monday, with the purchase of an adult meal
Casa Barron — 1⁄2 price select menu
5105 Glendale Ave.
209 Louisiana Ave., Perrysburg
Fricker’s — $0.35 chicken wings, dine-in only
Mancy’s Italian — Martini and 1⁄2
Buffalo Wild Wings — Buy one get one free wings, in set quantities
Jo Jo’s Pizzeria — 1⁄2 price pasta dinners from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. 4336 Monroe St. location only
South End Bar and Grille — $3.50 for 1lb of wings 5105 Glendale Ave. Uncle John’s Pancake House — All you can eat spaghetti for $3.99
Uncle John’s Pancake House — All you can eat buttermilk pancakes for $1.99
$5.99 daily from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
South End Bar and Grille — Buy one get one free burger, of equal or lesser value 5105 Glendale Ave.
South End Bar and Grille — 9” pizza for $5 5105 Glendale Ave.
Ralphie’s — Kids 10 and under eat free
panini for $7.99
Stella’s — Ladies, wear a red dress
and receive a free “appetizer of the day”
Buffalo Wild Wings — $0.60 boneless wings
Manhattan’s Restaurant — 1⁄2 off alcoholic beverages and bar menu from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
March 18 • March 31
Doc Watson’s — Kids Menu items are $1 with a side and drink. (
Buffalo Wild Wings — Kids eat free with purchase of adult meal
Pizza Papalis — Kids get a free entrée and soda with purchase of adult entrée or small pizza, dine-in only
Doc Watson’s — Kids Menu items are $1 with a side and drink.
bottled beer, well drinks and 1 pint domestic drafts for $1, $2 import drafts on Sunday and Monday. 5105 Glendale Ave.
Doc Watsons — $2 Margaritas on
Mi Hacienda — Kids eat free with adult purchase Salsarita’s Fresh Cantina — Kids eat free with adult purchase
Tuesdays, $3.50 Cosmos, Appletinis, Grapetinis on Thursdays (Ladies Night)
P & D’s Sports Bar — $1.75 Margaritas on Tuesdays 3340 W. Laskey Rd.
Smokey Bones Bar & Fire Grill
CULINARY SCHOOLS SPECIALS Saved by the lunch bell.
— Hospitality Nights, 9 p.m. - close, Mondays, $3.50 Margaritas & Long Islands. $3.50 wines daily.
College Hall, Room 148.
Penta Career Center, Culinary Connection Restaurant — Open Tuesday – Friday throughout the school year, this spot features soups, salads and entrees made by Penta culinary students in three kitchens. Entrees change daily, and the average meal costs about $5 - $6 dollars (without drink). 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. 9301 Buck Rd.
St. Luke’s Hospital — This hospital in Maumee offers a variety of free health classes, from safe babysitting to managing diabetes, as well as support groups. Registration required. Log on to
Margaritas, Monday – Saturday, all day for more info
Ralphie’s — $2 Margaritas, $1.25 select 12 oz. domestic drafts, and $3 house long island iced tea everyday. $1 12 oz. select domestic drafts on Thursdays
Manhattan’s — 1⁄2 price alcoholic beverages on Thursday, 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
South End Bar and Grille — $3.50 Long Islands on Mondays, $2 Margaritas on Tuesdays, Daily power hour 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. – 9 p.m. features
ProMedica Health System — ProMedica offers
For a list of programs, visit
Chowders ‘N Moor — $1.50
TMACOG Share-A-Ride — Toledo area expressways may not have a carpool lane, but there are plenty of other benefits to commuting together. ShareA-Ride services are free to commuters in several counties, including Lucas and Wood. TMACOG helps you find other commuters to ride with and assists with vanpooling and finding park-and-ride bus lots. Plus, their guaranteed ride program assures that you’ll get home, even if you or your ride has to stay at work late or leave early. Share-A-Ride will reimburse the bus fare, taxi fare, or car rental fees up to four times throughout the year for an emergency ride home.
Look great and feel great about it
A lot of pampering at a low price.
nationally accredited beauty school offers services by students with licensed supervision. Haircuts are as low as $7.95 ($3.95 for kids). Several hair services, as well as manicures ($5.95), pedicures ($15.95), facials (starting at $6.50), and body treatments will make you look great for less.
continuous health programs and free health screenings at various locations throughout the year. Take part in blood pressure screenings, diabetic programs, women’s health programs and nutrition and weight loss classes.
Relax & have a cold one
Toledo Academy of Beauty — This
Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) — If you haven’t ridden a bus
drinks & cocktails
Health Technologies Hall 567-661-7294/ 800-GO-OWENS ext. 7294.
Stay happy and healthy for less
Get from here to there without going under
since your school days, you’re missing out on one of the best ways to save money. Adults and children six and over ride for just $1. A weekly pass is $10; a monthly pass is $40. Discounts are available for seniors or people with disabilities. Tokens and passes are available at the TARTA office at 1127 West Central Ave. or at select locations.
services at minimal fees. Oral assessments, X-rays, cleanings and more are offered for adults and children from September through May.
health & wellness
hitch a ride
419-666-1120 ext. 1104.
The Distillery — $1 domestic beer bottles and mixed well drinks every day 8 p.m. – 9 p.m., Wednesdays 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. and Fridays 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
volunteer-staffed co-op helps you get your wheels up to speed in no time. Their bike recycling shop is open Sundays from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. and Mondays 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (2272 Collingwood). Find used bikes, overhauled bikes and as-is bikes all safety-checked to be your new ride. The shop also offers do-it-yourself repair — use their shop, tools and the head mechanic’s advice for $5 an hour. Or, receive a free hour for every hour you volunteer at the shop.
Owens Community College, Terrace View Café — This culinary laboratory offers a 3-course lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays for instructors, staff, and residents at only $7.25, including tax. Each meal has its own theme, featuring Mexican, Vietnamese, Hawaiian and Italian delicacies throughout the year. Take-out available. Reservations required, online only. 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Toledo Bike Co-op — This nonprofit,
Savings so good, you’ll leave smiling.
Dental Center of Northwest Ohio — Low-income families can receive routine dental care by licensed dentists, dental hygienists and a friendly support staff. Exams, prophylaxis, fluoride application and restorations are just a few of the services they offer. Eligibility is required. 419-241-6215/
Owens Community College Dental Hygiene Clinic — Staffed by dental hygiene students supervised by licensed dental professionals, the Clinic offers many preventative
March 18 • March 31
1554 S. Byrne Rd., 419-381-7218. 3341 Navarre Ave., 419-693-7257.
Salon Professional Academy — Refresh your ‘do with the help of salon students under the supervision of licensed professionals. Haircuts start at $9, coloring at $21. Facials ($24), waxing ($7), manicures ($9) and pedicures ($23) are also available. 116 West South Boundary, Perrysburg. 419-873-9999.
clothing & good stuff
Consignment shops are always in fasion Just For You, Too of Northwest Ohio — This shop’s got a little bit of everything to make you and your home look chic. Women’s, juniors, maternity and children’s up to size 5 clothing. Plus, find unique décor and furniture for home sweet home. 451 W. Dussel Dr., Maumee.
CJ’s Closet — For 27 years, Toledoans have found fashionable labels on lady’s clothing, new costume jewelry, purses and shoes at this jewel in Parkway Plaza. Great home décor and furniture, too. 2558 Parkway Plz. 419-891-9900.
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Consign-It — Men and women
Rosie’s Italian Grill — Beat the dinner
can find hidden treasures at this shop with men and women’s clothing, casual wear, swimwear, cocktail wear and pant suits. And, don’t forget the accessories — stock up on jewelry, hats and coats, too.
crowd and enjoy an Italian meal with your date with Rosie’s “Early Bird Specials.” Choose from dishes like handmade ravioli, veal picatta and crab stuffed shrimp, all priced between $10-$16. 606
6935 W. Central Ave. 419-843-9103
N. McCord Rd. 419-866-5007
Goodwill Industries of Northwest Ohio — Clothes, furniture,
It’s Friday! — Voted TCP’s
games, home decor, Goodwill’s got it all. With plenty of locations around the Toledo area, it’s easy to restock your wardrobe on the cheap. Visit for locations
Salvation Army of Northwest Ohio — These thrift shops are home to a diverse selection of clothes, accessories, household goods and even appliances. Plus, your support contributes to a good cause. Visit for locations.
Toledo Freecycle — Love the word “free”? This nonprofit Toledo yahoo group is available to anyone looking to give away or find free stuff to prevent filling landfills with unwanted goods. The group encourages that everyone participate in giving and getting, and everything that is posted must be absolutely free.
Best Date Idea, the Toledo Museum of Art hosts It’s Friday! every Friday evening from 6:30-10 p.m. Enjoy a variety of free activities including tours, special programs, demonstrations music and more ($5 parking charge applied). For a complete
schedule, visit
Toledo Botanical Garden — Spring, summer, winter and fall — it’s always the season to take your significant other to TBG. Always free and constantly changing, the Garden welcomes you to enjoy walking, bird watching, picnicking and relaxing with the one you love.
And now for our feature presentation....
The Library offers double the movie fun with both free film screenings and free video rentals. Screenings typically fall on Thursday evenings (through April 2) and range from serious documentaries to silly comedies. Feature films available for free on video and DVD come in all genres including comedy, western, action, mystery, horror, classics, foreign and films for children.
good reads
Take a free look, it’s in a book!
Toledo area libraries — Home to literally thousands of books, the Toledo-Lucas County Public Toledo. Libraries have 20 locations to provide you with a lifetime of Dinner, movies, cultural free entertainment. awakenings for two Perrysburg’s Way — we got you covered Library is also full of great reads and resources, which has earned them a 5 (highest possible ranking) in the 2009 edition of the Library Journal Index of Public Library Service. Wood County District Public Library doesn’t disappoint either. Join one of their 3 free book clubs, including Girls Night Out, Monday Mysteries and Life Treo Restaurant Travels. and Bar —, Serving Italian, French, and American cuisine, Treo Restaurant and Bar offers the Paperback Swap — Share and trade perfect date night experience used reading material online. More at a discounted price. Stop in than 3 million free books to choose any night of the week from from. 5-7 p.m. and you and your significant other can indulge Toledo City Paper — It’s where you go to in the Dinner Treo, where two get all your Toledo entertainment news of you can share one appetizer for free, obviously. Now publishing and pick any two entrees off every other week. the menu — all for just $33. Toledo-Lucas County Public Library — Overall, you’ll save about $15.
date night
Cinemark Theatre at Woodland Mal — Bowling Green’s modest mall features some of NW Ohio’s greatest ticket deals. Daily evening shows are $4.25 per ticket and matinees are $2.25. Stop by for All Day Tuesdays where day and evening shows are $2.25 and Student ID Thursdays where students get in for $2.25 all day long.
The Collingwood Arts Center — The CAC is currently hosting its Vintage Film Festival, which runs once a month through June 14. Screenings are preceded by a theatre pipe organ concert and tickets are $5 per person.
Hulu — Watch a variety of legally released movies and shows for free online.
Family Video — Cheapest movie rentals in town including the 2 for $1 rental section on older films, $1 movie selections (Family Fun, Nearly New, Favorites and Classics) and $2.79 for new releases. Kids movies are always free.
5703 N. Main St., Sylvania 419-882-2266
March 18 • March 31
local singer-songwriters like John Authenreith, Ryan Dunlap, Jack Schilb and stuttering awareness outfit Easy Onset.
AAA members — Membership gets you a movie pass booklet with 4 tickets, good for two dates or a double date, for just $31, or two tickets and refreshments for $27.50.
Mancy’s Italian — Typically scheduled
Credit Unions — Open up a new checking or savings account at one of the many local credit unions, and you can score yourself a couple discounted Showcase Cinema movie tickets. • Co-op Toledo Credit Union, $8.50 each, • Glass City Federal Credit Union, $8.25 each, • Directions Credit Union, $7.75 each, • Sun Federal Credit Union, $7.75 each,
for Friday evenings, Mancy’s Italian provides soothing acoustic performances by local musicians Brian Bocian, Norts & Manning, Dave Browning and more.
