I always loved this season when pastoring because families would find their way back to church a<er a Summer of frolicking. Our Sunday morning a?endance would swell by as much 20%. Times have changed and it takes about 7-8 Sundays for your folks to cycle through the church. Regular church a?endance has dropped from 70% of our populaHon in 1960 to just 20%. And now, 28% of those who were regular church a?enders (pre-COVID), have not a?ended in person or watched an online worship service even one
Let’s be a RELATIONAL Network
Our plan is to begin “A2M” before the end of the year. Let’s partner together to become the church He intends us to become. I look forward to seeing you at many of the the events spotlighted in this ediHon of The Alabama Messenger. Let’s be a RELATIONAL Network.
Hme since the outbreak.[1] Thom Rainer says the “Once-a-Month Churchgoer is the Fastest Growing Segment of Church Life.”[2]
five years ago versus 50% today—a 13%
[2] h?ps://churchanswers.com/blog/the-once-a-month-churchgoers-are-becoming-more-common.
We are facing a crisis in America and we cannot afford to develop the “ostrich syndrome,” by burying our heads in the sand pretending nothing is wrong. We are ministering under the shadow of a civilizaHon suffering from the wounds inflicted by the shrapnel of a world pandemic. Many in leadership have spoken of a “new normal.” We are experiencing a world that has changed, and the pandemic seems to have accelerated the diminishing church a?endance trend that was already happening. The shock is that our naHon was deparHng the church. This trend has caused the church to lose its influence upon America. The Assemblies of God recently conducted new church a?endance research revealing that our naHonal fellowship has experienced a drop in a?endance and church growth. NaHonally we are seeing 18.6% of our churches growing which was 31.6% five years ago—a 13% drop. Alabama saw 14% of our churches growing in the recent report verses 26% five years ago—a 12% drop. 22.8% of naHonal AG churches were plateaued while five years ago it was only 25.3% (some plateaued moved to decline status). In Alabama we experienced 36% plateaued churches verses 37% five years ago. 58.6% of AG churches in America are declining verses 43.1% only five years ago—nearly 15% growth in declining churches. Alabama recorded 37% of our churches declining growth in declining churches. As you can see from these staHsHcs we are on a downward trend in America and our state. It is one thing to share these troubling stats and it’s another to launch a plan to a?empt to reverse them. This isn’t an Assemblies of God issue alone; other denominaHons and fellowships are facing the same dilemma. We can hide or we can choose to shine during our naHons dark season. I believe Alabama is ready to run at the enemy and reverse the trend seeing local churches become all that God intends here to become. We will begin a new iniHaHve soon that will equip our pastors and laity for ministry. It is “Acts 2 Mentoring” which is different from Acts 2 Journey. It is an equipping ministry that focuses on the local pastor creaHng a leadership pipeline in his/her church to develop leaders for lay ministry in the local church. This is New Testament!
[1] “Ignite America CerHfied StaHsHcs.” Ignite America, March 9, 2022. h?ps://igniteamerica.com/ignitecerHfiedstats/?mwm_id=585714492699.
MICHAEL D. SHARP, D.MIN. msharp@adcag.org
We repeatedly see poorly educated, poorly formed ministers misunderstand and poorly preach and teach the Bible. On topics from morality, to poliHcs, to personal prophecy, to science, to wild end-Hmes speculaHons we hear all kinds of erroneous interpretaHon and bad teaching. People with an inadequate foundaHon to begin with, and who never kept growing in their formaHon and educaHon – grace and knowledge – in Jesus Christ. Instead of conHnually learning from godly, faithful, properly formed scholar-teachers, they read only those teachers who are themselves poorly taught, teachers who believe just like them.
