3 March 2016

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PRACTICE ACCREDITATION WORKSHOP Date: Time: Venue: Presented by: CPD Credit:

Thursday 3 March 2016 12:00noon ‐ 3.00pm ADAVB Mee ng Rooms, Level 3,10 Yarra St, South Yarra Sharon McMillan, Prac ce Plus Consultant 3 Hours Non‐Scien fic CPD

This workshop is relevant for prac ces registered to Ask Practice Plus about: undergo a prac ce accredita on. It is an individualised workshop to assist ADAVB Member prac ces to  Customising this navigate Accredita on Pro so ware by logging in with workshop for your staff their own QIP username and password to work towards comple on of at least one standard while they are at  Holding this workshop the workshop. on-site in your practice. Please complete your Prac ce Profile and view the

Accredita on tutorial prior to a endance.

Topics include:  How to upload and correctly use ADA Templates  Awareness of some of the issues when naviga ng Accredita on Pro  Work towards comple on of one of the standards

NB. This workshop is relevant for QIP registered pracƟces only. Presenter Sharon McMillan, Prac ce Plus Consultant Sharon was a former Economics and Business Management Teacher and has a Masters of Educa on Degree in Curriculum Development. She has worked as a Prac ce Manager for the past fourteen years in an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Prac ce based on the Mornington Peninsula, where she was responsible for establishing the administra ve processes and for monitoring its growth and development.

She not only brings to members her insight into the prac cal day‐to‐day running of a Specialist Dental Prac ce but also her skills in Prac ce Accredita on and financial management. Sharon has assisted many ADAVB member prac ces become accredited and regularly presents to members at workshops and dental group mee ngs.

Confiden ality and intellectual property All training materials and templates provided by ADAVB Prac ce+ to the ADAVB Member/s and their staff under this Services Agreement remain Commercial in Confidence. ADAVB Prac ce+ retains copyright in all materials developed and supplied to the ADAVB Member/s and their staff under this Services Agreement. ADAVB Prac ce+ gives the ADAVB Member/s and their staff a non‐exclusive, non‐transferrable, royalty‐free licence (which may not be sub‐licenced) to use the copyright in those materials only in respect of the prac ce loca ons) specified below and for no other purpose. Breach of our copyright will be viewed seriously.

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