Mi Hacienda, Blue Agave Bar
Ottawa Tavern — With the exception of fundraisers/benefit shows, the OT provides free live entertainment every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
South End Bar and Grille — Featuring
Karaoke Wednesdays, DJ Rock your financial Thursdays and a problems away mixture of DJs and live bands on Fridays and Saturday, South End Bar provides free entertainment for the better part of the week. For more info, 419-385-3080
Wesley’s Bar and Grill — Always a party, never a cover. Fridays and Saturdays at Wesley’s offer the best in local DJs and bands. Toledo-Lucas County Public Library — Music is available for borrowing on CD and cassette tape, including all genre forms like pop/rock, country, jazz, sacred, classical, blues and more.
NO COVER VENUES Caffeini’s Coffee — Toledo’s newest coffee house offers free weekend acoustic and jazz performances on Saturdays and Open Mic nights hosted by Sarah and Estar Cohen on Sundays.
right track with Mother Nature. Toledo is home to twelve beautiful parks, featuring three bicycle trails and spanning over 8,000 acres of land. Whatever your hobby, the Metroparks is the place to go for your next jog/walk, bike ride, nature-based photo shoot, picnic or nap!
Can’t get enough cheap and/or free ideas? Try these on for size
Metroparks of Toledo — Get on the
hosts free dance nights and monthly Name This Tune competitions for free prizes. Home Slice Pizza — Great food and entertainment. Come see jazz master Mike Whitty every Thursday.
— Come on out for the Latino Dance Party featuring two DJs and free appetizers every first Friday of the month.
Maumee Indoor Theater — Daily movie tickets are $3.50 per show. Wild Wednesdays feature $1.50 admission, $1.25 popcorn and $1.25 soda.
Doc Watson’s — Thursday night DJ
Music Under the Stars — Throughout July and August the Toledo Zoo hosts free Sunday evening concerts in its historic Ampitheatre, featuring music by the Toledo Concert Band.
Toledo Zoo — It’s no wonder why everybody’s Zooin’ it! The Toledo Zoo has quite a few opportunities to save money with admission. Every Monday from 10 a.m. – noon, Lucas County residents get free admission with valid ID. (Doesn’t apply to holidays that fall on Mondays.) Bring a used printer cartridge to donate for recycling and receive a coupon for “buy an adult admission, get a child admission free.” Also, all military personnel currently serving receive free admission with military ID.
577 Foundation — This beautiful land by the Maumee River is Perrysburg’s secret garden. Founded by Virginia Secor Stranahan, the Foundation is open to all people as a place to learn, share, and enjoy. Community gardens are available for those testing out their green thumbs, and various classes — cooking, yoga, art, crafts, forums, and more — are offered throughout the month at reasonable prices (including free!) to fit every budget.
the smart alternative.
April Fool’s issue April 1, 2009 Ad deadline March 26, 2009
advertise with us. get results.
pub, the only time Claddagh ever charges a cover is on St. Patty’s Day. Check out their rocking entertainment schedule.
Culture Clash Records — Providing intimate in-store performances to help connect bands with their fans. Check website for schedule.
Flying Bean — This family-owned coffee shop in Levis Commons hosts a variety of acoustic performances on Fridays and Saturdays, featuring
And don’t forget these free weekly staples:
EE i FR i-F W
Claddagh Irish Pub — Being an Irish
Manhattan’s — Open Mic.
Attic on Adams — Acoustic sets with Sarah Cohen.
Blarney Irish Pub — Acoustic night is always free.
March 18 • March 31
419.882.9229 19
Wanted: artists of all ages
Applications are currently being accepted for exhibitors in the 17th Annual Downtown BG Art Walk — a non-juried show scheduled for Saturday, April 25 throughout downtown Bowling Green. The show is open to professionals and amateurs of all ages, and works may be offered for sale or just simply exhibited. Downtown BG is a non-profit organization focusing on the maintenance and revitalization of downtown Bowling Green. Applications are available online at, or at the Downtown BG office. Get your submission in by Friday, April 3. Downtown BG, 121 E. Wooster St., Bowling Green. For more info, call 419-354-IDEA.
on Saturday, March 28. Always morphing, evolving, and expanding, the party promises to be an evening full of entertainment, fun and art — the perfect opportunity to mingle with the area’s dynamic arts community. Featuring a silent auction of original works by 50 area artists, the Mix UP! celebrates ACGT’s golden anniversary as well as the immense talent of local artists through a collection of mixed mediums. Proceeds raised through the fundraising party benefit local art programs such as Artomatic 419, Young Artists at Work, Meet and Greets, the Parkwood Gallery and the Congressional Exhibition. $75. 7 p.m. - 1 a.m. Secor Gallery, Secor Building, 425 Jefferson Ave. 419-254-2787/ —AW
Shared snowflakes
Mix up and mingle
Toledo’s hippest, most artistic party is back and ready to mix things up. The Arts Commission of Greater Toledo is hosting their annual spring fundraiser The Mix UP! at the Secor Gallery
In honor of Disabilities Awareness Month, the Toledo Botanical Garden is hosting a three-day art exhibit, featuring the amazing creativity, talent and abilities of the artists at Shared Lives Studio. Representing Lott Industries and Sunshine Children’s Home — two non-profits that provide employment for persons with mental retardation and developmental disabilities — Shared Lives Studio’s artisans will be selling their paper snowflakes for $12 each, and no two are alike. Check them out on Friday, March 27 from 4-8 p.m., Saturday, March 28 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday, March 29 from noon - 4 p.m. Toledo Botanical Garden Conference Center, 5403 Elmer Dr. 419-936-2986/
UT in 3D
The University of Toledo Department of Art is ready and excited to share its latest art-inspired addition — the Grey Gallery and Sculpture Garden, a small works gallery and sculpture garden located on the grounds of the Center for Sculptural Studies at UT for the Visual Arts Campus. Its mission is to increase the visibility of the Center for Sculptural Studies Building to the campus and local arts communities, provide a space for art students to exhibit 3D works, stage art related functions and to attract visiting professional 3D artists to the campus. The gallery will also provide students a hands-on opportunity to experience the hard work necessary to install, present and promote a professional exhibition. The first show, “Select Student Works from the Fall Semester- 2008,” runs Friday, March 20 through Friday, April 10, with an opening reception on March 20 from 6-9 p.m. The Grey Gallery and Sculpture Garden, 535 Oakwood Ave. For more info, 419-530-8344. —ER
friday27 Firenation Open House, 7pm-10pm. The event features glass blowing demonstrations by Matt Paskiet, Mark Matthews and Scott Darlington and torch work demos by Robin Schultes. Food and drinks will be served. Firenation Glass Studio and Gallery, 7166 Front St. Perrysburg. Benjamin Budd Exhibit / Bella Soli Photography Studio Opening, 7pm-9pm. The show features fine art and metalwork by Benjamin Budd. Meet the artist and celebrate the opening of Bella Soli Photography Studio. Art on Central, 6540 Central, Sylvania.
saturday28 Fine Arts Fair, 9am-4pm. Area residents interested in experiencing the fine and performing arts in a hands-on setting are invited to attend Owens’ first-ever Fine Arts Fair. The free events and activities will range from beginning photography to theatre. 567-661-7277. OCC Center for Fine and Performing Arts, 30335 Oregon Rd. Perrysburg.
exhibitions [ new ]
wednesday18 Vintage Lucite Bead Show, The show features vintage lucite, silver and gold plated as well as a large selection of early 60s-80s jewelry from Germany, the U.S. and Italy. 419387-4000. Bonita Bead Boutique, 215 Conant St., Maumee. Through April 18.
[ ongoing ] Commemorative Quilt Exhibit, The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library is celebrating Women’s History Month March 2-27 with a Commemorative Quilt Exhibit. The 12 quilts on display were designed by members of a quilting class at Third Baptist Church, to honor the institution’s 140th anniversary. Third Baptist is one of the oldest predominately African American churches in the Toledo area. Kent Branch Library, 3101 Collingwood Blvd. Through March 27.
A piece by Toledo artist Tom McGlauchlin
Toledo Museum of Art 2445 Monroe St. 419.255.8000
it’s friday March 20 Features a gallery talk with Tom Loeffler, a pulled glass drop-in session, glass blowing demonstrations and more. Open until 10pm. Admission is free, a fee applies for some activities. March 27 Features lectures on the new Seleuciaon-the-Tigris exhibit, public tours, glass blowing demonstrations and more. Open until 10pm. Admission is free, a fee applies for some activities.
Textiles by Jennifer Solon, Jennifer Solon, a Perrysburg artist is currently showing her collection of original abstract textile collages on the second floor of the Perrysburg Municipal Courthouse. Using dyes and paints along wih a variety of surface design techniques, Jennifer transforms plain white cloth into multi-layered fabric constructions. 419-873-2787. Perrysburg Municipal Courthouse, 300 Walnut St. Perrysburg. Through March 31.
Fantasies, The exhibit features hand-blown, lampworked, cast and fused glass art by former Toledo artist Judith Konesni and her partner Michael Fortin from Kalamazoo. American Gallery, 6600 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania. Through March 31.
Seleucia-on-the-Tigris, Located between the cities of ancient Babylon and modern Baghdad, the ancient city of Seleucia-on-the-Tigris became, in 312 BCE, the capital of the Hellenistic kingdom of Seleukos Nikator, one of the successors of Alexander the Great. The city was a political and trading hub for more than 500 years. This exhibition offers the opportunity to see objects uncovered during the excavation of the site in the 1920s and 1930s. Learn more about the Seleuciaon-the-Tigris site on opening night, Friday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m., as Margaret Cool Root, Professor of Near Eastern and Classical Art and Archaeology at the University of Michigan, presents a talk in our Little Theater. Through June 28.
Spring Show, Nine local artists in an eclectic media mix including painting, printmaking, photography, ceramics, sculpture and drawings. This collection of well respected local artists will showcase our region’s depth of skill, craftsmanship and originality in a variety of media. Hudson Gallery, 5645 North Main St., Sylvania. Through March 31. Michigan Small Colleges’ Art Exhibition, The exhibition will include student artwork from Adrian College, Albion College, Alma College and Olivet College. Monetary awards will be given to the first, second and third place recipients along with several honorable mentions. Flatlanders Art Gallery, 11993 E. US 223, Blissfield. Through April 17. New Art: Tom McGlauchlin, A pioneer in the Studio Glass Movement, Toledo artist Tom McGlauchlin has been shown and collected internationally since 1962. A lecture with McGlauchlin will take place Saturday, March 21 at 1 and 2pm. 20 North Gallery, 18 N. St. Clair Street. Through April 25. Firenation and Friends, Featuring works by; Matt Paskiet, Brien Strancar, Drew Kowalski, Ashley
Janowiecki, Jeff Mack, Josh Haas, Robin Rogers, Julia Rogers, Nadine Saylor, Larry Mack, Leonard Marty, Scott Darlington, Michelle Plucinsky, Marc Vandenberg, Eamon King, Eli Lipman and Kait Rhoads. An opening reception will take place April 3, 6-8pm. Parkwood Gallery, 1838 Parkwood Ave. Through April 24.
March 18 • March 31
opens friday27 Perrysburg Artists Show, Toledo Museum Of Art Community Gallery presents an exhibit of Perrysburg Artists to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Perrysburg Area Arts Council. This juried exhibit will feature 85 works of art by 34 Perrysburg Artists. Through May 10.
[ ongoing ] Look What’s New, The Second Century of Collecting at the TMA, In the eight years since the turn of the millennium, your Museum has acquired more than 1,100 works of art. Learn more about this diverse group of recent accessions, including how and why they were collected by the Museum, in this free exhibition. Through May 31. Radiant Ensemble, This free exhibition entitled “Radiant Ensemble: Jewelry from the Nancy and Gilbert Levine Collection” celebrates the collection of 18th and 19th-century jewelry assembled by Nancy and Gilbert Levine. Through August 9.
