July/August 2020 Volume 34/Number 4
September 11, 2020 See pages 6-7 for more information
Alabama District Missions and Men’s Director
Assistant General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God
FALL WOMEN’S RETREAT SEPTEMBER 17-19, 2020 See page 8-9 for more information.
guest speaker
Beth Stevens
event host
You’ve heard this statement so many times you can’t even count, “We’ve never seen anything like this before.” Social Distancing, now that’s a word that exploded on the scene a few months ago. I did an internet search for it and got 1.15 Billion hits in less than one second. By the way, there is a “Social Distancing Scoreboard” as to how states and counties rate in doing Social Distancing—Alabama got an “F.” Psychologists tell us introverts are handling Social Distancing better than extroverts. Some folks are wired to enjoy being by themselves more than others. In the church, we love FELLOWSHIP. We enjoy a hearty handshake or hug and it’s tough giving “virtual hugs.” I’m usually preaching in a different church every Sunday across Alabama, but since the middle of March I’ve only done Zoom, Facebook Live or Video preaching. It is a different world for all of us. Some of you stepped away from public gatherings for a while, and many are just recently returning to the church building, carefully, to see a portion of your people. Psalm 91 gives us some key Biblical truths to live by when the world is facing a pandemic. Living by the truths in this text will enable you to enjoy God’s peace while many others are panicking. God’s Word is the foundation to stand upon anytime and especially during a health crisis. The Word of God declares in Psalm 91:1-6, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty b. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust. Surely, He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.” Hebrew names weren’t trendy, they were often descriptive or prophetic. Here are four in this text that describe God: 1)The Most High (E-lyon): He cannot be compared to anyone, He is above all things, He owns and is ruler over everything. Supreme! Nothing above Him. The Most high God. Do not fear the enemy who tries to intimidate you. Know that your God is the Most High God. 2) Almighty (Shad-da-i): Gives us the awareness of God being all-powerful, all-sufficient, a Sovereign ruler who is present all the time. Absolute power! The creator. Supernatural (above the natural). God Almighty, the mighty One of Jacob. He truly is the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth. 3) Lord (Yah-weh) Reveals God’s nature in the highest and fullest sense, stressing His absolute faithfulness to fulfill His promises. The “Self-existent One.” 4) Fortress (Elo-hi-m): Reveals to us God’s intensity in revealing His power, preservation and preparation. God is creator, powerful and mighty, Lord of lords. He is the Lord Most High, stronger and mightier than anyone or anything. When you face impossible circumstances or adversaries, now that your God is stronger. God is the one to look to when we’re living through an epidemic or pandemic. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God (Psalm 20:7).
HARD TIMES REVEAL HARD TRUTHS: WHAT LIES BENEATH? In $mes of severest trial we discover what a person or group is really made of. What lies within? What lies beneath? Hard $mes reveal hard truths. We o=en pray that God will do whatever it takes to reveal, refine, and restore his church, but we never know what that “whatever” will be. One thing is constant: We do not like the refiner’s fire. It separates the desired from the dross, the pure from the impure, a very unpleasant process. We o=en prefer the dross. (Mal 3.2f, Ps 66.10f, Isa 48.9, 1 Pet 1.7) The COVID-19 pandemic has been a revelatory event. It revealed decades of failure by poli$cians to stockpile the equipment and medicines needed to combat inevitable pandemics un$l vaccines were produced. It revealed the failures of poli$cians and corpora$ons who had transferred produc$on of important materials to other na$ons. It revealed the depth of hos$lity among poli$cians and par$es and their willingness to inflame hatred among Americans via the media. The suscep$bility of America’s economy to massive disrup$on and the economic fragility of the average ci$zen were shown to be far worse than we thought. The resistance of many Americans to legi$mate