Yuri Gagarin, the Soviet cosmonaut who in 1961 became the first human to orbit the Earth. According to interna>onal media, Gagarin made a comment while in orbit: “I don’t see any God up here.” We are part of a world that, for the most part, feels like this—where’s God—I don’t see Him? During the Great Plague of 2020, many asked where is God in all of this? 2020 was a year that shook the faith of so many. The church was forced to close its doors for a season, and many whose hearts did not have God’s word growing and producing faith were shaken, and as churches opened back up they remained at home. It reminds me of what Jesus said in MaThew 13:4, “And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside, and the fowls came and devoured them up....” We live amidst one of the most trying >mes of our known civiliza>on naviga>ng ministry through a global pandemic. We have witnessed a crisis of faith. It is a >me when many seriously ques>on whether what they believe or how they see and if what they’re commiTed to is the truth. During this >me of tes>ng, I am reminded of a coach of a >me in Texas who said to his team, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” I want to commend our pastors and leaders for doing just that. Faced with a dilemma that they had not been trained to navigate through, they stepped up when >mes were tough. Tough >mes are not over. The Apostle Peter said in 1 Peter 4:12, “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you....” We are in the last days, and God is coun>ng on those He has called to lead congrega>ons to do so with faith. Our people and our communi>es need spiritual leaders who fear only God and can stand the test of fire. When the spiritual leaders of His day were facing a test of faith, Jesus said, “Be not afraid, only believe...” (Mark 5:36). My 2021 slogan: Don’t FEAR—BELIEVE! Let us con>nue to live by faith, believing that God has EVERYTHING in control. Let’s also pray for one another. Together, we will march into 2021 as an unstoppable force. Remember, “he who endures to the end shall be saved.”
The Christmas Season begins on December 25 and lasts through January 5. On January 6, Chris>ans celebrate Epiphany, the revela>on of the infant Jesus to the Magi as the King of the Jews and the Light of the World. We read about the visit of the Magi in the Gospel of MaThew 2:1-12. MaThew has been telling the story of Christ’s lineage from Abraham, his miraculous concep>on, and his birth as the promised Messiah, seed of Abraham and Son of David. In every possible way MaThew has emphasized that all of God’s promises to Abraham, to David, and to Israel will be fulfilled in Jesus. MaThew con>nues the story of David’s Son with the story of his first revela>on to Gen>les. The story of the Magi is not a birth story – it is an announcement story. It is the story of the King of Light for all the world. God had promised that David’s Son would rule the na>ons and that God’s People would be a light to the na>ons. The glory of God would be revealed in God’s king, a light to those who lived in darkness. Na>ons would come to his light and kings to the brightness of his dawn. The Magi were Wise Men, scholars, probably astrologers from the east, toward Babylon and Persia. They were spiritual seekers. MaThew has no word of rebuke for these Gen>les. God meets hungry souls where they are, speaking to them in ways they understand, leading them to a clear witness of the one Savior of the world. They saw in the heavens, the realm familiar to them, a new and inexplicable light. God had promised in Numbers 24:17 and in Isaiah 60:1-6 that something like this would happen. The Magi viewed it as a sign, an omen, that a great king was being born. Drawn by God, they came to worship the King of Light for all the world. The Magi became the first-fruits of a vast future harvest from the na>ons of the Earth. Epiphany celebrates the visit of the Magi as well as celebra>ng an event later in Jesus’ life: His bap>sm by John the Bap>st. In that event Christ iden>fied himself in solidarity with the lost humanity he came to save. He submiTed to John’s bap>sm of repentance, even though Christ needed no repentance himself. He fully submiTed to the Father’s mission to save a lost humanity, was revealed as God’s beloved Son, and was anointed by the Holy Spirit to fulfill his mission. Both of these events – the visit of the Magi and Christ’s bap>sm by John – are cri>cal moments in the life of Jesus. They are moments of revela>on, manifesta>ons of the