ec. 6, 2
. 23 - D E • Nov
Get started early with The Holiday Gift Guide
All wrapped up Fusion Pitas brings together eclectic flavors P25
WINE GUIDE July 29 • July 12
Seize the vine! Wine GURUS pour their hearts out P9 www.toledocitypaper.com
November 23 • December 6
November 23 - December 6, 2016 Vol. 19 • Issue 23
Adams Street Publishing Co.
online exclusives
Marketplace changes
What’s a good reason to drink a glass of wine right now?
Publisher/Editor in Chief
Collette Jacobs (cjacobs@toledocitypaper.com) Cheers to the election being over!
Co-publisher/ Chief Financial Officer
Mark I. Jacobs (mjacobs@toledocitypaper.com) A toast to the TCP Art Department.
Editorial Assignment Editor: Athena Cocoves (athena@adamsstreetpublishing.com) I’m running out of reasons to NOT To. Staff Writer: Jeff Klima (jklima@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Because my last five glasses weren’t enough. Calendar Editor: Scott Peterson (speterson@adamsstreetpublishing.com) To celebrate my first week at ASPC! Digital Media Manager Saul T. Jacobs (saul@adamsstreetpublishing.com) I didn’t know I needed a reason. Contributing Writers:
Jon Ruggiero. Roger LaPointe, Johnny Hildo, Jordan Killam, Jeff McGinnis, Alan Sculley, Monique Ward, SUE LOVETT, Brendan Quigley, Christine Senack
Production Manager: Imani Lateef (imani@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Scandal is coming back on TV— Haaayy! Senior Designer: Leah Foley (leah@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Do I need a reason?
Quick, live and local
The Quick Trio debuts a new album By Jon Ruggiero
Rocking out Christmas The Trans-Siberian Orchestra flies back to town By Alan Sculley
Still Kinda Blue
Lucas County picked Clinton, and local voters explain their choices By Staff
Hope Outside the Bars How incarcerated men reach the public through art. By Courtney Probert
Contributing Designers: Anita Tipton Because i can.
Our ongoing look at NW Ohio’s most abundant resource.
Advertising Sales Manager Michael Aughinbaugh
Lake Erie’s political waters
(maughinbaugh@adamsstreetpublishing.com) it’s Friday.
Sales Coordinator Jenny Leach (sales@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Work. Account Executives: Sharon Kornowa (sharoncitypaper@gmail.com) It’s Friday. (Monday would work too). Sam Rotroff (srotroff@adamsstreetpublishing.com) I believe my Doctor told me one Bota Box/day was healthy. I may have heard that wrong. Bonnie Hunter (bhunter@adamsstreetpublishing.com) The pause that refreshes. Kathleen Dewar (kdewar@adamsstreetpublishing.com) To just enjoy everyday living! Anthony Washington (awashington@adamsstreetpublishing.com) To Celebrate friends and family. Classifieds Coordinator: Catherine Bohr (classifieds@adamsstreetpublishing.com) It’s [enter day of week here].
“Which Side Are You On?” read the banner being held aloft as picketers demonstrated outside One Government Center, prior to a Toledo City Council Water Quality Committee hearing. Eventually Mike Ferner, a member of the Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie (ACLE), made his way inside to speak, but the banner was promptly removed due to a ban against printed propaganda in Council chambers. Concerned about algae blooms from agricultural runoff, Ferner believes the sign’s message— pushing Toledo government to consider if they are on the side of a clean lake or Big Ag— was delivered. Catawba Island Club in Port Clinton is hosting a Lake Erie Improvement Association forum on Friday, December 2 at 8:30am. Knowledgeable presenters will discuss sediment and other issues. More information can be found at LakeErieFoundation.com.
The State of Michigan is the latest ally in the push for a clean Lake Erie, as the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) made a declaration of “impaired” for their portion of Lake Erie.
Distribution Cassie Haddad (cassie@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Red: it’s delicious. White: there’s no red wine.
An “impaired” designation would allow for a complete pollution inventory of the Lake, hold polluters accountable as well as provide access to federal money allowances for cleanup.
Accounting: Robin Armstrong (rarmstrong@toledocitypaper.com) Because it is not breakfast time.
Interns: Bryce Buyakie, Courtney Probert
Advertising/General Info
For advertising and general information, call 419/244-9859 or fax 419/244-9871. E-mail ads to adsin@toledocitypaper.com. Deadline for advertising copy 2 p.m. Friday before publication. Toledo City Paper subscriptions are available by mail for $28/quarterly or $75 per year at Toledo City Paper, 1120 Adams St., Toledo, Ohio 43604. One copy free per person per week; extra copies $1 each. Persons taking copies for any reason other than personal use are subject to prosecution. Letters to the editor must be limited to 300 words, are subject to editing, and should include the writer’s full name and phone number. Any letter submitted to the editor or publisher may be printed at the publisher’s discretion in issues subsequent to its receipt. © 2016 by Adams Street Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without written permission of the publisher.
Also publishers of:
“The Deputy Director of the Ohio EPA in charge of Lake Erie policy, Karl Gebhardt, was not only an Ohio Farm Bureau lobbyist for 19 years, but also a registered lobbyist for Vreba Hoff Dairies, the first CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) owners in NW Ohio. Again we ask our public officials, which side are you on?” demanded a strongly-worded letter senter to Toledo’s mayor from the ACLE. “The people you work for want to know if you are waiting for another poisoned water crisis in Toledo before telling Ohio’s EPA to do the same (as Michigan).” Agencies tasked with cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay, which carries the “impaired” designation, received over $1 billion in aid money from various government agencies over the past two years. Still don’t think Lake Erie needs a similar designation?
Audited by
The ACLE hosts meetings every third Wednesday from 6:30-8pm. At Grace Lutheran Church (4441 Monroe St.). Stop by the gathering and pick up a yard sign. (No December meeting). advocatesforlakeerie.wixsite.com/acle
Farmers & Merchants State Bank has opened its 24th location, this one in Bowling Green. 1072 N. Main St., Bowling Green. fm-bank.com Motorcycle Solutions LLC, host of Vintage & Rat Rod Motorcycle Nights, has moved to a larger location at 3519 Jackman Rd. 419-720-4313. motorcyclesolutionsLLC.com Cake in a Cup will open a second location in the Cricket West Shopping Center with a grand opening planned near Valentine’s Day, 2017. 6801 W. Central Ave, Toledo, 419-491-1104, cakeinacup.com Creative Excellence Salon is moving from 2600 SylvaniaAve. to 3102 W.SylvaniaAve. 419-472-1454. creativeexcellence04.com Board & Brush, a new DIY woodworking chain, has opened in Sylvania. Offering experiences for all events, you decide on a sign design from an assortment of options and build it using their materials. 5725 W. Central Ave. 419-245-8516. boardandbrush.com Grace’s Kitchen has closed. The breakfast nook was known for its awesome pancakes and large omelettes. 5241 Summit St. A.M. Diner celebrates its grand opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 11am December 7, at 1234 N. Main St., in Bowling Green, inside the Woodland Mall food court. The Healing Arts Institute is now called The Orion Institute. It will continue to be a destination stop for training and certifications on a broad range of health and wellness careers including fitness training and massage therapy. 3403 Meadows Dr., Perrysburg. 419-874-4496. orion.edu Toledo Hemp Center has a new location. Moving just a half mile east of their previous location, they can now be found at 815 Phillips Ave. 419-724-9588. toledohempcenter.com The Ticklish Giraffe has moved their online business to a brick-and-mortar location. Purchase quirky, family-ownedand-operated bath products at the familyowned-and-operated Old West End location. 2443 Collingwood Blvd. Unit E. 419-720-5675. theticklishgiraffe.com Birds Eye View Circus will expand their space in the Collingwood Arts Center. The new area will be open in January. 2413 Collingwood Blvd., 567-694-6628. birdseyeviewcircus.com Maumee Soccer Centre broke ground for a new athletic Soccer Centre Dome in Rossford (located near Bass Pro off 1-75 and the Ohio Turnpike). Teams are currently registering. 9300 Bass Pro Blvd., 419-893-5425. maumeesoccercentre.com AIGA Toledo has a new headquarters. The professional organization of designers (The American Institute of Graphic Arts) is now permanently located with the Toledo-based ad agency, Communica. 705 Monroe St., toledo.aiga.org Know of any changes in the area? Send them to editor@adamsstreetpublishing.com
3D Wellness, Toledo’s first movement therapy clinic, specializing in massage therapy, corrective bodywork, gait assessments, physical therapy and more, recently opened. See page 40 for more details. 4035 W. Central Ave. facebook. com/3DWToledo
November 23 • December 6
Prescription to relax
Medical cannabis is here— but where is it? Now that Ohio has legalized medical cannabis, patients have been patient waiting for help. Want to understand the Ohio Medical Marijuana Law and locate a physician service with an Ohio Medical Board accepted practice for physician consultations? Get approved for Affirmative Defense of the use of Medical Cannabis? To learn more and make an appointment, call 888-470-0008 x4 for Ohio, or visit the Toledo Help Center. 815 Phillips Ave., 419-724-9588. toledohelpcenter.com
Pants feel a little tighter?
Need a reason to celebrate feminism?
We can help!
When feminist bookstore People Called Women opened up in 1993, there were 132 feminist bookstores in North America. Today? There’s 13. Celebrate owner Gina Mercurio’s store, and the community that supports the space, when People Called Women Turns 23. Enjoy a potluck, live auction and the solid atmosphere that’s kept the feminist bookstore surviving for over two decades. If you would like to bring an item to donate for the auction, drop it off at People Called Women on December 1st or 2nd (or bring it with you on the 3rd if you are attending). 6pm potluck, 7pm auction. Saturday, December 3. People Called Women, 6060 Renaissance Place, Suite 5. 419469-8983. peoplecalledwomen.com Free
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www.AmericanMobileFitness.com info@americanmobilefitness.com | 419.351.1381 2727 N. Holland Sylvania Rd., Suite H
Empower yourself
Not sure what the future holds? Take matters into your own hands during the Ohio Community Rights Workshop, hosted by The Ohio Community Rights Network in partnership with the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. The one-day workshop will explore avenues of power, with a focus on minimum wage laws, protecting Lake Erie, LGBT rights, pipelines, factory farming and other critical issues. Discuss how corporate actions can override democratic decision-making in our communities. Please register by November 30. 9am-5pm Saturday, December 3. $25/includes curriculum and lunch. The University of Toledo Student Union Ingman Hall, 2801 W. Bancroft St. For more information, 440-838-5772. 717-498-0054. celdf.org, ohcommunityrights.org
Finding a way to help
Whether your candidate won or lost, this presidential election made us all realize that action is our job. Want to make a difference? Here’s your chance. Demonstrate support through donations of time, goods, services or your voice on Giving Tuesday, November 29. For the fifth year, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving is dedicated to volunteering. So, skip the complaints and social media debates and spend #givingtuesday showing the organizations, nonprofits and groups that you believe that their causes matter. givingtuesday.org —AC
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November 23 • December 6
419.472.1454 www.toledocitypaper.com
the good, the bad, and the barely breathing Three takeaways from Election Day 2016 by Johnny Hildo There were shocking truths aplenty revealed on November Eighth. Setting aside the lurch to the alt-right at the national level, the local political landscape has also been realigned in significant ways. Here are three of the most obvious.
The good.
Many folks on the left of the political spectrum had grown complacent. Polls showed that Hillary Clinton would win by a comfortable Electoral College margin, effectively continuing the Obama legacy. The only thing to argue about was the idealism of voting third party. Or the relative value of writing in Bernie Sanders as a protest vote to the staid status quo. Or even refusing to vote because the choices presented were universally unpalatable. These would all be safe choices in many places, because the protests would resonate, but progressive values--gay marriage, Black Lives Matter, women’s right to choose, global climate change, student loan forgiveness, immigrant rights, economic justice--wouldn’t be rocked off course. And then they were. The candidate endorsed by the KKK got elected, and has begun to appoint racist, anti-gay, anti-immigrant Old White Men to his new administration. Why do we file this under “the good,” you might reasonably ask? Because the complacency has been shattered. A new local focus on activism has surfaced in the short time since the election, with inquiries and commitments to keep the march of social progress on track. A new women-led organization, Toledo Area Progressives, recently sponsored a meeting of local activist groups in areas of women’s rights, civil rights, and the like, in order to connect those who feel the need to do something with the groups already engaged in the work. Rather than tearfully lick the bitter wounds of defeat, these courageous women have decided to prepare for the coming storm of reaction by banding together to fight. Good for them, and good for all of us!
The bad.
Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Gary Cook should have easily won a seat on the Sixth District Court of Appeals bench. He has the experience in a court that sends decisions to the appellate court. Indeed, he has been a judge for quite some time. His opponent, while seemingly a competent enough lawyer, has no judicial experience of any kind, yet sought a seat on the Court one step below the Ohio Supreme Court in her first run for office.
Yet Christine Mayle will soon be sworn in as the new appellate judge. Probably because Cook’s campaign was remarkably unremarkable. He worked on name recognition in the counties of the District other than Lucas for the bulk of the summer and fall. Voters in Lucas County may have been surprised when they saw his name on the ballot, because they had seen dozens and dozens of Mayle signs throughout the campaign season. It is a basic tenet of electoral campaigns that you shore up your base first. For Cook, that would be Lucas County. But while Democrats like Pete Gerken, Bernie Quilter and Phil Copeland garnered over one hundred thousand votes countywide, Cook garnered less than seventy-nine thousand, and only beat Mayle by thirteen thousand in his home county. That wasn’t enough to make up for shortfalls elsewhere in the Sixth District. Cook’s loss was just plain bad and should be a cautionary tale to other candidates for office.
The barely breathing.
We were pretty certain that Mikey P. Bellbottoms had little chance running against incumbent County Commissioner Pete Gerken. We wrote a column as his epitaph, noting how foolish it was to run as a Republican. We noted what a mistake it was to tie himself to the ill-fated union busting SB 5, and then to Donald Trump in Democratfavorable Lucas County. We opined that after he inevitably lost the election, he should just get on that ol’ Harley and ride, ride, ride. There was a part of us that assumed he knew all this, and was only keeping his name in the spotlight to prepare for his run at the Mayor’s seat next year. All that is over. We had no idea Bellbottoms would run such a nonexistent campaign. We rarely saw him anywhere. He basically disappeared from public view. The few Bell yard signs we saw were all on the outskirts of the city. None were in his old home base, central city Toledo. What’s even worse, Gerken trounced him in those central city wards. And in the city proper. Bell has little chance of ever being elected countywide, and exactly none being elected in a head to head race in the city itself. As for Gerken, he says he has no desire to make a run at Mayor Hicks- Hudson. Given his strong electoral showing in the city, might he change his mind? Stay tuned. The mayoral race is just starting to heat up.
