2016 zodiac forecast by adelina pang fengshui consultancy

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Horoscope Forecast Fire Monkey Year 2016 “Having peace and joy in your heart does not depend on who you are, where you are, or what you have. It’s all about what you think you are!”

CEO & Principal Consultant Winner of Honoree Award for Spirit of Enterprise 2007

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Actual start of a Year ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Li Chun 立春 is the actual start of a year in traditional astrology. The first day of the Solar calendar is Li Chun 立春, which is also known as “The Beginning of Spring”. It begins on the 4th or 5th February of the Gregorian calendar 阳历. Therefore 2016 Fire Monkey Year starts on the 4th of February 2016 at 5.46pm. Please take note that hence the Monkey Year does not begin on the first Lunar New Year Day which is on the 8th February 2016. Newborn babies are considered under the Monkey horoscope on or after Li Chun. With this in mind be sure of your own horoscope. It is a common fallacy to mistake the first day of the Lunar New Year as the start of the traditional astrological year for determining Chinese horoscope signs. The Fire Monkey Year 2016 is said to be a ‘Blind Year’. It is deemed to be an unfavourable time for marriages.

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Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Rat 鼠 1936














Birth Year Actual


Personality Those born under the sign of the Rat are incredibly social creatures. You are comfortable and entirely at ease be it in the company of old friends or new acquaintances. You are also famous for your sparkling wit and gift for good conversation. Many people around you consider you as a trustworthy source of advice regarding all matters under the sun from current issues to personal matters. Furthermore, you are ambitious to a fault – you assess your goals accurately and thrive in scenarios that allow you to execute the means to achieve them. Nonetheless, your fine attributes turn against you whenever you feel pettiness, greed and desire for power overwhelm your positive outlook – keep in mind to not take anything to extremes. Be also mindful that you are an empowered individual and able to give sound advice to others – therefore, do heed your own! Compatible Horoscopes: Dragon, Monkey, Ox Wealth: Guan Fu 官符 Litigation Star brings lawsuits and monetary losses. Be vigilant when you are in the midst of examining any kind of legal documents and keep your guard up when you encounter anything closely resembling a scam. Read all fine print before you put down your signature. You may also practise empathy towards others to avoid any chances of gossip mongering, scandals and lawsuits directed towards you. Career: The Three Stages 三台 San Tai Star offers good tidings and blessings to neutralise calamities and protect you from harm. Your hard work is taken notice of and a promotion is planned ahead. Stay motivated and accomplish as much as you can at the work front as this will bring about favourable attention! For those who are keen career and social climbers, doing so will also improve your status on both fronts. Fei Fu 飞符 the Flying Star and Wu Gui 五鬼 Five Ghosts Star denotes unscrupulous people. Beware of gossip mongers, deceitful people, monetary problems and possible legal matters. New venture opportunities abound this year but be cautious of any scams – vet all legal contracts carefully before appending your signature. Investments-wise, be on the conservative side this year and avoid anything at all high risk.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Jiang xing 将星 Commanding Star brings good tidings. Career and finance matters are on sound ground and opportunities are in store for you in terms of wealth creation and new business ventures. This Star will assist in helping you to accumulate wealth and achieve your goals in your career. Love: Be careful of short-lived romantic trysts – maintain integrity at all times in your love life as extramarital affairs can cost you more trouble than it is worth. Express care and trust towards your long term partner and strive to resolve all issues amicably and with patience and self-control. Health: Take good care of your health and be mindful to opt for “clean” eating or other types of healthy dining. You must also be vigilant of your personal safety as chances are you will be more prone to accidents this year. As this is the case avoid any kind of high-risk activities and sports such as bungee jumping, rock climbing and scuba diving. If you drive, it’s a good idea to be extra cautious on the road - do not drink and drive. Pay a visit to your dentist for scaling work and consider in investing in a full medical check-up. .

