We enter the Easter Season knowing the reason for the season. God sent His “only bego:en” Son to mankind to save us from damna?on. The salva?on of mankind is the MAIN FOCUS of God’s plan. Beginning in crea?on, through the birth of the Church, and con?nuing today, it remains clear that the fall and lostness of humankind does not thwart God’s plan to have a rela?onship with His crea?on. His redemp?ve plan, which begins in Genesis 3, marches throughout ?me and remains the primary duty of His Church today. This redemp?ve plan is the missio Dei, and His mission is the Church’s mission, as his redeemed people. This mission calls people to repentance, conversion, and obedience, and it offers renewal to all churches.
Obeying this mission provides for a deeper understanding of the gospel, which frees those held cap?ve by the world. The New Testament Church understood the command to share this good news with anyone who needed it, and they obeyed Jesus when He told them to wait for the Spirit, who would clothe them “with power from on high” (Luke 24:49, NIV). The Spirit’s empowerment would equip the Apostle Paul and His companions, as well as countless other disciples, to share the good news in cultures near and far. This paradigm, in which the Holy Spirit fills believers with power to be His witnesses, remains the central desire of God for every congrega?on and every believer for fulfilling the mandate of the Great Commission.
Henry Martyn rightly notes that the Church’s drive to engage in sharing the gospel comes from one’s deep rela?onship to God: Kenneth O. Gangel said, “The Spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions, and the nearer we get to Him the more intensely missionary we must become.”
In bringing the good news to the lost, Jesus engaged the culture as He walked the countryside in and around Galilee and Jerusalem. He taught His disciples how to engage culture as He ministered in various situa?ons while visi?ng villages and communi?es (Ma: 4:19). A_er His resurrec?on, Jesus commanded His disciples to preach the gospel and promised His presence in their lives (Ma: 28:19-20). A short ?me later, before His ascension, Jesus again commands His disciples to preach the gospel to all na?ons. Lee Ho Noh describes the evolu?on of Jesus’s outreach in producing disciples to preach the gospel: “Jesus first called people to fulfill the will of God on earth. Then He preached God’s word and trained people in evangelism, and the trained people became evangelists.” God sent His Son to share His redemp?ve grace, and now the Church is to share redemp?ve love with every genera?on and every culture.
We need to engage our communi?es with the Gospel—this is not an op?on for the church; it’s a command. You can’t please Jesus without engaging your culture with the Gospel. The command hasn’t changed—the methods may have. The “back to basics” process is doing as they did in the New Testament—pray un?l God reveals the needed strategy and then embrace it. This genera?on “seems” turned off to the church, but even if they are, the fact remains they need the Gospel message, and we are the messengers. We will do as Isaiah suggests, “I have set my face like flint,” and have an unwavering determina?on to persevere in our assignment to reach our environment.
For Chris?ans “revival” has come to mean a season or event when the Holy Spirit brings new life to his people or brings many to first ?me faith in Jesus Christ. In Scripture and the history of the God’s People, repentance is a hallmark of genuine revival. For non-believers it is repentance from sins of a life?me, a changing of the mind about sin, self, and God, that turns away from sin and turns to God. For lukewarm believers it is repentance from sins “minor,” the sins of a careless, uncommi:ed heart, idolatry of people or things, a loss of first love for Jesus, a waning of the Spirit’s presence in our lives. When God powerfully visits his people, we suddenly feel deep convic?on over these things.
In Scripture the Spirit some?mes come in power to God’s people in response to their cries for help, prayers which were themselves prompted by God’s word that cut their hearts, making them aware of lukewarmness or sins. God first made his people aware of their backsliding, promp?ng them to cry out for him, and then came with great power to cleanse, fill, and renew. Some?mes God sovereignly brings his people to prayer before renewal.
