6 Scientific Hours
Tooth and soft tissue loss: Why and what can be done about it? Brief This series of presentations will look at aspects of tooth wear and provide an overview of the procedures involved in assessment, diagnosis and the conservative restorative management of patients presenting with worn and broken down dentitions. Techniques for restoration and long-term maintenance of the patient’s dentition will be discussed and evaluated in relation to determining the most appropriate intervention strategies.
Professor Ian Meyers
Erosion, corrosion, acid wear – how to spot it and what to do about it
Diagnostic keys. The importance of good saliva. Reflux and what can be done about it. Prevention. The role of mineralising agents.
Attrition, abrasion, abfraction – what’s really going on? Diagnostic keys. The overlap with acidic effects. Does abfraction exist? Is it the tooth brush? Do splints work?
Restorative rehabilitation of the broken down dentition-getting An overview of how to address the patient with significant tooth structure loss. How to gain restorative space. The use of wax ups and keys. The Dahl principals. Pros and cons of direct and indirect materials. These presentation will look at aspects of tooth wear and provide an overview of the procedures involved in assessment, diagnosis and the conservative restorative management of patients presenting with worn and brokendown dentitions. Techniques for restoration and long-term maintenance of the patient’s dentition will be discussed and evaluated in relation to determining the most appropriate intervention strategies. At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to: ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ
Identify and assess the various aspects of tooth wear Develop appropriate management strategies and treatment plans based on patient risk profiles Assess the range of restoration options for rehabilitation of worn and broken-down dentitions Review restorative outcomes and recognise the need for ongoing maintenance programs.
All things resorptive Dr Sasaluck Pakdeethai This session provides an overview of all the resorptive lesions that can affect teeth and will include discussion of their aetiology, diagnosis and prognosis. Contemporary thinking regarding treatment planning and management of such lesions will be outlined. At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to: ÜÜ Identify various types of tooth resorption ÜÜ Understand aetiology of tooth resorption ÜÜ Provide appropriate treatment options.
Regional Conference Held in conjunction with ADAVB Southern Group
An update on modern thinking about the caries process Professor David Manton Dental caries still affects most Australians but management of the carious lesion has changed considerably in the past decade. The caries process is now better understood and this knowledge allows the patient and clinician to modify caries risk if they change their behaviour. The decision to restore a lesion has long-lasting consequences, and recommendations regarding how much tissue to remove are also changing. These issues will be discussed along with remineralising technologies and minimally invasive techniques. At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to: ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ
Understand the caries process Apply minimum intervention dentistry principles Identify individuals at increased caries risk Reduce the caries burden on compliant patients Identify appropriate products to treat early carious lesions.
Gingival recession and papillary loss – why and how to prevent it Dr Stephen Cottrell The presence of adequate gingival tissues around teeth and dental implants not only affects general aesthetics in the anterior zone, it plays an important functional role. There is a close relationship between the bone anatomy and gingival anatomy. Dimensionally, how much gingival tissue do we need around teeth? If there is a deficiency, what are the consequences and how can it be corrected? At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to: ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ
Understand the relationship of gingival tissues to teeth and bone Recognise the causes of gingival recession Implement measures to prevent gingival recession Identify appropriate measures to correct gingival recession and their limitations.
Stay at Novotel Geelong on Saturday 21st April 2018 for the ADA Victroria Conference & receive 10% off the best unrestricted room only rate of the day and $20 breakfasts! To book please email reservations@ novotelgeelong.com.au or call +61 (03) 5273 5757 & quote the code: 1804 ADAVIC
Saturday 21 April 2018
9:00am – 5:00pm
Novotel Geelong 10-14 Eastern Beach Geelong VIC
Friday 13 April 2018
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SECONDARY REGISTRANT I am a member of my ADA state branch Dentist
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HOW TO ENROL Telephone registrations are not accepted FAX: 03 8825 4644 • EMAIL: cpd@adavb.org • ONLINE: www.adavb.net • MAIL: ADAVB, PO Box 9015, South Yarra, VIC 3141 For further Information, please call (03) 8825 4600 This is a TAX INVOICE for GST upon payment. All rates are GST inclusive. Australian Dental Association, Victorian Branch Inc. Level 3, 10 Yarra Street, (PO Box 9015), South Yarra, Victoria 3141 Tel: 03 8825 4600 • Fax: 03 8825 4644 • Email: cpd@adavb.org • www.adavb.net
PLEASE NOTE: Your registration for these events indicates acceptance of ADAVB’s Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy. Make a copy of this registration form and maintain it for your records.