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Ox 牛

















Birth Year Actual


Personality People born in the year of the Ox are instinctively intelligent. You are born with innate intellect and can intuit your way into opportunities and out of potential troubles. This is matched by your phenomenal ability for hard work – indeed, those close to you are well aware of your immense capacity for pulling in long hours in the office front or for other pursuits that interest you. Ox people are also inherently confident and self-assured, often projecting a persona that is appealingly “steady”. You are also generous and enjoy helping others in their times of need. Your steady and dependable character will bring you to positions of influence and power. You thrive well on routine – in fact, you may even depend on routine and predictability as a kind of comfort “zone” of sorts. Be mindful of this inclination towards habit and custom as you may come off as appearing stubborn to others. Compatible Horoscopes: Rat, Snake, Rooster Wealth: Xiao Hao 小耗 Small Indulgence star. There may be a potential of unnecessary overexpenditures beyond your means. Be frugal and selective in what you spend your money on – be empowered to choose wisely and do not allow yourself to be led by your vanity. Set aside some of your income for rainy days. It is generally a year for you to handle your finances with caution. Career: Your career projection is marred by many challenges and competition. Stay calm and composed amidst all issues and most importantly do not deviate from your path – do not quit! Take solace in all difficulties being opportunities in disguise. Put your innate wisdom and talent to good use to assist you in your career advancement. Love: Tian Xi 天喜 Sky Happiness Star denotes joyful events. This year brings good romance luck and interpersonal relationships. If you are single and available there is plenty of opportunity for you to meet someone special - a good year all around for you to socialise more. Couples in love will be ready for marriage. As the affinity to meet romantic partners is strong this year, be vigilant of temptations and love triangles. Health: Learn to prioritise in relaxation and rest to combat stress. You may also want to maintain a healthier lifestyle through activities such as working out at the gym, relaxing in a spa, taking up yoga or meditating. Also do watch what you eat. All these are good for you.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Tiger 虎















Birth Year Actual


Personality A Tiger person is a natural born leader. You thrive in situations that allow you to be in the epicentre and director of all that is occurring and furthermore you gain pleasure from being in the spotlight. You have a strong zest for life that is intoxicating and stimulating at the same time for those around you. Furthermore you are spontaneous in your actions but in a discriminate manner – you know exactly when to strike the iron when it is hot. This is a positive attribute and will take you places indeed. Being a follower has never been your forte and as a result you have a somewhat rebellious nature and wish to always take the road less travelled – you want to be a trailblazer, so to speak. Compatible Horoscopes: Pig, Horse, Dog Wealth: Da Hao 大耗 Big Indulgence Star is present in your chart this year. You must pay due diligence on how you spend your money as chances are you may incur unnecessary expenditures. Halt all speculation and gambling to avoid major financial losses. Do learn how to manage your cash flow and rein yourself in from buying things that you do not need. Sui Po 岁破 Calamity Star brings about obstacles and may make you feel distracted and lose focus in your endeavours. As a clear mind will guide you through your obstacles and challenges better, learn good stress management skills and conduct your affairs in a deliberate manner. Brighten up and be happy. Career: Tian Jie 天解 Sky Resolve Auspicious Star brings benefactors or sponsors to assist you in your career advancement. This Star may also neutralise mishaps and assist in pulling you through difficulties at work. Career opportunities are also abound with the influence of the Tian Jie. If you are considering changing careers or entering a new business, this year is the time to do so. Yi Ma 驿马 Travelling Horse Star denotes potential overseas assignments and frequent travels and general travelling opportunities. To harness the energy of the Star, maximise your contacts and networks. Opportunities will benefit you and your business.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Love: Fu Chen 浮沉 Emotional Star denotes obstacles, anxiety and impatience. In the romance department you may find yourself on a seeming emotional rollercoaster of highs and lows and this will invariably affect your relationships. Be patient, calm and in control of your turbulent emotions with daily affirmations to be empathic and kind to yourself and others. Empower yourself with the knowledge that you are in charge of your emotions and actions - take full account and responsibility in all that you feel and do. Utilise this self-awareness and you will be able to navigate through these rough waters whilst still maintaining love for yourself and others around you. Health: Xue Ren 血刃 Star may bring injuries upon your person. Please do avoid high-risk activities at this time such as bungee jumping, rock climbing, scuba diving and others. It also pays to take caution on the road if you are a driver – do not in any circumstances drink and drive. Do pay a dental visit for a teeth scaling as well. Invest also in a medical check-up.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Rabbit 兔 1927














