Spring Valley Angus 36th Annual Production Sale

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Production Sale 36th Annual SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 2023 | 1 PM CST | LAMOURE, ND SELLING 46 BULLS & 25 HEIFERS

36 th Annual Production Sale

SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 2023 | 1 PM CST



Welcome to our 36th Annual Bull Sale!

We are selling an excellent set of bulls out of some of the top Angus bulls in the breed. The bulls will be semen tested and ultra sounded for carcass and have current EPDs. The bulls are fed a TMR ration by Dakotaland Feeds.

A special thank you goes out to all our past customers and we look forward to serving any new customers. Give me a call at 701-709-0150 or stop by the farm any time to personally view the bulls. Check out our website at springvalleyangus.com, like us on Facebook, and follow us on instagram to stay up to date on all the sale information.

Regards, Richard

Rich’s Cell 701-709-0150 |

Richard & Pam Haberman | Joey & Trista Gemar | Bryley, Merrick, Rachel, & Kirsten | Greg & Katie Gebhardt

Sale information


At the farm | 2 miles west of LaMoure, ND on Hwy 13 9906 Hwy 13 | LaMoure, ND 58458


Richard Haberman | 701-709-0150

Joey Gemar | 701-799-0667


Seth Weishaar | 605-210-1124



Kirby Goettsch | Farm & Ranch Guide | 605-380-3939


Vern Frey | Frey Livestock Sales & Service Inc | 701-721-0344


Anyone unable to attend the sale may send their bids to a Field Representative or Auctioneer. Also, we will honor a telephone order and guarantee your phone purchase to meet your request when inspected personally by you. Call one of the sale day phone numbers above. Please call in ample time to avoid a delay in the start time of the auction.


Online bidding is available through DVAuction.com. Advanced registration request for sale day. For sale day assistance, contact Logan Hoffmann | 701-388-2618


The farm is always open to view the sale cattle or to view the cow herds. Videos of all lots will be online at DVAuction.com.


Announcements made from the auction block shall take precedence over printed material in the catalog and any supplemental sheets.


Free lunch will be served on sale day!


Catalog design, sale photos, and print ads by Addison K Creative Addison Magill | 701-210-0824

Sale Terms & Conditions


Terms of the sale are cash, check or other terms agreed to in writing between the seller and the buyer, payable immediately upon conclusion of the sale, before animals will be moved. A $25.00 per head discount will be honored if bull(s) are taken home sale day Spring Valley Angus will winter your bulls until April 1, 2022 at no cost. Bulls left after April 1, 2022 will be charged $2.00 per day per bull.


All persons who attend this sale do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise, for their safety or for the behavior of the animals. The owners and the sale staff assume no liability for property loss, any accidents or injuries that occur on the sale premises.


All animals are the owner’s risk prior to their sale and become property of the purchaser as soon as declared sold by the auctioneer. As we have no control over acts of God, we cannot guarantee these cattle against death, loss or sickness. We guarantee cattle to be healthy sale day.


Insurance can be purchased on sale day from Brett Schaefer, Heritage Insurance agency, Oakes ND 701-742-3579.


Bulls will be sold to the highest bidder. Disputes amongst bidders will be settled by the auctioneer by reopening the bidding among the parties involved. The auctioneer’s decision shall be final.


All bulls are semen tested prior to sale day. Bulls selling for $3,000 or more are guaranteed to provide you with a sound breeding bull for the first breeding season. Breeding season is defined as the 90 day period following the first turnout of the bulls. If a replacement bull is available, he will be provided, or if the buyer prefers, credit toward one bull will be given in the following year’s sale, less salvage value of the injured bull. Please notify us as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. Replacement bulls are not covered by this guarantee. All claims must be made by September 1, 2023.


We care about the health of our livestock so we have taken the step to annually test our herd for Johne’s Disese. We have tested the last 10 years. All dams of animals being sold have tested negative for Johne’s.


Bulls have completed HD50K genetic testing and are parentage qualified. All bulls in the sale have been tested and are free from any known genetic defects.


