eedition The Daily Mail December 31 2019

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The Daily Mail Copyright 2019, Columbia-Greene Media Volume 227, No. 256

All Rights Reserved

Rising concern Marshall Islands nuclear plant under investigation A2

The nation’s fourth-oldest newspaper • Serving Greene County since 1792

Price $1.50


‘Miracle’ child back home


By Melanie Lekocevic and Raymond Pignone Milder; a.m. snow showers

Breezy early; cloudy

Times of clouds and sun


LOW 28

40 22

Complete weather, A2


Columbia-Greene Media

ATHENS — A 2-year-old toddler was found on the doorstep of a Willowbrook Farm Road home in a remote area of the town of Athens on Sunday morning. The woman who found him, Kara Wager, of Athens, called it “a miracle.” The child, who was not identified by police, has been reunited with his parents and is unhurt, State Police Public Information Officer Steven Nevel said. “The child is fine,” Nevel said. “He is 2 years old and he has been turned back over to the parents. There were

two 18-year-olds who were babysitting him and he wandered out of the house.” The babysitters, Nikko White,

It is not known if the Whites, who are brothers, are related to the child, Nevel said. “One of the boys walked out to get

“The child is fine. He is 2 years old and he has been turned back over to the parents. There were two 18-year-olds who were babysitting him and he wandered out of the house.” — STATE POLICE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER STEVEN NEVEL

18, and Andre White, 18, have been charged with endangering the welfare of a child, a misdemeanor, Nevel said.

the mail. He can’t recall if he left the front door of the residence open,” Nevel said. “One of the 18-year-olds

was playing a video game. They don’t recall seeing the toddler walk out of the house. They didn’t notice that he left the house until they got a knock on the door from police officers.” The parents, who were at work at the time, have not been charged, Nevel said. Nevel said the child wandered for about a tenth of a mile from his house in his footie pajamas. The area where Wager lives and the child was found, Willowbrook Falls Road, is a remote stretch. There is video surveillance footage of the property where the boy See CHILD A8


TOP 10 LOCAL STORIES OF 2019 Boys basketball Clippers, Cats suffer first losses PAGE B1


DEC aid for estuaries Hudson River projects to be funded PAGE A3


The New York State Police are investigating the death of a man who jumped from the Rip Van Winkle Bridge.


Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents attempted to detain two people on Fifth and Warren streets in Hudson.

Staff Report

Medical Center. The man, who underwent surgery early Sunday to repair several bullet wounds, was expected to recover, Columbia County District Attorney Paul Czajka said.

Columbia-Greene Media

A newspaper’s top stories list reflects not only the choices of reporters and editors but the varied interests of its readers. This past year, readers made their way to stories ranging in subject matter from the relentlessness of the opioid crisis to an acquittal in a major Columbia County murder trial. What follows are the top 10 stories of 2019 that resonated with our readers.

Bank names first Ulster rep Daniel Leader first Ulster rep on BOGC board PAGE A7

n INDEX Region Opinion State/Nation Obituaries Sports Classified Comics/Advice

A3 A4 A5 A5 B1 B4-5 B7-8

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10. MORSHED ACQUITTED OF MURDER A Columbia County jury found Mohammed Morshed not guilty of felony murder in the shooting death of 19-year-old Inderly Instinfil of Philmont on June 17 on Fairview Avenue DANIEL ZUCKERMAN/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA in Hudson. Morshed, 28, of Hudson, had been charged with second-degree A skiing trail seen from the base of Hunter Mountain’s latest expansion Hunter murder, a class A-1 felony. The seven- North. man, five-woman jury deliberated for about two-and-a-half days before reaching a verdict. Over the course of the deliberations, jurors asked for replays of a 911 call just after the shooting. They also asked the judge to repeat the definition for justification of self-defense under the law. Jurors were asked to consider a lesser charge of second-degree manslaughter as an alternative to the murder charge. They returned a not-guilty verdict on each charge.

9. MAN SHOT AT HALLOWEEN PARTY A Columbia County man was charged with attempted murder after he allegedly shot a man several times at a Halloween party in Copake, state police said. Jesus Figueroa, 26, of Hudson, was charged with attempted murder, a class A felony, and criminal possession of a weapon (a loaded firearm), a class C felony, according to state police. Figueroa was taken into custody by state police near a relative’s home in Philmont. Police also executed a


Mohammed Morshed awaits a verdict in Columbia County Court as the jury in his murder trial deliberates.

search warrant at that address, police said. He was sent to Columbia County Jail without bail after his arraignment

in Claverack Town Court. The man who was shot, who was not identified by police, was airlifted to Albany

A weekend ski trip with friends at Hunter Mountain turned tragic for brendan mccue of Herkimer County. The death was ruled accidental, but McCue’s mother, Christina Brown, criticized Hunter Mountain and its recently opened trail hunter north for being unsafe. McCue, 27, of Little Falls, was skiing a trail on Hunter North, the ski center’s newest expansion, when he apparently lost control and skidded off the trail. McCue slammed into a rock, killing him instantly, Greene County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Adam Brainard said. McCue died of severe chest trauma, Greene County Coroner Richard Vigilo said. An autopsy was performed Monday at Ellis Hospital in Schenectady. “It was obvious on the mountain he had succumbed to his injuries,” Brainard said. Brown took the greene County Sheriff’s office investigation to task for saying her son was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. further investigation showed that McCue was wearing a safety helmet.

7. NEW START FOR CATSKILL GAME FARM The former Catskill Game Farm opened its doors to show off its newest addition, The Long Neck Inn. The inn features four different suites, each with its own animal theme. Formerly home to April, the iconic giraffe that achieved worldwide attention with her pregnancy, who now resides in Harpursville, near Binghamton it took two years to transform the giraffe house into a stylish inn. Owners Cathy and Ben Ballone have See TOP A8

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