Birth Year Actual


Personality The Rabbit animal personifies peace and longevity. It is said that the Rabbit is one of the most fortunate of the twelve horoscope animals. As such, you are blessed with the gift of business acumen. You have an astoundingly innovative mind and this is clearly illustrated in your strong capacity for wealth creation. On the outside, you project serenity and calmness and enjoy a charmed life with a backdrop of pleasant environments. Your good fortune is appealing to some but others may wrongly accuse you of being “unfeeling” towards others due to your contentment in life. In truth, you are gracious and kind to others around you and are always ready for sound advice for those who are in need. You have a strong appreciation for beauty and the finer things in life. Compatible Horoscopes: Goat, Pig, Dog Wealth: Zi wei 紫微 The Emperor/Benefactor Star brings influential and respectable people who will take you under their wing. Your income stream will continue to flow abundantly more than you expect. Remind yourself to be generous and to share your blessings along the way greed will do you more harm than good! Therefore, spread the wealth and it will come back to you. You may have a tendency of becoming bossy and project irritability towards others even though you have nothing but the best intentions. Be patient, have self-control and make daily affirmations to be more loving and kind towards yourself and others. Your luck will follow suit if you empower yourself through the belief system that you are in charge and are fully accountable of your thoughts and emotions, projected or otherwise. Career: Long De 龙德 Dragon Virtue Star brings career advancement, recognition and wealth luck. You are empowered to transform negative situations into good tidings. This will beckon the arrival of influential and respectable people into your life – these people will tuck you under their wing and allow you to “soar” with the so-called big boys!

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Bao Bai 暴败 Violent Defeat Star brings procrastination and mistakes at the work front. Plan carefully and be extra vigilant in taking steps to avoid any kind of careless blunder. If you experience setbacks due to this, maintain your strong work integrity and plod on. In the investment front please be conservative and do not invest in anything remotely high risk. Think positive, tap into your innate upbeat self and practise awareness in dealing with the mini downturns of your career front. Remember that failures are useful tools when utilised as priceless life lessons.

Love: Fu Chen 浮沉 In the romance department feelings run high and low and you will struggle to retain your composure when tempers run hot. Remind yourself is to cast away anger and hatred in your heart and replace them with love, compassion and understanding especially for yourself. Learn to be more tolerant and calm. Health: Tian Er 天厄 Distressed Sky Star denotes poor health and wealth prospects. Learn to prioritise in relaxation and do not take stress too seriously. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and invest your time to engage in activities that allow your mind and body to rest and recharge. Work out at the gym, relax in a spa, take up yoga, meditate – all these activities are good for you. Please also watch what you eat and maintain a healthy and balanced diet such as “clean” eating and other forms of healthful dining. Avoid over indulging in cigarettes and alcohol.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Dragon 龙 1928














Birth Year Actual


Personality A Dragon person is sharp witted and a truly creative person. You are also intuitive and very comfortable in taking action based on instinct alone, often hitting the mark with a perfect score. You are a perfectionist - you believe in giving your best and expect the same from others. Your perfectionist stance works well to your favour in all life aspects but upon occasion others may perceive you as being hard to please and this creates an unwelcome divide. Be mindful of not taking your high expectations to extremes and balance your aim for excellence with compassion and empathy for yourself as well as for others. You are passionate by nature and possess a fiery set of emotions that is appealing and attractive. Your strong emotions may unfortunately in some ways intimidate those who negatively provoke you. Though this is the case, you forgive easily – but only after throwing a mighty tantrum! Be aware of your high emotions and practise mindfulness and tact especially you feel that you are being challenged. Love and romance comes to the Dragon person easily and you enjoy a healthy amount of attention from admirers and suitors alike. Practise gratitude while enjoying your lively romance life and do not take anything for granted – be thoughtful towards others. Compatible Horoscopes: Rat, Monkey Rooster Wealth: Da Sha 大煞 Calamity Star in your chart shows that you must practise caution as chances of lawsuits cast against you are high. Read all fine print before you sign any documents. Fei Lian 飞廉 Flying Chaste Star denotes obstruction. Luck-wise, this will not work to your favour. Be cautious in all matters and especially when “turbulence” is afoot, tread carefully. Plan everything well and in advance and do not allow setbacks to put your down for long. In the investment front it is recommended that you be more conservative this year and do avoid anything that is high risk. Career: Hua Gai 華蓋 The Elegant Seal Star will assist greatly in your progress towards any ventures that are academic in nature. This Star is excellent for studies, literary pursuits and thinking skills. Let your creativity flow this year and reap good results.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Love: Fei Lian 飞/蜚廉 Mishap Star denotes 小人 vile characters. Keep track of your love life and be vigilant to weed out the never-do-wells in your acquaintance list as these people may cost you dearly. Be wary of illicit or extra-marital affairs. If you are in a committed relationship, it is imperative for you to trust in your partner to ensure that your love life runs smoothly. Health: Huang Fan 黄幡 Depressive Star is a blot in your otherwise good astrological reading. This Star has the ability to influence you and compel you to negative emotions such as wretchedness, depression and general unhappiness. You may also succumb to the dreadful feeling of emptiness. Minimise these negative emotions by consciously surrounding yourself with positive and inspiring people. You must also be vigilant in caring for your personal health and wellbeing. Bai Hu 白 虎 White Tiger Star brings obstructions and accidents. Be cautious in getting entangled in legal lawsuits and please do practise due diligence and read all fine print in documentations before you append your signature. During setbacks, if you are overtaken by the overwhelming need to become confrontational please stop yourself because this will do more harm than good. Maintain an exterior of calm and composure especially during the most stressful of situations – this will buy you some time to think with more clarity in how to proceed in taking the next step. Take good care of your personal safety as you may find yourself being accident prone this year.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Snake 蛇 1929














