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Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
Dear reader, They’re not simply good. They’re more than superior. They are, in short, the best.
Hundreds of online and paper ballots were counted and now we are very excited to present the
“Best of Columbia County Awards”
The businesses, artists, events, historical sites, and services described in this, the second Best of Columbia County Awards magazine, have been chosen by residents and customers as deserving of special recognition. Once again, Columbia-Greene Media is proud to partner with the Columbia County Chamber of Commerce to shine a light on all the places and people that make this county special. Amazing food, wonderful scenery, dedicated volunteers, talented artists, hardworking contractors, electricians and mechanics are all highlighted in this Best of Columbia County
We are proud to highlight some of the best the county has to offer. We know we have some of the best food, best views, best, well, everything! Now it is time to recognize those people and places who help make Columbia County the best place to live and work. There are six categories: Community, Shopping, Food and Drink, Night Life, Arts & Culture and Services. Within these categories are winners for the best bartender, place to dine with kids, farmers’ market and so much more. We hope that you will discover a new “best” something in Columbia County. The best part of these awards is that the winners were chosen by you, the people! Didn’t vote this year? Be sure to keep an eye out next year for the ballot online and in the Register-Star and the Chatham Courier.
edition. We all know that Columbia County is a great place to live and work. However, sometimes it takes a quick survey to really grasp how many resources we really have. Hundreds of online and paper ballots were sent out to C-GM readers asking them to determine who they thought deserved these accolades. You have patronized these restaurants and shops, attended the events, visited the beautiful sites or used the vital services provided. If you
INSIDE: Best of Community.......................5
Best of Nightlife.........................23
Best of Shopping........................16
Best of Food & Drink.................26
Best of Arts & Culture................22
Best of Services..........................33
Contents ©2015 Columbia-Green Media No portion may be reproduced in whole or part without written permission of the publisher
On The Cover…The clocktower at 1 Main St. is a landmark feature of Chatham Village. It once housed the town hall and police court and later Ocean Fire Company #1, which was on the ground floor with a millinery shop upstairs. The upstairs was later an artist studio. The ground floor today houses Clocktower Toys & Gifts. The pendulum clock dates back to 1872 and is the only one of its kind still in the original condition.
haven’t, now is the perfect time to read about each one of them and find out what makes them the best. I am proud to recognize these outstanding, “best of” award winners!
— Mark Vinciguerra Publisher/General Manager
Publisher, General Manager Mark Vinciguerra Advertising Representatives Robert Belby Ashley Drewes Meghan Espel Alexandre Petraglia Susan Reinshagen Marlene McTiegue A publication of
One Hudson City Centre Suite 202 Hudson, NY 12534 518-828-1616
Managing Editors Mary Dempsey Lori Anander Editorial Art Director Leigh Bogle Director, Creative Services Phil Finkle Ad Design/Composition Erica Izer Steve LaRowe Business Manager Tammi Ullrich Distribution/Circulation Manager Courtney Wrigley
Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Thank you for voting us best Breakfast spot in columbia county
Bagel Tyme Come Join The Fun! Seasonal & Overnight Camping 30/50 amp FHU RV Sites Cable TV & Wi-Fi Rental Cabins & Tent Sites Mi i t Golf G lf & Pool P l Miniature Activities & Themed Weekends Tennis Courts & Sports Fields Fun Cycle Rentals Game Room, Laundry & Convenience Store
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Thank you for voting us the best
‘Place to Network and Relax’ Fully stocked walk-in-humidor • Friendly comfortable lounge to relax in Sun 12-6; Mon 12-8; Tues Closed; Wed & Thurs 12-8; Fri & Saturday 11-8 518-828-1505 | 22 South 7th Street, Hudson, New York
Columbia-Greene Media
f o t s e CBOMMUNITY
Best of Columbia County 2015
File photo
Best Community Event Summer Hudson-Pride Day
Best Block in the County to Shop Chatham Main Street
Photo by Daniel Region
Main Street in Chatham has a small town atmosphere with the kind of Main Street that everyone remembers. The village began like other settlements that grew up at the intersections of roads and along streams that could provide water power. What set Chatham apart was its role as a railroad center. After the 1830s, population, commerce and industry were drawn to this hub. Chatham continues to thrive. Village business owners pride themselves on their sense of community and railroad history.
Once again voted Columbia County “Best Community Event for the summer,” Annual Hudson Pride Weekend will begin on Friday June 19 and continue through Sunday, June 21. Much of the weekend is free and completely suitable for the whole family. The longest parade ever starts lining up at noon near Hudson’s 7th Street Park, then steps off at 2 p.m. and continues down Warren St. to Waterfront Park. Local businesses and community groups are putting the finishing touches on some dazzling new floats and the most creative entries will be awarded one-of-a-kind trophies hand made by volunteers. The 2015 Grand Marshals are Tiq and Kim Milan, outspoken representatives of the least served members of the LGBTQ community: transgender people, young people, and people of color. There will be more than 30 vendors, food, beer, bouncy castles, soft-sided slides, carnival games, face painting, and much more. There will be something for everyone. Along with Maya, Girlgantua Jones and Ophelia Nightly will emcee the festival as well as perform. Other entertainment will include Young Paris, the Drag Queen Court and a host of other local homegrown talent. This entire event is free to the public and runs from 3-6pm. For more information about all of these events, please visit The Hudson Pride Foundation is a local, non-profit, 501(c)3 organization located in Hudson, NY, Columbia County, that started in 2010. Initially, it was a small group of local Hudson residents that wanted to have a pride parade in Hudson. It quickly evolved into much more than that. The Hudson Pride Foundation offers educational seminars, movie screenings, lectures, fun activities, scholastic scholarships, and provides general support to the local LGBT community. For more information about the Hudson Pride Foundation, please visit:
Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Community Event Fall Columbia County Fair This year marks the 175th anniversary of the Columbia County Fair. According to the fair’s official website,, in 1840 the Columbia County Agricultural Society met at the County seat in Hudson to further their aim of improving agriculture and horticulture. The first Columbia County fair was held in the city of Hudson on Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1841. Voted one of the best events in Columbia County, the annual fair, now held the first week in September at the grounds in Chatham, draws thousands of visitors.
Best Community Event Winter Winterwalk For almost two decades, Hudson’s mile-long main commercial district breaks out the holiday finery and transforms itself into a winter wonderland of twinkling lights, Victorian dress, carolers, dancers and what has been described as “random acts of merriment” during the annual Winter Walk. Voted one of Columbia County’s best community events, Winter Walk features entertainment, food and a festive spirit that’s hard to match. Traffic is blocked on Warren Street to make room for vendors, decorations and visitors who stroll up and down that main thoroughfare. In the past, Mr. and Mrs. Claus kick off holiday festivities with a parade, organized by the Hudson Department of Youth, from Hudson Opera House to City Hall. Inside, Santa and his elves will distribute gifts to children. Events have included a children’s book signing, ballroom dancing, hula hoop shows, horse and carriage rides. Last year more than 15,000 guests showed up for the event, which ended with a fireworks show launched at 8 p.m. from Promenade Hill.
Best Community Event Spring Sean’s Run Voted best spring community event, the annual Sean’s Run draws thousands of participants from the Capital Region and Hudson Valley. Held in memory of 17-year-old Sean Patrick French, who died on New Year's Day 2002 while riding as a passenger in a single-car, drunk driving accident, the weekend event honors those who died far too soon, and raises awareness of the dangers of drunk driving. As a gifted athlete and talented runner for Chatham High School, French’s memory has lived on through this event. In addition to the 5K Sean’s Run, there’s also the Meghan’s Mile run, a mile-and-a-half youth race for children ages 12 and under. Meghan’s Mile was named in honor of French’s friend and Sean’s Run founder, Meghan Kraham. She lost her life to cancer on Aug. 18, 2007.
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
Best Community Service Project Columbia County Habitat for Humanity For more than 22 years Columbia County Habitat for Humanity has served the people of Columbia County. An affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International and a 501 c.3 nonprofit corporation, Columbia County Habitat for Humanity has helped build safe, affordable housing for lower income families. Voted best Community Service Project,Columbia County Habitat has aggressively pursued the economic sustainability that energy conservation affords homeowners. They were named the 2014 BEST Community Service Project for the Columbia Passive Townhouses at 244-246 Columbia Street in Hudson. These homes were the state’s first affordable housing built to Passive House standards, which cut overall energy use by 70 percent and heating consumption and costs by 90 percent. They just completed the second Passive Townhouses, 210-212 Columbia Street, Phase 4 of our Columbia Street Campaign. These projects are the first two of three case studies in high energy performance affordable housing. Using different combinations of technology and materials, the goal is to develop a cost-effective, volunteer-friendly template for sustainable homes that can be adapted for use nationwide. They also pride themselves on two things: intentionally investing in local businesses and their ReStore, which attracts more than 10,000 shoppers a year. Customers find great values, as well as satisfaction in knowing that they’re supporting affordable housing and keeping re-usable goods out of landfills. Since its founding in 1993, Habitat volunteers have built 18 new homes which were sold to lower-income working families with
interest-free mortgages. Partner families contributed 300 hours of sweat equity. In 2009, they opened the ReStore, which sells donated, gently-used furniture, kitchen cabinets, appliances, building materials and other household goods at discounted prices. All ReStore proceeds support Habitat’s construction program and have enabled it to build two homes a year since 2009. In 2014, Habitat volunteers contributed more than 9,000 hours to the 210-212 Columbia Street build and to the ReStore, which relies completely on donations from individuals and businesses. Columbia County Habitat for Humanity is located at 829 Route 66, Hudson. They can be reached by phone at (518)828-0892 or by email at or The Habitat office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The ReStore is open Thursday, 2 to 6 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteer opportunities are available
Best Local Volunteer
Best Place for a First Date
Ellen Thurston
Ca’ Mea Ristorante
Ellen Thurston retired from a thirtyyear career as an arts administrator for nonprofit and government agencies in 1995. She was born and raised in upstate New York and is a 20-year resident of Hudson. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University and an Master of Fine Art from Columbia University. She has served three terms as a Third Ward Alderman on the City of Hudson Common Council and is in her second term as the Third Ward Supervisor on the Columbia County Board of Supervisors. She is a long-time board member of the Hudson Opera House and has organized and produced the annual “Winter Walk” community festival for twelve years. She is a member of Columbia County Futures and in 2004 led a series of community meetings on economic development issues called “Hudson is Changing.” She has also served on the Boards of the Friends of the First Presbyterian Church, and the Friends of Hudson and is a former chair of the Columbia County Tourism Development Board. In 2009, she served as Chairman of the City of Hudson Quadricentennial Committee which produced the Namesake Celebration in Hudson’s newly-named Henry Hudson Riverfront Park. She also serves on the ad hoc volunteer committee to organize the Mrs. Greenthumbs Garden Tour in Hudson For 10 years she has written and distributed via e-mail a free weekly electronic newsletter listing public meetings and events in and around Hudson called “Much To Do About Hudson,” a.k.a. “Ellen’s Picks.”
