The Alabama Messenger March/April 2022

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The Alabama




Ministry Network Conference APRIL 25-27, 2022


with Guest Speakers


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Called, Commissioned and Empowered. "...CONSIDER YOUR CALLING..." 1 COR. 1:26

Join us for this time of fellowship and refreshing. God is going to move! Dr. Ken Draughon


We are entering that me of the year that I really love—SPRING! The writer said, “There is a me for everything, and a season for every ac vity under the heavens… (Eccl. 3:1). God has amazing wisdom and a plan for our lives. Speaking of seasons, we have endured a strange season that we can’t quite understand. It has been a long two-year season through the “Great Pandemic” and life as we know it has changed. Even church as we have known it has changed.


Ministry Network Conference APRIL 25-27, 2022


Schedule of Events Monday, April 25 8:00 AM- Superintendent's Golf Tournament 5:00 PM- Missions Banquet 7:00 PM- Service- Ministry By: Dr. Ken Draughon Tuesday, April 26 9:30 AM- Missions Service Ministry By: Rev. Melinda Henderson 11:30 AM- Ladies Luncheon CP&D Luncheon 2:00 PM- Business Session 7 PM- Service- Ministry by: Rev. Beth Stephens-Johnson Wednesday, April 27 9:30 AM- Memorial/Communion Service Followed by ministry by Rev. Susanne Cox 11:30 AM- STL Grand Club Banquet 5:30 PM- Ordination Candidates Meeting 7:00 PM- Ordination Service Ministry by: Rev. Donna Barrett

F. Douglas Powe, Jr., director of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership said: “It is not only pastors who are adap ng their ways of rela ng to others during this me of COVID-19. Church sta , congrega onal leaders, and rank and le members have all adjusted their ways of interac ng. Regardless of the size of your church, it’s unlikely that things will simply return to normal when the pandemic ends. So, how can you prepare for the new normal in how people are likely to interact and work together?” See the following link for more on this subject: h ps:// leading-ideas/get-ready-for-the-newnormal/ God has a plan for His church and the pandemic did not catch Him by surprise. Make plans to a end our upcoming 2022 Annual Ministry Network Conference (District Council) at Dothan First Assembly, April 25-27. One last thing, I want to thank for fellowship for a ording me the me and support for my doctoral journey. I have completed my requirements and will a end my baccalaureate and commencement on May 5, 2022 in Spring eld, Missouri. Again, thanks for the support.

Called, Commissioned and Empowered



















MINDS ON FIRE! God intends that our minds be on re with His Word and Spirit. In the Old Testament, Hebrew has no unique term for “mind.” Hebrew used one word to mean mind, soul, and heart, the single seat of one’s intellectual, spiritual, emo onal life. The idea that a person’s will, intellect, emo ons, and spirit operate from di erent places is completely unbiblical and physiologically false. This is not a ma er of opinion. It is a biblical and biological fact. Our mind is the seat and source of all these things. Biblically, our heart-and-mind is the place of thinking (Gen 6:5), memory (Deut 4:9), intellect (Gen 17:17), medita on (Ps 19:14), decisions (2 Sam 7:3), judgment (1 Kings 3:9), understanding (Prov 8:5), and much more. All hyper-specula ve, super-spiritual a empts to divide our hearts-and-minds may sound profound and but they have no founda on in Scripture. Greek does have separate words for heart (kardia) and mind (nous). However, the New Testament s ll uses heart to describe the place of reasoning (Rom 2:14f), knowledge (2 Cor 4:6), thought (Heb 4:12), decisions (Ma 5:28), ideas (12:34), and so on. Here again we see no di eren a on between heart-and-mind. You may have heard people try to dis nguish between head knowledge and heart knowledge as if the head were somehow evil. But, everywhere in Scripture the words for head are always associated with respect, priority, leadership, even the source of life (Isa 1:6, Jdg 10:18, Rev 4:4, Acts 18:1f, 1 Cor 11:2f, Eph 4:15f, etc.). Paul exalted wise thinking as Christlike (1 Cor 14:20). The head is that part of the body associated with Christ himself! The frequently misquoted phrase “knowledge pu s up but love builds up” is targe ng not knowledge itself, but the sin of pride that some Corinthians were commi ng. Some in that church were proud of spiritual gi s, others were proud of how much they knew, and none of the proud people were walking in love! Paul corrected both groups for their pride and lack of love, but he never put down spiritual gi s or knowledge. Fools hate knowledge (Prov 1:22). Wise people want to listen and learn (Prov 1:5). Peter and Paul told us to increase in knowledge (2 Pet 2:1, Phil 1:9). Discernment and spiritual warfare require knowledge (Prov 15:4, 2 Cor 10:5). Throughout the Bible God exalts the mind, teaching, knowledge, and understanding. The last words of Jesus and Paul were commands to teach, meaning to systema cally instruct disciples in the correctly understood Word of God and Gospel of Jesus. Whenever anyone seeks to degrade thinking, medita ng, learning, evalua ng, any of the ra onal processes necessary for understanding God’s Word and discerning truth from error they are doing a dangerous thing. Whenever anyone seeks to exalt feeling, emo ng, intui ng, any of the non-ra onal processes at the expense of the mind, they are doing a dangerous thing. God and His Word never separate the mind from the heart. God’s appeal is always come, let us reason together; search the scriptures to see if these things be so; teach, be taught, learn, think, be renewed in your mind. Scripture always exalts the life of the mind. It is in our mind-and-heart that we bear the image of God.









