ul>mate nature and purpose of Jesus of Nazareth: The Son of Man who came to seek and to save that which was lost. He came as the Lord and Savior not only of Israel, but of all the na>ons of the world. Both events direct every Chris>an into Jesus’ purpose: Revealing the good news of God’s Messiah to the na>ons of the world. Celebra>ng Epiphany reminds the Church that we must always be on mission to go and make disciples of Jesus in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the uTermost parts of the Earth. For me, this is yet another reason to follow the Chris>an Year. At Epiphany, we are thrust into mission at the beginning of the year, ending the Christmas Season on a high note of purpose and ac>on. When Pentecost concludes the Easter Season half-way through the year, we are again thrust into mission in the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us always be about our Father’s business of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the King of Light for all the world. Let us always be about our King’s command to make disciples, teaching believers to how to follow him. Epiphany calls us into this mission. Let us always celebrate Epiphany! 2
Alabama Youth Ministries www.alabamayouthministries.com Steven A. Mason District Youth Director
Email: dydsec@adcag.org 334-279-7172 x3
2020 Top Speed The Light January-November Phenix City First Assembly
Vincent Revival Center
Montgomery First Assembly
Burns Assembly, Slocomb
Jackson First Assembly
Lifechurch, Birmingham
Crossroads, Albertville
Madison Assembly
Weatherly Road, Huntsville
Robertsdale First Assembly
2020 Top Youth Group Offerings January-November Pinedale Assembly, Clanton
Atmore First Assembly
Lifechurch, Birmingham
Montgomery First Assembly
Jackson First Assembly
Evangel Church, Montgomery
Hartselle First Assembly
Tuscaloosa First Assembly
Crossroads, Albertville
Robertsdale First Assembly
June 21-25 Johnnie Wilson June 28-July 2 Chris Estrada July 5-9 Daniel Gray July 12-16 Allen Griffin * U P C O M I N G * E V E N T S * March 5-6 // Youth Convention-The Rock Church, Huntsville March 19 // STL Grand Club Banquet-Montgomery April 16-17 // Fine Arts Festival-Kingwood, Alabaster May 31-June 10 // Foreign AIM-Costa Rica July 19-24 // Stateside AIM-New York City
August 2-6 // National Fine Arts Festival-Orlando August 21 // G5 Conference-Montgomery
Church Planting
Men’s Ministry
US Missions
David Strahan, Director email: dstrahan@adcag.org
2021 CP&D Banquet Tour Date February 8 February 9 February 11 February 12 February 15 February 16 February 18 February 19 February 22 February 23 February 25 February 26 March 1 March 2 March 4
Section Anniston Top of the River, Gadsden Andalusia West Highland Assembly of God, Andalusia Dothan The Blue Plate Restaurant, Ross-Clark Demopolis First Assembly of God, Butler Phenix City Water’s Edge @ LakePoint State Park Enterprise McLin’s Restaurant, Daleville Tuscaloosa Yampertown Steak & Seafood, Winfield Tennessee Valley Madison Assembly of God Mobile Fountain of Life Church, Saraland Baldwin Odyssey Church, Loxley Monroeville Excel Assembly of God Cullman Anchors Church, Oneonta Birmingham Vine Church, Trussville Montgomery Catfish House, Millbrook Sylacauga Good Ole Boy’s BBQ
Time 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 6:30 PM CST 7:30 PM EST 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 6 PM
Come join us this February for our Church Planting and Development Pastor/Board Banquet.
Even in the midst of COVID and its challenges, churches are still making an impact.
We will be following state COVID protocols to make sure that everyone is safe and has a good time. If there are changes in the state requirements, we will make the necessary adjustments.
As we begin our CP&D Banquet Tour, please pray with us for what God would have us do in ALABAMA!
Thank you for your faithful support of our Alabama missionaries. Visit our website at: https://www.adcag.org/ministries/missions for a list of missionaries itinerating. There is a document at the bottom of the page with the current list of itinerating missionaries. For a list of all itinerating missionaries including those serving in sensitive countries, contact the office at 334-279-7172 ext 5.
Join the movement! Become a 360Man by going to www.360man.ag.org/signup or scan the QR code to sign up.
CALLING ALL MEN! Join us via Zoom the 1st Tuesday of each month for MANTA LK at 7 PM. Meeting ID # 733 642 4664
“Thank you to the Alabama Men’s Ministries/LFTL for making it happen!”