Ca’Mea Ristorante, a well-established restaurant of fine dining in Hudson New York, is known for its authentic Italian cuisine and consistent quality. Like Hudson itself, the restaurant is always evolving and refining itself. Owner Roy Felcetto, who created Ca’Mea, and his partner, Photo Courtest of Massimiliano “Max” Cenci, a well known restaurateur in his native town of Cortona, Italy (Trattoria Toscana) have brought together just the right balance of flavor and service that has made Ca’Mea a Hudson destination all its own. They invite you to enjoy the best Italian cuisine Columbia County has to offer. What distinguishes Ca’Mea from most restaurants today is the owners’ hospitality and the dedicated staff’s willingness to bend over backwards to make sure your special occasion is unforgettable. Ca’mea is open for lunch Tuesday through Sunday from noon- 3 p.m. Dinner is served Tuesday through Saturday from 5-10 p.m. and Sunday from 5-9 p.m. The restaurant is located at 333 Warren Street in Hudson. Contact them by phone at 518-822-0005 or through email,
Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
Best Outdoor Recreation - Spring/Summer Lake Taghkanic Lake Taghkanic State Park offers a wonderful variety of recreational activities. The park is on the town line between the towns of Gallatin and Taghkanic, and is adjacent to the Taconic State Parkway. The park has tent and trailer campsites and cabin and cottage camping facilities. Large trucks, RVs and campers can enter from the Route 82 entrance. It also features two beaches, picnic areas, boat launch sites, rowboat, paddleboat and kayak rentals, playgrounds, sports playing fields, a rentable pavilion, and newly renovated recreation hall and showers. In addition, the park has hiking, biking, swimming, fishing, hunting, cross-country ski and snowmobile trails. Ice skating and ice fishing are permitted when conditions are appropriate. Visit the lake Taghkanic website: for more information, or call(518) 8513631. Today, the spacious beaches — with fully equipped bathing facilities, secluded picnic areas, informal game areas, and boat rentals for rowing or fishing — round out a day's stay at Lake Taghkanic State Park. Lake Taghkanic is located at 1528 Route 82 in Ancram. For more information, call 518.851.3631 or visit the website
Best Outdoor Recreation - Fall/Winter Catamount Ski Area
Best Riverboat - Spirit of Hudson Hudson Cruises Inc. started in 2003 with the Spirit of Hudson, and added the “Lil’ Spirit in 2005 to provide lighthouse tours. In 2012, owners Guy Falkenheimer and Noor Rahaman restarted the “Hudson-Athens Ferry” to help cross-promote businesses in Columbia and Greene Counties. Hudson Cruises Inc. provides fun on the water from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week, May through October 31. In business for 11 years, they pride themselves on personal service and friendly crew. The wide variety of music, artists, ever-increasing restaurant variety and views of the river and Catskills is what the owners love the best about Columbia County. For more information, call 518.822.1014, email or visit the website Hudson Cruises Inc. operates out of the Henry Hudson Waterfront Park.
Family-owned and operated, Catamount Ski Area has been catering to families primarily throughout the Hudson Valley. They offer terrain for all ability levels that is covered by snow-making machines and maintained with nightly grooming. Tom Gilbert and Rich Edwards, current owners, pride themselves on a family-friendly atmosphere and personal interaction with guests. Catamount is typically open from early December to late March. In addition to snow-making capabilities, the mountain receives 70 to 100 inches of snow each season. The snowsports school offers group and private lessons, as well as the Mountain Cats children’s program. The Adventure Park offers an exciting aerial forest excursion for patrons ages 7 and up. Enjoy more than 50 zip lines, with two courses featuring 2,000 feet of zip lines each. Catamount is located at 78 Catamount Road, Hillsdale, and is open from 8:30 to 4 p.m. weekends and holidays; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. midweek and nonholidays; and until 9 or 10 p.m. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. For more information, call 518.325.3200 or visit
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Non-Profit/ Community Organization COARC Coarc has been an advocate and resource in Columbia County for individuals who experience disabilities and their families since 1965. They provide comprehensive services to children and adults, both in the community and at more than 20 Coarc locations. Services are as diverse as the people they support. Services range from employment programs, where job coaches assist individuals to acquire and maintain interesting jobs in the local community, to residential services, where Coarc direct support professionals promote independence and support people with their daily in-the-home needs. The comprehensive programs and services expand the abilities of pre-school students to seniors. Coarc manufactures things, too. They run have two fully ISO certified Coarc Contract Manufacturing facilities that employ workers who experience disabilities and also workers without disabilities. Overall, Coarc supports more than 500 individuals experiencing disabilities and employs more than 400 staff members. Whether looking for a day time activity for a child experiencing a disability or a great paying job with super benefits at one of Coarc’s many locations, come learn more about Coarc and see how together “we can expand abilities, one person at a time!” Coarc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. They are the Columbia County Chapter of NYSARC, Inc. which is America's largest nonprofit organization supporting people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families since 1949. NYSARC is the New York State Chapter of The Arc.
Best Scenic View Taconic Parkway Overlook- Philmont Most drivers on the Taconic State Parkway are busy getting to and from work, and may tend to take the scenery for granted. However, those who go by the scenic overlook near the Town of Philmont may be tempted to take an extra moment or two to pull over and enjoy the view. Across the Hudson River, the Catskill Mountains rise up, casting shadows on the valley below. Voted the best scenic view in Columbia County, this overlook is certainly worth more than just a quick stop.
Clermont State Historic Site The Hudson River home of an American Aristocracy
Open for tours now through December
Wednesday-Sunday, 11 to 4
(518) 537-4240
Historic Germantown
Friends of Clermont
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
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Best Managed Town Chatham The town of Chatham includes many hamlets and a village, creating pockets of activity, all well-managed by the town and village governments, as well as historical societies, associations and alliances. The Chatham Central School District boosts a talented and high achieving student body. The recreation department maintains Crellin Park and offers an active summer program. The Columbia Land Conservancy maintains two public conservation areas in the town and the Alan Devoe Bird Club maintains a wildlife sanctuary. The village holds a summer and winter festival and in the fall, the annual FilmColumbia film festival. The Mac-Haydn Theatre provides an enjoyable summer stock theater experience, while PS21 Chatham offers music, dance, workshops and more. The Columbia County Fair at the Chatham Fairgrounds closes out the summer. The Fairgrounds are also used year-round for various events and activities. There are two high profile horse sanctuaries: Little Brook Farm and Equine Advocates, as well as smaller horse farms where you can board and/or ride. Spruce Ridge Farm has alpacas, Old Chatham Sheepherding Company has sheep (and sells awardwinning products). Both are in Old Chatham, where a few good places to eat are tucked away. North Chatham and Chatham Village each boost an active library and historical society. Malden Bridge has an active community center. The fire departments, village police department and rescue squad are always at the ready. There are many different religions represented throughout the town as well. The town of Chatham with its pocket communities makes it the Best Managed Town.
Best Place to See a Celebrity Warren Street in Hudson
Hudson’s main thoroughfare, Warren Street, is lined with beautiful architecture and a wide range of art galleries, antique shops, bookstores, restaurants and everything in between. This mix attracts all sorts of people — including celebrities. Over the years countless celebrities have made Columbia County home and others have made it a place to visit. Over the years stars of music, television and movies, along with the arts and literary world have been spotted at some point along the milelong stretch of Warren Street. They have taken part in Hudson events like Winter Walk, purchased antiques for their homes or grabbed a bite to eat or a cold beer. And in true ColumbiaCounty fashion, we don’t need to brag by naming them all but we do make them feel at home in this paparazzi-free zone.
Best Yoga/Pilates/Zumba Bodhi Holistic Spa, Yoga & Salon Bodhi Holistic Spa and Yoga prides itself on finding the most natural, yet effective, products for all of its services. Located at 543 Warren Street, Bodhi is a full service spa, salon and yoga studio owned by Melinda and TJ Macchiardi. All services are based on principles of holistic wellness and the belief that beauty is from the inside out. Melinda Macchiardi started the business as a small massage practice 12 years ago. She listened carefully to the needs of the community and the guests visiting Hudson, which inspired Bodhi as it is today. “It’s pretty great to get a massage after yoga,” the owners said. TJ transformed the old building through blood, sweat and tears into an incredible yoga space. The owners say the best thing about Columbia County is “everything!” “The beauty is overwhelming. The people are amazing. It has always felt like ‘home’ in the sweetest sense of the word,” they said. Bodhi is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday; from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. For information, call 518.828.2233, visit or email
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Place for kids Birthday Party Clublife Sports Zone & Trampoline Park Alex and Arica Rosenstrach, owners of ClubLife health club facility in Valatie, said at the club’s opening that they were building so much more than just a health club — they were building a brand. And in order to help make that a reality, the Rosenstrachs added a 32,000-square-foot indoor trampoline park which helped secure the title of “Best Place for a Birthday Party for Kids” title in this year’s Best of Columbia County contest.
Best Park/Playground Lake Taghkanic Lake Taghkanic State Park offers a wonderful variety of recreational activities. The park is on the town line between the towns of Gallatin and Taghkanic, and is adjacent to the Taconic State Parkway. The park has tent and trailer campsites and cabin and cottage camping facilities. Large trucks, RVs and campers can enter from the Route 82 entrance. It also features two beaches, picnic areas, boat launch sites, rowboat, paddleboat and kayak rentals, playgrounds, sports playing fields, a rentable pavilion, and newly renovated recreation hall and showers. In addition, the park has hiking, biking, swimming, fishing, hunting, cross-country ski and snowmobile trails. Ice skating and ice fishing are permitted when conditions are appropriate. Visit the lake Taghkanic website: for more information, or call(518) 851-3631.
What a honor it is to be chosen as your Favorite Community Event and Best Wedding Venue! Your enthusiasm inspires us to keep making the Columbia County Fair a more exciting, more educational and more enjoyable event for our community and to make the Fairgrounds a top choice for year-round recreation and special activities. Thanks for your vote and see you at the 175th Columbia County Fair, September 2-7. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMBIA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
Best Campground
Best Golf Course
Copake KOA
Columbia Golf & Country Club
The Copake KOA campground has 244 campsites with everything from tent sites, big rig 50 amp RV sites to deluxe cabins, Cable TV and Wi-Fi throughout. There are daily activities, themed weekends, an arcade, a well-stocked camp store, pool, tennis, mini golf and more.
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Columbia Golf & Country Club was established as a private club in 1919. The Club prides itself in offering a topnotch well-manicured golf course tee to green. Many holes provide exceptional views of the Catskills, lakes, and natural areas. The course is designated a “Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary” by Audubon International. The Club proudly offers a welcoming and family-friendly informal environment. Ten years ago CG&CC undertook a major renovation which, among other things, restored the gracious mid-1800’s Greek Revival Club House, expanded the Pro Shop, and refurbished the locker rooms. Additionally, the Bar/Grillroom, with its handsome mahogany bar and cabinetry, was renovated and is the primary gathering place for members and their guests to enjoy fine fare. CG&CC offers many amenities. Of particular note is the state-ofthe-art practice facility where golfers, after hitting off grass, can then also sharpen their short games! With the hiring of a Tennis Director and refurbishing of the club’s 2 courts, the sport is enjoying renewed popularity. Private lessons and clinics, as well as, a week long tennis camp are now offered. Various memberships are available. The attractively priced One Year Introductory Membership Plan is a wonderful way to become acquainted with all that CG&CC has to offer.