However, some?mes God’s visita?on is completely unexpected. Suddenly, from heaven, there is an outpouring of the wonderful rain of God’s presence, the blowing of the wind of his Spirit. The accounts of these sudden but sustained renewals, renewals that transformed lives, communi?es, and genera?ons are too many to list. The Jesus Movement - the most far-reaching revival of my life?me - was exactly this kind of unexpected inbreaking of God’s kingdom. It was not preceded by any great season of prayer. Yet, this revival brought the greatest harvest of unchurched people and had the deepest, most far-reaching impact on the Church of any revival in the past 100 years. God’s manner of visi?ng his people, and their manner of responding to him, vary greatly from one season of renewal to the next. There are no formulas, no confessions, no marke?ng, no methods, no amount of human energy that can create a genuine outpouring of the Spirit. We cannot earn revival by our prayer or fas?ng or longing. We cannot demand a kind of revival familiar to us. We cannot demand revival at all! We cannot force God to visit us. God is sovereign and he moves how and where and when and upon whomever he wills. For 116 years millions more people have fasted and prayed for another Azusa than did so before Azusa, yet God has not seen fit to send another Azusa.
It is altogether good to long for more of God’s presence, to consecrate more of our selves to God, to rid ourselves of human defini?ons of revival. It is altogether wrong to lust a_er the explosive emo?onal catharsis, or the supernatural phenomenon, or the numerical growth that might accompany a revival. God does not visit his people to validate our sectarian theology, or do magic tricks for us, or elevate our sense of significance. God does not visit a specific people in a specific way as a call to spiritually elite strangers to come ramp up the renewal with anointed arrogance and emo?onal manipula?on. God calls hungry hearts to join in humbling themselves, repen?ng, and lelng God move as he wills.
The surest way to experience personal revival is to read the word, pray, and obey. Our God is revealed in his word, he is encountered in faithful repentant prayer, and his blessing rests on obedience. That obedience will always include sharing the truth and love of Jesus with everyone around us, from family to friends to strangers we encounter in God’s divine appointments. All biblical images of the Spirit are images of ac?on: Water falling and flowing but never standing, oil being poured or burning but never simply bo:led up, a dove in flight but never simply s?ll, a wind or breath but never air at rest. We commune with God that he might communicate himself to us, and through us flow in new life to everyone around us, bringing unbelievers to faith in Jesus, and bringing believers closer to God than before. The Holy Spirit comes to flow, not to be stored. Personal renewal can become communal renewal that spreads outward in ever-widening waves of God’s libera?ng life-giving presence in the world. That is renewal. That is revival.
The Spirit blows where he wills. We can never know from where he has come, where he is going, or what that will look like. We can only know that our sovereign, almighty, compassionate God will come to us! He will cleanse us, renew us, heal us, and we should long for that every day as we read, pray, and obey. I do! I do not pray that God would revive or “save” my na?on-state, the USA. I don’t see the Church doing that in Scripture
or in the genuine revivals of church history. But, I DO pray for, and have long believed that we will see, an unprecedented renewal and harvest of souls in this land in my lifetime. O, Sovereign God, whatever it takes, make it so!
David Strahan dstrahan@amnag orgAlabama Ministry Network
Missions Service
Tuesday, April 25, at 9:00 am
Missions Banquet
Monday, April 24, at 5:00 pm
$25.00 per person
"For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."
2 Corinthians 2:15 NIV
Over 300 ladies joined us for GCWC at Celebration Church in Fairhope. Thank you to everyone who attended, and especially to Pastors Johnny and April Hunt for welcoming us to Celebration Church. Pastor Rese Moore did an incredible join inspiring women with the Word of God. She is a dear friend and a warrior for the Kingdom!
Women joining together to give our best for Missions
We sometimes find that, for whatever reasons, some of our ministers are not clear on our financial obligations to the Alabama District. We have begun to publish these more frequently in order to clear up any misunderstandings proactively before ministers fall behind in their giving. Here are the District Bylaws followed by an explanation.
Section 2 - Obligations of Ministers
a. All ministers shall be required to remit on a monthly basis 7.5% of their income earned from Gospel ministry and from secular work for the support of the District general fund.
b. The following exceptions are permitted:
1. Ministers who receive wages strictly from secular employment and regularly attend a local assembly shall be required to support the local assembly with 5% of their income and shall also be required to support the District general fund on a monthly basis with 5% of their income.