Birth Year Actual


Personality People born in the Year of the Snake are often perceived as highly intelligent individuals. You possess “street smarts” as well as true wisdom – a lucky combination that will get you far in life. Furthermore you are quite sensitive and can accurately judge the emotions and moods of people and situations around you. You use this to your advantage. You have strong self-preservation skills and have successfully saved your own skin in problem situations. This is an admirable trait to possess but others may judge you as being selfish for putting your own needs first. You project a strong sense of confidence that is appealing at times, but can also be seen as pompous and showy, even egotistical as well. You sometimes have difficulty in making a choice and this leads to indecision. Having said that, you trust your own instincts first and foremost as you know that it has served your well. You are not easily swayed by others. Communication breakdown may occasionally occur as a result. Compatible Horoscopes: Monkey, Ox, Rooster Wealth: Be cautious of the Jie Sha 劫煞 Robbery Sha Star as it may bring upon financial loss to you by way of friends and associates. Don’t lend money or indemnify any kind of loan unless you’re willing to lose your money and never see it back. This year it pays to be prudent and to handle all your finance matters with caution. Do not be rash in your decisions or actions. Jiao Sha 绞煞 Calamity Star can pose quite a challenge. This year, tricky career “potholes” await and your work progress may be hindered as a result. To overcome any potential setback, utilise “less talk, more action”. And do move ahead and don’t quit! Remember that every difficulty is an opportunity in disguise. Career: Tian De 天德 Heavenly Virtue Star will be able to neutralise any serious problem you may encounter and also help pull you through all manner of difficulties at work. This Star will also beckon the arrival of benefactors who will be able to be of assistance when you find yourself in danger.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Zhi Bei 指背 Backstabber Star denotes some setback as well. Be mindful of backstabbers and petty-minded people at work and as you will find it incredibly stressful to deal with them, take the high road instead and stay away from these type of characters. You may also be targeted as gossip fodder and furthermore work will be challenging as there is a tendency of competition. To counter these issues, again it is recommended for you to continue to move ahead with your work and do not give up halfway. Love: Juan She 卷舌 Curled Tongue Star (Dispute Star) brings gossips, disputes and unkind remarks aimed towards you. This may in turn affect your mood and cause you to feel insecure. Stay calm and give yourself time to think over what your next move should be. You may also want to consider speaking your mind less and maintain more neutral ground during conversation to avoid disputes that affect interpersonal relationship. Health: Take note of your safety and be extra cautious especially when you are travelling. If you are a driver give your entire focus when you are behind the wheel and do not speed. Please do take note also that you may experience possible health setbacks that may require surgical intervention. In the meantime, it is recommended for you to pay a visit the dentist for teeth scaling. Donate blood and invest in a full medical check-up.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