Free delivery to central points in TriState area.

Supplement Sheet

A supplemental sheet with Ultrasound Data, Scrotal Measurements, and Actual Yearling Weights will be available sale day. Ultrasound data compiled by Bruns Ultra Sound Service, Madison, SD.

Semen Rights

Spring Valley Angus reserves 1/3 semen revenue interest on all bulls and the right to collect up to 100 units of semen on any of the bulls for our own use, Select bulls have other arrangements specific to that bull. This will be announced on sale day. The semen will be collected at our expense and at the buyer’s convenience. Please contact me if you have any questions. We will abide by the rules set forth by the American Angus Association. guarantee. All claims must be made by September 1, 2022.


5 YEARLING BULLS SPRING VALLEY ANGUS CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 4 3 82 146 30 0.62 0.58 151 SVA Growth Fund 6817 Basin Payweight 1682 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 Mohnen South Dakota 402 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 6817 Spring Vallemch Blkcp 681Y BD: 01/01/22 | REG #: 20490329 | TATOO: 8172 BW: 90 | ADJ. WW: 766 | ADJ. YW: 1659
1 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 1 2.5 92 165 29 0.4 0.56 160 SVA Growth Fund 1085 Basin Payweight 1682 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 HF Jungle Jim 357Y Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 108 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 0810 BD: 01/11/22 | REG #: 20490373 | TATOO: 0852 BW: 94 | ADJ. WW: 885 | ADJ. YW: 1731
2 lot 2 lot 1
6 YEARLING BULLS SPRING VALLEY ANGUS CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 13 0.3 72 132 34 0.23 0.54 140 SVA Growth Fund 0668 Basin Payweight 1682 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 Connealy Black Granite Sva MCH Blkcp 0668 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 4706 BD: 01/15/22 | REG #: 20490305 | TATOO: 82 BW: 84 | ADJ. WW: 824 | ADJ. YW: 1635 LOT 3 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 6 2 88 152 33 0.62 0.72 177 SVA Growth Fund 0868 Basin Payweight 1682 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 Connealy Black Granite Sva MCH Blkcp 0868 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 108 BD: 01/16/22 | REG #: 20489952 | TATOO: 8682 BW: 90 | ADJ. WW: 846 | ADJ. YW: 1593 LOT 4 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B -4 5.7 79 142 32 0.79 0.71 154 SVA Benoit 172 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 B/R New Frontier 095 Spring Valley Ruby 4172 Spring Valley Ruby 141 BD: 01/03/22 | REG #: 20486509 | TATOO: 1722 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 886 | ADJ. YW: 1576 LOT 5 lot 5 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 2 3.8 85 146 30 0.93 0.73 157 SVA Benoit 6668 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Baldridge Bronc Sva MCH Blkcp 6668 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 1166 BD: 01/13/22 | REG #: 20486508 | TATOO: 6682 BW: 94 | ADJ. WW: 877 | ADJ. YW: 1624 LOT 6 lot 4 lot 6 View Videos & REGISTER TO BID DVAUCTION.COM
7 YEARLING BULLS SPRING VALLEY ANGUS lot 7 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 1 3.8 74 125 29 0.24 0.53 131 SVA B MoMunentAl 6275 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F Koupals B&B Identity Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 627 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 627 BD: 01/01/22 | REG #: 20486507 | TATOO: 2752 BW: 96 | ADJ. WW: 813 | ADJ. YW: 1549 LOT 7 lot 8 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 7 0.2 67 121 12 1.16 0.4 161 SVA Ver SAtile 2961 Baldridge Forecaster B160 Baldridge Versatile Baldridge Blackbird A030 TC Franklin 619 S V Ada Princess 2961 S V