6 April 2017

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Prac ce Plus Training Day Event Date: Time: Venue: 9.00am

Thursday 6 April 2017 9:00am ‐ 3:30pm Bahá’í Centre of Learning 1 Tasman Highway, Hobart

Privacy Informa on Session ‐ Sharon McMillan & Teresa Davine

Dental prac oners and prac ces in Tasmania must comply with both State and Federal privacy laws. Are you aware of the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which regulate how personal informa on (including health informa on) are handled under the Privacy Act? This session will assist you in understanding and addressing the changes and the challenges required in your daily work prac ces. Prac ce Plus Consultant Sharon McMillan not only brings to members her insight into the prac cal day‐to‐day running of a specialist dental prac ce but also regularly assists prac ces with New Prac ce Set up, Prac ce Accredita on, Privacy and prac ce management.


With over 40 years’ experience as a dental assistant and prac ce manager, Prac ce Plus Consultant Teresa Davine consults and shares her exper se to help prac ces (both public and private) improve their business opera ons, par cularly in the area of infec on control, Prac ce Accredita on and Privacy.

Top 10 Hits from the HR Hotline, Mark Werman, Wentworth HR In 1991, Mark was part of the establishment of the HR Consul ng Division at BDO Chartered Accountants and Advisers. In 2002, he nego ated a management buyout of the division from BDO, becoming the Managing Director of Wentworth Advantage. Wentworth Advantage are the workplace rela ons specialist providers of the ADA HR Advisory Service.

Now in its 16th year of opera on and servicing close to 10,000 calls a year, the ADA HR Advisory Service has proven to be an indispensable support to ADA members around the country. In this presenta on, Mark, the MD of the service, will case‐study the top 10 issues from the HR Hotline and will provide prac cal advice about how to apply these best‐ prac ce HR principles in your prac ce.

1.30pm Dental Marke ng Secrets ‐ Carolyn S Dean Marke ng your prac ce to a ract pa ents, keep them ac ve and to ensure they refer you is no easy task. Join us at this session to:  understand how to effec vely market your prac ce  build long‐term rela onships with your pa ents, and  take the hard work out of dental marke ng.

Morning tea & lunch will be provided

Carolyn S Dean is a widely known dental marke ng speaker, trainer and marke ng consultant who works extensively with dental professionals throughout Australia and New Zealand. She is the author of ‘Fully Booked – Dental marke ng secrets for a full appointment book’.

Prac ce Plus Training Day

Date Thursday 6 April 2017

Prac ce Plus Subscribers Prac ce Staff

ADA Member







REGISTRATION DETAILS ‐ PRACTICE STAFF Name ______________________________________________________ Prac ce Manager/ Dental Assistant / Recep onist (please circle) Email _______________________________________________ Special dietary requirements (if any) _____________________________ (Imp o rta nt: Plea se pro vi de to receive remi nders)

Name ______________________________________________________ Prac ce Manager/ Dental Assistant / Recep onist (please circle) Email _______________________________________________ Special dietary requirements (if any) _____________________________ (Imp o rta nt: Plea se pro vi de to receive remi nders)

ADAVB MEMBER DETAILS Title _______ Name _____________________________________________________ ADAVB Membership No ________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ Postcode ________________ Phone ______________________________ Fax ____________________________ Mobile ______________________________ PAYMENT l__l Cheque (payable to ADAVB Inc) l __l MasterCard l__l Visa l__l American Express (Diners Club Not Accepted)

Card Number l__l__l__l__l l__l__l__l__l l__l__l__l__l l__l__l__l__l Expiry Date l__l__l / l__l__l I hereby authorise ADAVB to debit my credit card. Amount $ ________________________________ By providing registra on details and payment, I declare that I have read and understood all the terms and condi ons below.

Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date __________________________ This document will be a TA X IN VOICE fo r GST upon payment. All ra tes a re GST i ncl usi ve. Aust ralian Dental Associa on Victori an Branch Inc. Level 3, 10 Yarra Street (PO Box 9015), South Yarra, VI C, 3141. Tel (03) 8825 4600 Fax (03) 8825 4644 ask@adavb.org www.adavb.net ABN 80 263 088 594 ARBN 152 948 680 Regi st ered Assoc No. A0022649E

REGISTRATIONS Registra ons must be received 3 working days before the event. Registra ons received a er this will incur an addi onal $25 administra on fee.

For registra on forms and the full 2017 Prac ce Plus Events Calendar visit prac ceplus.adavb.org

Registra ons must be accompanied by full payment, which can be made via mail or fax with credit card details, or cheque to ADAVB, P.O Box 9015, South Yarra, VIC 3141. Phone registra ons and payments will not be accepted.

Reminders are sent electronically – you must provide your email address on your registra on form to receive reminders.

Contact the ADAVB if confirma on of your enrolment is not received 14 working days a er the ini al applica on. CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS All cancella ons must be made in wri ng to the ADAVB. Cancella ons received up to one week prior to the event date will be refunded, less a $50 per person handling fee.

No refunds will be issued for cancella ons made less than 7 days prior to the event, except under special circumstances. However, a subs tute delegate may be nominated and the ADAVB must be informed of the subs tute’s details.

CATERING While ADAVB tries to accommodate specific dietary needs, it cannot guarantee that the requests can be met. Kosher & Halal delegates will be catered for only if requested on this registra on form. GETTING THERE AND PARKING FACILITIES Parking facili es and public transport details will be outlined on your event reminder.

DISCLAIMER & PRIVACY STATEMENT Use of any informa on from CPD programs is the sole responsibility of the individual prac oner. Approval of an ac vity for CPD purposes does not imply that the Dental Board of Australia endorses the ac vity or agrees with the opinions of the presenter. The full ADAVB disclaimer and privacy statement can be viewed on our website www.adavb.net Please refer to the ADAVB website www.adavb.net for full terms and condi ons.

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