Even though they are part of a franchise, they are a family owned campground with great staff. They constantly get feedback from campers that the staff is very friendly and helpful. The Reinard Family — Gary, Cathy, Chrissy and Tom — has owned Copake KOA for the past five years. They are very proud of a very clean, fun, safe and up-to-date facility with awesome entertainment. They strive to give you the best camping experience you’ve ever had. The Reinard family loves Columbia County for its diversity— from Hudson with its antiquing and night life, to the rolling hills and farms, with all their scenic beauty. “We are two hours from New York City, and yet you can still lay on your back and see every star in the night sky,” said the family. Copake KOA is located at 2236 County Route 7 in Copake and is open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily from Mother’s Day to Columbus Day weekend. For more information, call 518.329.2811 or visit the website
Best Hiking/Biking Trails Columbia Land Conservancy - Greenport The Columbia Land Conservancy is a nonprofit organization and relies on the financial support of individuals to conserve the farmland, forests, wildlife habitat, and rural character of Columbia County, strengthening connections between people and the land. CLC has established 5,750 acres of public land, including the 10 public conservation areas owned and managed by CLC. It has helped some 200 local families protect an additional 24,500 acres of land through voluntary conservation agreements. CLC provides outdoor and educational activities to more than 4,000 participants per year. CLC also works to support and strengthen agriculture by matching landowners looking to have their land farmed with farmers seeking land; and through a corps of experienced farmers who mentor landowners and new farmers. CLC also assists the county and its towns in a variety of land use planning efforts.
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
BestNursery/Lawncare & Garden Center Pondside Nursery Pondside Nursery is the latest enterprise of Claverack native Jake Watts. After returning from SUNY Cobleskill, where he completed a degree in Horticulture, Jake established his first successful business, A+ Gardens, in 2002. Building on his prior experience as a foreman with a local landscaping firm, he pushed his start-up into the top rank of Columbia County landscaping professionals within a few short years. After purchasing a house and adjacent property on Route 9G just south of Hudson, Jake’s vision for the next phase of his business began to take shape. In 2011 he dug the pond that became the namesake of the nursery, and in the winter of 2012-13 constructed the building to house the retail division, Pondside Nursery. Jake then brought on board key employees of the former Loomis Creek Nursery in Claverack to help realize his vision of a top-notch garden center in central Columbia County, and he stocked the nursery with hand selected specimen trees and shrubs, the best of the best perennials, annuals and tropicals, and the highest quality tools, pottery and garden accessories. Pondside’s landscaping, stone masonry and maintenance crews are second to none in efficiency, professionalism and reliability, constantly striving to deliver superior workmanship that turns garden dreams into reality. Now in its third season, Pondside has garnered rave reviews and developed a loyal customer base among both longtime residents and weekenders, with a reputation for offering healthy, well cared for plants in hard-to-find varieties and great gift ideas for gardeners. The nursery’s website,, has links to portfolios of previous projects, plus valuable cultural information for several categories of plants, informative articles, directions and more. Pondside Nursery is conveniently located just south of Hudson at 5918 Route 9G, open daily from 9 am until 6 pm. For additional information, telephone 518-828-1179 or visit the nursery’s website at Jake and his staff look forward to a great 2015 season, providing our customers with the highest quality merchandise, expert garden advice, and excellent customer service at Hudson’s new home for the avid gardener, Pondside Nursery.
Best Educator Karyn Schassler Voters in the Best of Columbia County 2015 polling have selected Germantown Central School District's Karyn Schassler as this year's Best Educator. Schassler said she is honored and humbled by this recognition as much as she is honored to be a part of the GCSD. "I absolutely love my career as a school counselor," she said. "I am currently teamed up with some amazing learners and staff. I have also been a school counselor in 4 of the 6 Columbia County school districts with each environment providing me with unique and valuable experience." Schassler said GCSD has provided her the opportunity to support students, collaborating with dedicated administrators and teachers, academically and socially in preparing students to be college and career thinkers, even at the elementary and middle school levels. This year the school enabled her to organize an after-school film club. As a result, eleven 6th grade students wrote, filmed and edited an original production that debuted at the Crandell Theatre in Chatham along with two other county public schools ( watch?v=PBTzet82Z5I ). In the summer months Schassler splits her time between GCSD and her position as the Recreation Director for two Columbia County town camps interacting with dedicated high school and college summer counselors and energetic campers. "My life in Columbia County began 17 years ago and coincided with becoming the lucky mom of (ultimately) two beautiful daughters," she shared of her personal life. "Prior to Columbia County, my entire life had been in the Washington, DC area where I was a successful senior pharmaceutical sales consultant, an interior designer and a professional organizer." Schassler's diverse career and life experiences have brought her to the GCSD where she continues to tap into that background to help guide great students towards rewarding futures - rewarding for them and to her for having set them on a successful path.
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
Best Picnic Lunch Spot
Best Place to Propose
Hudson Waterfront Park
Clermont Historic Site
Photo By Daniel Region
Without the Hudson River, there would be no Hudson, New York. The city’s founders, Nantucket whalers, were drawn to the locale because of its port. For 200 years the city grew and prospered as the direct result of its access to the river, which provided 11/2 miles of shoreline on the city’s western border. The Proprietors’ designed a grid plan that allowed the city to expand away from the river and remain connected to the waterway. The Hudson River still serves as a major shipping lane for large ships traveling between Albany and New York City. The current Waterfront Park, located at the water’s edge, is a well-used venue for festivals and celebrations of all kinds, an annual concert series and a popular locale for weddings. Planned future improvements to the Hudson waterfront include a new playground for Promenade Hill, completion of a new trail from the North Bay to the neighboring Greenport Conservancy area and the improvement and expansion of the city-owned dock in Waterfront Park.
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Romance is in the air at Clermont State Historic Site among the meandering gardens and picturesque views of the Hudson River. The 50-year-old historic site boasts a magnificent 270-year-old mansion, the country seat of the wealthy Livingston family. Each of the seven generations that called the mansion home worked to sculpt the home and the land into the perfect Hudson River escape. The grounds are “full of hidden nooks and cozy benches that can make your special moment a private one together,” site staff said. Clermont prides itself on its peaceful, natural beauty and friendly hospitality. Owned by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, the site is open seven days a week from 8:30 a.m. to sunset. Site staff say Columbia County offers the best blend of metropolitan and country living. Rich with history and natural beauty, the county has so much to offer visitors and residents alike. The mansion is located at 1 Clermont Avenue in Germantown, and is open for tours from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday during the summer and fall. For more information online, visit, or search for Clermont State Historic Site on Facebook. The site can also be reached by email at kjirsten. or by phone at 518.537.4240. Send a fax to 518.537.6240.
Best Wedding Venue Columbia County Fairgrounds
Photo By Daniel Region
Planning a party, wedding, reunion? The people of Columbia County have voted, and the Columbia County Fairgrounds took the award for Best Wedding Venue. Located in Chatham, the Fairgrounds have a long and colorful history, boasting a selection of historic buildings from which to choose, offering a rich variety for all occasions. The Fairhouse is considered the signature building. Built in 1884, it features an open floor plan, three-story loft ceiling, wrap-around porch, wooden floor, and old-fashioned glass windows. It includes nearby caterer’s prep site. The Pavilion, while covered, is still open and is a great spot for a class reunion or family graduation party. It features a waist high counter, picnic tables and cooler. Columbia Hall has a a lovely porch, two restrooms and a kitchenette. The open beamed ceiling lends a charming touch to any event.
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
f o t s e B SHOPPING Best Consignment Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Clothing Shop was established in November 2014. Lynne Chmurzynski owner/manager, along with her husband, Bill Sullivan worked many long hours to create a distinctive personality for this unique consignment shop. Weekenders provided them with a vision to start this new endeavor. After extensive renovations on the historic AlthouseHiggins House, lasting 2 years, this has become a reality. Lynne's interest in consignment shopping began in her teen years She says "each piece of clothing has a past, and at best, a hopeful future. Statistics show the amount of clothing that eventually ends up in our landfills today that doesn't need to." In today's economy, consignment shopping is a fun and responsible way to save money and save the environment at the same time while adding quality clothing and accessories to your wardrobe. Mirror Mirror, besides being eco-friendly also has promoted local artisans displaying their hand made jewelry and headwear for sale in a special designated area. Bill and Lynne have also devoted their time and energy to promote their community through events, participating last year's hamlet annual Pumpkin Festival by hosting a family friendly Pumpkin Decorating on the building's front porch as well as sponsoring An Afternoon Tea and Fashion Show, benefiting the Taconic Hills Backpack Program and C.A.N. Program. Featuring women's and men's clothing and accessories, Mirror
Best Home Furnishing/Decorating Furniture Plus Steve and Bonnie Caro opened Furniture Plus in 1995. Ten years later, they expanded to a new showroom. They pride themselves on the large selection of affordably priced brand name furniture right in Hudson. Locally owned and operated, Furniture Plus is set apart by not being a big chain. The 10-member staff offers personal attention and excellent customer service. They are a noncommissioned sales staff who go the extra mile for their customers. Furniture Plus is located at 329 Fairview Avenue in Hudson. The store is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Saturday; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fridays and is closed Sundays. For more information, call 518.828.3683, email or visit the website
Mirror Clothing Shop offers a charming environment for fun and relaxed shopping. It showcases a carefully selected elegant and eclectic mix of everything from gently worn-brand name and designer labels and accessories to everyday wear, primarily for women sizes 0 to 3X, but includes a selection of men's clothing also. They specialize in women's and men's quality clothing, costume jewelry, unique belts, shoes, handbags and accessories. Handbags for the spring/summer collection include Vera Bradley, Coach, Fendisime, and Kate Spade. They are pleased to be a part of the growing Hillsdale business community which has a reputation for unique shopping experiences and local restaurants. Parking is conveniently located behind the newly renovated Althouse-Higgins house with an additional entrance in he back. Mirror Mirror Clothing shop is located at 2666 State Route 23 in Hillsdale, NY, 1/2 mile west of the Route 22/Route 23 intersection. 518.325.4000
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
Best Local Bookstore
Best Jewelry Store
Chatham Bookstore
R.H. Van Alstyne Fine Jewelry
The Chatham Bookstore, located at 27 Main Street in Chatham, was established in 1977. Its present owners, Nicole Furnee and Thomas Chulak, acquired the store in 2012 and are dedicated to building community through books. They love the natural beauty of Columbia County and the residents’ commitment to shop locally. The Chatham Bookstore is the setting for many community events and author events. The owners pride themselves on an excellent selection and knowledgeable staff. The bookstore is open 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 9:30 to 7 p.m. Fridays; 9:30 to 5 p.m. Saturdays; and noon to 3 p.m. on Sundays. Call 518.392.3005 or visit the website at for more information.
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R. H. Van Alstyne Inc. is a traditional Main Street jewelry store, something you would expect to find in a bygone era. Providing all the basics — diamond engagement rings to sterling baby cups, watch and jewelry repair, handengraving and appraisals — Van Alstyne’s is also a store that is overflowing with jewelry and gifts that are startlingly diverse, up-todate, and always high quality, a perfect blend of the old and the new. In business for 24 years, a solid reputation for customer service and integrity is why generations of locals and weekenders alike make R. H. Van Alstyne “their” jeweler. Born and raised in Columbia County, owner RitaVan Alstyne is the mother of three, grandmother of two, a Graduate Gemologist, and one of the lucky ones who has managed to find a career dong something she loves. “Columbia County is like a slice of heaven, the perfect place to grow up, raise a family, open a business and make life long friends!” R.H. Van Alstyne, Inc. is located at 42 Main Street in Chatham and is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday; open till 6 p.m. on Fridays and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sundays. For more information, call 518.392.7718, email or visit the website
Best Building Supply Store
Best Antique Dealer
Ed Herrington’s Inc.
