The Archway Newsletter - Summer 2018

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the archway summer 2018 newsletter

in this issue 2 4 6 7 8

the forward parallels a spotlight on... our jumpers tales of hope a preview of our story upcoming events milestones celebrating 20 years!

celebrating 20 years of hope and recovery!

the forward

Parallels Leap of Faith actual sky dive aligns with the women’s recovery journey in many ways and why we have so aptly named the event as such. I have had the opportunity to jump three times and it inspires me to see the parallels in the experience with Adeara. First of all, the skydive itself symbolizes the process, the courage and the challenge of change and awareness of self. Here is how this relates: You meet a random skydive instructor for the first time and you are strapped to him with just a few instructions and overview of what to expect. 2 | the forward

Then, hop on plane taking a step and challenge in something that is nervewracking and exciting - a Leap of Faith. You wonder, do I really want to go through with this? Am I safe? Is this going to be what I anticipated? There are a lot of questions going on in your mind – but somehow you know you have to put your trust in the process. Your coach/tandem diver takes you to the door of the plane standing on the edge looking out you take a deep breath and you don’t even realize what hit you, and suddenly you are on this journey tumbling down the sky and you just listen and follow his guidance.

Suddenly you realize the beauty of the earth, the atmosphere, the horizon and the awe yet still flying at 220km per hour, so keep that in mind… Then he pulls the ripcord and the realization begins, and you are aware of the beauty around you and beauty within, the awe of God, and that you can make a difference and suddenly your life becomes more full and a sense of peace flows over you. Soon you realize you are getting closer to the goal and you receive a few more coaching moments as you prepare to land - and you do. With your feet firmly planted on the ground you have a new clarity and take a moment to thank the great coach who was there to assist you in a safe landing, give him a hug – then reach out to those who are cheering you on in support! So how does this relate to the women who come to Adeara? – they come with fear, trauma, pain, addiction and mental health concerns and strap themselves on with Adeara as their tandem skydiver. They meet someone, talk with someone, get a little scared and often want to leave as they are somewhat overwhelmed and the future appears uncertain and the obstacles immense. They “step into the airplane,” taking a big giant step just to come to the centre. For that first little while they learn how to trust, to feel safe and rely on their tandem coach. Adeara’s team of professionals support them holistically in their walk. When they get to the edge and jump out of the "airplane," they realize they have to trust the process and they find safety and understanding. The realization that this is a completely new direction is incredible and they begin to have a new perspective, look at things differently, see the beauty on the horizon. This gives them a new-found courage, strength, hope and perseverance as they learn new skills, work hard and find understanding. They “pull the parachute” and discover beauty and hope in themselves, their futures, in God, in the people who support them, and the realization of a new life becomes clearer. They get to land on their feet and as they grow forward they have people in their court cheering them on, believing they are special, they can make a difference and their lives have indeed transformed. You see, there is a strong parallel between the recovery journey of the women we serve and taking the leap of faith even though the things they go through are vastly different. -Dawn Himer, CEO

the forward | 3

a spotlight on...

Our Jumpers And now, a word from our brave Leap of Faith 2018 jumpers... " Addiction affects many lives, including mine personally. I have struggled with addiction since a young age. It ruined my life as well as negatively affecting the lives of those around me, mostly my family and my son. Today, because of Adeara (formerly known as the Edmonton Dream Centre) And God, I am living a happy, sober life. I never imagined that life could be this good! Today, I can hold my head high and am growing into the person that God intended for me to be. And that is why I chose to jump, in support of the place that gave me my life back." -Chelsea "This is my third year taking the Leap Of Faith! I’m jumping for all the strong and courageous women at Adeara! It takes two seconds of courage to jump out of a plane, but it takes endless days, weeks, and months of courage for women in crisis, and 4 | spotlight

women seeking help. " -Lindsey Tyler, ShineFM "I have been working for Adeara for 10 years and I've watched a lot of women and children come to the centre and it’s such a joy to get to serve them. My passion is for women and their children, I love getting to do life with people and encourage them in their recovery. These women put their lives and faith into our program and in God’s hands and what a humbling experience it is to do something that’s fearful for me in honour of the women who do something fearful everyday by facing their addictions and traumas in order to live a life more full and hopeful." -Corrie Carrola, Adeara " I am really honoured to be participating in The Adeara Recovery Centre Sky Diving Event . I feel that my fundraising efforts will contribute to providing a safe home for women and children affected by mental health, abuse, and addictions. I know that personal transformation and healing is possible when we are surrounded by loving, caring

individuals who share a common purpose. A purpose of recovery. This Recovery Centre and Cause is so near and dear to my heart because I personally know the pain and suffering resulting from Mental Health and Addictions Illness. Through personal and professional supports, I am now able to live a successful, happy life, especially as a proud mother, volunteer, Transformational Life Coach, and, Registered Nurse. My goal is to raise awareness, funds, and, to support others who still suffer. As stated in NA, “What we cannot do alone, We can do together.” -Jackie Hancock " As an athlete, I have found myself challenged again and again to leap out in faith and take a risk, with no guaranteed outcome of success. At times this has been exciting and exhilarating, but more often than not it has been downright terrifying as I come face to face with doubts, uncertainty, opposition, and generally a whole lot of work. Yet,