November 23 • December 6
Let’s Make it TWO YEARS in a ROW! Please Vote Arnold’s for Best Home Improvement
Vote forforour smile team! Best Orthodontist www.perfectbraces.com LAMBERTVILLE ǙÓnÊ-iVœÀÊ,œ>`ÊUÊP.O. Box 860 Lambertville, MI 48144 734.854.6221
November 23 • December 6
MAUMEE 4359 Keystone Dr. Maumee, OH 43537 419.887.1247
SYLVANIA 6407 Monroe Street Sylvania, OH 43560 419.882.1017
Those with celestial yearnings might wonder: “Can you see The Glass City from outer space?” With monumental talent, landmark institutions, bountiful boutiques, great grub and plenty of Toledoans worth bragging about on an intergalactic level, we need you to shoot our area’s stars into the solar system? Cast your vote to help us determine who is the Best of Toledo!
Community Local least-likely to want to be called “a hipster” ____________________ _______________ Entrepreneur _________________________________________ High School _______________________________________ Private School_____________________________________ College_____________________________________________ Higher Ed for Non-Traditional Students _________________ Suburban Downtown_______________________________ Best neighborhood ________________________________ Best Festival_______________________________________ Institution We’re Proud of_____________________________ Charity_____________________________________________ Place to Volunteer __________________________________ Non-Profit Event ___________________________________ Toledoan we love to hate ____________________________ Toledo Prom King __________________________________ Toledo Prom Queen ________________________________ Toledo Class Clown _________________________________ Redheaded boy or girl ______________________________ Toledo Guidance Counselor/Life Coach _________________ Toledoan to send to space___________________________ Politician____________________________________________ Best thing to happen to Toledo this year________________ Trivia night________________________________________ Jukebox_________________________________________
Thank you to our silver sponsor:
New store ________________________________________ Locally owned women’s boutique _____________________ Locally owned men’s boutique ________________________
Thrift/Resale store__________________________________
Plastic Surgeon_____________________________________
Used book store ___________________________________
Home Improvement ____________________________________
Jewelry store ______________________________________
Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor__________________________
Wedding venue____________________________________
Eye Doctor________________________________________
Bridal shop _______________________________________
Event planner______________________________________
Limo service_______________________________________
Romantic getaway__________________________________
Optical shop_______________________________________
Greenest business__________________________________
Real Estate Agent___________________________________
Professor or Teacher_________________________________
Spiritual shop______________________________________
Religious Leader____________________________________
Home boutique____________________________________
Antique store ______________________________________
Ad Agency________________________________________
Furniture store _____________________________________
Insurance Agent _______________________________________
Liquor store_______________________________________
Best attorney (male and female)_______________________
Smoke shop__________________________________________
Local builder_______________________________________
Pet grooming_____________________________________
Work environment _________________________________
Pet supply store ___________________________________
Place to kayak______________________________________
Toledo point of pride— Toledo Made __________________
Print Journalist_____________________________________
Park ___________________________________________
Favorite free thing to do in Toledo_____________________
House of Worship___________________________________
Best Anchor Duo __________________________________
Professional networking group _______________________
Local TV Station____________________________________
Boat Club and/or Country Club________________________
Radio Station_____________________________________
Blog/think-piece about Toledo by non-resident___________
Morning Show ____________________________________
Best place to people watch ___________________________
Local Radio DJ ____________________________________
Reason to move to Toledo____________________________
Reason not to move out of Toledo_____________________
Best local hashtag _________________________________ Local podcast_____________________________________
Stores and Shops
November 23 • December 6
Airport_____________________________________________ Place to buy a car __________________________________ Car Wash/Detailer___________________________________ Dry Cleaner_______________________________________ Place to adopt a pet ________________________________ Candy store _______________________________________ Comic book store __________________________________ Place to buy a piece of Toledo_________________________ Local vape shop____________________________________ Tattoo shop _______________________________________ Cont.on p.8
Cont. from p.7 Singer______________________________________________
Beauty and wellness
Hairstylist ___________________________________________
New bar____________________________________________
Women’s salon_____________________________________
Irish pub____________________________________________
Aesthetician (Skin Care)______________________________
Sports bar____________________________________________
Men’s barber shop__________________________________
College bar ____________________________________________
Day spa__________________________________________
LGBTQ bar____________________________________________
Nail salon_________________________________________
Trivia Night for trash talkers __________________________________
Favorite locally brewed beer__________________________________
Yoga studio_______________________________________
Brewery (to fill your growler at)_________________________________
Dance studio______________________________________
Bar to visit before the Mudhens or Walleye game_______________________
Massage therapist__________________________________
Best place to have Tinder date (best bar to get lucky)______________________
Personal trainer____________________________________
Athletic club_______________________________________
Local personality you’d want at your next kegger________________
Urgent Care_______________________________________
Not-so-secret secret bar __________________________________
Physical therapy____________________________________
Place to drink alone _____________________________________
Holistic health center________________________________
Place to seek advice from a stranger____________________________
Eats Steakhouse___________________________________________ Sushi_______________________________________________ Hot dogs____________________________________________ Tea shop____________________________________________ Seafood_____________________________________________ Italian restaurant___________________________________ Indian restaurant___________________________________ Mexican restaurant _________________________________
DJ ________________________________________________ Recording Studio __________________________________ Local Record Store _________________________________ Local Instrument Shop _______________________________
Art Place to buy local art ________________________________ Supporter of the local arts____________________________ Independent gallery_________________________________ Local art event_____________________________________ Art photographer___________________________________ 2-D artist__________________________________________ 3-D artist__________________________________________ Ballet company_____________________________________ Literary artist_______________________________________ Local theater group ________________________________
Favorite mural/public art piece in town _________________
Music venue_______________________________________
Local maker________________________________________
Jam night to hear local jams__________________________
Professional framing service __________________________
Karaoke night _____________________________________ Best club to dance all night___________________________
New band________________________________________
High School coach__________________________________
High School team___________________________________
Best cover band ___________________________________
Bowling alley_______________________________________
Blues/Jazz artist____________________________________
Martial Arts studio___________________________________
Hip Hop artist______________________________________
Bike shop _________________________________________
Golf course________________________________________
Chinese restaurant__________________________________
Boxing gym________________________________________
Thai restaurant_____________________________________ Local grocery______________________________________
Thank you to our silver sponsor:
Ethnic grocery_____________________________________ Natural food store__________________________________ Soup ______________________________________________ Best chocolates_____________________________________ Place for a last date _________________________________
Reader’s Choice
Cold-brew coffee __________________________________
Category we forgot _________________________________________________________________________________
Place to blow your budget ___________________________
Reasons to love TCP ________________________________________________________________________________
Place to dress to impress_____________________________
Favorite story so far________________________________________________________________________________
Diner _____________________________________________
Place to pick up a copy of TCP___________________________________________________________________________ Story idea you want to read___________________________________________________________________________
NAME: ___________________________________________________________________
1. You may only vote once. 2. No answer should be repeated more than three times.
ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________ 3. A minimum of 30 questions must be answered for your ballot to be eligible. CITY/STATE/ZIP: ________________________________________________________ AGE: ________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________
4. Your name and address must be included. We will discard any ballots that we suspect are fraudulently submitted. Deadline for submissions is December 19, 2016. 5. NO ballot stuffing • No photocopies.
MAIL TO Best of Toledo, 1120 Adams Street Toledo, Ohio 43604
November 23 • December 6
or vote online at toledocitypaper.com
Wine Guide Since the dawn of time, or at least since we discovered what fermented grapes can do, wine has been celebrated both for the taste it provides and the feeling it offers. We anticipate the bold reds, the cheery bubbles and bright nights spent with friends— when we fill glasses and spill secrets. Want to sip a rare, romantic red with your significant other or laugh over a light white while catching up with confidants? Explore Toledo’s many unique locales where you can enjoy the fruit of the vine.
PHOTO BY Jonathan Miksanek
LaScola Italian Grill
Moussa (R) and Wine maker Peter Thompson from Geoffrey David Winery
5375 Airport Hwy., 419-381-2100. lascolaitaliangrill.com
Moussa Salloukh, owner What is a good rule for ordering wine? The rule is in the taste of the beholder…
Do you have a special bottle in your private collection on reserve? Yes a few. As my friends know, there doesn’t need to be
a special occasion if the food is right and everyone is happy— then, pop goes the cork...
If you could drink wine with any person or character— fictional, real, living or past— who would it be, and why?
Frank Sinatra! Why not?
Kyoto Ka Sushi Bar 6801 W. Central Ave. 419-841-2070. 300 Madison Ave. 419-321-4000. kyotoka.com
Sung, owner What’s your favorite pairing? Sushi with the pairing of our various Sake selections. What’s something you think wine pairs with really well, even if it goes against the norm? I feel that red wine and salmon sashimi go very well together. That’s just my
personal opinion, but the pair just have this amazing tasteful experience.
If you could drink wine with any person or character— fictional, real, living or past— who would it be, and why?
Chef Jiro Ono [the revered sushi chef, featured in the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi] is my role model, so I would love to learn his skills in the kitchen and his philosophy. CONTINUED ON P. 10
November 23 • December 6
M’ Osteria Bar & Lounge
611 Monroe St. 419-215-4222. m-osteriatoledo.com
Shawn Chowdhary, VP of administration
Deal: Montepulciano D’Abruzzo, Fattoria Teatine “Foglio 12.” This spectacular wine from the
Abruzzo region of Italy. It is a reasonably priced Italian wine that pleases even the most discriminating palate.
Unreal: Opus One. It scored a rare perfect score of 100 from Wine Spectator. What do you enjoy about wine? Wine is meant to be shared among friends, and if you share
a unique wine, then you tend to recall or relive that experience every time you see or drink that particular bottle in the future.
What’s a good rule of thumb for ordering wine? Always check the menu and ask your server
about new varieties. Our wine list contains many hidden Italian gems and some very familiar wines from California. Recently, we have added several new wines as we constantly keep evolving to keep things exciting. M’ Osteria provides a unique opportunity for you to create a memorable experience with our superb wine list.
Zinful is not a restaurant, but a tasting boutique. The store offers wine, craft beer, cigars, local art and accessories, with daily tastings Tuesday through Saturday.
Ryan Patrick Redhead Red Blend (Columbia Valley, WA). $9.99. Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Malbec and Syrah. It is perfect for everyday enjoyment and appeals to many when hosting parties.
PHOTO BY Jonathan Miksanek
(L-R) Shawn Chowdhary Matt Fredericks, bar manager, James Adkins, Front of house manager
Charles Smith Italian Secco - Chardonnay Brut, Pinot Noir Rose, and Moscato - great bubbles just in time for the holiday season on a closeout price of $6.99, previously $13.99-$19.99
2012 Harlan Estate Bordeaux Style Red Blend (Napa, California) $999.99. 99 points from Robert Parker.
Have you traveled to wine country? If so, what was your main takeaway from the experience? I went to Napa for 5 days
to Family, Friends and Good Wine #celebratethis
Libbey Outlet 205 South Erie Street, Toledo, OH 43604 (419) 254-5000 | retail.libbey.com 10
and every day offered something unique. I left with a better perspective on the winemaker’s knowledge, skills, and passion for what they are creating. For most winemakers, it is not a business but an artistic expression that they hope is enjoyed by others. They are fully committed to making the best wine possible with the grapes harvested regardless of the weather challenges. There are many beautiful vineyards and tasting rooms and while larger producers offer stately tastings and tours, I was drawn to the smaller boutique tasting rooms where you are more likely to enjoy a personal encounter with the winemaker. Learning about the wine directly from the winemaker in a tasting area within the cave where the wine is aging is a special experience.
November 23 • December 6
Zinful Tasting Boutique
218 Louisiana Ave., Perrysburg. 419-931-9946. zinfulwine.com
Joyce Franzblau, owner
Majestic Oak Winery
13554 Mohler Rd., Grand Rapids. 419-875-6474. majesticoakwinery.com
Laura Rufenacht, co-owner What do you enjoy about wine? The way it brings people together, we have seen friendships form and met amazing people along the way.
PHOTO BY Jonathan Miksanek
What do you think of Ohio’s local wines? Obviously we love Ohio’s local wines as well as the winemakers and growers across our state. Having the opportunity to taste and find something you like rather than guessing by the label on a store shelf is always our preference. Local wines offer grape varietals not found in the commercial wine world. Small growers and wine makers are all unique and the experience is always a pleasure. What’s your best “wine story”? There are too many to even try. Our favorite part of this business is all of the experiences. If we didn’t already know this, NEVER underestimate or assume you know a person at first glance. Drink a glass of wine with them and then decide. CONTINUED ON P. 12
BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY PARTIES NOW! Come to “Your Pub” for Thanksgiving Eve! Two sets of live music! Picking Kelley 5 - 8pm. & Calen Savidge Trio 8:30 - 12:30am. Champagne Supernova 11/29, 5-7pm, 5 champagne tastings with petite pairings. RSVP required Small busineses saturday 11/26 purchase $100 in gift cards & receive a $20 bonus gift card. 11/26-12/24/16
JOIN US FOR 3 HOURS of happiness * Mon-Sat 4-7pm * appetizer and drink specials
facebook.com/BarrsPublicHouse for details
Hours: phone: Mon. thru Wed. - Kitchen 4-10pm, Cocktails until 1am. 419.866.8466 Thurs thru Sat. - Kitchen 4-11pm, Cocktails until 1am. (or as late as 2:30am.)
Our house. your pub.
location: 3355 Briarfield Blvd. Maumee, OH 43537 (in Promenade West) site: barrspublichouse.com
=`e\ N`e\ With an extensive wine list of exceptional Italian wines and great wines from around the world, you’ll certainly find a red, white or bubbly to complement your dinner and please your palate.
November 23 • December 6
611 MONROE ST, TOLEDO 419.214.4222 M-OSTERIA.COM 11
PHOTO BY Jonathan Miksanek
The Oliver House 27 Broadway St., 419-243-1302. mbaybrew.com
Lexi Oberhouse, Rockwell’s Lounge Bartender
What do you enjoy about wine? I think wine brings people together. I en-
joy the way that wine complements food and the pleasure, friendship and camaraderie of enjoying a bottle of wine with others.