Hmes and places. If you believe that or teach that, you directly contradict what the Bible says about itself! In 2 Peter 3:14-18 above, the apostle Peter states explicitly that some of Paul’s le?ers are hard to understand. He says this about le?ers, the easiest literature in the Bible to understand. He says this about le?ers wri?en in his readers’ own language, culture, and context. Why are they hard to understand? Why are some “teachers” twisHng or distorHng them? Because they are ignorant and unstable. Here “ignorant” means unlearned or poorly taught. These self-styled teachers had never been properly taught by others who were themselves properly taught. They had not been taught how to read and understand Paul’s le?ers, therefore they misinterpreted them. This lack of reading skills meant they were being neither well formed, nor well informed, by God’s Word. Peter says they were misreading and distorHng other Scriptures also. Therefore, their minds, their characters, their consciences were being twisted, distorted. They were “unstable,” meaning unse?led, not steadfast. Without a deep foundaHon of solid learning, they were unable to disHnguish between sound teaching and heresy, between truth and lies. Believing lies, they became increasingly lawless, resistant to authority, to sound teaching, to righteousness. They were headed for destrucHon.
Peter warned his readers to be “on guard” against unlearned, unstable teachers lest they be carried away by errors and be destroyed. He commands his readers to be alert, watchful, protecHve, tesHng the validity of all preachers and their messages. Be constantly “on guard” by always growing in the “grace and knowledge” of Christ. Peter’s readers could disHnguish truth from error, true teachers from false teachers, by being properly taught by Peter, Paul, and their students. The Apostles taught what Jesus taught, faithfully interpreHng the Old Testament as Jesus had trained them to. Peter’s readers would discern false teaching and avoid destrucHon by conHnually deepening their understanding of the Apostles’ teaching of God’s Word and Christ’s gospel.
We’ve seen it before on this issue and others. We will see it as long as God’s leaders and people permit poor formaHon and educaHon, with no conHnuing formaHon and educaHon in Word and Spirit. God commands it, it is available, affordable, but we are too proud or too lazy to receive it. Friends, more seminars on markeHng, leadership, and Pastor Wonderful’s simplisHc book-de-jour will not teach us how to correctly handle the Word of Truth, how to grow in God’s Word and Christ’s gospel. We MUST be asking God’s well-trained scholar-teachers to help us be?er handle the Word of Truth, so that we may grow in grace and knowledge, and be more effecHvely on guard against the enemy. It is a fundamental requirement for ministry. Yes, it is challenging and it stretches us, but God repeatedly commands it. Are you obeying and growing, or are you rebelling?
“Bear in mind that our Lord’s paHence means salvaHon, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his le?ers, speaking in them of these ma?ers. His le?ers contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destrucHon. Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure posiHon. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” Neither the Bible nor the ChrisHan church has ever taught that all Scripture is equally simple, clear, or easy to understand by all people in all
Download your Engage registration form from our Studentwww.amnag.org/eventswebsite:CostPerPerson:$120(Cabin)$130(Lodge)Registration:$80 Please email trussell@amnag.org for more info. DIRECTOR: CYNDI DRAUGHON FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS I want to say THANK YOU for being faithful to serve in our churches. You are loving, encouraging and raising up the next generation. Your faithfulness week in and out is seen and appreciated. Don’t grow weary in well doing. I believe God is empowering so many of you FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS to take a message of hope to your community. It’s so good to know that you stand ready and willing to link arms with those around you until they see victory in every area of their life.