Indeed, the ul mate expressions of God’s revela on to humanity were in Jesus and in the wri en word. God chose properly de ned and understood words to carry the truth about Himself, life, sin, salva on, eternity, even about Jesus Christ. Miracles, images, even Jesus himself had to be explained and understood through words! And, that truth, those words, are understood through thought in the mind-and-heart. If you denigrate mind and thought, intellect and educa on, will and forma on, you oppose God and His Word. From the understanding of the Gospel, the submission of the will, the repentance of the heart (repentance = meta-noia, change of mind), and belief unto salva on ows joy! Good and godly emo on depends on, ows from, a godly mind that has been renewed through God’s Word and Spirit. Friends let us agree with God. Let us be people formed by God’s Word. Let us love learning so we may know God be er and love others more. Let us have minds on re!

Alabama Ministry Network Missions Service

Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at 9:30 am GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Melinda Henderson Missionary to Austria, co-pastor at Vienna Christian Center, and founder of the INSPIRE Project

Missions Banquet

Monday, April 25, 2022, at 5:30 pm Guest Speaker, Jeff Dove, Director of Life Publishers

Thank you for your faithful support. This has been a wonderful year with several of our missionaries transitioning to fully appointed. We also had several new missionary associates appointed this year. Currently, we have 86 AGWM and US missionary personnel and families serving around the world. This is the most missionaries that we have ever had in Alabama. Praise the Lord! Visit our website at: for a list of missionaries itinerating. A document at the bottom of the page has a current list of itinerating missionaries. For a list of all itinerating missionaries, including those serving in sensitive countries, contact the office at 334-279-7172 ext 5.



(334) 279-7172 Ext. 4


Children's Leader Retreat 2022


KIDS 456


What a great time we had at KIDS456. Pastor Scott & Annie Miller ministered to our 4th-6th grade kids. We had a lot of fun with our scavenger hunt, giant zip-line, superhero night, rec hall time, s'mores & more. Each day we had small group breakout sessions led by local children’s pastors, and at night we met for service. The altars were full of children as they sought God in a deeper way. God ministered as He healed broken hearts, challenged them to go deeper in their walk with Him, & changed the lives of those attending forever.


Praise Family Church........................ $96,106.00 Clearwater A/G.................................... $30,189.00 Lomax A/G, Clanton.......................... $28,684.91 First A/G, Montgomery..................... $27,658.53 First A/G, Phenix City..........................$27,400.00 Christian Life Church, B'ham......... $24,948.82 Vincent Revival Center..................... $24,799.70 Fountain of Life, Saraland............... $23,331.77 Orchard A/G.......................................... $21,267.54 Copeland A/G...................................... $20,840.17

Thank you SO much for your faithfulness in giving! AMN had a record year in giving for 2021; children and churches across the state gave $578,163.29 for BGMC! It's CHANGE-ing the world!!


Hobson A/G......................................... $708.00 Empire A/G.......................................... $610.00 Harper's Joy A/G.............................. $600.00 Kingwood A/G.................................... $600.00 First A/G, Montgomery.................. $600.00 The Crossing....................................... $500.00 Faith A/G............................................... $532.76 Weeks Memorial................................ $508.00 Temple A/G......................................... $446.79 Rock Springs A/G............................. $400.00






We had a wonderful time at GCWC this year. Thank you to Celebration Church of Fairhope for hosting us. Pastor Hunt, you have a wonderful team! Pastor Sharon Fridge did an incredible job preaching during our Thursday and Friday sessions, and Jenn Hudson shared her heart beautifully to the ladies Saturday morning. Thank you for following the call of God on your life! Whitney Starnes and the worship team from CenterPoint AG, Mobile once again ministered in a powerful way. Thank you to each of you for giving of your time and talents. You were a blessing! Women, it’s time to start saving the date for our fall retreat, Engage. We’ll be at Springville Camp and Conference Center September 15-17. I hope you’ll make plans to be with us!

Rally Tour



Women joining together to give our best for Missions at home and around the world!