What’s your current favorite bottle, and why? Jordan Cabernet from Sonoma Valley. I like the bold, full-flavored earthiness.
Is cheap wine really that much worse than expensive wine? There’s
a place for cheaper wine. A good, inexpensive table with dinner at home is a wonderful thing. We aren’t always able to drink high-end wine.
What’s the proper way to taste wine? I like to let the wine roll around under the tongue and swallow with a slight gulping of air. It seems to reach all the tastebuds and explode with flavor.
revolutiongrille.com Holiday Parties
AFTER PARTY Live music from Jason Hudson 10PM -1AM
5333 Monroe St. Near Nantucket | 419-841-0066 Like our Facebook page for monthly wine pairing dinner dates 12
NEW YEAR’S EVE Celebration
Available everyday after 2pm or online
Holiday Gift Cards
toledocitypaper.com or page 7 in this handy dandy book!
November 23 • December 6
November 23 • December 6
Stars 5 ★★★★★ PHOTO BY Jonathan Miksanek
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Ye Olde Durty Bird
2 S. St. Clair St. 419-243-2473. yeoldedurtybird.com
Kim McKnight, manager and bartender What’s your current favorite bottle, and why? The Show Malbec! It’s the perfect blend of
sweet and dry, and I love the light, berry flavors.
If you could drink wine with any person or character— fictional, real, living or past— who would it be, and why? Bob Marley— because who had a better outlook on life and love? Do you judge a bottle by the label? Yes. If it looks fun, I usually try it.
=?<J 97H: IF;9?7B 8ko '&&" =[j (& <H;;
419-321-4000 300 Madison Ave, Toledo, OH 43604
What’s your best “wine story”? The moment I found out I could fit almost an entire bottle in one of my glasses!
If your establishment offers pairings, what’s your favorite pairing offered?
We have an amazing NY strip steak that pairs very well with our Tom Grove Cabernet.
DEC. 1 Dégagé - “Cooking Class“: Candy 7pm - 9pm DEC. 2 Dégagé Jazz From Cleveland: ”Keigo Hirakawa Trio” 7:30 - 11pm Dec. 15 Dégagé - “Cooking Class”: Canning & Pickling 7pm - 9pm Dec. 17 Dégagé Jazz “Skip Turner Band” 7:30 - 11pm Dec. 31 New Years Eve “Gene Parker Band” 7:30pm - 12am
HOURS: Lunch Monday - Friday, 11:30am - 2:00pm Dinner Tuesday - Thursday, 4:30pm -9:30pm Friday - Saturday 4:30pm - 10:30pm, SUNDAY CLOSED.
419-841-2070 6801 W. Central Ave Toledo, OH 43617
KYOTOKA.COM Kyoto Ka Family takes care of our customers! 6801 W. Central Ave.,Toledo, OH 43617 419.841.2070
at The Cor ner of Ri ver Rd and Wayn e in Mau m ee
Lunch/Brunch Every Sunday 11am-4pm 419.794.8205 xtn. 3
November 23 • December 6
| degagejazzcafe.com www.toledocitypaper.com
PHOTO BY Jonathan Miksanek
Mancy’s Steakhouse 951 Phillips Ave. 419-476-4154. mancys.com
Gus Mancy, owner Steal:
Our new Round Pond Kin & Keith 2013 Napa Valley. $11 per glass (6 oz. pour!) and $42 per bottle.
Deal: Intrinsic Cabernet from Columbia Valley. Unreal: Hundred Acre Cabernet Sauvignon Kayli Morgan
2012— at $750 per bottle, this is a rock star. Depth, complexity and layers of flavor are signatures of this wine every year.
What do you enjoy about wine? Gathering with family and
friends is always a great time! Sharing wine at these get togethers always enhances the occasion!
What’s your favorite pairing? Always a great Napa Cab
with a great steak!
Do you have a very special bottle saved in your private collection? First growth Bordeauxs in each of my children’s
PHOTO BY Jonathan Miksanek
birth years— 1994, 1996 and 2004.
What do you enjoy about wine? How the subtle nuances of a
specific varietal can lend itself to different cuisines. Wine is after all meant to complement your meal and is considered by some to be a food as well as a beverage.
Do you judge a bottle by the label? If so, what do you look for?
Never judge a book by its cover. Period.
Have you traveled to wine country? If so, what was your main
takeaway from the experience? When visiting wineries, as a member of the trade, we are treated especially well, and in many cases treated as family. Overall there is a tremendous amount of love, appreciation, and cooperation within the trade at all levels. The wine industry can be very gracious.
If you could drink wine with any person or character— fictional, real, living or past— who would it be, and why? I would
have loved to meet and taste wines with the late Andre Tchelistcheff, America’s most influential post-prohibition winemaker. He is considered by many to be the “Dean of American Winemaking.”
Walt Churchill’s Market 3320 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. 419-794-4000. 26625 N. Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg. 419-872-6900. waltchurchillsmarket.com
Richard Fortney, wine manager atthe Briarfield Market
November 23 • December 6
Cocina de Carlos
205 Farnsworth Rd., Waterville. 419-878-0261. cocinadecarlos.com PHOTO BY Jonathan Miksanek
Jessica Torres What’s your best “wine story”? My husband and I went to Italy last year. One late evening, walking back to the hotel after a few drinks, we stopped at this one bar and had a random glass of Chianti Classico. That was by far the best wine we have ever tasted, and I still live with the regret of not knowing what brand it was and which bar we stopped at. My doctor said something about how drinking wine was good for me, but I stopped listening mid-sentence. Should I find out the rest of the story? Of course. Wine is good for you and it tastes good, so you can have a fun time.
What’s something you think wine pairs with really well, even if it goes against the norm? I think potato chips with
PHOTO BY Jonathan Miksanek
hot sauce are amazing with wine.
Barr’s Public House
3355 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. 419-866-8466. barrspublichouse.com
Stephanie Soldner, managing partner Steal: Los Vascos Cabernet. $6/glass everyday. Deal: Playtime Red Blend. $7/glass, $5 for Ladies Night every Thursday.
Unreal: We sell bottle lockers, and members can stock whatever wine we can get for them in Ohio. We sell it at 10% over wholesale, and then charge a corkage fee at the time of service. This program will allow someone to get their favorite wines for less than restaurant prices!
What’s your current favorite bottle, and why? Tavignano Barbarossa. It’s medium body with bright red fruits and floral notes. It actually gets better a few days after being opened! Have you traveled to wine country? If so, what was your main takeaway from the experience? Yes! Actually seeing the land solidifies what I’ve learned as far as the territory, its effect on the grapes— and the fact that I need to spend more time there! What’s something you think wine pairs with really well, even if it goes against the norm? You can pair wine or Champagne with ANYTHING.
November 23 • December 6
What’s a good rule of thumb for ordering wine?
When you’re ordering at a restaurant, don’t look at the cheapest bottles. The more expensive ones are a much better deal— there’s less of a markup. And never be afraid to talk to a sommelier. We are here to translate your tastes and your budget into a great bottle of wine that will only enhance your meal and dining experience.
If you could drink wine with any person or character— fictional, real, living or past— who would it be?
Dom Perignon. He was a monk who, contrary to popular belief, did not actually invent Champagne, but he did greatly influence the quality production of sparkling wine.
What’s something you think wine pairs with really well, even if it goes against the norm? A nice charcuterie board and anything sparkling. I told you I like bubbles!
Steal: Max Ferd. Richter Classic Riesling $24 Deal: Frank Family Chardonnay $41 Unreal: Camigliano “Gualto” Brunello di Montalcino $130
Revolution Grille
5333 Monroe St. 419-841-0066. revolutiongrille.com
Alex Martin, sommelier
e m o C Our ee SWat ervill
e Location
205 Farnsworth Rd. (419) 878-0261 In the Former Smedlaps Smitty
Also in Perrysburg 27072 Carronade Dr. (419) 872-0200 www.toledocitypaper.com
November 23 • December 6
3320 W Sterns Rd, Lambertville, MI 48144 (734) 854-2000
DEC. 11TH 5-8 P.M Shop many of your favorite home party vendors as well as local artisan crafts, with a glass of wine in your hand!
*Gift Certificates available
The count down begins... Only 2 Holiday Gift Guides left. Louis Martini Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon Our
Lmarca Prosecco
Sledghammer Forged red
chloe pino grigio
Contains handpicked wines by the staff based on an overall review of, taste and value. We have a diverse selection ranging from local product made down the street to imports from the other side of the globe. No matter what your taste preference is we will have a wine to match.
ISSUE DATES: DEC. 7 & 21 RESERVE YOUR SPACE BY: NOV. 30 & DEC. 14 Call today to share your producs and services with the masses!
majesticoakwinery.com Hours: / ÕÀà Ê->Ì\Ê£Ó nÊ UÊ-Õ \Ê£ x £Îxx{Ê iÀÊ,`]Ê À> `Ê,>« `Ã]Ê" Ê{ÎxÓÓ {£ ®ÊnÇx È{Ç{
November 23 • December 6
Boydâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Retro Candy
Get into the holiday spirit and start shopping early while supporting your community by buying from local businesses. Whether you need the perfect present for a party host or a unique gift for the person who has everything and says they want nothing, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve solved your holiday shopping dilemmas by doing the hard work for you. Let us show you some of the great options local businesses have to offer.
Discover a world of pure imagination with the huge assortment of candy confections from Boydâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Retro Candy. Strolling through the shop is like a tour through Willy Wonkaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sweetest dreams. Visit and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find assortments of gummies, chocolates, soda pops, taffies, suckers, sours, chewables, gums and everything else you need to overflow holiday stockings. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re certain to find flavors that your special someone hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t had since they were little and plenty of new flavors to discover as well. Look for the pink castle to know that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve arrived in candy heaven. 954 Phillips Ave., 419-720-7387 11am-7pm, Monday-Thursday, 11am-8pm, Friday-Saturday. boydsretrocandy.com
Shop locally for holiday offering by stopping into Sylvania boutiques and shops for unique gifts. Support local businesses findholiday presents perfect for friends and family Shop localandthis season at the shops located in locally-owned stores. at these independent, downtown Sylvania.
~Angel-Inspired Gifts & Memorials~
Angelaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Angels 5774 Main Street Sylvania, OH 43560 419-824-4079 419-824-0845 fax
GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE angelasangels4@aol.com
5681 Main Street s Sylvania, OH 43560 419-882-5541 s belmain@bex.net â&#x20AC;˘ Gift Certificates Available â&#x20AC;˘
YEAR END SALE 4645> ",-> "1$,> ?\> ' " '>\>3G' "-' " '?!'& www.toledocitypaper.com
64=G6<8G:695 "+,>#'' >- +'.# >45I7I47
November 23 â&#x20AC;˘ December 6
: > $ '0> $ -$ #> &(%",>(>#+"(->#$ -
s e t i u S e r Belameked Belamere Suoitteelss in
Rev e Salon and Spa
Jump into the holiday season properly with help from Reve Salon and Spa. All December long, $100 in gift cards gives you $20 back for your antic H isor ran Tripadv e 10 Most Rom e inclined to self. Whether you want a new manicure, hairstyle e’r f th as one o ed States, and we also voted this y or color, gift giving has never looked so good. the Unit ur readers hav mantic Getawa o o , 5633 Main St., Sylvania, 419-885-1140 agree— otel the Best R Jacuzzi Suites a h h d 8:30am-9pm Monday-Friday, e it o u W q m . ti w m bou acco s in a ro u s r is io a 8:30am-6pm Saturday, r th e u y ink , lux nine baskets se petals, we th cele 8:30am-4pm, Sunday. in w , o of r pools way to r. ty t n s le e lonandspace.com revesa p b d e n e th
artn tions, a get-a-way is h your p stylish e new year wit ebrate th urg. sb d., Perry illiams R 233. W 0 0 2 2 1 -2 419-874 es.com suit re e m la e b
ada aesthetics Give the beauty lover in your life the option of high-quality spa services and high-end products with a gift card to Ada Aesthetics. The sophisticated boutique salon boasts a team of professional aestheticians, massage therapists, nail technicians, and a knowledgeable, encouraging staff that can help your beauty buff locate the perfect product. 12780 Roachton Rd., Perrysburg, 419-873-6961 9am-7pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. 9am-8pm, Wednesday. 9am-5pm, Friday. 9am-2pm, every other Saturday. daohio.com/Ada-Aesthetics
PLEASE VOTE FOR US FOR New Name. New location. Best Plastic Surgeon and Best Aesthetician New You.
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(just north of Alexis, two doors south from our previous location) Expert Injector, Susan Menard, CNP
ich our clients' health and
ducts, and services by expert nt. Our growth and this partnership st Ohio/Southeast Michigan.
11/25 & 11/26
6525 Secor Rd. Lambertville, 734-568-6100 www.amskinhealth.com MI 48144 Call today to schedule with (just north of Alexis, two doors south of our previous location)
r partnership and new name,
CALL 734-568-6100 TO SCHEDULE! November 23 • December 6
Mancyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Group
Food brings family and friends together and always makes a great present, particularly when it comes in gift card form and can be used anytime. Available for use at any of the Mancyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s collective of restaurants, your loved ones can feast on a myriad of options from sizzling steaks and fresh seafood to authentic Italian and slow-smoked BBQ. Not just some of the best meals in Toledo, Mancyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is serving up some of the best meals anywhere. This year, give the gift of deliciousness.
Shortyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BBQ - 5111 Monroe St., 419-841-9505. 11am-9:30pm, Monday-Thursday; 11am-10:30pm Friday-Saturday; 11am-9pm, Sunday. Mancyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bluewater Grille - 461 W. Dussel Dr., Maumee, 419-724-2583. 11am-10pm, Monday-Thursday; 11am-11pm, Friday; 4-11pm, Saturday; 4-9pm, Sunday. Mancyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Italian Grill - 5453 Monroe St., 419-882-9229. 11am-11pm, Friday; 4-11pm, Saturday; 4-9pm, Sunday.
" # ! ! ! Breast Lift/Augmentation Face Lifts/Eyelid Surgery Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty Liposuction/Body Contouring
Mancyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Steak House - 953 Phillips Ave., 419-476-4154. 11am-2pm, 5-9:30pm, Monday-Thursday; 11am-2pm, 5-10pm, Friday; 4:30-10:30pm, Saturday. mancys.com
Body Countouring after Massive Weight Loss Rhinoplasty/Nasal Surgery Otoplasty/Ear Surgery
Facial Skin Rejuvenation Sciton/Fraxel Laser BOTOX ÂŽ Fat Injections/Injectable Fillers
Ä Ä&#x192;Ä&#x2021;Ä&#x20AC;ĆŤ ..+3$! ĆŤ + ĆŤÄ&#x2018;ĆŤ 1)!!Ä&#x152;ĆŤ
Like us.
