eedition Daily Mail May 9 2019

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The Daily Mail Copyright2019, 2019,Columbia-Greene Columbia-GreeneMedia Media Copyright Volume 227, No. 81 Volume 227, No. 92

London calling

WINDHAM JOURNAL Trump’s state visit to Britain finally has a date Inside, A2


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2Stakes town meetings under fire high in C-D vote





By Sarah Trafton principal beforeSheepdog Shooting right to to claim that litigation “The adecision leave Cairo-DurbecomingWarrior superinert Conti, Dale Handel, Brock Juusola, Range, a fi ring range located should be dismissed due Columbia-Greene Media Partly Robert Poelstra, Nicole Maggio, Steve tendent. ham is my decision,” Taibi said to at the the Cloudysunny and andcool cooler on Haines Road in the town. expiration of a statute of limitown’s Scores of parents, students, alumni meeting. “I’m doing what is best for LaFever, Claudia Zucker, CATSKILL Bernadette — The my The zoning board detertations, according to USLegal ethics are being called into and faculty filled the high school audiGavin-Palmieri and Todd Hilgendorff. family and myself. This is a choice that in the Cairo-Durham CenHIGH LOW LOW 68 68 64tive turmoil en- Inc. HIGH 56 District, 58 an unprecedented question after two short-no- mined in March that lawI made for myself.” tral School forcement training was not a “It gives somedid negotiatice meetings were scheduled When asked if theusboard not innumber of candidates have lined up 61 49 40 47 50 41 44 40 recreational use, leaving own- tion room — time before we 63 last month. tend to renew Taibi’s contract, Presifor four available seats on the school I think it’s great that we have an active community that to file a federal lawsuit to avoid a Attorney John Dowd, of er Ed Rivenburg the option Complete weather, weather, A2 A2 Ottawa board. dent Stephen Brandow declined to Complete Montreal 53/45 seek a use variance. Albany to wrote a letter dated wants be involved. lawsuit,” Rivenburg 56/47 Terms will end for Dr. Peter Byrne, respond, except to say thatsaid. contract “We are discussing our Massena April 29 to Zoning Board Rivenburg declined to disGary WarnerPlattsburgh and Dennis Burke. The — Laura Giarrusso, History teacher negotiations are a personnel matter. 59/52 Chairwoman Lynn Zubris other options with the town,” cuss the nature of the federal Bancroft fourth seat will be to fill Dean Pectal’s also felt the heat for the 58/48 52/50 Ogdensburg and Catskill Town Supervisor Rivenburg said Wednesday.The board lawsuit he may file. Malone term. Pectal stepped down unexpired 59/56 removal of Spanish teacher Lori Miner Rivenburg and the town Peterborough Potsdam 59/49 FILE PHOTO Doreen Davis about the two “Hopefully we can get Kingston last year citingBurlington employment reasons, as the National Honor Society adviser, 59/54 62/53 torium March 28 looking for answers The large turnout of school board have entered into a tolling through it without meetings held April 11. In this Jan. 11, 2019 file photo, residents at a Catskill Town Board 58/52 it,” he said. 63/48 BoardLake Clerk Bridget Agostinoni said. hopefuls comes weeks after the district from the board ofagreement. a position she held for 21 years. Placid education. Watertown A tolling agreeDowd represents a group meeting voice concerns about Sheepdog Warrior Gun Range on 57/45 The position is held by Robert Mac- parted ways with formerofSuperinten65/55 See MEETINGS A2 The Cairo-Durham Teachers AssoMany in the community theto waive Haines Road in the town of Catskill. neighbors concerned with ment is an thought agreement Giffert. dent Anthony Taibi, who served at the board pressured Taibi to step down. ciation’s Political Action Committee Incumbents Dennis Burke and Gary school for 12 years, first as high school Taibi denied that he was forced out. Rochester See STAKES A8 Warner are in the running, as are Rob71/59 Utica Occasional Patchy rain and clouds drizzle

By Sarah Trafton

A shower andSunny t-storm around

Times Columbia-Greene of Cooler withMedia Cloudy clouds and occasional with a few sun CAIRO rain — A month showers after administra-


Buffalo 71/59

ICC student at the top of his game 63/52

Batavia 72/60

Syracuse 68/57

Track and Milazzo strikes Field again Hornell 66/56

Albany 64/50

Catskill 63/49

Twin County home sales down, but prices rise

Binghamton 60/52

Hudson By Amanda Purcell64/49

Columbia-Greene Media

Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.