2. Evangelists shall be required to support the local assembly of which they are a member with 5% of their income and shall also be required to support the District general fund on a monthly basis with 5% of their income.
3. Financial obligations of missionaries, military and industrial chaplains, and nationally appointed home missionaries are as outlined in Article VII, Section 8c of the General Council Bylaws.
c. Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for membership in the Alabama District Council and for the renewal of credentials of all active ministers. Any minister whose obligation falls into arrears shall be required to appear before his/her respective Sectional committee at the time of the Sectional Councils, and his/her credentials will be withheld until such time as his/her financial obligation is brought up-to- date.
d. All ordained ministers shall recognize their obligation to support our General Council headquarters office in Springfield by contributing from their tithes or as an offering, the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month. Licensed ministers shall contribute the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month, and certified ministers shall contribute the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per month.
e. Each minister should accept the responsibility to provide a retirement income for himself and his/her family by contributing an amount equal to 5% of the minister’s salary to the MBA minister’s account.
Explanatory Note: If a credentialed minister receives any income from ministry, whether regular or irregular, parttime or full-time, or if they serve in a pastoral role in a local church, then they are required to remit to the district office on a monthly basis 7.5% of their income from all sources, including secular work. If a credentialed minister receives no income at all from ministry, and only receives income from secular work, and does not serve in any pastoral role in a local church, then they are required to remit to the district office on a monthly basis 5% of their income from all sources. Exceptions are only as provided in Paragraph b. In both scenarios, the remainder of the minister’s tithe should be paid to the local church they attend or serve. You may pay your tithes by mail, or online at the Alabama District Website at, or by Text at Text #73256 Message: ADCAG. If paying online, always enter your personal name in the memo box to ensure that your tithe is credited properly to your account.
Ministers who meet the following conditions: 1) are 59 ½ or older, 2) receive no regular income from ministry, 3) do not serve as permanent lead pastor, and 4) have formally requested and received a ministerial status change to SENIOR RETIRED, have no financial obligations to either the General or District Councils. Senior Retired ministers may still be volunteer chaplains, serve without regular remuneration part-time on church staffs, serve in pulpit supply and as short-term interim pastors for love offerings or honorariums, etc. Please contact the district office with any questions as to your proper status.
Any exceptions based on category of ministry (missionary, evangelist, etc.) are as described in the Bylaw. Whenever you have questions about how the District requirements apply to your particular circumstances, please contact the District Secretary-Treasurer’s office.
- Michael D. Sharp, D.Min., Network Secretary-Treasurer,ALSOM
The Pentecostal – charismatic movement has been a prolific source of aberrant, heretical teachings and practices for over a century. One of the more successful aberrant movements calls itself the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Originating in the 1940’s New Order of the Latter Rain, the NAR has many heretical doctrines and practices. These include the restoration of apostles and prophets equal to the Twelve, regular supernatural guidance through prophetic words, the rise of an elite end-time generation who will do greater miracles than Jesus and the Twelve and conquer the world for God, and more. Virtually all of the NAR media super-prophets falsely prophesied the re-election of President Trump. In 2022 their prophetic words, anointings with oil, and other political endorsements again proved to be spectacular failures, bringing yet more reproach on the Gospel This is only the latest in a long line of failures of all kinds in the apostles-and-prophets movement.
The Assemblies of God in 1949 officially rejected the Latter Rain (NAR) movement as heterodox, unbiblical, and dangerous. For years the Latter Rain movement largely disappeared from view. It resurfaced in the form of the NAR in the 1980’s. Promising end-time revival, greater spiritual power, and more spectacular supernatural experiences, the NAR has grown into an influential movement. It’s pervasive errors and excesses have hurt millions of people
There have been many great seasons of renewal, revival, and harvest throughout church history. Our own tradition and Fellowship - the Pentecostal movement and the Assemblies of God - are ongoing products of such an outpouring in the early 20th century. Revivals come in all shapes and sizes, styles and subcultures. Some are short-lived and local but still bring tremendous benefit to those involved. Others become regional, national, or international and may bring long-lasting transformation to great portions of the church and the world. There are many man-made substitutes falsely called “revival,” and some human or demonic pollution often afflicts even genuine revivals. The books below share some excellent information and perspectives on renewal in general and on some specific revivals in particular. All of the revivals covered were genuine moves of God, great spiritual outpourings, even though they differed in many ways. I have most of these works in my library, and I have researched and ordered the few I don’t yet have. I commend these resources to you. May they challenge you to hunger for genuine renewal and to never be satisfied by the shallow substitutes generated by man.