Ada Princess 4296 BD: 01/13/22 | REG #: 20491672 | TATOO: 9612 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 833 | ADJ. YW: 1641 LOT 9 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 5 3 84 150 25 0.41 0.87 158 SVA Growth Fund 4568 Basin Payweight 1682 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 Connealy Black Granite Sva Erica Lass 4568 S V Erica Lass 4045 BD: 01/14/22 | REG #: 20490306 | TATOO: 682 BW: 92 | ADJ. WW: 850 | ADJ. YW: 1586 LOT 10 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 19 -3.2 61 108 30 -0.07 0.28 91 SVA B Ankroll 5070 Barstow Cash Barstow Bankroll B73 Barstow Miss Dianna Z25 Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 S V Princess 5070 Spring Valley Princess 2507 BD: 01/04/22 | REG #: 20489986 | TATOO: 0702 BW: 80 | ADJ. WW: 803 | ADJ. YW: LOT 11 lot 11 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 6 0.9 68 120 26 0.78 0.58 149 SVA Ver SAtile 9140 Baldridge Forecaster B160 Baldridge Versatile Baldridge Blackbird A030 BT Equator 395M Spring Valley Gwen 9140 Spring Valley Gwen 5291 BD: 01/01/22 | REG #: 20491673 | TATOO: 1402 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 835 | ADJ. YW: 1611 LOT 8
8 YEARLING BULLS SPRING VALLEY ANGUS CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 6 1.1 69 122 23 0.87 0.27 146 SVA Ver SAtile 7965 Baldridge Forecaster B160 Baldridge Versatile Baldridge Blackbird A030 Koupals B&B Identity Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 3796 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 3796 BD: 01/08/22 | REG #: 20491639 | TATOO: 9652 BW: 80 | ADJ. WW: 781 | ADJ. YW: 1488 LOT 12 lot 12 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 2 2.7 74 143 24 0.73 0.91 179 SVA k now how 2568 Hoover No Doubt Hoover Know How Blkcp Empress Ellston L265 Kramers Apollo 317 Sav Princess 2568 Spring Valley Princess 8925 BD: 01/12/22 | REG #: 20489857 | TATOO: 5682 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 840 | ADJ. YW: 1629 LOT 13 lot 13 lot 14 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 8 1.2 82 149 26 0.3 0.79 159 SVA Growth Fund 8158 Basin Payweight 1682 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 Sva Ada Prnces 8158 Spring Valley Ada Prnces 381 BD: 01/19/22 | REG #: 20490313 | TATOO: 1582 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 805 | ADJ. YW: 1559 LOT 15 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 3 2.8 82 139 33 1.28 0.67 176 SVA entice 6606 SydGen Enhance MOGCK Entice MOGCK Erica 2255 Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 1660 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 1660 BD: 01/14/22 | REG #: 20490308 | TATOO: 6062 BW: 96 | ADJ. WW: 894 | ADJ. YW: 1443 LOT 16 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 6 2.2 73 131 25 0.09 0.51 121 SVA Growth Fund 4465 Basin Payweight 1682 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 HF Jungle Jim 357Y Spring Valley Gwen 2446 Spring Valley Gwen 2446 BD: 01/02/22 | REG #: 20490356 | TATOO: 4652 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 741 | ADJ. YW: 1495 LOT 14
9 YEARLING BULLS SPRING VALLEY ANGUS CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 5 2.3 78 126 30 0.69 0.72 136 SVA B MonunentAl 1719 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F Vision Unanimous 1418 Spring Valley K Beauty 1719 Spring Valley K Beauty 171 BD: 01/16/22 | REG #: 20486498 | TATOO: 7192 BW: 82 | ADJ. WW: 809 | ADJ. YW: 1551
17 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 4 1.9 75 127 35 0.94 1.02 161 SVA B MonunentAl 3815 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F Barstow Cash Spring Valley Ada Prnces 381 Spring Valley Ada PRNCS 381 BD: 01/14/22 | REG #: 20486506 | TATOO: 8152 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 767 | ADJ. YW: 1525
