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EggsPress #4 APRIL 2014

Stirring things up in Brussels The Egg, launching a recipe

for creative entrepreneurship,

collaboration and societal challenges

my o n o c e e v i the creat


• Egg Brussels : conceptual chart - p. 2-3 • Launch of The Creative Ring - p.4 • Haute Africa : a Sitô project - p.4

Living Lab – EnoLL The egg-labs are livings labs. We foster co-creation, exploration, experimentation and evaluation of innovative ideas.

The CREATIVE RING The Creative Ring, developed by the SPECIFI project, is a new experimental community and platform for sharing creative and innovative content and activities all over Europe, using advanced Internet technologies and networks. It is based on an open collaboration between local artists and creative industries (comprising cultural, media, arts, advertising and other sectors) with universities, local authorities and ICT companies in each city and region.

Some Lab partners are hosted at The Egg, others are regularly present. Our Labs aim to support co-creative, human-centric and user-driven research, development and innovation in order to better cater for people’s needs. Molenbeek 2014 , by The Lateral Thinking Factory, and Foto-Festival , by Sito, are two important results of Egg-Lab activities in Belgium.

The Creative Ring intends to bring together solutions for infrastructure, useful and proven FI systems and applications; the Creative Industries can experiment or deploy these systems and the resulting innovative content. (see page 4)

The Egg Change Project is THE new think tank in Brussels. It gathers creative people with different backgrounds and competences, and turn them into a mission driven community of entrepreneurs.


The Egg Change’s members working under guidance of professional coaches, share their ideas on a dedicated platform, they mix them, they improve them, and they deliver innovative ideas for concrete business or societal challenges. Companies and individuals work in the same direction on Egg Change Projects to co-create sustainable innovation on the market and in society. Diversity, change, exchange and sharing: The Egg’s culture for open innovation. Join our think tank and discover a new way to challenge your brains or entrepreneurship.

Mentoring startups and communities is crucial to succeed in the economical world facing challenges every day. We propose to connect you with professional coaches and an online community. The coaching services consist of : - An online platform and community in collaboration with “WeStartUp” providing advice and guidance towards the start-ups and entrepreneurs - Some selected experts in specific areas ensuring F2F support to the Egg community - A monthly presence of ABE/BAO as partner of entrepreneurs in the Brussels Region

The Egg Summer University Summer University: as of 2015, the ambition is to offer summer courses towards some 365 students in July and in August. The courses will focus on: -empowering their language skills -learning to understand the European Institutions More information will be available in the next EggPress 5, in summer time. www.

APRIL 2014

Some 6.000m2 at your disposal managed by a professional team providing guidance and services throughout some privileged partners : Congresses, seminars, workshops and meetings Exhibitions and shows Gala dinners and awards Theater and concerts

Back in 2007, the entire media and communication industry took the decision to support the initiative by moving towards the location or by supporting the concept. Those associations represent thousands of companies active in media, communication, services and technologies. They are training future media and communication professionals, they are promoting advertising, they are organizing seminars and awards as well as developing self-regulation in collaboration with authorities ensuring ethics are respected in the industry.

DEDICATED TO ENTREPRENEURS Over 30 companies, startups and sme’s are clustered on the first floor of the building. They’re all active in marcom services, in technologies, in audio-visual, in music and in photography. Many of them are collaborating with each other, are looking for synergies and are overall participating to the development of the global Egg project. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS AND PROJECTS Some of our startups have developed unique services and are reaching out to many markets in and outside Europe. www.




EggsPress #4

APRIL 2014

APRIL 2014

Towards Connected Smart and Creative Cities and Citizens Future Internet boosting Creativity in Europe : scaling platforms, data, tools, services and communities

... hubs




Creative Ring Gateways

Creative Ring Facilitators

Creative Ring Toolbox

Creative Ring Projects

Brussels, Barcelona, Trento and more. Physical locations joining forces to build the Creative Ring.