HUDSON — What started out as a sport TH, Hudson girls post By Melanie Lekocevic Sophomore Isabella 9-year-old Cody Alessi quickly became ALMANAC SUNfor AND MOON Columbia-Greene Media two more wins Statistics through 3 p.m. yesterday Today Fri. to help children with Milazzo followed up her a life-changing way Housing sales Temperature Precipitation Sunrisecancer 5:41 a.m. 5:40were a.m. PAGE B1 and vaulted him todown the top of his naperfect with twoYesterday as of 3game p.m. 24 hrs. througha3 p.m. yest. High Low hit shutout



Sunset and median 8:03 p.m. sale 8:04prices p.m. were tional fundraising Moonrise 9:32 a.m. 10:36class. a.m. upThe for homes in the Twin Moonset 12:03 a.m. 12:58 a.m. Ichabod Crane Central

School and trainFirst2019. Full Last New 65 ing he learned by competing in jiu-jitsu 44 is isto The raisequarterly thousandsreport of dollars to help childYEAR sued by the New York State hood cancer patients and their families. TO DATE NORMAL May 11 May 18 May 26 Jun 3 Association Realtors and 13.27 12.03 Cody, who of holds a gray-and-white belt, analyzes factors including theHealy Blvd., Forecasts and graphics provided started at Atlas Jiu Jitsu, 195 by AccuWeather, ©2019 number of Inc. new home and in Albany two yearslistings, ago, and competes closed sales, median sale pricCONDITIONS TODAY once a month in tournaments in New York, es and the Temperature® number of homes UV Index™ & NewRealFeel Jersey, Vermont and Connecticut. available for sale in each counBrazilian jiu-jitsu is a martial art and ty across the state. combat sport, with a focus on ground The report compares data 3 3 ghting. Cody annually competes in Tap 2 2 2fi 1 1 1 of 2019 from2 the1first 1quarter Cancer Out, which brings together the to the time 57 period last 50 53 56 59 62 62 62Brazilian 62 same 62jiu-jitsu 59 community and asks its year. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Noon 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. competitors to raise money to help childThe higher the UV Index number, the greater In the need for eye and skin protecColumbia County, the tion. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme. The cancer patented hood patients. Trump applies executive number of new listings this RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of effective temperature based on eight weather factors. “My father’s cousin year compared to 2018died rose from colon privilege to Mueller Report NATIONAL WEATHER TODAY cancer,” Cody said Tuesday from 309 to 322, or an increase at the gym PAGE Winnipeg A5 52/30 where he trains. just wanted Seattle of 4.2%. At the“I same time, to help.” Montreal 81/55 is acquiring more DEC 56/47 Cody’s father, Michael, began competthe number of home sales Toronto Billings 57/55 56/38along ing in the sport a decade ago, and Cody dethan 1,100 acres that closed in the first quarMinneapolis cided to join him about two years 52/41 the Hudson for wildlife terDetroit of this year declined from ago. New York San Francisco 59/52 for us,” said Cody’s moth71/48 a lifestyle AMANDA PURCELL/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA “It’s 68/54 Denver Chicago 161 in 2018Washington to 137 this year, a 41/31 preservation 69/43 73/65 Nine-year-old Cody Alessi, of Stuyvesant, er, Merry Alessi, who regularly drives Cody drop of 14.9%. The median 53/40 PAGEKansas A3City to plans to raise $10,000 this year for cancer his practices. sale price held fairly steady at Los Angeles Atlanta 66/58 This year, Cancer Out is helping Al- research. 85/67 $250,000 thisTap year compared ex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. Grants Houston to $246,212 last year, an inEl Paso 87/64 83/57 awarded through the foundation help re- to compete and raise money. crease of 1.5%. “Last year, he was the only one who Chihuahua Miami searchers make strides in developing treat86/55 Monterrey Rudy Huston, of Tri-Hud85/76 competed in that tournament,” Martinez 93/72 ments and in cures for childhood ALASKA son Realty Hudson, said the cancers. said. “This year, because of Cody, we are HAWAII Cody will raise money unnumbers in continue a smaller to market Honolulu going to be sending a lot more kids to that Shown are noon positions 85/69 til he represents his gym, Atlas Jiu Jitsu of Fairbanks of weather systems County and like Columbia tend tournament.” Hilo Anchorage 61/48 precipitation. Temperature 82/68 Hudson, at the Tap Cancer Out tourna51/44 to fluctuate more than in bigJuneau bands are highs for the day. When Cody isn’t training for 90 minutes 60/44 ment in Bostonbecause on Nov. 23. Pruning rose bushes can ger markets a few four times a week, he is fundraising. He has -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s “Cody 70s 80sis 90s 100s one of our highest ranking held a number of fundraisers so far this changes cannow have a110s big impact intimidate the most belts in the class,” his coach, Michael Mar- year, including a Zumba/Hip Hop event at on data. He expects the showers t-storms rain flurries snow frontthewarm front stationary front experiencedEndgame” gardener, ice coldtinez, “Avengers: said. “What I like seeing out of him YorkFalls Hudson, sales of custom Source: New The Statein Association of Realtors, Inc. Tap NATIONAL CITIES See SALES A8 but the fear is misplaced is how much he likes to help the younger a superhero jamboree Cancer Out shirts. After hearing about his Today Fri. Today Fri. I could see PAGE A6 City Hi/Lo PAGE W Hi/Lo A7 W City students.Hi/Lo W Hi/Lo Whim being a coach in efforts, the East Coast Riders, a nonprofit his future.” Albuquerque 64/43 c 53/42 sh Little Rock 80/55 t 69/55 t Anchorage 51/44 pc 51/42 sh Los Angeles 66/58 pc 67/57 sh See ICC A2 Cody is also inspiring others at his gym Atlanta 85/67 c 83/67 t Miami 85/76 t 86/76 pc