If you have not turned in your 2021 faith promise, please contact our office 334-279-7172 ext. 5 or email us at ssowers@adcag.org
We recently distributed the Full Life Study Bibles to our college students. They were so excited. Some had tears. Others hugged their Bible. We believe it will be a great resource for them now and in the future. Steve & Tece Entsminger
Women joining together to give our best for Missions Date
Saturday, February 6
3:00 PM
Ozark First AG
Saturday, February 13
11:00 AM
Florala First AG
Saturday, February 27
10:30 AM
Tennessee Valley
New Life, Athens
Tuesday, March 2
6:30 PM
Sylacauga First AG
Thursday, March 11
6:30 PM
Orchard AG
Saturday, March 13
10:30 AM
Life Springs AG
Saturday, March 13
4:00 PM
Legacy Church
Tuesday, March 16
6:30 PM
Fayette First AG
Thursday, March 18
6:30 PM
East Brewton AG
Saturday, March 20
10:30 AM
Jackson First AG
Thursday, March 25
6:30 PM
Newton First AG
Friday, March 26
6:30 PM CST
Phenix City
Eufaula First AG
Saturday, March 27
10:00 AM
Baldwin County
BayMinette First AG
Tuesday, March 30
6:30 PM
Clanton First AG
(334) 279-7172 Ext. 4 vnorris@adcag.org
For more information on these events & more, please contact: Kristi Norris @ knorris@adcag.org or (334) 279-7172 Ext. 4 or visit www.adcag.org
You are invited to be a part of an excellent Discipleship program that is now available for you and your church, The Bible Engagement Project. The Bible Engagement Project is a ministry arm of the AG national office created expressly for the purpose of leading the way in increased Bible engagement. The Bible Engagement Project offers a discipleship program that allows all age levels from preschool to children to youth to adults to engage in the same Scriptures simultaneously for the purpose of the whole-church discipleship. This is an excellent discipleship tool that will benefit the areas of Christian Education, Sunday School, and small groups at your church. Each lesson is divided into group and personal study with weekly devotions. Below I have listed a few links for more information about the Bible Engagement Project. I hope you will take the time to check out these articles and videos. I strongly recommend this program and believe it will be of great benefit to your church. Link for the Bible Engagement Project blog: https://bibleengagementproject.com/en/Blog/Why-It-Matters/The-Power-of-BibleEngagement AGNews Article about the Bible Engagement Project App: https://news.ag.org/en/News/Listen-Curriculum-Makes-Debut For more information, please visit: https://bibleengagementproject.com/
Clearwater A/G.................................... $21,000.00 Orchard A/G.......................................... $20,617.20 First A/G, Montgomery..................... $13,409.04 First A/G, Phenix CIty..........................$11,000.00 Garywood A/G..................................... $10,000.00 Thompson Chapel A/G................... $9,485.94 Vincent Revival Center..................... $9,090.21 Fountain of Life Church.................... $7,829.68 First A/G, Robertsdale....................... $5,552.57 Christian Life Church......................... $5,000.00
New Liberty Tabernacle of Praise........ $2,370.00 Hobson A/G..................................................... $777.00 Faith A/G........................................................... $550.45 Harper's Joy A/G........................................... $550.00Â Â Kingwood A/G................................................ $550.00 First A/G, Montgomery............................... $550.00 The Crossing.................................................... $550.00 First A/G, Atmore........................................... $500.00 First A/G, Bay Minette................................. $500.00 Weeks Memorial............................................ $475.00 Temple A/G..................................................... $450.43
Who Are You? We have all seen the psychiatrist or counselor ask a person this ques>on, oken with dread. It is a difficult ques>on to answer for most people. They usually answer something like, "I am a father, I am a (whatever their occupa>on may be)", I am a wife. Generally, they will list the roles they play in life, or their sex, or their religion. But strip away your roles, strip away all those adjec>ves that others may use to describe you, strip away everything you possess materially, and then who are you? You are a living soul; a soul that will live eternally. God said something powerful to Jeremiah: Jer 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you... Before Jeremiah had a body, possessions, roles to play God knew him. So oken we get caught up in this life and whatever pleasure or fulfillment it may offer, yet the real us that God knows, God loves, God has huge plans for has liTle to do with this short >me on earth. Now don't misunderstand me. While we are here we must accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and we need to help as many others do the same. But in a nutshell that's our main