LOOK WHAT’S The Toledo Museum of Art has collected more than 1,100 works since 2001. Find out what, why, and how in this multi-gallery exhibition experience! 419.255.8000 FREE admission
Through May 31 March 18 • March 31
50 years and still going strong
Toledo Opera caters to the masses with Salome by Emily Rippe If you think spending a night at the opera is an expensive activity created with old aristocrats in mind, you’re sadly mistaken. For decades, the opera served as a place for audiences of all ages to be entertained. And for half a century, Toledo Opera has been working hard to make opera accessible for everyone in northwest Ohio. “Opera has a way of communicating human nature issues on stage,” said Loviah Aldinger, Toledo Opera’s Director of Marketing and Education. “[The opera] was always the place to go for the people of the time. Today, we rely a lot more on televisions and daytime soap operas.” Toledo Opera finds itself in the midst of its 50th Celebratory Season (it opened its doors in 1959) with the shocking and powerful tale of Salome. Based on the play by Oscar Wilde, this one-act opera features an unforgettable score by Richard Strauss and focuses loosely on the Biblical characters Herod, John the Baptist and the deceitful Salome. “It’s really a daring opera. It was actually banned for many years in London and at the Metropolitan Opera,”
Aldinger said. “It’s not your Madame Butterfly.” The opera’s plot isn’t exactly typical. Salome falls in love with John the Baptist (her stepfather’s prisoner), but when her advances are rejected she demands him to be beheaded and served to her on a silver platter so she can finally kiss him. The production is also anything but ordinary. In the past, Toledo Opera sets were brought in or “pre-made,” but for Salome,
date night [ friday20 ] Join the Toledo Opera for “Date Night at Salome,” sponsored by Toledo CIty Paper on Friday, March 20 at the Valentine Theatre, 400 N. Superior St. Tickets are $40, and include pre-show tapas and hors d’oeuvres, as well as desserts after the performance, all by Georgio’s. Cash bar also available. 6 p.m. Also Sunday, March 22 at 2 p.m. 419-255-7464/www.
the stage, setting and lighting is “new.” Working with scenic designer Clayton Peterson, an art faculty member at Bowling Green State University, Toledo Opera created their own stage design specifically for the production of Salome. “The orchestra in this opera is so large that it doesn’t fit in the pit,” Aldinger said. “We designed the set so that the musicians are all on stage.” Additionally, Salome showcases other local talent including choreographer Nigel Burgoine, the artistic director for Ballet Theatre of Toledo, and soprano singer Aubry Hagdorn, the youngest member ever accepted into the Toledo Opera Chorus. Salome also features returning soprano Amy Johnson, known for her exciting portrayal of the difficult title role. Salome is a modern opera, perfect for both first-time opera-goers and returning audiences.
theater events [ march 19-22 ]
Down the rabbit hole
The Pulitzer Prize-winning, intensely emotional drama Rabbit Hole continues on the Toledo Repertoire Tenth Street Stage, showing until Sunday, March 29, with weekend performances starting at 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and Sunday matinees beginning at 2:30 p.m. Rabbit Hole details the life-shattering event that pulls apart Rebecca and Howie Corbett and examines grief and the lengths we will stretch for comfort. $18 for adults, $16 for seniors, $10 students, and $5 for children 13 and under. The Toledo Repertoire Theater, 16 10th St. For more info, 419-243-9277/
From Harlem to Toledo
The Dance Theatre of Harlem Ensemble brings an inspiring and innovative ballet performance to the Owens Community College Center for Fine and Performing Arts Tuesday, March 24. The ensemble is comprised of performers who share the Dance Theater of Harlem legacy in small communities and on college and university campuses, through their extensive outreach program “Dancing Through Barriers,” with an ultimate goal of enriching lives around the world through the arts. The Dance Theatre will make an afternoon appearance for Owens students only at 12 p.m. and will perform for the public at 7 p.m. $26 for adults, $24 for seniors and $20 for students, Owens staff and faculty. For more info, Owens Community College Center for Fine and Performing Arts, 30335 Oregon Rd., Perrysburg. 567-661-2787/ — AW
Broadway at the Stranahan Presents "Spelling Bee," The 25th Annual Putnam
County Spelling Bee began as an improv experiment and has become a Broadway treasure. This charming Tony Award winner tells the story of six teens from the fictional Putnam County who compete in an annual spelling bee. They revisit a time of awkward uncertainty and the craziness of adolescence and in the process learn that winning isn’t everything and that losing doesn’t necessarily make you a loser. With a playful score, the show is funny, offbeat, heartwarming, and according to The New York Times, “riotously funny and remarkably ingenious. Gold stars all around.” Stranahan Theater, 4645 Heatherdowns, Toledo, OH.
tale about a feisty employee representative and a handsome factory superintendent. Babe Williams and Sid Orkin are on opposite sides of heated negotiations when they suddenly find themselves having to negotiate a racy affair that is quickly heating up between them. With romance and music a plenty, “The Pajama Game” features a high-energy score by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross. Popular hits include “Hey There,” “Steam Heat,” and the hilarious “Hernando’s Hideaway.” 8 p.m. $38, $47 and $59. The Valentine Theatre, 410 Adams St. 419-242-2787/ —ER
Pajama time
The Valentine Theatre, on Wednesday, March 25, presents “The Pajama Game,” a fast-paced
March 18 • March 31
Ann Arbor does Avant-Garde
The 47th Annual Ann Arbor Film Festival hits the big screen by Sharon Gittleman Tired of films that retread the same wornout territory? Have you viewed one too many movies that treat you like a drooling idiot? If so, check out the offerings of the 47th Ann Arbor Film Festival from March 24 - 29. If you go, you may find yourself shocked or surprised — but definitely not bored. “We offer the full spectrum of independent films — everything from one-minute films to feature lengths, in all styles and genres, including animation, experimental, documentary and narrative. Some films are beyond classification,” said festival Executive Director Donald Harrison. Last year’s selections featured everything from a seconds-long stream of consciousness work about writing to a tale about a middleaged couple confronted by a pair of mimes with murder on their mind. This year’s movies promise to be equally intriguing. “We have a documentary on Saturday afternoon about the world’s great ‘art cars,’ a term used for people who customize their cars,” he said. “It’s called Automorphosis — an inspiring, creative and funny film about some of the characters who made the most imaginative cars.” There are also “traditional” short tales that tell a story from beginning to end mixed in with more cutting-edge movies, he said. All films selected, however, are designed to do more than just entertain.
Send us your pics for our Social Studies page in our next issue. Details on page 34.
“They allow us to look at the world in different ways, to see visions that inspire you,” Harrison explained. “We’re an art-driven film festival. You will see things you love and things you don’t like, but it’s beyond going to a typical movie. These are films you can’t see online or rent on DVD. The festival doesn’t shy away from controversy. Attendees will get an in-depth look at “sampling,” and “remixing” – taking material from an existing work to create something new. “There’s a difference between stealing an artists’ work and someone taking something as an influence,” said Harrison. “It’s like a sharing of ideas. If we aren’t able to sample and draw from other artists we would limit the palette for our culture.” Moviegoers will enjoy everything from a series of short films exploring gay themes, to an evening devoted to animator Don Hertzfeldt to a family-friendly program for kids and adults. Some screenings will feature video installations, panel discussions and lectures. More than 2,600 films from 40 countries were submitted for consideration for the event, with 120 ultimately selected for judging by a panel of experts. Winners will receive cash prizes. “Many filmmakers come in to the festival from around the world. You can meet a filmmaker from Colombia or London or Korea,” said Harrison. “It’s a very memorable experience.”
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For more information about the festival, including ticket information and up-to-date scheduling, visit
March 18 • March 31
featured artist
Collingwood cinema
The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library continues its Independent Film Festival this month with two more fabulous first-run feature films by independent filmmakers. On Thursday, March 19 the library will screen “Gone with the Woman,” a romance comedy about a man who has a whirlwind love affair with a mysterious woman. And on Thursday, March 26, the library will show “Frontrunners,” a witty documentary that follows a student council election at Stuyvesant High School in New York City, one of the country’s most prestigious high schools. Both movies begin at 6:45 p.m. and are free and open to the public. The film series runs through Thursday, April 2. McMaster Center, Main Library, 325 Michigan St. 419-259-5285/ —CH
Mexican Restaurant & Cantina Monday 3 Tacos for $3 ������� Chimichangas Buy 1 Get 1 1/2 off
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Children 12 and under eat free with the purchase of dinner entree!
College ID Night 10% off w/college ID
book notes
Know your writing rights
The Northwest Ohio Writers’ Forum (NWOWF) is geared up for another monthly meeting at the Sanger Branch Library. On Saturday, March 21 the group plans to discuss how to protect yourself and retain copyrights. NWOWF members want their writing protected. Working in everything from fiction, non-fiction and poetry to plays, screenplays, children’s books and memoirs, this is not a meeting any Toledo-based writer can afford to miss. The forum will feature Richard Martin as a guest speaker. Martin is a partner in the firm of Fraser Clemens Martin and Miller LLC, an intellectual property-focused law firm in Perrsyburg and he will shed some light on current events relating to publishing and intellectual property. 10 a.m. Sanger Library, 3030 W. Central Ave.
Karaoke Night/Power Hour 9-10 $1 off all drinks
Karaoke Night
The Collingwood Arts Center continues its Vintage Film Series on Sunday, March 22 with the 1946 film “The Strange Love of Martha Ivers.” Starring Barbara Stanwyck, Lizabeth Scott and Kirk Douglas, this compelling film noir drama leaves no stone unturned. In1928, young heiress Martha Ivers fails to run off with friend Sam Masterson, and is involved in fatal events spanning the next few years. Like previous screenings in the Vintage Film Series, the feature will be preceded by a theatre pipe organ mini-concert, beginning at 2:30 p.m. “The Strange Love Of Martha Ivers” starts at 3 p.m. $5. The Collingwood Arts Center, 2413 Collingwood Blvd. 419-244-ARTS/ —ER
Benjamin Budd ��
fine art and metalwork Meet the Artist &
Grand Opening of Bella Soli Photography Studio
March 27th 7-10pm at
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1540 W. Sylvania Ave. Toledo Carryout Available T:419-478-5488 F:419-478-7108
March 18 • March 31
419-350-6871 6540 W. Central M-Thu 10-7 F-Sat 10-6 Sun 1-5
wednesday18 [ spiritual fitness ]
Zen Buddhist Evening Practice This traditional Zen Buddhist evening practice at the Toledo Zen Center includes liturgy, Zen meditation, a talk and discussion. Everyone is welcome, first timers will receive beginning instruction in Zen Meditation. 7:15pm. Shobu Aikido of Ohio, 6537 Angola Road, Holland. Every Wednesday.
[ miscellaneous ]
Tarot Card Readings Liz Hazel conducts mini tarot and astrology readings every Wednesday night. 5pm. Manos Restaurant, 1701 Adams.
The theme for the group this year is “Get Published in 2009!” 10am. Sanger Branch Library, 3030 W Central Ave.
[ sports ]
Get Lucky with the Glass City Rollers Join The Glass City Rollers for a trip to the Motor City Casino. $35 per person Includes round-trip bus transportation. 21+. Bus departs at 2:45pm from the Secor Rd. Home Depot. Return-trip bus leaves Motor City Casino at 9pm Returning to Secor Rd. around 10pm.
monday23 [ education ]
Thinking Outside of the Crate Talk Join Mercy For Animals for a free presentation by Dean Vickers, the Humane Society of the United States’ State Director for Ohio. This year, legislation will be introduced in Ohio to phase out some of the most cruel confinement systems for factory farmed pigs, chickens and cows. Learn how you can help pass this vital legislation. The event will be in meeting room B. 419-304-4948. 7pm. Sanger Branch Library, 3030 W Central Ave.
tuesday24 [ education ]
Gifts from the Guild saturday21 & sunday22 The Toledo Craftsman’s Guild present their annual juried Spring Festival of Crafts on Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22 at the Lucas County Recreation Center opening at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. respectively. The show will feature a wide variety of traditional, modern and seasonal works from area craftsmen. Bunnies, pastels — all your Easter and Spring-inspired goodies can be found at the craft show. Free. For more information, 419-842-1925. Lucas County Recreation Center, 2901 Key St., Maumee. —AW
[ miscellaneous ]
friday20 [ miscellaneous ]
Bunco Club of Toledo You don’t have to be a member or join the club to play or win 1 of 15 cash prizes. $20 registration fee per person, includes lunch. No experience necessary. 2pm. Tremainsville Hall, 2439 Tremainsville.
saturday21 [ education ]
Summer Equinox Drum Circle Participants need only to bring a drum or any world percussion instrument, including their clapping hands. Kathie Van Ness will lead the group in several North African and Middle Eastern rhythms. Drummers of all skill levels are welcome to participate. Drums are also available for purchase at the Radiance Studio. A donation of $5 is suggested. 5pm. Radiance Healing Arts, 437 S. Main Street, Bowling Green.