18 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 7 0.5 70 129 23 SVA B Ankroll 9650 Barstow Cash Barstow Bankroll B73 Barstow Miss Dianna Z25 Connealy Fortune 752L S V MCH Blkcp 9650 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 3796 BD: 01/02/22 | REG #: 20489911 | TATOO: 6502 BW: 78 | ADJ. WW: 826 | ADJ. YW: 1573 LOT 19 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 10 0.9 69 128 23 1.14 0.55 176 SVA Ver SAtile 2557 Baldridge Forecaster B160 Baldridge Versatile Baldridge Blackbird A030 Connealy Black Granite Spring Valley Gwen 2557 spring valley GWEN 225 BD: 01/18/22 | REG #: 20491633 | TATOO: 5572 BW: 84 | ADJ. WW: 746 | ADJ. YW: 1548 LOT 20 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B I+5 I+2.5 I+73 I+139 I+24 I+.97 I+.58 172 SVA B Benoit 1087 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Jindra Megahit Spring Valley Mch Blkcp 1087 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 108 BD: 02/01/2022 | REG #: 20486489 | TATOO: 0872 BW: 90 | ADJ. WW: 763 | ADJ. YW: 1536 LOT 21 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 1 3.7 56 106 19 0.8 1.12 156 SVA k now how 6085 Hoover No Doubt Hoover Know How Blkcp Empress Ellston L265 Connealy Black Granite Spring Valley Gwen 608 Spring Valley Gwen 608 BD: 01/20/22 | REG #: 20490006 | TATOO: 852 BW: 96 | ADJ. WW: 803 | ADJ. YW: 1533 LOT 22 lot 22 join us! LUNCH WILL BE SERVED PRIOR TO THE SALE. THE SALE STARTS AT 1 PM.
10 YEARLING BULLS SPRING VALLEY ANGUS CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 9 0.4 59 116 25 0.72 0.52 140 SVA k now how Hoover No Doubt Hoover Know How Blkcp Empress Ellston L265 A & B SpotLite 3065 Spring Valley ADA Princ 3857 Spring Valley ADA Prncs 4938 BD: 01/06/22 | REG #: 20490001 | TATOO: 8572 BW: 80 | ADJ. WW: 735 | ADJ. YW: 1522 LOT 23 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 5 2.6 78 142 31 0.68 0.68 189 SVA kr StAtuS 0516 Koupals B&B Identity KR Status 4267 WK Queen 1423 Koupals B&B Identity Spring Valley Eng Erica 6051 Spring Valley Eng Erica 6051 BD: 01/18/22 | REG #: 20494393 | TATOO: 5162 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 768 | ADJ. YW: 1458 LOT 24 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 9 1.3 67 128 23 0.67 0.57 166 SVA B Ankroll 6680 Barstow Cash Barstow Bankroll B73 Barstow Miss Dianna Z25 Jindra Acclaim S V MCH Blkcp 6680 Sva MCH Blkcp 0668 BD: 01/02/22 | REG #: 20489919 | TATOO: 6802 BW: 80 | ADJ. WW: 817 | ADJ. YW: 1599 LOT 25 lot 25 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 1 2.2 77 139 33 0.91 0.69 169 SVA Benoit 6158 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 Sva Gwen 6158 Spring Valley Gwen 4461 BD: 02/01/22 | REG #: 20486494 | TATOO: 582 BW: 90 | ADJ. WW: 778 | ADJ. YW: 1564 LOT 26 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 8 0.6 70 124 19 1.26 0.64 159 SVA Ver SAtile 0116 Baldridge Forecaster B160 Baldridge Versatile Baldridge Blackbird A030 R B Tour Of Duty 177 Spring Valley Evelyn 4011 HAF BH Evelyn 4011 BD: 01/05/22 | REG #: 20491637 | TATOO: 1162 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 794 | ADJ. YW: 1389 LOT 27 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B -1 3.1 64 108 30 0.61 0.37 144 SVA B MonunentAl 8069 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 Spring Valley Princess 8069 Spring Valley Princess 9380 BD: 02/02/22 | REG #: 20486503 | TATOO: 0692 BW: 94 | ADJ. WW: 753 | ADJ. YW: 1489 LOT 28 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 4 3 61 109 32 0.89 0.32 148 SVA B MonunentAl 4472 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F Waf Situation 021 Spring Valley Barbie 4472 Spring Valley Barbie 44 BD: 01/29/22 | REG #: 20486505 | TATOO: 4722 BW: 90 | ADJ. WW: 748 | ADJ. YW: 1473