Steven A. Mason Alabama Youth Ministries www.alabamayouthministries.comEmail:dydsec@adcag.org 2022 Top Speed The Light January - July Vincent Revival Center $19,957.71 Phenix First Assembly $18,151.99 CenterPointe, Mobile $15,956.93 Montgomery First Assembly $14,507.28 Sunshine Assembly, Clanton $7,540.00 Appleton Assembly, Brewton $5,743.91 Fountain of Life, Saraland $5,647.55 Crossroads Assembly, Albertville $5,158.10 Christian Life Church, Orange Beach $5,133.69 Lifechurch, Birmingham $4,488.98 2022 Top Youth Group Offerings January July Pinedale Assembly, Clanton $600 Montgomery First Assembly $350 Evangel Church, Montgomery $175 Tuscaloosa First Assembly $120 New Beginnings, Warrior $105 Robertsdale First Assembly $105 Dothan First Assembly $95 Goodman Assembly, New Brockton $90 El Bethel, New Brockton $70 Lake City, Guntersville $70 Upcoming Events September 11 // Prayer Zone Parnter Sunday September 28 // See You At The Pole October 15 // Called Conference October 16 // STL Sunday October 28 29 // Girls’ Conference November 3 5 // Youth Leaders Summit
Alabama School of Ministry Course Listing 2022/2023 Level 1 (Certified)Courses Level 2 Courses (Licensed) Please Follow Your Track Level 3 (Ordained)Courses Class Date Original Track Began ALSOM prior to August 2020 New Track Began ALSOM August 2020 or after Spring 2023 January THE 142 A/G History, Missions, and Governance THE 211 Intro to Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective MIN 123 The Local Church in Evangelism THE 311 Prayer and Worship February BIB 114 Christ in the Synoptic Gospels BIB 212 NewSurveyTestament BIB 115 Acts: The Work of the Holy Spirit BIB 318 The Pentateuch March THE 114 Introduction to DoctrinePentecostal BIB 214 Old SurveyTestament BIB 117 Prison Epistles BIB 313 The CorrespondenceCorinthian April BIB 212 NewSurveyTestament BIB JustificationRomans:215by Faith BIB JustificationRomans:215by Faith BIB 322 The Poetic Books May BIB 214 Old SurveyTestament MIN 223 Introduction to Homiletics MIN 223 Introduction to Homiletics MIN Preaching325in ContemporarytheWorld June/July All Courses Open for Make up All Courses Open for Make up All Courses Open for Make up All Courses Open for Make up Fall 2022 August BIB Introduction121 Hermeneuticsto THE Eschatology245 MIN FinanceAdministration,Church327andLaw September THE 211 Intro to Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective MIN 251 Effective Leadership MIN 381 Pastoral Ministry October MIN 181 Relationships and Ethics in Ministry MIN 281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders November MIN 171 A Spirit Empowered Church: An Acts 2 Ministry Model MIN Introduction261 to AG Missions December All Courses Open for Make up All Courses Open for Make up All Courses Open for Make up Open EachEnrollmentforMonth MIN 191 BeginningInternshipMinisterial MIN 291 Intermediate Ministerial Internship MIN InternshipAdvanced391 To purchase a course, visit: https://alsom.edvance360.com/ You may contact the office of the ALSOM Director and Network Secretary Treasurer, Dr. Michael D. Sharp for more information at 334 279 7172 #2, or jharris@amnag.org
To enroll in an ALSOM course, please visit https://alsom.edvance360.com/. Across the top of the page, you will see several tabs. Click on “Store” to purchase a course. Once you add a course to your cart and proceed to check out, you will be prompted to login. If you are a first time user, you will be asked to enter your email information. After you complete your purchase, an email will be sent to you to create a username and pas sword.
You can purchase the course for a month beginning on the 11th of the previous month. For example, you can purchase the May course beginning on April 11th. Each course costs $50. When you purchase the course, you will receive a digital download of the te xtbook. The actual course will not open until the first day of the course month. For example, while you can purchase the May course on April 11th, and receive the textbook at that time, the course will not actually open until May 1. You must complete all coursework including the test by the last day of the month. Courses should be purchased by the 10th of the month they are offered. We do allow a late purchase at an additional fee until the 17th of the month. After that point, no enrollment for the cu rrent month course is allowed. The months of December, June, and July are designated for make up. During those three months, our entire catalog is open for purchase.
When you purchase the course, you will receive a pdf download of the textbook. You can begin reading this textbook while you w ait for the course to open on the first of the month. To access the course, click on the tab “Courses.” This is where you will do all the work for your course. Each course has a pdf textbook. Some have additional content in the course like video lectures, PowerPoint presentations, and additional reading. Your test will come from content from all sources. The test will be locked until the 10 th of the month. This is because we don’t want students to rush through the course and take the test without ta king time to digest the content.
