eedition Daily Mail May 1 2019

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The Daily Mail Copyright2019, 2019,Columbia-Greene Columbia-GreeneMedia Media Copyright Volume 227, No. 81 Volume 227, No. 86

Londonlawsuit calling Trump Trump’s state sues visit totoBritain The president stop finally has aofdate Inside, A2 disclosure tax records , A5

The nation’s nation’s fourth-oldest fourth-oldest newspaper newspaper •• Serving Serving Greene Greene County County since since 1792 1792 The

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Stakes high in C-D vote

State funds 2 land trusts





Police seek clues “ to human remains ”

By Sarah Trafton

“The decision to leave Cairo-Durham is my decision,” Taibi said at the A little a.m. Sunny Still cloudy rain; cloudy a little rain CAIRO a shower meeting. “I’m doing what is best for my — A month after administrafamily and myself. This is a choice that in the Cairo-Durham CenHIGH LOW LOW 65 68 64tive turmoil HIGH 71 District, 64 an unprecedented I made for myself.” tral School When asked if the board did not in61 49 40 49 50 53number 55 50of candidates 46 have lined up tend to renew Taibi’s contract, Presifor four available seats on the school I think it’s great that we have an active community that Complete weather, weather, A2 A2 Ottawa board. dent Stephen Brandow declined to Complete Montreal 40/34 wants to be involved. Terms will end for Dr. Peter Byrne, 44/35 respond, except to say that contract Massena Gary WarnerPlattsburgh and Dennis Burke. The — Laura Giarrusso, History teacher negotiations are a personnel matter. 44/36 Bancroft fourth seat will be to fill Dean Pectal’s The board also felt the heat for the 45/36 37/30 Ogdensburg Malone term. Pectal stepped down By Trafton unexpired 43/37 removal ofSarah Spanish teacher Lori Miner Peterborough Potsdam 44/35 Kingston Columbia-Greene MediaSociety adviser, last year citing employment reasons, Burlington as the National Honor 44/37 45/37 torium March 28 looking for answers The large turnout of school board 44/38 49/40 BoardLake Clerk Twoheld local a position she for 21organizations years. Placid Bridget Agostinoni said. hopefuls comes weeks after the district from the board of education. Watertown 40/34 The position is held by Robert Mac- parted ways with former Superinten50/38 dedicated to preserving naThe Cairo-Durham Teachers AssoMany in the community thought the Giffert. ture in the Twin Counties redent Anthony Taibi, who served at the board pressured Taibi to step down. ciation’s Political Action Committee Incumbents Dennis Burke and Gary school for 12 years, first as high school Taibi denied that he was forced out. ceived state grants last week. Rochester See STAKES A8 Gov. Andrew Cuomo anWarner are in the running, as are Rob65/49 Utica nounced April 25 that 70 51/47 Albany Batavia grants totaling $2.2 million Syracuse 55/47 Buffalo 66/47 58/51 would be awarded to 47 non66/51 Catskill profit land trusts throughout 55/49 Binghamton Hornell the state. These Conservation 56/51 Jung 65/57 leads Maple Hudson Partnership Program grants 56/49 are funded by the EnvironHillShownpast Chatham is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. mental Protection Fund and Melanie Lekocevic Sophomore Isabella Matt Jung pitched a four- SUNBy administered by the state DeALMANAC AND MOON Columbia-Greene Media Milazzo followed up her Statisticswith through 3 p.m.strikeouts yesterday Today Thu. partment of Environmental hitter nine down Temperature Precipitation Sunrise Housing 5:52 a.m.sales 5:50were a.m. Conservation and the Land perfect with twoYesterday as of 3game p.m. hrs. througha3 p.m. yest. Sunset and median 7:54 p.m. sale 7:55prices p.m. as Maple Hill24 edged were Trust Alliance. Moonrise 4:41 a.m. 5:07 a.m. High Low hit shutout up for4:36homes inp.m. the Twin Chatham, 3-1 0.07” Moonset p.m. 5:37 Since 2002, 928 grants totalin the first quarter of PAGE B1 B1 MoonCounties Phases PAGE ing $19.45 million have been New2019. First Full Last awarded to 90 land trusts 50 43 The quarterly report is isthrough this program. YEAR sued by the New York State This year’s recipients were TO DATE NORMAL May 4 May 11 May 18 May 26 Association of Realtors and 12.64 11.17 awarded at a statewide