HORSE 马 1930














Birth Year Actual


Personality The Horse person possesses a wonderfully delightful personality. You are cheerful and well liked, giving off a strongly positive energy to everyone around you. You are also independent by nature. You have the power of insight by your side and as a result you can partake in meaningful and deep conversation as you are also quite a chatty person. But, given your innate capricious nature you can also be fiery-tempered, impulsive and stubborn at times! You are a non-conformist and more often than not prefer to take an “insecure” position in certain matters. But, you are able to compensate this nicely by being highly adaptable to all situations and scenarios. Compatible Horoscopes: Tiger, Goat, Dog Wealth: To avoid potential blunder, plan carefully. Be positive and do not let any setback affect you for long. Regarding investments, it is a prudent course for you to be conservative this year and not invest in anything remotely high risk. Think of the long term and try not to let negative thoughts bring you down. All failures are useful life lessons and what your mind can conceive, you will achieve. Career: This year, be mindful of those who may want to backstab you and mar your positive energy with pettiness. As you will find it quite stressful to deal with these kind of people to the point where you will be disrupted from your usual smooth work flow, the best option to take is to keep a low profile and keep your distance from gossip mongers as they may also create unhealthy competition in the work front. Love: Do invest in time and effort to enjoy quality moments with your significant other as well as family members. Always communicate with tact and respect, and if you feel your mood slip down a notch or two do be mindful of it – don’t allow it to get the better of you. Health: Tian Gou 天狗 Heavenly Dog Star brings forth conflicts regarding your health. Try to unwind and relax as much as you can – take things at a slower pace and make time to pamper and indulge yourself. Engage in activities that bring tranquillity to your mental and physical state. Do promptly seek early treatment for any sickness that you may have. Take care of your personal safety as well and avoid smoking cigarettes and partaking in alcohol.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Goat Blade 羊刃 Yang Ren denotes potential accidents and injuries. Avoid all dangerous sports and adventures such as bungee jumping, rock climbing and diving. Please also pay plenty of attention on the road if you are a driver - do not drink and drive. Invest in a full medical checkup. Consider donating your blood and pay a visit to your dentist to have your teeth scaled. Diao Ke 吊客 Mourning Guest Star and Zai Sha 災/灾煞 Disaster Sha denotes health setbacks and possible accidents. Please practice caution and be careful of yourself. If you are a frequent traveller, be more careful than usual. As mentioned above, avoid high octane activities and sports, and visit your dentist to have your teeth scaled.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

GOAT 羊 1931














Birth Year Actual


Personality Those who are born in the Year of the Goat are known to be gentle souls. You are highly compassionate in nature, generous to a fault and always amiable to everyone around you. You are especially thoughtful and loving towards those who are closest and dearest to you. Furthermore your personality is built in such a way that others cannot help but want to be of assistance to you wherever you go. You attract good energy. On the flip side, you tend to be indecisive and have difficulty sometimes when you need to make a choice. As you are a trustworthy person, you trust everyone as well and this is not positive to your growth as you may often find yourself gullible to the deceit of others. You take criticism poorly – remember that constructive critique is good for everyone. You occasionally find difficulty working under stress. Furthermore, you follow your heart more than the logic of the mind and this is harmful if it distracts you from the truth. Compatible Horoscopes: Rabbit, Horse, Pig Wealth: This year is a time for you to lay low in terms of wealth creation. As turbulence is ahead, practice caution at all times. You must also plan carefully to avoid any potential obstacles. It’s good to stay positive and not let setbacks affect you for too long. When it comes to investments it is recommended for you to be very conservative and not invest in anything high risk. Furthermore, do not lend money or indemnify any loans unless you’re prepared to never see your funds again. Career: Challenges await you and you may find your career progress hindered at times. As a clear mind will guide you through obstacles and setbacks, empower yourself to not be overwhelmed by stress. And do not quit! Remember that every difficulty is an opportunity in disguise. This year sees openings for promotions and salary increments therefore always keep motivated and do more than you are expected to - this will bring favourable attention to you! Keep your chin up, maintain positivity and work at your own pace. “Talk less, more action”. Love: Hong Luan 红鸾 Red Romance Star bestows you happy news if you are single - that special someone may come into your life. This is the year to fall head over heels in love wedding bells may ring.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Nonetheless, Guan Suo 贯索 Entrapment Star denotes romantic “traps” - temptations, injuries, ailments and even money loss. Your love life may enter a setback while you are left feeling confused and low spirited. Avoid unwanted attention and stay faithful to your partner to avoid any loss of fortune. As the Chinese saying goes, “do not pluck wild flowers”. Health: Bing Fu 病符 Sickness Star denotes some health setbacks. Take good care of yourself this year and if you experience any symptoms of illness do promptly consult your doctor about it. This is because you may be prone to minor illnesses. “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”. Aside from this, allow time for quality rest - your mind and body needs a break now and then. Do consider in taking up Yoga, meditate, join a health centre or work out at the gym. It is also a prudent choice to watch your diet and eat healthily – partake in good dining practices such as “clean” eating. Tian Sha 天煞 Sky Sha Star denotes injuries. Take care of your body because you may accidentally cause yourself injury. If you must travel this year, do take double measure to secure your safety. Maintain good practices to ensure that you keep yourself healthy at all times.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Monkey 猴















