eedition Daily Mail May 2 2019

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The Daily Mail Copyright2019, 2019,Columbia-Greene Columbia-GreeneMedia Media Copyright Volume 227, No. 81 Volume 227, No. 87

London calling

WINDHAM JOURNAL Trump’s state visit to Britain finally has a date Inside, A2


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Jail size matters Stakes high inagain C-D vote





By Sarah Trafton

Watchdog organizes landfill meeting

“The decision to leave Cairo-Durham is my decision,” Taibi said at the meeting. “I’m doing what is best for my family and myself. This is a choice that tive turmoil in the Cairo-Durham CenHIGH LOW 57 District, 69an unprecedented HIGH LOW 68 61 70tral School I made for myself.” When asked if the board did not innumber of candidates have lined up 61 40 By Sarah Trafton 70 49 50 50 51for four43 43 tend to renew Taibi’s available seats on the school I think it’s great that we have an active community that Columbia-Greene Media contract, PresiComplete weather, weather, A2 A2 Ottawaboard. dent Stephen Brandow declined to Complete CATSKILL — Hudson River Montreal wants to be involved. 52/41 Terms will end for Dr. Peter Byrne, respond, except to say that contract 52/41 watchdog Riverkeeper is orgaMassena Gary Warner and Dennis Burke. The — Laura Giarrusso, History teacher negotiations a personnel matter. nizing aare meeting Friday to rally 52/43 Plattsburgh Bancroft fourth seat will be to fill Dean Pectal’s The board also felt the heat for the residents concerned about a pro50/42 49/39 Ogdensburg unexpired Maloneterm. Pectal stepped down removal of Spanish teacher Lori Miner posed ash landfi ll. 53/43 51/41 Peterborough Potsdam last year citing Burlington employment reasons, Honor Society adviser, Kingston Wheelabrator Technologies, The large turnout of school board torium March 28 looking for answers as the National 53/39 53/43 52/42 Board Clerk Bridget 53/45 Agostinoni said. a position she held for 21 years. a waste-to-energy company, is from the board of education. hopefuls comes weeks after the district Lake Placid Watertown The position Theinterested Cairo-Durham Teachers Assoin leasing 158 acres 51/39 is held by Robert MacMany in the community thought the parted ways with former Superinten58/43 Giffert. on Route 9W in Smith’s Landing, Political Action Committee dent Anthony Taibi, who served at the board pressured Taibi to step down. ciation’s Incumbents Dennis Burke and Gary school for 12 years, first as high school Taibi denied that he was forced out. including a former quarry owned See STAKES A8 Rochester Warner are in the running, as are Robby Peckham Materials Inc. 55/47 Utica The company would haul 61/49 Albany 445,000 tons of ash annually Batavia Syracuse 65/49 from its incinerators in Peekskill, Buffalo 59/49 61/50 60/50 Catskill Hudson Falls and Poughkeepsie 70/49 Binghamton to the Catskill site and separate Hornell 68/52 69/55 Hudson the metals from the ash. The an69/49 ticipated life of the project is 48 Shown is girls, today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs andLekocevic tonight’s lows. years. The application, first subHudson boys log By Melanie Sophomore Isabella mitted in 2017, is under review Columbia-Greene Media ALMANAC victories Milazzo followed up her SUN AND MOON by the state Department of EnviStatistics through 3 p.m. yesterday Today sales Fri. Housing were down PAGE B1 Sunrise perfect game Precipitation with a twoTemperature ronmental Conservation. 5:50 a.m. 5:49 a.m. and median sale7:56 prices were Yesterday as of 3 p.m. 24 hrs. through 3 p.m. yest. Sunset 7:55 p.m. p.m. Wheelabrator has no plans to hit shutout up for 5:07 homes in a.m. the Twin Moonrise a.m. 5:33 High Low 0.01” burn waste in Catskill. Moonset 5:37 p.m. 6:40 p.m. Counties in the first of PAGE B1 SARAHquarter TRAFTON/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA Residents looking to learn Moon2019. Phases Legislator Bulich, R-Catskill, New First Michael Full Last more can attend a meeting at 6 The at quarterly report is is- Tuesday 52 speaks a community meeting 42 p.m. Friday at the First Reformed sued regarding by the New York impacts State night potential YEAR Church on Main Street. Association of Realtors and TO DATE NORMAL Mayrecent 4 Maycriminal 11 May 18justice May 26reforms may have The meeting will follow a comanalyzes factors including the 12.65 11.28 on the Greene County jail project. munity forum on April 23 at the Forecasts and graphics number of newprovided home listings, byBy AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 sale pricCatskill Community Center that Sarahsales, Trafton closed median drew more than 200 people and Columbia-Greene es and the Media number of homes CONDITIONS TODAY a press conference April 15 at the available forTemperature® sale in each CATSKILL — Critics ofcounthe new UV Index™ & RealFeel Legislative Office