ALSOM Information
is a Pentecostal and a graduate of AGTS who earned a PhD at Duke University is a premier New Testament scholar. He has written over 200 articles and 25 books, including highly regarded commentaries on Matthew, John, Acts, and Galatians. Miracles grew from a footnote in Acts to what scholars are calling the best, most comprehensive book on miracles ever written. Miracles covers the entire spectrum of issues associated with claims of supernatural miracles, from those in Scripture to the present day. Keener deals with all of the philosophical objections to the possibility of miracles, as well as with the problems of false claims, psychosomatic illnesses, alternative explanations, and miracles in other religions. His research and documentation meet the highest scholarly standards, but his writing is warm and easy to Theread.author states his two part thesis early on. That thesis is that eyewitnesses do offer miracle claims beginning in the gospels and continuing to the present day, and although supernatural claims are not suitable explanations in every case, they should be fully considered as possible explanations. Keener begins by examining the ancient evidence for miracles, first with Jesus and his early followers, then among Jewish and pagan sources. He compares these, demonstrating some similarities but many differences, and revealing that the ancients were often skeptical, not gullible, about miraculous claims. Keener next deals with the anti supernatural arguments and bias so pervasive in the West since David Hume and the advent of rationalism. The author provides an extensive explanation of anti supernaturalism’s development and its effect on Western culture, including religion. He carefully explores the many weaknesses of the Humean arguments, and shows them to be based on inadequate data, personal experience, and materialistically biased presuppositions. Hume’s racism and rationalism’s ethnocentric worldview are examined and are proven completely inadequate for engaging today’s multicultural global context.
Ben Witherington III, Asbury Seminary
Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, 2 vols. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2011, 1,172Craigpages.Keener
The author deals with theological problems related to miracles, such as the “prosperity” or “hyper faith” false teachings. He clearly affirms God’s sovereign right to grant or withhold miracles, regardless of the “faith” or “confession” of the one praying or in need. Numerous examples of unbelieving or non Christian people receiving miracles are also included. Keener consistently writes from a solid biblical, historical, and theological base. After 768 pages of amazing research, substantiated throughout with copious documentation, Keener concludes with over 400 pages of appendices, bibliography, and indices. Subjects treated there include spirit possession and exorcism in antiquity and today, and miraculous dreams and visions.
Michael D. Sharp, D.Min. Network Secretary Treasurer ALSOM Director
Miracles is regarded by historians and missiologists as the best book on miraculous phenomena ever written. It’s scholarly acumen, documentation, and orthodoxy guarantees its powerful impact on Western Christianity for many years. Keener has done the entire Christian Church a monumental service. Pentecostal ministers should have this amazing book in their library.
In Part 3 Keener surveys the vast amount of testimony to miracles from antiquity to the present day. His methodology is to seek reliable verification, carefully identify false claims, differentiate organic and psychosomatic diseases, and consider alternative explanations. The survey spans the entire historical and geographical expanse of Christianity, examining miracle reports from all faith traditions and from non Christian religions. The author addresses the decline in frequency of miracles once the Church is established in a region. Throughout his writing Keener interacts with primary sources, testimonies, and verifications, as well as objections or alternative explanations. One chapter organizes even more accounts according to the kinds of miracles claimed These amazing stories glorify God page after page. A final section gives detailed answers to objections offered by unbelievers, and then provides further examples of medically verified miracles from Western contexts. Keener includes his own eyewitness accounts and those of trustworthy family and friends.
The authors intended to help “serious students of God’s Word … learn how to read, interpret, and apply the Bible.” They wrote in clear, easy to grasp, non technical language that the serious layperson, pastor, or Bible college student can understand. Expert interpreters will quickly see that Duvall and Hays incorporated the very best biblical scholarship throughout the book but did so in easy to read simplified language. The authors are teachers, so they wrote with the student or reader always in mind.
Part 2 examines the all important issue of context in interpretation. We must first understand our context and how it affects our reading, then understand the critically important historical cultural and literary contexts of Scripture, in order to read the Bible correctly. If we fail in this, we can never fully understand what God’s Word is saying. The authors explain how to do this with word studies and different Bible translations.
“The best thing you can ever do for yourself as a believer is spend the time and do the work it takes to truly read, interpret, and live the Bible well. The best thing you can do for others is to lead them to do the same. Sadly, very few believers are willing to do that. You see this in the weakness of the Church.” Of several recent books written to help us read and interpret the Bible well, Grasping God’s Word is one of the best. It is now the hermeneutics textbook of choice in some of our Assemblies of God universities. The authors, J. Scott Duvall and Daniel Hays, are well qualified and experienced scholars and teachers of Scripture at a conservative Baptist university. Their fundamental assumption in writing this book was that “the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God.”
Part 4 takes everything learned to this point and uses it to travel the interpretive journey through the New Testament. The New Testament letters, gospels, Acts, and Revelation are all examined, and their meanings determined and explained.Part5 does this for the Old Testament as well. We’re led through Old Testament narrative, Law, poetry, prophets, and wisdom. All of the books within each genre are read and interpreted.