Meissner’s Auction Service LLC
Ed Herrington, Inc. is a fourth-generation family-owned and operated lumber and building supply company offering quality hardware, lumber, engineered wood products, windows and doors, kitchens and baths, paint and architectural stone. The company offers a wide variety of home improvement and home building services to homeowners and professional builders, tradespeople and architects. The company is owned by Richard Herrington and Allison Neumann. They say that Herrington’s is set apart from other companies because of their people and the depth of knowledge they bring to the construction industry. They also pride themselves on providing quality building materials and solutions for building, remodeling and renovation projects. Herrington and Neumann love Columbia County for its people, country living, access to the arts, state parks, local history and great restaurants. There are three locations in Columbia County: Hillsdale, Hudson and Chatham. They are open 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. For more information, call 518.325.3131 or visit the website at
Meissner's Auction Service is located on Route 20 & 22 in New Lebanon. A family-owned business for more than 18 years, Meissner’s specializes in the following types of merchandise: quality oil paintings, quality antique and period furniture, antique toys, antique and collectible dolls, automobilia and petrolania, Shaker, antique firearms, antique and vintage advertising, stoneware, and Victorian collectibles: To contact Meissner’s Auction Service, write to P.O. Box 115, New Lebanon, NY 12125, or call (518) 7665002. or fax: (518) 794-8073 Email Find them online at
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Clothing, Shoes and/or Accessories Browns Emporium. Inc.
Best Lodging The Barlow The Barlow provides the perfect blend of historic architecture and modern amenities that today’s discerning traveler expects. The personal service and friendly staff combined with the central location makes a stay at the Barlow truly memorable. “The Barlow welcomed its first guests in June, 2013 after the building underwent an extensive renovation. The hotel offers guests 16 well-appointed rooms that include complimentary Wi-Fi, in-room Keurig coffee makers, fireplaces and spa-inspired bathrooms. All rooms also offer flat-screen TVs with complimentary DirecTV. Beginning May, 2015 we are also pleased to offer a state-of-the-art fitness center for our guests’ use located directly on premises.” Owners Duncan Calhoun and Russ Gibson are proud of their Privileges Partner Program that offers guests discounts at most Hudson shops, restaurants and galleries and encourages them to shop locally. Calhoun and Gibson said there is always something new to discover in Columbia County and the diverse nature of the area’s attractions make it the perfect destination for everyone. The Barlow is located at 542 Warren Street in Hudson. For more information, call 518.828.2100, email or visit the website
Browns Emporium Inc. has been a fixture on Main Street Chatham for almost a century. The current owners, Judith and James Rundell, pride themselves on offering their customers quality apparel and footwear. Their knowledge and friendly sales staff provide a level of customer service that sets Browns apart from other stores. The Rundells have owned Browns for almost 25 years and cite the caring and supportive community that shop small as one of the reasons why they love Columbia County. Browns, located at 37 Main Street in Chatham, is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Monday through Saturday and 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sundays. For more information, call 518.392-2541, email or visit the we
Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Speciality Food Store
Best Specialty Store
Bimi’s Cheese Shop
American Pie
Bimi's Cheese Shop, located on Main Street in Chatham, opened on Aug. 30, 2014, to a warm welcome from locals and visitors alike. With no similar business within 20 miles, Bimi's filled a much-needed niche in the specialty food realm. By thoughtfully sourcing all of the products locally and/or sustainably, their shelves are filled with products our customers can trust. They go out of their way to provide a fun, friendly, informative, and delicious shopping experience for everyone who comes into the shop. Owners Laura Shea, Ellen Waggett, David Shea, and Chris Landy pride themselves on sustainable sourcing of excellent-quality products. All of the charcuterie is made from humanely-raised, antibioticand hormone-free animals. All of the cheeses are carefully stored and well-handled to ensure the best possible product. The staff is enthusiastic, well-informed, and always friendly and ready to answer questions. Their grilled cheese bar always has something new on the menu so you never get tired of what's for lunch! Products available include cheese, crackers, grilled cheese, and specialty food items Bimi’s is open Wednesday and Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday and Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, contact
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American Pie is a unique, contemporary general store offering practical, affordable and quirky kitchen and tableware and personal care, cards, candles, jewelry, edibles, wearables — and so much more than you can imagine. American Pie prides itself on great customer service. Owners Lynne Michael and Thomas Hope came to Chatham seeking a wholesome environment to raise their son, and a beautiful place to live and work. They opened American Pie to provide the community with affordable and unusual items needed on a day-to-day basis as well as special occasions. They say they love Columbia County because it is blessed with open space and surrounded by working farms, yet close to New York City, providing the best of two worlds. There is a wonderful and diverse community here. American Pie is located at 41 Main Street in Chatham. It is open 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sundays. For more information, call 518.392.6632 or email
What a honor it is to be chosen as your Favorite Community Event and Best Wedding Venue! Your enthusiasm inspires us to keep making the Columbia County Fair a more exciting, more educational and more enjoyable event for our community and to make the Fairgrounds a top choice for year-round recreation and special activities. Thanks for your vote and see you at the 175th Columbia County Fair, September 2-7. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMBIA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY
20 â&#x2013;
Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Hawthorne Valley Farm Store Grand Reopening Sunday, June 28 9 am to noon
Open for Lunch & Dinner Tues. - Sun Thank you for voting us
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; Best Fine Dining for the second year in a row!
From Our Hands to Your Table Help us celebrate the completion of our expansion! Tastings, giveaways, kidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; activities and more!
Fresh t Organic t Local t Delicious Open 7 Days 7:30 am to 7:00 pm FARM STORE | 327 County Route 21C, Ghent, NY 12075 | 518-672-7500 333 Warren Street Hudson New York
established 1919
295 ROUTE 217, CLAVERACK, NEW YORK 12513 518-851-9195
W W W. C O L U M B I A G O L F . O R G
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
Best Florist
Best Gift Shop
Chatham Flowers & Gifts
The Cross Eyed Owl
For those of you who haven’t been to Chatham Flower & Gifts, it is a local, family-owned floral and gift store, just a mile and half west of the light in Chatham. They specialize in innovative designs, fresh flowers and unique decor. In addition to the large assortment of fresh-cut flowers, they also provide a beautiful selection of florist quality plants, distinctive home accessories, Willow Tree collectibles, recycled aluminum jewelry by The Artist Jay, handmade pottery, Haitian wall art, specialty candles, baskets, unique decorations, memorable greeting cards and more. Kathleen and Frank Rohlfs will celebrate 28 years of ownership this year. Their business is set apart by their great team of creative and experienced floral desigers. They truly enjoy helping people select the perfect flowers for all types of events: holidays, births, funerals, weddings, a gift for someone special, an arrangement for the dining room table, or “just because”. They love creating beautiful arrangements for all the important milestones in people’s lives. Chatham Flowers & Gifts is open 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays. They are located at 2117 Route 203 in Chatham. For more information, call 518.392.6414, email chathamflowers@ or visit the website at Don’t forget to check out the Chatham Flowers Facebook page for special deals and pictures of their latest work. All important information and updates will be shared there, so please ‘like’ them and spread the word to friends and family.
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In the fall of 1993, Patti Varga opened her first shop as a means of selling her own crafts and creations. Over the years, the shop grew and moved to its current larger location, becoming The Cross Eyed Owl Gift Shop that we know today. The shop now features unique and quality products from more than 400 companies including Yankee Candle, Jim Shore and Willow Tree. You will find home decor as well as cards and gifts for men, women and children of all ages. With their large and unique assortment of gifts and personalized service, you are sure to find that special present, for even the most challenging people in your life. Varga grew up in Columbia County and says the best part of owning her shop is the interaction and relationships she has with her customers. The Cross Eyed Owl is located at 3143 Route 9 in Valatie. They are open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays; and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. For more information, call 518-758-6755 or visit the website: In addition, you can find them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Best Fuel Oil/Propane Provider Valley Energy Valley Energy is third-generation family owned since 1952 and is currently owned by Russ Beck Sr. and Russ Beck Jr. They serve local businesses and families in Columbia, Greene and Dutchess counties from their office in Claverack. Valley Energy prides themselves on being a 24/7 full service company that with their team of experts provide superb service and quality fuel at low prices. They love Columbia County because of their commitment to their customers and neighbors. Valley Energy is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, call 518.851.3921, email info@valleyenergy.
Best Library Hudson Area Association Library Voted best Library in Columbia County, the Hudson Area Library is currently housed in the imposing stone structure located on State Street. It was built in 1818 and was originally used as the almshouse for the city of Hudson, caring for the area’s poor. Its roots may date back to the 19th century, but its programs and technology and certainly looking toward the future. Offing a vast array of books, magazines and other media, the library also offers a large selection of free programs for children and adults. In 1999 the Friends of the Hudson Library was established to assist in the goal of enhancing library services for Hudson and the sur-
rounding communities. Dedicated and energetic volunteers have been raising funds for the library and in support of community events. Recently their efforts have been focused on growing the library’s collection in all media to help support the core mission of literacy. With the goal of a new home just a short distance away from its current location, the library staff and supporters have been busy raising money to make that dream a reality. According to the library’s website, more than 40 percent of the necessary funds have been raised and has been earmarked for furniture, fixtures and equipment. The goal is to create a library that is conducive to collaborative work, creativity and comfort. For more information, visit the library’s website Editor’s Note: Hudson Library’s award for Best Library is part of the Best of Arts & Culture category.
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Best of Columbia County 2015
f o t s e AB RTS & CULTURE
Best Local Movie Theater The Crandell Theater
The Crandell Theatre is Columbia County's oldest and largest movie theatre with 534 seats. It was built in 1926 by Walter S. Crandell as a vaudeville house. Today the Crandell Theatre has state-ofthe-art digital projection and sound and is owned and operated by The Chatham Film Club, a community supported nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing quality film to Columbia County and to maintaining and preserving the historic theatre as an anchor on Main Street in the Village of Chatham. The theatre screens first-run mainstream and independent films daily, seven days a week, and hosts FilmColumbia, a 5-day film festival each year in October at the Crandell in Chatham and at Hudson Lodge in Hudson. For more information, call 518-392-3331, email
Best Artist Roger Mason
Columbia-Greene Media
Best State Historic Site Olana Olana is more than just the house; it is a work of art designed by Hudson River School artist Frederic Church and the site integrates the landscape, views, farm, house and collections. Since OlaOlana is more than just the house; it is a work of art designed by Hudson River School artist Frederic Church and the site integrates the landscape, views, farm, house and collections. Since Olana was saved from the auction block in the 1960s, there has been greater recognition of the importance of its viewshed — and threats to that viewshed, such as a proposed nuclear power plant, St. Lawrence Cement and Athens Generating. It has been the mission of those who love and support Olana to protect that viewshed. “So many people and organizations that value the importance of preserving farmland and open spaces” makes Columbia County a great home for the historic homestead. “To date, more than 1,300 acres have been protected within the Olana viewshed,” site staff said. Owned by New York State, and open to the public for 47 years, the grounds at Olana are accessible from 8 a.m. to sunset every day for walking, picnicking, painting and bird watching, among other activities, and five miles of carriage roads make for a scenic foray through the landscape. Tours of the historic house are also available. For more information, visit or call 518.828.0135. Olana is located at 5720 State Route 9G, Hudson.