Building on the state. a renewed interest ty across jail expressed State Street in Albany. The report compares data Tuesday in reassessing the size of the “Incinerator ash like that from from theorfirst quarteralternatives. of 2019 building exploring 2 2 2 2 Wheelabrator incinerators in1 1 1 1 1 1 to They the same timeGreene periodCounty last Legis0 want the cludes high levels of heavy metyear.66to reconsider lature how the state’s new 51 55 61 65 67 69 71 64 66 64 als and carcinogenic dioxins,” In Columbia County, the 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Noon 1 p.m. 2 p.m. p.m. 4, 5 p.m. 6 p.m. takes effect next bail3 reform which according to a statement from A.G. he handled The highersays the UV Index number, the greater the need forof eye and skin protecnumber new listings this year, could impact the number of intion. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme. The patented Riverkeeper last week. “The ash year compared to 2018 rose RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of effective temperature based on eight weather factors. Mueller Report properly mates the jail will house. poses a signifi cant risk to human from 309 to 322, Cuomo or an increase Gov. Andrew signed a series NATIONAL WEATHER PAGE A5 TODAY and natural communities as well of 4.2%. At the same time, Winnipeg of bills into law with the 2020 state budDEC is acquiring more55/38 as the entire Hudson River ecoSeattle the number of home sales Montreal get April 1, which will go into effect Jan52/41 Billings along than61/45 1,100 acres system.” that closed in the first quar58/39 Toronto Included in the budget is a Minneapolis uary 2020. 50/42 Wheelabrator maintains that the Hudson for wildlife 58/42 law terDetroit of this year declined from eliminating bail for misdemeanors Chicago 66/50 the ash from their facilities is not 161 in 2018 to 137 this year, a 52/42 preservation San Francisco and nonviolent New Yorkfelonies. Police must Denver 68/48 harmful. 73/50 60/34 drop appearance of 14.9%. The median Washington tickets to individuals issue PAGE A3 87/67 “Energy-from-waste ash is sale price held fairly steady at Kansas City Los Angeles charged with misdemeanors and class 62/49 72/55 regularly tested by independent $250,000 this year compared E felonies rather than make custodial laboratories using approved U.S. to $246,212 last year, an inAtlanta 85/67 The reforms are expected to arrests. El Paso EPA methods and is routinely crease of 1.5%. 87/64 keep about 90% of people out of jail priHouston found to pass the U.S. EPA toxicSARAH TRAFTON/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA Rudy Huston, of Tri-Hud87/72 or to their court date. On average, two- Dozens of residents attend a meeting Tuesday night at Creekside Restaurant in Chihuahua Miami ity test for waste and, therefore, son Realty in Hudson, said the 86/61 Monterrey 83/74 thirds of the incarcerated population Catskill to discuss potential impacts criminal justice reform may have on the Greene 97/72 determined to be a nonhazardnumbers in a smaller market ALASKA are being detained waitingtend for their day County jail project and prepare for an upcoming rally on Sunday. HAWAII ous waste, according to NYSDEC like Columbia County Honolulu in according to Shown are noon positions 84/66 and U.S. EPA standards,” Wheeto court, fluctuate than in bigFairbanks of weathermore systems and Albany and Columbia county, accordbrakes on the jail project. Hilo The anticipated decrease in inmate Anchorage 57/33 precipitation. Temperature labrator Director of CommuniPruning rose bushes can 82/68ger markets because a few 51/41 Juneau bands are highs for the day. The jail is not financially feasible or ing to a jail intake report. population brought critics to Creekside 53/42 cators and Community Engagechanges can have a big impact intimidate the most Restaurant in The realistic, Torgersen said. Of the 31 inmates, 17 are charged ment Michelle Nadeau said. -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s Catskill 100sexpects 110son Tuesday. on the data. He the experienced gardener, “We’re talking about 15 to 20 peo- with felonies and 14 were charged with meeting, organized by former county Flannery’s solo homer “The proposed facility will Source: New York State Association of Realtors, Inc. See SALES A8 showers t-storms flurries snow front warm front Torgersen, stationary front legislator Lori prepared resi- ple,” she said. but the fearrainis misplaced misdemeanors. operate in accordance with gives Greenville a victory ice cold As of April 19, the county had 31 indents for a rally scheduled for Sunday NATIONAL CITIES PAGE B1 A6 PAGE See JAIL A2 See WATCHDOG A2 and went Today over strategies to pump the mates who are boarded out to jails in Today Fri. Fri. Partly sunny Patchy Cloudy with Sunnywith Cloudy with Cloudy cooleror clouds aand shower spotty drizzle a little rain two