11 YEARLING BULLS SPRING VALLEY ANGUS CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 12 0.1 66 128 32 0.54 0.87 164 SVA re GiMent 4560 WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 Wilks Regiment 9035 Vintage Chloe 6137 TEF Outside 514 S V Erica Lass 4560 S V Erica Lass 4045 BD: 01/12/22 | REG #: 20489956 | TATOO: 5602 BW: 74 | ADJ. WW: 763 | ADJ. YW: 1488
30 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 1 2.6 54 97 25 0.49 0.6 117 SVA Benoit 3615 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Koupals B&B Identity Spring Valley Gwen 6361 Spring Valley Gwen 6361 BD: 02/05/22 | REG #: 20486491 | TATOO: 152 BW: 94 | ADJ. WW: 773 | ADJ. YW: 1432
CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 7 0.5 63 104 35 0.74 0.64 137 SVA B MonunentAl 2149 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F VAR Little Joe 5247 Spring Valley Annie K 2149 Blair’s Annie K 214B BD: 02/12/22 | REG #: 20486490 | TATOO: 1492 BW: 84 | ADJ. WW: 805 | ADJ. YW: 1442
32 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 8 1.8 71 120 38 0.68 0.6 134 SVA re GiMent 6150 WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 Wilks Regiment 9035 Vintage Chloe 6137 TEX Playbook 5437 S V ADA Princess 6150 S V Ada Princess 2961 BD: 01/10/22 | REG #: 20489940 | TATOO: 1502 BW: 70 | ADJ. WW: 797 | ADJ. YW: 1555 LOT 33 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 9 1.2 55 98 20 1.22 0.19 145 SVA Ver SAtile 2255 Baldridge Forecaster B160 Baldridge Versatile Baldridge Blackbird A030 Sitz Upward 307R spring valley GWEN 225 Spring Valley GWEN 225 BD: 01/22/22 | REG #: 20491638 | TATOO: 2552 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 753 | ADJ. YW: 1419 LOT 36 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 4 2.4 66 118 24 0.73 1.12 165 SVA k now how 4615 Hoover No Doubt Hoover Know How Blkcp Empress Ellston L265 Connealy Courage 25L Spring Valley Gwen 4461 Spring Valley Gwen 4461 BD: 01/11/22 | REG #: 20490009 | TATOO: 6152 BW: 90 | ADJ. WW: 818 | ADJ. YW: 1437 LOT 37 lot 37 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 3 2.7 85 150 26 0.79 0.59 162 SVA Benoit 8068 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Connealy Black Granite Sva Princess 8068 Spring Valley Princess 9380 BD: 01/29/22 | REG #: 20486502 | TATOO: 0682 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 844 | ADJ. YW: 1538 LOT 34 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 14 -2.1 48 97 23 0.81 0.51 149 SVA k now how 1577 Hoover No Doubt Hoover Know How Blkcp Empress Ellston L265 K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y Spring Valley Rosella 1577 Spring Valley Rosella 157 BD: 01/21/22 | REG #: 20489863 | TATOO: 5772 BW: 84 | ADJ. WW: 740 | ADJ. YW: 1442 LOT 35