scien$sts and agencies, and their vulnerability to decep$on by pseudoscience and conspiracy theories, revealed tremendous ignorance of health and science. It revealed our ignorance of history and how o=en epidemics far deadlier than this one have ravaged communi$es and na$ons, and the great personal and communal sacrifices it took to endure and defeat them. The hos$lity, the ignorance, the grasping at authority and the disobedience to authority, the willingness to believe the worst about anyone who disagreed with us, these things and much more were shown to have been lying within our hearts all along, coloring all we think and feel. (Ps 139.23f, Jer 17.9, 39.10) Similarly, the pandemic revealed a church o=en more American than biblical. The emo$onally decep$ve entertainment model, the programs, fundraising, and events, the con$nual frene$c ac$vi$es we equated with spiritual ministries, were all suddenly stopped. Even gathered ministries that were biblical and making disciples had to cease. Some churches adapted quickly, providing preaching, discipleship, and pastoral care online and by phone. However, many seemed certain that stopping all programs, ac$vi$es, and corporate gatherings would mean the immediate backsliding of many members. Pastors found themselves struggling with members who had never been taught how to read the Bible correctly for themselves. Many members were clearly more formed and informed by culture and media than by Christ and Scripture. The frene$c busyness of many churches, modeled a=er business culture, had concealed shallow character change. The cathar$c, self-centered worship of other churches, modeled a=er entertainment culture, had concealed superficial spirituality. The life of spiritual discipline in daily Bible study, devo$on, prayer, and medita$on on God’s Word was absent in so many people. And, it showed. (Rom 12.2, Eph 4.20-32, Jms 1.2-9) The pandemic revealed the true state of the American church. Returning to the models that failed us in the past will mean we have learned nothing. Worshipping again at the idols of business, busyness, and entertainment will produce the same results: Unreached communi$es and busy, shallow, unchanged churches. The only acceptable way forward is simple and old: The con>nual, systema>c study of God’s Word, applied rigorously to our lives in spiritual community: Discipleship! All else that we need for final victory will flow from that. Discipleship is removing old, selfish, sinful ways of thinking and feeling, and replacing them with new, other-centered, Christ-like ways of thinking and feeling. It is the process of God’s Word and Spirit confron$ng us deeply, revealing what is really there, showing us how to be changed into the likeness of Jesus. It is about changing what lies within, what lies beneath. It is the final commission of Christ and the final command of Paul. It is our sure, and shining, hope. (Mt 28.18-20, 2 Tim 2:2)
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When we were no longer able to have a traditional Fine Arts Festival, we went right to work on an alternative: a VIRTUAL Fine Arts Festival. We are so proud of our students and leaders who worked very hard and submitted their entries online. Many people from around the state and as far as New York worked diligently evaluating the entries. We had a lot of fun honoring our students via a Celebration Service video presentation. Thank you again students for stepping up and continuing to develop and deploy the gifts and talents the Lord has given you. Below is a list of our top entries.
ART DIVISION GRAPHIC DESIGN 1st place: Zachary Wiseman / Montgomery First PHOTOGRAPHY, DIGITAL, JR. 3rd place: Seth Oram / Crossroads, Albertville 2nd place: Eli Lynn / Robertsdale First 1st place: Mikah Potter / Sulligent First PHOTOGRAPHY, DIGITAL, SR. 3rd place: Malachi Fox / Phenix City First 2nd place: Zachary Wiseman / Montgomery First 1st place: Baylie Tullo / Montgomery First KAPPA TAU-PHOTOGRAPHY, DIGITAL 3rd place: Annia Carruth / Sulligent First 2nd place: Bryan Easterling / Lomax, Clanton 1st place: Chloee Lynn / Robertsdale First PHOTOGRAPHY, MOBILE Superior: Malachi Fox / Phenix City First Superior: Holly Haynes / Montgomery First Superior: Deborah Sekaya / Life Church, Rainbow City Superior: Jamyracle Williams / Lomax, Clanton 3rd place: Zachary Wiseman / Montgomery First 2nd place: