8 minute read
Constructing you
Elinor Moshe
What is the greatest project you will ever get to work on?
You, of course.
Yet complacency about taking agency of one’s own career is rampant today. People place extreme expectations on their organisations to develop their own career. The only person who is in charge of the results, outcomes and trajectory of your career, is you. Organisations only facilitate opportunity, it is always up to the individual to understand whether that is alignment with where they want to go. This is the ethos I have always maintained, and am always in the drivers’ seat of my career.
In today’s social age, it takes extreme and massive action in terms of self-development and actualisation outside of the workplace to truly achieve career success. A one or two day professional development course on a generic skill has negligible impact on accelerating and building a career. What matters most today, is who you are. Your personality, your values, your attributes. Yet most people don’t actually know what that is because they don’t spend the time doing the work – which it actually is – figuring this all out. So they free-fall into careers that take decades to start-up and evolve.
And this was the problem which forced my response.
This was the fuel and impetus to founding my business, The Construction Coach. It’s the vehicle via which I guide, inspire and direct industry professionals and future leaders to propel their career in construction, so they can achieve more recognition, higher compensation and faster career progression. Construction industry professionals are working with outdated practices that are preventing them from achieving their potential and seeing what’s possible. Expanding the world view of my community is one of the most powerful, and weighted responsibilities I have.
It’s my duty as an industry leader to show you what is possible. When I was going through university and expanding my networks in the formative days of my career, only a very narrow bandwidth of career options were presented; Project Manager, possibly a Construction Manager. The upper echelon positions, albeit a founder of a business or executive management were seemingly reserved for “someone else” but not me. To realise that this is all possible for me, took years of mindset conditioning and development. It took time to develop vision and lift the ceiling on what can actually be achieved. Yet it still wasn’t clear how to actually get ‘there’. I asked the question, ‘what does it really take to have an exemplary career in property and construction today?” which lead to the conception of my new podcast, Constructing You. I’m going to accelerate the process for you, so you’re not spending years in freefall, in stagnation, and in doubt.
Constructing You shares the stories of the people behind the projects. The construction and property industries are people industries, after all. It still amazes me how some companies don’t even profile the people within the organisation, just the projects! Which adds to the fact that typically when we look at our built environment, and ask, ‘who built this?’, the answer is a name of a company. But who are the people behind the projects? Who are the ones who have vision, and have brought them to life? That’s why I am starting at the top and sharing interviews with exemplary leaders and industry titans with you. It leans into the old adage, you can’t be what you can’t see, and how right that is.
I’m not only going to find out what they do, but also who they are, and who they’ve had to become to achieve what they have. This is to show you who you can be, need to be, and can grow into, to achieve massive career success, regardless of your job title. You are not your job title. Wouldn’t you like to realise your full potential? Wouldn’t you like to see how far you can go when you lift limitations imposed by others, and yourself?
This podcast is here to take you much further than developing your technical skills – frankly, none of that is up for discussion. Because I want to inspire and ignite
you to become more, than just a technically apt person on projects. Technical skills do not make for great managers or leaders. In my opinion, 10% of career success lies in technicality, and the balance is about your sphere of impact and influence, which is only possible when you first work on yourself. The building industry doesn’t need an upgrade in technical aptitude; it needs a reconstruction of the mindset of the individuals. You don’t get to have massive success without first growing into the person who can achieve these big goals.
I started this podcast because I want you to become an exemplary person behind the project, via learning from the people who have already made it. You’ll get to see a myriad of career pathways, so that wherever you are, you can expand your vision of where you want to go. You’ll get access to insights, conversations and lessons that are not publically available to the construction and property industry – until now. There is certainly a lack of insight from credible sources for people wanting to work in the construction industry. I recall that from my own experience navigating my way through the industry, which was filled with friction, uncertainty and lack of clarity. I have always sought out mentorship and active engagement in my network to piece it together, and now that I have, I get to pay it forward and fast-track that for others.
It was only until I came across an exemplary mentor of my own that I learnt what it is to truly aim high and have expansive vision. As people navigate their career and life, they only aim as high as their self-imposed limitations, which often, is not very high at all. People have infinite potential. There is actually no limit to our minds, spirits and souls except for some physical limitations. This podcast is here to give you the same experience. It’s lifting the veil of your own potential, and getting you to just start aiming higher. Because even if you fall short, you’ve still gone a lot further than if you never reached higher at all.
I want you to aim as high as the skyscrapers in your career, and life, and I’m going to get you to do that by sharing the successful journeys of others. There is a notion called belief transference; when you surround yourself, and see other people achieving their dreams, following their passion and creating a strategic life by design, you start seeing what is possible for yourself as well. Nothing is out of reach without the right activated plans. You start expanding your world view, you start adopting the practices and habits of successful people. You start realising that they started off in a position no different to you, and through courses of action, have truly achieved an exemplary career. Don’t you want that for yourself, too?
There is no other podcast like this, dedicated to building your career and yourself in the building industry. The transformation you will experience will give you more drive, intrinsic motivation, and amplified ambition to become an excellent, exemplary, and exceptional person behind the
projects. The interviews are just as brilliant week on week – I guarantee you this. Listening in is as if they’re having a dedicated mentoring conversation with you, and mentoring is one of the greatest accelerators of a career. I know that because I have always surrounded myself with the best mentors.
What started with just a weekly blog on The Construction Coach, a year on in, has now evolved into a leading private mentoring service, sold out events, and now a podcast. Of course, there is always more to come. Achieving more and having ambition is a truly wonderful thing, and to be on that continuous trajectory adds so much meaning and value to an individual. You feel expansive, day in, day out.
So don’t forget, the greatest project you will ever get to work on, is yourself.
About the Author Elinor Moshe
Elinor Moshe is an ambitious and driven leader and dedicated mentor in the construction industry. Her passion to develop future leaders and industry professionals to propel their career lead to her founding the successful platform, The Construction Coach. Elinor has been featured in the Australian National Construction Review, Property Council of Australia's Top 500 Women in Property programme 2019, Top 100 Women in Construction, and is a coveted speaker and panellist. Elinor holds a Master of Construction Management and Bachelor of Environments from the University of Melbourne.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elinor-moshe/
Instagram: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elinor-moshe/
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