UT Salsa and Latin Dance Social The event features a number of well known guests including Tony Rios, host of the television show “Voces Latinas” with an estimated viewership of over two million people in Ohio/Michigan area, an eleven piece salsa orchestra [Los Gringos Salsa] to provide entertainment, and world-class dance instructors and students. $5. University of Toledo Student Union, 801 W Bancroft St.
[ literary ]
[ sports ]
wednesday25 [ benefit ]
Perrysburg’s Got Talent The event is a kick-off for Relay for Life and features a talent show followed by a dessert reception and team gettogether. Free admission - donations appreciated. See website for registration form: Located in the Juliet Beck Auditorium. 6:30pm. Commodore Building, Corner of Louisiana and Indiana Ave. Perrysburg.
Come one, come all to Mobile Meals’ annual Great Chili Cook-Off. This tasty competition features award-winning chili, a celebrity panel of judges and you (for the People’s Choice Award). The event — benefiting the local non-profit assisting the elderly, ill, disabled and homebound to remain in their homes and retain their independence and dignity — includes four separate competitions (the Chili Corporate Team, the Chili Amateur Team, the Chili Media Team and the Restaurant Competition). Live music, chef demonstrations and the Black Swamp Cruisers’ Classic Car Show supply an additional draw. The Great Chili Cook-Off runs from noon-4 p.m. Free admission, your donations support Mobile Meals. The Great Hall at Stranahan Theater, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd. For info, 419-255-7806/ —ER
Toledo Naturalists’ Association Program A representative from Nature’s Nursery Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation Education will present the Toledo Naturalists’ Association March program “Wildlife Rehabilitation.” Learn about the various animals that come into a rehabilitation center, and the reasons they need help. Meet some non-releasable wild animals from Nature’s Nursery. 419-535-7171. Ohio’s Role in the Civil War The Lucas County Chapter of Ohio Genealogical Society presents this talk by speaker Mark Young on “Ohio’s Role in the Civil War.” 1:30pm. Downtown Library, 325 Michigan. Urban Ballroom Dancing Lessons Urban Ballroom Dancing is a smooth, elegant, graceful dance which combines slow dancing, hand dancing, and cha-cha-cha all in one dance. It is danced on the beat of most urban music, some jazz, R&B, and soul. The sessions are every Saturday and open between 4 and 6pm. Common Space, 1700 Reynolds Road. Northwest Ohio Writers Forum A wide range of writing is represented. Members work in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, screenplays, children’s books, memoirs and more. The NWOWF helps its members to not only improve their writing but also to pursue the ultimate goal of publication.
Historical Lecture Series Wolcott House Museum Guild in conjunction with the Maumee Branch Library - Toledo-Lucas County Public Library presents the 2009 Historical Lecture Series. This week Jack Paquette presents “The Great Depression.” 10am. Maumee Branch Library, 501 River Rd. Maumee.
Chili time saturday28
[ benefit ]
Songs for our Sister The event raises funds for the Mary Ann Russo Vocal Scholarship for Toledo School for the Arts. Performers include Lisa Young, 6th EDITION, Kim Buehler, Lori LeFevre-Johnson, Ramona Collins, Nancy Hattner, Joel Zmuda and some of the scholarship winners from this year. Singers will be backed by many of the area’s best musicians and TSA students. There will be a cash bar, snacks and lots of great entertainment. $25. 419-246-8732. 2:30pm. The Toledo Club, 235 14th Street.
[ dance ]
Open Skate with the Glass City Rollers The Glass City Rollers are currently looking for skaters, refs, coaches, and support staff. Come meet the girls and find out how you can get involved. All shapes, sizes, and skill levels. 18+. 7:30pm. Swanton Coliseum, 12725 Airport Hwy.
March 18 • March 31
staff picks I andrew I
Hypnotic thursday19
Uptown Fundraiser All proceeds for the night go to the UpTown Association to maintain the integrity of the Uptown District. Entertainment provided by Erie Boys. 419-725-5483. $5. 8pm. Ottawa Tavern, 1815 Adams St.
saturday28 [ health ]
Natural Food Walk w/Diana Patton Attend this informational seminar and receive your “Roadmap to Successful Shopping and Eating”. Learn to demystify the buying organic vs. locally grown food dilemma. Learn the different health benefits of raw vs. pasteurized foods, understand food terms such as Macrobiotic and gluten free and more. 2pm. Claudia’s Natural Food Market, 5644 Monroe St. Sylvania.
Laying a little pipe... organ, that is.
p. 26
p. 24
I emily I
The Mix UP! I’m gunna socialize with fellow artists and eats some good food.
Because I’ve never been to the opera before.
p. 20
p. 21
Showcase Sylvania Expo The show will highlight businesses that reflect the area’s private and professional business diversity. Visitors can view exciting, interactive displays of area businesses that show off local products and services in a family friendly event. Local residents can learn about the tremendous variety of retail, organizations and service oriented companies right in their neighborhood. 9am-3pm. Tam O’Shanter Sports Complex, Sylvania. 5th Annual Spring Craft Show Find unique Easter and/or Mother’s Day gifts at our show. Luncheon will be available 11am-2pm, as well as an all-day bake sale. 10am-4pm. Hope United Methodist Church, 4069 W. Sylvania Avenue in Toledo (directly across from Westfield Franklin Park).
Brewed Re-Awakenings monday23 The little coffee house at 2636 W. Central Ave. formerly known as Brewed Awakenings has gone through some major ups and downs lately. In February, word was they were closing their doors due to tough economic climate. The news about the coffee shop, recent winner of TCP’s Best Place To Hear Spoken Word, came as a shock to patrons and readers alike. To the rescue came two of Toledo’s most prominent poets: Jesse Lipman, son of Poet Laureate Joel Lipman and Imani Lateef, T-Town’s self-proclaimed Hype Man who has been hosting poetry events since 1995. Together Lipman and Lateef are re-opening the coffee shop under the name The Ground Level. And they have big plans. A grand re-opening party is scheduled for Monday, March 23, featuring a who’s who of the Toledo arts community. Join poets, DJs, musicians, MCs, vocalists and lyricists as they celebrate spring and the re-birth of a cultural commonplace. Full renovations are still being completed, but the coffee bar will be open. $3. The Ground Level, 2636 W. Central Ave. For more info, —ER
Community Ties Business Expo In 2007, the Holland Springfield Chamber of Commerce originated the Community Ties Business Expo to encourage area resident’s awareness of companies doing business within its service area. Now in its third year, the event still offers free parking, free admission, entertainment, and access to information on over 50 companies and agencies serving Holland Springfield residents. 10am. Springfield High School, 1470 McCord Road, Holland.
Historical Lecture Series Wolcott House Museum Guild in conjunction with the Maumee Branch Library - Toledo-Lucas County Public Library presents the 2009 Historical Lecture Series. This week features Steve Alexander as General G.A. Custer. 10am. Maumee Branch Library, 501 River Rd. Maumee.
[ benefit ]
The Chocolate Affair This popular Sylvania event will be hosted by morning anchor Jeff Smith, WTVG 13abc, and all proceeds will benefit Sylvania Area Family Services. Along with tasty chocolate, guests will be able to bid on silent auction items donated and crafted by area Sylvania businesses and artists. $25. 2-4pm. 419-8828415. St. Joseph’s Parish, Ravine Dr. Sylvania.
[ education ]
Black Holes: From Here to Infinity In celebration of the United Nation’s naming 2009 the International Year of Astronomy, Lourdes College is presenting “Black Holes: From Here to Infinity” at its Appold Planetarium. This production brings the science of black holes to the dome screen. $4 for adults and $3 for children under 12 and for Lourdes College students presenting their student ID. 419-517-8897. 7:30pm. Lourdes College Appold Planetarium, 6832 Convent Blvd. Sylvania.
[ sports ]
Open Skate with the Glass City Rollers See March 22.
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Date Night at Salome
[ miscellaneous ] [ benefit ]
Vintage Film Series
Black Holes have always interested me.
Get ready for a mesmerizing and fun evening as master hypnotist Michael Night hosts a one-time comedy magic show in Toledo. Whether you’re personally open to the idea of being hypnotized in front of a live audience, or you’re skeptical of the entire notion, Night is here to entertain. Audience participation is strictly voluntary, but the hypnotist says that people will often approach him after the show, wishing they had participated. And remember, Night won’t “make” you do anything he wouldn’t do himself. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. $10. Dave’s Hideaway II, 5347 N. Detroit Ave. For more info, 419-470-9814/ —ER
I erin I
Black Holes: From Here to Infinity
March 18 • March 31
monday30 [ education ]
[ spiritual fitness ]
Jews for Jesus What do the Jewish Passover and Jesus’ Last Supper have in common? Andrew Barron, speaking on behalf of Jews for Jesus will answer that question in a presentation called “Christ in the Passover.” 7pm. Holland Free Methodist Church, 6605 Angola Road, Holland.
wednesday1 [ benefit ]
Squeaker’s Benefit Dinner for Mercy For Animals Join Mercy For Animals at Squeaker’s Vegetarian Cafe and Health Food Store for a delicious vegan Italian buffet style dinner. The cost is $15, and includes salad, spaghetti, lasagna, garlic bread sticks, and dessert, along with coffee, iced tea, or water. Forty-five percent of proceeds go to support the work of Mercy For Animals. There will also be a 50/50 raffle at this event. 6-8:30pm. 419-304-4948. Squeaker’s Vegetarian Cafe and Health Food Store, 175 N. Main St., Bowling Green, OH 43402
Get your band a gig
Tips from Toledo’s music venues By Emily Rippe and Sarah Cohen This is a guide to getting that gig — the one you didn’t know how to obtain — it includes names, contact info and tidbits of advice on what local venues look for when it comes to booking live entertainment. Whether you’re just launching your musical endeavor or looking to broaden your contact list, this guide can help keep Toledo’s music scene alive and well.
The Attic on Adams
1701 Adams St. 419-243-5350
has seen an influx of class acts lately, due to booking company, Shakin’ Promotions. The brainchild of Alex Kish, Shakin’ Promotions brings in all kinds of known and unknown talent. And Kish is waiting for a few local bands to blow him out of the water.
kit with music samples, this venue just might work for you. Contact the club’s bookers Troy Michaels and Neal Rhodes through the Omni’s website at
“Some of the things I look for are bands who do original songs, steer away from sounding like stuff on the radio and have an innovative sound,” Kish said. “I’m not partial to any specific scene or genre; my goal is to unify and build a larger, more openminded music scene in NW Ohio. I am excited about diversifying the scene and exposing new ears to emerging genres.”
308 Main St. 419-691-7464
Taking over the pub above Manos, The Attic seems to be the unofficial hang out of the Old West End. All your neighbors Only original bands (the ones you like need apply. Contact Alex anyway) seem to Kish at www.myspace. show up. And that’s com/shakinpromotions how manager The Attic's or e-mail him at Misty Matthews Misty Matthews shakinpromotions@gmail. likes it — a friendly For more info, visit neighborhood bar, where everybody com. knows your name. Matthews’ priority is to provide a comfortable place for everyone, where service and fun come first, and music stays in the background. 601 Monroe St. “It’s not the entertainment that should 419-418-2339 draw people in,” Matthews said. “I want to Sometimes booking your band is give something to the customers who are as easy as clicking a button. Okay, well already coming.” maybe there’s a few more steps involved, When it comes to booking, Matthews but at the Blarney, it’s pretty simple. If looks for performers who blend in with you’re interested in playing a show at this her establishment. Relaxed, acoustic popular Downtown venue, all you have musicians are preferred (you’ll find TCP’s to do is e-mail their general manager, best singer/songwriter, Sarah Cohen, Michal Foldyna, directing him to your playing guitar on Thursday nights). So band's Myspace page or website. Foldyna bring Matthews your recorded tunes, only has one criteria when it comes to or better yet, bring in your guitar and booking bands. show her yourself. For more info, www. “If you have a lot of energy, we’ll book you,” Foldyna said. “We appreciate all different genres and encourage everyone to send us their links. It’s all about the energy.” 210 N. Main St., Bowling Green
Frankie’s Inner City A Toledo rock staple, Frankie’s has live music almost every day of the week. Popular touring acts frequent the stage, packing audiences into a tight, dimly-lit space. But the venue is friendly to local acts too, and emerging bands are welcome to play on “T-Town Tuesday” nights.