Ä&#x2039; Ä&#x2039;
November 23 â&#x20AC;˘ December 6
9830 State Route 64 Whitehouse yarkchevy.com
2017 Chevy Camaro 2SS Convertible 50th Anniversary Special Edition MSRP $47,905, STK#1AK67
For 50 years, only one vehicle has perfectly combined advanced performance technology with engineering and design mastery. So to celebrate its 50th anniversary, Chevy has created the lightest, leanest and meanest Camaro yet. Introducing the 2017 Chevy Camaro 2SS Convertible, 50th Anniversary Special Edition. With 50 years in the making, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the fastest, fiercest, and most powerful gift you can give yourself this holiday season. And during Yark Chevyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Black Friday Sales Event, you can save big with No Payments until February, up to 0% Financing, and Discounts up to $10,000 off MSRP.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
6:00pm 8:00pm
Holiday Open House Beer, wine and appetizers - Awesome Raffle
(GRAND PRIZE IS A FLAT SCREEN TV!) - Special Pricing for this event ONLY! - Silent Auction
(some proceeds to benefit Ronald McDonald House NW Ohio)
- AND SO MUCH MORE!! (Please RSVP by email or phone)
Jensen Jewelers Family Owned and Operated since 1951
4481 Monroe St, Toledo, OH 43613 â&#x20AC;¢ (419) 471-1000
jensenjewelers.net â&#x20AC;¢ sales@jensenjewelers.net
November 23 â&#x20AC;¢ December 6
VOTED by the people as TOLEDO'S "BEST MARGARITA" Thanksgiving is a time when family and friends gather, so we thought this would be a great time to thank our family of friends for their continuing support and patronage. We love having you as part of our Ventura family. We look forward to serving you, especially during the holiday season! Ventura's THANKS YOU for voting us as Toledo's #1 Margarita and we would ask that you consider voting for us in the Best of Toledo contest as Toledo's "BEST MEXICAN RESTAURANT"
CedZWo#J^khiZWo ''Wc#''fc <h_ZWo#IWjkhZWo '' Wc#C_Zd_]^j Sunday Closed
7742 W. BANCROFT (1 MILE WEST OF MCCORD) 419-841-7523
November 23 • December 6
Ä&#x192;Ä&#x2020;Ä&#x192;Ä&#x2020;ĆŤ 4! 10%2!ĆŤ .'3 5ĆŤÄ&#x2018;ĆŽ +(! + Ä&#x2026;Ä Ä&#x160;Ä&#x2039;Ä&#x2020;Ä&#x192;Ä&#x2C6;Ä&#x2039;Ä Ä&#x20AC;Ä&#x20AC;Ä ĆŽÄ&#x2018;ĆŽ%*"+ÄŽ1*%05+"0+(! +Ä&#x2039; +)
41*3*56"- #65 /05 3&-*(*064 While relics of the past, like fear and guilt continue to be great motivators, they only serve to keep us separated, confused and small. And YOU are anything but small. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to awaken to your greatness! At Unity of Toledo Spiritual Center we follow in the teachings of that One who forgave the whole world. And in forgiveness love was perfectly expressed. That perfect expression showed the world that God is Love. HEALING LOVE is all that has ever existed. Even if we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t yet recognize its presence. Visit Unity of Toledo Spiritual Center.
Reverend Claudia Tambur
Sunday Guided Meditation at 10:00 am Sunday Celebration Services at 10:30 am
1IJMMJQT "WF Â&#x2026; 5PMFEP 0)
Get an early start on your Christmas candy!
rty Now! Book Your Holiday PPiaatti Restaurants
d Poco The Beirut, Byblos, an Your Party. are available to Cater
se Pleae for Vot s! U
Ethnic Dish
WEDNESDAY Trivia Night $18 Pitchers
November 23 â&#x20AC;˘ December 6
281 (419) 931-0
Best AppetizerSeafood Trio
Thursday, 11.24
Wednesday, 11.23
Military Families Thanksgiving Culinary Vegetable Institute
Active military members and their families are welcome to enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal prepared by volunteers from The Chef’s Garden. Noon-2pm. 12304 Mudbrook Rd., Milan. 419-616-3500. culinaryvegetableinstitute.com
Friday, 11.25
Thanksgiving Recovery Tasting Walt Churchill’s Market
Enjoy a four course formal tea featuring seasonal, autumn favorites in a historic 1864 farmhouse. 11am. $22.95. 8216 Erie St., Sylvania. 419-297-9919. sweetshalomtearoom.com
OSU/Michigan Game Majestic Oak Winery
Initially seeming oddball, ideas such as the Aloo Tikki Balls and GravyStuffed Mashed Potato Bombs put the best of the deep-fried south and India into one bite. Freshly sliced cucumbers and a sweet tamarind chutney complement these with sweeter flavors. The Gravy-Stuffed Mashed Potato Bombs are savory, crispy-on-the-outside and mashed-on-the-inside bites. They made us consider deep frying some “mashed taters” for family dinners. Fusion Pitas offers a number of other fried options such as the Chicken-Fried Bacon, Taiwanese Salty Crispy Chicken or the Falafel Basket.
All wrapped up
Here, pitas are the main focus, with a variety of unique ingredients and flavor.
The wines you taste have been produced since pre-Roman times. 2-6pm. Price varies for tastings. 3320 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. 419-794-4000. waltchurchillsmarket.com
Sunday, 12.4
Friday, 12.2
Create holiday desserts with Chef Jamie Simpson. 2-5pm. $74.73. 12304 Mudbrook Rd., Milan. 419-499-7500. culinaryvegetableinstitute.com
Emily Wagy from Tromate and Sons will highlight some red wines to usher in the holiday season. Prices vary for tastings. 26625 N. Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg. 419-794-4000. waltchurchillsmarket.com
Red Blends Toasting Walt Churchill’s Market
Cooking Classes at CVI Culinary Vegetable Institute.
The Thanksgiving Day Turkey Pita is the holiday dinner all wrapped up, including oven-roasted turkey, stuffing and cranberry relish with gravy on the side. The pita provides the fall holiday fixin’s any time of year. No surprise that this is a customer favorite. A Korean dish and a sandwich out of Philadelphia don’t sound compatible, right? Well, the Korean Bulgogi Cheesesteak Pita is a splendid melding of Korean tang and cheesy flavors. The bulgogi-marinated ribeye steak pairs perfectly with gooey provolone cheese that cuts the spice but leaves the right amount of kick. Other options include Falafel and Chicken or Steak Shawarma.
Tuesday, 12.6
Saturday, 12.3
Great Wines and Great Food The Pub at Paula Brown
Enjoy the Pub’s favorite wines as they are expertly paired with delicious food provided by Cynthia’s Catering. Please reserve your spot in advance. 6:30-8:30pm. $110. 912 Monroe St., 419-241-8100. paulabrownshop.com
Tacos & Open Mic Majestic Oak Winery
On the third Thursday of every month, enjoy tacos while entertainers of all types are test out new material. 6-8:30pm. 13554 Mohler Rd., Grand Rapids. 419-875-6474. majesticoakwinery.com Free
For those a bit more adventurous, the eatery recently added new pitas, the Caribbean Jerk Chicken and the Thai Chicken Gyro, with plans on expanding with gluten-free options. Expect many more pita varieties in the future from the Baize brothers’ thriving attitude and innovative creations.
Bubbling up
The popular bubble tea craze has made itself comfortable here at Fusion Pitas. They offer sweet flavors such as green apple and pineapple passion fruit, and classics including coffee, milk and latte varieties. For a fresh new taste in a comfortable setting, try Fusion Pitas.
German Tastings Walt Churchill’s Market
New shipments of German tastings have arrived! Taste the best of German Exports. Price varies for tastings. 3320 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. 419-794-4000. waltchurchillsmarket.com
UnWINEd Saturday The Pub at Paula Brown
Taste all day, with brunch or a cocktail. From Noon-4pm, Vendome Pastry. From Noon8pm, a wine tasting with wines from Spring Mountain, Barnett and Friday Wineries. Happy Hour from 5:30-7:30pm. 912 Monroe St., 419-241-8100. paulabrownshop.com Free
Guarantee your event has a spot in our next issue and online!
Call 419-244-9859 for details!
Breakfast WITH
Includes breakfast, craft, goodie bag, raffle prizes from the adults and a visit with Santa.
A visit with Santa Adults $8, Children $6
11am-9pm, Sunday-Thursday. 11am-10pm, Friday-Saturday. 4038 Talmadge Rd., 419-725-7800. facebook.com/fusionpitas A Proud Sponsor of Breakfast with Santa
Cote du Rhone tasting Walt Churchill’s Market
fusion pita
Fusion Pitas offers unique flavor combinations By Courtney Probert and Bryce Buyakie
A chance to sample a few offerings from the Small Bites menu warranted a consensus— it was heaven.
Walt Churchill’s Market invites you to taste some wines to help you unwind after a stressful holiday. These wines will go great with your Thanksgiving leftovers. 2-6pm. Prices vary for tastings. 26625 N. Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg. 419-794-4000. waltchurchillsmarket.com
Saturday, 11.26
Watch the big game in a relaxing Neon Groundhog Brewery tasting room. Sip on Ohio wines and the recently released Hibernation Winter Ale. Light snacks will be available. Noon. 13554 Mohler Rd., Grand Rapids. 419-875-6474. majesticoakwinery.com Free
That’s a wrap
Out of the frying pan
Discover your new favorite holiday drink courtesy of Founders Brewing. 5-7pm. Price varies for tastings. 3320 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. 419-794-4000. waltchurchillsmarket.com
Friday, 11.25
Celebrating Quilting Traditions in America: A Tea Sweet Shalom Tea Room
In a city that loves food, where restaurants compete to stand out, it takes unique style and savvy menu options to attract attention— which the Baize Brothers of Fusion Pitas are doing with aplomb. Sam and Issa opened Fusion Pitas in August, in the space that once housed Aladdin’s, with a pledge to serve healthy food using fresh ingredients. Raised in the south, these two embrace that southern flair, fusing it with international flavors from the Mediterranean, Asia and the Caribbean.
Founders Brewing Tasting Walt Churchill’s Market
November 23 • December 6
6904 Salisbury Rd., Maumee OH SAT. DECEMBER 3, 2016
RESERVE YOUR SPOT BY NOV. 21st 1-888-710-3020
Please do not call Brandywine Country Club
Be a Santa for a special needs child by donating a new toy to Easter Seals’ Summer Camp Program
Traditional Turkey Dinner with all the fixings
OPEN LATE! with full menu
call for reservations
BLO�DY MAR� B�� THUR-S�N 1��24-�1�27 OPEN -2ISH
Me�t Your F�iends Af�er Th� Family! 15�� S. BYRNE �OAD, TOL�D� OHI� 4361�
Warm soup and healthy tonics As Ohio’s weather hits an identity crisis, it’s tempting to guzzle hot chocolate, slam sweets and gorge on fried foods. But you can keep things healthy, delicious and flavorful with Bleak House Coffee’s new tonics menu and small batch soups. Wellness tonics are invigorating, creative beverages full of nutritious ingredients, including dandelion root, activated charcoal, organic matcha, cocoa powder and turmeric, to keep you going. Varieties range from a belly-calming Black Detox Smoothie to antioxidant-rich, pick-me-ups, such as apple cider vinegar with fresh lemon and raw honey. Prices range from $3-$6. To stay warm, Sarah Cohen’s small batch, housemade soups are a fan favorite. Taste a new variety each weekday, with vegan, gluten-free and vegetarian varieties available. $5 for a cup and $6 for a bowl, each served with a cream biscuit. 7:30am-4pm, Monday-Friday. 9am-2pm, Saturday. Bleak House Coffee, 612 Adams St., 419-740-1125. facebook.com/pg/BleakHouseCoffee
Wine and dine
Rossford’s Cork’s Wine and Liquor recently opened their new wine and beer tasting bar. On Wednesdays, from 6-8pm, raise your glasses for their weekly ($10) wine tasting events. Feeling decadent? Try their deluxe ($25) wine tasting offerings. And on Fridays, enjoy the craft brew tastings (price depends on what’s being offered). Need some food to go with it? No fear, Cork’s is now offering charcuterie plates, because few things taste better with wine than excellent cheeses and meats. And if you just want to buy a bottle of wine to enjoy right at the bar, Cork’s has you covered there too, offering their lively atmosphere with only a $5 corkage fee. If you don’t want to finish the bottle, they have state-approved wine doggie bags so you can take it with you. 10am-10pm, Monday-Saturday, 10am-6pm, Sunday. Corks Wine and Liquor, 27250 Crossroads Pkwy., Rossford. 419-872-6800. facebook.com/CorksWineandLiquor —JK
JOIN US Grocery a go-go
Thursday Nov 24 11am-8pm
Roast Turkey Breast Lasagna with Meat Sauce Sweet Corn Bake Macaroni & Cheese Southern Pecan Pie Pumpkin Pie Sweet Potato Pie Jellied Cranberry Sauce Roast Turkey Gravy Mashed Potatoes Stuffing as well as asian dishes. 3015 Glendale Ave 419.389.1888
Happy Thanksgiving!
If I wanted to weird my mom out, I’d tell her about online grocery shopping. She’s old school. She wants to “steal” grapes to “check if they are poison”– not browse apple varieties online. Kroger now offers online grocery shopping service at seven Toledo-area locations, with more to come. To take advantage of the online grocery shopping and curbside pickup offered with Kroger’s ClickList, Kroger Plus card holders should visit kroger.com/clicklist. Shoppers can try ClickList without a service charge for their first three orders, with subsequent orders priced at $4.95 for the service. –AC
All Day for
Get FIRED UP about Sushi! ÈÇÓxÊ7iÃÌÊ i ÌÀ> Ê Ûi ÕiÊ/ i` ]Ê" Ê{ÎÈ£ÇʱÊ{£ ®ÊÓ£{ ä ÊUÊ` Ì i` °V
per adult
November 23 • December 6
CITY PAGES Unapologetically Modest
Covering up and dressing well— advocate Zahra Aljabri visits Toledo to speak to like-minded fashioniastas By Jordan Killam
What does it mean to be unapologetically modest? “To me, it’s taking ownership of your modesty,” said Zahra Aljabri, an observant Muslim, who, along with her husband, James, co-founded Mode-sty.com. It’s an online retailer specializing in modest fashions for women of all faiths, including women who don’t observe any religion at all. “It’s about saying ‘Yes, I do dress modestly.’ Because of the connotation around that word, there’s a tendency to resist it. History associates it negatively,” Aljabri said. In the beginning stages of building her site, Aljabri spent a long time thinking about the language she’d use to target her audience. How could she attract a large crosssection of women without being too exclusive? Previously, she had ruminated over the word “coverage,” but then found her SEO goldmine. “There’s no better word than modesty,” she declared. “If you dress that way, that’s what you’re searching for. That’s the go-to word to explain what you want.”
