The Daily Mail Copyright 2019, Columbia-Greene Media Volume 227, No. 250
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No fracking Proposal would permanently ban process in New York A3
The nation’s fourth-oldest newspaper • Serving Greene County since 1792
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Historic vote reveals deep divisions
Sunny, but cold
Mainly clear and cold
Times of clouds and sun
LOW 11
32 17
Highway union ratifies contract
Complete weather, A2 By Sarah Trafton
Columbia-Greene Media
Hudson, Maple Hill undefeated Hudson’s Aaliyah Jones walks the ball up the floor during Wednesday’s game PAGE B1
n OUTDOORS Washington Post photo by Matt McClain
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., oversees a vote on the second articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump on Dec. 18, 2019.
By Massarah Mikati Johnson Newspapers
Winter hazard to landscape Roadside landscaping with salt-tolerant plants can protect vulnerable growths behind it PAGE A6
n THE SCENE Rock around the holiday Five bands will play in the Holiday Rock and Roll Spectacular to benefit Catskill Community Center PAGE A8
n INDEX Region Opinion State/Nation Obituaries Sports Classified Comics/Advice
A3 A4 A5 A5 B1 B4-B5 B7-B8
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WASHINGTON — The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached President Donald Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, making him the third president in history to be charged with committing high crimes and misdemeanors and face removal by the Senate. On a day of constitutional consequence and raging partisan tension, the votes on the two articles of impeachment fell largely along party lines, after a bitter debate that stretched into the evening and reflected the deep polarization gripping American politics in the Trump era. Only two Democrats opposed the article on abuse of power, which accused Trump of corruptly using the levers of government to solicit election assistance from Ukraine in the form of investigations to discredit his Democratic political rivals. Republicans were united in opposition. It passed 230-197, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi gaveling the vote to a close from the House rostrum. Washington Post photo by Jonathan Newton
CATSKILL — After years of resisting to sign on to the county’s health insurance plan, the county highway union has renewed its contract for a four-year term. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFSCME, voted to accept the county’s latest offer on Dec. 10, with the condition that the signing bonus be increased from $2,000 to $2,500. The bonus is a one-time payment, and is not added to the base salary. The contract, effective 2020 through 2023, allows for a 2.25% raise each year. Greene County lawmakers unanimously approved the contract Wednesday, bringing an end to the six-year stalemate. The county’s insurance plan offer was the main obstacle in the negotiations. The union has put the insurance issue behind it, according to correspondence from the union’s attorney, Elayne Gold. “In accordance with the tentative agreement, and in years 2020 through 2023, the union will receive a 2.25% salary adjustment in each of those years,” Gold said. “In exchange for these monies, as well as some additional economic adjustments, the union has, effective Jan. 1, 2020, agreed to and adopted the county’s health insurance higher deductible plan that is now in place for every other county employee whether bargaining unit or not. That was the main sticking point at these negotiations and we are pleased to report that this matter is finally behind us.” The county highway department has six vacancies, Highway Superintendent Robert Van Valkenburg said at the Public Works Committee meeting Monday.
See VOTE A2 A statue of Benjamin Franklin in front of the Trump International Hotel in Washington.
Greene County strives for census accuracy By Sarah Trafton
Columbia-Greene Media
CATSKILL — Greene County plans to apply for nearly $87,000 in grants to improve the accuracy of the 2020 census. County lawmakers approved a resolution Wednesday night to file the application. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced earlier this month that $20 million in state funding would be available to local governments to ensure every New Yorker is counted. “While this federal administration does its best to instill fear in our immigrant communities in an attempt to stop them from filling out the Census questionnaire, we are fighting back to ensure
every New Yorker is counted,” Cuomo said. “We are making these funds available to local governments so they can work with local organizations that have the necessary on-theground expertise to connect with our hardest-to-count communities and help ensure New York is properly represented at the federal level.” Respondents do not have to list their citizenship status on the questionnaire, according a release from the governor’s office. Legislators Michael Bulich, R-Catskill, and Matthew Luvera, R-Catskill, opposed the resolution. Washington Post photo by Bill O’Leary Bulich said he believes it is a Protesters in front of the Supreme Court while justices hear arguments on gerrymandering on Oct. waste of money. 3, 2017, in Washington, D.C. Greene County officials plan to apply for a grant to help ensure that all
See CENSUS A2 county residents are counted in the 2020 census.
Kwanzaa Umoja Community Celebration Saturday, December 21, 2019, 4:00pm Hudson Hall, 327 Warren Street Hudson, NY 12534
Presented by Operation Unite Education and Cultural Arts Center and Hudson Hall