Verso Group's Broc Curry
“We’re always looking for newer local bands,” said Broc Curry from booking company Verso Group. From indie and acoustic to metal and hip hop and everything else in between, Frankie’s caters to a variety of tastes. Newer bands are encouraged to visit and fill out the New Band Sign Up Sheet. Submit your songs to Verso Group through email at, or call 419-698-4020.
The Blarney Irish Pub
The Ottawa Tavern 1817 Adams St. 419-725-5483
Before you promote your band as the next big thing to hit Toledo, it’s important to understand the venues you’re marketing yourself to. This is especially vital at the Ottawa Tavern, where general manager Tim Willford looks for bands and musicians
continues on page 28
Howard’s Club H 419-352-3195
Howard’s Club H is Bowling Green’s premiere concert venue — perfect for intimate acoustic performances, as well as sold out rock and pop shows. The bar
Send music samples to Michal Foldyna at For more info,
The Omni
2567 W. Bancroft St. 419-535-6664 Size matters at the Omni. The venue itself is large — the Omni can comfortably fit a crowd of 600 people — and therefore requires entertainment groups of the same caliber. So what does owner Jimmy Dabari look for when it comes to booking bands? “Show me your background and your ability to draw people,” Dabari said.
Alex Kish of Shakin' Promotions
Simply put, Dabari is interested in your reputation as a local band. Only high profile groups who have an established fan base and are considered “a real band” are actual Omni material. If you have the track record, as well as a press
March 18 • March 31
who “match with our clientele.” While Willford doesn’t have a genre preference — the OT books everything from blues musicians to jambands, as well as top 40 alternative rockers — there’s a certain format and style he looks for, and a level of quality he wants from the entertainment his bar provides. “I can afford to be picky,” Willford said. “Music at the Ottawa Tavern is always the best and not every band in town fills that bill.” The Ottawa Tavern is a class establishment, catering to a more mature crowd. And Willford prefers comfortable – bands that fit in with the setting. Willford heavily considers referrals from OT friendly acts, but if you’re just starting off in the Toledo music scene, the best way to impress him is to meet with him face to face. “If you’re a new and upcoming band, know your material, have your sound dialed and be aware of your venue environment,” Willford said.
Wesley’s Bar & Grill
1201 Adams St. 419-255-3333
A great place to play a show, Wesley’s accommodates bands and DJs outdoors in warm weather and indoors in the winter. No matter the season, owner Mike Roberts does whatever he can to keep his diverse crowd of patrons coming back for more, including his no cover policy. “Since we don’t have a cover charge, it’s important that the band brings in a lot of people who want to spend money,” Roberts said. Keep in mind that Wesley’s is a smaller venue, and you’ll need to adapt your sound to the setting — make sure you keep the noise level to a minimum. So bring your music — rock, acoustic, blues or beats — and your thirsty friends if you want to play a gig here. Potential entertainers should call Mike Roberts at 419-255-3333.
For more info, visit
Frankie’s: The Street Dogs w/ Swingin’ Utters
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Murphy’s Place: College Night TCP Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition: Rusty’s Jazz Cafe Night SouthBriar Restaurant: Ray Heitger’s N’Orleans Dixieland Jass Jam
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC Howard’s Club H: Howard’s Unplugged w/ John Damn, Josh Denning, Some With Nightmares TCP Treo Retaurant: Bobby May Trio
DANCE AND TECHNO TCP Avalon: Volume Distillery: Rock Star Wednesdays
OTHER outSKIRTS: Karaoke w/ Georgia Peach
indicates our picks for the week
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC Blarney Irish Pub: Jeff Stewart & Twenty Five’s Bronze Boar: Dave Carpenter Doc Watson's: Brian Bocian Flying Bean: Ryan Dunlap TCP Headliners: Embracing Elegance Mancy’s Italian Grill: Norts and Manning TCP Ottawa Tavern: Vernal Equinox, Julie Neumark, Chris Shutters
COUNTRY & BLUEGRASS Dave's Hideaway II: Bandera Manhattan’s: Bluegrass Quartet
DANCE AND TECHNO Fat Fish Blue: DJ Jim Lieber TCP Wesley’s: Old School Friday’s w/ DJ’s Folk, N. Mattimoe, and Todd Perrine
OTHER Franciscan Center at Lourdes College: Todd Tom Jimmy Buffet Tribute TCP Valentine Theatre: Toledo Opera presents Salome
Go to for more advice from local bar owners on how to score that perfect gig....
Frankie’s: Farewell Flight w/ Until Midnight TCP Howard’s Club H: Child Bite w/ The Climates, Radio Broadcast, Flex, Man At Arms TCP Mickey Finn’s: The Falling Spikes
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B TCP Fat Fish Blue: Nick Moss and the Flip Tops Hi-Note Lounge (Bowling Green): Big James and teh Chicago Playboys Home Slice Pizza: Mike Whitty TCP Manhattan’s: Quick Trio Murphy’s Place: Open Mic
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC TCP Attic on Adams: Sarah Cohen Blarney Irish Pub: Kyle White Bronze Boar: Tim Morrissey TCP Buffalo Wild Wings (Oregon): Acoustic Outcast Ottawa Tavern: Kari Nichole Pizza Papalis: Jeff Stewart Treo Retaurant: John Barile TCP Village Idiot: Eastern Blok
DANCE AND TECHNO Boody House: Fetish w/ Rage
FRI, MAR 20 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP Fat Fish Blue: Suburban Legend TCP Frankie’s: Extra! Extra! w/ The Comeback Howard’s Club H: Greg Ginn & The Texas Corrugators w/Jambang, Bartones, Fangs Out, Wild Trees Legends: MAS FiNA TCP Mickey Finn’s Pub: My Family Needs Food w/ Intergalactic Ghetto Blasters and Mission Man Mulvaney’s Bunker: Empire Drift TCP Omni: Poison'd & Red, White & Crue Papa's Tavern: Josh Boyd & VIP Band The Village Idiot: The Nu-Tones Twisted Lizard: Moon Dogs Yeeha's: Hoozier Daddy
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition: The Cakewalkin’ Jass Band
March 18 • March 31
SAT, MAR 21 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP Cafe Classics: Lost and Found Distillery: The Bridges Frankie’s: Secret Swords w/ Workers JoJo’s Night Club: Deuces Wild TCP Mancy’s Italian Grille: SeeAlice Mulvaney’s Bunker: Empire Drift TCP Nick's Roadhouse (Put-inBay): Put-in-Palooza Pizza Papalis: The Sanderlings The Lounge (formerly Break Room Lounge): Kentucky Chrome TCP The Village Idiot: Sweet Japonic Yeeha's: Hoozier Daddy
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Blarney Irish Pub: Chris Shutters Band Manhattan’s: Quartet Bernadette Murphy’s Place: Joan Crawford TCP Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition: Ragtime Rick and Banjo Betsy
Flying Bean: Jack Schilb Ottawa Tavern: Chris Knopp The Dog House Bar and Grill: Tom Goss
COUNTRY & BLUEGRASS Dave's Hideaway II: Bandera
TCP Boody House: Eccentric with DJ Sybil & DJ Kenya
OTHER Manhattans: Open Mic
TUE, MAR 24 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP TCP Howard’s Club H: Winter Gloves w/Traveling by Sea
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Murphy’s Jazz Place: The Murphys
WED, MAR 25 JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B TCP Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition: Rusty’s Jazz Cafe Night
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC Howard’s Club H: Howard’s Unplugged w/ John Damn, Josh Denning, Alex Baird, Jordan Krutsch Treo Retaurant: Bobby May Trio
DANCE AND TECHNO TCP Avalon: Volume Bronze Boar: Michael Hayden
OTHER Claddagh Irish Pub: Name This Tune outSKIRTS: Karaoke w/ Georgia Peach TCP Yeeha’s: Karaoke w/DJ Young Buck
THUR, MAR 26 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP Frankie’s: C-Fifth w/ Sixx Digi, Ghiftd and D.O.A TCP Mickey Finn’s: The Falling Spikes Mulvaney’s Bunker: Hooked On Tonics
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B TCP Home Slice Pizza: Mike Whitty Murphy’s Place: Open Mic
Attic on Adams: Sarah Cohen Blarney Irish Pub: Brian
Bocian Buffalo Wild Wings (Oregon): Acoustic Outcast Ottawa Tavern: Gregg Aranda Pizza Papalis: Kyle White
Doc Watson's: Speed Dating
Tam-O-Shanter Field House: 6th Annual MS Jam
SUN, MAR 22 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP Frankie’s Inner City: Walls of Jericho w/Red Chord, Kingdom, All Hope Abandon
OTHER TCP Caffeini’s Coffee: Open Mic w/ Sarah and Estar Cohen Valentine Theatre: Toledo Opera presents Salome TCP WoodChuck’s: Waterdogs, Xiphoid Dementia, Zerfallt
FRI, MAR 27 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP Frankie’s: The Sanderlings w/ Joey and the Traitors TCP Howard’s Club H: The High Strung w/ Stop Dont Stop, The Darts, The Screaming Tulips Manhattan’s: Yes, I Said Yes TCP Mickey Finn’s: The Polka Floyd Show Omni (Annex): Otto's Jacket Yeeha's: Big Ticket
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Fat Fish Blue: Andrew Ellis and the Setting Sons Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition: The Cakewalkin’ Jass Band
ACOUSTIC, FOLK, AND ETHNIC Doc Watson's: Jeff Stewart Mancy’s Italian Grille: Brian Bocian Ottawa Tavern: Kari Nichole
Blarney Irish Pub: High Country Ramblers Dave's Hideaway II: Bandera
DANCE AND TECHNO TCP Dexter’s Jamaican Club: Jump-Up Friday (Jamaican Style) TCP Wesley’s: Old School Friday’s w/ DJ’s Folk, N. Mattimoe, and Todd Perrine
SAT, MAR 28 ROCK, POP, AND HIP-HOP Distillery: Shucking Bubba Headliners: Fan Appreciation Show: ONCEOVER, GoodbyeBlueSkies, Dying To Know TCP Howard’s Club H: Eat Sugar w/ Secret Swords, Team Nate, Sinker TCP Pizza Papalis: The Sanderlings The Lounge (formerly Break Room Lounge): Alter Ego TCP The Village Idiot: The Reese Dailey Band
JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Manhattan’s: Tom Turner & Slow Burn Murphy’s Place: Kim Buehler
Howard’s Club H: Romance of Young Tigers w/ Goodnight Sleepwell
Ottawa Tavern: The Erie Boys
TCP Caffeini’s Coffee: Open Mic with Sarah and Estar Cohen
indicates our picks for the week
TCP Blarney Irish Pub: Kentucky Chrome Dave's Hideaway II: Bandera
DANCE AND TECHNO TCP Boody House: Lust Iky Plaid Ultra Theme Party
OTHER SouthBriar Restaurant: Jim Gottron Yeeha's: '80s Costume Party
Murphy’s Jazz Place: UT Jazz Night
Frankie’s: Rookie of the Year w/ Schoolboy Humor
TCP Boody House: Eccentric with DJ Sybil & DJ Kenya
toledo citypaper dotcom
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Manhattan’s: Open Mic
Rustys Jazz Cafe Night
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Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition Wednesdays Toledo's legends never die. The legacy of Margaret “Rusty” Monroe lives on. The former owner of Rusty’s Jazz Cafe (the third longest continuously operating jazz club in the world when it closed in 2002) provided jazz musicians and their fans a comfortable atmosphere to enjoy the beat. Rusty herself passed away in October of 2008, but many of the musicians she supported at her club are still around, including Gene Parker. Parker performed at Rusty’s every weekend in January for 15 years, and is also known for his years as a music director for the Toledo Jazz Orchestra. Still, he’ll never forget those late nights playing at Rusty’s — and now, you can relive them too. Rusty’s Jazz Cafe Night at Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition is a draw at the Maumee venue. While patrons are already hip to Thursdays with Ragtime Rick and Wes Linenkugel, Fridays with the Cakewalkin’ Jass Band and Saturdays with Banjo Betsy and Ragtime Rick, they can now look forward to Wednesdays with Rusty’s Jazz Cafe Night featuring the Gene Parker Trio (future guest artists are also planned). Music starts at 8:30 p.m. Ragtime Rick’s Second Edition, Ohio’s Commercial Building, 301 River Rd. 419-389-0956. —ER
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March 18 • March 31
indicates our picks for the week
SeeAlice Saturday, March 21 Mancy’s Italian Grill If you’ve never had the chance to SeeAlice rock, Saturday is the perfect opportunity to catch these talented Toledo favorites in action, and support a good cause at the same time. Returning to Mancy’s Italian Grill, SeeAlice is a six-piece rock outfit known for their fun, live renditions of classic covers like “Hang On Sloopy,” which they perform regularly for the local restaurant music scene. The band consists of Dave “If I Had a Hammer” Venable on lead vocals, Steve “Boom Boom” Cannon on drums, Mike “Jake” Malone (also of Locoweed) on guitar, mandolin, harmonica and vocals, Doug “Silver Fox” Ruben on bass and vocals, Joe “Jayhawk” Solomon on guitar and Kenny McFeggan on guitar, keyboard and vocals — a solid group of friends who have more or less been rocking out together since the winter of 2007. Proceeds from the concert will support the 2009 National MS Walk and will fund the efforts of restaurant owner George Mancy’s sister Jennifer, who has multiple sclerosis. 9 p.m. Mancy’s Italian Grille, 5453 Monroe St. 419-882-9229/ For more info, —ER
TUES, MAR 31 JAZZ, BLUES, AND R&B Murphy’s Place: The Murphys TCP SouthBriar Restaurant: Jeff McDonald’s Original Big Band Sound
JJ’s Pub: Bobby May Trio Mulvaney’s Bunker: Kyle White
DANCE AND TECHNO Route 66 Kitchen: Live 70’s and 80’s R&B DJs
OTHER TCP Collingwood Arts Center: Open Mic Poetry R House: Karaoke w/ Georgia Peach
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Lunch concerts/Festivals/Orchestras Outdoors/Music your parents like Friday, March 20 Women’s History Concert
Spectrum, UT’s LGBT Student organization, presents a three band concert featuring ”Jane of Arc”, Cheap Celebutantes”, and “Nervous But Excited” to celebrate Women’s History Month.8pm. University of Toledo Student Union, 2801 W Bancroft St.