Counties in the first quarter of Moonthird-grader Phases is using the skills


Trump flexes executive power Greener future for Columbia



Rose pruning demystified Superteam, super sendoff


Atlantic City 60/56 sh 68/59 c Baltimore 69/63 sh 77/57 t Billings 56/38 c 69/49 pc Region A3 Birmingham 84/65 t 80/63 t Opinion Boise 68/44 s 73/48 A4 s Boston r State/Nation 55/47 pc 61/55 A5 Charleston, SC 82/65 pc 84/67 s Obituaries Charleston, WV 84/63 t 77/51 A5 t Charlotte 82/65 pc 81/66 B1 pc Sports Cheyenne 38/28 sn 55/33 c Comics/Advice B4-B5 Classifi ed B4-5 Chicago 69/43 t 55/42 pc Cincinnati c Classiied 72/60 t 66/43 B6-B7 Comics/Advice B7-8 Cleveland 77/59 t 60/43 sh Columbus, OH 77/62 t 66/42 sh Dallas 73/50 sh 67/57 t Denver 41/31 r 54/37 c Des Moines 52/41 c 62/45 pc Detroit 71/48 t 55/39 pc Hartford 65/49 c 65/51 r Honolulu 85/69 pc 83/68 pc Twitter Twitter Houston 87/64 t 74/68 t Follow: Indianapolis 70/49 t 59/40 c Kansas City 53/40 c 62/46 pc @CatskillDailyMail Knoxville 84/64 t 80/61 t Las Vegas 74/60 t 76/63 t


Cody Alessi, 9, of Stuyvesant, is raising money for cancer research by competing in jiu-jitsu tournaments.