Skylar Sides / Montgomery First 1st place: Skylor Astorga / Montgomery First KAPPA TAU-PHOTOGRAPHY, MOBILE 3rd place: Noah Taylor / Montgomery First 2nd place: Hunter Hays / Crossroads, Albertville 1st place: Annia Carruth / Sulligent First T-SHIRT 1st place: Clay Carruth / Sulligent First VISUAL ART-THREE DIMENSIONAL Superior: Austin Shuffitt / Montgomery First 3rd place: Matthew Chancey / New Life, Samson 2nd place: Victoria Brust / Weatherly Road, Huntsville 1st place: Zachary Wiseman / Montgomery First VISUAL ART-TWO DIMENSIONAL, ALTERNATIVE MEDIA 2nd place: Skylar Sides / Montgomery First 1st place: Clay Carruth / Sulligent First VISUAL ART-TWO DIMENSIONAL, PAINTING & DRAWING Superior: Michael Brust / Weatherly Road, Huntsville Superior: Rylee Hughes / Tuscaloosa First 3rd place: Aiden Johnson / Robertsdale First 2nd place: Ethan Boyd / Ashland First 1st place: Vada Snuggs / Dothan First WRITING DIVISION FIRST PERSON ESSAY 2nd place: Emma Williamson / Ashland First 1st place: Malachi Fox / Phenix City First POETRY, SR. Superior: Abby Armstrong / Dothan First Superior: Sarah Boyd / Ashland First Superior: Jordan Landingham / New Life, Samson 3rd place: Brittany Landingham / New Life, Samson 2nd place: Brooklyn Pennington / Sulligent First 1st place: Ella Taylor / Montgomery First KAPPA TAU-POETRY 1st place: Jessica Landingham / New Life, Samson COMMUNICATION DIVISION AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE GROUP 2nd place: Hallelujah Hands / Sulligent First 1st place: Holy Hands / Montgomery First AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE SOLO 3rd place: Deborah Sekaya / Life Church, Rainbow City 2nd place: Gracie Mosley / Atmore First 1st place: Chaz McGhee / Atmore First CHILDREN S LESSON SOLO 2nd place: Cloey Sims / Crossroads, Albertville 1st place: Emma Williamson / Ashland First PUPPETRY GROUP 1st place: Numb Arms / Ashland First PUPPETRY SOLO 3rd place: Chaz McGhee / Atmore First 2nd place: Tanner Lynn / Robertsdale First 1st place: Sarah Boyd / Ashland First
SHORT SERMON, JR. Superior: Jacob Hatmaker / Crossroads, Albertville Superior: Emma Penley / Lomax, Clanton 3rd place: Ethan Jones / Lomax, Clanton 2nd place: Skylor Astorga / Montgomery First 1st place: Cayla Carlson / Lifechurch, Birmingham SHORT SERMON, SR. Superior: Samuel Borchers / The Rock, Huntsville Superior: Noah Carter / Phenix City First Superior: Sarah Clark / Phenix City First Superior: Holland Crouch / Montgomery First Superior: Mariah Honeycutt / Celebration Church, Fairhope Superior: Kohl Kicklighter / Lomax, Clanton Superior: Tanner Lynn / Robertsdale First Superior: Blake Moates / Clanton First Superior: Madison Sanders / Celebration Church, Fairhope 3rd place: Drayden Sullivan / The Rock, Huntsville 2nd place: Emma Williamson / Ashland First 1st place: Nash Crouch / Montgomery First KAPPA TAU-SHORT SERMON Superior: Jack Williamson / Ashland First Superior: Latia Carter / Phenix City First Superior: Rachel Givens / Phenix City First Superior: Katelyn Casewell / Crossroads, Albertville Superior: Bryan Easterling / Lomax, Clanton 3rd place: Jessica Landingham / New Life, Samson 2nd place: Bryanna Horton / Phenix City First 1st place: Amanda Pettry / Lifechurch, Birmingham SPOKEN WORD 2nd place: Emma Williamson / Ashland First 1st place: Lacey Pierson / Life Church, Rainbow City KAPPA TAU-SPOKEN WORD 1st place: Shelby Argo / Clanton First DANCE DIVISION URBAN SOLO 2nd place: Synthia Eustache / Phenix City First 1st place: Nick Bailey / Celebration Church, Fairhope WORSHIP DANCE SOLO, JR. 3rd place: Scarlett White / The Rock, Huntsville 2nd place: Lily McCary / Life Church, Rainbow City 1st place: Emily TeGantvoort / The Rock, Huntsville WORSHIP DANCE SOLO, SR. Superior: Caitlyn Gibson / Atmore First 3rd place: Madeline Bohlinger / The Rock, Huntsville 2nd place: Mary Bohlinger / The Rock, Huntsville 1st place: Alyssa Hurst / Ashland First WORSHIP DANCE TROUPE, SMALL 1st place: Be A Light / The Rock, Huntsville DRAMA DIVISION DRAMA SOLO 1st place: Emma Williamson / Ashland First DRAMATIZED QUOTING, SOLO 1st place: Skylar Sides / Montgomery First HUMAN VIDEO ENSEMBLE, LARGE 1st place: End Game / Atmore First HUMAN VIDEO ENSEMBLE, SMALL 1 :I O O O C /A F HUMAN VIDEO SOLO, SR., 2nd place: Vada Snuggs / Dothan First 1st place: Nathan Strahan / Montgomery First MUSICAL THEATER SOLO, SR. 2nd place: Audrey Seymour / City Church, Mobile 1st place: Ella Taylor / Montgomery First STAND-UP COMEDY 1st place: Chandler Jones / Phenix City First INSTRUMENTAL DIVISION BRASS SOLO 1st place: Noah Gerwin / The Rock, Huntsville GUITAR SOLO 3rd place: Kyle Blanton / Atmore First 2nd place: Samuel Borchers / The Rock, Huntsville 1st place: Austin Shuffitt / Montgomery First
INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE, TRADITIONAL 1st place: Abrantes Duo / The Rock, Huntsville PERCUSSION SOLO, TRADITIONAL, JR. 3rd place: Jacob Hatmaker / Crossroads, Albertville 2nd place: Ethan Jones / Lomax, Clanton 1st place: Austin Lassiter / Robertsdale First PERCUSSION SOLO, TRADITIONAL, SR. 1st place: Riley Watson / The Rock, Huntsville PIANO SOLO 3rd place: Esther Fontanez / New Life, Athens 2nd place: Emma Penley / Lomax, Clanton 1st place: Lacey Pierson / Life Church, Rainbow City PIANO SOLO, CLASSICAL 1st place: Hannah Watson / Hartselle First STRING SOLO 2nd place: Caleb Abrantes / The Rock, Huntsville 1st place: Jonathan Abrantes / The Rock, Huntsville WOODWIND SOLO 1st place: Tristan Boyington / Montgomery First VOCAL DIVISION RAP SOLO 2nd place: Victor Benetich / Crossroads, Albertville 1st place: Daxley Seay / Weatherly Road, Huntsville SONGWRITING 2nd place: Addie Newton / Lomax, Clanton 1st place: Hannah Watson / Hartselle First KAPPA TAU-SONGWRITING 1st place: Faith Alexander / Phenix City First VOCAL ENSEMBLE, SMALL 3rd place: Waymaker / Atmore First 2nd place: Merchants of Venice / Sulligent First 1st place: Rock Youth Duet / The Rock, Huntsville VOCAL SOLO, FEMALE, JR. Superior: Rebekah Smith / Vincent Revival Center Superior: Emma Thornton / Four Corners, Huntsville 3rd place: Skylar Martinez / Weatherly Road, Huntsville 2nd place: Gina Williams / Vincent Revival Center 1st place: Mary Catherine Hughes / Atmore First VOCAL SOLO, FEMALE, SR. Superior: Addie Hughes / Tuscaloosa First Superior: Abigail Lombard / The Rock, Huntsville Superior: Cloey Sims / Crossroads, Albertville Superior: Gracey Thornton / Four Corners, Huntsville Superior: Savannah Townsend / Dothan First Superior: Gracie Tucker / Florence First 3rd place: Chloe Foster / Vincent Revival Center 2nd place: Lexie-Grace Hunt / Celebration Church, Fairhope 1st place: Hannah Watson / Hartselle First KAPPA TAU-VOCAL SOLO, FEMALE Superior: Bryanna Horton / Phenix City First 3rd place: Kara Powers / Lifechurch, Birmingham 2nd place: Shelby Argo / Clanton First 1st place: Faith Alexander / Phenix City First VOCAL SOLO, SPANISH FEMALE 1st place: Morgan Ealy / Phenix City First VOCAL SOLO, MALE, SR. Superior: Drew Marbut / Vincent Revival Center Superior: Isaac Gerwin / The Rock, Huntsville 3rd place: Gavin Hunt / Celebration Church, Fairhope 2nd place: Logan Merchant / Sulligent First 1st place: Chandler Jones / Phenix City First KAPPA TAU-VOCAL SOLO, MALE 1st place: Caden Carlson / Lifechurch, Birmingham VOCAL SOLO, SPANISH MALE 1st place: Drew Marbut / Vincent Revival Center WORSHIP LEADING, SOLO, SR. 3rd place: Ryan Astorga / Montgomery First 2nd place: Austin Shuffitt / Montgomery First 1st place: Logan Merchant / Sulligent First WORSHIP TEAM, SMALL 1st place: Merchants of Venice / Sulligent First
us & world missions
church planting & development
men’s ministry
Friday, September 11, 2020 at 7:00 pm
Assistant General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God
Alabama District Missions and Men’s Director
Register online at:
We are inviting you to host your own conference at your local church. We are calling it the 360MAN Conference 2020. All of the feelings and experiences you have lived at Camp Springville can happen with your men at your church on Friday night, September 11th at 7pm.
FREE EVENT For more information or resources visit:
Friday, September 11th at 7:00 pm
Church Name: Pastor: Men’s Ministries Leader: Cell #
How many you expect in attendance:
Register online today:
You are invited to join me!
We have posters, postcards, and flyers to help promote your event. To print or download these resources go to
Friday, September 11th at 7:00 pm. RICK DUBOSE
Assistant General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God
Alabama District Missions and Men’s Director
Registration can be sent to: Alabama Men’s Ministries, 5919 Carmichael Road, Montgomery, AL 36117, emailed to:, or faxed to 334-279-0016. For more information, contact 334-279-7172 ext. 5.