Columbia-Greene Media Spotty Decreasing Cooler with clouds CAIRO rain at times showers after administra— A month

principal before becoming superintendent. Scores of parents, students, alumni and faculty filled the high school audi-


Patroon track Milazzo strikes and field again

ert Conti, Dale Handel, Brock Juusola, Robert Poelstra, Nicole Maggio, Steve LaFever, Claudia Zucker, Bernadette Gavin-Palmieri and Todd Hilgendorff.

Twin County home sales down, but prices rise



Barr defends his presentation Greener future for Columbia



Rose pruning demystified Spartans win in a walk

City Hi/Lo W Hi/Lo W Albuquerque 76/50 s 74/50 s Anchorage 51/41 r 50/39 c Atlanta 85/67 pc 84/66 c Atlantic City 74/58 c 69/59A3 c Region Baltimore 86/64 t 84/63 t Opinion A4 Billings 58/39 pc 67/43 pc Birmingham pc State/Nation 87/64 pc 85/65 A5 Boise 66/41 s 72/45 s Obituaries A5 Boston 48/44 r 52/48 sh Charleston, SC 84/66 pc 82/65B1 t Sports Charleston, WV 83/59 t 82/59 t Comics/Advice B4-B5 Classifi ed B4-6 Charlotte 86/63 pc 83/64 c Classiied B6-B7 Comics/Advice B7-8 Cheyenne 54/30 s 59/35 s Chicago 52/42 r 58/41 pc Cincinnati 78/60 t 74/56 t Cleveland 69/56 sh 60/47 sh Columbus, OH 78/61 t 70/50 t Dallas 79/65 t 75/61 r Denver 60/34 pc 66/39 s Des Moines 63/45 c 61/42 pc Twitter Twitter Detroit 66/50 r 60/44 c Hartford 59/46 r 58/52 r Follow: Honolulu 84/66 sh 82/70 sh @CatskillDailyMail Houston 87/72 c 84/71 t Indianapolis 73/54 t 65/51 sh Kansas City 62/49 c 60/45 pc Facebook Facebook Knoxville 84/62 c 83/62 c Las Vegas 82/62 s 87/66 s


