6 May 2015

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NETWORK The Prac ce Plus Network was developed to provide more support to ADAVB member den sts by establishing a network of prac ce staff whilst informing them with the knowledge and skills to be valued employees and increase job sa sfac on.

Any Prac ce Manager, Administrator, Dental Assistant or Recep onist working with an ADAVB member may a end Prac ce Plus Network Mee ngs, held quarterly.

Date: Time: Venue:

Wednesday 6 May 2015 12:00noon ‐ 3:00pm ADAVB Mee ng Rooms Level 3, 10 Yarra St, South Yarra

Format and Topics:

Performance Management Sebas an Ioppolo, Mondiale Learning and Development Guest speaker, Sebas an Ioppolo will discuss the Performance Management Process. He will highlight the skills required to drive performance and the methods to address diminishing performance. Includes a short introducƟon from Sharon McMillan, PracƟce Plus Consultant, and lunch from approx. 1.15pm—1.45pm.

Presenters Sebas an Ioppolo, Mondiale Learning and Development Sebas an has a strong industry background with over twenty‐six years of experience in a constantly evolving corporate environment. As a result, he developed extensive management experience, gaining a valuable insight and understanding of various roles, func ons, culture and poli cs of a changing business world. His experience also includes interna onal business and trade roles which has contributed to his unique blend of exper se in management in both local and interna onal environments. Sebas an is now an accomplished trainer, facilitator and coach, and is able to u lise his extensive industry experience to deliver and facilitate prac cal, relevant and meaningful learning programs, adding credibility and value. He is a passionate professional with an infec ous posi ve and enthusias c a tude that promotes inspira on, mo va on and drive.

Sharon McMillan, Prac ce Plus Consultant Sharon is a former Economics and Business Management Teacher and has a Masters of Educa on Degree in Curriculum Development. She has worked as a Prac ce Manager for the past fi een years in an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Prac ce based on the Mornington Peninsula, where she is responsible for establishing the administra ve processes and for monitoring its growth and development.

She not only brings to members her insight into the prac cal day‐to‐day running of a Specialist Dental Prac ce but also her skills in Prac ce Accredita on and financial management. Sharon has assisted many ADAVB member prac ces become accredited and regularly presents to members at workshops and dental group mee ngs. Confiden ality and intellectual property All training materials and templates provided by ADAVB Prac ce Plus to the ADAVB Member/s and their staff under this Services Agreement remain Commercial in Confidence. ADAVB Prac ce Plus retains copyright in all materials developed and supplied to the ADAVB Member/s and their staff under this Services Agreement. ADAVB Prac ce Plus gives the ADAVB Member/s and their staff a non‐exclusive, non‐transferrable, royalty‐free licence (which may not be sub‐licenced) to use the copyright in those materials only in respect of the prac ce loca on(s) specified below and for no other purpose. Breach of our copyright will be viewed seriously.



Prac ce Plus Subscriber

Prac ce Plus Wednesday 6 May 2015 FREE Network Mee ng 12:00noon ‐ 3:00pm

Prac ce Staff

ADAVB Member

Via Skype or Teleconference





REGISTRATION DETAILS ‐ PRACTICE STAFF Name ______________________________________________________ Prac ce Manager/ Dental Assistant / Recep onist (please circle) Email _______________________________________________ Special dietary requirements (if any) _____________________________ (Imp o rta nt: Plea se pro vi de to receive reminders)

Name ______________________________________________________ Prac ce Manager/ Dental Assistant / Recep onist (please circle) Email _______________________________________________ Special dietary requirements (if any) _____________________________ (Imp o rta nt: Plea se pro vi de to receive reminders)

ADAVB MEMBER DETAILS Title _______ Name _____________________________________________________ ADAVB Membership No ________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ Postcode ________________ Phone ______________________________ Fax ____________________________ Mobile ______________________________

PAYMENT l__l Cheque (payable to ADAVB Inc) l __l MasterCard l__l Visa l__l American Express (Diners Club Not Accepted)

Card Number l__l__l__l__l l__l__l__l__l l__l__l__l__l l__l__l__l__l Expiry Date l__l__l / l__l__l I hereby authorise ADAVB to debit my credit card. Amount $ ________________________________

By providing registra on details and payment, I declare that I have read and understood all the terms and condi ons below.

Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date __________________________

This do c ument will be a TA X IN VOICE fo r GST upo n pa yment. All rates are GST i ncl usi ve. Aust ralian Dent al Associa on Vi ct ori an Branch I n c. Level 3, 10 Yarra Street (PO Box 9015), South Yarra, VI C, 3141. Tel (03) 8825 4600 Fax (03) 8825 4644 ask@adavb. org www.a da vb.net ABN 80 263 088 594 ARBN 152 948 680 Regi st ered Assoc No. A0022649E

REGISTRATIONS Registra ons must be received 3 working days before the event. Registra ons received a er this will incur an addi onal $25 administra on fee.

Registra ons must be accompanied by full payment, which can be made via mail or fax with credit card details, or cheque to ADAVB, P.O Box 9015, South Yarra, VIC 3141. Phone registra ons and payments will not be accepted.

Reminders are sent electronically – you must provide your email address on your registra on form to receive reminders.

Contact the ADAVB if confirma on of your enrolment is not received 14 working days a er the ini al applica on.

CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS All cancella ons must be made in wri ng to the ADAVB. Cancella ons received up to one week prior to the event date will be refunded, less a $50 per person handling fee.

No refunds will be issued for cancella ons made less than 7 days prior to the event, except under special circumstances. However, a subs tute delegate may be nominated and the ADAVB must be informed of the subs tute’s details.

CATERING While ADAVB tries to accommodate specific dietary needs, it cannot guarantee that the requests can be met. Kosher & Halal delegates will be catered for only if requested on this registra on form.

Upcoming Prac ce Plus Network Mee ngs: Wednesday 5 August, 12.00noon ‐ 3.00pm Wednesday 25 November, 12.00noon ‐ 3.00pm

For registra on forms and the full 2015 Prac ce Plus Events Calendar visit prac ceplus.adavb.org GETTING THERE AND PARKING FACILITIES Parking facili es and public transport details will be outlined on your event reminder.

DISCLAIMER & PRIVACY STATEMENT Use of any informa on from CPD programs is the sole responsibility of the individual prac oner. Approval of an ac vity for CPD purposes does not imply that the Dental Board of Australia endorses the ac vity or agrees with the opinions of the presenter. The full ADAVB disclaimer and privacy statement can be viewed on our website www.adavb.net Please refer to the ADAVB website www.adavb.net for full terms and condi ons.

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