Birth Year Actual


Personality Those born under the sign of the Monkey are extremely intelligent individuals. You are witty and sparkle in social get-togethers and other interpersonal situations. You are competitive by nature and no challenge is too great for you because through hardship, you are able to motivate yourself along the path to greatness. Monkey people are quite manipulative and will not hesitate to be cunning in order to secure good results for themselves. On the flip side, you may find yourself sometimes to be a little selfish, envious of others and even egotistical at times. You have huge confidence in yourself but this may occasionally backfire as your self-absorption may lead you to your downfall as you underestimate and show little respect for others! Compatible Horoscopes: Snake, Rat, Dragon Wealth: This year sees you in conflict with the Grand Duke Tai Sui and this could potentially impede your life. You may encounter some problems along the way therefore be cautious in all matters pertaining to wealth creation and think carefully and often before you make a decision. It’s important for you to stay positive and do not let setbacks affect you for too long. In terms of investments please be conservative and do not invest in anything high risk. Think long term and empower yourself to rid of negative thinking – remember that all failures serve a purpose to teach us life lessons. What your mind can conceive, you will achieve. Career: Wen Chang 文昌 Intellectual Star brings excellent academic achievements to you. This year you can expect excellent academic potential and allow your creative mind to flow as you will reap fantastic results in return. Zhi Bei 指背 Backstabber Star notes some setbacks - this year, be mindful of backstabbers, petty-minded people as well as gossip mongers at work. As you will find it stressful to deal with these people it is best to simply stay away from them. Do not partake in idle gossip. This year work may not run as smoothly as usual as you will be facing some potential competition.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Love: Relationships will see some highs and some lows. For the wily Monkey, it will pay for you to cultivate a tolerant and calm stance in your love life. Please practice patience and have control over your sometimes volatile mood. Cast away anger and replace it with love, empathy and understanding. Health: Fu Shi 伏尸 Corpse Star and Jian Feng 剑锋 Sword Star indicates you being prone to accidents such as falls and getting hurt by sharp objects. Take note of safety cautions and if you are a driver, be extra mindful on the road and do not speed. Health setbacks may lead you to require surgical attention. Visit the dentist and have your teeth scaled. Donate blood and do invest in a medical check-up.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

ROOSTER 鸡 1933














Birth Year Actual


Personality Just as the real Rooster animal those born under this sign thrive on routine and a regimental life. Order and habit comes naturally to you. You possess a remarkable capacity for hard work and you inspire those around you to toil just as hard. Rooster people may enjoy routine, yet you balance this nicely (and surprisingly) by being quite a risk taker. You are self-assured, confident and enjoy being the centre of attention. These are wonderful traits to possess and will work well for you but on the flip side you may tend to brag about yourself and this is not a very attractive attribute! You have no lack of admirers as you are outspoken and can be quite influential. On the down side, this may occasionally lead you to become overly critical of others to the point of disregarding the feelings of others. Be mindful and practice empathy towards others. Compatible Horoscopes: Dragon, Snake, Ox Wealth: Your professional and personal wealth is stable and will continue to increase. The Great Sun Star 太阳 Tai Yang enhances your professional career and brings it to new heights by assisting you in clearing obstacles. This year, you may find good opportunities to expand your network and enter business deals and partnerships with others. De Sha 的煞 denotes the misplacement of things therefore be careful of your possessions as chances are you may experience loss of items. Career: Tian Yi 天乙 Heavenly Aid Star promises a career-strong year with good opportunity luck. Keep yourself motivated and always outperform and do more than you are expected to as this will bring favourable attention to you! On the down side, Tian Kong 天空 Sky Emptiness will try to deter your good progress by chipping away at your hopes and dreams – this Star may potentially bring emotional turmoil and lead you to give up. Be mindful of the saying “difficult paths lead to beautiful destinations” and plod on – empower yourself to overcome the feeling of hopelessness by knowing that if you march ahead, good things will come.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Love: Xian Chi 咸池 The Salty Pool Star brings bad Peach Blossom Luck. Therefore keep yourself well away from gossip and maintain a cool and rational head when it comes to your relationships with loved ones – this is to avoid any kind of stir that could lead to potential money loss. A famous Chinese proverb says that “one should not pluck wild flowers”. Be faithful and loving to your partner to avoid any loss of fortune. Romantic temptations out of the household may lead you to lose focus and neglect your work. Hui Qi 晦 气 Bad Luck Star brings emotional turmoil, making one to give up easily. As mentioned earlier, brace yourself and march on. Tao Hua 桃花 Peach Blossom Star may influence you to dabble in extramarital affairs. Do not be enticed and furthermore it will pay for you to keep track of your love life and trust your partner to ensure that all goes well in the long term. Health: It’s important for you to take good care of yourself and keep in top form as your hectic schedule may lead you to fatigue and prone to sickness – this is especially so if you overindulge in food and drink. Please maintain a healthy diet and abstain from drinking too much alcohol – in fact, consider in cutting down the evenings you spend on socialising. If you encounter stress, avoid getting overwhelmed by accepting that it is part of normal life and that it too, shall pass.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Dog 狗 1934