Best Art Gallery Thompson Giroux Gallery Thompson Giroux Gallery is located at 57 Main Street in Chatham. Voted this year’s Best Art Gallery in Columbia County, it is is owned by Marie-Claude Giroux and William Thompson. The gallery features carefully-curated contemporary art in a community-oriented setting, offering group shows that give collectors an understanding of how an eclectic mix of art can create a cohesive collection. The gallery showcases talented artists working in a wide range of style and media, supporting artists who make compelling and inspiring art. The Thompson Giroux Art Gallery is open Thursday through Monday 11a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday from 11a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 518-392-3336 for more information, or visit the website
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
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Local Live Theater Mac-Haydn Theatre The Mac-Haydn Theatre was foundedin 1969 by Lynne Haydn and Linda MacNish; Haydn still serves as artistic director/producer. For the first few years the theater performed in rented space at the Chatham Fairgrounds; in 1978 they opened in their own building just outside of the village. Hundreds of performers, directors, musicians, designers and technicians have honed skills toward a successful career in a highly competitive business at the theatre — fulfilling one of the original aims of MacNish and Haydn. Their other aim, to provide top quality musical theater entertainment to people in an area that (at the time) had nothing of that sort, has also been reached, as thousands of patrons enjoy each year’s productions. Mac-Haydn takes pride in being the cornerstone of some 20 plus performing arts groups in the county. Mac-Haydn’s unique theatre-in-the-round setting focuses on the story and the music, while giving a fresh, new perspective to the show. The people have exceptional talents, bringing the highest possible quality to all aspects of the productions. They are also very proud to have brought high quality entertainment to thousands of people for more than 45 years. Haydn loves the the diversity of Columbia County, “Where else can you go fishing, hiking, antiquing and then see a Broadway quality professional musical all in one day? The location: being so near to major highways is a positive factor for our business. The people: we could not exist without our so helpful and so loyal volunteers, and the other businesses and people who support us.” Mac-Haydn is seasonal, open late-May to mid-September; performance days and times vary, see website for information: Mac-Haydn is located at 1925 State Route 203 in Chatham. For more information call 518.392.9292. Mac-Haydn is seasonal, opens late-May to mid-September; performance days and times vary, see website for information: Mac-Haydn is located at 1925 State Route 203 in Chatham. For more information call 518.392.9292.
f o t s e B NIGHTLIFE
Best Bar Peint O Gwrw Best Entertainer Justin Weaver Born and raised in Hudson, NY, Justin has been performing since age 5. A fixture on the local community theater scene for over 20 years, Justin graduated from Hudson High School in 1994 and went on to Siena College, Columbia Greene Community College and SUNY New Paltz where he majored in theater and received many awards and acknowledgements for his performances. After giving birth to Girlgantua Jones 6 years ago, he/she has performed regularly at Club Helsinki and The Half Moon with Musty Chiffon's Kook, Trixie's Whorehouse, Charmed and Dangerous (Diamond Street Dames), Hudson Pride and has created Girlgantua's Drag Race which will be taking place once again in October. Justin took his act on the road in 2014 and performed in Provincetown, MA at the world renowned SHOWGIRLS drag competition and placed 2nd out of 15. In January 2015, Justin expanded upon his internal cast of characters and created Weather With Weaver in which he combs the streets of Hudson comically delivering the weather and all the pertinent gossip. His online videos have become a Facebook sensation and can be found at #Weatherwithweaver. Justin would like to thank his family and friends for all their support and encouragement, Girlgantua for making him laugh and keeping his creative juices flowing, and all of you for voting him Best Entertainer of Columbia County for the second time in a row. Thank you.
Peint O Gwrw is an eclectic Welsh-themed pub — one of only four in the United States. It has a warm, old-time atmosphere with tin ceilings, wood paneling, swords and armor, Welsh flags and taxidermy. It’s a quirky corner of the universe where you can enjoy a kimchi burger. Established in 2001, the owners, Thomas Hope and Lynne Michael, wanted to provide a comfortable local pub atmosphere with affordable prices. They pride themselves on the 16 local and micro brews on tap including local cider and a nice selection of scotches and bourbons, exciting Quiz Notes and Wednesday Curry Nig–hts. Peint O Gwrw is located at 36 Main Street in Chatham and is open Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 4 p.m. to midnight and 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday and Saturday. For more information, call 518.392.2337 or email
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Best of Columbia County 2015
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Best Local Movie Theater
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Thank You for voting us Best Plumber in Columbia County!
Thank You for Voting Us Best Wine and Liquor Store of Columbia County 2015!
Columbia-Greene Media
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
■ 25
Best Happy Hour Spot
Best Happy Hour Spot
Carolina House
American Glory Restaurant
The Carolina House has been serving Columbia County for the past 32 years. Owned by Tammy and Keith Crawford, the restaurant features fresh and local ingredients wherever possible, specializing in southern American and multi-ethnic cuisine. The restaurant is set a apart by the large number of regular customers who make the Carolina House feel like home. Owners and staff all pride themselves on their exceptional customer service. Lunch is served Monday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., dinner Sunday through Thursday 5 to 9:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday 5 to 10 p.m. Happy hour 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Carolina House is located at 59 Broad Street, Kinderhook. Contact them by phone: 518-7581669 or online:,
American Glory specializes in legendary wood smoked barbecue and classic American comfort foods. The menu includes many vegetarian and gluten free options. American Glory is warm and inviting, filled with the aroma of wood smoked barbecue, hometown comfort foods, enjoyable music, good times, and roaring laughter. Visit us in either our Hudson or Tannersville locations. Located at 342 Warren Street in Hudson, American Glory is open seven days a week. Proprietor Joe Fierro has traveled most of the United States and has eaten in some of the country’s best smokehouses, steake houses, rib joints, biker bars, diners, luncheonettes, and mom& pop restaurants. Over the years he has enjoyed regional foods, traditions, seasonings and flavors and has reproduced those dishes and reintroduced them to the people of Columbia County. American Glory is open Monday-Thursday noon-10 p.m.,Friday-Saturday noon10:30 p.m. and Sunday noon-10 p.m.
Best Happy Hour Spot Destino’s Offering fresh, locally inspired Mexican food, Destino opened its doors in Chatham in 2007. Hailing from the famous Mexican food regions of Oaxaca and Puebla, Destin’s chefs adapted authentic recipes and preparations for local tastes. The restaurant is vegetarian and gluten free friendly, with a moderate heat level and a menu featuring traditional, modern, and TexMex Mexican favorites. Chefs use seasonal produce, foraged ingredients and local meat from the great growers and farmers in our region. Call in for reservations, especially on the weekends. Accommodating large parties, and hosting for private events and pick up catering can be arranged. Email or call (518) 3926663 for more information. Destino’s is located at 1 Church St, Chatham and is open Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 5-9 p.m., Thursday from 5-9:30 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 5-10 p.m.
Best Music Venue Helsinki Hudson It began in 1995 with the creation of the Helsinki Tea Company and Club Helsinki, the inspiration of Deborah McDowell. Taking her love of community, tea, good food and music, and blending it with the talents of Columbia County native Marc Schafler Club Helsinki was born. It's not possible to capture the impact Helsinki productions have had artistically and socially by merely running down a list of artists presented through the years. Just 45 minutes from the former club and 2 hours from New York City straight up the Hudson River, the new Helsinki Hudson houses 2 performance spaces, a full service restaurant, a gallery space, outdoor dining, artist green rooms with showers and lounge space, recording facilities, offices, and more. Helsinki Hudson continues its commitment to contributing to the quality of the community by cultivating connections between all ethnicities, ages and experience and to reflect the culture and human spirit through innovative programming. Club Helsinki is located at 405 Columbia Street, Hudson. Call (518)828-4800 or go online to
Best Bartender Cassandra Cummings - Red Dot Restaurant Cassandra Cumming grew up here, left for 15 years, and came back 11 years ago. She works at the Red Dot Restaurant, where she thoroughly enjoys her job and the customers. “This is a beautiful area, and I'm happy to call this city my home,” Cumming said.The Red Dot Restaurant and Bar is located at 321 Warren Street in Hudson. The bar is open 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. and weekday nights are subject to patronage. For more information about the Red Dot, call 518.828.3657 or visit the website
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Best of Columbia County 2015
f o t s e B FOOD AND DRINK
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Baked Goods Our Daily Bread
Best Burger Grazin’ Farm to Table Direct Grazin’ is the first and only restaurant in the country to be Animal Welfare Approved, so all of the animal proteins are from animals raised to the highest animal welfare standards. The grassfed and finished beef and dairy, as well as the pasture raised pork and eggs travel just 7 miles from their farm to their restaurant and the rest of the produce comes from local, organic, bio-dynamic, and/or sustainable farms within 10-12 miles of the restaurant. Owners Dan and Susan Gibson and Andrew and Christine Chiappinelli pride themselves on their uncompromising values. If it’s not local and in season, they won’t have it! Grazin’ It’s important to really know where your food comes from. In business for the past three years, Grazin’ is located at 717 Warren Street in Hudson. Grazin’ is open noon to 8 p.m. Thursday; noon to 9:30 p.m. Friday; 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday and noon to 8 p.m. Monday.