For more information about Alabama Men’s Ministry visit us at:
VISIT OUR ALL NEW—Men’s Ministries website for more information:
Featuring videos, upcoming events registration and resource downloads for our upcoming 360Man Conference.
The desire of this App is to help men have the courage to explore and begin their walk with Christ, the strength to develop the lifestyle that enhances the discipleship patterns of Christ, and the endurance to live a victorious life that allows their family, friends, colleagues and the younger generations to find their fulfillment in Christ.
Over 225 free discipleship resources available to make this the perfect app for group study as well.
Alabama Women’s Ministries Director: Cyndi Draughon
for every woman...
ADCAG’s ENGAGE Women’s Conference may have to be on-line this year, but the presence of God will be in person as we connect across the state and around the world on Friday, September 18th at 7PM. We are praying for a supernatural outpouring to flow into the room where you are and minister powerfully in your life. Don’t miss it! Cyndi Draughon
vnorris adcag org
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THE MULTIRACIAL CHARACTER of the PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT Azusa Street Leadership Team / William J. Seymour
Michael D. Sharp, D.Min. District Secretary-Treasurer, ALSOM Director
The Pentecostal movement began in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Outpourings of the Holy Spirit occurred in numerous places around the world. From the beginning, Pentecostalism was a mulD-ethnic, mulDnaDonal movement. In the United States the revival gained its greatest impetus by far from the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles, California, beginning in 1906. It was led by a mulD-racial leadership team under the direcDon of African-American minister William J. Seymour, a son of former slaves. From the beginning, the meeDngs were fully mulD-racial, with people from every ethnic group, naDonality, and economic background aOending. Tragically, in following years the Movement succumbed to racial divisions in America, dividing along racial lines into many Pentecostal denominaDons, including the Assemblies of God. Within a few years the Assemblies began intensive evangelism among Hispanic immigrants in the United States. Their efforts were very successful, resulDng in a series of Spanish Language districts across America. Today the Hispanic porDon of the U.S. AG remains the fastest growing part of the church and is at the heart of our Fellowship. Over the last decade the U.S. AG has grown by 12 percent to over 3.2 million adherents. The U.S. AG is more than 43 percent ethnic minority. Globally, there are over 69 million adherents. Approximately 90% of our worldwide Assemblies of God Fellowship is non-Anglo. The Assemblies of God is overwhelmingly a non-Anglo movement. From their earliest days Pentecostalism and the Assemblies of God have always been a mulD-racial, mulDnaDonal ChrisDan movement. God’s plan in creaDon, redempDon, and new creaDon has always been for one renewed humanity from every naDon, tribe, and tongue. Because God loves all humanity, and because Christ died to save all who will repent and believe, divisions, hosDlity, and hatred have no place in ChrisDan hearts or lives. Having received the love and peace of Christ, we are to be a people who make peace - the shalom of God that includes a flourishing of life - among people wherever we are. To that end our Fellowship rejects the sin of racism in all of its form and calls on all Assemblies of God people to always proacDvely work for reconciliaDon and life-giving mulD-ethnic relaDonships of love and service in Jesus Christ. This Resolution on Racism was adopted by the 43rd General Council of the Assemblies of God in session, August 8-13, 1989, in Indianapolis, Indiana. WHEREAS, Racism is an issue that continues to confront the church and American society today; and WHEREAS, Racism continues to confront our brothers and sisters in other countries; and WHEREAS, The Bible recognizes that all people are created in God's image (Genesis 1:27; 5:1,2); and WHEREAS, The Bible declares that the barriers that separate us from one another have been broken down through Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 3:11); and WHEREAS, In the Early Church the Holy Spirit confronted divisions along racial lines and brought reconciliation (Acts 6:1-7; 10:1-22); therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Assemblies of God oppose the sin of racism in any form; and be it further RESOLVED, That we call any and all to repentance who have participated in the sin of racism through personal thought or action, or through church and social structures, or through inactivity in addressing racism as individuals or as a church; and be it further RESOLVED, That we pray for God to give us the courage to confront the sin of racism where it may be found in our own lives, in our churches, in our society structures, and in our world; and be it further RESOLVED, That we participate with the work of the Holy Spirit in actively working against racism at home and abroad, and that we seek the reconciliation of man to God and man to man.
Registration for August classes is now open.