One email she received was from a Christian woman, who stumbled onto the site via Google search. The woman wrote that she had engaged in a long, arduous search for a cute outfit with long sleeves to wear for engagement photos, but she had to settle for a skirt and a cardigan for the shoot. The outfit was sufficient, but [the experience] was mirthless. “There she was, marking a really important moment in her life… she didn’t even like how she looked in her photos,” remarked Aljabri. “If you never get to dress the way you truly want to, it can put a huge damper on your self-esteem.” The writer was pleased to stumble upon Mode-sty. com, a place where she could find clothes that reflected her style and taste without compromising her faith. Before, she had to prioritize her desire to dress modestly over her desire to dress fashionably.
Embracing modesty
Aljabri’s goal in creating Mode-sty.com was to alleviate reservations, including her own, about dressing modestly. “It’s about reclaiming and refining the definition,” she said. “Not frumpy, not dowdy, matronly, bland, old-fashioned, oppressed, or repressed. In these modern times, there are modern, professional women who don’t view it that way. And, they don’t apologize for it! If you just get to know them, you will understand that’s not what it means.” In addition to being a force for change in online retail, Aljabri maintains her own blog. There, she invites modest-dressing fashion bloggers and celebrities from around the world to share their favorite styles, voice their opinions about fashion, and forecast trends. She recently sat down with actress Mayim Bialik, who also dresses modestly, to discuss assumptions and stereotypes as well as finding empowerment in dressing modestly.
Balancing faith and fashion
After her site first launched, the feedback Aljabri got from customers cemented the site’s true mission. “What I learned early on from the emails I’d get from women was all about finding that personal balance between faith and fashion,” she said. “It was about feeling like you fit in and how much that really meant to women.”
Fashion guru Zahra Aljabri displays modesty with style.
Double duty
Aljabri also writes for the popular fashion and lifestyle site, Refinery29. Her features on Refinery29 serve as a window into the community of women who dress modestly. For example, she writes about fashion during holy times of the year for Muslim women, a widely popular topic.
Beautiful and conservative
Reacher feature
Have you ever wanted to know how your favorite authors come up with their ideas? Well, if Lee Child, author of the hit Jack Reacher series, is your favorite, you’re in luck. Meet the England native— who has more than 22 million copies of his thrillers in print— during a book signing, interview and audience Q&A, presented by the Library’s Literati. An energetic and lively wit, Child is known for his public appearances, so this should be a special evening. Select copies of Child’s books will be available for sale, including his latest offering, Night School. 7pm. Wednesday, November 30. $10/general, $8/TMA members, $5/students. Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle Theater, 2445 Monroe St., 419-255-8000. toledomuseum.org
Copycats beware!
You’ve been sitting on an amazing book manuscript, invention or other creative intellectual property, but you’re worried about showing it in public for fear of it being stolen, right? Talking with a lawyer would help a lot, but they’re expensive. The Toledo Library’s Main Branch is offering an Ask A Patent/Copyright/Trademark Attorney night that will have area attorneys present not only to discuss the differences between the various marks and how they apply to your work, but also to answer any specific questions you might have. 7-8:30pm. Thursday, December 1. Toledo Lucas County Public Library, 325 Michigan Ave. 419-259-5200. toledolibrary.org Free
“My goal is really to just have beautiful clothes that cover what you want to be covered,” Aljabri stated. “My primary focus is to offer beautiful and stylish pieces. The secondary priority is coverage.” Aljabri’s site caters to women whose preferences call for varying levels of modesty. She’s casting a wide net because she wants to draw a large audience, hoping to “become the ‘ModCloth’ of modest fashions!” For like minded fashionistas, or anyone who supports freedom of choice in lifestyle, meet the powerful writer and advocate on Saturday, December 3, during a presentation and fashion show at Christ the King Parish.
Modesty: A Reflection of True Beauty A Modest Fashion Show and Presentation by Zahra Aljabri, Founder of Mode’sty* 2pm on Saturday, December 3. 4100 Harvest Ln., 419-344-2424. croberts@cktoledo.org. Admission: Non-perishable food item or package of diapers.
Complexity of sex
For girls especially, navigating the landscape of sex is complex, but author Peggy Orenstein and her book Girls & Sex seek to clarify things. Join the Awake Community Coalition for a discussion about the book and the issues surrounding the topic. Don’t be surprised if the Coalition’s position is against rampant, unbridled hedonism and low-rise jeans. Please email abarrett@ymcatoledo.com to reserve your spot. Space is limited. You must purchase your own book. 7-8:30pm. Thursday, December 1. First Presbyterian Church, 611 Farnsworth Dr., Waterville. 419-877-0466 ext. 12037 awawake.org Free —JK
November 23 • December 6
Procession of the spirits
A sullen young girl who finds her way into the spirit world is faced with countless obstacles in an effort to save her parents and find her way back home. Hayao Miyazaki’s award-winning masterpiece Spirited Away will be available in all its cinematic glory; the vibrant classic is playing on the big screen for its 15th anniversary in Fathom Events’ two-day special. Relive your favorite childhood movie at Noon, Sunday, December 4. English dubbed, and 7pm Monday, December 5 with English Subtitles. $9.50-$12.50. Franklin Park 16, 5001 Monroe St. 419-4722324. Fallen Timbers 14, 2300 Village Drive West #1700, Maumee. 419-878-3898. fathomevents.com –CP
Nerds on film
Fans of Spike and Mike’s Sick and Twisted Animation Festival and Sausage Party will want to show up for Nerdland, the new adult animated comedy from director Chris Prynoski. Starring Paul Rudd and Patton Oswalt, this feature-length flick follows two unknowns who want to become somebodies. Written by Andrew Kevin Walker, the guy who scribed Se7en, expect this film to be at least a little bit gritty and a whole lot profane. Other actors include Kate Micucci, John Ennis and Brendon Small. Attendees will also get to view a short film from production company Titmouse Studios. 8pm. Tuesday, December 6. $15/general, $14/seniors. Franklin Park 16, 5001 Monroe St. 419-472-2324. fathomevents.com
Shakespeare in space
Perhaps best remembered for a line in the Rocky Horror Picture Show’s opening theme, Forbidden Planet is debatable as a film classic. But there’s no debating that it is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” and therefore worthy of inclusion in the Toledo Museum of Art’s ongoing Shakespeare on Film series. Taking the Bard’s dark play into space, the film details a spacecraft landing on Altair IV, a planet run by a mysterious scientist, his beautiful daughter and Robby the Robot. Stars Leslie Nielsen and Anne Francis. EDM enthusiasts, take note: Forbidden Planet is the first commercial film to use an entirely electronic music score. In 2013, the film was added to the Library of Congress’ National Film Registry. 2pm. Sunday, November 27. Toledo Museum of Art Little Theater, 2445 Monroe St., 419-255-8000. toledomuseum.org Free —JK
Reel Talk with TMA’s Film Guru Scott Boberg is enhancing your appreciation of art, one film at a time By Jeff Klima
Scott Boberg once orchestrated an outdoor showing of For All Mankind, about the Apollo missions, with the moon rising overhead. He also arranged a screening of the 1922 silent horror film Nosferatu with live organist accompaniment, to add that extra depth of experience for the audience. When Boberg talks film, his passion shines through. He takes his listeners on a journey of learning that opens new solar systems of information— worlds within worlds. Manager of Programs for the Toledo Museum of Art, Scott is responsible for the Museum’s film screenings, and his appreciation for the artistic medium shines through immediately. Not only does he determine what films screen— say, picking through the myriad of adaptations for the Shakespeare on Film exhibit— but also, perhaps equally important, he decides how the films are shown. Hence, the Apollo film paired with the rising moon, and the silent horror film accompanied by organ, as audiences would have experienced in the 1920s. But film is just one aspect of Scott’s broad range of responsibilities at TMA. He spearheads all adult-focused public programs at the Museum, from music performances to lectures. Film, for him, is just one planet in his mental solar system. All the same, he makes it sound like a beautiful world to inhabit.
What are the criteria for the films that you choose?
Quality is a criterion. One of the things I’m trying to do is find out what are the opportunities to engage in conversation about the collection. And sometimes that can lead in interesting directions as well. And sometimes it’s just looking at a day. For example, Van Gogh’s birthday is March 30th, which is a Thursday. So for the next day, the day after the anniversary of his birth, I’m showing Robert Altman’s Vincent and Theo. And as a little added bonus to that, we’ll show a section of Kurosawa’s Dreams, which is about Van Gogh... and that allows us to highlight that we have a couple of Van Gogh paintings in the collection, while also honoring the artist.
So we’re not going to be seeing The Fast and the Furious any time soon?
You don’t know for sure where the connection is. I am not at all opposed to showing films that have a mass appeal. There’s a kind of sense about it. We showed Jumanji in connection with the sneaker exhibition, as part of a program we had done of family films. I wouldn’t necessarily say Fast and Furious, but I’m certainly open to those kind of connections. Particularly if a film is in-
November 23 • December 6
tensely visual or connects thematically, I think there is a lot of possibility there.
Is film going to be an enduring art?
Yes, I would say the idea of telling a story visually goes back to the beginning of human existence. You could make a case, if you think about Werner Herzog’s documentary about cave paintings, those early visual urges are very cinematic. There’s always been a theater component, it was just technology finally caught up to it at the beginning of the 20th century. Cinema will continue to evolve and film will evolve as well as our ability to access it. When I was a kid, you had to go to the movies or wait for something to show up on TV. To be able to, on my phone, watch a film on demand is kind of mindblowing. We’ll see where it goes.
How do you feel shorter attention spans will impact filmmaking going forward?
I think some filmmakers will adapt to that and I think some people are actually craving direct experiences of extended duration. I was really surprised when we did a program called Bach Around the Clock; it was a 24-hour festival. We had people come early in the morning; we had 165 people at dawn. When we showed Ken Burns’ Civil War, the TV series, we showed it as a marathon and had 15 people stay for all 10 and a half hours of it— something they could easily watch online, but the experience of watching it together as a group is really important. One of my jobs as a programmer is to be really enthusiastic about what we present, but also to satisfy people’s curiosity. What I love about Toledo is that people are open to really new experiences. In Toledo, if you provide opportunities for people to expand their horizons, people are really open to it.
Jordan Craig
UPCOMING "Gift Cards Available"
New Look, Classic Phantom
Revamped version of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical to play at Stranahan By Jeff McGinnis
This isn’t your parents’ version of Phantom of the Opera. The national touring production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s classic musical arrives in Toledo on November 30 for a 12-day run at the Stranahan Theater. But fans expecting the same version they have seen for years on Broadway and in previous touring productions are in for a surprise. Though the original score and story remain unchanged, this production— overseen by legendary Broadway producer Cameron Mackintosh— has been given a massive visual facelift. With new costumes, new sets, new lighting, new choreography, the end result is a show that straddles the familiar and the new. “This is the Phantom that you know and love,” said Jordan Craig, who will play Raoul during the tour’s stop in Toledo. “What’s different is that, in many ways, visually, it’s been completely reimagined. ... Using the new theater technology available to us, they’ve raised the tension of many of the scenes, to pull the audience even further into this amazing story.”
Reinventing the wheel
For a show with the tenure of Phantom— the original Broadway production debuted in 1988— the idea of tinkering with what works and what audiences have come to expect feels risky, a little like trying to reinvent the wheel. But
Craig, who has toured with the show for six months now, sees the changes as a brave move. “It’s so iconic. When you see the Broadway version of Phantom of the Opera, it stays with you,” Craig said. “It’s a daring thing to reimagine it after it’s been so successful, and people who have experienced the original— the Brilliant Original, they call it— I think maybe there’s a hesitancy to break from what works. But this has been so successful and [it’s an] incredible new visual rendering of the show.” For Craig, his run with Phantom has been a whirlwind of excitement. On his first national tour as a performer, Craig has spent the majority of the past six months as an ensemble member and understudy before ascending to the principal role of Raoul in October. He actually auditioned for the tour having never actually seen Phantom before. “It turned out, this spectacular new production is in many ways different from the Broadway version, and so my unfamiliarity with that, I think, ended up being an asset.” The Phantom of the Opera runs from Wednesday, November 30 through December 11. Showtimes and ticket prices vary. $39-$134. Stranahan Theater & Great Hall, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd., 419-481-8851. For more information, see online at stranahantheater.org or theaterleague.com.
Join us for New Year’s Eve (call for details)
RALPHIE MAY Dec 5 “ We, at Fat Fish Blue, are so grateful to be recognized as the Best of Toledo! It is so great to be able to service our city and provide a fun place for our guests to laugh, dance, eat, and enjoy themselves! Thanks Toledo!”
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November 23 • December 6
Nutty Nutcracker
Nothing says the holidays like a handsome Nutcracker and girl who battles mice and travels through snowy landscapes to reach the magical Kingdom of Dreams and Candy. Catch the Ballet Theatre of Toledo’s annual performance of The Nutcracker. 7pm on Friday and Saturday, November 25 and 26. 2pm, Sunday November 27. $25-$42. The Valentine Theatre, 410 Adams St. 419-242-3490. valentinetheatre.com.
Ernest being Earnest
Written in the Victorian Era, The Importance of Being Earnest is anything but dated. How else could two friends cover their socially unacceptable behavior but with a pseudonym - Ernest. Oscar Wilde’s famous play is being played at the University of Toledo’s Center for Performing Arts. 7:30pm Friday-Saturday. 2pm Sunday. November 18-December 4. $8/students and children. $10/seniors, UT Faculty and Military. $15/general admission. Center for Performing Arts Center Theatre, 2801 W. Bancroft St. 419-530-2448. utoledo.edu.
Caroling with Scrooge
The Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol, has been entertaining theater fanatics for 30 years at the Toledo Repertoire Theatre and has no plans to stop. This play is sure to put everyone in the Christmas spirit with lavish costumes, carols and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. 8pm Friday-Saturday. 2:3pm Sunday. December 2-4. $27/adult. $17/child. The Valentine Theatre. 410 Adams St. 419-242-3490. toledorep.org.