saturday, March 21 The Lettermen
With over 10,000 sold out shows to their credit, The Lettermen are known for the love song. Hit songs include, “When I Fall in Love,” “Theme From a Summer Place,” “Going Out of My Head/Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” and “Hurt So Bad.” $15$45. The Ritz Theatre, 30 S. Washington St.
March 27-29
Orchestras Ending Hunger
The Toledo Symphony will participate in Orchestras Feeding America, the first national food drive by America’s symphony orchestras. Non-perishable food will be collected at all entrances of the Peristyle and in the Peristyle Lobby. The food will be donated to the Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank, Inc., a non-profit organization established to enable other community organizations to end hunger. See website for concert details and show times. The Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle, 2445 Monroe Street.
Nick Moss and the Flip Tops Thursday, March 19 Fat Fish Blue Muddy Waters, Jimmy Rogers, Buddy Guy — these are just a few names that come to mind when I think of Chicago Blues. And if Chicagoan and current blues musician Nick Moss has his way, his band will one day rank as high as their predecessors. Nick Moss and the Flip Tops are busy branding their name, perfecting their sound and generally getting the word out that they are the stuff Chicago Blues is made. If their sophomore release Live at Chan’s: Combo Platter No. 2 (available Tuesday, April 21) is any testament to the group’s ability, then watch out. The album is full of funky originals like “Spare Ribs & Chopsticks” and a few scintillating cover songs — including Curtis Jones’ “Lonesome Bedroom Blues” and Willie Dixon/Muddy Waters’ classic “I’m Ready.” Live at Chan’s was recorded live at the venerable haven of Chinese food and blues in Woonsocket, Rhode Island and polished off at Chicago’s Blue Bella Records company, helping the band form ties across the country during the entire album-making process. Now they’re out of the studio and on the road for a three month promotional tour kicking off in Perrysburg on Thursday, March 19. Get ready, because Nick Moss and the Flip Tops are bringing their romp-roarin’, high energy, Chicago Blues sound to Fat Fish Blue, 6140 Levis Commons Blvd. 8:30 p.m. For info, —ER
March 18 • March 31
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_____________________________ CHEAP RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. 419-356-0644 ________________________ FOR SALE-2 SHOWCASES. $50/pr. Please email for pics to or call 419-243-7353 ________________________ 30 GALLON FISH TANK. Everything needed for startup! Filters, food and (5) African Cichlids. Inquire at 419-410-4393 ________________________ BOUNTY HUNTER metal detector. Treasure Tracker-4. $125. 419-882-1329. ________________________ NEW (4) FOUR LOTS at Toledo Memorial Cemetery. $3,000. 419-868-5622. ________________________ FUTON. IRON FRAME. Green mattress. $100. 419-868-5622. ________________________ RECUMBENT BIKE. Like new! $100. 419868-5622 ________________________ WINE RACK. Made of wood, accommodates 6 bottles. $15. 419-531-4930 ________________________ GLIDER-ROCKING CHAIR, green cushions. Comfortable. $45. 419-472-7484 ________________________ NEW MEDICAL SCRUBS: (1) one “small” top. Summer floral print. $5. Small jacket $10. (2) Two bottoms, “small/petit.” Light blue. $7. Like New. 419-882-8729 ________________________ BEDS-"PLUSH/PILLOWTOPS Orthopedic and memory foam" Full...$169. Queen...$189. King size. Mattress, all new. Sealed in plastic w/10 year warranty delivery available immediately. Please call 412-787-9128 __________________________ NEW
BEDROOM (8) EIGHT PIECE $975 New Boxed. All wood sleigh/mission with 10 year warranty. Mattress set. Handcrafted, dovetailed furniture. 412494-7351. Will deliver. _______________________ SOFA W/ TWO matching pillows plus Ottoman. Like new. Always covered. $150/OBO. 419-376-7310. ________________________ BABY STROLLER-$10, Dining table w/4 chairs-$100, Cot-$30, Armor-$75, Rocking chair-$40. 419-841-7567. ________________________ MEN'S 2-XL FIELD/STREAM hunting coat. Worn only one season. Also, ladies large black leather coat. Asking $60. 419-386-5661. _______________________ 42" PEDESTAL TABLE. Rounded corners. 18" Leaf Tan upholstered. Captain chairs on casters. $250. 419-691-5864 _______________________ NEW Refrigerator, Gas Stove and apartment sized dryer. Whirlpool refrigerator-$75, Apartment sized dryer$60 and Gas stove-$60. 419-531-7256 or 419-514-7700. LM ______________________ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for $30. 419-744-0748 ________________________ FINE DESIGN ivory leather sofa. In very good condition. Asking $250. 419-381-1251 ________________________ AMISH HANDCRAFTED dining table, w/ Walter of Wabash slides, 40+ yr old, will last 40 more, 419-704-3299 LV mess. $100 nego. _______________________ STAINLESS ROUNDER clothes rack. Approx. 4 ft. tall. Just like at the dept. stores. $20/OBO Reply to or 419-290-0091 ________________________ NEW 6 FT. X 4 FT. UTILITY TRAILER. Good condition. $150. 419-536-3426. ________________________ HAS YOUR BUILDING SHIFTED? Contact Woodford Bros., Inc. for straightening, leveling, foundation, and wood frame reapairs at 1-800-OLDBARN or visit MDHIC #05-121-861 ________________________ EARTHLITE MASSAGE TABLE 7 ft. hydrarilec; blue slightly used. Gave $1200 take $850. Call 419-388-1027. ________________________ MAYTAG Neptune Dryer, $200 OBO. 419-205-1838. _______________________ 30’ GALLON FISH TANK. Oak cabinet. Complete with light, fish food and filter. $125 419-467-5147. ________________________ MAXI-COSI MICO car seat “happy flowers” design. Like new, modern European design, base included. Asking $50, paid $140. 419-245-0033. ________________________ WHITE WEDDING DRESS with beads. 3X or size 28. Asking $200 419-472-1315. ________________________ WOMAN'S OHIO STATE LEATHER JACKET: size is XL-1X; barely used, $200 OBO. Call 419-377-0052. ________________________ 3 TRACKTANDARD/LIONEL GAUGE STEAM ENGINE: plus 4 cars & caboose & track, plus more! For someone's Christmas. $500. Call 419-539-6833 ________________________
ANNOUNCEMENTS ________________________ SWF NS 55 ENJOYS theatre, outdoors, travel, quiet times @ home, dining out, cooking and entertaining, gardening, antiquing and much more, ISO SWM NS 50-60 stable, secure, with similar interests & ideals, who possesses all he wants & needs in life except that one special woman. Friendship, possible LTR. Respond to: CLM @ PO Box 352812 Toledo 43635
________________________ MEET LOCAL SINGLES Browse & Respond FREE! 419-837-1200, Code 7271 Gay/Bi? 419-873-3000, 18+ ________________________ NEW MAUMEE VALLEY MODEL BOAT CLUB show their sail, steam and electric boats at HobbyTownUSA, Spring Meadows Shopping Center, Sat., Mar. 28, 1 - 5 pm. ________________________ THE CURVES FOOD DRIVE starts March 9-28. There will be a $0 Service Fee with a sack of groceries. Call 419-478-8112 ________________________ APHASIA SUPPORT GROUP meets at Dazy Aphasia Centre, 2940 Douglas Rd. Toledo 43606. Every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. The group is for stroke survivors with Aphasia & their caregivers. ________________________ SATURDAY CHESS PLAYERS Every Saturday, 9-11am. Grades K-6. Do you want to learn to play chess or improve your game? Drop in on Saturday mornings for fun and practice in the Children’s Library at Toledo Lucas County Public Library. 325 N. Michigan St. 419-259-5231. _______________________ DISCUSSION CIRCLES for women incest and child sexual abuse survivors. Meets twice monthly. (419) 729-0245 or ________________________ PHASE 3 PARANORMAL - Free paranormal investigation and support. Visit us online at www.phase3paranormal. com” ________________________ ATTENTION! Behind on mortgage, credit cards, taxes? Purchasing a home but can’t get approved? I CAN HELP! Ryan at 717-475-0195 Old Guard Mortgage ________________________
WANTED TO BUY ________________________ BUYING OLD HAND TOOLS: One item or a shop full. Not sure what you have? Please call anyway, Cooper at 419-382-5865 ________________________ NEW LOOKING FOR : One piece or whole house, Buying Antiques or Vintage Toys, gas station, car magazines,advertising,fishing,huntin g,primitives, pottery,doorstops,booke nds,old books,postcards,art,painting s,bronzes,military,jewerly, quilts,lead soldiers,marbles,capguns,b.b.guns, tonka trucks,hot wheels&matchbox,car models,slot cars,sporting items,farm toys, comics,trains,boats, airplanes,gi joe,barbie, dolls,little kiddles, trolls,science fiction & car magazines,lunch boxes,rock&roll,lego ’s,star wars,fisher price,board games, Batman and Disney. 419-873-5521 ________________________ DIABETIC TEST STRIPS.Will pay up to $10/box. Same day cash. Call Dale. 419-707-2369 or Patsy 419-708-0914. _______________________ NEW MOM LOOKING for breast pump that is in good cond. and sanitizable. Reply to newdaddy4mom@yahoo. com _______________________ NEW MOM LOOKING for any baby girl items any size 0-24 mths. Reply to ________________________
________________________ NEW 2004 VOLVO S60 2.5T AWD, 33 MPG Hwy, Fully loaded, silver exterior, black interior (both immaculate). Asking $14,000. 59,000 miles 2nd executive owner. Garage kept. Mostly highway miles. 4 new all-season performance tires added Feb ‘09 wife making husband reluctantly sell for SUV. 419-376-2113 ________________________
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________________________ AMERICAN HEART CPR/FIRST AID TRAINING Experienced instructor, flexible scheduling, affordable rates with student & group discounts. Call Kathy at 419-867-0695. ________________________
SURROGACY ________________________ SURROGATE MOTHERS WANTED Established program seeks women, 21-45, to carry couples’ biological babies, prior birth experience required, non-smokers, generous compensation. 1-888-363-9457. M.Brisman, ESQ. ________________________
EDUCATION ________________________ HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Fast, Affordabe, Accredited. FREE brochure. CALL NOW! 1-800-532-6546 EXT. 512. ________________________ ELEMENTARY TUTOR. Affordable tutoring by certified elementary schoolteacher. Available grades preK - 5, all subjects. For more information, please call 734-652-1436. ________________________ NEW TOLEDO ARTISTS CLUB, Toledo Botanical Gardens. July 6-10 or July 20-24. Please call 419-841-8153. Children’s art classes also. ________________________ POTTERY CLASS starting March 26, beginners and advanced welcome. Youth & Adult Art classes & Life Drawing classes now forming. 419-388-1105. _______________________ DRAWING & PAINTING INSTRUCTION from professional artist on Saturday morning at the Secor Building Studios. 419-345-8980. ________________________
FLEA MARKETS ________________________ VENDORS WANTED for Craft/FleaMarket Shows. April and May. First show starts April 4th. 419-424-8751. Email:
March 18 • March 31
CHILD CARE FOR YOUR baby in my west Toledo home by responsible reliable mom. Experience and references. 419-478-6068 ________________________
Your own store within a store that requires no employees on coverage! 20x20 Spaces & 10x10 Spaces Cost: $1.95 per foot plus 10% of sales.