City Hi/Lo W Hi/Lo W Little Rock 73/61 t 76/61 t Los Angeles 72/55 pc 73/56 pc Miami 83/74 t 88/74 c Milwaukee 48/40 r 53/39 pc Minneapolis 58/42 pc 64/48 pc Nashville 85/65 c 82/61 pc New Orleans 86/70 c 84/72 pc New York City 73/50 c 59/56 t Norfolk 88/64 pc 85/65 pc Oklahoma City 65/55 t 65/52 r By Amanda Purcell Omaha 64/46 pc 67/45 pc Columbia-Greene Media Orlando 83/70 t 86/69 t Philadelphia 85/57 t 78/63 pc — The death of an Phoenix STUYVESANT 89/67 s 93/68 s Pittsburgh 76/60 t 73/53 East Greenbush mant whose remains Portland 46/39 r 47/42 r were discovered along the shore of Portland 67/45 pc 70/48 s Providence r 55/50 sh Schodack55/44 Island State Park is beRaleigh 86/61 pc 82/63 c ing treated suicide, police said Richmond 90/64as pc a87/66 pc Sacramento 81/49 s 82/49 pc Wednesday. St. Louis 71/54 t 67/53 c State police Tuesday Salt Lake City 63/44 pc 68/47 s positively idenSan Francisco pc Burden, 64, of tified the 68/48 manpcas67/49 David Savannah 83/67 t 83/65 t East Greenbush. Burden Seattle 61/45 pc 63/47 pc was reported Tampamissing to 86/72 84/71Greenbush pc thet East Police Washington, DC 87/67 pc 85/67 pc

Greene County remembers child abuse victims

Police: Man’s death presumed suicide By Sarah Trafton

“The pinwheel is a symbol of hope, safety, health and happiCATSKILL — Bright flashes most importantly, His vehicle, Sherri Law, aofmathe of blue and silver reflect in ness,” said roon 2003 Dodge Ram Mental Health Association’s the sunlight, as dozens of 1500, was found Nov. pinwheels blow in the breeze REACH Center. 10 with its carefree interior “It stands for the On the the web web — a colorful display to honor On submerged at a boat we want for all young lives tainted by vio- childhood childrenlaunch and is a at callSchodack to neighlence. Island Statemembers Park a bors, community The Mental Health Associashort time later, and leaders to play a rolebut in tion of Columbia and Greene there were no signsour of David Burden protecting and nurturing Counties has hosted Pinwheel youngestBurden, police said. citizens. It symbolGardens in observance of NaA .20 gauge shotgun ammuniizes our efforts and to change the tional Child Abuse Prevention tion wereway found the vehicle, but ourinside community thinks Month for the past three years. Department on Nov. 5, 2018. they were not used, Greenbush about child East abuse prevenWeather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. CatskillDailyMail/ The Greene County eventpolice took said. An autopsy was performed Tuesby firefighters tion,”Attempts according to a stateplace from 1-2 p.m. Tuesday mentpolice day and no foul play is suspected, East find fromdive the team ChildtoAdvoAMANDA PURCELL/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA and a state outside of the Greene County Greenbush police said Wednesday. Burden were unsuccessful. cacy Center of Columbia and Police on the scene at Schodack Island, where human remains were found Monday Office Building at 411 MainHudson St. Greene The remains were discovered at evening. River currents apparCounties in Hudson. The Columbia County ently event carried about 6 p.m. Monday by two fishersome AnnBurden Gibbons, of distance Catskill, SARAH TRAFTON/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA last men. The men immediately notified investigation to the East Greenbush took 2-5 p.m. on spot Burden was seenplace Nov. from 5 at about waswhere intrigued byfound, the event to the he was East Greene County Treasurer Peter Markou andPolice Ann Gibbons, of Catskill planting pinwheels fora.m. Child Department, which began look6:30 at his home, EastinGreenbush state police. Monday 7th Street Park in SUICIDE A2 See VICTIMS A8 Abuse Monthturned on Tuesday. police said. StatePrevention police Tuesday over the ing for Burden in November 2018. Hudson. Columbia-Greene Media

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