Remaining 2020 ALSOM Class Schedule Class Opens - Class Closes August 1 - August 31
Level 1 Courses (Certified) BIB 121 Introduction to Hermeneutics
September 1 - September 30
MIN 123 The Local Church in Evangelism
October 1 - October 31
MIN 181 Relationships and Ethics in Ministry
MIN 281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders
November 1 - November 30
MIN 171 A Spirit Empowered Church
MIN 261 Introduction to AG Missions
MIN 191 Beginning MI
MIN 291 Intermediate MI
Level 2 Courses (Licensed) THE 245 Eschatology
Level 3 Courses (Ordained) MIN 327 Church Administration, Finance and Law
MIN 251 Effective Leadership
MIN 381 Pastoral Ministry
MIN 391 Advanced MI
Because of the pandemic restrictions we have placed ALSOM Online. Our students have now completed all of the courses in March, April, and May online. ALSOM Online enables us to offer many improvements and savings to ALSOM students, including convenient access to the course materials throughout the month … Ø One-stop online registration & payment of course fee (PDF of textbook free!). Then you have … o Immediate access to the Berean textbook as a PDF that can be read digitally or printed out, o Immediate access to excellent supplementary information, such as instructors notes, relevant articles, videos, and podcasts on important course topics, o Immediate access to archived lectures for each course, viewed at the student’s convenience, o When lessons are completed, immediate access to the study guide for the final exam, o Then, an Online final exam that informs the student of the course grade immediately, Ø All of this is accessed on the page for the course for which you registered. Ø AT A DECREASE in fees from $ 70.00 ($40 textbook + $30 tuition) per course, to $ 50.00 for the whole course, including a free PDF of the textbook. EACH MONTH on the 10th: Registration closes for current month’s class AND opens for next month’s class. You may link to ALSOM’s Registration page at to register for a course & pay the course fee of $50.00 (this covers all course costs). August classes are open for registration now. Beginning in January 2021 there will be more new enhancements, including a live interactive session with the course instructor, email, Q&A, and other capabilities that make every ALSOM class a more accessible, effective, inexpensive, and enjoyable learning experience. For additional information contact the ALSOM Office at 334-279-7172 #2 /
WHEN CHRISTIANS DIFFER: UNDERSTANDING WHAT CHRISTIANS BELIEVE The world has always asked Chris0ans cri0cal ques0ons on certain major topics. From New Testament 0mes forward, the church has o>en had more than one possible answer. Today, busy Chris0ans o>en need “short-cuts” to understanding these differences, but we need more than simplis0c answers and glib clichés. One of our best resources is Zondervan’s Counterpoints Series. Each book examines one important issue on which genuine Chris;ans disagree. In each book, the main perspec0ves on that issue are presented and cri0qued. The strengths and weaknesses of each are examined. This series is the best way for busy pastors to be well informed on these issues and teach people wisely. The books are easy reading for ministers and lay leaders. Almost all views in this series can be found among evangelical / Pentecostal scholars and believers. Eight volumes addressing cri0cal issues are profiled below. Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy, edited by J. Merrick and Stephen GarreS, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013, 336 pages. This volume examines the current spectrum of posi0ons on inerrancy within evangelicalism. Many ques0ons are considered: How did the concept of inerrancy develop? What are the different ways of defining or understanding inerrancy? Does Scripture really teach its own inerrancy? How do defini0ons of inerrancy deal with difficult texts and affect the Church’s witness? What serious problems are related to each view of inerrancy? All of the writers are evangelical Chris0ans, and all views presented are viable op0ons within orthodox, evangelical faith. Four Views on Salva;on in a Pluralis;c World, edited by Dennis Okholm and Timothy Phillips, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995, 284 pages. This volume explores four major perspec0ves on salva0on related to unreached people: 1) Pluralism – no religion is superior, all religions lead to God; 2) Inclusivism – because of Christ’s saving work, some sincere people may be saved by living conscien0ous lives within their religion; 3) Restric0ve Par0cularism – salva0on is restricted to those who hear, believe, and obey the Chris0an gospel; 4) Open Par0cularism – because of Christ’s saving work, God may reveal Himself to, and save, people who believe on Him via crea0on and conscience. The last three views are all found within evangelicalism. Five Views on the Extent of the Atonement, edited by Adam Johnson, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2019, 256 pages. This volume examines five major perspec0ves on the extent of Christ’s atonement. This core Chris0an doctrine determines one’s answer to two fundamental ques0ons: 1) For whom did Christ die: everyone or a select few? 2) Since only those for whom Christ died may be saved, can we know who that is? This explora0on moves beyond the Reformed / nonReformed perspec0ves. The breadth of the Chris0an tradi0on is represented, and all posi0ons explained and cri0qued: Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Tradi0onal Reformed, Wesleyan, and Universalism. Are Miraculous GiJs for Today? - Four Views, edited by Wayne Grudem, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996, 368 pages. The issue of the Spirit’s con0nuing supernatural ministry is a ques0on of cri0cal importance for the life of the church. This volume examines this issue in detail. The four major posi0ons are presented and cri0qued: Cessa0onist (the supernatural gi>ing and moving of the Spirit has ceased), Open But Cau0ous (the Spirit can sovereignly move supernaturally as He wills, but it should not normally be expected), Third Wave (the full range of spiritual gi>s should be normal in the church’s life), and Pentecostal (by Dr. Doug Oss). Only Oss affirms the classical Pentecostal doctrines of subsequence and eviden0al tongues-speech. This is an outstanding volume! Pentecostals should own this.