- Michael D. Sharp, Network Secretary-TreasurerTwo recent books provide the most balanced, detailed analysis of the NAR ever done. These outstanding works are endorsed by such prominent Pentecostal scholars and leaders as Craig Keener, Amos Yong, Vinson Synan, Michael Clarensau, and others They present an in-depth evaluation of all NAR doctrines and practices, revealing NAR’s repeated misinterpretation of Scripture, and correctly explaining what all of the relevant biblical passages really mean.
Religious Affections: A Christian’s Character Before God. Jonathan Edwards, edited and abridged by James Houston. Regent College Publishing, 2003. 264 pages.
This Christian classic is a description and analysis of the First Great Awakening in the American colonies. Written by the foremost leader of the Awakening, Jonathan Edwards, it remains today the most careful consideration ever written of “the signs of a religious awakening, both true and false.” It is essential reading for any student of revival or of Christian character. Be sure to get this particular version by Dr. James Houston. It is outstanding. After the Bible, Religious Affections is the most transformational work I have ever read.
The authors, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, are Christian leaders active in ministry and apologetics. They believe in the continuing supernatural ministry of the Spirit. They accept NAR followers as fellow Christians trapped in serious doctrinal errors. Their evaluation is very fair, and therefore very devastating to the NAR. As you read you will encounter the leaders, language, teachings, and practices of the NAR. You will realize how deeply these erroneous beliefs have penetrated many Pentecostal churches and ministries. You will recognize the names of prominent ministers and ministries that are a part of the NAR. You will realize how unbiblical and how dangerous the NAR is for genuine, biblical Pentecostal life and practice. Every Pentecostal / charismatic minister and lay leader should read these books. If you are a discerning Pastor, teacher, or leader, then you love God, His Word, and His People, and you want to know the truth. These books tell the truth, truth that some Pentecostals / charismatics will not want to hear. I urge you to order them today.
The Azusa St. Mission & Revival: The Birth of the Pentecostal Movement. Cecil Robeck. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2017. 352 pages.
Though not the first outpouring of the Spirit around the turn of the 20th century, the Azusa Street revival is universally considered the most important. The 3-year revival at Azusa was the taproot of all Pentecostal denominations and of worldwide revival and harvest. This book is by far the best, most definitive work on this Azusa. The author, a long-serving professor at Fuller Seminary and a renowned Assemblies of God scholar, is an acknowledged master of Pentecostal history. Dr. Robeck is the greatest authority on the Azusa Street revival who has ever lived. If you want to understand Azusa Street, this is the best book you could ever read.
God’s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, Wooster, OH: Weaver Book Company, 2014, 159 pages.
In this book the authors provide an introduction and overview of the NAR. All of the NAR’s major teachings and practices are examined and compared with Scripture. A glossary of NAR terminology equips the reader to recognize such terms as evidence of NAR influence. Lists of NAR teachers and organizations are provided. This book is excellent for pastoral teaching or for a small group study (under good leaders!). “If you have a loved one who has been drawn into this movement, or you want a brief and accurate introduction to it, or if you … simply want a brief introduction for yourself, this book is for you.”
The Holiness-Pentecostal Tradition: Charismatic Movements in the Twentieth Century. Eerdmans: (subsequent edition) 1997. 352 pages.
A New Apostolic Reformation?: A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, Wooster, OH: Weaver Book Company, 2014, 254 pages.