12 YEARLING BULLS SPRING VALLEY ANGUS CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 0 3.7 80 145 18 0.03 0.87 135 SVA VAr A Shl And 0360 G A R Ashland VAR Ashland 974 VAR Magic Miss 7133 Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 S V Evelyn 0360 HAF Evelyn 7036 BD: 02/19/22 | REG #: 20486492 | TATOO: 3602 BW: 92 | ADJ. WW: 835 | ADJ. YW: LOT 39 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 2 1.4 69 110 32 0.91 0.43 134 SVA B MonunentAl 9619 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F KM Broken Bow 002 S P ADA Princess 9619 S V Ada Princess 2961 BD: 02/02/22 | REG #: 20486496 | TATOO: 6192 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 774 | ADJ. YW: 1499 LOT 38 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B -2 3 70 133 23 0.69 0.68 158 SVA Benoit 6058 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 Sva MCH Blkcp 6058 spring valley MCH Blkcp 7960 BD: 02/26/22 | REG #: 20486501 | TATOO: 0582 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 705 | ADJ. YW: LOT 40 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 5 1.8 62 101 32 0.72 0.62 136 SVA B Monune AtAl 4668 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F Connealy Black Granite Sva Princess 4668 Spring Valley Princess 1446 BD: 01/30/22 | REG #: 20486504 | TATOO: 4682 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 734 | ADJ. YW: 1347 LOT 41 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 14 -2.8 39 79 40 1.58 0.63 183 SVA hoMetown 5180 G A R Ashland G A R Home Town Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 TEX Playbook 5437 S V ENG Erica 5180 Sva Eng Erica 0518 BD: 01/05/22 | REG #: 20489922 | TATOO: 1802 BW: 80 | ADJ. WW: 730 | ADJ. YW: LOT 42 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 2 3.4 71 125 21 0.95 0.86 170 SVA Beniot 1891 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Connealy Danny Boy Spring Vallet Lucy 2189 Spring Valley Lucy 2189 BD: 02/07/22 | REG #: 20486500 | TATOO: 8912 BW: 92 | ADJ. WW: 752 | ADJ. YW: 1464 LOT 43 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 3 2.3 47 89 27 0.67 0.62 133 SVA k now how 7966 Hoover No Doubt Hoover Know How Blkcp Empress Ellston L265 Mohnen South Dakota 402 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 3796 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 3796 BD: 01/21/22 | REG #: 20490004 | TATOO: 9662 BW: 90 | ADJ. WW: 686 | ADJ. YW: 1422 LOT 44 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 7 1.1 56 110 18 1.04 0.54 158 SVA Benoit 618 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Vision Unanimous 1418 Sva MCH Blkcp 618 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 61 BD: 03/04/22 | REG #: 20486495 | TATOO: 6182 BW: 80 | ADJ. WW: 606 | ADJ. YW: LOT 45 1661 HOOVER
1661 SPRING VALLEY MCH BLCKCP 1661 BD: 1/11/2022 | REG #: COMMERCIAL | TATOO: BW: | ADJ. WW: 700 | ADJ. YW: 1443 LOT 46