Birth Year Actual


Personality Those born under the sign of the Dog are highly intelligent, quick on their feet, “street smart” and furthermore you are known for your honesty and straightforwardness. You possess a strong sense of justice and you influence those around you to take up your cause. You are a champion of equality in all things and though you are strongly opinionated, one of your most likeable traits is that you are always willing to listen to reason and even give in to a view that’s different from yours if you find it wise to do so. Your friends adore you and depend on your shoulder to cry on. You do not cast judgement and are skilled in maintaining neutrality. Compatible Horoscopes: Tiger, Horse, Rabbit Wealth: Sang Men 丧门 Mourning Star denote to obstructions ahead in terms of your wealth creation. Before you execute anything with your money please do plan ahead, and plan well. Furthermore it is highly recommended that you set aside some funds for rainy days. Career: Bao wei 豹尾 Leopard Tail Star and Sui Sha 歲煞 Calamity Star brings about somewhat negative energy as its influence will cause you to feel stressed, distracted and lose interest in the work front. Empower yourself to move forward and do not give in to these negative thoughts – a clear mind will guide you through obstacles. So keep your chin up, be optimistic and conduct your work slowly if need be. Aside from this avoid any type of high-risk speculation. Love: Tian Ku 天哭 Sky Crying Star brings about emotional “turmoil” and this may lead to you wanting to give up on love and relationships. Remind yourself to cast away all feelings of anger and replace it with love, empathy and understanding. Practice tolerance and calmness in all dealings with your loved ones and your partner. With the presence of Yue Sha 月煞 Monthly Sha Star you may encounter communication setbacks with women. Minimise this by managing all relationships conflicts with love, patience and understanding. Health: Invest in time to relax, unwind and maintain as healthy a lifestyle as you can. If you experience stress and fatigue due to your work schedule, resort to activities that can calm you. Do not take your troubles too seriously and avoid drinking too much alcohol – you may also want to consider in limiting your evenings spent on socialising this year.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Pig 猪 1935














Birth Year Actual


Personality The Pig person is honest and straightforward. You are frank with your thoughts and you do not possess a single calculative bone in your body. You are jovial in nature and enjoy the finer things in life such as having a good time with friends and family whilst partaking in quality food and drink. You also thrive on good sleeping habits. You may project a somewhat unsociable personality to strangers and acquaintances but to friends and family you are an open and loving individual indeed. On the flip side, the Pig person is notoriously stubborn at times! Be careful of your obstinate ways and practice empathy towards the feelings of others around you. Aside from this you are occasionally too dependent on others – remind yourself that you are an empowered individual and quite able to stand on your own two feet. The Pig person may sometimes be a little too hasty when it comes to decision-making. Therefore, be more thoughtful and give yourself plenty of time to plot your next step before you make a choice. Compatible Horoscopes: Tiger, Goat, Rabbit Wealth: Yu Tang 玉堂 Jade Hall brings wealth luck, career advancement and good fortune the year 2016 is bright indeed and brings you opportunities ahead. You may reap the full potential of your wealth luck and increase your income by procuring a good fund manager to help manage your finances and minimise risk. Give yourself daily reminders to not be so greedy! Guan Fu 官符 Litigation Star brings forth potential lawsuits, monetary loss and even scams. Be vigilant when dealing with all legal documents and go through all fine print before you sign anything. You may also want to avoid gossiping and instead practice kindness towards others. This is to avoid gossip, scandals and lawsuits. Career: Tai Yin 太阴 The Moon or Greater Yin Star denotes female benefactors who will come forth to assist you in difficulties at work. In fact these ladies may even lead to fantastic accomplishments for you. Di Jie 地解 Earth Relief Star strengthens your work opportunities. Keep motivated, work hard and accomplish as much as you can in the career front as this will bring about favourable attention!

