eedition The Daily Mail January 25 2022

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The Daily Mail Copyright 2021, Columbia-Greene Media Volume 230, No. 16

Serving Greene County since 1792

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Price $1.50


COVID-19 supplies distributed in Coxsackie

By Ted Remsnyder Columbia-Greene Media

COXSACKIE — Assemblyman Chris Tague hosted a distribution event for COVID supplies at the Greene County Jail in Coxsackie on Saturday as the county inched below 1,000 active COVID-19 cases. As of Jan. 21, the Greene County Department of Health had identified 994 active COVID cases, the second time in

three days the county had fallen below four digits. The county first crossed 1,000 cases on Jan. 5, when the health agency confirmed 1,135 active cases in the county. Greene County Administrator Shaun Groden said Monday that at the county’s COVID testing site at 370 Mansion St. in Coxsackie 40 tests were conducted with 15 positive results returned. “It was a light turnout but a 25%

positive rate,” Groden said. On Jan. 22, more than 500 residents trekked to the county jail on a frigid winter day to receive a free package that included an at-home COVID test kit and a KN95 mask. “We actually ran out of what we had, which was over 500 kits and masks,” Tague said. “So it was a very big success. See SUPPLIES A8


Greene County Sheriff Peter Kusminsky hands out COVID tests and masks at the Greene County Jail in Coxsackie on Saturday.

A family’s plea over daughter’s missing phone By Ted Remsnyder Columbia-Greene Media

CATSKILL — A Catskill High School senior who has endured months of grueling chemotherapy treatments for cancer saw her cell phone go missing at Albany Medical Center last month. Her family has yet to have success in recovering it. Catskill student Nahviya Chapple was receiving a round of chemotherapy at the Albany hospital on Dec. 30 and when she left the phone in her hospital room to receive the treatment, it had disappeared upon her return. The Chapple family was subsequently told by hospital staff that the Nahviya’s iPhone 11 may have been swept up with the laundry, but it has not been found. Lamar Chapple, Nahviya’s father, was told by a hospital social worker Jan. 18 that the medical facility would get Nahviya a new phone if the hospital couldn’t locate the missing item. “When I brought her in this week for one of her appointments, one of the social workers said that she’d do a little bit more research into the situation and she said if she can’t



Catskill High School student Nahviya Chapple’s phone went missing on Dec. 30 while she underwent chemotherapy treatment at Albany Medical Center Hospital.

Catskill High School student Nahviya Chapple’s phone went missing on Dec. 30 while she underwent chemotherapy treatment at Albany Medical Center Hospital.

get to the bottom of it, they would replace her phone,” he

hospital reversed course, informing Chapple that Albany

said. Three days later, the

Medical Center would not replace the phone.

“They said there was nothing they could do about it,” Lamar Chapple said Friday. “I got a call from Patient Relations. I’m not saying that they don’t help out, because they’re taking care of my daughter and that’s number one. But that’s just crazy.” The Albany Medical Center Public Relations Department declined to comment on the matter. Chapple said his daughter also had a prepaid debit card in the hospital room, but the card was in the room when the phone was discovered missing. “It’s been almost 30 days now and she doesn’t have a phone,” he said. “We’re still waiting. People’s stuff shouldn’t just go missing. The phone she has is not a small phone. It looks like a tablet. I don’t think somebody took it. I’m not accusing anybody or anything. I think it possibly got mixed in with the clothes.” Catskill High School teacher Wendy Casalino, who is Nahviya’s case manager at the school, said the family has had difficulty getting answers from the hospital. “They’re not getting See PHONE A8

Police: Drug arrest leads to felony charges, jail By Bill Williams Columbia-Greene Media


A Coxsackie man was taken to the Greene County jail after his arrest on Route 81 on felony drug charges.

COXSACKIE — A Coxsackie man was taken to the Greene County jail, following his arrest on felony drug possession charges, said Steven Nevel, public information officer for state police Troop F. Jesse A. Hildenbrand, 41, was allegedly in possession of heroin and cocaine, Nevel said. On Friday, at about 10 a.m., Troopers stopped a 2020 Hyundai Sonata driven by Hildenbrand on Route 81 in Coxsackie for violations

of the vehicle and traffic law, Nevel said. An investigation indicated that Hildenbrand was in possession of a quantity of heroin and cocaine, Nevel said. Hildenbrand was charged with two counts of fifthdegree criminal possession of a controlled substance, a class D felony, two counts of seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, a class A misdemeanor, tampering with physical evidence, a class E felony, and manufacturing drug related paraphernalia, a

class A misdemeanor, Nevel said. Hildenbrand was arraigned in Coxsackie Town Court before Town Justice Wanda Dorpfeld and was sent to the Greene County Jail, where he was held without bail. A preliminary hearing in the case is scheduled for Tuesday at 11 a.m., Hildenbrand is scheduled to appear in court on January 31. According to New York Penal, a person is guilty of fifthdegree criminal possession of a controlled substance if

they knowingly and unlawfully possess a controlled substance with intent to sell it or are in possession of one or more preparations, compounds, mixtures or substances containing a narcotic preparation, or are in possession of cocaine and said cocaine weighs five hundred milligrams or more. If convicted on the charge, the maximum sentence is seven years in prison. If the convicted has no prior criminal history, the sentence See ARREST A8

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Voting extension

Brantley records quadrupledouble in Cats’ victory PAGE B1

Hochul expands absentee ballot rules through end of year PAGE A8

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