BW: 88 | ADJ.


Stevenson Statement 70750 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 1089 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 108





BD: 01/25/22 | REG #: 20485025 | TATOO: 3582

BW: 80 | ADJ. WW: 910 | ADJ. YW: 1097



CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 5 1.2 56 109 24 0.93 0.79 167 S VA Mch Blkcp 9772 Hoover No Doubt Hoover Know How Blkcp Empress Ellston L265 Koupals B&B Identity Spring Valley MCH BLKCP 7977 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 1379 BD: 01/12/22 | REG #: 20490000 | TATOO: 9772 BW: 78 | ADJ. WW: 653 | ADJ. YW: 1101 LOT 47 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 4 0.9 74 128 27 0.92 0.97 158 S VA ruBy 2802 G A R Ashland G A R Home Town Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Baldridge Bronc S V Ruby 7280 Sva Ruby 1728 BD: 01/02/22 | REG #: 20489954 | TATOO: 2802 BW: 72 | ADJ. WW: 686 | ADJ. YW: 1200 LOT 48 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 0 3.5 96 163 17 0.9 0.81 182 S VA Mch Blkcp 8602 G A R Ashland VAR Ashland 974 VAR Magic Miss 7133 Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 S V MCH Blkcp 0860 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 108 BD: 01/19/22 | REG #: 20489993 | TATOO: 8602 BW: 84 | ADJ. WW: 748 | ADJ. YW: LOT 49 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B -5 3.3 61 110 17 0.8 0.89 165 S VA Mch Blkcp 6812 Hoover No Doubt Hoover Know How Blkcp Empress Ellston L265 TC Total 410 Spring Vallemch Blkcp 681Y Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 68 BD: 1/12/2022 | REG #: 20490017 | TATOO: 6812 BW: 92 | ADJ. WW: 628 | ADJ. YW: 1049 LOT 50 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 7 1.9 90 167 34 0.68 0.79 195 S VA B ArBie 7202 WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 Wilks Regiment 9035 Vintage Chloe 6137 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 S V Barbie 4720 Spring Valley Barbie 4472 BD: 01/12/22 | REG #: 20489955 | TATOO: 7202 BW: 74 | ADJ. WW: 668 | ADJ. YW: 1378 LOT 51 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 1 1.7 57 91 29 0.38 0.64 104 S VA Mch Blkcp 6192 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F FAR Long Range Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 0619 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 7061 BD: 01/05/22 | REG #: 20485023 | TATOO: 192 BW: 86 | ADJ. WW:
HEIFERS The CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 5 1.7 79 140 22 0.89 0.74 163 S
629 | ADJ. YW: 1149
VA Mch Blkcp 0892
EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F
LOT 53 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 5 1.2 69 116 25 0.88 0.63 137 S VA enG eric A 3582
BD: 02/07/22 | REG #: 20485017 | TATOO: 0892
771 |
YW: 1203
MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951
Lady Plus 628
Cowboy Up 5405 Sva Eng Erica 4358 Spring Valley Eng Erica 435
14 SPRING VALLEY ANGUS OPEN HEIFERS CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 8 -0.5 75 133 22 1 0.85 160 S VA Mch Blkcp 7992 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F 3F Epic 4631 Spring Valley MCH BLKCP 9779 Spring Valley MCH BLKCP 7977 BD: 01/04/22 | REG #: 20485038 | TATOO: 7792 BW: 82 | ADJ. WW: 687 | ADJ. YW: 1185 LOT 55 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 2 3.7 83 151 34 1 0.77 184 S VA Mch Blkcp 10582 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Connealy Black Granite Sva MCH Blkcp 1058 Spring Valley MCH BLKCP 105 BD: 02/26/22 | REG #: 20485018 | TATOO: 10582 BW: 84 | ADJ. WW: 699 | ADJ. YW: LOT 56 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 6 0.6 53 95 31 0.8 0.38 131 S VA enG eric A 7172 SydGen Enhance MOGCK Entice MOGCK Erica 2255 KR Little Joe Spring Valley ENG Erica 5717 Spring Valley Eng Erica 571 BD: 01/07/22 | REG #: 20549831 | TATOO: 7172 BW: 80 | ADJ. WW: 600 | ADJ. YW: 1050 LOT 57 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 1 3.1 66 120 29 1.04 0.56 164 SVA Mch Blkcp 5662 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 VAR Rockytop 451 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 1166 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 1166 BD: 02/10/22 | REG #: 20542736 | TATOO: 5662 BW: | ADJ. WW: | ADJ. YW: LOT 58 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 4 3.1 80 146 30 0.32 0.84 166 S VA Blkcp 