gatheranalyzes factors including the Forecasts and graphics provided ing April 25 at the Red Jacket by AccuWeather, number of Inc. new©2019 home listings, Riverfront Park in Buffalo. closed sales, median sale pricGreene Land Trust of CoxCONDITIONS TODAY es and the Temperature® number of homes sackie received two Capacity UV Index™ & RealFeel available for sale in each coungrants of $10,000 and $21,000, ty across the state. and Columbia Land ConserThe report compares data vancy, based in Chatham, 2 2 2 2from 1 1 1 1 the1first 1quarter 0 of 2019 received a Catalyst grant for time 50 period last $40,000 and a Transaction 48 50 51 52 54 54 53to the 53 same 53 47 year. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Noon 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. grant for $45,000. The higher the UV Index number, the greater In the need for eye and skin protecColumbia County, the “New York has long been tion. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme. The patented number of weather new factors. listings this RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of effective temperature based on eight a leader in land conservation year compared to 2018 rose — and these new grants afNATIONAL WEATHER TODAY from 309 to 322, or an increase firm the state’s commitment Seattle Winnipeg of 4.2%.Montreal At the same time, to protecting water sources, DECcity is63/46acquiring more 47/35 44/35 The honors police the Toronto number of home sales Minneapolis Billings boosting public access and 52/38along 53/43 than 1,100 acres offi cers for saving lives that 49/43 closedNewinYorkthe first quarproviding many other benDetroit Chicago 56/52 74/56 64/44 ter of this year declined from the Hudson for at wildlife and for bravery a San Francisco efits,” Land Trust Alliance By Amanda Purcell Denver Washington 69/49 51/30 161 in 201875/66 to 137 preservation President and CEO Andrew Columbia-Greene Mediathis year, a special ceremony Kansas City 66/52 drop of 14.9%. The median Bowman said. “As we mark Los Angeles STUYVESANT — An autopsy was expected to be performed TuesPAGE A3 A3 PAGE 69/53 sale day price held fairly steady at Earth Week, we’re reminded: Atlantaon human remains found on Schodack Island. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO 86/66 $250,000 this year are compared The more we provide for our State police investigating how human remains ended up along Human remains were found along the shore El Paso to $246,212 last year, an in- recreational area known as Schodack Island, the more our land pro85/59 the shore of the 1,052-acre of Schodack Island State Park on Monday. Houston 85/73 crease of 1.5%. vides for us. With that in mind, Chihuahua land State Park, primarily used for hiking, fishing, hunting and campMiami 88/55 Monterrey Rudy Huston, of Tri-Hud84/76 I know the investments we 100/72 ing. ALASKA son Realty Hudson, said Stuyvesant the make today with these grants Stateinforest rangers, firefighters, state troopers and state HAWAII AMANDA PURCELL/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA numbers innoon a positions smaller market will do as much for us as they Honolulu police investigators were on the scene along the shore in Stuyvesant Shown are 83/70 Fairbanks Inset: Police on the scene at Schodack Island, of weather systems County and like at Columbia tend do for the land. This is money Hilo the Hook Boat Club, 1627 Route 9J, Monday evening for several Anchorage 68/42 precipitation. Temperature 81/68 54/41 where human remains were found Monday to fluctuate more than in bigJuneau well spent.” bands are highs for the day. hours after they were called about 6 p.m. 62/42 evening. Pruning County rose bushes can ger markets because a few Greene Greene Land Trust will use -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s changes can have a big impact See REMAINS A2 its funding to expand staffing, intimidate the most lawmakers present on data. He expects the showers t-storms rain gardener, flurries snow ice cold frontthewarm front stationary front experienced awards to champion See TRUSTS A2 NATIONAL See SALES A8 Source: New York State Association of Realtors, Inc. but the fear is CITIES misplaced spellers A little Partly sunny afternoon and cooler rain