Saturday, February 26

10:30 AM

New Life AG Athens, AL


Saturday, March 5

11:00 AM

Elba First AG


Tuesday, March 8

6:30 PM

Calvary AG, Mobile


Saturday, March 12

10:30 AM

Life of Faith Tabernacle Hayden, AL


Saturday, March 12

4:00 PM

Legacy Church New Liberty Tabernacle Gadsden, AL


Tuesday, March 15

6:30 PM

Sylacauga First AG


Thursday, March 17

6:30 PM

Bay Minette First AG


Saturday, March 19

10:30 AM

Jackson First AG


Friday, March 25

6:30 PM CST

Eufaula First AG


Saturday, March 26

11:00 AM

Pleasant Grove AG


Tuesday, March 29

6:30 PM

Harpers Joy AG Dothan, AL


Thursday, March 31

6:30 PM

Clanton First AG


Thursday, April 7

6:30 PM

Fayette First AG


Friday, April 8

6:30 PM

East Brewton First AG


Saturday, April 9

10:30 AM

Florala First AG


Alabama Youth Ministries Steven A. Mason District Youth Director

Email: 334-279-7172 x3 2021 Top Youth Group Offerings January-December


Atmore First Assembly


Montgomery First Assembly


Pinedale Assembly, Clanton


Evangel Church, Montgomery


Dothan First Assembly


Tuscaloosa First Assembly


Crossroads Assembly, Albertville


Robertsdale First Assembly


Lake City Assembly, Guntersville


El Bethel, New Brockton



2021 Grand Club CHURCHES DIAMOND AWARD CHURCHES ($25,000+) $100,882.53 $95,340.49 $92,600.58 $54,405.47 $52,935.00 $46,630.47 $30,057.00 $26,612.00

First Assembly of God, Dothan First Assembly of God, Montgomery Vincent Revival Center Lomax Assembly, Clanton First Assembly of God, Phenix City First Assembly of God, Ozark First Assembly of God, Newton New Life Assembly of God, Westover

PLATINUM AWARD CHURCHES ($10,000-$24,999) $24,485.94 $22,188.34 $22,057.87 $20,883.72 $20,794.30 $20,124.10 $19,656.67 $19,584.52 $17,576.01 $16,342.72 $16,271.82 $15,815.22 $15,451.00 $15,363.32 $13,775.00 $13,426.95 $12,000.00 $11,585.14 $10,871.02 $10,790.81 $10,406.50 $10,070.00 $10,000.00

First Assembly of God, Tuscaloosa Anchors Church, Oneonta Crossroads Assembly, Albertville CenterPointe Assembly, Mobile Lifechurch, Birmingham First Assembly of God, Jackson Lake City Assembly, Guntersville River Valley Church, Madison Island Church, Orange Beach Bethel Worship Center, Wetumpka Fellowship Church, Oxford First Assembly of God, Hartselle Fountain of Life, Saraland First Assembly of God, Florence Faith Christian Center, Ozark Legacy Church, Gadsden Burns Assembly of God, Slocomb Connect Church, New Brockton Excel Assembly of God First Assembly of God, Sylacauga Appleton Assembly of God, Brewton Fountain of Life, Luverne Harper’s Joy Assembly of God, Dothan

GOLD AWARD CHURCHES ($5,000-$9,999) $8,799.96 $7,993.02 $7,992.41 $7,369.00 $6,200.00 $6,167.01 $6,020.92 $5,836.47 $5,729.66 $5,638.05 $5,500.00 $5,419.00 $5,270.00 $5,120.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

Coleman Assembly of God, Frisco City Weatherly Road, Huntsville Calvary Assembly of God, Mobile First Assembly of God, Robertsdale First Assembly of God, Pleasant Grove Sunshine Assembly of God, Clanton Range Assembly of God, Repton Knollwood Assembly of God, Mobile City Church, Mobile Thompson Chapel, Jemison First Assembly of God, Butler Praise Family Church, Mobile Creola Assembly of God El Bethel Assembly of God, New Brockton Shady Grove Assembly of God, Samson Clearwater Assembly of God, Wagarville

SILVER AWARD CHURCHES ($2,500-$4,999) $4,578.86 $4,189.08 $4,000.00 $3,735.10 $3,542.23 $3,305.48 $3,225.00 $3,217.86 $3,211.25 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00

First Assembly of God, Ashland Marvin Chapel, Coffee Springs Pinedale Assembly of God, Clanton Temple Assembly of God, Clanton Life Church, Rainbow City Bethel Assembly of God, Ariton First Assembly of God, Atmore Georgetown Assembly of God, Wilmer Calvary Temple, Saraland Chancellor Assembly of God New Haven Assembly of God, Brundidge First Assembly of God, Eufaula

HONOR AWARD CHURCHES ($1,000-$2,499) $2,450.00 $2,187.33 $2,181.62 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 $2,081.05 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,965.96 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,735.10 $1,690.02 $1,672.00 $1,650.00 $1,550.00 $1,545.00 $1,381.00 $1,365.00 $1,310.00 $1,273.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,183.08 $1,178.03 $1,128.00 $1,106.00 $1,096.39 $1,095 .00 $1,050.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

First Assembly of God, Elba New Life Assembly of God, Athens Evangel Church, Montgomery Piney Grove Assembly of God, Samson New Beginnings Assembly of God, Warrior Bay Assembly of God, Bay Minette Calvary Temple Assembly of God, Anniston Empire Assembly of God The Rock Family Worship Center, Huntsville Taylor Assembly of God, Dothan Fellowship Temple, Northport Mount Vernon Assembly of God, Elba Haw Hill Assembly of God, Brundidge Calvary Assembly of God, Decatur Celebration Church, Fairhope Bethel Grace Assembly of God, Jasper First Assembly of God, Clanton Foley Assembly of God First Assembly of God, Sumiton Wooten Chapel, New Brockton First Assembly of God, Greenville Risen Life Church, Columbiana Piney Grove Assembly of God, Newton First Assembly of God, Sulligent The Church At Bethel, Thorsby Hanceville Assembly of God Cornerstone Assembly of God, Mobile Christian Heritage, Phenix City Daleville Assembly of God Holloway Assembly of God, Coffee Springs The Bridge Church, Cusseta All Tribes Native American Indian, Midland City Aldrich Assembly of God, Montevallo Hope Church, Muscle Shoals First Assembly of God, Samson Lighthouse Assembly of God, Union Springs

