The Alabama Messenger

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KENNETH W. DRAUGHON NETWORK SUPERINTENDENT Our 2021 Alabama Ministry Network Annual Conference (District Council) recently concluded with a wonderful gathering at the Rock Family Worship Center in Huntsville. Pastors Rusty and Leisa Nelson and their team were fantas c hosts for our Alabama AG family gathering. We heard from unique and anointed speakers: Pastor Sam Johnson (Priority One), Pastor Rusty Nelson (Rock Family Worship Center), and Dr. Greg Mundis (AG Execu ve Director of World Missions). The Rock FWC worship team blessed us, leading us into worship and praise in each service. On Tuesday morning in the World Missions service, we sent out several missionary families fully funded. During our annual business session on Tuesday a ernoon, Pastor Steve Mason (Network Youth Director), Pastor David Strahan (Network Missions and Men’s Director), Pastor Tim Jones (Assist. Chris an Educa on Director), and Sister Barbara Tyus (Assist. Network Women’s Ministries Director) were all returned to their o ces by our fellowship. Pastor Greg Kelley (Montgomery 1st AG) was elected to serve in the o ce of General Presbyter for our Network. He replaces his brother, Pastor Murray Kelley who re red from this o ce a er serving for eight years. We completed the conference on Wednesday evening, ordaining thirteen men and women in the Assemblies of God ministry. We congratulate those who have studied diligently and arrived at this top level of creden aling in our fellowship. Our conference theme for this year was “Connected.” The Lord spoke to my heart that our men and women of this Alabama AG fellowship need to reconnect. Here’s the outline form my Monday night message: Connected! In Romans 12:5, “...Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to each other.” 1. First, YOU need to RECONNECT to your FIRST LOVE. 2. Next, YOU need to RECONNECT to God’s Promise—the HOLY SPIRIT. 3. Third, YOU need to RECONNECT to your CALLING. 4. Last, YOU need to RECONNECT to the ONE ANOTHER. God is calling us back to HIM, his Spirit, our calling, and one another. Connec on is going to be a major focus of the Alabama Ministry Network going forward. We MUST be a RELATIONAL NETWORK! Looking forward to seeing you as we serve the kingdom of God in this Alabama AG family.















He Gave Pastors “For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. 28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the ock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. 29 I know that a er I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the ock. 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples a er them. 31 So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.” – The Apostle Paul, Acts 20:27-31 Pastor. In many segments of today’s Church, it has become a plas c word that you can shape as you will. Between our self-centered consumerist culture and our belief that we can rede ne all things as we please, we simply evacuate a word of its true meaning and ll it with a meaning more conducive to our desires. We rede ne it, reorient it, replace it in a text or context, and declare that it means whatever we say it means. The American church has done this with the word “pastor.” This word has been rede ned too many ways to count … “My pastor is the guy on my favorite podcast, but I’ve never met him. … Our pastor is the lady we hired to visit the sick so that we don’t have to … Our pastor makes his appearance, his delivery, and his people skills his top priori es. He’s great at snappy clichés and short sermons. … She uses a nugget of Scripture and tells lots of funny stories. … He’s a great pastor: Never o ends anyone. We always leave feeling be er about ourselves!” Friends, it’s bad enough to rede ne words and concepts in general. To do this with the truths of Scripture is a sin! For, when we do this we are rejec ng what God has said, subs tu ng our own words and de ni ons, and telling people, “This is what God meant.” We are pu ng our meanings in God’s mouth and claiming He meant them. We make God a liar. We become servants of the enemy and enemies of God’s Truth. God gave pastors as the key leadership ministry gi s in the local church. In Ephesians 4:11 Paul calls them “pastors-and-teachers” which is best translated as Teaching Shepherds. Elsewhere they’re called pastors, elders, overseers, leaders, and teachers. Their focus was to be on prayer, study, preaching and teaching God’s Word, making disciples, and raising up leaders. With servants’ hearts they were to exercise the authority of undershepherds over God’s ock, warning, correc ng, encouraging the ock. They were to be mature, watching their own lives and doctrine closely and guarding the ock, driving out savage wolves, false teachers, and false prophets. The words related to authority and rule are only used of the Twelve Apostles and the pastors/elders, and never with prophets, evangelists, deacons, or any other ministry. Pastors were to personally know their ock and be personally known by them. God exalted the ministry of these Teaching Shepherds and taught us to highly esteem them, imitate their faith, and to follow them as they follow Christ. This is what God calls a pastor. This is what God says a pastor – any kind of pastor anywhere on the pastoral team – will be and do.

