Best Fine Dining Ca’ Mea Ca’Mea Ristorante, a wellestablished restaurant of fine dining in Hudson New York, is known for its authentic Italian cuisine and consistent quality. Like Hudson itself, the restaurant is always evolving and refining itself. Owner Roy Felcetto, who created Ca’Mea, and his partner, Massimiliano “Max” Cenci, a well known restaurateur in his native town of Cortona, Italy (Trattoria Toscana) have brought together just the right balance of flavor and service that has made Ca’Mea a Hudson destination all its own. What distinguishes Ca’Mea from most restaurants today is the owners’ hospitality and the dedicated staff’s willingness to make sure your special occasion is unforgettable. Ca’mea is open for lunch Tuesday through Sunday from noon3 p.m. Dinner is served Tuesday through Saturday from 5-10 p.m. and Sunday from 5-9 p.m. The restaurant is located at 333 Warren Street in Hudson. Contact them by phone at 518-822-0005 or through email,
In 1977 Zvi Cohen started Our Daily Bread, making traditional, artisan loaves in the European style. They sold hearth baked breads and handmade pastries at their cafe and at markets throughout the region and in NYC. Over the years, they began to hear from customers who were unable to eat gluten, and were seeking baked goods like the ones they had enjoyed for years at our market stands. In the fall of 2011, Our Daily Bread made a long overdue move to a new, larger space just down the street. That left Cohen with an empty bakery, and a great opportunity to meet the demands of a growing number of people looking for a healthy alternative and a fresh gluten free option. After weeks of cleaning (they practically re-built the bakery), and months of development and testing, they opened The Gluten Free Bakery, delivering the first loaves and cookies to market in February 2012. Many stories from gluten free bakeries start the same way. Someone in the family is found to be gluten intolerant. Someone starts baking. Someone says, "That stuff is great! You should start a bakery." Sure enough, that is the story in our family — a favorite nephew can't get near the stuff, and it was breaking the families heart. The thing is, they were bakers. With decades of experience. Their approach to gluten free baking is the approach of bakers. They brought all of our experience and knowledge to the task of developing a line of gluten free products. They also brought our high standards and traditional techniques. Our Daily Bread is located at 54 Main Street in Chatham. For more information, visit
Best Breakfast Spot Bagel Tyme Founded in 1989, Bagel Tyme began as a family owned and operated business, and still remains that way today. With three locations across Columbia County in Hudson, Greenport and Valatie, owners Karen Scherer, Jason Scherer and Kara Tiernan, were all born and raised in Columbia County. Offering 18 different kinds of bagels, all of which are homemade using the original recipe from when the shop first opened, Bagel Tyme also offers a variety of flavored cream cheeses, all of which are mixed in store. Not just a bagel shop, Bagel Tyme is a onestop breakfast and lunch spot with a variety of baked goods, sandwiches, salads, soups and of course, coffee and tea. Karen Scherer, Jason Scherer and Kara Tiernan pride themselves on having a steady following of regular customers that they know well. In fact, they often have their order ready for them as soon as they walk in the door. They also offer catering Bagel Tyme is located at 389 Fairview Avenue, Hudson. 518-8221510, Shop hours are Monday through Sunday 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
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Best of Columbia County 2015
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Distilled Spirits Core Vodka - Harvets Spirits Derek Grout is a third generation farmer who founded Harvest Spirits Farm Distillery with his wife Ashley Hartka in 2008. They live in Hudson with their young sons Theodore and Oliver. Harvest Spirits, LLC is New York state’s first farm distillery. Located in Valatie on the family farm, Harvest Spirits creates more than nine hand-crafted spirits, distilled from the farm’s surplus fruit. One-hundred percent family owned and operated and independently distributed – Harvest Spirits Farm Distillery is open for tours and tastings every weekend, noon to 5 p.m. The distillery is located at Golden Harvest Farms, 3074 Route 9 in Valatie. For more information, call 518-253-591, email info@ or visit
Best Farmers’ Maket Hudson Farmers’ Market According to its website, Hudson Farmers’ Market was started in 1997 by Milt Meisner and Norman Posner. The vendors continue to strive to support their founding vision and provide Hudson with fresh local product from family farms, being sold by farmers directly to their ever loyal customers. When Milt “retired” they continued to grow and offer a wider variety of products and more vendors each year. Milt has passed away and he is missed terribly, but his spirit lives on in the market he co-founded. Hudson’s market is one of the longest running farmers’ markets in the region. All vendors comprise the Vendor Collective and have a say inhow the market is run. Come be a part of what makes Columbia County great — agriculture at its best! The Hudson Farmers’ Market is located in the parking lot at Sixth and Columbia streets. It is open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays from May through November. For more information, visit
Best Place to Network and Relax Iron Horse Cigar Shop Voted best place to network and relax Iron Horse Cigar Depot, in business only 6 months, offers both an indoor and outdoor lounge for your comfort and convienence. Located at 22 South 7th Street Hudson offers Locker Club Memberships and events to keep you coming back. Products include cigars, lighters, cutters, ashtrays, lighter fluid, humidors and other accessories. Customer service and hand rolled cigars are high on our list of priorities. Upcoming events include a Cigar & Local Distillery Night at Club Helsinki, June 27 and a Hudson River Cruise August 14. 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Hours are noon - 8 p.m. Monday - Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. - 8 p.m., Sunday noon - 6 p.m. For information call 518-828-1505, e-mail or visit the website at
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Best Chef Josephine Proul Local 111 Dynamic and passionate about her profession, chef Josephine Proul won the confidence of Local 111’s owners, Max Dannis and Linda Gatter, six months into her job as sous chef at the restaurant. Seven years ago, at age 22, the owners made Josephine the chef/manager of the place and, no one has looked back. Proul has worked the back and front of this service station turned into a coolly comfortable dining spot as if were she to stop creating, the place would disappear in a puff of graham cracker beignets . Local 111 has enough menu choices for every eater, from carnivores to vegans, to find something to please their palates. Same goes for Proul’s genial Friday and Saturday local lunchbox with its abbreviated menu. With only Proul and an assistant cook on the premises, diners are asked to ring a bell when they arrive to alert the kitchen. See sample menus and other bits of information at Now, if a fresh, creative and delicious brunch at Local 111, and the opportunity to shop at a good little farmers’ market isn’t incentive enough to get you over to Philmont on Sunday morning, during very civilized hours — then you’re hard to please.
Best Dessert Verdigris Tea & Chocolate Bar Verdigris Tea & Chocolate Bar owner Kim Bach brought her mother’s tea shop to Hudson after 18 years in Park City, Utah. Verdigris carries an extensive selection of tea by the cup, pot or ounce as well as an in-house bakery, local and regional artisinal chocolates and espresso drinks. The shop has been at its Hudson location for the past eight years with Chef Regina Simmons baking the goodies and Kim Bach presiding over the tea counter. Verdigris Tea and Chocolate Bar, located at 135 Warren St., Hudson, is closed Wednesdays, open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and until 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. For more information, call 518.828.3139, email verdigristea@gmailcom or visit the website
Best Coffee Tierra Farm All of Tierra Farm’s products are certified organic, gluten-free and kosher. The coffee and chocolate are certified Fair Trade. They manufacture the products they sell: they dry roast and flavor nuts and seeds, roast coffee, blend granola and trail mixes, grind nutbutters and coast nuts and fruits with chocolate. In business for 15 years, Tierra Farm was started in the late 1990s as a diversified organic vegetable farm in the Finger Lakes Region. The company is owned by Gunther Fishgold. The company prides itself on customer service, employee benefits and education and its commitment to the local community. Between the people, natural beauty, tremendous support from the community and the strong agricultural roots, they couldn’t ask for more! Tierra Farm is located at 2424 State Route 203 in Valatie and is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday through Saturday. For more information, call 518.392.8300, email or visit the website at
Best Place to Dine with Kids & get a Slice of Pizza Baba Louie’s Sourdough Baba Louie’s Sourdough Pizza Company owners Paul and Eileen Masiero pride themselves in using the freshest ingredients, they work hard at providing specials and seasonal dishes using locally grown products and they have a menu that treats gluten free and vegan guests as just one of the gang. What sets Baba Louie’s apart is their use of both classic and creative combinations. There is something for everyone on the menu whether you have a discriminating palette and are craving a new flavor or need to feed the kids something familiar. Now in its ninth year of business, Baba Louie’s is located at 517 Warren Street in Hudson. They are open 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. for lunch and from 5 to 9:30 p.m. for dinner Monday through Thursday; 11:30 a.m. to 3 for lunch and 5 to 10 p.m. for dinner on Fridays; 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday; 11:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sunday; closed on Wednesdays. For more information, call 518.751.2155 or visit the website
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Local Beer Chatham Brewing LLC Chatham Brewing is the brainchild of two beer lovers: Jake Cunningham and Tom Crowell. They were tired of the generic taste of mass-market beers, so they decided to brew their own. At least once a week, every week — except when they were on a fishing trip. Chatham Brewing beers are all natural — no additives, no fillers. Just hops, barley, malt, yeast and that magic elixir called Chatham water. At Chatham Brewing, they know that the ingredients going into the kettle will determine the taste of the beer going into the glass. So with that in mind, their brewer, Matt Perry, carefully selects the finest available malt and hops to create beers that are world-class. Chatham Brewing has been designated a “farm brewery” which means they have pledged to produce beer using New York state grain and hops, which they source from right here in Columbia County. Cunningham and Crowell said it is the people that they love the best about Columbia County. And lastly, as a brewery, being located in an agricultural community is huge. They purchase local hops, grain and maple syrup and support local farms and farmers markets whenever they can. In business for the past eight years, Chatham Brewing is located at 59 Main Street in Chatham and is open Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 4 to 10 p.m., Friday, noon to 12 a.m. Saturday 11 a.m. to 12 a.m. and Sunday noon to 8 p.m. For more information, call 518.697.0202, email or visit the website at
Best Lunch Spot The Cascades The Cascades has been a successful restaurant and catering business for 20 years. The Cascades offers high quality, excellent value and professional and friendly service. Their soups are out of this world. Wine and beer are available. Delivery and catering are also offered. Bob Lucke studied hotel/restaurant management at Washington State University, then spent several years in management working for a Seattle restaurant chain. Bob and his wife, Martha Lane, moved to Hudson in 1988. Five years later, Bob opened The Cascades on Warren Street. The Cascades staff prides themselves on prompt, friendly service. The restaurant, located at 407 Warren Street in Hudson, is open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. For more information, call 518.822.9146, email or visit
Best Caterer
Best Local Wine
Simons Catering
The Hudson-Chatham Winery
Mara Simons-Jones took over Carlucci Catering in 2010, establishing Simons Catering. They are the house caterer for the summer residency program at Art Omi, as well as for the students in the hot lunch program at Hawthorne Valley School. They cater weddings, cocktail parties, dinner parties, and barbecues of all sizes. The innovative team of creative young chefs sets this catering company apart from all the others whether they’re whipping up a batch of bacon jam, or baking their own bialys, they are all passionate about producing delicious and beautiful food for every event. Simons Catering service staff routinely receives rave reviews from clients lauding their friendly and professional manner. Simons-Jones said that she loves the farms of Columbia County and is so grateful to have access to the best quality produce, eggs, meats and cheeses in the Northeast. For more information about Simons Catering, call 518.392.FOOD (3663), email or visit the website
The Hudson-Chatham Winery is the dream of Carlo and Dominique DeVito, both publishing professionals who have long shared a love of wine. This exciting winery, which specializes in small hand-made batches of wine, is dedicated to the richness of the Hudson River Valley, particularly its wine, agriculture, literature, art, history, and many other attractions that make it a rich and special region. The Hudson-Chatham Winery, located between the historic towns of Hudson and Chatham, is the first winery in Columbia County. As well as creating fine artisanal wines, the DeVito family (including two dogs), and many valued friends, have worked hard restoring the winery’s grounds and its prestigious circa 1780 farmhouse. The winery features hand-crafted wines, cheeses and desserts, and includes vineyard tours and a gazebo with scenic views. A visit to the Hudson-Chatham Winery will inspire all your senses.Visit for more information.
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
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Best Farm Stand & Food Market The Berry Farm
Best Healthy Snack Earth Foods The Berry Farm is a family-owned and operated farm and farm store. Founded in 1982 by Joseph Gilbert, the Berry Farm has been providing Columbia County and the surrounding areas with local, healthy and wholesome food for 33 years. Starting out as a tractor-pulled fruit stand, the Berry Farm has evolved over the years into a fully-functional, year-round vegetable and fruit farm (including greenhouses) and store. All of the vegetables and fruit grown at the Berry Farm are pesticide-free. Specializing in local, all-natural and organic products, the store carries produce and products from over 100 local vendors. Open all year round, the Berry Farm is “Your Everyday Farmers Market!”
Best Local Farm Golden Harvest Born and raised in Waterbury, VT, Alan Grout, 74, studied veterinary medicine at Cornell, becoming a large animal vet in 1964. Alan moved to Golden Harvest Farms with his family in 1974 and soon started to expand and modernize the farm: a new cold storage facility with state-of-the-art control atmosphere rooms, more land, more trees planted & irrigated, additional tractors and equipment, and so it went, year after year, even as more farms were going out of business. Today, Golden Harvest Farms is well known for it's wellworn charm, outstanding cider donuts, fresh apples, sweet cider and now vodka. Alan has cultivated a dedicated team of employees to serve the daily flow of customers year round. Alan is the proud father of 5 sons and owner of two beloved German Shephards. There is probably a lot more I could say but I think it's best to leave it at that.