A-Dynamic, High Traffic, Anchor Store Consign-It! Home Interiors 28,000+ Cars Daily! How’s that for a location? Call Tony at: 419-841-4663 for more information and to reserve your spot!
6925 West Central Ave. Toledo, OH 43617 1 Mile West of 1-475 Across from Giant Eagle & Lowe’s ________________________
________________________ WWW.MIDWESTCARNIVAL.COM Swanton, OH Inflatable bounces, obstacle courses, waterwars, slides, concessions, games, tables, chairs. B-Day and Graduation Parties!!! 419-388-9858 ________________________ WHOLISTIC VIEW Foreign languages and performing arts. Ages 12-17. Monday-Friday 8:30-4:00. Call 419-973-8510. Ms. Stuart. ________________________ BASEMENT SOLUTIONS: Do-It-Yourself + installed systems. Get a honest solution for your situation starting at $795. 419-508-4042 ______________________ NEW GET YOUR NEW LOOK FOR SPRING! Call Deb Swartz @ Ginger & Co. 419-450-5287 for $10 off of your first hair service.Expires 6-15-09. thanks for your business. ________________________ CANDOO HANDYMAN SERVICES Fix anything from A-Z. Free Estimates, Senior Discounts, Fully Insured. Call Tim Anytime @ 419-902-9376. Thank You for your business. _______________________ CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS: Draperies, window treatments, upholstery, pillows and much more... Call Tricia 419-810-0832. ________________________ AFFORDABLE MOTORCYCLE REPAIR-15-years Harley Davidson service experience. Dirt bike, ATV, small engine repair, pick-up & delivery available. Call Bob at 517-486-4818. ________________________ FREE COMPUTER AND ELECTRONIC RECYCLING Business and residential pickup. Call Retro PC Recyclers at 734-347-7004 Or email at ________________________
TIMESHARES!!! Tired of fees? Call to sell, rent or buy a timeshare. Get free info today and get cash at closing. Call now! 1-877-271-3414 ________________________
HOMES FOR SALE ________________________ WESTERN NC MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES Cabins, homes, acreage & investment property. Views and creeks. Free color brochure. Western Carolina Real Estate Company Inc. 1-800-924-2635. Murphy, NC. ________________________
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ________________________ FOR SALE/LEASE OFFICE BUILDING FOR VISIONARIES 241 N Superior, corner of Madison, a landmark Downtown corner. Located directly next door to the new Arena. This building will be the only one Downtown surrounded by the walking plaza with a clear view of all the activities. 4200 sq ft per floor available, may be divided, Handicap accessible, elevator and fully fire suppressed. Storage available in the basement. Plenty of windows and space. In move-in condition. Call Tom Helberg 419.882.0096. Also listed with CBRE Reichle, Pete Shawaker 419.861.1100. ________________________
________________________ MAUMEE VALLEY SAVE-A-PET, the area's newest no-kill animal adoption facility, 833 Illinois Ave., Maumee, near The Andersons. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. Cats and older kittens. 419-470-2988. ________________________
________________________ 3042 LAMBERT DR., 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, close to Elmhurst School. $650 + utilities. Pets OK. Immediate occupancy. Contact Chris at 419-464-2011 or for more information. _______________________ WALK TO PARK OR ZOO-Bike to MUO from clean spacious (2) two bedroom upper. Washer/Dryer available. Covered parking. $550+utilities. First month discount to UT/MUO students. 419-382-5069. _____________________ 3-BEDROOM. 1 1⁄2 BATH. Basement w/hookup. 2-car garage. Whittier area. Pets w/deposit and fee possible. $750 + deposit/utilities. 419-517-3312. ______________________ BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN Toledo 2 bedroom apartment. Over 1300 sq. ft. 1 full bath, large living room, separate dining room, new kitchen with pantry. Laundry facility, lots of storage. Tenant pays electric & gas. Rent $725.00 per month. Contact Peter at 419-241-8100. Apt is available 3/30/09. _______________________
4423 VERMASS, West 1 BR Duplex, nice area. SUPER CLEAN, New Furnace & Carpet. Inc. Wash/Dryer Only $445! Must see! 419-349-6086 _______________________ Now Accepting Applications for Efficiencies, One and Two Bedroom Apartments at the
NEW UPTOWN LIVINGENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT $540/month 321-325 16th Street Spacious, unique, hardwood, two bedroom apartments with character offers space and convenience of Uptown living, must see! Heat paid, 419-843-4178 for appointment ________________________
2520 Monroe Street Housing Community for Elderly (62 and older) or Handicapped/Disabled. Air Conditioning & Appliances Furnished Utility allowance. Rent based on income. Applications taken by appointment.
UPTOWN AREA 425 13thRemodeled 1 Bedroom Apts. w/laundry room. Paid utilities. By bus stop. A clean quiet Bldg. 419-215-2759. ________________________ NEW
FOR RENT: (2) Two bed, two bath condo Downtown Toledo, overlooking the Maumee River. Two car garage, exsercise room, roof top deck and boat dock on Swan Creek. Rent: $1,300 per month. 419-351-5195. ________________________ BEDROOM FOR RENT: Full use of house; must like dogs, non-smoker. $300 per month, call 419-344-3693 ________________________ FOR RENT: WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP: 2338 Brookridge. Appliances included. A/C . (3) Three bedroom. Living room, vaulted ceilings in family room and kitchen. Open Sunday from 1-3 PM. No pets/No smokers. $800/month + deposit. 419-265-2426. ________________________ HOUSE SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOMS like new, quiet neighborhood, garage, 2508 Locust, $650/month. 419-410-7193. ________________________
4702 Violet Road A Housing Community for the Elderly (62 or older) Appliances furnished Utilities included in rent One bedroom Apartments Rent based on annual income. Applications taken by appointment.
419-246-4733 SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM DuplexWest Toledo. Hardwood Floors, New Paint Job, Great Vintage Feel! 2 bedrooms, both upper and lower unit available. Appliances included, garage available. Close to UT and Ottawa Park. Cats OK. $530/ month. 2114 Wyndhurst. Call Jim at 419-266-0842 ________________________ 2 BEDROOMS FOR RENT: Includes utilities: "Pre-determined amount usage." Furnished option. Shared living w/separate entrance. University of Toledo area. $330/month plus $120 deposit. Call 419-578-0306. NEW
DUPLEX W. TOLEDO NORTH Haven, 2 bedroom spacious upper. Bay windows, natural wood work, fire place, appliances, basement. Great neighborhood & location. $550, call 419-474-9062. _______________________ BEAUTIFUL 3 BED SINGLE family FOR RENT next to Toledo Hospital/Midwood Dr. Major updates w/new furnace, windows, carpet, fenced yar, 2-car garage, all new appliances. Call 419-460-4505 for an application to qualify! $900 month...CALL TODAY!! ______________________ HOUSE IN HOLLAND FOR RENT: Flexible tenant needed; 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath, partially furnished. $1,500/ month; plus utilities. Call 419-902-9232. ________________________ CONDO FOR RENT: AIRPORT & BERNATH $800 per month, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, NO PETS; appliances included. 419-215-8526. ________________________ TOLEDO: 1748 SYLVANIA AVE. Ideal location. $400/month. 90-days FREE rent!!! Needs redecorating. 419-290-4791. ______________________ THE RENTAL/SALE of real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes it illegal to advertise "any limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal housing opportunity basis.
_____________________ THERE HAS NEVER been a better time to start your own business, and you won’t find a better partner then AVON.” Open your door to unlimited earnings potential. Contact Michelle/unit leader 419-902-3612 ________________________ ATTENTION CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS. From home, flex hours, great pay; will train. Apply online ktpglobal. com OR 800-330-8446. ________________________
Ask anyone who lives here - it’s the best kept secret in condo living!! Greet your guests in the large common receiving entrance, then take them to your condo w/vaulted ceilings, crown molding, gleaming hardwood floors, leaded windows - spacious rooms, newer kitchen w/appliances, 4 closets in master, linen closet, laundry and amenities that are unbelievable! Ann Manor open this Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m, and hosted by Tony Bassett of the Danberry Co. (419-340-7843), Judy Stone of The Danberry Co. (419-241-1717), and Char Winckowski of ReMax Central Group (419-349-7663).
THE OMNI is looking for Entertainers: Mimes, Tarot readers, jugglers, stilt walkers, fire breather’s tumblers, etc. If you have a unique gift or talent we may want you call 419-535-6664 or email : ________________________ STYLIST/BARBER WANTED booth rental, Reynolds & Glendale area. Rent negotiable. Call Kelly at 419-810-6566. ________________________ THEATRE TECH STAFF NEEDED. The Toledo Rep is looking for some talented backstage volunteers to help with performances. Different levels of skill are acceptable. We need lighting & sound crew as well as running crew. Call Aggie at 419-243-9277. ________________________
STYLIST NAIL TECHS WANTED now. Franklin Mall area. Relaxed environment. Newly updated. Earned commission. Customer discount. Towels provided. (2) Two FREE weeks! Reduced rent. Call Jim 419-575-4839. wheelerjim@AT& _______________________ LOOKING FOR A MORNING barrista Monday thru Friday 6:30 am -10 at Petit Fours Patisserie & Cafe, now located at 27 Broadway, at the Oliver House. Entrance located on the Ottawa Street side. Please apply in person. Questions call Liz Grosjean @ 419-724-4477 ________________________
JAM SECTION Ads run for 2 issues and must be renewed after the two issues. You must be: advertising for band members or selling instruments under $200. Business related ads run for $20. Limit 20 words per ad; $0.40 per additional word. Log onto or call 419-2449859 to post your ad!
DEUCES WILD: Check out or call Larry at 419-478-1498.