Pastors, make much of your ministry. Such biblical, healthy pastoral ministry is the key to healthy local churches, and such churches are the indispensable base for every other ministry in the Kingdom of God. It was God who de ned and gave real pastors. Let us never create, or receive, a counterfeit. Let us never reject God’s words because they’re no longer culturally cool. Don’t cooperate with the enemy’s plan to twist, deceive, and destroy. Believe what God’s Word says about you and about the ministry God has given you. Be and do what God calls “Pastor.” 2








Guest Speaker

Rick Allen National Men’s Ministries and LFTL Director

Thank you for supporting our church planters. If you have not turned in your 2021 faith promise from our recent tour, you can do so by calling our office at 334-279-7172 ext 5. To see our recent videos, follow the link to Alabama Church Planting videos on Vimeo:

2021 Light for the Lost Banquet Tour Guest Speaker: Rick Allen, National Men’s & LFTL Director










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11/09 7:00 PM



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11/11 7:00 PM



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11/12 7:00 PM



7:00 PM


11/15 7:00 PM



7:00 PM


11/16 7:00 PM

Phenix City


6:30 PM CST


11/18 7:00 PM



7:00 PM

Tennessee Valley

11/19 7:00 PM



7:00 PM

Alabama Ministry Network Conference! Over $350,000 of support was committed to our Alabama missionaries! The W(s), McDonald, Temples, Hendon, Russell, Harris, Freeman, and Garrett families budget was raised! We commissioned the Hendersons! Nearly $15,000 was given to the World Missions Legacy Fund! Another $50,000 was committed to build the Ernest Pettry Library in Dodoma, Tanzania! THANK YOU AMN!





THANK YOU I would like to say a great big

to everyone who brought gift cards to our missionaries during the Life Rally tour and the Alabama Ministry Network Conference. Our missionaries are blessed because of your faithfulness. We also have a correction to the top giving churches for the year of 2020. I would like to honor our top giving churches. So many give sacri cially to bless our missionary families. The Alabama Women’s Department is so grateful for the impact these churches and many others are making. FIRST PLACE: HOPE CHURCH AG, MUSCLE SHOALS// PASTOR: REV. SUNIL JESSY $12,391.60 SECOND PLACE: OZARK FIRST AG// PASTOR: REV. BRIAN PRESLEY $10,000.00 THIRD PLACE: HARPER’S JOY AG, DOTHAN// PASTOR: REV. EDDIE LITTLEFIELD $7,000.00

Download your Engage registration form from our website: Cost Per Person: $120 (Cabin) $130 (Lodge) Student Registration: $80 Please email for more info.







(334) 279-7172 Ext. 4



April 30-May 1: Southeast Regionals June 10-12: Nationals




Fountain of Life Church.................... $18,161.33 Praise Family Church........................ $11,300.00 Georgetown A/G................................. $5,328.00 First A/G, Montgomery..................... $5,138.68 Orchard A/G.......................................... $5,080.79 First A/G, Elba........................................ $3,741.12 First A/G, Phenix City..........................$3,625.00 New Beginnings A/G......................... $3,000.00 River of Life Worship Center.......... $2,151.00 First A/G, Jackson............................... $2,123.57

We had a wonderful PowWow 2021 with over 300 men & boys in attendance! A huge thank you to Pastor Mark Sasser & Pastor Matt Sasser for their ministry to Alabama Royal Rangers.