Grasping God’s Word covers all major issues in Biblical interpretation, explains why various bad Bible reading habits are dangerous, and uses examples from every biblical genre. Solid Bible reading principles are applied throughout. The most common mistakes in reading Scripture are examined and the dangerous results pointed out. The authors write in a very readable style. This is one of the simplest, easiest to read, yet most comprehensive hermeneutics textbooks you’ll ever see. Whether you’re a layperson or a minister, I encourage you to buy a copy of Grasping God’s Word and put its wisdom into practice. It is a joy to read and use.
Grasping God’s Word is even organized in such a way that readers begin learning and applying important reading principles immediately. Part 1 begins by examining the journey we take from the biblical text to our own day and our own lives. That journey begins by determining what a Bible passage meant to its original biblical audience, discerning the differences between their situation and our current situation (the distance across the river that separates us), identifying similarities between their situation and our own, and determining what principles the original author intended to teach that could be applied to our similar situations. This process or journey will be repeated each time Duvall and Hays take us through a book of the Bible. Part 1 continues by teaching us how to read sentences, how to read paragraphs, and how to read discourses that we will find throughout Scripture.
Part 3 explores the topics of meaning and application. Duvall and Hays explain the dangers of forcing our own meanings into the text. Legitimate and illegitimate “levels of meaning” are carefully considered, as is the proper role of the Holy Spirit in helping us find the meaning. The authors then define the important difference between meaning and application, and how to move from the former to the latter.
Michael D. Sharp, D.Min. Network Secretary Treasurer ALSOM Director
Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible, J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005, 462 pages.
Circumstances that May Impact the Credentialing Process
Ordained 8 courses + Licensed for 2 years (no additional exam at this time)
• If the applicant is currently struggling, or has struggled in the past, with life controlling substances or issues, the General Council will ask that the application not be submitted until a certain benchmark of time has been obtained with freedom from those struggles. Contact us for details. Prospective ministers who feel they may fall into one of the categories above should reach out to the Secretary Treasurer’s office for conversations about what impact this may have and the correct next steps.
Request an
Seeing individuals in Alabama work toward and receive their ministerial credentials is one of the most rewarding processes that our office participates in. It is our hope that providing information about the process helps prospective ministers have a better understanding of the steps that must be taken to receive credentials with The Assemblies of God. This process is continually being refined and the Secretary Treasurer’s office is the only office that can give you up to date information and guidance. Avoid outdated information and delays by contacting our office first and always!
• If the applicant has filed for bankruptcy and/or has past due payments displayed on their credit report, additional documentation and/or waiting period may be required.
Guides Communicate with the Network about Previous Marriages for Applicant or Spouse SubmitPaperworkApplicationtotheNetworkOffice
Packet and Exam
For each level, there is an application process including financial and criminal background checks, reference checks, communication of your call to ministry and beliefs, and a commitment to abide by the policies set forth by the General Council. In addition to these requirements, there are also educational requirements for each level as listed below. These courses may be waived in part or completely (depending on your degree) if you gained a degree at one of our AG Universities. If you graduated from one of our AG Universities, or from another properly accredited university, contact us with any questions about your transcripts. Once credential applicants have completed or are nearing completion of the required courses for each level listed below, they can contact our office for a current application packet and exam study guides. (Always contact the Secretary Treasurer’s office to determine the legitimacy of any “school” before attending! Your credits might not be acceptable, and you might still be required to take some or all the courses below.)
Network Secretary-Treasurer, Michael D. Sharp, D.Min. Administrative Assistant and Credentialing Specialist, Jennifer Harris
There are three levels of credentials: Certified, Licensed, and Ordained Typically, individuals begin with an application for credentials at the Certified level, then upgrade to Licensed level, and after a two year tenure at the License level and final coursework, they may upgrade to Ordained. In some circumstances, an individual may qualify to begin the process at the License level. Contact the Secretary Treasurer’s office and Credentialing Specialist Jennifer Harris for details.
Complete Required Education Component Application Study
• If the applicant or the spouse have a previous spouse still living, the General Council must approve that divorce. There are five allowances for divorce approvals. They are abandonment of the believer by the unbeliever, spousal infidelity, preconversion, domestic violence, and ecclesiastical annulment.