READING THE BIBLE’S GRAND STORY - ONE UNIFIED STORY The How to Read the Bible Pack (2nd Edition) is by far the most valuable work on reading Scripture well that is available in a concise, affordable package. World class scholars, led by Assemblies of God scholar Gordon Fee, combined to produce an accessible, easy to read guide through all important aspects of reading the Bible well. Correctly reading the Bible will clear up a lot of misunderstandings. It helps you grasp the meaning of Scripture so you can then correctly teach, preach, and apply it to your twenty-firstcentury life. We all need help with this! These best-selling works provide some of the very best help you will ever find. The six books in this pack are described below. How to Read the Bible Book by Book by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart helps us read the Bible as a whole, showing how each book fits into the grand story of Scripture. For each book of the Bible readers are given a brief overview, major themes, leading words, the structure, and a section-by-section walkthrough. The authors show how the themes flow through the book and guide in understanding each passage. They explain how the book and its themes fit into the redemption history, and flow into the rest of the Bible. This is an outstanding book for understanding how the whole Bible fits together. How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth by Fee and Stuart will soon have sold more than one million copies. This updated classic is considered a standard in teaching God’s People how to read God’s Word. Covering both Testaments, the authors examine a wide variety of biblical literature, including Law, Poetry, Prophets, Gospels, Parables, Epistles, Apocalyptic, and more. The latest edition includes updated diagrams new list of best commentaries and other resources. This classic is still the best-selling introduction to reading the Bible with the eyes and minds of those first readers over 2,000 years ago. How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens explains how every book of the Bible connects to the person and work of Jesus Christ. The author explores how the themes and content of each book reveal part of God’s redemptive mission. He shows how those themes are found in other biblical books, and how they point forward to, and are ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Most importantly, the author demonstrates how New Testament authors interpreted Old Testament passages as pointing forward to Jesus. He explores how we can correctly do the same in our teaching, preaching, and application of biblical truth. This excellent work equips us to correctly read, see, and preach Jesus from Scripture. How To Read the Bible as Literature is an excellent guide to reading biblical literature with sensitivity, insight, and understanding. The author, Leland Ryken was a Professor of Literature at Wheaton College for decades. A renowned expert in great literature, Ryken carefully guides readers through the brilliant literary compositions found throughout Scripture. Using every genre, he reveals how they were written and how they were read, teaching us the principles we need to read them well ourselves. The final chapter discusses the beautiful literary unity of the Bible. God inspired the Bible’s authors to use all of these genres and literary techniques, and he therefore expects us to learn and use them as well. How to Choose a Translation For All It’s Worth is an excellent exploration of the history and nature of Bible translation. Written by two experienced translators, this book guides the reader through the many aspects of translation theories and processes. The authors explain the word-for-word and meaning-formeaning approaches and compare examples. They compare the most popular English Bible versions, discussing their origins, strengths, and weaknesses. This is the best work available to help Pastors and readers understand Bible translation and make wise choices for their study and teaching. In How to Preach and Teach the Old Testament for All Its Worth Christopher Wright shows why and how we should preach from the Old Testament. Wright covers Law, Narrative, Prophets, Psalms, Wisdom literature, and other genres. He explains how to read each genre and discover what the passage actually means. He then provides practical checklists for properly reading passages, examples of how to exegete passages, and produces sample sermons. Wright has given us a simple, needed, and excellent guide on how to handle the Old Testament responsibly in study, teaching, and preaching. Our Fellowship’s leaders have declared biblical illiteracy as the Number One problem in the Assemblies of God.

UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE’S GRAND STORY – REDEMPTION and MISSION “The Bible is not a mere jumble of history, poetry, lessons in morality and theology, comforting promises, guiding principles and commands; instead, it is fundamentally coherent. Every part of the Bible – each event, book, character, command, prophecy, and poem – must be understood in the context of the one story line.” That story, the Bible’s grand narrative, is about God’s mission to redeem humanity and creation through Jesus Christ and establish his Kingdom forever. The books below explain that narrative and how it controls our understanding of Scripture. They are excellent examples of how Christ’s forty-day hermeneutics seminar between his Resurrection and Ascension (Luke 24) must control all of our biblical interpretation. They all are excellent works, used across the evangelical world in churches, colleges, and seminaries. The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament, Sandra Richter, Westmont: IVP Academic, 2008, 263 pages. Sandra Richter is a graduate of Valley Forge University (Assemblies of God) who eventually earned her PhD at Harvard. A well-known Old Testament scholar, Richter provides in this book an outstanding introduction on how to read the OT and connect it to the NT. Using the image of a disorganized closet Richter explains how to organize and understand the OT around the concepts of covenant and redemption. Anchoring the story in history and archaeology, the author demonstrates God’s original intent in redemption and illustrates continuity with God’s final intent in The New Jerusalem. Richter traces redemption history by proceeding through the OT stories of Noah and Abraham, Moses and the Tabernacle, David and the Monarchy, into the New Covenant and the Return of the King. The author writes in a conversational style that is easy to read. Since publication in 2008 this has become one of the most widely read explanations of how to connect the OT and NT into one great redemption story. I highly recommend this outstanding volume. There is now an accompanying study guide and free videos online! The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story, Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2004, 252 pages. This book is an engaging, easy-to-read introduction to reading the Bible as God’s great redemption story. Viewing Scripture as the historical drama of God’s redeeming, kingdom-establishing work, the authors divided their book into six acts: creation, fall, Israel, Christ, Church, and consummation. The authors show how every individual story in God’s unfolding drama fits the one great story. They highlight concepts that repeatedly appear, and the themes that wind their way throughout the Bible. This sheds light on obscure passages, showing us what they really mean, why they are important, and how they should be understood. It also demonstrates both the continuity within each testament, and the explicit, unbroken continuity between the testaments as God brings his one grand story to victorious completion. This great read is packed with scholarship you hardly notice because it’s written like a story! (Free resources for teaching this book are available online.) The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative, Christopher Wright, Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2006, 581 pages. This book is a unique and monumental work. It is required reading for many classes in missiology, biblical theology, and hermeneutics. Working primarily from the Old Testament, Wright has produced the most comprehensive work ever written on God’s redemptive mission as the central theme of God’s Word. His primary aim was to “argue for a missiological reading of biblical theology.” The book is divided into sections examining the Bible and Mission, the God of Mission, the People of Mission, and the Arena of Mission. Wright moves from creation, through the old and new covenants, and into the consummation in proving the redemption of the nations to be the driving narrative of God’s Word. This impelling, animating theme is at the core of God’s work in Israel and its continuation in Christ and his Church. God’s will to be known as God by redeeming humanity and creation makes a missional-messianic hermeneutic the essential core of biblical interpretation and Christian life. This book is a majestic achievement and will be a standard work in missions, theology, and interpretation for decades. It is simply outstanding. Michael D. Sharp, D.Min. Network Secretary-Treasurer ALSOM Director

In memory of those who have gone before us… Rev. Tommy Paul Conner

Rev. Tommy Paul Conner, age 62, went to be with the Lord on Thursday, December 30, 2021 at Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama. He resided in Hoover, Alabama at the time of his passing. Tommy was born July 29, 1959 in Geneva County, Alabama. He graduated from Geneva High School in 1977. After high school, Tommy spent time in Nashville, Tennessee as a professional musician and vocalist in the Christian music genre. He later returned to Geneva County and was employed by Benson Wholesale Company, during which time he married his wife, Lori, in 1981. Tommy entered full time vocational ministry in 1982, and after completing four years of Biblical studies through Berean College, he received his ordination through the Alabama Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God. While serving as Youth and Music Pastor at Tuscaloosa First Assembly of God in 1985, Tommy and Lori’s daughter, Ashley, was born. Over the past four decades, Tommy has served on the staff of eight different churches in Alabama, in numerous positions; Youth Pastor, Music and Worship Pastor, Executive Pastor and Lead Pastor. He also served a total of twelve years as the Director of the Alabama All-State Youth Choir, and then later served as State Music Director for the Alabama Ministry Network. He was serving as the Assistant Presbyter of the Birmingham Section of the Alabama Ministry Network at the time of his passing. He was preceded in death by his parents, Elmer and Mary Conner, and one sister, Patricia Conner Cape. He is survived by his wife, Lori Glover Conner, of Hoover; his daughter, Ashley Conner Lawley (Adam Lawley) along with two wonderful grandchildren, Ansley Reese Lawley and Ashton Judah Lawley of Alabaster; two sisters, Dovie Conner Thames of Hartford, and Lillian Conner Scott of Ponce de Leon, Florida; and two brothers, David Conner of Geneva, and William Conner of Hartford.

Rev. Robert Helms Creel

Rev. Robert Helms Creel went peacefully from this life into eternal life with Jesus, surrounded by his loving family, Saturday, January 29, 2022. Robert was born to Dewey and Cleopatra Creel, Graceville, FL, October 7, 1936. He grew up as one of 13 siblings in a home full of love and serving God with all of their hearts. Serving God is all he has ever done. Knowing the call of God was on his life, he enrolled and graduated from Southeastern Bible College, Lakeland, FL. It was there that he met the love of his life, Rebecca Brunson, New Brockton, AL. They were married August 7, 1957, and were happily married a total of 64 years. They served the Lord in Togo and Senegal, West Africa for 15 years. Their two children Janora and Andrew, were born in Alabama but spent all those years with them in Africa. In 1977, the Lord dropped the Macedonian call into their hearts and for the remainder of his years, he has served as a missionary to Greece, and most recent years as a US Missionary with Inter-Cultural Ministries to the Greeks, in conjunction with the Greek Assembly of God, Oakland, CA with Pastor Peter Vourliotis, Director of Greek Ministries. He never retired as a missionary or in His service to the Lord. He is survived by the love of his life, “my sweet darling” Becky; his daughter Janora Creel Reed and her husband, Edgar; his son, Andrew Creel and his wife Missy Creel; daughter-in-love, Stephanie Warren; granddaughter Lauran Reed Swindle and her husband, Joshua and his great-grandson, Jesse: grandson, Alex Reed and his wife Brooke and his great-grandson, Joseph: granddaughter, Kristen Creel, grandsons Jordan Creel and Will Lehman. The list goes on with countless extended family members, friends, missionary co-workers, and nationals from around the world whom he has loved and considered as is family.