Greene County remembers child abuse victims

Milwaukee 63/41 r 54/42 pc Minneapolis 52/41 r 61/46 c Nashville 79/63 t 74/57 t New Orleans 88/73 t 84/71 t New York City 59/52 c 70/56 t Norfolk 80/64 pc 84/68 s Oklahoma City 54/40 c 63/47 pc Omaha 55/40 c 65/45 pc Orlando 88/70 pc 88/70 pc Philadelphia 62/58 sh 77/58 t PhoenixBy Melanie 91/67 pc 83/62 pc Lekocevic Pittsburgh 79/62 t 71/42 sh Columbia-Greene Media Portland 57/44 s 51/49 r Portland 85/56 s 90/58 s ALBANY — State Senate Democrats Providence 61/46 c 60/54 r Raleighhave announced 81/61 pc 80/64 pc that will be used a bill Richmond 81/63 pc 82/64 pc to target President Sacramento 79/53 s 80/54 pcDonald Trump’s St. Louisstate taxes. 69/47 sh 63/47 pc Salt Lake City 63/44 c 66/46 pc A second is aimed at authorizSan Francisco 68/54 bill s 68/53 pc Savannah pc ing the 83/67 statepc to85/68 prosecute someone Seattle 81/55 s 84/58 s despite having received a presidenTampa 89/72 t 89/71 pc Washington, DC 73/65 shpardon 78/62 t or other form of tial reprieve,

Bills take aim at Trump taxes, pardons By Sarah Trafton

“The pinwheel is a symbol of hope, safety, health and CATSKILL — Bright flashes most importantly, happisaid Sherri Law, of the of blue and silver reflect in ness,” “ensure congressional leaders and Mental Health Association’s the sunlight, as dozens ofand local law state enforcement offiREACH Center. pinwheels blow in the breeze cials are empowered to do their jobs.” “It stands for the carefree On the the web web — a colorful display to honor On The first bill, proposedwant by state childhood forSen. all young lives tainted byBrad vio-Hoylman, D-27,we the children and would is a callenable to neighlence. state to release any New Yorkmembers state tax bors, community The Mental Health Associareturn that is requested by Congress. and leaders to play a role in tion of Columbia and Greene “We have a situation Washington protecting andin nurturing our Counties has hosted Pinwheel where ayoungest coequal citizens. branch of governIt symbolGardens in observance of Na- has ment requested taxtoinformation izes our efforts change the Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. Facebook Facebook tional Child Abuse Prevention clemency. from theway White House, and it isthinks being our community Month for the past three years. “Today, the Senate Majority will stonewalled. It’s being stonewalled about child abuse prevenCatskillDailyMail/ The Greene County eventbased took ontion,” pass legislation that will have a maa whole host of to legal arguaccording a stateplace from 1-2 p.m. Tuesday jor impact, both nationally and in ments, but at the end of the day, we ment from the Child AdvoWASHINGTON POST NEWS SERVICE PHOTO BY JABIN BOTSFORD outside of the Greene County New York state,” said Senate Majority Democrats in the New York State Senate are targeting the state cacy Center has of Columbia know that Congress the right and tax returns and Building at 411 Main St. Greene Counties Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, D-35, pardon power of President Donald Trump with a pair of billsOffice in Hudson. to oversee the execuexpected to be passed the responsibility The Columbia County tive eventbranch, during a press conference Wednesday Wednesday. Ann Catskill, andGibbons, they are of entitled to SARAH TRAFTON/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA took place from 2-5 p.m. on morning. “The president and his adwas intrigued by the event that information,” Hoylman said. Greene Countyhave Treasurer Peter Markou Ann Gibbons,customs. of CatskillToday planting Child Monday in 7th Street Park in wepinwheels are thefor law.” ministration repeatedly shownandpresidential SeeSee VICTIMS A8 Abuse on Tuesday. BILLS A2 Hudson. a true Prevention hostility toMonth the rule of law and sending a message — no one is above The bills, Stewart-Cousins said, will Columbia-Greene Media

New show every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Live with Matt is for entertainment purposes only! Send your questions and comments to the Inbox on the Web, Facebook Page, or YouTube Channel.




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