A Croswell Family Christmas
A Croswell-style Family Christmas is just what the doctor ordered, complete with favorite Christmas carols, musicals and songs, there is enough music to make everyone as jolly as Santa Claus. 7:30pm Friday-Saturday. 2:30pm Sunday. November 26-December 4. $15-$25. Madison High School Performing Arts Center. 3498 Treat Hwy., Adrian. 419-264-SHOW. croswell.org. —BB
November 23 • December 6
Friday 11.25 Art Hours: Mini Pumpkins - Create
Hark! the herald angel sells
Tuesday 12.6
a glass mini pumpkin at the open art hours at the glass pavilion. Sessions are open to adults and children, ages 14 and up. 6pm. $25/members only. The Toledo Museum of Art Glass Pavilion, 2445 Monroe St. 419-254-5771. toledomuseum.org
Family Pottery - All ages can participate and build pottery together or individually from demonstrations. The 577 foundation will provide a clear glaze to your finished pieces. 1-2:30pm. $15. The 577 Foundation, 577 E. Front St., Perrysburg. 419-874-4174. 577foundation.org
Saturday, 11.26
Ugly Christmas Sweater Making Party - Creating a sweater ugly enough you’ll
HandCrafted Grand Opening - Shop
local, from a selection of handmade in Michigan goods. Stick around for swag bags, raffle drawings, a s’mores roasting station, a hot cocoa bar and more. 10am-8pm. HandCrafted, 18511 Fort St., Riverview, MI. 734-288-0563. craftedmi.com Free
Friday 12.2 Flameworking Art Hour: Evergreen Trees - Create an Evergreen Tree using soft
glass in the flameworking studio at the Glass Pavilion. Create beads, pendants and wine glass charms. 7pm. $25. The Glass Pavilion, 2445 Monroe St. 419-254-5771. toledomuseum.org
Upcycle Jewelry Class - Learn how to
create jewelry from creative instructors. These creations would be the perfect Christmas present. The class is for beginners and all materials and tools are provided. Dec. 2 6pm-8pm. $25. Style 5:16 Consignment Boutique. 3142 Markway Rd., 419-214-0029. style516.com
be proud to wear it to a holiday party. Bring your own wine, they’ll have glue guns, sewing machines, eggnog, materials, sweaters and more. Please reserve your spot in advance. 6-8:30pn. $30. Style 5:16 Consignment Boutique. 3142 Markway Rd., 419-214-0029. style516.com.
The Sullen Art - On the occasion of David
Ossman’s 80th birthday, members of the Toledo Poets Museum will read excerpts from Ossman’s book “The Sullen Art: Recording The Revolution In American Poetry.” Opening remarks by Professor Sara Lundquist, UT Department of English. Cake and refreshments will also be served. 6-8pm. The University of Toledo Carlson Library, 2801 W. Bancroft Rd., 419-530-2324. utoledo.edu Free
Drink and Draw - Draw from a live model in
the company of other creates. Bring your own beer or wine, ideas and drawing tools. All media welcome. Ages 21+. 7pm. $10. The Art Supply Depo, 29 S. St. Clair St., 419-720-6462.
Arguably the most beautiful spot in Toledo, the Toledo Botanical Gardens are playing host to Heralding the Holidays, the annual yuletide craft fair. Featuring an assortment of handmade objects from some of the area’s best makers, this fair might be your best bet to find truly unique gifts, snacks and holiday decorations. Adding to the holiday cheer at this two-day festival will be free horse-drawn carriage rides on Friday, strolling carolers and a visit from a certain North Pole visitor. You can also blow your own glass ornament for purchase, so depending on your skills, this could be a fantastic gift or something you hide on the wall side of your Christmas tree. Times vary. Friday, December 2 - Saturday, December 3. Toledo Botanical Gardens, 5403 Elmer Dr. 419-536-5566. toledogarden.org Free
Jewel walk
Does your passion for jewelry extend to listening to people talk about the art behind it? If so, you won’t want to miss Melonny Banks, local jewelry designer at MellyAnn Jewelry, as she talks with Toledo Museum of Art Docent, Mary Karazim. See the museum through the eyes of a designer and learn how she articulates and crafts her concepts into reality. As part of a walking tour for the LocalEyes series, Melonny will bring three pieces she designed that were inspired by the art in the permanent collection. 6-7pm. Thursday, December 1. Toledo Museum of Art Libbey Court, 2445 Monroe St., 419-255-8000. toledomuseum.org Free
Art school drop-in
Fans of creativity will want to make their way down to check out the award-winning local art on display at the Maumee Valley Country Day School. The Athena Art Society, one of the oldest women’s art organizations in the country, will hold its juried exhibition through December 15. Works of oil, acrylic, watercolor, photography and other medias are on display including Jane Williams’ Best in Show watercolor piece, “Raul,” and Kay Weprin’s “Fresh from the Country” oil pastel work. 8:30am-4:30pm. Monday-Friday. Maumee Valley Country Day School Wolfe Gallery, 1715 S. Reynolds Rd., 419-381-1313. athenaartsociety.org Free —JK
Saturday 12.3 Studio Eleven-Eleven Open House -
Celebrate the holiday season with a visit to Studio Eleven-Eleven. This open house will feature works on canvas by Julie VanHeyst and studio glass pieces by Leonard Marty. All are encouraged to come. 6:30pm-10pm. Studio Eleven-Eleven, 1111 Adams St. 419-461-0051. studioeleven-eleven.com Free
Sunday 12.4 Paint a Holiday Ornament or Gift Item
-This is a 6th annual Depo Holiday tradition. This event will allow you to paint an ornament or other gift time. It also teaches how to use different brushes and layering ceramic underglazes. 1-4pm. $20/per ornament, price varies for other gift items. The Art Supply Depo. 29 S. St. Clair St. 419-720-6462. artsupplydepo.com
Drawing for Beginners - Learn to draw in a relaxed environment. This is for beginners to intermediate skill levels. The instructor will teach the basics of perspective, light and proportions. 1pm-4pm. $20. Art Supply Depo in Bowling Green. 435 E. Wooster, Bowling Green, OH. 419- 352-9501. artsupplydepo.com Holiday Shopping Extravaganza -
Support small businesses and finish up your holiday shopping by browsing over 30 vendors, crafters and more. Noon-4pm. Parkway Place, 2500 Parkway Plz, Maumee. lularoeohio.com Free
More events updated daily at toledocitypaper.com
November 23 • December 6
Mural Report: Toledo paints its town Murals, differing in shapes, sizes and colors, hold a variety of meanings. “As we develop creative safe places for our multigenerational community it is imperative that we understand our history and our culture. When we know our history and culture— from art and music to our greatness and legacies— we thrive as people,” said Alicia Smith, Junction Leadership Committee Member and City of Toledo Youth Commissioner. And like the varied citizens of Toledo, each mural depicts a different story. Recently, jazz legend Jon Hendricks was memorialized on the wall at the Frederick Douglass Community Center. As the mural was being finished, visitors were treated to jazz and some education— specifically learning what murals are all about: telling stories.
Legends, brick by brick By Roger LaPointe
With piercing eyes firmly focused on the future, jazz legend Jon Hendricks is center stage in a new mural that now greets visitors to the Frederick Douglass Community Center. At the dedication unveiling event November 6, the paint was hardly dry on the classic black-and-white likeness of the man that Al Jarreau called “pound-for-pound the best jazz singer on the planet— maybe that’s ever been.” Artist Jason Vahle was putting the final touches on the multi-colored background as the event was being set up. Collaborating artist Victoria Stegner said, “I was introduced to Hendricks through the mural. It’s really cool. Our work is already getting him attention.” The thought was echoed by David Ross, a member of of the Arts Commission Creative Placemaking Team, who commented, “Legends such as Jon Hendricks are as important as the people they influence. Greatness can be contagious.” The mural was a group effort that also included Dominique Lloyd and Darius Simpson. Attended by family and friends, Hendricks’ niece, Bonnie Hopkins accepted a commemorative plaque. City Councilwoman Yvonne Harper noted the importance of the event: “Back in the day, there were a lot of (music) clubs on Dorr Street. It was so active. It would take me an hour to get to the other end. The area was all about music,” she said, recalling other musicians who also performed in the neighborhood, including Art Tatum, James Brown, Nat King Cole and Jackie Wilson. The evening ended with music by the University of Toledo Vocalstra and an open jam session, complete with commentary by local jazz icons Tadd Weed and Ramona Collins.
4 1. Safety Net by Chris Rodriguez, Zepf Center, 424 W. Woodruff Ave. | | 2. Anatomy of a Wing By A Fink, 14th and Adams St. | | 3. Handmade Flowers by Ouizi, 1717 Adams St. Handmade Toledo | | 4. The Blue Wall By Elsa Furia, On Adams St. between 14th and 15th St.
November 23 • December 6
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November 23 â&#x20AC;¢ December 6
Debut jam
Highlighted events indicates our picks for the week
WED, nov 23
Sat, nov 26
Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop
Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop
Fleetwoods :The Grape Smugglers Hollywood Casino : the Rock Show Ye olde Durty Bird : Orlando Finelli Ye Olde Durty Bird: Daniken The Village Idiot: Kentucky Chrome Frankies Inner City: Barb Wire Dolls, Los Jacks, Paint Me A Disaster, Trash Cat Treo:The Shutters/Gramza Project Mulvaney’s Bunker Irish Pub: Jim Weber, Dj Scholar Aj Doolittles: Sidekick The Village Idiot: Kentucky Chrome
Ottawa Tavern: Ego and the Maniacs, Texas Pete and the Revolutions, The Kerplunks Table Forty 4: Not Fast Enuff Fleetwoods Tap Room: Muddy Stranahan Theater: Sandi Patty with the Toledo Orchestra Hollywood Casino: Disco Inferno Frankies Inner City: Ice Cream Militia, Cross My Heart Realm: Porn Flakes The Village Idiot: Nylon Twos Culture Clash: Equipment Bar 145: Swagg
Acoustic, Folk, Ethnic Nine at Hensville: Elixir Bar 145: Angel Tipping & Bob Stevens
Acoustic, Folk, Ethnic
Jazz, Blues, R&B
Jazz, Blues, R&B
Stranahan Theater: Fantasia Degage Jazz Cafe: Gene Parker Jazz Jam
Ye Olde Durty Bird: Gene Parker Quintet Fleetwoods Tap Room: Philip Michael Scales
Thurs, nov 24 Bronze Boar: JASON HUDSON Frankies Inner City: Barb Wire Dolls The Village Idiot: The Band’s Last Waltz 40 Year Anniversary with Barile & May
Fri, nov 25 Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop Ottawa tavern: Drunken Sunday/ The Happy Little Trees Ye Olde Durty Bird: Bobby G & Friendz Bronze Boar: Kids With Knives Bier Stube: Boffo Majestic Oak Winery: Zak Ward AJ Doolittles: Sidekick The Blarney Irish Pub: Dave Carpenter Fleetwoods: GreenAcre Sessions Hollywood Casino: Venyx Stellas: Jason Quick & Michelle Shelton The Village Idiot: Jon Barile, Frankie May & Friends,The House Band Frankies Inner City: Broken Glass with Havok Treo: Ind’grass Realm: Porn Flakes The Claddagh: The Black Swamp Rebels NINE: Stella, Manley & Beagle Table Forty 4: Last Born Sons Hollywood Casino: Venyx The Village Idiot: The House Band
Acoustic, Folk, Ethnic Fleetwoods: Tim Oehlers Doc Watson’s: Andrew Ellis
NINE at Hensville: Dave Carpenter
Sun, nov 27 Jazz, Blues, R&B Ye Olde Durty Bird: Straight Up, A Jazz Trio
Mon, nov 28 Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop
Bronze Boar: Kyle Smithers Ye Olde Durty Bird: The New Mondays Treo: Chris Shutters & Matt Havers
Classical & Spiritual Owens Community College: Owens Voices Choir
Tues, nov 29 Jazz, Blues, R&B Ye Olde Durty Bird: Quick Kreuz Bartolomeo (CD Release) University of Toledo 31 Hundred Rest. & Bar in the Radisson: UTJazz Nite!