In this book the authors go into greater depth. They examine the historical-theological origins of the NAR, its growth, its attempts to gain influence in politics and among other churches. They explore all unique NAR doctrines and practices including apostles, prophets, strategic level spiritual warfare, an elite end-time miracle working army of God, spectacular spiritual experiences, dominionism, and so forth. In every instance the authors exhaustively examine what the Bible actually teaches about all of these things, compare this to NAR teaching, and demonstrate the aberrant, dangerous, often heretical nature of the NAR. Every Pentecostal / charismatic pastor should read this book.
Vinson Synan was a premier historian of the Pentecostal movement, a scholar, and an ordained minister in the International Pentecostal Holiness Church This particular book is one of the foundational examinations of the Pentecostal revival. It covers all aspects of the revival, the denominations that arose, and the impact of the later Pentecostal-charismatic movement on mainline denominations. To this day Synan’s work is the most readable and accurate summary of the overall Pentecostal revival. It enables the reader to see the background, beginning, and ongoing worldwide breadth of this movement better than any similarly focused work.
Michael D. Sharp, D.Min., Network Secretary-Treasurer, ALSOM DirectorBOOK REVIEWS: PROTECTING GOD’S PEOPLE from FALSE PROPHETS
One Divine Moment: The Account of the Asbury Revival of 1970. Robert E. Coleman. First Fruits Press: 2023. 122 pages.
Asbury University and Asbury Seminary are schools founded many decades ago in the Wesleyan and Holiness traditions. They have long been excellent institutions of higher education and of theological, biblical, and ministerial training. Numerous times in its history Asbury has experienced powerful seasons of renewal. The 1970 revival forever transformed the lives of students, professors, and thousands of laity in churches across America and around the world. This account, written in 1970 by teachers who were present, was revised in 1995. It has become a classic account of spiritual outpourings that change students, their churches, and their ministries forever. We pray the current revival at Asbury will impact the church and the world just as powerfully.
The Pentecostal – charismatic movement has been a prolific source of aberrant, heretical teachings and practices for over a century. One of the more successful aberrant movements calls itself the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Originating in the 1940’s New Order of the Latter Rain, the NAR has many heretical doctrines and practices. These include the restoration of apostles and prophets equal to the Twelve, regular supernatural guidance rophetic words, the rise of an elite end-time generation who will do greater miracles than Jesus and the and conquer the world for God, and more. Virtually all of the NAR media super-prophets falsely prophesied the election of President Trump. In 2022 their prophetic words, anointings with oil, and other political endorsements again proved to be spectacular failures, bringing yet more reproach on the Gospel This is only the latest in a long line of failures of all kinds in the apostles-and-prophets movement.
The Assemblies of God in 1949 officially rejected the Latter Rain (NAR) movement as heterodox, unbiblical, and dangerous. For years the Latter Rain movement largely disappeared from view. It resurfaced in the form of the NAR in the 1980’s. Promising end-time revival, greater spiritual power, and more spectacular supernatural experiences, the has grown into an influential movement. pervasive errors and excesses have hurt millions of people
Not by Might, Nor by Power: The Jesus Revolution (vol 1), The Great Commission (vol 2), Set Free (vol 3). Lonnie Frisbee and Roger Sachs. Freedom Publications, 2012. 215 pages, 283 pages, 305 pages, respectively.
No person in modern American church history has been rescued from a more broken fallen background, saved, anointed, had a more effective evangelistic ministry, had a more powerful long-lasting impact on the church, and been more forgotten by the overwhelming majority of the church and the world than Lonnie Frisbee. I first learned of Lonnie’s life and ministry many years ago. Even then I was amazed at what I heard and read, and equally amazed that I had not known of him sooner. To this day the radical incongruities in Lonnie’s life and ministry continue to confound even his friends who knew him best. The grace and love of God toward Lonnie and the generation of which he was a part is a story which all of us should know. This personal account by the ultimate insider to the Jesus Movement should be read by every student of revival and harvest. I encourage you to read this three-volume autobiography and pray for another such awakening.