goal. Get saved and win as many to Jesus as possible. Everything else is at the Lord's pleasure as we serve Him each day, and He does have things for us to do. Eph 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Consider this passage: 1 Cor 2:9 No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. Now contextually we know this speaks of God's plan of salva>on for mankind that the world could not understand but also speaks of all that God has for us once we leave this earth and once again join HIm without this body, our current roles, and all we possess. Rather we will have a new body, new experiences in Him, and heavenly possessions we cannot comprehend with our current mind. John 14:1-2 Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrec]on. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years. So who are you? A soul that God knew even before you were born. If you have accepted the Lord as your Savior then who you truly are will be fully realized one second aker you die. When this old body drops away, when all the hurts, pain, joys, victories, losses of this current world pass away. That person you shall be for all eternity in the presence of almighty God enjoying all He has prepared for you; that's who you truly are. This >me on earth is a place to serve, obey, and worship our Lord, win the lost, and minister to the body of Christ. This purpose God has given us molds us and prepares us for that wonderful moment when we become the person we will be for eternity. Hold on to the things of this world lightly. The very best is yet to come. Rev 22:12-13 Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
CORRECTLY PREACHING CHRIST From ALL of SCRIPTURE How do you know that you are truly preaching the Word of God? How do you know you that you are preaching Christ Jesus correctly? That you are fulfilling God’s requirement in 2 Timothy 2:15? If I don’t study deeply and carefully and receive equipping from people who are truly qualified to teach me these things, then I may mishandle God’s Word and teach it in error. I may feel good about it, I may think I “feel” some kind of “anointing” as I preach, but I may be dead wrong. I may even be quoting a lot of Scripture but misunderstanding what it means and declaring God said and meant something that He never said or meant in the passage(s) I am preaching from! All because I refused to receive training and truth from a genuinely qualified Teacher of the Church. Friend, this should never be. One of the best series ever written on correctly preaching Christ from all of Scripture is “Foundations for Expository Sermons” written by Dr. Sidney Greidanus. He is one of the most highly respected preachers, and teachers about preaching, in our lifetimes. It is particularly in the area of properly interpreting God’s Word, and then properly connecting a passage to Christ and the Gospel that Greidanus so outstanding. In this series the author explains how to correctly interpret all the genres of Scripture, the various correct ways to preach Christ from these passages, and provides many examples of sermons that actually do this. Greidanus also explores the many illegitimate ways that a preacher can misinterpret and misapply passages from various places in the Bible. By common consensus, there is no better teacher on this subject than Sidney Greidanus. This series is considered the gold standard in demonstrating how to faithfully obey God’s command to correctly handle the Word of Truth from Genesis to Revelation, from initial interpretation to sermon preparation and preaching. Many sample sermons are included. I commend every one of these volumes to you without reservation. All volumes are published by Eerdmans. The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Interpreting and Preaching Biblical Literature, 1988. In this work Greidanus explains how to choose the passage from which to preach, then how to research its genre, its historical context , its place in biblical theology, how to make it live to the listeners. He explores both the Old and New Testaments and provides examples of how to interpret specific passages, and how to link each passage to Christ and the Gospel. Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: A Contemporary Hermeneutical Method, 1999. In this excellent volume the Greidanus demonstrates the correct way to create expository sermons from the Old Testament. First, he explores the chosen text, discovers what it is saying about God, and identifies its primary truth. Then he reveals how to discover the text’s connection to Christ, explaining the six most legitimate ways to find these connections. Lastly, he explains his ten steps from an Old Testament passage to Christ-centered sermon. Preaching Christ from Genesis, 2007. In this book Greidanus goes into more detail, drilling down into Genesis using all of the tools from the previous volumes, including the wide range of genres in Genesis. He demonstrates how to use legitimate ways to connect each chosen passage to Christ as well as his ten-step method to correctly move from the text to a Christ-centered sermon. The author also provides a series of sermons that cover the entire book of Genesis. Genesis comes alive as never before as you read this marvelous work. Preaching Christ from Ecclesiastes, 2010. In this volume Greidanus uses the excellent tools explained in the first two volumes to interpret and preach this marvelous example of Old Testament wisdom literature. After explaining the genre and origins of the book, he explains how to recognize and exegete the many Hebrew literary conventions used throughout. Greidanus then provides an interpretation, sermon development, and application of the entire book. If you ever intend to preach from, or better yet through, Ecclesiastes, use this book. Preaching Christ from Daniel, 2012. Few books are preached more poorly and inaccurately than Daniel. Greidanus employs his outstanding interpretive and homiletical skills to provide one of the best interpretations and sermon series from Daniel that you will ever see. The sermon series he provides covers the entire book of Daniel, connecting every sermon to Christ. Preaching Christ from Psalms, 2016. Using the interpretive tools for wisdom literature and poetry, Greidanus skillfully unearths the beauty of God’s message in the Psalms. Choosing over 20 Psalms, he demonstrates how to properly interpret them, connect them to Christ and preach powerful Christ-centered sermons that relate to the lives of 21st century believers. You won’t find a better guide than this. 13
Two schedule options will be offered for the Spring 2021 Semester to accommodate for the course changes which have been made by the General Council. They feel the new course arrangement will better prepare candidates for the exam content given at the end of the Certified and License level. The courses will be available for purchase at https://alsom.e360connect.com/. Remember you will access the course at https://alsom.edvance360.com/. Follow this course listing if you began taking ALSOM courses prior to August 2020. Class Month Level 1 Courses Level 2 Courses Level 3 Courses (Certified) (Licensed) (Ordained) January THE 142 THE 211 THE 311 A/G History, Missions, Intro to Theology: and Governance A Pentecostal Perspective Prayer and Worship February BIB 114 BIB 212 BIB 318 Christ in the Synoptic New Testament Gospels Survey The Pentateuch March THE 114 BIB 214 BIB 313 Introduction to Old Testament The Corinthian Pentecostal Doctrine Survey Correspondence April BIB 115 BIB 215 BIB 322 Acts: The Work of the Romans: Holy Spirit Justification by Faith The Poetic Books May BIB 117 MIN 223 MIN 325 Prison Epistles Introduction to Homiletics Preaching in the Contemporary World Follow this course listing if you began taking ALSOM courses August 2020 or after. Class Month Level 1 Courses Level 2 Courses Level 3 Courses (Certified) (Licensed) (Ordained) January THE 142 MIN 123 THE 311 A/G History, Missions, The Local Church in and Governance Evangelism Prayer and Worship February BIB 114 BIB 115 BIB 318 Christ in the Synoptic Acts: The Work of the Holy Gospels Spirit The Pentateuch March THE 114 BIB 117 BIB 313 Introduction to Prison Epistles The Corinthian Pentecostal Doctrine Correspondence April BIB 212 BIB 215 BIB 322 New Testament Romans: Survey Justification by Faith The Poetic Books May BIB 214 MIN 223 MIN 325 Old Testament Introduction to Homiletics Preaching in the Survey Contemporary World If you have any questions about which schedule you should follow, please contact Jennifer Harris at jharris@adcag.org. 14
FEBRUARY 12, 2021
The application period for the Alabama Ministry Network Scholarship Program (AMNSP) is now open. Detailed information can be found on the Network Scholarship page on the Network website. Applicants may download the applications, manual, and reference forms at http://adcag.org/events/detail/alabama-networkscholarships on the Network website. The Alabama Ministry Network Scholarship Program (AMNSP) gives financial assistance to qualifying Assemblies of God students who are going into traditional and non-traditional ministry, helping them to attend endorsed Assemblies of God colleges, universities, and graduate schools. The AMNSP is open to high school seniors and college or seminary students who are attending Assemblies of God churches. In order to receive scholarship money, winners must attend an endorsed Assemblies of God educational institution. The Network Scholarship Committee evaluates all properly completed applications and, based on availability of funds, awards one or more of each of the following scholarships: •
Superintendent’s Scholarship ……………………….. $5,000.00
Students pursuing degrees designed for Pastoral/Preaching ministry
Pastor’s Dependent Scholarship ……………….…… $4,000.00
Children of Alabama Ministry Network Assemblies of God ministers
Church Ministry Scholarship …………………………. $3,000.00
Students pursuing degrees designed for ministries such as Youth, Children, CE, Music, etc.
