Prac ce Plus Training Day Wednesday 1 June 2016, 9.00am ‐ 4.00pm Schedule for the day: 9.00am‐ 10.30am
ADAVB Mee ng Rooms Level 3, 10 Yarra Street, South Yarra
Infec on Control in Office Based Den stry 4 scien fic CPD hours Immunisa on, Management of injuries/spills, SOP Manual, Hand Hygiene, PPE, Waste Management.
10.30am ‐ 10.45am
Morning Tea
10.45am ‐ 1.15pm
Clean & maintain surgery, reprocessing & laboratory areas, equipment, tes ng/documen ng & interpre ng equipment & results, reprocessing instruments & equipment.
1.15pm ‐ 1.45pm
1.45pm ‐ 3.00pm
Introduc on to Prac ce Accredita on 2 non‐scien fic CPD hours This workshop will assist ADA member prac ces considering registering for accredita on. The accredita on standards will be discussed in regard to office‐based den stry.
3.00pm ‐ 3.15pm
A ernoon Tea
3.15pm ‐ 4.00pm
Par cipants will view the audit module Accredita on Pro and an explana on of the terminology used will be provided.
Presenters Ms Teresa Davine, Prac ce Plus Consultant With nearly 40 years’ experience as a dental assistant and prac ce manager in the dental industry, Teresa now consults and shares her exper se to help prac ces (both public and private) improve their business opera ons, par cularly in the area of Infec on Control. Teresa conducts onsite quality assurance audits and works with prac ce staff to implement recommenda ons to ensure they meet current regulatory Standards.
Teresa consults for the ADAVB Prac ce Plus and has a Cer ficate III in Dental Assis ng, a Cer ficate IV in Oral Health Promo ons and a Cer ficate IV Workplace Assessor and Trainer.
Sharon McMillan, Prac ce Plus Consultant Sharon is a former Economics and Business Management Teacher and has a Masters of Educa on Degree in Curriculum Development. She has worked as a Prac ce Manager for the past fi een years in an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Prac ce based on the Mornington Peninsula, where she is responsible for establishing the administra ve processes and for monitoring its growth and development.
Sharon has assisted many ADAVB member prac ces become accredited and regularly presents to members at workshops and dental group mee ngs.
Confiden ality and intellectual property All training materials and templates provided by ADAVB Prac ce Plus to the ADAVB Member/s and their staff under this Services Agreement remain Commercial in Confidence. ADAVB Prac ce Plus retains copyright in all materials developed and supplied to the ADAVB Member/s and their staff under this Services Agreement. ADAVB Prac ce Plus gives the ADAVB Member/s and their staff a non‐exclusive, non‐transferrable, royalty‐free licence (which may not be sub‐licenced) to use the copyright in those materials only in respect of the prac ce loca on(s) specified below and for no other purpose. Breach of our copyright will be viewed seriously.