Two recent books provide the most balanced detailed analysis of the NAR ever done. These outstanding works d by such Pentecostal scholars and leaders as Craig Keener, Amos Yong, Vinson Synan, Michael and others present depth evaluation of all NAR doctrines and practices, revealing NAR’s repeated misinterpretation of ptur correctly explaining what all of the relevant biblical passages really mean.
The authors, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, are Christian leaders active in ministry and apologetics. They believe in the continuing supernatural m e Spirit. They accept NAR followers as fellow Christians trapped in serious doctrinal errors. Their evaluation is very fair, and therefore very devastating to the NAR. As you read you will encounter the leaders, language, teachings, and practices of the NAR. You will realize how deeply these erroneous beliefs have penetrated many Pentecostal churches and ministries. You will recognize the names of prominent ministers and ministries that are a part of the NAR. You will realize how unbiblical and how dangerous the NAR is for genuine, biblical Pentecostal life and practice. Every Pentecostal / charismatic minister and lay leader should read these books. If you are a discerning Pastor, teacher, or leader, then you love God, His Word, and His People, and you want to know the truth. These books tell the truth, truth that some Pentecostals / charismatics will not want to hear. I urge you to order them today.
God’s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, Wooster, OH: Weaver Book Company, 2014, 159 pages.
Jesus Revolution Movie Edition: How God Transformed an Unlikely Generation and How He Can Do It Again Today. Greg Laurie, Ellen Vaughn. Baker Books: 2023. 272 pages.
The most far-reaching revival and harvest of the last 50 years was the Jesus Movement of 1968 through 1973. A sovereign move of God that was not preceded by any intentional prayer or planning, this massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit and harvest of unchurched pagan young adults was something unprecedented in the history of the American church. The eye-witness testimonies of people who lived through that revival are hard to believe today. The sudden onset, the growing power, the receptivity of sin-bound unbelievers, the radically transformed lives, the miracles, the inexplicably fast spread across California, the United States, and the world are almost impossible to comprehend. Greg Laurie was a hippie who was led to the Lord by the earliest Jesus People, came to faith, Spirit-baptism, and into the life of the early Calvary Chapel pastor, Chuck Smith. One of thousands impacted by both Chuck Smith and by Lonnie Frisbee, Laurie went on to become a prominent pastor and leader in the Calvary Chapel movement and the leader of Harvest Crusades To this day he sees thousands of people come to Christ every year. I encourage you read this account of a convert of that great Jesus People revival for yet another perspective on a great move of God.
In this book the authors provide an introduction and overview of the NAR. All of the NAR’s major teachings and practices are examined and compared with Scripture. A glossary of NAR terminology equips the reader to recognize such terms as evidence of NAR influence. Lists of NAR teachers and organizations are provided. This book is excellent for pastoral teaching or for a small group study (under good leaders!). “If you have a loved one who has been drawn into this movement, or you want a brief and accurate introduction to it, or if you … simply want a brief introduction for yourself, this book is for you.”
A New Apostolic Reformation?: A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, Wooster, OH: Weaver Book Company, 2014, 254 pages.
In this book the authors go into greater depth. They examine the historical-theological origins of the NAR, its growth, its attempts to gain influence in politics and among other churches. They explore all unique NAR doctrines and practices including apostles, prophets, strategic level spiritual warfare, an elite end-time miracle working army of God, spectacular spiritual experiences, dominionism, and so forth. In every instance the authors exhaustively examine what the Bible actually teaches about all of these things, compare this to NAR teaching, and demonstrate the aberrant, dangerous, often heretical nature of the NAR. Every Pentecostal / charismatic pastor should read this book.
Michael D. Sharp, D.Min., Network Secretary-Treasurer, ALSOM DirectorOur new schedule layout is below. ALSOM students may take any cou rses needed during each quarter.