Rev. Vernon Wade Prescott

Bro. Vernon Wade Prescott, age 63 of Fayette, passed away Sunday, January 9, 2022 at Fayette Medical Center. Services were Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at Norwood-Wyatt Chapel Funeral Home with Bro. Joe Fowler and Bro. John Billy Butler officiating. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ted and Eunice Prescott; sister, Shirley Miskelley; and brothers, T.A. Prescott, Dwight Prescott and Terry Prescott. Bro. Prescott is survived by his wife, Judy Gilreath Prescott; daughters, Amy Prescott Grant (Alex), Angela Prescott Locke and Ashley Prescott Townley (Robert); sisters, Sarah Prescott Diederich and Julie Prescott Fogarty; brothers, Danny Prescott, Kenneth Prescott, Roy Prescott, Gary Prescott and Bruce Prescott; grandchildren, Eli Holliman, John Henry Locke, Cullen Grant, Alexis Holliman Robak and Allissa Holliman Stanford; and great-grandchildren, Wyatt and Waylon Stanford and Hank and Nora Robak. Bro. Prescott was serving the Lord as a minister for over 40 years and has been a pastor for the Assemblies of God for 23 years. He was currently the pastor of Living Water Assembly of God in Haleyville. Pallbearers are Robert Townley, Alex Grant, Tolbert Locke, Ryan Prescott, Gerald Prescott and Jeff Rainwater.

Rev. James Resha Summers

James Resha Summers, fondly known as “Jim”, 82 years of age, of Valhermoso Springs, went to be with Jesus on January 22, 2022. Jim was born in Birmingham, Alabama on May 9, 1939. He was once described as “having an effervescent personality” in a local newspaper. He loved that because it made him feel the joy of the Lord was shining through him. He did make a person smile with his infectious laugh and willingness to pray for anybody any time any place! After graduating Woodlawn High School, he joined the Airforce. After returning, his business career began with Donnelly Brothers Company in Tennessee. In 1967, God called Jim into ministry. After years of working with troubled teens and seeing them land in the jail systems, he was led to start Outreach Ministries of Alabama, Inc. in 1969. This was a program for men to be discipled for Christ. Jim was preceded in death by his parents, Frank & Fannie Summers; his brothers, Louis, Frank, Jr., Ronnie & Oliver; and his grandson, Maddux. Survivors include his sweet little wife, as he often referred to her, Judy; his daughter, Sonya (Ken); his son, Tony; his daughter, Rebecca (Brian); his siblings, Sue Ann, Robert & Steve; and, his pride and joys, nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Rev. Judi Harclerode Smith

Rev. Judi Harclerode Smith, a resident of Ozark, died late Sunday afternoon, February 6, 2022, at her home. She was 73. Rev. Smith was born March 9, 1948, in Bedford, Pennsylvania and was a 1966 Graduate of Bedford High School. She moved to Lakeland, Florida to attend Southeastern Bible College and while there, she married her husband, Jim Smith. She and her husband were on staff of Calvary Assembly of God in Winter Haven, Florida before moving to Huntsville, Alabama where they served as Youth Pastors from 1979 to 1983. Following Huntsville, they moved to Talladega, Alabama to Wewoka Assembly of God Church from 1983 until 1985. In 1985, they moved to Daleville, Alabama where they served until 2018 when her husband retired. She was employed with the Dothan First Assembly of God Church as an Administrative Assistant and Bookkeeper for twenty-six years. Rev. Smith was preceded in death by her mother, Josephine B. Wright Harclerode. Surviving relatives include her devoted, loving husband, Reverend James F. "Jim" Smith, Sr. Ozark; two sons, James F. "Jimmy" Smith, Jr. (Laura) and Zachary Andrew Smith, Daleville; daughter, Jodi Michelle Burwick (Michael Sandler), Ozark; her father, Robert Shimer Harclerode; sister, Terri Ream (Rick), Red Lion, PA; two grandchildren, Jadon Micah Burwick and Lanie Michelle Burwick.

Rev. Donald S. Young Rev. Donald S. Young, a resident of Eclectic, Alabama passed away Sunday, February 6, 2022 at the age of 84. He was a minister for over 54 years. The family received friends, Thursday, February 10, 2022 at Gassett Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Colby Bellew and Rev. Jared Lett officiating. Rev. Young is survived by his wife of 60 years Margaret F. Young; children Stewart (Carol) Young, Joe (Lisa) Young, Paul Young; siblings William “Bill” Young, Laura Mae Jones; 10 grandchildren Keri (Jonathan) Edwards, Brad (Erin) Young, Caleb Young, Michaela Young, Addi Young, Kaylee Young, Hannah Young, Noah Young, Sarah Young, and Rachel Young; 4 great-grandchildren Finely Young, Morgan Edwards, Teague Edwards, and Riley Edwards.