Partners with state of the art tools & technologies. iMinds, i2CAT, Create-Net.

A set of ICT applications and tools, such as YourOwnLab, MediaHaven, Ultragrid.

Collaborations between the hubs, partners and/or networks, on dedicated research projects on diverse areas.





THE EGG : HUB OF THE CREATIVE RING April 29, 30 : Launch of the Creative Ring

The Creative Ring at New frontiers for European entrepreneurs



“New frontiers for European entrepreneurs” was an event focused on SMEs, innovation and entrepreneurship held in Brussels at The EGG on April 29th, 2014. This conference was co-organised by the European Commission, Deloitte, EBN and DIGITALEUROPE and wanted to stimulate lively discussion on digital entrepreneurship by showcasing top technology start-ups, entrepreneurs and SMEs in Europe with the potential to grow exponentially in international markets. The event was supported by a number of European initiatives such as SPECIFI. Our project has been invited to be part of the Creative Industries strand, one of the three main sections of the programme. SPECIFI and the Creative Ring was initially introduced by Simon Delaere during the session “What’s Alain Heureux up in Europe’s creative industries?” Our project then co-organised a 1-hour session together with + 32 495 225 135 Cluster2020 entitled “Connecting Creative Districts and Clusters”. Fabio Antonelli, Alain Heureux interaction between current achievements and future exciting opportunities to be explored. and Artur Serra presented creation and economy interaction between creation and economy The Creative Ring was then officially launched.

theegg Barastraat 175 rue Bara BE - 1070 Brussels


YOUROWNLAB Collaborative brainstorming tool Alain Heureux + 32 495 225 135


interaction between creation and economy


to solve challenges

Barastraat 175 rue Bara BE - 1070 Brussels

The Egg

Bara street 175 - 1070 Brussels Belgium The Egg Brussels venue/10418669 @TheEggBrussels TheEggBrussels

YourOwnLab is Addictlab’s smartphone and tablet app that allows individuals, companies and organisations to set up dedicated think tanks with creative thinkers and a community of people on dedicated topics. This “smart surround system” pushes people to collaborate and share thoughts and ideas. One of the current labprojects is for a Swiss publisher, generating ideas and being a sparring partner for the editorial, marketing and brand department. The selected ‘labmembers’ are high profile people, designers, CEO’s, even an actrice, a police man and a comedian. YourOwnLab is a clear result of Addictlab’s pioneering role in the collaborative economy. YourOw










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Afrikaanse mode door de ogen van internationale kunstenaars : boek en tentoonstelling in Knokke. Haute Africa verwijst niet naar een geografische regio op het Afrikaanse continent, maar naar haute couture, iets wat algemeen geassocieerd wordt met welvarende modemetropolen zoals Parijs, Milaan, Londen of New York. Door Afrika een plaats te geven in deze vanouds Franse, naar luxe en decadentie ruikende term, ontstaat een nieuwe woordcombinatie die de verbeelding tart. Haute Africa toont een ander Afrika; een plek waar creativiteit welvaart brengt. Deze bloeiende Afrikaanse creativiteit vindt geen betere uitdrukking dan in de levendige mode-industrie. Afrikaanse kunstenaars, designers, modeontwerpers, ondernemers en fotografen inspireren de wereld met nieuwe ontwerpen die de Afrikaanse identiteit uitdragen en vernieuwen. Christophe De Jaeger (1979) werkt aan een doctoraat over Mediakunst in de jaren 1960 en 1970 aan King’s College te London. Hij is als curator verbonden aan het Paleis voor Schone Kunsten waar hij diverse projecten met fotografie en media coördineert. Ramona Van Gansbeke (1986) is artistiek coördinator van Sitô, een creatieve werkplaats die projecten realiseert op de breuklijn tussen beeldende kunst, humane en exacte wetenschappen. Zij coördineerde onder andere de Summer of Photography (2012), Sense of Place: European Landscape Photography (BOZAR, 2012).

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