First A/G, Bay Minette............................. $300.00 Rock Springs A/G...................................... $200.00 Hobson A/G................................................. $177.00 Holloway Tabernacle A/G....................$164.98 Empire A/G................................................... $150.00 Harper's Joy A/G....................................... $150.00 Kingwood A/G............................................ $150.00 First A/G, Montgomery........................... $150.00 The Crossing................................................ $150.00 Faith A/G........................................................ $133.29 10

BOOK REVIEW THE PASSION TRANSLATION - A DANGEROUSLY FLAWED VERSION The serious problems with The Passion Translation (TPT) by Brian Simmons are both extraordinary and extraordinarily numerous. Most pastors, writers, and scholars who have reviewed TPT have never encountered another supposedly orthodox “translation” with as many serious problems in translation philosophy, translation practice, and resulting translation. I am among that number. These problems are far too vast to cover here. A very brief listing would include the following ….











Ø The fact that TPT is the work of a single author who is not an expert in biblical languages rather than a broad-based group of scholars from various evangelical backgrounds. In such a broad-based group of translators with expertise in biblical languages the translators carefully review each other’s work, have many in-depth discussions, make agreed upon revisions, and prevent private or sectarian bias from distorting the work as much as possible. The opposite is the case with TPT. The sole “translator’s” lack of qualifications. This author admits that he has very little background in biblical languages! Simmons’ “doctorate” is in “prayer”, from an unaccredited school. (Eugene Peterson, translator of The Message paraphrase, had graduate degrees and long experience in the biblical languages.) The author does not share the names of the scholars who have reviewed, edited, and corrected all of his translation work. Normally such scholars and their qualifications are listed to ensure that qualified people have been involved in reviewing every verse. Instead, four “theological” reviewers are mentioned. Of the scores of recognized OT and NT scholars and translators who could have endorsed TPT, none have done so. Many have given powerful critiques of TPT. Many of these scholars have worked on numerous other widely accepted translations such as the NIV, ESV, NLT, etc. They have written outstanding commentaries, they regularly publish scholarly articles in biblical studies, and they teach in excellent seminaries and universities. And yet, instead of endorsing TPT they have written reviews noting the bad translation practices, the many badly translated passages in TPT, and warned against using TPT. Simmons originally claimed to have relied primarily on Aramaic “originals” of the New Testament books rather than Greek. Almost to a person, scholars throughout Church history have believed that the NT books were all originally written in Greek. The Greek is clearly primary, all the earliest manuscripts are Greek, and TPT ignores the long documented problems with Peshitta Primacy as recognized by all reputable NT scholars. Simmons has been caught rewording previous English translations, particularly of the Peshitta, instead of translating from the Syriac Peshitta itself. Those passages have been revised in subsequent editions of TPT when reviewers have discovered and pointed out such translation short-cuts. On many occasions Simmons has claimed to have received a personal appearance from Jesus during which Christ personally commissioned him to write TPT. On many occasions the author has claimed that he receives “downloads” directly from the Holy Spirit that enables him to correctly translate the Scripture. This includes receiving “secrets” of biblical Hebrew that others do not have. These claims are entirely unverifiable and show no evidence of being true. Simmons has also repeatedly claimed that in a personal visitation Jesus Christ told him there is another chapter of the Gospel of John, “Chapter 22”, and that someday he will be permitted to translate and reveal this new chapter of God’s word. This radically violates a universally held understanding in Christianity. TPT adds so many words to the biblical text that have absolutely no basis for being there. They often bear no relationship whatsoever to the original meaning of God’s word. In Psalms alone, over 50% has been added to the words of the Psalms. As the work of one unqualified individual without proper review, it is a private interpretation, something forbidden by Scripture itself. In The Message one can at least find clear justification for the paraphrastic rendering. In many verses, and in many notes, TPT uses the words and jargon of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR, the Apostles-and-Prophets movement). This use of these words is intentional and explicit, clearly designed to “read into” the holy text of Scripture the doctrines and practices of this aberrant movement. It is an attempt to legitimize the false teaching and false practice of the NAR.