Transferred in: Simon Davenport (L) Jerry Milliken (L) Keith Chilson (O) Jared Miller (C) Seth McDonald (O)

Deceased: Tommy Conner Vernon Presco James Summers

Robert Creel Judith Smith Donald Young

Pastoral Changes: John Daniels - Central AG

New/Upgraded Creden als: Charles Holland (C) Rudy Sardinas (L) Mark Smitherman (L)

Alabama School of Ministry Course Listing 2022 Level 1 Courses (Certified) Class Date

Spring 2022 January February

THE 142 A/G History, Missions, and Governance BIB 114 Christ in the Synoptic Gospels


THE 114 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine


BIB 212 New Testament Survey BIB 214 Old Testament Survey


June/July Fall 2022 August




All Courses Open for Make-up BIB 121 Introduction to Hermeneutics THE 211 Intro to Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective MIN 181 Relationships and Ethics in Ministry

Level 2 Courses (Licensed) Please Follow Your Track Original Track New Track Began ALSOM prior to Began ALSOM August August 2020 2020 or after

Level 3 Courses (Ordained)

THE 211 MIN 123 THE 311 Intro to Theology: The Local Church in Prayer and Worship A Pentecostal Perspective Evangelism BIB 212 BIB 115 BIB 318 New Testament Acts: The Work of the Holy The Pentateuch Survey Spirit BIB 214 Old Testament Survey

BIB 117 Prison Epistles

BIB 313 The Corinthian Correspondence

BIB 215 BIB 215 BIB 322 Romans: Romans: Justification by Faith Justification by Faith The Poetic Books MIN 223 MIN 223 MIN 325 Introduction to Homiletics Introduction to Homiletics Preaching in the Contemporary World All Courses Open All Courses Open All Courses Open for Make-up for Make-up for Make-up THE 245 MIN 327 Eschatology Church Administration, Finance and Law MIN 251 MIN 381 Effective Leadership Pastoral Ministry MIN 281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders

MIN 171 MIN 261 A Spirit Empowered Church: Introduction to An Acts 2 Ministry Model AG Missions December All Courses Open All Courses Open All Courses Open for Make-up for Make-up for Make-up Open for MIN 191 MIN 291 MIN 391 Enrollment Beginning Ministerial Intermediate Ministerial Internship Advanced Each Month Internship Internship To purchase a course, visit: After purchase, begin work at: You may contact the office of the ALSOM Director and District Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Michael D. Sharp for more information at 334-279-7172 #2, or

May 29-June 1 Kids Camp 1 1-4 Kids Camp 2 CP&D Board Meeting THE ALABAMA MINISTRY NETWORK OF THE ASSEMBLES OF2 GOD 5 Pentecost Sunday SIGNIFICANT EVENTS CALENDAR 5-8 Kids Camp 3 8-11 Kids Camp 4 9-11 JBQ National Finals 2022 12-15 Kids Camp 5 January 15-18 Kids Camp 6 *Women’s Life Rally Tour Dates TBA 19 National Men’s Ministries Day 8 Senior Bible Quiz 20-24 Youth Camp 1 3-7 National Week of Prayer 20-27 National Senior Adult Cruise to Alaska 5-20 Speed the Light Tour 21-27 Women’s & Children’s Pastor Mission Trip to Costa Rica *Women’s Rally Tour Dates TBA 10 Youth CabinetLife Meeting 22-25 RR Lone Eagle Academy 8 Junior Bible Quiz 27-July 1 Youth Camp 2 8 Senior Bible Quiz 14-16 Deeper, AYM Discipleship Weekend at SCCC 17 Martin Luther King National Day- AMN Office Closed 3-7 Week of Prayer 19-22 Children’s Leaders Retreat, Pigeon Forge, TN 5-20 Speed the Light Tour July 4 24-26 BGMC Fundraiser- Wild Boar Hunt Observing Independence Day- AMN Office Closed 28-29 4-8 Youth Camp 3 10RR FCF Frontier Adventure, YouthCLE Cabinet Meeting 30 Men’s Ministries Light for the Lost Sunday 10-15 National RR Camp O Rama (Camp Eagle Rock, MO) 8 ACMR Deadline Junior Bible Quiz 31 11-15 Youth Camp 4 18-21 Ministries Camp 14-16 Deeper, AYM Discipleship Weekend atGirls SCCC 18-23 Youth Department: Stateside AIM Trip, New York 17 Martin Luther King Day- AMN Office Christian ClosedEducation Department Fundraiser 28-30 February 5 Senior Bible Quiz Children’s Leaders Retreat, Pigeon Forge, TN 19-22 5 Junior Bible Quiz 24-26 BGMC Boar Hunt 12 RR District Staff Meeting, SCCCFundraiser- WildAugust 15-March 1028-29 CP&D Pastor/BoardRR Banquet TourFrontier Adventure, CLE 1-5 National Fine Arts FCF 11-13 Kids 456 Weekend 2 Presbytery Meeting- Orlando, FL 30Gulf Coast Women’sMen’s Ministries Light for the7 Lost Sunday 17-19 Conference Back to School Prayer 24 9 Missions/ Men’s Rep Meeting 31Girls Rep Meeting ACMR Deadline 25-27 RR FCF Trace, CLE 19-20 All Church Ministries Summit 25-27 Chi Alpha Spring Retreat, SCCC 23 Alabama Missions Summit 25-26 Youth Cabinet/Rep Meeting 27 G5 Conference