WHEN CHRISTIANS DIFFER: UNDERSTANDING WHAT CHRISTIANS BELIEVE Four Views on Hell, edited by William Crocke2, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996, 192 pages. This volume examines three of the major perspecGves on Hell within the Church: 1) Hell is a place of conscious torment in eternal fire; 2) Hell is a place of conscious eternal punishment that is described using the metaphor of fire; 3) Hell is a place of temporary punishment where the souls of the wicked are eventually annihilated. The doctrine of Purgatory is then explored in a final secGon. The first three views have long been found in orthodox, evangelical churches. Another very good related work is Two Views of Hell: A Biblical & Theological Dialogue, by Edward Fudge and Robert Peterson, Westmont: IVP Academic, 2000, 228 pages. Three Views on Crea;on and Evolu;on, edited by J. P. Moreland and John Mark Reynolds, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010, 304 pages. This volume examines the three broad perspecGves on creaGon in the evangelical church: 1) Young Earth CreaGonism – God created everything in six twenty-four hour days; 2) Old Earth CreaGonism – God created the cosmos billions of years ago, and specially created different species of creatures over millions of years; 3) EvoluGonary CreaGonism – God created the cosmos billions of years ago, and ulGmately created life through the process of guided evoluGon. The various legiGmate opGons for interpreGng Genesis and science are examined and criGqued. An excellent related volume is Four Views on the Historical Adam, edited by Ma2hew Barre2 and Ardel Caneday, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013, 288 pages. All of the authors for both volumes are evangelical ChrisGans. All views presented are found among evangelicals and Pentecostals. Three Views on The Millennium and Beyond, edited by Darrell Bock, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010, 336 pages. This volume examines the three classical eschatological views on the Millennium: 1) Premillennialism – the belief that Christ will return, establish an earthly millennial reign, and then the final end will come; 2) Amillennialism – the belief that Christ now reigns over His Church and creaGon, and at His return the final judgment, the transformaGon of all things, and the new heavens and new earth will be consummated; 3) Postmillennialism – the Church will preach the gospel, disciple the naGons, and establish God’s Kingdom, then Christ will return and the final end will come. The first two posiGons are compaGble with imminence. An excellent related volume is Four Views on the Book of Revela;on, edited by Marvin Pate, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010, 256 pages. All views presented in both books are orthodox and are present among evangelicals and Pentecostals. Remarriage AEer Divorce in Today’s Church: Three Views, edited by Mark Strauss, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006, 176 pages. Divorce and remarriage have always been areas of disagreement in the ChrisGan church, from the New Testament Gmes unGl today. In this volume a scholar represenGng each of the three main views presents the view and the other two scholars offer their criGques. The views presented are, 1) Divorce only for adultery with no remarriage permi2ed; 2) Divorce for adultery or deserGon with remarriage permi2ed; 3) Divorce for adultery, deserGon, and physical abuse with remarriage permi2ed. Craig Keener (third view) is a graduate of AGTS, with a PhD from Duke, and one of the world’s foremost New Testament scholars. The best singleauthor study of divorce and remarriage in Scripture is Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible: The Social and Literary Context, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002, 367 pages. This volume is comprehensive and is the definiGve work on the subject. Michael D. Sharp, D.Min. District Secretary-Treasurer ALSOM Director
What to Say and Not Say to the Grieving Not so Good Things to Say to Someone in Grief (Remember: The goal is to comfort, not tell them how they should feel.) I know how you feel. (Never say this!) At least she lived a long life. She brought this on herself. (ex. Smoker) There is a reason for everything. Aren’t you over him yet, he has been dead for awhile now. You can have another child. She did what she came here to do and it was her time to go. (May be true but terrible timing.) 8. Be strong (This tells them to hold everything in and not to grieve.) 9. If you think this is bad, I know a family... 10. It all happened for the best. (This can feel shockingly painful.) 11. Try not to cry. He wouldn't want you to cry. (Don't speak for the deceased.) 12. It was God's will. (Many people already feel angry with God and this won't help at this time). 13. You can always remarry. (People are not replaceable). 14. Now you are the man/woman of the house. (Heavy burden to place on a child or teen. This has caused much pain in many children and teens. Often the extent of these damaging words is not realized till years later. Often teen girls or boys not only deal with the loss of a parent, but also have to take on many more responsibilities around the house which often leads to feelings of resentment on top of their raw grief.) 15. Let me tell you about my own loss which is similar to yours. (There will be a time for you to share, but not right now. Your role is to listen and stay with the person's loss. When we bring the focus to ourselves, we leave the person in a real way.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
The Best Things to Say to Someone in Grief 1.I am so sorry for your loss. 2.I wish I had the right words, just know I care. 3.I don’t know how you feel, but I am here to help in any way I can. 4.You and your loved one will be in my thoughts and prayers. 5.My favorite memory of your loved one is… 6.I am always just a phone call away. 7.Give a hug instead of saying something. 8.We all need help at times like this, I am here for you. 9.I am usually up early or late, if you need anything. 10.Saying nothing, just be with the person.
