eedition The Daily Mail December 27 2019

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The Daily Mail Copyright 2019, Columbia-Greene Media Volume 227, No. 254

All Rights Reserved

Rape charge filed DA accuses man of raping minor in July and August A3

The nation’s fourth-oldest newspaper • Serving Greene County since 1792

Neighbors assist Catskill fire victims



Cloudy with Partly cloudy Mostly sunny a shower


LOW 34

43 26

Complete weather, A2

Details of bail reform emerge By Sarah Trafton


Columbia-Greene Media

Holiday Tournament Area high school basketball teams will be participating in holiday tournaments PAGE B1


Lance Wheeler/For Columbia-Greene Media

Several fire departments including Hudson provided mutual aid at a Catskill fire on Christmas Eve.

By Massarah Mikati Johnson Newspapers

Couple credited with rescue Christmas was saved for one Columbia County family after a woman who fell on the ice was rescued PAGE A3

n LOCAL Grey Fox names artist in residence Dobro virtuoso Jerry Douglas will be the 2020 artist-in-residence at the Grey Fox Bluegrass fest PAGE A3

n INDEX Region Opinion State/Nation Obituaries Sports Comics/Advice Classified

Price $1.50


A3 A4 A5 A5 B1 B4-B5 B6-B7

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CATSKILL — Alan and Aileen Warzaszek woke up the morning before Christmas with a plan for the day. They would leave their new condo around 10 a.m. to take their horse to a veterinary appointment in Saratoga, then rush home to change before a Christmas Eve dinner with Aileen’s family. It didn’t go as planned. The South Carolina couple’s Christmas Eve was derailed when they returned to Catskill Creek Condos around 4 p.m. to find their two-story house on fire. Everything was lost: their three beloved dogs and two parrots died of smoke inhalation, and all their belongings burned in the flames. The damage stopped just short of a complete

loss. “I was speechless, I just couldn’t wrap my head around it,” said Alan, who had just moved into the house with his wife two days prior. “The trauma is quite devastating.” Catskill Fire Chief John Holt said the house sustained extreme water and smoke damage, and that the two adjoining homes also have water damage. The cause of the fire, which originated in the kitchen, remains under investigation. “It’s not a complete loss,” said Catskill Fire Chief John Holt. “But the first floor where the fire originated, that’s where the most damage is.” When the couple first got home and pulled into the garage, Alan was suspicious the See FIRE A2

Lance Wheeler/For Columbia-Greene Media

Firefighters were on the scene of a fire Tuesday that left several pets dead.

Bail reform changes will be coming to the Columbia and Greene Counties sooner rather than later. Although scheduled to take effect Jan. 1, many counties throughout the state are opting to release inmates early. Greene County planned to release inmates Thursday or Friday of this week, District Attorney Joseph Stanzione said. Because the county does not have a jail, the inmates are boarded in Albany, Ulster and Columbia counties. “Three people are affected by the bail reform,” Stanzione said Thursday. “I anticipate that these three people will be released either today or tomorrow. As you can see my office has made it a point to use alternatives to incarceration so as to ensure that those who are committed to jail are in fact the people who should be in jail. For this reason there will be no mass exodus of our jail population prior to Jan. 1.” Greene County’s inmate population on Thursday was 32, Sheriff-elect Peter Kusminsky said. The sheriff does not have the authority to release inmates from jail, Lt. Wayne Lopez with the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office said. The inmates who are eligible to be released under the new law will be released via court orders from a judge, he said. Lopez did not expect to receive these orders until Monday, he said. In October, District Attorney Paul Czajka said that of the 68 inmates being held prior to trial at that time, all but 15 would be released under the new law. In place of bail, a defendant can be released with a variety of other conditions, Greene County Public Defender Angelo Scaturro said, such as travel restrictions, being prohibited See REFORM A2

Lawmakers: Nepotism policy will stand By Sarah Trafton Columbia-Greene Media

CATSKILL — Greene County’s nepotism policy will stand, lawmakers said, in the wake of Greene County Sheriff Greg Seeley’s hiring of his son. Lawmakers discussed how the county should address such situations in the future during a Government Operations meeting last week. Legislator Michael Bulich, R-Catskill, asked if the county needed something in place to prevent these situations. “Is that something we should look at?” Bulich asked. Legislator Harry Lennon, DCairo, said the hiring process should have been more transparent.

“Whenever there is an appearance of impropriety, you must disclose it immediately,” Lennon said. Because the deputy positions are filled through Civil Service, the board does have approval authority over them, Greene County Administrator Shaun Groden said. Greene County Attorney Edward Kaplan would not approve of a department head directly supervising a relative, he said at the meeting. Greene County’s employment policy states: “Greene County will avoid the practice of appearance of favoritism in hiring and the assignment of employees. Therefore, an employee’s immediate relative will

not be hired for or assigned to a position within the chain of command of the current employee or in the same work unit as the current employee.” Immediate relatives are defined as a spouse, mother, father, brother, sister or child, according to the manual. The policy does not prohibit relatives from working in the county. “This policy does not prohibit the hiring of an employee’s immediate relative for a position which is not in the immediate chain of command of the employee or which is not in the same work unit as the current employee,” according to the See POLICY A2

File Photo

Greene County Sheriff Greg Seeley addresses the Legislature in this file photo. County lawmakers decided not to eliminate or make changes to the county’s nepotism policy.

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