Certified 10 courses and passing of the Bible Knowledge Exam and Doctrine Exam Licensed 10 courses and passing of the Polity Exam
Schedule and Pass General Council Exams Interview with the Credential Committee Application sent to the General Council Credentials Granted by The General Council
Rev. Fredric James McLaughlin, age 84 born in Gardiner, Maine went home to be with the lord on July 22, 2022 surrounded by his loving family. He served in the USMC for several years. He reHred from Akzo Noble and Formosa PlasHcs in Port Lavaca, Texas. He was an Assembly of God minister for 40 years. He is preceded in death by his parents, Viola and Lloyd McLaughlin. Fredric is survived by his wife; Bonnie of 56 years, sons; Jeryl (Amanda) and Travis (Shana), two grandchildren, Blane and Mylana, sister, Dolly Stevens and other relaHves and many friends.
VisitaHon was held from Valhalla Memorial Funeral Home on Thursday, July 28, 2022 from 12:00 unHl 1:00 PM. Chapel services followed at 1:00 PM with interment in Valhalla Memorial Gardens.
Deceased: Fredric James McLaughlin New/Upgraded CredenPals: Abigail Kirk (C) Jobie H. Allen (C) Transferred in: N/A Pastoral Changes: John Cain New Life Assembly of God, Maplesville Brandon Davis Tanner-Williams Assembly of God, Wilmer In Memoy of Those Who Have Gone on Befoe Us… leadership team through interested in taking your Pastor, if you are a one year cohort of the Acts 2 Journey, please email Dr. Ken Draughon.ds@amnag.org
Rev. Fredric James McLaughlin
The Ministers GATHERING O C T O B E R 1 7 - 1 9 , 2 0 2 2 - G A T L I N B U R G , T N B O O K Y O U R H O T E L T O D A Y ! C a l l E d g e w a t e r H o t e l & C o n f e r e n c e C e n t e r A d d r e s s : 4 0 2 R i v e r R d G a t l i n b u r g , T N P h o n e : ( 8 6 5 ) 4 3 6 4 1 5 1 G r o u p N a m e : A l a b a m a M i n i s t e r s G a t h e r i n g E V E N T S C H E D U L E M o n d a y 7 : 0 0 P M S e r v i c e / F e l l o w s h i p T u e s d a y 9 : 3 0 A M L e a d e r s h i p S e s s i o n 7 : 0 0 P M S e r v i c e W e d n e s d a y F r e e T i m e T O R E G I S T E R P A S T O R G R E G W O O D A L L Worship Leader: P A S T O R R I C K & J A N E C O L L I N S Guest Speakers: T U E S D A Y , O C T 1 1 , 2 0 2 2 L I F E C H U R C H B I R M I N G H A M 5 5 6 7 C h a l k v i l l e R o a d , B i r m i n g h a m , A L 3 5 2 3 5 7PM ENCOUNTER SERVICE. HOSTING THE HOLY SPIRIT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Guest Speakers Pastor Rick DuBoseDr. Carolyn TennantEvangelist Joe Oden TO REGISTER W E S T R E G I O N E A S T s R E G I O N A L CONFERENCE TOUREmpowered N O R T H R E G I O N M o n d a y , O c t o b e r 3 - A t m o r e F i r s t A G I n c l u d e s : M o b i l e , B a l d w i n , A n d a l u s i a , M o n r o e v i l l e a n d D e m o p o l i s S e c t i o n s R e g i o n a l N e t w o r k C o n f e r e n c e : 9 : 3 0 A M - 3 : 3 0 P M C S T T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 4 - M o n t g o m e r y F i r s t A G I n c l u d e s : D o t h a n , E n t e r p r i s e , P h e n i x C i t y , S y l a c a u g a a n d M o n t g o m e r y S e c t i o n s T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 6 - H a r t s e l l e F i r s t A G I n c l u d e s : B i r m i n g h a m , T u s c a l o o s a , C u l l m a n , A n n i s t o n a n d T N V a l l e y S e c t i o n s P R E S I D E N T O F E V A N G E L U N I V E R S I T Y T O R E G I S T E R