7502 WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 Wilks Regiment 9035 Vintage Chloe 6137 Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 S V MCH Blkcp 2750 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 627 BD: 01/02/22 | REG #: 20489987 | TATOO: 7502 BW: 82 | ADJ. WW: 746 | ADJ. YW: LOT 59 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 10 0.8 58 101 37 0.97 0.41 128 S VA nch Blkcp 0662 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 4706 Spring Valley MCH Blkcp 4706 BD: 01/05/22 | REG #: 20485014 | TATOO: 0662 BW: 78 | ADJ. WW: 653 | ADJ. YW: 1138 LOT 60 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 3 1.4 66 105 27 0.77 0.7 150 S VA lucy 192 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F Jindra Acclaim Spring Valley Lucy 8919 Spring Vallet Lucy 2189 BD: 01/29/22 | REG #: 20485043 | TATOO: O192 BW: 86 | ADJ. WW: 679 | ADJ. YW: 1113 LOT 61 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 4 0.4 69 126 35 0.66 0.52 148 S VA enG eric A 072 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 Spring Valley Eng Erica 5707 Spring Valley Eng Erica 3570 BD: 01/17/22 | REG #: 20485015 | TATOO: 072 BW: 82 | ADJ. WW: 665 | ADJ. YW: 1156
62 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 8 0.8 80 139 31 0.96 0.6 153 S VA Flor A 5792 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F 3F Epic 4631 Spring Valley Flora 6579 Spring Valley Flora 1657 BD: 01/27/22 | REG #: 20485032 | TATOO: 5792 BW: 80 | ADJ. WW: 691 | ADJ. YW: 1117 LOT 63 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 9 1.4 65 122 26 1.17 0.49 163 S VA Flor A 72 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 MOGCK Sure Shot Spring Valley Flora 1857 Spring Valley Flora 918 BD: 02/20/22 | REG #: 20485036 | TATOO: 72 BW: 82 | ADJ. WW: 702 | ADJ. YW:
15 SPRING VALLEY ANGUS OPEN HEIFERS CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 1 2.9 72 121 37 0.81 0.63 151 S VA prince SS 9692 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F Vin-Mar Mr Right 4515 Spring Valley Princess 3969 Spring Valley Princess 7939 BD: 01/06/22 | REG #: 20485042 | TATOO: 9692 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 687 | ADJ. YW: 1143 LOT 65 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B -2 3.8 69 128 21 0.72 0.91 155 S VA prince SS 2512 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 TC Total 410 Spring Valley Princess 9251 Spring Valley PRINCESS 8295 BD: 02/26/22 | REG #: 20485024 | TATOO: 2512 BW: 80 | ADJ. WW: 694 | ADJ. YW:
66 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 2 3 77 141 19 0.97 0.59 159 S VA k Be Auty 1712 MGR Treasure E&B Treasure 951 E&B Lady Plus 628 Sitz Upward 307R Spring Valley K Beauty 171 Spring Valley K Beauty 8141 BD: 02/05/22 | REG #: 20485022 | TATOO: 1712 BW: 86 | ADJ. WW: 791 | ADJ. YW: LOT 67 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B I+8 I-.3 I+60 I+103 I+24 S VA Ad A prince SS 02 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 KM Broken Bow 002 Summitcrest Princess 0P12 MGR Treasure S V Gwen 150 Spring Valley Gwen 6361 BD: 1/17/2022 | REG #: 20507818 | TATOO: 02 BW: 78 | ADJ. WW: 665 | ADJ. YW: 1081 LOT 68 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 11 -1 53 102 41 0.98 0.53 152 S VA Qn Blk Brd 9192 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F RBM Step Ahead C80 Spring Valley QN BLKBRD 5919 Spring Valley Qn BLKBRD 2591 BD: 01/07/22 | REG #: 20485041 | TATOO: 9192 BW: 60 | ADJ. WW: 631 | ADJ. YW: 1127 LOT 69 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 5 2 69 118 30 0.79 0.49 151 S VA Mch Blkcp 7982 EXAR Monumental 6056B Bruning Monumental 180 BUBS Charlotte 9F KR Little Joe Sva MCH Blkcp 0798 spring valley MCH BLKCP 7079 BD: 01/10/22 | REG #: 20485039 | TATOO: 7982 BW: 88 | ADJ. WW: 647 | ADJ. YW: 1156 LOT 70 CED BW WW YW M MARB REA $B 10 -1.8 50 101 27 0.68 0.65 163 S VA ruBy 1622 Hoover No Doubt Hoover Know How Blkcp Empress Ellston L265 Werner Country Side 0091 Spring Valley Ruby 4162 Spring Valley Ruby 1416 BD: 01/10/22 | REG #: 20490012 | TATOO: 1622 BW: 70 | ADJ. WW: 710 | ADJ. YW: 1113 LOT 71 Thank You! WE APPRECIATE YOUR PAST AND CONTINUED SUPPORT OF OUR PROGRAM.

M arc H 5, 2023


Richard & Pam Haberman 9906 Highway 13 LaMoure, ND 58458 Spring Valley Angus

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