LOOKING TO BOOK DJ to play ass-moving music.Stop by Russ’ Lounge 5329 Dorr St. with play list and references. See Keith. HIRING BAND LEADER: singer,
NATC-NURSING ASSISTANT TRAINING Center is now forming classes. STNA Classes, MRDD Re-Certification, MRDD Certification, Med Pass Classes, CPR and First Aid Classes. For nurses: ACLS Classes, PALS Classes, NRP Classes. Earn up to $18.00/hour. Online registration & payment available at 419-324-0488 ________________________
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS YOUNG ARTISTS AT WORK The Arts Commission of Greater Toledo is sponsoring for a 16th year, the Young Artists At Work (YAAW) program, a six-week summer employment opportunity that provides youth ages 14 -18 with an intense exposure to the arts fostering artistic self-expression, quality work ethic, and the development of important vocational and employability skills. In this program, youth enter into an apprenticeship earning a paycheck and learning a specific artistic discipline under the direction of professional artists and/or instructors. NEW
The 2009 YAAW program is scheduled to begin June 29th and run through August 7th. Young Artists At Work applications will be available at the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo Offices (1838 Parkwood Avenue, Suite 120, Toledo, Ohio, 43604) through April 9, 2009. Applications may also be downloaded from our websites. All applications must be hand-delivered or postmarked by Friday, April 17th, 2009. For additional information please contact the Arts Commission at 419254-ARTS or visit our websites at www. and ________________________ FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL and entertainment needs, please visit or please call 419-260-2544.
March 18 • March 31
guitarist OR keyboardist for progressive church. Diverse musical styles: rock, folk, jazz, gospel. Salary negotiable. Contact
male vocalist. Call 419-836-1081. WORKING FEMALE SINGER BAND
looking for lead guitarist; Pearl Jam to Pink. Call Jack at 419-340-8068.
GUITAR: Son of Beast, never
used, still in box; all accessories. 12-watts, 6.5 design speakers; cables, bags & strap. Call 419841-5503.
KENWOOD 350 WATT AMP and (2) two POLK 6x9’s and 6 1⁄2 inch speakers. NEW in box!!! Paid $375, asking $250. 419-902-8277
WORKING MODERN COUNTRY MUSIC GROUP is seeking a female singer
ALVAREX ACOUSTIC GUITAR: excellent condition, leather strap and hard case included. $250 OBO. Nicole 419-205-5746.
MACKIE CFX 12 MIXER, with light in
who plays keyboard. Call 419460-7112.
female vocalist to form classic soft rock/pop combo. Lennox, Ronstadt, King influenced. Ability to play any instruments a plus. Please send brief email of interest to: MODERN ROCK SINGER needed for cover band. Now auditioning. For more info. email JT6919@gmail. com DRUMMER WANTED for “all volunteer senior orchestra,” at the Sylvania Senior Center. Must be available once per week for early afternoon performances and rehearsals. 419-474-5775. SMOKIN’ FIDDLE PLAYER? LOVE TODAY’S COUNRTY? Troy Michael
& Bonfire Lake needs you in studio immediately, future live performances 419-402-4130
& Bonfire Lake seeks: professional, obsessed with recording, rehearsal, and regional live domination. 419-402-4130
________________________ MAKE UP TO $2,000 A WEEK. Full and part time positions available. Must be 18 or older. Visit webcamstaffing. com or call 419-309-3532 $100 signing bonus ________________________ DANCERS WANTED. No fees. Apply in person. 707 Matzinger or call 419-7268589. No Experience required. Will train. ________________________
case. Mint condition. $250. 419-474-1876.
FREE GUITAR LESSONS Rock, Blues, Country, all styles; 30 yrs. experience. Give me a call, what do you have to lose? 419-514-6097. 5-STRING BANJO WORKSHOP:
Tablature instruction. (3) Three most common roles: forward, reverse, forward-reverse combo and thumb alternating. Easy, fun and fast! Taped lessons. Speedreading. 47 yrs. Experience on the 5-string banjo. Professional, extensive recording. Allied Music Center. Jesse Riley. 419-5356508 or 419-324-6457
and now storage space. Available 24/7 Access. FREE electricity. No noise restrictions. Located in the Hip Downtown area. Alarms available. $150 + mo. Call now: 419-346-5803. ______________________
Toledo City Paper recommends that readers do not send money to any company that requires prepayment. Before doing so check out the company carefully!
BARTENDERS AND WAITSTAFF. Apply at 707 Matzinger No phone calls ________________________ SITTER IN MY PERRYSBURG home needed for 1 child, Tues. & Thurs. 8pm-11pm & Sat. 11a-3:15 Please call 419-386-9688
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
Happy Birthday to you on the 20th at 7:43 AM. Get to work immediately on your list of goals. The new moon makes its annual visit to your sign on the 26th. It is your New Year’s Eve. Make and KEEP those resolutions. Shop on the 28th and 29th.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Starting the 20th you try to avoid too many extra curricular activities. Live up to the agreements you have made. Keep a low profile until the 28th when you plan a special weekend with some extra special people. Be sure to take your camera. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) From the 20th thru the 22nd Mercury joins Uranus so both twins are wild and crazy Geminis. On the 25th start to plan special social events. The new moon on the 26th shifts your attention to spring cleaning at home, at work, and in boring relationships. CANCER (June 21-July 22) Career issues
move front and center on the 20th. You may devote some time to your resume on the 21st and 22nd. Contact some helpful sources on the 25th. The new moon on the 26th puts you in the public eye. You have great connections.
(July 23-August 22) Too much
partying has taken its toll. Even the sunny Leo needs to take a break now and then. On the 20th when the sun moves into the hot steamy sign of Aries you get welcome relief. You think of lovers on the 26th (old, present, and new). How fun!
VIRGO (August 23-September 22) You
are always so straight-arrow in your dealings. On the 21st or 22nd an unusual offer comes your way – do not refuse it. The new moon on the 26th calls attention to tax issues. Get professional help to solve them in the next two weeks.
(September 23-October 22)
Relationships are always number one in your life. On the 20th the sun helps improve that
aspect of your life. A celebration is fun on the 21st. Then sit back and be lazy. Let someone else take charge of your personal life and balance your scales.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)
On the 20th the universe tells you to slow down and pay closer attention to your physical and mental health. By the 25th plans are made for a strict nutritional and exercise plan. Spend the 27th and 28th at a spa or a retreat for a healthy mind and body.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 20) You get tremendous energy from the sun
on the 20th. on the 22nd a terrific opportunity comes your way. Do not refuse it. The new moon on the 26th is in your fifth house of love, speculation, and creativity. You may be on the cover of PEOPLE.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 19)
Now that the Irish festivities are over, you begin to work on spring home improvement plans. Watch your budget on the 26th and 27th. Starting the 30th look over plans for tax deadlines. You need to prepare for higher payments. Sorry!
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
Starting the 20th you need to pay closer attention to communications, computer, cell phone, Ipod, anything that messes up that part of your life. By the 26th you have it all in perfect working order. Then look forward to a Happy April Fool’s Day.
PISCES (February 19-March 20) Start to
pay attention to finances beginning the 20th. Mercury joins Neptune, your ruling planet, so you have difficulty being realistic. Get help to get your money situation in perfect shape when the new moon shines on the 26th. Celebrate the 28th.
Sue Lovett is available for personal astrology readings and private parties. Visit her on the Web at www.suelovett. com or call her at 419-474-6399.
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need answers? get 'em @
The sun and Mercury both move into the red hot sign of Aries stimulating everyone. The new moon on the 26th shines there also so we can set our springtime goals. — BY SUE LOVETT
©2009 Jonesin’ Crosswords (
March 18 • March 31
F Bombs ACROSS 1. Leaves before dinner? 6. Stable grass 9. Actor Robert who played a Soprano 13. It gets whacked 14. 419 or 567, e.g. 16. “Solaris” director Tarkovsky 17. “Wow!” 18. Huge fan of leaflets? 20. That, in Tijuana 21. Poe’s Arthur Gordon ___ 22. Livni and Netanyahu’s nation: Abbr. 23. International Committee of the Red Cross, e.g. 26. “Okay, mom” 28. What a person might run to win 30. Network expert, say 32. Ottoman generals 34. Shrek’s love, e.g. 35. Academy for learning noodly guitar jams? 38. Use the Lucas County Public Library, say 39. Guatemala grandchild 40. Shamed for taking steroids, perhaps 41. Look lasciviously 42. Some screens 46. Disco ___ (“Simpsons” stereotype) 47. Moo goo ___ pan 49. Srs. still living in the dorm, say 51. D-lister Diamond Phillips 52. Remark from a fan not fooled by Liz’s stand-in? 56. Novelty seafood restaurant greeting 58. Wanting to eat, as a cat re: a goldfish 59. Spoke to base desires 60. Freddie and Frieda Falcon color 61. Instead 62. Bar-goers’ needs 63. Staff indicators
DOWN 1. C-lister Gary 2. Largest island in the Bahamas 3. ___ de Triomphe 4. Wolfed down 5. Satirical program originally hosted by Craig Kilborn, with “The” 6. Sideburns, e.g. 7. Fart sound producer 8. Common lyrical throw-ins 9. Scheduling aid pre-installed on Macs 10. Half-rhyme for the plural of 60-Across 11. Netherlands city 12. Cardinal color 13. Dawson’s best friend 15. “Eh?” 19. Sit down to ___ 24. Issue effusive praise 25. Yiddish laments 27. 1984 Olympic slalom champion Phil 29. United 31. Experiment with drugs? 33. Sporting comment 34. Get to the heart of, say? 35. Chimney stuff 36. 1-Across toppers 37. Sporty Pontiac from the ‘80s 38. Air rifle ammo 41. In the phone book 43. Jerry’s ex-girlfriend 44. Affairs 45. Troop ___ 48. “Dragon Ball” video game company 50. PlayStation dragon 53. Park name in several cities 54. “___ Declassified School Survival Guide” 55. Cavaliers’ conference rival 56. Toledo Zoo beast 57. Computer of cinema
March 18 • March 31
Break the rules on Eclectic Avenue - Toledo Museum of Art TMA supporters rebelled with a blast from the past on March 6, celebrating the beginning of construction for the future Modern and Contemporary Gallery. Dressed in funky '80s gear, guests tried their hand at grafďŹ ti art, and enjoyed plenty of food, music, and dancing.
Mary Larkin, Lauren Scott, Jeni Belt, and Eleanor Kieser kick it '80s style.
Shawn Sanders helps Megan Orzechowski make her mark. TMA guests break the museum rules as they "tag" the graffiti wall.
Carolyn Reinhardt, TMA's Interim Marrketing Manager, poses with Jessica Prchlik, Joe Singer and Lauren Farnsworth. TCP A&E Editor Emily Rippe catches up with our favorite county commish Ben Konop.
Dressed to impress, Kelly Duquette and Ambrea Sillery show their '80s style.
Colleen and Mike Grady and Joe and Alyson Schlageter celebrate the arts with lots of class and fine '80s apparel .
Got an amazing st. patty's day picture?
Erin House and Dana Syrek smile because they "finally made it into TCP."
Email it include names and location
Paula Reich and Letha Ferguson display their '80s bling and giitz.
Art at the Ottawa Tavern
The Ottawa Tavern ( located at 1817 Adams St.) hosts guest artists and musicians on the second Thursday of each month. March brought in the impressive painting skills of Keith Hasenbalg (father to TCP's Art Director Jocelyn Hasenbalg) and the smooth sounds of Mr. Jason Quick on acoustic guitar.
Keith Hasenbalg is the featured March artist at the Ottawa Tavern.
Jason Quick rocks out.
Hasenbalg's final product.
March 18 • March 31
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March 18 • March 31
March 18 • March 31
indicates our picks for the week
It’s all good in West Virginia Live music and camping come together for the 13th Annual All Good Music Festival, held Thursday, July 9 through Sunday, July 12 on beautiful Marvin’s Mountaintop in Masontown, WV. A jam band connoisseur’s paradise, this year’s lineup includes the likes of Ben Harper & The Relentless7, Les Claypool, Bob Weir & Ratdog, and Robert Randolph & The Family Band. Tickets include three days and three nights of camping and live music on the 655-acre festival landscape overlooking the majestic Allegheny Mountains. Or, start the celebration early with “early bird” tickets, which kick the event off on Thursday, July 9. Head on down and groove with Keller Williams, Lotus, and BOOMBOX. With over 30 musical acts spanning four days, All Good’s “no overlapping set” philosophy guarantees you’ll get to see every act without rushing to and from different stages. Why choose between Les Claypool and Buckethead, STS9, or Umphrey’s McGee? For more than a decade, the festival has consistently pleased the masses and rightfully retained its honorable title. A midsized festival with an epic lineup, All Good is certain to live up to its namesake once again. For more info, visit www.allgoodfestival. com. —AJ
May 27 • June 9