Ø The author has repeatedly called TPT a dynamic equivalence translation. Anyone knowledgeable in translation practice immediately recognizes this claim as false. The NIV and the NLT are examples of dynamic equivalence translations. TPT does not even qualify as a translation proper. At best, TPT is a radically free paraphrase, but most scholars would call TPT a private, sectarian interpretation. Ø The notes at the bottom of each page of the biblical text are filled with speculative or erroneous readings, options, and explanations. Many notes are completely without foundation or are clearly in error. Ø Simmons and the TPT promotional material encourage use of TPT as a reliable translation for serious Bible study. No person who reveres God’s word and who takes seriously any meaningful doctrine of inspiration would ever believe this. Not even Eugene Peterson ever encouraged using The Message as one’s primary text for studying, teaching, or preaching God’s word. Ø Simmons has repeatedly been forced to “clean up” the promotional material for TPT when his claims regarding qualifications, translation experience, and education have been shown to be false or misleading. This does not yet include the information that his “advanced degrees” are from non-accredited schools. Ø Those “leaders” who have endorsed TPT are prominent radical charismatics unqualified to evaluate a Bible translation. Almost all are an integral part of the Apostles-and-Prophets movement. Friends, there are far too many excellent critical reviews and discussions of TPT to even mention. The best that I can do is to provide a few links. I urge you to engage these articles and these podcasts. Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø o NOTE: The series by Mike Winger utilizes well-known biblical scholars to critique TPT’s treatment of the particular biblical books in which they have deep expertise (Longman on Song of Songs, etc.). This is extremely valuable as a critique and is devastating to TPT. Ø Ø In P/c circles, particularly hyper-charismatic groups, there has long been an emphasis on perceiving reality and evaluating truth via the lens of mystical emotional experience. This multi-faceted lens functions as a suprarational kaleidoscope manipulated as necessary to produce “new insights” and “revelations”. This way of knowing truth long ago reached every aspect of Pentecostal / charismatic life save one: Bible translation. With the publication of TPT, the word of God itself has now been subjected to a radically charismatic revision. Thankfully, this rewriting of Scripture has met with powerful criticism. To date, ALL defenses of TPT have been made by charismatics who are not trained in biblical languages and translation principles. NO defense has been offered that answers the multitude of legitimate criticisms against TPT. NO reputable scholars have come forward to defend TPT. The NAR and radical charismatic movement now have what the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons have long had: Their very own misinterpretation of the Bible. And, in many passages, a completely new Bible of their very own. TPT is being promoted to the Pentecostal / charismatic movement as a whole. It is almost certainly in many of your churches. Along with a host of reputable pastors, leaders, and biblical scholars, I urge you to reject this inaccurate misleading interpretation of Scripture, never use it at all, and warn your flock and friends to do the same. Michael D. Sharp, D.Min. Network Secretary-Treasurer / ALSOM Director 12