Quarter 1
January – March
Courses Open for Purchase: January 1
Last Day to Purchase: March 10th
Tests Must be Submitted by March 31st
Quarter 2
April – June
Courses Open for Purchase: April 1
Last Day to Purchase: June 10th
Tests Must be Submitted by June 30th
Quarter 3
July – September
Courses Open for Purchase: July 1
Last Day to Purchase: September 10 th
Tests Must be Submitted by September 30 th
Quarter 4
October – December
Courses Open for Purchase: October 1
Last Day to Purchase: December 10th
Tests Must be Submitted by December 31 st
Each quarter, we will post our entire ALSOM catalog for purchase. The courses required for each level of credentialing are listed below.
Level One (Certified)
BIB 214 Old Testament Survey
BIB 212 New Testament Survey
BIB 121 Introduction to Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible
BIB 114 Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
THE 211 Introduction to Theology
THE 114 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine
THE 152 Assemblies of God History, Missions, and Governance
MIN 171 A Spirit-Empowered
Church: An Acts 2 Ministry Model
MIN 181 Relationships and Ethics in Ministry
MIN 191 Beginning Ministerial Internship
Level Two (Licensed)
BIB 115 Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers
BIB 117 Prison Epistles
BIB 215 Romans: Justification by Faith
THE 245 Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come
MIN 123 The Local Church in Evangelism
MIN 223 Introduction to Homiletics
MIN 251 Effective Leadership
MIN 261 Introduction to Assemblies of God Missions
MIN 281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders
MIN 291 Intermediate Ministerial Internship
Level Three (Ordained)
THE 311 Prayer and Worship
BIB 313 The Corinthian Correspondence
BIB 318 The Pentateuch
BIB 322 The Poetic Books
MIN 325 Preaching in the Contemporary World
MIN 327 Church Administration, Finance, and Law
MIN 381 Pastoral Ministry
MIN 391 Advanced Ministerial Internship
To enroll in an ALSOM course, please visit Across the top of the page, you will see several tabs. Click on “Store” to purchase a course. Once you add a course to your cart and proceed to check out, you will be prompted to login. If you are a first -time user, you will be asked to enter your email information. After you complete your purchase, an email will be sent to you to create a username and password. When you purchase the course, you will receive access to the course. To access the course, click on the tab “Courses.” This is where you will do all the work for your course. Each course has a pdf textbook. Some courses have additional content such as video lectures, PowerPoint presentations, and additional reading. Your test will come from content from all sources.
April 24-26, 2023
Montgomery First AG
Ministers and Delegates,
We are so excited for you to join us for our 108th Council. It’s going to be an exci?ng week with Dr. Ken Draughon, Dr. Joseph Dimitrov, and Rev. Doug Clay as our guest speakers. Book your hotels quickly to ensure your hotel of choice.
In addi?on to the services, we will also have:
-Missions Banquet with Rev. Ryan Moore
-Women in Ministry- Ladies Luncheon with Rev. Laura Lee
-CP&D Luncheon with Rev. Jeffrey Portman
-STL Grand Club Banquet with Rev. Jus?n Mack
Childcare will be available this year for children 0 to 4 years old for all services, banquets and business session. They must be Pre-Registered to par?cipate. There will also be an AMN Kids Conference for children 5 years old through 6th grade. This will take place every evening with Pastor Haley Davis.
To register for this event, please visit There is a link on the main page to register. If you have any ques?ons, please email Terra Russell at
It’s going to be a great family gathering!
AMN Conference Hotel Information
Holiday Inn Express- East Chase
9250 Boyd Cooper Parkway
Montgomery, AL 36117
Phone: 334.271.5516
$124 + tax
TownePlace Suites by Marriott
2845 EastChase Lane
Montgomery, Alabama 36117
Phone: 334.239.7110
$139 + tax
Homewood Suites by Hilton
7800 EastChase Parkway
Montgomery, AL 36117
Phone: 334.277.9383
$144 + tax
Hilton Garden Inn
7665 Eastchase Parkway
Montgomery, AL 36117
Phone: 334.244.0101
$174 + tax
In memory of those who have gone before us…
Reverend Luther Lamar Headley
Luther Lamar Headley was born to Luther and Alice Headley in Clanton, Alabama on October 21, 1937. Lamar entered the presence of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on February 15, 2023 at the age of 85.
