The Daily Mail Copyright 2019, Columbia-Greene Media Volume 227, No. 90
Down to business Delgado, small business owners meet in Greene, A3
The nation’s fourth-oldest newspaper • Serving Greene County since 1792
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Price $1.50
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2019
Police: Girl escapes alleged rapist
By Amanda Purcell Columbia-Greene Media A little HUDSON A couple of – A young girl afternoon Partlyher sunny alleged broke morning free from rain showers
An afternoon Turning clear Mostly sunny t-storm
rapist and reported her ordeal
to police in what po52 67Sunday66 lice called a “startling and disturbing46 case.” 39 45
65 44
LOW 47
Ottawa Jamel Brandow, 36, of HudMontreal 60/34 son, was charged with first61/38 degree Massena rape of a child less than 60/38 11 years old, aPlattsburgh class B felony; 59/39 Ogdensburg first-degree unlawful imprisMalone 61/37 onment, a class E felony; secPotsdam 58/33 Kingston Burlington a class 60/37 ond-degree menacing, 53/38 60/41 Lake Placid A misdemeanor; and endanWatertown 54/29 56/37
Complete weather, A2
SPORTS Bancroft 57/28
Peterborough 60/34
gering the welfare of a child, a
Rochester 57/40
Utica 57/38
Batavia Buffalo 57/38 55/38
Syracuse 57/40 Binghamton 62/42
Hornell 59/40
class A misdemeanor, in connection with the incident, according to a statement from the Hudson Police Department. The Hudson Police Department received a call from Columbia County 911 at 10:12 a.m. The county dispatch center reported to city police that it had received a 911 hang-up call from a local business. Police arrived at the scene to find the caller, a young girl, visibly upset and crying. The girl told police she was violently and forcibly sexually
assaulted at a State Street home, police said. Her alleged rapist bound her and brandished a knife at her, Brandow police said. The girl was able to escape into the next room and out of the home after her alleged attacker untied her, Chief L. Edward Moore said Monday. Without shoes, the girl ran about five blocks to her
mother’s workplace, where she called police. The victim and Brandow know each other, police said. Police declined to release the victim’s name and her exact age to protect her identity. The child was transported to Albany Medical Center for medical attention and has been released. Brandow has a prior criminal history, including past charges of harassment, drug possession and child endangerment, Moore said. Police are asking anyone
else who may be a victim to call 518-828-3388, and ask to speak to detectives. The City of Hudson Detective’s Division applied for several search warrants for the crime scene and the defendant’s residence. Evidence was collected. Columbia County Assistant District Attorney Ryan Carty, the Columbia County Child Protective Division, the Child Advocacy Center (CAC), and the New York State Police all assisted. See ALLEGED A8
Residents protest jail project Albany 66/45
Catskill 70/47
Hudson 70/47
Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.
ALMANAC National
Hall of Temperature Precipitation Famer Cross
Statistics through 3 p.m. yesterday
Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
Yesterday as of 3 p.m. 24 hrs. through 3 p.m. yest.
High Low 0.02” Gold Medalist Cross works with grapplers 71 53 PAGE B1
Today 5:44 a.m. 8:01 p.m. 7:47 a.m. 11:02 p.m.
Moon Phases First
Wed. 5:43 a.m. 8:02 p.m. 8:36 a.m. none
May 11 May 18 May 26
13.25 11.82
Jun 3
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019
CONDITIONS TODAY UV Index™ & RealFeel Temperature®
8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Noon 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme. The patented RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.
Winnipeg 55/36
Barr faces wrath of House Billings 57/41
San Francisco 68/53
Montreal 61/38 Toronto 59/38
Minneapolis 61/42 Detroit 53/41
New York 74/53
Chicago Kansas City 51/43 64/59
Washington 82/63
House will vote to hold Barr in contempt PAGE A2 Denver 57/38
Los Angeles 66/57
Atlanta 85/66
El Paso 83/58
Anchorage 54/42
showers t-storms
Opponents of the Greene County Jail project gather on the steps of the county courthouse.