“Your ‘credits’ will not transfer. You used an unaccredited ‘school.’ They will not satisfy our Fellowship’s educational requirements for ministerial credentials. You should not have tried to take the easiest, quickest, cheapest route.” Sadly, many people trying to enter the ministry are hearing these very words today. Because of the potential student loan debt load, some people prefer a non-accredited educational preparation for ministry. When that is the case, the two institute level options our Network recommends are Berean School of the Bible or the Alabama School of Ministry (ALSOM). Content in these two options is produced by our national and network office, covers all of the courses required for ministerial credentials, and provides a very lowcost alternative for ministry preparation. We are always working to improve the educational experience for ALSOM students. If you choose a low cost alternative, the Network Presbytery strongly recommends ALSOM or Berean. However, if you do desire a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in preparation for ministry, it is extremely important that you obtain your education from a properly accredited institution. There are many Internet sites and some church-based schools that call themselves colleges, seminaries, and universities, claim to have some kind of accreditation, claim to offer all levels of authentic degrees, but in reality all of their claims are false. The problem of bogus degree mills and accreditation mills continues to plague Christian higher education. If you sense a call into ministry and you desire a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree, our Fellowship strongly recommends that your first choice for education be one of our regionally accredited Assemblies of God universities. Fully accredited degrees are available from Global and other AG universities through inexpensive distance education. We recommend that parents and students pursuing education in any field, especially the ministry, carefully research the accreditation status of prospective schools. Never simply trust what a website, church, or minister tells you! The website may be lying, and even well-meaning churches or ministers may be misinformed. An unaccredited or improperly accredited institution has NO real accountability for their educational product. Their degrees are not recognized, and their credits will almost never transfer to legitimately accredited institutions. When you see any website try to explain away their lack of accreditation, or claim they are avoiding government interference, or cite an unrecognized accrediting agency, but still claim to prepare you for a lifetime of ministry, you should NOT use that resource. They are lying. It is a con. Legitimate institutions will clearly describe their nature and status and will not claim to be something they are not. Accrediting agencies located outside the U.S. should not be trusted. Many degree mills create fraudulent accreditation mills that will then turn around and “accredit” the fraudulent “educational” site! Because the website looks slick and legit, because they use spiritual and educational language, because they offer the quickest, cheapest way to get a “degree,” many innocent people are deceived. Even local church-based schools of ministry sometimes do not use acceptable sources for their educational component. Parents should be very wary of locally produced material and all non-AG distance “education” offerings. You should thoroughly investigate the accreditation status of any “degree-granting” “school” you consider. You may access AG Higher Education at Names of the legitimate accrediting agencies and other important information are available at the Council for Higher Education Accreditation,, and at and Finally, I will be glad to speak with you at any time to answer questions about education, accreditation, or preparing for ministry. If after checking the accreditation of a school you are still in any way uncertain or confused, please call the Network Office and ask for Dr. Sharp. This is a life-changing decision. We are here to help you choose wisely. – Michael D Sharp, D.Min., Network Secretary-Treasurer, ALSOM Director


In memory of those who have gone before us… Rev. Scottie Fulcher

A celebration of life service was held for Rev. Scottie W. Fulcher, 58, of Butler, Wednesday, March 17, 2021, at Butler First Assembly of God. Pastor Fulcher passed away on March 12, 2021 in Meridian, Mississippi. He was born on October 18, 1962 in Meridian, Mississippi to Mr. and Mrs. William “Henry” Fulcher. He graduated from Southeast High School and attended Bible school at Southeastern Bible College. Pastor married the love of his life, Phyllis McFarland Fulcher in 1984. God would eventually bless them with three wonderful children, each of their spouses, and a growing number of grandchildren. His work with Nabisco Brands carried him and his family to North Little Rock, Arkansas, where he began serving as a children’s pastor at Maumelle Assembly of God. He then served as a deacon and youth pastor at Radiant Life Assembly of God in Sherwood, Arkansas. In 1994, he surrendered fully to a life of ministry and took his first position as the full-time pastor at London First Assembly of God in London, Arkansas. After ministering in London, Pastor followed the leading of the Lord to Poplar Springs Assembly of God in Drummonds, TN in 1997. The following year, the Holy Spirit led him and his family to Butler First Assembly of God, where he faithfully served as lead pastor until the present. In addition to serving his local church, he served as Presbyter of the Demopolis section of the Alabama Assemblies of God for nearly twelve years. Though Pastor preached many sermons throughout his years of ministry, he lived in such a way as to make sure his life was the greatest sermon he ever preached. He was a servant to his family, his friends, his church, and his community. He poured into the lives of countless community members, young ministers, and missionaries. His greatest desire was to see the Gospel of Jesus go forth to the “uttermost parts of the world.” To him, this meant both the far reaches of the globe and every corner of Choctaw County, the “mission field” he loved most. He was so wellloved because he loved others so well. He ran his race. He kept the faith, and by now we are certain he has heard these very words: “Well done, Pastor. Well done.” Those left to cherish his memory are his wife, Phyllis M. Fulcher of Butler; mother, Betty "Faye" Fulcher of Meridian; daughter, Rebecca Ann Skinner (David "Spud") of Lisman; son, Tyler Scot Fulcher (Julie) of Waco, TX; daughter, Shelby Faye Meredith (Zak) of Sucúa, Ecuador; grandchildren, Henry Todd Skinner, Emma Fulcher, Blair Fulcher, and soon to arrive baby Kate Fulcher; brother, Randy Ray Fulcher (Tina) of Quitman; and a host of nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by his father, William "Henry" Fulcher.