Earth Foods opened its doors as a family owned business in 1997. Since then, Earth Foods has been committed to serving fresh, healthful foods in a caring, friendly environment. Everything is made on the premises such as the bread, pizza dough, soups, salads, hummus, salsa and much more. The fresh juices are a favorite. Earth Foods is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9-3; and Friday through Sunday 9-4. The breakfast menu is available until noon. 523 Warren Street, Hudson, NY. (518)822-1396
Best Liqour Store Fairview Wines ans Spirits
Fairview Wines & Spirits, owners Lewis and Risa Dimm, pride themselves on their outstanding customer service, selections, positive attitude and their exceptional knowledge and service in their 25 years of business. Upcoming plans for 2015 including weekend tastings. Fairview Wines & Spirits, 160 Fairview Ave., Fairview Plaza, Hudson. 518-8280934;;
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Thank you for voting us “Best of Columbia County!”
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f o t s e B SERVICES
Best of Columbia County 2015
are our neighbors and friends and we treat them as such". VP Mark Fingar adds, "Good news travels fast...bad news travels faster...we have to do a good job. And we must be doing a good job, because most of our clients come from referrals". Fingar Insurance has entered it's 84th year of offering financial protection through insurance to the area. From Grandfather to Great Grandchildren, Fingar Insurance is now in it's fourth generation. This is a milestone fewer and fewer businesses are able to tout. Larger companies are gobbling up smaller companies daily. Business decisions are being relocated to corporate headquarters. The "suits" at Corporate Headquarters could care less if your insurance is not adequate...but we do. At Fingar Insurance, the Fingar family name goes on every they sell.
Best Insurance Agency Fingar Insurance At Fingar Insurance, we pride ourselves on conducting insurance the old fashioned way. Owners Greg and Mark will go out on "calls" to visit with clients or clients can come in to our offices and meet face-to-face with us. Also, we use cutting edge technology to make our operations as efficient as possible. This increases the level of customer service we are able to offer our clients. Our computer system rivals some of the largest insurance companies...and that is a fact. At Fingar Insurance we live in, work in & support our community. According to President Gregory Fingar, "We evaluate a person's insurance needs and propose coverage that will protect their financial interests. Our primary focus is on protecting our clients through seasoned insurance companies. Because we live in the community we serve, we have to be extra diligent in doing right by our clients. They're not just our customers, they
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Best of Columbia County 2015
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Best of Columbia County Community Event — Spring And to our sponsors for making this event possible each year!
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Best of Columbia County 2015
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Best Photographer Molinski Photography After ten years working under the name Photographics Solution, award winning photographers Michael and Nicole Molinski decided to transition to the family name as the title of the business. "Nothing is changing with our service, just our name," Michael said. "I came up with the previous name when I was only 20 years old and still enlisted in the Marines working as a Combat Photographer and Graphic Illustrator. I had this vision of owning a company with a couple dozen employees. It never quite got there and I'm glad. We're proud to be a small family business and that's why we're going with Molinski Photography." Michael and Nicole know this couldn't have been possible without the support of the community. "'People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it' Simon Sinek said, the people of Columbia County can tell we love what we do and they want to support that," Michael praised. Molinski Photography received its second Best of Columbia County award this year and is located at 2 Park Place, Hudson. Business hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and for more information, call 518-929-7378, visit online or email
Best Realtor Coldwell Banker Bartolotta Realty From a simple building lot, to multi-million dollar estates and businesses, the experts at Coldwell Banker Bartolotta Realty bring the best real estate know-how to all their customers and clients. Owner L. Paul DeCrosta is a Columbia County native who began his real estate carrer in 1978 with Century 21. In addition to his real estate license, he is a certified RE appraiser. Coldwell Banker Bartolotta Realty prides itself on caring for the customer. “It’s important to all of us that our customers know we care about them and their transaction,” the owner said. “We bring respect, fairness, a smile and a work ethic to every sale.” The staff at Coldwell Banker Bartolotta Realty, in business for more than 30 years, is made up of a mix of real estate professionals — associate brokers who once owned their own firms; salespeople who are lifelong county residents and New York City natives who have made Columbia County home. The company now has 18 licensees and represents properties all over Columbia County, branching into Rensselaer, Dutchess and Greene counties. What’s the best thing about Columbia County? “Everyone loves Columbia County’s rural beauty, but we also love the character of our residents,” the owner said. “Their decency and respect for nature, our history and for others’ rights and privacy. We love the genuine concern shown by multi-generation natives and new residents alike for preservation of the land and the enhancement of our cultural opportunities and education.” For more information, visit or email The office at 5 Fabiano Boulevard, Hudson, is open seven days a week and can also be reached by phone at 518.828.7111 or fax at 518.828.4888.
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Best Alternative Energy Sundog Solar
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Alternative Medicine Practitioner Andrea Elliott - Elliott Acupuncture
Sundog Solar embodies its solar products in every way — from its 100 percent solar powered and carbon neutral factory, to its Sundog Smarthouse, a house that creates its own electricity, stores power, heats water and doesn’t need to be hooked up to a utility company. Owned by Jody Rael, an entrepreneur, inventor and environmentalist, Sundog opened 10 years ago and now installs more than just solar electric. The company also specializes in solar hot water systems, closed cell spray foam and blown cellulose insulation, electric heat pump water heaters and its staff perform home energy assessments. After purchasing the Columbia Box Mill in 1997, Rael set out to transform the former energy-wasting property into a model of renewable energy. Solaqua was born. Meaning “Sun + Water,” the Solaqua project has housed a number of demonstration projects (some funded by NYSERDA and the USDA) and has been an incubator for new business. Taking solar seriously, the Sundog factory has a truly unique energy system. “We heat our factory in the winter with our vegetable oil boiler and cool our offices with upstate New York’s only solar thermal powered air conditioner,” Rael said. The vegetable oil comes from area restaurants, he added. When asked what is the draw to Columbia County, Sundog’s owner states: “The micro location advantages of fresh air, abundant water, open land; the macro location advantages of being two to three hours from Boston and New York City. Columbia County also has a population and governance that understands that we need to reduce the carbon we emit into the air to preserve not just our county but our planet as well.” For more information on Sundog, located at 343 Route 295, Chatham, visit or email You can also call 518.392.4000 or fax 518.392.8191.
Following a stint in the Peruvian Amazon and armed with an interest in ecology and ethnobotany, Andrea Elliott returned to her undergraduate roots in Chinese language and decided to study Chinese herbal medicine. Acupuncture was also a part of her training, and her practice is now about equal parts acupuncture and herbal medicine plus the occsional opportunity to translate. Elliott Acupuncture serves as a full time Chinese medicine clinic where you can schedule for acupuncture and herbs when you need them. Elliott’s practice of acupuncture goes beyond needles to incorporate other traditional techniques such as moxibustion, cupping and gua sha. Add to that the availability of custom Chinese formulas and there are many options for the treatment of a wide variety of complaints. Her office is in a beautifully renovated carriage house. Elliott prides herself on having spent three years in China from 2005 to 2008 where she refined her knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine as well as improved her medical Chinese by observing with two Chinese doctors who continue to serve as her teachers. She also learned a lot about Sichuanese cuisine and culture. Elliott said that she loves the diversity of the area and the abundance of organic agriculture and farm to table food. Elliott Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine is located at 876 Columbia Street in Hudson. For more information, call 518-8288588, email or visit the website Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday; 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday; 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Thursday; 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Closed Tuesdays.
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
Best Accountant
Best Electrician
Pattison, Koskey, Howe & Bucci CPS’s PC
Halaco Electric. Inc.
Pattison, Koskey, Howe and Bucci, CPAs, founded in 1946, is one of the Hudson Valley's oldest and most respected public accounting firms. With headquarters in Hudson and offices in Catskill, Valatie and Saugerties, the firm serves organizations and individuals from many industries and many walks of life. The firm has experienced staff members in most industries including small business corporations, manufacturers, service corporations, municipalities (counties and towns), real estate development, non-profit organizations, financial institutions, insurance and telecommunications. For more information, contact the following offices: Catskill Office: 45 Five Mile Wood Road Catskill, Phone: 518-943-4502, Fax: 518-943-6532 Hudson Office: 502 Union Street Hudson, Phone: 518-828-1565, Fax: 518-828-2672 Saugerties Office: 340 Main Street Saugerties, Phone: 845-246-3803, Fax: 845-246-1035 Valatie Office: 2880 US Route 9, Valatie, Phone: 518-758-6776, Fax: 518-758-6779 Or go online to
Best Financial Advisor Dave O’Connor for Edward Jones Dave O'Connor, AAMS, has been a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones since November 2002. From April 2003 he was the advisor in the Saratoga Springs branch. In December 2013, he established the first Edward Jones branch in Columbia County when the Chatham office opened. Prior to joining Edward Jones, Dave was a U.S. Naval officer for 20 years retiring with the rank of Commander. He is a Chatham High School graduate; Graduate of Union College (Schenectady, NY) with a B.A. in English; And while in the Navy graduated from Troy State University with a Masters in Public Administration. He also serves as a member of the Chatham Central School District school board. Dave and his wife, Leslie, own a home in the Village of Chatham.
Best Builder/Contractor Christopher Tiano Carpentry Christopher Tiano Carpentry, Builders and Contractors, was voted the Best Builder/Contractor in this year’s Best of Columbia County survey. Owned and operated by Christopher Tiano, the company has been specializing in repairs, additions and custom built homes for more than 25 years. To find our more about the service available. contact them at PO Box 519, Claverack, NY, 12513 or call (518)828-9614.
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Harry B. Halaco established his electrical business in Columbia county more than 20 years ago. A life long resident of the county he has built his company from a small side business to a successful full-time venture. His company, Halaco Electric, Inc., focuses on electrical installations for new and existing construction as well as repair and troubleshooting of electrical systems for residential and light commercial customers. Harry is a member of the Columbia County Electrical Contractors' Association and the Columbia County Chamber of Commerce. He has also donated his services to local Habitat for Humanity home building projects. Harry lives in Claverack with his wife, Karen, and a menagerie of pets.
Best Excavator/Contractor McCagg Excavating, Inc. The foundation of McCagg Excavating, Inc. originated in the early 1970s under the ownership of Alfred McCagg Jr, DBA Alfred McCagg Jr. Construction. The primary services that he specialized in were small excavation jobs and septic system install and repair. With a small fleet of machines and a handful of employees, he worked wholeheartedly on building a trusted reputation and demonstrated dedication to satisfaction to the customers he served throughout the area over the next 30 years. In January 2000, Jamie joined his father in the business and they became McCagg Excavating, Inc. Along with a growing work team, they continued to provide quality work to those who had been loyal customers in the past, as well as to many new clients. Through their combined efforts, the business grew steadily and successfully. Their customer base expanded beyond Columbia County in every direction, and some as far away as Binghamton, NY. For the past 15 years, McCagg excavating, Inc. has continued to serve the residents of Columbia County (and beyond) with the same dedication to providing top quality services and commitment. Despite the loss of the family business patriarch in 2009, Alfred or “Sonny" as he was best known, Jamie and the company continued to push forward in honor of his father's drive and ambition to succeed. Today, McCagg Excavating, Inc. is proud to be one of the longest running and most trusted excavation businesses in the area.
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Plumber
Best Dentist
Dell’s Plumbing, Heating & A/C, Inc.