By Sarah Trafton
HAWAII Honolulu 83/69
20s flurries
50s ice
Columbia-Greene Media
Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
Hilo 82/68
Juneau 51/45
Miami 85/73
Monterrey 93/67
Fairbanks 66/45
Houston 80/73
Chihuahua 91/52
cold front
90s 100s 110s
warm front stationary front
NATIONAL CITIES City Albuquerque Anchorage Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Birmingham Boise Boston Charleston, SC Charleston, WV Charlotte Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus, OH Dallas Denver Des Moines Detroit Hartford Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Region Kansas City Opinion Knoxville Las Vegas State/Nation
Today Hi/Lo W 74/48 s 54/42 sh 85/66 s 68/56 pc 81/58 pc 57/41 c 88/64 s 76/48 pc 70/50 t 82/65 pc 81/55 pc 82/62 s 52/34 r 51/43 sh 77/57 pc 54/45 sh 74/50 t 82/68 t 57/38 r 58/47 r 53/41 r 73/50 t 83/69 sh 80/73 t 70/53 t 64/59 t 83/59 pc 81/64 t
Wed. Hi/Lo W 70/47 pc 53/41 sh 84/67 pc 62/54 c 68/53 c 56/40 c 87/68 pc 75/49 pc 62/46 s 83/65 pc 84/64 pc 84/61 pc 40/29 r 57/54 r 80/68 c 59/55 sh 75/63 sh 79/66 t 43/31 r 58/41 r 55/48 r 67/46 s 82/70 sh 85/73 t 77/63A3 t 72/45 t 85/65A4 pc 83/65A5 pc
It’s a boy, as England rocks
Duchess of Sussex gives birth PAGE A2
Today Wed. City Hi/Lo W Hi/Lo W Little Rock 85/62 pc 79/65 t Los Angeles 66/57 pc 65/57 pc Miami 85/73 pc 85/73 pc Milwaukee 50/41 pc 47/46 r Minneapolis 61/42 s 46/38 r Nashville 85/62 s 87/70 pc New Orleans 86/71 pc 84/74 t New York City 74/53 t 66/50 pc Norfolk 81/64 s 79/64 c Oklahoma City 77/64 t 76/51 t Omaha 58/51 r 59/41 r Orlando 89/68 pc 87/67 pc SARAH TRAFTON/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA Philadelphia 80/56 pc 67/53 pc An opponent of the jail project pens his opposition to the project Phoenix 81/62 s 86/65 s poster board. Pittsburgh on a73/50 t 70/57 c Portland 63/44 sh 61/39 s Portland 80/53 s 81/58 s Providence 67/50 t 66/45 s Raleigh 81/60 s 83/60 pc Richmond 82/60 s 80/61 c Sacramento 77/51 pc 81/52 s St. Louis 73/63 t 79/63 t Salt Lake City 67/49 t 63/44 sh San Francisco 68/53 pc 67/52 s Savannah 83/67 pc 84/66 pc By Sarah Trafton SeattleColumbia-Greene 73/52 s 75/55 pc Media Tampa 90/71 pc 89/70 pc Washington, DC 82/63 pc 70/58 c residents marCATSKILL — As local
CATSKILL — Despite gray skies and drizzly weather, scores of jail critics rallied on the courthouse steps to protest the Greene County Jail on Sunday. The rally was held from 1-3 p.m., with a tentative rain venue of Joe’s Garage, also located on Main Street. Protestors persevered despite threats of showers. Guest speakers included former legislator and criminology Ph.D. Lori Torgersen of Windham and Insha Rahman, of Vera Institute of Justice, as well as several local residents and formerly incarcerated individuals. “The weather is not optimal but it hasn’t dampened our spirits to stand up for what is right,” Torgersen said to the crowd gathered around the courthouse steps. Beside the stairs, a tent was set up with
a petition, informational handouts and a giant posterboard letter to the legislature, listing other items residents would rather use $47 million for. “Bail reform was enacted on April 1 and that changes everything,” Torgersen said. “Now more than ever, this plan to build a jail in Greene County doesn’t make sense. We have a moment in time to inject sanity into this project.” Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a series of bills into law with the 2020 state budget April 1, which will go into effect in January. Included in the budget is a law eliminating bail for misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies. Police must issue appearance tickets to individuals charged with misdemeanors and class E felonies rather than make
Town supervisor’s letter welcomes ash landfill
Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
Obituaries Sports Classified Comics/Advice
A5 B1 B4-6 B7-8
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shall their forces to oppose a proposed ash landfill in Catskill, a letter penned by the town supervisor welcomed the project to the community. A letter from current town supervisor Doreen Davis dated Feb. 7 to Mark Schwartz, senior manager of business development for Wheelabrator, indicates the town is in favor of the project, as long as it passes state review. “This use of land at Peckham Industries could replace a significant loss of business in the Town of Catskill’s industrial corridor,” according to the letter. “A new industry to replace the previous presence of cement plants would be a welcome addition to our community. We will await all the important work that focuses on the science and meets the technical demands of the various departments within the
Greene County Treasurer Peter Markou voices his opposition to the proposed ash landfill project in Catskill.
state’s regulatory organizations...We are committed to working with you as partners pending the regulatory review.”
The town has not changed its position on the matter since the letter, Davis said Monday. “The town’s position remains that
we await the process and review from the DEC where this project has been under review since 2016,” she said. “Clearly, additional information has been provided to the town and its residents and we’ll continue to review it. Please keep in mind that no application has been made to the town or approval granted at any level.” Meanwhile, a grassroots effort is attempting to fend off the ash landfill. Dozens of residents attended Riverkeeper’s organizing meeting May 3 to learn about the next steps in fighting off the proposal. The meeting was held from 5-8 p.m. at the First Reformed Church on Main Street. Attendants first had a recap of the April 23 community forum, with presentations by former EPA Regional Administrator Judith Enck and local geologist Dr. David Walker. The audience then piled into the church hall for See LANDFILL A8