Rev. Johnny E. Jones

Reverend Johnny Ernest Jones, 80, a loving husband, father, and pastor and longtime resident of Montgomery, Alabama stepped into his eternal reward Tuesday night March 2, 2021. He was preceded in death by his parents Clifton Jones and Elma Garrett Jones, his brothers Carl and Billy Jones, and his sisters Betty Jones Cox and Mary Ann Jones Byars. He is survived by his loving wife of 59 years, Kay Gould Jones, his daughter Ginger (Greg) Kelley, his son Shane (Keysa) Jones, his brother Ed (Barbara) Jones, six grandkids: Hillary (Tyler) Oswald, Hannah (Andrew) Banach, Hudson (Sarah) Kelley, Zachary, Ethan, and Karys Jones, and two greatgrandchildren Kingston and Andie Banach. Reverend Jones graduated Southeastern University of the Assemblies of God in Lakeland, Florida in 1970 and served as an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God for more than 50 years giving his life to the cause of Christ. He served as Senior pastor of First Assembly of God in Bessemer, Alabama for almost 10 years before becoming the Senior Pastor of First Assembly of God in Montgomery where he served faithfully for almost 25 years. During his years of service in the ministry he also served the Alabama District Council of the Assemblies of God as a General Presbyter for 31 years as well as serving on the board for the Adullam House Ministry for 25 years. Countless souls were brought to new life in Christ, many pastors and leaders were mentored, and hundreds of lives were enriched through his ministry.


Registration page: Course Page:

Follow this course listing if you began taking ALSOM courses prior to August 2020. Class Month May

Level 1 Courses (Certified) BIB 117 Prison Epistles

Level 2 Courses (Licensed) MIN 223 Introduction to Homiletics

Level 3 Courses (Ordained) MIN 325 Preaching in the Contemporary World

Follow this course listing if you began taking ALSOM courses August 2020 or after. Class Month May

Level 1 Courses (Certified) BIB 214 Old Testament Survey

Level 2 Courses (Licensed) MIN 223 Introduction to Homiletics

Level 3 Courses (Ordained) MIN 325 Preaching in the Contemporary World

If you have any questions about which schedule you should follow, please contact Jennifer Harris at

June and July – Course Make-ups The months of June and July are designated as make-up months. There will not be a regularly scheduled class for this month. All courses will be open for registration during these two months. Students may take one or more courses to catch up or get ahead.

MINISTERIAL CHANGES: Transferred in: Susie D. Sims (O) Jerry L Miller (O) Ruth Lambert-Smith (O) Ruth A DeWiR (O) Danny Duvall (O) Anthony Legear (O) Tyler Ryals (L) Natalie Miller (L)

New/Upgraded Creden?als: Sylvia James (C) Janae Leal (C) James GuAerrez (C) Jessica Geiger (L) Andrew Johnson (L) Charity Perry (L) Mark Andrews (C)


Deceased: Johnny E Jones ScoPe W Fulcher

Pastoral Changes: Calvary Temple Anniston – Aaron Argo Evangel Mount Olive – David Wooten Ordina?on Class of 2021: Chester Atwell Katherine Atwell AusAn Henderson Tsehaynesh Henderson Caleb Hendon Anita Holliday D. H. Adam Lawley Timothy McDonald Keith Price Michael Seaton Hunter Taubel Jason Williams

2021 AMN Scholarship Recipients: Griffin Benson Olivia Henderson Hayden Hopper Abigail Jernigan Anna Grace Jones Elisha Joy Jones Zakary Mills Steven Ethan PePs Jordan Phillips Anna Reid AusAn ShuffiR Madison Simmons Nathan Strahan Sienna Sowers Jason Parnell David Varela Tyler West Emma Williamson Annika Wollner David Wollner


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