MarchFebruary 1 4-5 4-5 6-13 8 10 11-12 12 13 18 26 28

Board Meeting 5 CP&D Senior Bible Quiz September Junior Bible Quiz State Semi-Finals, SCCC Conference 1 5 National RR RegionalJunior Bible Quiz BGMC Tour 2-4 12Spring Presbytery Meeting RR District Staff Meeting, SCCC 5 Missions Committee Meeting Pastor/Board Banquet 6-8 15-March 10 CP&D Tour AYM Youth Convention 10 11-13 Kids 456 Weekend Senior Bible Quiz State Finals 13 BGMC Day 15-17 17-19 Gulf Coast Women’s Conference STL Grand Club Banquet 18 24KidMin Training Girls Rep Meeting 22-24 Palm Sunday 25 25-27 RR FCF Trace, CLE 26-29 25-27 Chi Alpha Spring Retreat, SCCC 28

CP&D Board Meeting FCF - Forge and Fellowship, CLE Labor Day - AMN Office Closed National Senior Adult Conference Junior Bible Quiz Fall Presbytery Meeting Engage Ladies Retreat National Church Planting Day Men’s Encounter Prayer Zone Partner Sunday Regional Council Tour See You at the Pole Alabama RR/GM LEAD Conference-SCCC

29-01 Junior Bible Quiz State Finals Scholarship Committee Meeting October Palm Sunday Good Friday- AMN Office Closed *Minister Appreciation Month 1 Senior Bible Quiz 1 Easter CP&D Board Meeting RR Pow Wow, CLE 2-8 National Royal Ranger Week 4-5 Junior Bible Quiz State Semi-Finals, SCCC Superintendent’s Golf Tournament 7 BGMC Pheasant Hunt Alabama Ministry Network Conference, Dothan 8 Junior Bible Quiz 4-5 National RR Regional Conference BGMC Cruise 9 Children’s Ministry Day 6-13 BGMC Tour Men’s Lead Team Meeting 10-13 Seniors Ministry Mission- SCCC Called Conference 8 Spring Presbytery Meeting 14-15 15 KidMin Training 10 Missions Committee Meeting16 STL Day May 17-19 The Gathering Retreat, Gatlinburg, TN 5 National Day of Prayer 11-12 AYM Youth Convention 23-29 Children’s Pastor Stateside Mission Trip- Smoky Mtn. DC 6-7 Junior Bible Quiz Southeast Regionals 12Senior Bible Quiz Regional Senior Bible Quiz State Finals28-29 AYM Girls Conference 6-7 Finals 9-12 Senior Adult Retreat 13 BGMC Day 13-14 Fine Arts STL Grand Club BanquetNovember 29-June 1 18Kids Camp 1 30 Memorial DayAMN Office Closed 1-18 Light for the Lost Banquet Tour 26AYM Foreign AIM KidMin Training 30-June 8 Trip 3-5 Youth Leader’s Summit 28 Palm Sunday 5 Senior Bible Quiz 5 Junior Bible Quiz 10-12 Xtreme Family Campout June 17 Women’s Rep Meeting May 29-June 1 Kids Camp 1 24-25 Thanksgiving Holiday – AMN Office Closed 1-4 Kids Camp 2 2 CP&D Board Meeting 5 December 2 Pentecost Sunday Junior Bible Quiz State Finals 5-8 Kids Camp 3 1 CP&D Board Meeting 5 Kids Camp 4 Scholarship Committee Meeting 8-11 2-3 Rural Compassion at SCCC 9-11 23-30 Christmas Break - AMN Office Closed 10JBQ National FinalsPalm Sunday 12-15 Kids Camp 5 31 Ministerial Credential Deadline 15-18 Kids Camp 6 19 National Men’s Ministries Day 20-24 Youth Camp 1


2 5 10 15 17 21-24 25 25-27 26-30 27



AMN Conference Hotel Information Holiday Inn Express 4090 Ross Clark Circle Dothan, AL 36303 Phone (334)699-6868

$149 + tax


Courtyard by Marriott 3040 Ross Clark Circle Dothan, AL 36301 Phone (334) 671-3000

$139 + tax


Hampton Inn & Suites 4684 Montgomery Hwy. Dothan, AL 36303 Phone (334) 671-7672

$139 + tax


Home 2 Suites by Hilton 5005 Montgomery Hwy. Dothan, AL 36303 Phone (334) 873-4840

King: $129 + tax DBL Queen: $139 + tax GROUP NAME: ALABAMA MINISTRY

Alabama Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God

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