I have found that it is these very decisions are indeed the most liberating and the most rewarding, and it is because I have chosen to embrace risk again and again that I have found success competing internationally in the sport of bobsleigh. As the cliche saying goes, you can't fly if you don't ever risk the fall." -Melissa Lotholtz, Canadian Olympic Bobsled Team "There are two reasons I chose to jump, one, jumping out of an airplane? Uh Yeah, sign me up for that! And two, what a great cause, supporting Adeara, supporting women, who support so many things as we all know women make the world go 'round so a good strong woman who gets back into the community and is rehabilitated, that's going to help a lot more people than just her and her kids, it extends way beyond that, and if you look beyond that, its just the right thing to do." -Pete Petipcoe, K.97 FM spotlight | 5

tales of hope “Women imprisoned by troubled pasts, homelessness, abuse, and aggressive addictions are finding hope and healing. These are the stories of women who were lost along life’s journeys but have found dreams to realize.” We have been working on a project to celebrate 20 years of hope and recovery at Adeara. We are putting together a book representing our story. Here is a sneak peek at the impact of lives being changed in this city... “I believe the same day I entered this program, my girls entered into their own recovery.” “I see these women, as they complete the program, making a difference in our communities; crime-rate and system costs decreasing. I see lives being re-built and families restored.” “The question comes to me ‘why more of us do not share the truth of our existence?’, ‘Fear’ was my answer. ‘Fear of others knowing who we really are.’” “I truly never realized how strong I was until I lived this journey.” “It is a place where my focus could turn from a state of survival toward a growing relationship with Jesus.” "Adeara is unique because of the connection between mothers and their children. I’m a big fan of empowerment. I ascribe to an idea that the biggest cause of poverty is powerlessness. Most people trapped in cycles of addiction or poverty, have had their power taken away leaving them powerless. Adeara comes along side of these women, helping them regain power of redemption, it’s profound and powerful." Our goal is to inspire hope and empower women and their children. We reach this goal with your support and outreach to spread awareness, thank you for being part of our journey so far... These books will be available at Evening of Dreams on October 12, 2018 for a minimum $50.00 donation. These books are available for a limited time only. Tickets for Evening of Dreams are available at 6 | tales of hope

upcoming events

milestones Katherine - 1 year in recovery Monique - 1 year in recovery Nadine - 6 months in recovery Melody - 6 months in recovery Brianna - 6 months in recovery Amber - 4 years in recovery Nicole - 3 years in recovery

Garage Sale

August 25 2018 at C.A.S.E. Church

Recovery Day

September 22, 2018 contact Recovery Day Edmonton on facebook for location/questions

Celebrating our Partners Thank you to our Leap of Faith sponsors!

Evening of Dreams

October 12, 2018 5:30pm at The Royal Palace

Leap of Faith

June 21, 2019 at Westlock Airport

For event details contact Event Coordinator, Adrienne Fudge at

Leap of Faith Donate to Adeara today so that our mission of helping women grow forward can be realized.

Amount $25 $250

Payment Information $50




Other: $ _______

Recurrence Monthly




Name on Card__________________________________________________ Card Number___________________________________________________ Expiry Date ______ /_______ Signature______________________________


Individual gifts will be acknowledged with an official tax receipt for income purposes. Charity Number 899611032RR0001

I hereby authorize Adeara to charge my credit card as specified above Call us at 780-423-5516 during business hours to donate by phone or donate online at


Celebrating 20 YEARS


Join us in Celebration, Gourmet Dinner, Live Music, Live Art, and Silent Auction in Support of Women in Recovery



For more information contact Event Coordinator, Adrienne Fudge at or call us at 780.423.5516

Individual $90.00 Table of 8 $650.00 Table of 10 $800.00 available at

Phone: 780. 423. 5516 | Fax: 780. 429. 1090 | | Follow us @adeararecovery

Donor Information Full Name________________________________________________

With an act of giving, you ensure that families can grow forward. Thank you! Individual gifts will be acknowledged with an official tax receipt for income purposes. Charity Number 899611032RR0001

Address_________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________ Province_______________________ Postal Code________________ Telephone_______________________________________________ Email___________________________________________________ Sign me up for e-mail publications Box 68169, 162 Bonnie Doon Centre, Edmonton, Alberta T6C 4N6 8

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