Some Patchy rain and a clouds t-storm

ert Conti, Dale Handel, Brock Juusola, Robert Poelstra, Nicole Maggio, Steve LaFever, Claudia Zucker, Bernadette Gavin-Palmieri and Todd Hilgendorff.

Columbia-Greene Cloudy with Cloudy withMedia


Milazzo strikes again

principal before becoming superintendent. Scores of parents, students, alumni and faculty filled the high school audi-

Twin County home sales down, but prices rise


Greenerpolice future Hudson for Columbia commended


Roseyou pruning Can spell demystified e-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t?

Today Thu. City Hi/Lo W Hi/Lo W Albuquerque 74/47 s 75/49 s Anchorage 54/41 pc 50/40 r Atlanta 86/66 pc 85/66 pc Atlantic City 59/56 c 74/58 c Baltimore 68/59 c 86/64 pc Billings 52/38 pc 58/39 A3 pc Region Birmingham 87/67 pc 86/68 pc Opinion A4 Boise 61/41 pc 66/40 pc Boston r State/Nation 56/45 pc 49/43 A5 Charleston, SC 84/65 pc 83/67 pc Obituaries A5 Charleston, WV 89/62 pc 84/61 t Charlotte 87/65 pc 86/66 B1 pc Sports Cheyenne 44/26 r 54/31 s Comics/Advice Classifi ed B4-B5 Chicago 64/44 r 58/42 r Cincinnati t Classiied 81/63 c 78/60 B6-B7 Comics/Advice B7-B8 Cleveland 80/61 t 71/60 r Columbus, OH 82/63 c 78/62 t Dallas 78/68 t 81/66 t Denver 51/30 c 61/34 pc Des Moines 61/48 c 64/41 c Detroit 74/56 t 70/53 r Hartford 57/48 r 60/45 r Honolulu 83/70 s 83/69 sh Twitter Twitter Houston 85/73 pc 86/71 t Follow: Indianapolis 74/62 t 72/54 t Kansas City 66/52 c 64/45 sh @CatskillDailyMail Knoxville 86/65 pc 85/63 c Las Vegas 76/58 pc 83/63 s



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City Little Rock Los Angeles Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New York City Norfolk Oklahoma City Omaha Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland Portland Providence Raleigh Richmond Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City San Francisco Savannah Seattle Tampa Washington, DC

Today Hi/Lo W 80/65 c 69/53 pc 84/76 sh 54/40 r 53/43 r 86/66 c 85/71 c 56/52 sh 85/66 s 77/55 c 60/46 c 87/71 pc 60/55 sh 87/66 s 82/62 t 53/40 c 70/43 s 57/47 pc 87/62 pc 87/67 pc 78/49 s 76/65 t 54/39 pc 69/49 s 85/65 pc 63/46 s 90/73 pc 75/66 c

Thu. Hi/Lo W 75/60 t 71/55 pc 85/76 t 50/40 r 57/42 r 85/62 c 84/70 sh 71/50 sh 88/67 pc 66/56 t 65/43 pc 85/71 t 84/57 t 91/69 s 77/63 t 47/39 r 65/45 pc 55/43 r 85/64 pc 90/66 pc 80/49 s 72/54 t 63/44 pc 68/49 pc 84/68 t 60/45 pc 87/73 t 88/70 pc

Greene County remembers child abusehalted victims Senior bus service indefi nitely By Sarah Trafton Columbia-Greene Columbia-Greene Media Media

Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.


Greene County Treasurer Peter Markou and Ann Gibbons, of Catskill planting pinwheels for Child The Greene County Transit system is an alternative to the senior bus while service is indefi nitely Abuse Prevention Month on Tuesday. curtailed.

CATSKILL —Bright An important CATSKILL — flashes service for seniors has been disof blue and silver reflect in continued until further notice, the sunlight, as dozens of and the news has them seeking pinwheels blow in the breeze answers. —The a colorful honor Greenedisplay CountytoDepartyoung lives tainted vioment of Aging providesby a shopping lence.bus for seniors age 60 andThe older. TheHealth bus serves the Mental Associamountaintop and Catskill on tion of Columbia and Greene Mondays, Cairo and Catskill on Counties has hosted Pinwheel Tuesdays and Athens and CoxGardens observanceaccordof Nasackie on in Wednesdays, tional Child Abuse Prevention ing to the county website. Month for the past three years. In April, without any notice, Thebus Greene County eventLeeds took the stopped running, resident Ronnie said. place from 1-2 Griffin p.m. Tuesday “I know the drivers so outside of one the of Greene County IOffice textedBuilding her,” Griffin said. “She at 411 Main St. told that thereCounty would event be no The me Columbia bus until further notice.” took place from 2-5 p.m. on The bus has been out of comMondayfor in about 7th Street in mission three Park weeks, Hudson. Griffin said.

Griffin thinks the of “The pinwheel is a lack symbol drivers is tosafety, blame,health she said.and of hope, “The importantly, mountaintop happidriver most broke andLaw, the of driver ness,” her saidleg Sherri the from Acra had aAssociation’s tree fall on Mental Health him,” Griffin said. REACH Center. Griffin has been riding the for theshecarefree bus“It forstands seven years, said. childhood we for all “For somebodywant that doesn’t children and a call to neighhave a car it iswas such a nice bors, community members thing,” Griffin said. “I hope and leaders role in they can get to theplay busaback to protecting and nurturing our running on its schedule.” In its absence, seniors in youngest citizens. It symbolrural communities havethe a izes our efforts to may change hard getting to thethinks store, way time our community Griffin about said. child abuse preven“I’m according more fortunate tion,” to abecause stateIment live from in Leeds,” she Advosaid. the Child “There is a taxi available if cacy Center of Columbia and push comes to shove.” Greene Countiesthe in Hudson. On Tuesdays, bus would Ann Gibbons, of Catskill, take Griffin and about 14 other was intrigued by the event seniors to the Bank of Greene See See VICTIMS A8 BUS A2

New show every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Live with Matt is for entertainment purposes only! Send your questions and comments to the Inbox on the Web, Facebook Page, or YouTube Channel.




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