Classical & Spiritual Bowling Green State University Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center: Percussion Ensemble
Jam out with the local indie pop band Equipment to celebrate their debut EP, ‘Chump’ with an in-store performance at the record shop Culture Clash. Pick up the new release after you hear their tunes. Band Tranquility will also join in on the fun. 7pm. Friday, November 25. Culture Clash Records, 4020 Secor Rd., 419-536-5683. thecultureclash.com Free - BB
Acoustic, Folk, Ethnic Bronze Boar: Ryan Dunlap Treo: Tim Oehlers
Wed, nov 30 Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop Bar 145: Captain Sweet Shoes Treo: Barile & May
Jazz, Blues, R&B
Ye Olde Durty Bird: Jake Pilewski
Classical & Spiritual Bowling Green State University Bryan Recital Hall: Early Music Ensemble
Celebrating the season
Hear the Toledo Symphony Orchestra present their annual holiday tradition. Handel’s iconic masterpiece, Messiah, will bring the joy of the season to the beautiful, historic Rosary Cathedral Parish. Hear the sounds under fourth sorrowful mystery ceiling panel, the Carrying of the Cross (right). 4pm Sunday, December 4. $35. Rosary Cathedral, 2535 Collingwood Blvd., 419-246-8000. toledosymphony.com
Thurs, Dec 1 Jazz, Blues, R&B Bronze Boar: Jason Hudson Degage Jazz Cafe: Hector Mendoza Ye Olde Durty Bird: Kelly Broadway
Classical & Spiritual The Peristyle at the Art Museum: Sonya Lifschitz and Lisa Moore University of Toledo Doermann Theater in University Hall: UT Symphony Orchestra
Seasonal sounds
What do the holidays sound like? From the fun, modern sounds of “The Polar Express” to “Joyful, Joyful” from Sister Act, and even traditional favorties like “And the Glory of the Lord,” hear the diverse music of the holidays during the Tecumseh Pop & Community Chorus’s Sounds of the Season. 4pm Sunday, December 4. $10-$12. Tecumseh Center for the Arts, 400 N. Maumee, Tecumseh, MI. 517-423-6617. thetca.org —AC
Bowling Green State University Kobacker Hall: World Percussion Night
Locally Brewed Jazz
Fri, dec 2 Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop The Huntington center: TransSiberian Orchestra Table Forty 4: Zodiac Click Frankies Inner City: Stonecutters, SNAFU, Hung From The Rising Sun, Bone Folder Hollywood Casino: The Bridges Ye Olde Durty Bird: Jack & The Bear Ottawa Tavern: Shell, Bliss Nova, Indian Opinion, Cryface Realm: It Lies Within, My Heart to Fear The Bronze Boar: Decent Folk Headliners: MBK Fan Appreciation Show Realm: THE 11TH PLAGUE TOUR w/ It Lies Within & My Heart to Fear The Claddagh: Mike with Mics The Pub at the Paula Brown Shop: Halfweed
Classical & Spiritual The Toledo Art Museum: andPlay
Jazz, Blues, R&B
Degage Jazz Cafe: Keigo Hirakawa
Celebrate Jason Quick’s newest album, A Few More Seconds, and a variety of his original jazz compositions with the Quick Trio band at the Ye Olde Durty Bird. Jam out and pick up a copy of his latest album at this event. 7-10pm. Tuesday, November 29. 2 S. Saint Clair St. 419-243-2473. Jason Quick’s Music Productions on Facebook. Free —BB
Acoustic, Folk, Ethnic
Acoustic, Folk, Ethnic
Majestic Oak Winery: Brad Burkhart
Majestic Oak Winery: Gypsy Luvin’ Local Thyme: Picking Kelly The Village Idiot: Andrew Ellis Hollywood Casino: Craig Wayne Boyd Dorr Street Cafe: Scott Ballard
Sat, Dec 3 Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop Ottawa Tavern: Casket Company, Awesome Job, Daniken, Troublegiant Ye Olde Durty Bird: The Lloyd Wredd Trio The Claddagh: Mile Marker One Table Forty 4: Organized Kaos Frankies Inner City: Tree No Leaves Bronze Boar: Joe Woods Band The Peristyle at the Toledo Art Museum: The Toledo Symphony Orchestra Headliners: Innovation Concerts Fan Appreciation Show: Convictions, Glasscity, The Harbor Divide, Spirit Breaker, The Scarlet Letter, Goodbye Blue Skies, Affairs, Civil Hands, Blackstone, Destroying Patterns Frankies Inner City: Focus Free, Tree No Leaves, Ancient Elephant, The Lonely Friends, Reckless Serenade, Stereo Story, Chase Fournier
Classical & Spiritual University of Toledo Doermann Theater: UT Choirs present Music of Hugo Distler Bowling Green State University Wolfe Center for the Arts: 12th Annual Arts X
November 23 • December 6
Country & Bluegrass
Hollywood Casino: Craig Wayne Boyd St. Andrews United Methodist: DannyPaul
Mon, Dec 5 Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop Bronze Boar: Kyle Smithers Frankies Inner City: Frankies: Caskey, Tashi, Jmae, Knightheart Ye Olde Durty Bird: Some Kind of Creature
Classical & Spiritual
Classical & Spiritual
University of Toledo: The Music of Hugo Distler
Trinity Episcopal: UT Concert Chorale present Die Weihnachtsgeschichte
Sun, Dec 4
Tues, Dec 6
Jazz, Blues, R&B
Ye Olde Durty Bird: Eric Brazier Trio Ye Olde Durty Bird: The Lauren Deporre Singers
Classical & Spiritual Rosary Cathedral: Bowling Green University Choral Society and Toledo Symphony Orchestra Bowling Green State University Wolfe Center for the Arts: Small Ensemble
Acoustic, Folk, Ethnic Bronze Boar: Ryan Dunlap
Jazz, Blues, R&B
Ye Olde Durty Bird: Jazz Rutter & Friends University of Toledo 31 Hundred Rest. & Bar in the Radisson: UTJazz Nite!
More events updated daily at toledocitypaper.com www.toledocitypaper.com
road trip
Christmas on the river
Don’t just buy a plain ol’ “lot tree” this Christmas— have your fir delivered by Santa aboard a tugboat! The Christmas Tree Ship is back in town, delivering symbols of Yuletide joy to good little boys and girls who pre-order their tree by Tuesday, November 29. A Toledo tradition, the Josephine will be landing at the National Museum of the Great Lakes, laden with trees, á la Christmas Tree Ships of yore. Each tree is $40, but refreshments and meeting Santa are included. No walk-up sales will be available; spectators are welcome with museum admission. Feeling generous? Donate a tree to service members and their families via a partnership with Heroes in Action. Noon. Saturday, December 3. $8/Museum admission, $7/seniors, children 0-5 free. Museum of the Great Lakes, 1701 Front St., 419-214-5000. inlandseas.org
Game on!
[Theater] UT Department of Theatre & Film presents Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest - The UT Department of Theatre & Film presents “The Importance of Being Earnest.” This comedy of trivialities was written by Oscar Wilde in the late 1800’s. Dec. 2-4. Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm, Sundays at 2pm. $15/ general admission, $10/seniors, $8/ faculty, students, and military. The Center Theatre of the UT Center for Performing Arts. 1910 W. Rocket Dr.419- 530-2787. utoledo.tix.com.
Konnichi wa, Otaku! Obsessives of Japanese culture have a reason to celebrate, with the arrival of the third Toledo Anime and Gaming fest, featuring a full-day schedule of events. There’s always something to do— and even more to look at. Come dressed as your favorite cosplay character or simply hang out and grab photo ops with those who do. Record your highest video game scores on-site to rule the gaming competitions or bring your tabletop game cards to take on all challengers. There will be a performance by nerd rappers 2D6 and a Smash Bros. tournament, amongst many other events. Please leave metal swords and weapons at home. 11am-Midnight. Saturday, December 3. $5. SeaGate Convention Centre, 401 Jefferson Ave. 419255-3300. tag-fest.com/info.html
Ongoing [Misc.] Lights Before Christmas - Celebrate the holiday with the Toledo Zoo at The Lights Before Christmas. This event has been nominated for Best Zoo Lights in USA Today’s 10 best Readers’ Choice travel award contest. Sunday- Thursday 3pm-8pm, Friday and Saturday 3pm-9pm. $17/ adults, $14/ kids and seniors, free/ kids under 2. The Toledo Zoo and Aquarium. 2 Hippo Way. 419- 385-5721. toledozoo.org
Wednesday, 11.23 [Theatre] Midweek Shakespeare - Break apart the week by enjoying plays and poetry from William Shakespeare. The performance will include all 154 sonnets, scenes and monologues, and other shakespeare inspired works. 2pm. Toledo Art Museum. 2445 Monroe St. 419- 255-8000. Toledomuseum.org. Free
Friday, 11.25 [Theater] The Nutcracker - The Ballet Theatre of Toledo presents the Nigel Burgoine’s Holiday classic. The Nutcracker tells the unforgettable tale of Clara and the Nutcracker as they battle the evil mice. Nov. 25-26 7pm, Nov. 27 2pm. $25-$40. The Valentine Theater. 410 Adams St. 419- 242-2787. Ballettheatreoftoledo.org
[Sport] #Flashback Friday I Love the 90’s Night - Join the Toledo Walleye in this blast from the past. The theme for this game is “I Love the 90s Night!” Fans are encouraged to dress in their best denim vests, backwards hats, and neon pants for this game. After the game there will be a free open skate featuring live music. Remember to bring your own skate because there is no skate rentals. 7pm. $17- $26. The Huntington Center. 500 Jefferson Ave. 419255-3300. huntingtoncentertoledo.com
[Misc.] Blessings In Disguise presents an Ugly Christmas Sweater Dance Fever Party - Dance the night away while supporting four local charities. There will be dancing, a cash bar, 50/50 drawings, and much more! 8pm. Admission is the cost of one wrapped toy or pack of diapers. Maumee Brewing Company. 27 Broadway Street Toledo, OH. 419- 243-1302. blessingindisguise.org.
[Theater] Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer: The Musical - Rudolph and his friends come to life on stage at the Stranahan Theater. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer: The Musical celebrates the holiday season while teaching the lesson that our differences is what makes each and everyone of us special. Nov. 25 1pm. Ticket prices vary depending on seats. The Stranahan Theater. 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd. 419- 381-8851 stranahantheater.org
Wednesday, 11.30 [Speaker]
[Sports] Battle of the Badges-Support your Toledo Police and Fire departments as they hit the ice in the fifth annual Battle of the Badges hockey game. Toledo Police look to break Toledo Fires winning streak. A portion of each ticket sold benefits police and fire charities. 7:00pm. Tickets range from $17-$26. 500 Jefferson Ave, Toledo. 419- 255-3300. Huntingtoncentertoledo.org
[Sports, Benefit]
An Evening with Bestselling Author Lee Child - The Lucas County Public Library and the Toledo Museum of Art present an evening with bestselling author Lee Child. Lee Child is best known for his Jack Reacher novels that have been turned into the popular films. Nov. 30 7pm. $10, $5/ students, $7/ parking. Members of the Toledo Art Museum have free parking. Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle Theatre. 2445 Monroe. 419-255-8000. toledomuseum.org.
Friday, 12.2
TAG FEST - Toledo Anime & Gaming festival is a one day only celebration of anime and video games. Gaming competitions and tournaments will be held along with panels, screenings, and other events. Vendors will also be there selling anime and gaming merchandise.11:00 am - 11:59 pm. $5/ per person. Seagate Convention Center 401 Jefferson Ave. 419-255-3300. toledo-seagate.com
Toledo repertoire Theatre presents: A Christmas Carol - The classic Charles Dickens tale returns once again to the Valentine theater. The Toledo Repertoire Theatre brings a cast of nearly one hundred to present a gift to the community. The story of Scrooge and his visits from three ghostly spirits has not only been a holiday tradition for Toledo but world wide. Dec. 2-3 8pm, Dec. 4 2:30 pm. $27/ adults, 17/kids. The Valentine Theater. 410 Adams St. 419- 242-2787. toledorep.org.
This holiday season give gifts with an artisanal flair. The Detroit Urban Craft Fair, presented by Handmade Detroit, brings more than 100 crafters from the Detroit area together to sell their wares in a bazaar-style marketplace. Find one-of-a-kind items from vendors like 3 Ring Travelling Apothecary (soaps and tonics) to lip balms from Aromaholic and jams from the Detroit Jam Co. The DUCF organizers have extremely stringent entry requirements to ensure a well-rounded assortment of goods with little overlap— so you’ll be sure to find something new and unique at every booth you visit. Times vary. December 2-4. $10/ Friday, $1 Saturday, Sunday. Masonic Temple, 500 Temple St., Detroit. 313-832-7100. detroiturbancraftfair.com
Saturday, 12.3
Teddy Bear Toss at the Toledo Walleye - It’s raining Teddy Bears at The Huntington Center! Fans are asked to bring a teddy bear to the game to throw on the ice. The bears are then donated to local charities. Help break the record of 2800 that was set last year. 7pm. $17. The Huntington Center. 500 Jefferson Ave. 419-725-9255.
Motor City gifts
More events updated daily at toledocitypaper.com
Animation celebration
1928’s Mickey Mouse short Plane Crazy is generally regarded as the first cartoon, but did you know that the animated French film Fantasmagorie predates that by 20 years? Oh the facts you’ll learn as you venture down to Columbus for Journey Into Imagimation:
100 Years of Animated Art From Around the World. Learn about early
animation techniques such as rotoscoping and the use of still frames to create “living” characters. On loan from the Animation Hall of Fame, this rare exhibition celebrates animation and creativity while educating students of all ages about an underrated art form. The theater is closed November 23-27 for Thanksgiving. 1-5pm. Monday-Friday, thru December 2. The Schumacher Gallery, One College Ave., Columbus. 614-236-6319. capital.edu/schumacher —JK
Friday, 12.4 [Theatre] The Phantom of the Opera - The Phantom of the Opera arrives to Toledo as a part of its North American Tour. The classic musical written by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The updated costume and scenic designs for the production have a much grander scale. 2pm. Tickets are available at the Stranahan theater box office. The Stranahan Theater. 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd. 43614. (419) 381-8851. Stranahantheater.org
[Misc.] Prince Tribute Party with DJ Rick Clark Put your dancing shoes on and prepare to party like it’s 1999. Dj Rick Clark and Veritas bring a party that is dedicated to Prince! 8pm. Veritas Cork & Craft. 505 Jefferson Ave. 419-214-9463. veritastoledo.com.
November 23 • December 6
Potluck film feature
Join the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) Chapter of Toledo for another perspective on the vaccine controversy. View the documentary,
Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe, which sheds light on the argument presented
by Dr. Andrew Wakefield that vaccines have a link to autism. Everyone is invited to this discussionbased potluck event featuring WAPF-certified food. 6-8pm. Tuesday, November 29. Grace Lutheran Church. 4441 Monroe St. mercyviewmeadow.org. Free. —BB
Opening a new dimension for self-improvement
Getting the mind and body to work in tandem shouldn’t involve separate stops, so why do we often end up going to so many different clinics? Between massage therapists, pain management, nutritionists and movement coaches, getting better can take a lot of work. To make things easier, a team of experts have opened 3D Wellness, Toledo’s first movement therapy clinic. Members of the diverse team of practitioners each add their own expertise, creating a well-rounded clinic that offers assessments, treatments, classes, workshops and more. For more information, or to see the full list of professionals, visit their website. 3D Wellness, 4035 W. Central Ave. 419-3671417. 3dwtoledo.com. —AC
health and wellness events Thursday, 11.24
YMCA Turkey Trot - The YMCA is putting on their annual Thanksgiving day 5k. Run or walk the course before you eat your Thanksgiving dinner. Pre-registered runners will receive a long-sleeve tech shirt. Runners will be given refreshments, baked goods, fruit, water and Gatorade. There will also be awards, door prizes, and turkeys available. 7:30am. $25. Eastern Community YMCA. 2960 Pickle Rd., Oregon. 419-931-8484. ymcatoledo.org.
Sunday, 12.4
Miracle on Main Street 5k - Join in this holiday themed 5k! Downtown Sylvania will celebrate the holiday with the Miracle on Main Street 5k and the Little Helper Kids Dash. Come early to enjoy Christmas festivities and stay late to see Santa lead the tree lighting ceremony. 4pm- 5:30pm. Dec. 4 $25/5k, Free/ kids dash. Sylvan Studio. 5651 Main St., Sylvania. 419-882-3423. Look for the Miracle on Main Street 5k on Facebook.
Harley ‘03 ultra classic. 100th Anniversary. 6,800 miles. Silver and black. $12,500 or best offer. Mint condition. 734-856-3552.