Distance Learning (Degree program only) ……... $1,000.00
Students pursuing online/correspondence degrees at the institute, college, or graduate levels
The deadline for applications, including all reference forms and either an Initial (first-time) Application or a Continuation Application, is February 12, 2021. It is the student applicant’s responsibility to see that the completed application, including all completed reference forms, have been received by the Network Office by February 12, 2021. All application forms may be mailed to the Alabama Ministry Network Scholarship Program, 5919 Carmichael Rd, Montgomery, AL 36117. They may also be emailed to the Network Office at jharris@adcag.org. Please contact the Network Secretary-Treasurer’s office at 334-279-7172 ext 2, or at jharris@adcag.org, with any questions you may have. 15
UNDERSTANDING OUR FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS as MINISTERS We sometimes find that, for whatever reasons, some of our ministers are not clear on our financial obligations to the Alabama Network. We have begun to publish these more frequently in order to clear up any misunderstandings proactively before ministers fall behind in their giving. Here are the Network Bylaws followed by an explanation.
a. All ministers shall be required to remit on a monthly basis 7.5% of their income earned from Gospel ministry and from secular work for the support of the Network general fund. b. The following exceptions are permitted: 1. Ministers who receive wages strictly from secular employment and regularly attend a local assembly shall be required to support the local assembly with 5% of their income and shall also be required to support the Network general fund on a monthly basis with 5% of their income. 2. Evangelists shall be required to support the local assembly of which they are a member with 5% of their income and shall also be required to support the Network general fund on a monthly basis with 5% of their income. 3. Financial obligations of missionaries, military and industrial chaplains, and nationally appointed home missionaries are as outlined in Article VII, Section 8c of the General Council Bylaws. c. Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for membership in the Alabama Ministry Network and for the renewal of credentials of all active ministers. Any minister whose obligation falls into arrears shall be required to appear before his/her respective Sectional committee at the time of the Sectional Councils, and his/her credentials will be withheld until such time as his/her financial obligation is brought up-to- date. d. All ordained ministers shall recognize their obligation to support our General Council headquarters office in Springfield by contributing from their tithes or as an offering, the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month. Licensed ministers shall contribute the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month, and certified ministers shall contribute the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per month.
e. Each minister should accept the responsibility to provide a retirement income for himself and his/her family by contributing an amount equal to 5% of the minister’s salary to the MBA minister’s account. Explanatory Note: If a credentialed minister receives any income from ministry, whether regular or irregular, parttime or full-time, or if they serve in a pastoral role in a local church, then they are required to remit to the Network office on a monthly basis 7.5% of their income from all sources, including secular work. If a credentialed minister receives no income at all from ministry, and only receives income from secular work, and does not serve in any pastoral role in a local church, then they are required to remit to the Network office on a monthly basis 5% of their income from all sources. Exceptions are only as provided in Paragraph b. In both scenarios, the remainder of the minister’s tithe should be paid to the local church they attend or serve. You may pay your tithes by mail, or online at the Alabama Network Website at www.adcag.org, or by Text at Text #73256 Message: ADCAG. If paying online, always enter your personal name in the memo box to ensure that your tithe is credited properly to your account. Ministers who meet the following conditions: 1) are 65 or older, 2) receive no regular income from ministry, 3) do not serve as permanent lead pastor, and 4) have formally requested and received a ministerial status change to SENIOR RETIRED, have no financial obligations to either the General Council or Alabama Ministry Network. Senior Retired ministers may still be volunteer chaplains, serve without regular remuneration part-time on church staffs, serve in pulpit supply and as short-term interim pastors for love offerings or honorariums, etc. Please contact the Network office with any questions as to your proper status. Any exceptions based on category of ministry (missionary, evangelist, etc.) are as described in the Bylaws. Whenever you have questions about how the Network requirements apply to your particular circumstances, please contact the Network Secretary-Treasurer’s office. 16