Philmont Family Denstry
David DellGrottaglia has been in the "mechanical" business for most of his adult life! He began this career with my Dad's company (Fred Engel), and then started his own business in 1998, that has grown with our Family to create the plural name of DELLS', and expanded to the present 16 employees. Dell’s takes pride in being a part of the community, and working in our neighbors’ homes. They strive to treat your home, like it was their home! They are located right in the center of Columbia County, and live and work from the town of Ghent. Their company will design, estimate, install, and service any of your plumbing, heating, or air conditioning needs. Working side by side with our suppliers, who in turn work with manufacturers that help us to stay trained, and up to date, with the most current technologies available in the plumbing, heating, and air conditioning industry! Look for the polar bear logo on the white vans as they travel through the county each day, sometimes even on Sundays, or the middle of a snow storm!
Philmont Family Dentistry has been serving individuals and families in New York’s Upper Hudson Valley for 30 years. Offering a full spectrum of care for patients from age 1 to 101, including, crowns, bridges, veneers, and implants; cosmetic dentistry such as whitening, bonding; root canal; extractions; and, emergency interventions. Philmont Family Dentistry is located at 1078 Route 217, P. O. BOX 817, Philmont. Phone (518) 6724077 or more information. Afterhours emergency number: 845-7979037 Philmont Family Dentistry is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Wednesdays 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
“Being active members of the Columbia County Chamber of Commerce is a key element of our business strategy. The Business After Hours events are an ideal environment for building relationships with other business owners, and they have allowed us to make valuable networking connections that have led directly to new business. The Chamber has been instrumental to our ongoing success.” - Suzanne and Robert Trevellyan owners of
L e t t h e C h a m b e r W O R K f o r Yo u !
1 North Front Street, Hudson, NY 12534 Phone 518.828.4417 Fax 518.822.9539
Congratulations to all our winners!
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
Best Graphic Designer
Best Optician/Eye Doctor
John Isaacs
Dr. Nicolette Sacco-Brown Family Eyecare Center
John Isaacs is President of John Isaacs Design (JID), originally a Manhattan-based studio specializing in graphic design and publishing, located since 2001 in Claverack NY. JID develops corporate identity, branding, communications, and publication programs, incorporated in print and digital media, for a wide range of corporate and institutional clients, including, locally, Bard College, The Hudson Standard, BerkShares (Graphis Gold Award), FilmColumbia 2015, Friends of Hudson (“Stop the Plant”), and Stone Bridge Cider. JID is responsible for the design of, OURTOWN magazine, and LAPIS magazine, and is known for its abilities in the field of art book design, including numerous catalogues and books by and about renowned artists, for museums, galleries, and leading publishers in the field, including Abrams, Charta, Hatje Cantz, The MIT Press, and Steidl. JID also publishes books under the imprint John Isaacs Books, which are distributed by DAP, the world’s foremost art book distributor.
Best Beauty/Spa Services Bodhi Holistic Spa Yoga & Salon
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The staff at Family Eyecare Center is committed to providing you and your family with the highest quality comprehensive eye health care and eyewear. They strive to treat all of their patients like family with kindness, respect and appreciation. The modern facility and state-of-the art equipment allow the staff to meet your eye health needs as well as provide you with quality eyeglasses, contact lenses, low vision devices and fashionable sunglasses at a great value. In business for 26 years, Family Eyecare Center has been at its present location for the past seven. The optical staff handpicks unique and beautiful eyewear to offer in the optical dispensary. The right pair of glasses not only provides crisp, clear vision, but also allows the wearer to express their personality. If you are in need of something original, artistic, handcrafted and beautifully made, look no further. Dr. Nicolette Sacco-Brown is a graduate of the University of
Melinda Macchiardi started the business as a small massage practice 12 years ago. She listened carefully to the needs of the community and the guests visiting Hudson, which inspired Bodhi as it is today. “It’s pretty great to get a massage after yoga,” the owners said. TJ transformed the old building through blood, sweat and tears into an incredible yoga space. Bodhi Holistic Spa and Yoga prides itself on finding the most natural, yet effective, products for all of its services. Located at 543 Warren Street, Bodhi is a full service spa, salon and yoga studio owned by Melinda and TJ Macchiardi. All services are based on principles of holistic wellness and the belief that beauty is from the inside out.
California at Berkeley School of Optometry, where, she was awarded a Doctor of Optometry degree as well as a BS in Physiological Optics. She also holds a BS in Biology from Stonehill College. Dr. Sacco-Brown has been practicing optometry in Columbia County since 1988 and enjoys serving the community she grew up in. She is a member of the American Optometric Association, the New York State Optometric Association, the Germantown Lions Club, the Columbia-Greene Community Foundation Board and The Bank of Greene County Community Advisory Board. She resides in Germantown with her husband, Roy. The staff at Family Eyecare Center includes Dr. Sacco-Brown, Lisa Wood (licensed optician), Caitlin Stickles (office manager), Nadia Repucci (optometric assistant), Donna Mullins (receptionist) and Victoria Jensen (lab assistant). Feel free to stop in any time at 183 Healy Boulevard and take a look at the special collection of frames and sunglasses. Visit the website at or call 518-828- USEE for an appointment with Dr. Sacco-Brown or Lisa Wood. The office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Wednesday; 9
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Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Best Architect Kate Johns AIA Specializing in new traditional architecture and historic preservation, the architectural firm of Kate Johns AIA was established in 1986. The firm concentrates on formal and informal classic country house architecture. Circulation, the experience of moving through interior spaces and from interior to exterior spaces, as well as light and the framing of views are primary design concerns. Attention to the rules of proportion and classical detailing are also important as is the building’s relationship to the site and to its architectural context. The term “historic preservation” encompasses many levels of intervention with an existing building. From strict “preservation” of an historic structure according to the Secretary of the Interior’s standards, to renovation, adaptive reuse, and additions, the firm has many years of experience with them all. Behind every Kate Johns, AIA project is a talented team of professionals who bring a unique viewpoint to everything we do. They work with trusted structural, civil
and mechanical engineers as well as landscape architects and interior designers. They provide specifications on all aspects of a construction project including plumbing fixtures, appliances and lighting fixtures. Company founder Kate Johns established the firm in Columbia County. For more than 20 years she has upheld her high standards, working in the historic preservation division of the architectural firm, The Ehrenkrantz Group in New York City. She also worked in New Orleans for the preservation architecture firm of Koch and Wilson, after working for the National Park Service as an architectural intern on a Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) team in Baton Rouge, LA. Kate is currently registered in the states of New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, Texas and New Jersey. For more information contact Kate John AIA at8 Park Row, Chatham. Call (518)392-7909 or visit
Best Veterinarian Dr. Merrill K. Johnson Animal Care Clinic For more than 30 years, the Animal Care Clinic has been providing care for pets in Columbia County “It is our concern for the pet’s owner as well as the pet that makes our practice unique,” says owner Merrill K. Johnson D.V.M. “My staff, Linda, Rose, Noreen and Robin, have been with me many years making up a team that serves up a mixture of smiling voices and friendly faces as well as offering compassion and understanding when most needed. As a client once put it ‘an awesome team of very caring professioals.’” Animal Care Clinic is open 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday at its 1959 Route 9H location in Ghent. A life-long resident of Columbia County there are many that still
remember his dad, Morris M. Johnson, D.M.V. Merrill is a graduate of Hudson High School and the NYS College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell, Class of ‘60. He started his own practice, at its current location, in 1976. The hospital is a full service small animal care center, welcoming new and current clients with the best attention at the most affordable prices. Currently the hospital is expanding its approach to conventional veterinary needs by adding alternative and complementary medicine one of which is Laser Therapy. Dr. Johnson has found many uses for Laser Therapy. the most dramatic being for spinal disc problems and arthritis.Animal Care Clinic, 1959 Route 9H, Hudson. 518828-9912;; Facebook: animalcareclinic.
Columbia-Greene Media
Best of Columbia County 2015
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Best Computer Service Jonathan’s Computer Store Jonathan’s Computers is the most trusted computer repair shop in Columbia County. We have been in the same location for 13 years and specialize in PC and Mac Computer Repair. There is never a charge for computer diagnostics so customers can stop in, without an appointment, and find out what is wrong with their computer right away. Most repairs are done in 24-48 hours. Our prices are competitive and there are never any hidden charges. All the work is done by the owner who has 25 years of computer experience, not by an inexperienced hobbyist. Most computer shops won’t spend the time to fix viruses and spyware, they will simply wipe out the computer and reload the operating system, resulting in the customer losing all of their data and programs. Jonathan’s Computer Store fixes the problems whenever possible for a flat fee no matter how long it takes.
Best Auto Service Todd Farrell’s Car Care Service
Best Healthcare Service Practitioner Dr. William Myrphy, Chatham Family Care William P. Murphy, M.D. has been named Columbia County’s Best Healthcare Service Provider. Welcoming patients to his practice at Chatham Family Care, Dr. Murphy is board certified in family medicine, and practices obstetrics. A graduate of Georgetown University in Washington, DC, he completed his residency at Williamsport Hospital in Williamsport, PA. The Chatham Family Care facility is located at 31 Dardess Drive in Chatham. Call (518) 392-6650 for more information.
With a strong belief in family values, maintaining a clean reputation and hiring dedicated employees, Todd Farrell’s Car Care Center Inc. on Worth Avenue in Hudson prides itself on quality service. Owner Todd Farrell said the family operated business offers a quality of service that chain stores can’t provide. “Our customers are our extended family,” he said. Together with his father, Dan, and best friend, Kevin, they have been running a friendly andefficient auto repair shop since 1995. Farrell said the best part of Columbia County is its character and its people. “The picturesque beauty and friendly residents make Columbia County the best county in New York to run a business and raise a family,” he said. Todd Farrell’s Car Care Center Inc. is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday. For more information, visit the Bridgestone/Firestone website, email, call 518.828.1573 or fax 518.822.1842.
42 â&#x2013;
Best of Columbia County 2015
Columbia-Greene Media
Thank You For Voting Us The
“Best in Columbia County”! Nicolette Sacco-Brown, OD
What’s Your Style? Casual • Contemporary • Traditional • Country Incredible Selection for Every Room... Living Room • Dining Rooms • Bedrooms • Mattresses
Our Staff:
Dr. Sacco-Brown, Lisa Wood (licensed optician), Caitlin Stickles (office manager), Nadia Repucci (optometric assistant), Donna Mullins (receptionist) and Victoria Jensen (lab assistant)
Family Eyecare Center 183 Healy Blvd | Hudson, NY 12534 518-828-USEE | Hope to see you soon!
Your Hometown Furniture Store
329 Fairview Ave., Hudson, NY 12534 518-828-3683 Store Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 10-6, Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6, Closed Sunday
Thank You for Voting Us Best Building Supply Store. 285 3(23/( 0$.( 7+( ',))(5(1&( Proud To Be Your Building Resource $W +HUULQJWRQ¡V ZH VKDUH WKH SDVVLRQ RI RXU FXVWRPHUV IRU D SURMHFW ZHOO GRQH :H XQGHUVWDQG WKH QHHG IRU SURGXFW WR DUULYH RQ WLPH DQG IRU TXLFN UHVSRQVHV WR questions. Our sales staff is educated in EXLOGLQJ SURGXFWV DQG SURFHVVHV :H WKLQN \RX ZLOO DJUHH WKDW WKH\ DUH D WUXH UHVRXUFH for successful building and remodeling.
We share your passion. Hillsdale, NY: 518.325.3131¡ Lakeville, CT: 860.435.2561 Millerton, NY: 518.789.3611¡ Hudson, NY: 518.828.9431 &KDWKDP 1< Ă&#x192; 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG 0$