The Daily Daily Mail Mail The Copyright 2019, Columbia-Greene Media Volume 227, No. 249
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Audit faults fuel management By Sarah Trafton Columbia-Greene Media
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Sunny, but cold
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CAIRO — An audit by the state Comptroller’s Office found that the town’s Highway Department was not keeping a proper a fuel inventory. From Jan, 1, 2018 to March 21, 2019, the highway department purchased 43,632 gallons of fuel at $93,624. The town was unable to account for 31,061 gallons of fuel, valued at $69,999, according to the audit. SARAH TRAFTON/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA Using paper mileage reports is not a In this file photo, Highway Superintendent Robert Hempstead addresses the Cairo fail-safe system, Cairo Highway Super- Town Board. intendent Robert Hempstead said. Hempstead made requests in the system, he said, but Town Supervisor “I did the best I could with what I past for an electronic monitoring Daniel Benoit did not support the idea. had at the time,” he said.
Benoit did not respond to a request for comment. “The paper system relies on the honor system,” Hempstead said. “It’s like a fruit stand. Someone can go and take sweet corn and not pay for it. Unless you fully devote the time to monitoring it, it doesn’t always work.” Of the highway department’s 840 fuel usage documents, 733, or 87%, were not completed or not up to date, according to the audit. The state was unable to compare the monthly fuel usage logs to monthly fuel meter reports because the logs were See AUDIT A8
Remembering ‘Ducky’ Family Day in memory of Don ‘Ducky’ Novak PAGE B1
An unusual GOP decision White House to allow drug imports from Canada PAGE A2
Protesters demand Congress ‘dump Trump’
n Highly charged divorce drama Scenes from a breakup in “Marriage Story” PAGE A7
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Mayoral aide designee Michael Chameides speaks to the crowd outside U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado’s Office at 420 Warren St. on Tuesday
By Amanda Purcell Columbia-Greene Media
HUDSON — Joining more than 600 nationwide rallies on “Nobody is Above the Law,” Indivisible Columbia NY-19 showed support for the impeachment of President Donald J.
Trump in Hudson on Tuesday. Although about 500 people signed up to attend the rally, about 50 attended the rally on a cold, messy late afternoon outside U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado’s office at 420 Warren St., Hudson. Delgado, D-19, announced Sunday
that he will vote in favor of the articles of impeachment against Trump on Wednesday. The U.S. House of Representatives debated Wednesday on whether to move ahead with Trump’s impeachment proceedings. Republicans
denounced Democrats as being politically motivated in their decision to pursue impeachment and denying basic facts. “This is a great crowd on a cold, icy See TRUMP A8
Twin Counties get $3.2M for key water projects By Sarah Trafton Columbia-Greene Media
The village of Catskill and city of Hudson are among 13 municipalities to receive state funding for water infrastructure improvements, according to an announcement from the governor’s office. The Environmental Facilities Corporation is awarding more than $24 million in grant funding through the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act. Catskill was awarded just under $3 million and Hudson, $321,600. “We are very excited we are a recipient of the grant,” Village President Vincent Seeley said. “We still have some
legwork to do on our end before we can move forward.” Catskill’s project involves making improvements to the village’s water plant and to replace the water main beneath Main Street, Seeley said. Village trustees authorized up to $5 million to be borrowed in August, contingent upon the village receiving the grant. With $3 million covered by the grant, the remaining $2 million will be covered by a bond, Seeley said. “Interest rates are very favorable right now,” Seeley said. “It may be better to lock in to an interest rate sooner rather than later.” The board will discuss the
grant, the bond and the phases of the project at its first meeting in January, Seeley said. “We understand how disruptive this will be to our businesses,” Seeley said, adding that the project will probably be divided into four segments. Seeley does not see the project breaking ground until 2021, he said. For Hudson Public Works Superintendent Robert Perry, the funding will help bring a long-term project to the finish line. “Over the past five years, the Hudson Water Department has been improving water See PROJECTS A8
Village of Catskill Department of Public Works crews respond to a water main break on West Bridge Street near the former Agway.
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