Lamar was blessed with a rich and full life. He was an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. He pastored First Assembly of God in Calera Alabama, Taylor Assembly of God in Dothan Alabama and Northside Assembly of God in Bay Minette Alabama. He served for seven years as the DCAP for the Alabama District Council of the Assemblies of God and twenty nine years leading the Special Ministries Department (MAPS as it was known) at the General Council of the Assemblies of God, Springfield MO.
He stayed active in retirement preaching, playing golf, fellowshipping with friends, serving on the International Teen Challenge Board and doing interim pastorates in Yakota, Japan and Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He was inducted into the Alabama Assemblies of God Hall of Faith in 2014. Lamar leaves a legacy of faith with an influence and impact that reaches around the world and into eternity.
Lamar is survived by the love of his life Jimmie Ruth of 67 years; his sons Gregg (Joy) Headley and Bruce (Marsha) Headley; four grandchildren, Adam (Brandi) Headley, Nathan (Brooke) Headley, Bethany (Matt) Metzger and Stephen (Julie) Headley; eleven great-grandchildren, Madison Headley, Ethan Headley, Nolan Headley, Griffin Headley, Tuesday Cain, Miles Metzger, Karsyn Headley, Ellasyn Headley, Emerson Headley, James Headley and Josiah Headley.
Reverend William Lamar Jacks
Rev. William Lamar Jacks, 77 of McCalla, Alabama graduated to his heavenly home on January 3, 2023. He retired from the Railroad after 30 + years. He was a minister of music at Peoples Church and Bessemer First Assembly of God and he pastored Calvary Assembly of God in Jacksonville, Florida and Pleasant Grove Assembly of God n Pleasant Grove, Alabama. His two favorite statements were "that lying devil" and "Nevertheless". He was an above average golfer, loved cars and traveling to the mountains with friends and family. He is preceded in death by his parents, James Wendell and Romie Jewell Jacks; brother, Wendell Jacks and his mother-in-law, Liz Van Ness. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Beverly Jacks; daughter, Vanessa Winslett (Matt); grandchildren, Will Winslett (Brittany), Jesse Winslett, Daniel Winslett and great granddaughter, Ellie Winslett.
Transferred in:
Donald Saglimbene (O)
Alec Hopkins (L)
Reverend Paul David Urbahns
Reverend Paul David Urbahns, resident of Mobile, Alabama, passed from this life into eternity with Jesus on Monday, January 16, 2023 at 9:07 p.m. at the age of 88. Paul was born on September 15,1934 in St. Louis Missouri to Walter and Golda Urbahns. He was a graduate of Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri and a credentialed minister with the Assemblies of God for 65 years. He was a machinist by trade as well as a minister, serving in numerous capacities. His greatest joy in ministry was working with children in Scouts, Rangers and Sunday School. He ministered at Calvary Assembly of God in Tillmans Corner for 28 years and another 15 years at Orchard Assembly of God. Paul was an adoring and faithful husband and a wonderful father, grandpa and great grandpa. His impact on his family and community was life changing.
Paul was preceded in death by his father Walter Urbahns, his mother Golda Urbahns, his son Gary Urbahns, his daughter Sharon Diane Urbahns and his brother William Urbahns. He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Jewel (Cumbee) Urbahns; his daughter Deborah Stacey together with three children; Jennifer (Michael) Harris, John (Stephanie) Stacey and Alison Stacey; his daughter Brenda (Tim) Parker together with three children Krista McCary, Matthew (Michelle) McCary and April (Brandon) Conkling; his son Kenneth Urbahns; his sisters Claudine Meyers and Florence (Frank) Nelson; along with eleven great grand children and many special nieces and nephews.
Deceased: William Jacks
Paul Urbahns
L. Lamar Headley
Mar?n Shelton
Pastoral Changes: Butler First – Jus?n Overstreet
New/Upgraded CredenKals: Elisha Miller (C)
Jus?n Overstreet (C)
Aus?n Murphey (C)
Aubrey Lee Kilpatrick (L)