Brand Yourself Business cards/ website I created an icon for myself using my name “adam wilkes”. I’ll make this consistant throughout my business cards, website and introductory media aswell as any future work i produce so that people become familiar with me and my work as a brand.
Brand Yourself Introductory Media
”Fancy bouncing a few ideas off eachother” This shows how i think and also gives the agency i’d give my introductory media to something to have fun with (in this case DDB). The bat with my name would have my contact details on. I also want to work on the packaging and make it out of an alternative material other than card.
B-hive Brief brief: Position Birmingham as a gourmet capital · Communicate Birmingham’s diverse culinary offerings · Increase visitor levels from outside Birmingham – Wider West Midlands national and international · Improve perceptions scores for a city with great restaurants and bars · Close perception gap between Birmingham and main competitors I used the bull as an iconic symbol for birmingham whereby i’d promote the food.
Transtation idea where you will see a poster on your journey to Birmingham (right above). Then another poster that you will see when leaving Birmingham (right bottom).
Tees Brief: To create a company and create a corporate identity guide for that company. I came up with a t-shirt company called “Tees�. We wanted to go with this as we could create an umbrella for the different audiences that we would aim our t-shirts at: Mr-Tees Mrs-Tees Materna-Tees Tiny-Tees My Corporate identity guide takes the shape of a t-shirt when its opened making it more eye catching than an ordinary A4 page.
Elomi - Shapers brief: to create a page for the elomi brochure that shows how shapers makes your body smooth in an instant. In the booklet this will be shown with the white space being nice smooth paper contrasting with a rougher more textured paper surrounding the white space e.g. sandpaper.
Land Rover Brief: Show that land rover’s aren’t just gas guzzlers but that the company also puts back into the eco system and conserves. (Top right) Direct Mail that would educate people into the work land rover do with sustainable production with their new cars. I’ve done this with a fact which is then shown through the direct mail with the paper being 85% recyclable and the real battery being 10% energy. (Bottom right) Looking at polarities. 10% less water used in production therefore there will be 10% more puddles as landrover’s are meant for off road driving.
(Top right) Landrover talk about how they look at efficient power systems so i wanted to see how twitter can help power the tweets of landrover. I noticed posts move down....So a main post would be sent then its up to other people to tweet away to get our main landrover tweet on the move. This would then be recorded on how far it would have moved. By posting a tweet relevant puts you into a prize draw to win a USB solar power charger as an incentive to tweet about the good things landrover do therefore promoting the campaign. (Bottom right) idea for a campaign “For those Hard to Reach places� Land Rover supply land rovers to conservation projects in remote places as they are hard to reach. I wanted to play with this further by giving a back scratcher when a customer has a service done on their car as a back scratcher is a hard to reach place.
London Midland: Trespassing Brief: To reduce the amount of trespassing on the rail network. I thought about getting rid of all the other stations and lines and bring it right down to only one line operating with just one station to travel too emphasising the one and only outcome. This is from trespassing to Prison....�theres only one stop after trespassing� trespassing being a station and also the action of trespassing.
Big Chopper Brief: Come up with alternative copy to compliment the ads. Big Chopper is a chopping board company that concentrate on separating your meat from your veg when preparing food (no cross contamination). Play with the words “meat and veg”. They have recently expanded on this and created more boards for bread and fish. I expanded on “Chapter ad agency’s” poster design by changing the composition to how i felt made it work best. Then added my own copy. I came up with four further alternatives with the last working for the meat and fish chopping boards.
The two boards come together (always a good thing in life) but the whole point is tha t you can use them separately to avoid what bof fins call “cross con tamination”. Go on – get your han ds on a Big Chopper today.
The two boards come together (always a good thing in life) but the whole point is that you can use them separately to avoid what boffins call “cross contamination”. Go on – get your hands on a Big Chopper today.