Call to Place your $10 Car ad here! 419.244.9859
2002 Silver Hyundai Elantra- Original owner, great runner, clean. 133k miles. Blue books for $3700 selling for only $3000. Call 419-309-3444 2002 Ford Taurus SESGood condition, many new parts with receipts available. Daily driver. 115k miles $3200 419-932-5311 2002 Oldsmobile Intrigue- 3.5 liter V-6. Maroon/ Grey leathers 142k miles. Priced to go! $2650 419-309-3444
1999 Plymouth Breeze, 4-door. New battery, starter, tires, brakes, spark plugs, & wires. Power windows and doors, working A/C. $2,300 or best offer. 419-698-0008 Honda Accord $900. Call 419-290-2040
For Hire
Drummer looking to join Country or Blues band. Experiences from live shows, recordings, night clubs, etc. #419-345-8295
MUSICIANS SEEKING Drummer and bass player seek front-man guitarist for a 3-piece classic rock group. Call Ken 337-930-0315. Lead guitarist seeks
working classic country or 50s/60s band. Please call 419320-4925 or 419-472-4766
or 419-283-9235 find us on Myspace. com/Skeletoncrue, Facebook or Youtube! Judge Knot 3pc. band looking to play for special events, restaurants or lounges. 419-779-4532 50s & 60s band looking for a bass player with vocal capability. We are a working band. #419-754-1869 or cell 419-280-4148 Skeleton Crue Now Auditioning serious lead guitarists. Original music. Live concert shows. Call ASAP 419297-2928 ask for Jack Flh. Find us on Myspace.com/Skeletoncrue, Facebook & Youtube!
91 Ford custom van. Original 62K. New tires, shocks, A-C 2 134, brake lines, belt, alternator, radiator and hoses. $4,500. #419-352-3335 2007 Vstar motorcycle. 650 CCs. 95K, new tires. Carb. and fuel system cleaned and tuned. New battery. #419-348-2308 call to place your $10 car ad here! 419.244.9859
For Sale
4110 Dunkirk Rd, Ottawa Hills $138,500.00 Brick “mid century” House of the Future! Custom built for Grinnell piano family; second floor music conservatory, ideal for musicians. 3 bed, 2 bath, heated garage, 3,000+ square feet. Beautiful, wooded corner lot. Ed Hoffman, Sulfer Springs Realty #419-241-9684
In search of Military Veteran Musicians, Vocalist &
Original Music Writers...Northwestern
Drummer looking for band, Ohio & South Eastern Michigan: also plays keyboard. 419-754-3030. veteranadvocate.vls@gmail.com or Skeleton Crue
Now Auditioning Drummers. Original music. No big hot shot egos. Call ASAP 419-297-2928
Acute psychiatric hospitalization Rehabilitation Detoxification Dual diagnosis Chemical dependency Intensive outpatient Partial hospitalization Senior adult services Free onsite and mobile assessments 24 hours a day
Dodge Rampage $1,000. Call 419-290-2040
For SALE/trade
Yamaha Keyboard YPT-300
w/ case for sale. $100. 419-754-3030.
Ads For Local Artists are Free! Ads run for 2 issues and must be renewed after the two issues. You must be: advertising for band members or selling instruments under $200 or just looking to jam. Business related ads run for $20. Limit 20 words per ad; 40 cents per additional word.
Services Inexpensive assistance with bankruptcy, no fault
divorce and more by certified paralegal and notary public. platoniclegalforms@gmail. com Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be
fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call
1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off A Certified Health Coach
fighting obesity in America one client at a time. Contact myhealthcoachjoe@gmail. com to get started.
For Rent 1725 Mansfield. 1 possibly 2 bdrm.
Washer/dryer hook up. Lower duplex near Toledo Hospital. $500/mo. 419-376-9472
-'(+ J_cX[h B_d[ HeWZ CWkc[[ *'/#./'#/))) 36
November 23 • December 6
Free Classifieds:
Individuals may receive one free 20-word ad per issue (products offered in ads must sell for under $75). Each additional word 40 cents, payment must accompany ad. Free ads run 1 issue and are reserved for private-parties use, noncommercial concerns and free services.
Line Classifieds: Only
$20 per issue for 20 words or less. Each additional word is 40 cents each and any artwork is $5 extra.
ten spot car lot: Only
$10 for 20 word or less that WILL RUN UNTIL CAR SELLS. Each additional word is 40 cents and any artwork is $5 extra.
For Sale 14 K medium sized ladies ring for sale. Made in 1940’s.
Center white diamond plus 12 diamonds. 419-699-3398
Looking for a unique Christmas gift? Visit facebook.
com/pennedprintsofpeace to purchase handmade spiritual art, including prints, greeting cards, and calendars.
Help Wanted PT-Circulation Clerk Rossford Public Library. Varied schedule inc. days/ eves/wknds, 15-20 hrs/wk. View job description at www.rossfordlibrary. org. Mail Resume & Cover letter to: J. Wilbarger 720 Dixie Highway Rossford, OH 43460 Deadline November 30th
Announcements A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-880-1686 SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second speed. No contract or commitment. We buy your existing contract up to $500! 1-800-806-5909 Celebrate Recovery is a Christ
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Deadlines: Ad copy must
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be received by NOON on the Friday prior to publication.
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Payment: Payment must be received before an ad can be placed. We accept checks, cash, money orders and credit cards (Visa/Mastercard/American Express). Phone: EMail:
Refunds: Sorry, NO REFUNDS given.
Misprints: Credit toward future ads.
Pampering & Presents
Sunday, December 4th from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM heather downs Country Club Light Appetizers & Cash Bar Come join us for an afternoon of shopping & pampering! The holiday season can be rough! Polish Changes & Chair Massages Available
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CALL cassie at 419.244.9859
ANGELS FOR ALL CANCER RELIEF NONPROFIT IS SEARCHING FOR VOLUNTEERS to be in our 2017 Cancer awareness calendar. Please send your picture and a short quote to alyssa@ angelsforall419.org if you would like to participate. Be sure to include your name and age, or request to remain anonymous. Picture may be of you, a scar, anything you feel you would like to share. The quote should be anything you would like to say. A hardship, thoughts, feelings, or whatever else you would like to accompany the photo. Please feel free to send an email if you have any questions. Be sure to use the highest photo quality possible. We may be able to arrange for you to have your photo taken by one our our members or volunteers if necessary. Thank you!
NOW HIRING _________________________________________ Art Director/ Design Guru for local niche publications
Lead a production team charged with creating the go-to sources for reliable, relevant information that motivate, inform and enrich the lives of our loyal community of readers. We’re looking for a committed graphic artist with a distinct graphic style and a impeccable command of design elements. (i.e. your taste in font usage is killer, you’re a wizard at sizing and placing art elements, you have an educated eye for design, etc.) You’re in your element leading a team and possess the ability to constructively critique others’ work. If you’re a talented art director type, hungry to set the design direction of each of our six publications, we would love to sit down and talk. _________________________________________
We’re excited to work with the right person who shares our vision and values. Welcome aboard. Mature
November 23 • December 6
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; BY SUE LOVETT
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Your holiday is terrific; your team wins and you get home safely. You have to think about your career briefly but at the moment you think about travel AGAIN for the next holiday.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22) You are the perfect hostess on Thanksgiving. You even have fancy containers to give leftovers to your guests. All evidence of the holiday is put away by the 6th to prepare for a perfect Christmas.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Thanksgiving was exhausting. Spend the weekend resting except for some Black Friday shopping! You cannot resist a bargain no matter how your budget may suffer. Then rest at least until the 5th.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) The new moon the 29th should increase your income which helps greatly as you prepare for Christmas. Complete your shopping and pay cash to avoid getting too many bills.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) There is work at home but try to take it easy the 26th and 27th. The new moon the 29th is in your seventh house and Jupiter is aligned with Mars. You know what that means!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 20) You travel for Thanksgiving and enjoy running from the table to the TV. The new moon the 29th is in your sign so set goals and make resolutions. It is your New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) When Thanksgiving is over you begin December on your computer looking for new recipes for Christmas. You are king or queen of the kitchen. Your partner tries to help on the 2nd. LEO (July 23-August 22) Whether at home or not you are the life of the party at Thanksgiving enjoying food and football. Rest the 26th so you can give your work your undivided attention through the 3rd. VIRGO (August 23-September 22) You almost need a pick-up truck to take food wherever you go on Thanksgiving. Shop on Black Friday after freezing leftovers. The new moon the 29th makes you think CHRISTMAS.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 19) You get upset when folks leave the dinner table to watch TV. Shop on Black Friday and enjoy leftovers. Hide under the covers the 29th and get some rest. AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Get out the Christmas decorations on the 26th and 27th to avoid being criticized by your mate. If all goes well they are up in time for you to go to parties the 3rd and 4th. PISCES (February 19-March 20) You enjoy Thanksgiving and the day after you work on making reservations for a much needed winter vacation. Begin December with a smile because you are SO READY for the holidays.
Sue Lovett is available for personal astrology readings and private parties. 419-474-6399. suelovett.com CELEBRITY SAGITTARIANS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; They are usually pretty outspoken and optimistic. Miley Cyrus, entertainer, and Robin Roberts of Good Morning America celebrate. Locally Lee Conklin of Channel 13, left, and Astrologer Janet Amid light their candles.
need answers? get 'em @ toledocitypaper.com
The only planet changing signs is Mercury. BUT we celebrate Thanksgiving and see a new moon. Check your sign below to see what is happening. Andâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.
1. Outfit 5. Get some air 9. Word said while cocking oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hat 13. ___ Sy (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Infernoâ&#x20AC;? actor) 14. More stale 16. River residue 17. Pulpy fruit that bounces up and down? 19. Balloon 20. Football fields 21. Kittenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cry 23. Scribble (down) 24. Yelled â&#x20AC;&#x153;actionâ&#x20AC;? 26. Recite, as from memory 28. Tableware from Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest city? 32. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Without further ___....â&#x20AC;? 33. Unconscious reaction at the poker table 34. Sing in oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lederhosen 37. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jason Bourneâ&#x20AC;? director Liman 39. â&#x20AC;&#x153;See ya, Hoâ&#x20AC;? 42. Scruff of the neck 43. White 45. Do some repairs 47. Mesh behind a goalie 48. Slowpokes on marijuana? 52. With vigor, on a score 54. Search engine with a homepage quiz 55. Copy mindlessly 56. French 101 word 58. Craziness 62. With 68-Across, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Bossâ&#x20AC;? rapper 64. Classic line from â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Wizard of Ozâ&#x20AC;? ... and the theme of this puzzle 66. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dianaâ&#x20AC;? singer Paul 67. Roman attire 68. See 62-Across 69. Midterm event 70. Camel collective? 71. Give off
1. Painter Francisco 2. Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day figure 3. Comic Martha 4. Rodeo mount 5. Unpacked gunpowder 6. Street shader 7. Judge Levine of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Voiceâ&#x20AC;? 8. Tsar during The Enlightenment 9. The Knicksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home, initially 10. Some sneaks 11. Unmoved 12. Workweek letters 15. Part of a spur 18. Trollâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comment 22. Tax 25. Shopkins purchase 27. Crime novelist Donna 28. Mic drop phrase 29. Go overboard with the coke 30. Hard-manual laborers 31. Coachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s review speed 35. Sword with a bell guard
36. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are gameâ&#x20AC;? 38. Superficially chatty 40. Mary Jane 41. Like some braking systems 44. Bad guy 46. Krispy Kreme purchase 49. Deride 50. Deeply distraught 51. Pay no attention to 52. Jewel measurement 53. Philosophize 57. Costume designer Mode of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Incrediblesâ&#x20AC;? 59. Split thing 60. â&#x20AC;&#x153;___ Fan Tutteâ&#x20AC;? 61. World Series winning manager before Maddon 63. Actress Graham of TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Vampire Diariesâ&#x20AC;? 65. Uncontrolled reaction
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#RAFT #OFFEE 2OASTER l Officiaof coffee
November 23 â&#x20AC;˘ December 6
Š2016 By Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com)
November 23 - December 6
photos by Christine Senack Interview by: Monique Ward
Greece Uncorked The Ladies Philoptochos Society held its annual charity event, providing Greek food, wine, beer, and entertainment for an Olympic-sized spectacle at the beautiful Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church.
Amy and James Lung.
Keith and Cindy Ketelaar
Dr. Romules Durant
Age: 40 Job Title: Superintendent of Toledo Public Schools
22nd annual Danberry Treasure Chest Charity Auction Dinner
Kelly and Harry Proestos
Guests helped raise direct emergency funds to local families battling chronic or debilitating disease through Promedica Toledo Children’s Hospital during this annual dinner.
What does style mean to you?
Style is more of an individual taste. It’s almost your customized swag, so to speak, in today’s culture. It allows you to develop your own creativity and make you feel comfortable and confident.
How old were you when you became conscious of style?
I didn’t become style conscious until I got into the profession. I was born and raised on the East Side, very humble; we didn’t have a whole lot of money for school— just a few pairs of pants, some shirts. When I went to the college level, I was so focused on getting my education and saving money, knowing that when I got the opportunity to buy stylish clothes, I would do it.
Miguel Oria, Jami Tammerine and Pat O’Connor
What’s the most important tip to looking good?
I think coordination. Having an aesthetic eye— whether it’s throwing stripes into the suits or clothing that reflects the shirt.
What’s your favorite accessory? My favorite accessory is the handkerchief [pocket
square]. Most people wear suits and don’t have one. I have the straight cut and the jagged square. I keep them pre-folded so it isn’t something I have to mess around with.
Miguel Oria, Jami Tammerine and Pat O’Connor
What’s a terrible men’s fashion trend? A terrible one is sagging. That’s probably the worst. I’m not into the whole sagging thing. There’s certain fashions that go with certain cultures. When I was in high school, I wore baggy clothes but they were never sagging. Do you have a style influencer? You know what? I do my own thing. I have a certain respect for someone who wears a suit and the way it looks, but there’s no one person that I look to quite a bit.
How varied is your color pallette? I have a good deal of OCD. My closets are all color
coordinated. My clothing is mostly all suits and I break them up into black, which then phases into blues, navies, charcoals, and then it phases into grays and light grays, etc. And then the other closet has the browns and then the tans. It literally takes me seconds to pull something together.
Is there a place you shop locally for fashion? I go to Tailor and Tuxedo (In the Park). It’s on Glendale and Southwyck. Joe is a third-generation tailor. He does my embroideries to my suits.
November 23 • December 6