Kenneth Draughon District Superintendent
Vint Norris District Christian Education Director
John A. Loper, Jr. Assistant Superintendent
Steven Mason District Youth Ministries Director
Michael D. Sharp District Secretary-Treasurer
David Strahan District Missions/Men’s Director
Cynthia Draughon District Women’s Ministries Director
Kenneth Draughon Murray Kelley George Sawyer
Remembering those… Rev. John Lewis Thomas John Lewis Thomas, born March 21, 1941 in Opelousas, Louisiana, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thomas, transi>oned peacefully to heaven on May 14, 2020 in Gilbert, Arizona. He was a highly educated and learned man who had achieved much and received many honors. Pastor Thomas is survived by his wife of 57 years, Mary Ellen (Walker) Thomas, by two sons and their wives, and by several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. John and Mary were re>red and living near one of their sons in the Phoenix, Arizona area at his passing. Brother Thomas joined the Air Force in 1960 and re>red from the Air Force as a Senior Master Sergeant E-8 (the most difficult enlisted promo>on to aYain in the Air Force) with an honorable discharge aZer 22 years of service. He then finished out his service to his country with the Air Na>onal Guard. He held many cer>ficates and diplomas, having aYended five educa>onal ins>tu>ons while in the service and aZerwards, including the Air Force, the Navigators, Moody Bible Ins>tute, Birmingham Bap>st Bible College, and Global University. He earned associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees in Civil Engineering, Biblical Theology, and Pastoral Ministry. Pastor Thomas was licensed to preach in 1963 and received his cer>ficate of Ordina>on in 1967. He was the first African-American enrolled as a full->me student at Moody Bible Ins>tute. Through the years Pastor John worked in a great variety of local church and parachurch ministries. He served as a chaplain’s assistant, led summer youth camps, youth rallies, and other youth ministries, taught many evangelism and discipleship courses, held family life seminars, and established numerous ministries of various kinds for all ages in churches he aYended while in the Air Force. He pastored South Shore Bap>st Church in Chicago, a mul>-cultural church with five ethnici>es represented in the congrega>on. As a guest lecturer at Moody he taught “The Tradi>on of the Early and Modern Black Church.” Brother John later taught courses at Birmingham Bap>st Bible College. He ministered in Chicago, Illinois, West Germany, South Korea, Tucson, Arizona, Puerto Rico, Topeka, Kansas, and Birmingham and Bessemer, Alabama. While in Birmingham Pastor Thomas was employed by the city of Birmingham as Chief of Building Maintenance and Equipment. He also served as a member of the city of Bessemer Zoning Board, and as a board member for Alabama Teen Challenge. In 1999 Pastor John founded New Grace Covenant (Assemblies of God) in Bessemer, Alabama and pastored there un>l his re>rement. He was Licensed with the Assemblies of God in 1999, Ordained in 2000, and con>nued to hold ordina>on with the Assemblies of God un>l his passing. Pastor John was greatly loved and respected by many people both at home and abroad. He achieved so much and was awarded so many recogni>ons, honors, and medals that they cannot all be listed here.
…who await us.
Alabama District Council of the Assemblies of God 5919 Carmichael Road Montgomery, AL 36117-2507
Lambert Lake