1 New Year’s Day- AMN Office Closed 2 Senior Bible Quiz 4-8 National Week of Prayer 7-21 Speed the Light Tour 8 Youth Cabinet Meeting 9 Junior Bible Quiz 15-17 Deeper, AYM Discipleship Weekend at SCCC 18 Martin Luther King Day- AMN Office Closed 20-23 Children’s Leaders Retreat, Pigeon Forge, TN 25-27 BGMC Fundraiser- Wild Boar Hunt 29-30 RR FCF Frontier Adventure, CLE 31 Light for the Lost Day 31 ACMR Deadline 31-April 3 Women’s Life Rally Tour
February 1-5 LEAD Conference, Branson, MO 6 Senior Bible Quiz 6 Junior Bible Quiz 6 RR District Staff Meeting, CLE 8-March 4 CP&D Pastor/Board Banquet Tour 12-14 Kids 456 Weekend 18-20 Gulf Coast Women’s Conference 19-21 Chi Alpha Spring Retreat, SCCC 26-28 RR FCF Trace, CLE March
2 CP&D Board Meeting 5-6 AYM Youth Convention 7 BGMC Day 9 Spring Presbytery Meeting 10 E3 Event 11 Missions Committee Meeting 11-13 National RR LEAD Conference 12-13 Junior Bible Quiz State Semi-Finals, SCCC 13 Senior Bible Quiz State Finals 19 STL Grand Club Banquet 27 KidMin Training, North 28 Palm Sunday 2 Good Friday- AMN Office Closed 4 Easter 6 Scholarship Committee Meeting 10 Junior Bible Quiz State Finals 16-17 Fine Arts 17 KidMin Training Day 19-21 Alabama District Council, Huntsville 22-25 RR Pow Wow, CLE 26-30 BGMC Cruise 27 Men’s Lead Team Meeting 30-May 1 Junior Bible Quiz Southeast Regionals 3-6 Senior Adult Retreat 7-8 Senior Bible Quiz Regional Finals 18 Chi Alpha Committee Meeting 22 Kid Min Training Day 23 Pentecost Sunday 30-June 2 Kids Camp 1 31 Memorial Day- AMN Office Closed 31-June 10 AYM Foreign AIM Trip 1 CP&D Board Meeting 2-5 Kids Camp 2 6-9 Kids Camp 3 9-12 Kids Camp 4 10-12 JBQ National Finals 13-16 Kids Camp 5 16-19 Kids Camp 6 20 National Men’s Ministries Day 21-25 Youth Camp 1 23-26 RR Lone Eagle Junior Training Academy 28-July 2 Youth Camp 2
5 5-9 12-16 15-17 19-22 19-24
Observing Independence DayAMN Office Closed Youth Camp 3 Youth Camp 4 CE Department Fundraiser Girls Ministries Camp Youth Department: Stateside AIM Trip, New York
2-6 National Fine Arts 3-6 Influence Conference/General Council 7 Royal Ranger Staff Meeting 10 Missions/ Men’s Rep Meeting 16-20 AL Special Touch Ministries Camp 21 G5 Conference 24 Alabama Missions Summit 26-27 Youth Cabinet/Rep Meeting 31-Sep 7 CE Missions Trip (Tentative)
September 2 CP&D Board Meeting 6 Labor Day - AMN Office Closed 11 Junior Bible Quiz 12 Prayer Zone Partner Sunday 13 Credential Testing 14 Fall Presbytery Meeting 16-18 Engage Ladies Retreat 18 Kid Min Training Day 19 National Church Planting Day 20-Oct. 4 Sectional Council Tour 22 See You at the Pole 23-25 Men’s Encounter October *Minister Appreciation Month 1-3 AL Royal Ranger Lead Conference 2 Senior Bible Quiz 4-7 Seniors Missions Trip to SCCC 8 BGMC Pheasant Hunt 9 Junior Bible Quiz 11-13 The Gathering Retreat, Gatlinburg, TN 15-17 PK Retreat 16 KidMin Training Day 17 STL Day 18-Nov. 12 Light for the Lost Tour 19-27 Kid Min Missions Trip, Africa 24 Children’s Ministry Day 29-30 AYM Girls Conference November 1-Dec. 3 Light for the Lost Banquet Tour 6 Senior Bible Quiz 6 Junior Bible Quiz 11-13 Youth Leader’s Summit 18 Women’s Rep Meeting 25-26 Thanksgiving Holiday – AMN Office Closed December 2 3-4 7 9 24-31 31
Special Circumstances Committee Meeting Rural Compassion at SCCC CP&D Board Meeting Chi Alpha Committee Meeting Christmas Break - AMN Office Closed Ministerial Credential Deadline
In memory of those who have gone before us… Cole D. Brown, Jr.
At age 83, Rev. Cole D. Brown, a resident of Foley, AL, passed away at his home surrounded by his loving family on Thursday, October 15, 2020. He was a Pastor for over 50 years, serving over 7 churches. His survivors include his wife, Nancy P. Brown of Foley; son, Cole Brown, III (Sandy) of OH; daughters, Amy Tarvin (Mike) of TX, Laura Kurihara (Bob) of WA and Joy Brown of CA; 7 grandchildren; 5 great grandchildren and many other loving relatives and friends. A Celebration of Reverend Cole Brown’s life was held Monday, October 19, 2020 at 2:00pm at Foley Assembly of God. A private graveside service was held at Miller Memorial Cemetery in Gulf Shores.
Rev. Ralph Welch
On Thursday November 5, at 5:11 AM, Ralph Welch, devoted husband and loving father, passed away at the age of 83 at the Saads hospice facility. Ralph was born in Monroe County, Alabama in 1938 to William Andrew and Mattie D Welch. Ralph was graduated from Southeastern Bible College in 1962, and in 2003 graduated cum laude, receiving his Masters of Science in Christian Education from Life Christian University. Ralph was married to Glenda Carol Ludke on August 26, 1961 and had been married 59 years at his passing. They had two children, Brent and Stacy. Ralph is survived by his wife Glenda and his two children, Brent and his wife Gigi and Stacy and her husband Mike, and three brothers; his twin brother Rayford, and Thomas and Roy, along with grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Rev. Ralph had a passion for ministry and devoted his life to the work of Missions as an AG missionary on the continent of Africa serving for 25 years between Sierra Leone and South Africa. During those 25 years of ministry his life touched countless people of which only eternity can tell.
Rev. Billy James Redd, Sr.
Rev. Redd, of Enterprise, passed away peacefully at home with his family on Saturday, Aug. 8, 2020. This beloved husband, father and grandfather (PaPa) and friend was born in Dallas, Texas on June 16, 1942 to the late Marvin Edward and Mattie Lee Harlow Redd. His family was transferred in the military to Fort Rucker from Dallas and resided in Enterprise in 1954. He was 11 years old when he met his beloved wife. They were married 59 wonderful years. He attended Enterprise Junior High, Enterprise High School and Enterprise Junior College. He loved to play all sports, especially softball with his church family. Out of high school, he became a rural letter carrier for the Enterprise Post Office where he worked until he retired to become a minister at the age of 55. He pastored several local churches including Liberty, Texas, before returning home. He loved his family and loved to study and read the Bible, Our Daily Devotional books, to share God’s word and to travel with his church buddies to Honduras to build churches to help spread God’s word.
MINISTERIAL CHANGES Transferred in: George LeFevre (O) Sally Michaud (O) John Mooney (O) Will Ceaser (C) Shane Collins (C)
Deceased: Ralph Welch Cole D. Brown Jr. Billy James Redd Sr. David C Vanaman
Pastoral Changes: Trinity Assembly in Montgomery – Jimmy Ingram First Assembly of God in FayeTe – Billy Newell First Assembly of God in Ozark – Brian Presley
New/Upgraded Creden]als: Alexander Fortson (C) Jacob Maloney (C) Tyler Oswald (L) 18
Gree>ngs and Happy New Year from Springville Camp! We hope that you all had a great Christmas and are looking forward to 2021. Here at the camp, we are certainly looking forward to beginning our road back to normalcy. 2020 was, of course, an unprecedented year for the camp as it was for you and your church. With the loss of over ¾ of our annual income, half our staff and 54 events, it has been a struggle to say the least. We appreciate your prayers and support as we navigate the remainder of this pandemic. When we knew we were not going to be able to have camps this past summer, we began to shik into more of a project mode. We set out to aTempt some projects that we would normally not have the ability to do with guests here. With loss of income and staff, this was a slow process. Vision 2020 was born out of this need and desire to con>nue to move forward and turn difficul>es into opportuni>es. We are so thankful to all of you who have given and pledged toward Vision 2020. We have already begun some of the projects and some others are scheduled to begin soon. ◦ The Rev. Billy Glover Prayer Garden is totally funded and is almost complete. Thanks to the great group of men from Dothan First Assembly for their work on this project. ◦ The Boardwalk (our biggest project) is started and the old boardwalk has been removed. We are ready to start building back and that will begin soon. ◦ Several of the Fire Pit Gazebos are funded and we have work teams scheduled to come put them up. ◦ The Rec Hall roof project is funded and is awai>ng some spring temperatures for the products we will use. ◦ Some of the other projects are awai>ng funding or work teams before we can begin. We are beginning to have groups return and our 2021 calendar is filling. If you can bring a work team to help us, please give us a call. Thank you again for your faithfulness and support for Springville Camp. Many Blessings, Kevin Pierson Camp Director 19