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Liu Hai 六害 Six Harms Sha attracts potential backstabbers and influences you to become temperamental. Be more neutral in your conversations with others and speak your mind less. Establish a good year ahead by maintaining strong rapport with those around you. “Where there is great love, there are always miracles” – be more tolerant and understanding. Wang Shen 亡 神 Death God Star may potentially jeopardise your career luck, bringing setbacks and stress. Please do invest time in relaxing activities to counter the ill luck of this star and do not tire yourself out. Keep your blood pressure at a healthy range by maintaining good emotion management skills. Love: Gou Shen 勾神 Hook Spirit Star and Guan Suo 贯索 Entrapment Star denotes to possible setbacks such as romantic “traps”, temptations, injuries, gossips, disputes, ailments, lawsuits and money loss. This Star may also lead you to feel stressed and confused – you may even want to procrastinate due to low spirits. Avoid any kind of unwanted attention in the love front and do not trust too easily. Be faithful to your partner to avoid loss of fortune - as a Chinese saying goes, “do not pluck wild flowers”. Gu Chen 孤辰 Solitary Star denotes to loneliness, grief and despair. To counter this, invest in some “me time” and give yourself some space. Health: Because of your desire to get your career to-doings done in a timely manner you may overwork and this affects your health. Make time for relaxation and practice healthy measures - let your mind and body rest by listening to relaxing music, meditating, taking long walks and such. Your body will thank you! Do not smoke cigarettes and partake in alcohol. TO NOTE: The above horoscope forecast is a general view. Your fate is determined on your individual's birth chart. A clash in set of your elements is a normal occurrence in many charts and may not necessarily denote to anything negative. Be optimistic and move forward positively. You are empowered to change what you can; apply Fengshui to harness the positive energies and avoid the negative ones in your home and workplace. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”—Winston Churchill

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Auspicious Times to Leave Home for Visitations on the 1st day of the Chinese New Year 7am – 9am 9am – 11am 1pm – 3pm Auspicious dates to start work during the Chinese New Year Date 10 Feb 2016 12 Feb 2016 15 Feb 2016 16 Feb 2016 18 Feb 2016

Day Wed Fri Mon Tue Thur

Conflict with Dragon Horse Rooster Dog Rat

Join us on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Adelinapang.fengshui to get more Feng Shui tips. You may like to find out what you can do in your home to bring in good fortune (and avoid the bad ones) by doing a 2016 Feng Shui Luck Analysis! Call us at (65) 6430 6766 or email us at enquiry@adelinapang.com for a booking now! May the coming year bring abundant blessings to you, your family, and your business. Have an awesome 2016 New Year!

Be Blessed!

CEO & Principal Consultant Adelina Pang Feng Shui Consultancy Pte Ltd The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One 7 Temasek Boulevard Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com Visit http://www.adelinapang.com to find out your auspicious directions for enriched living. "Live every day purposefully and wisely. Be positive. You'll find great joy and fulfilment in all you do."

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Meet ADELINA PANG ADELINA PANG is one of Singapore’s foremost Feng Shui experts and has had an active and respected presence in the field since 1995. Over this period, her expert application of authentic Feng Shui has been invaluable to organisations ranging from 70,000sq ft mega entertainment complex, quarries, mines, hospitals, mega shopping malls, hotels and banks to multinational companies right down to football clubs, retail outlets and private homes. Her clientele includes prominent entrepreneurs and professionals as well as celebrities and members of royalty. Her no-nonsense professionalism in her job has established her as a respected professional worldwide. Adelina studied under several renowned Feng Shui masters in Asia before venturing out on her own. Her brand of authentic Feng Shui which goes back to original concepts of positive and negative Qi has been greatly impactful to those who seek her consultations. Adelina has come a long way since the beginning of her professional career. Moving beyond the conventions of a geomancer, she believes that the art and science of Feng Shui should be shared and propagated. She teaches extensively and generously to disseminate her knowledge, breaking away from the ancient taboo of “imparting too much”. Adelina feels that public acceptance of Feng Shui will dispel many of the myths and legends associated with the ancient practice. To that end, she has given public seminars, talks, and workshops on the use of Feng Shui to better the quality of life. She is also a regular contributor to leading lifestyle magazines and is voted as one of "Singapore's 50 Most Powerful Women" in a women’s magazine. Adelina received the Honoree Award for Spirit of Enterprise 2007. She is also honoured to receive the 2014 Asia Pacific Women of Substance Award. Spirit of Enterprise Awards 2007 Honouree The Spirit of Enterprise Award is an annual award that recognizes the entrepreneurial spirit in Singapore by honouring local self-reliant entrepreneurs operating small and medium businesses. From over 150 nominees, only 42 has been selected and honoured in 2007. The 42 Honourees represent the cream of the crop of entrepreneurs who have shown resilience and tenacity in building up their respective business. Adelina’s other exploits include producing a VCD entitled “Authentic Feng Shui for Modern Living”. She is also the celebrated author for the book Classical Feng Shui for Today’s Homes. To Adelina, Feng Shui is a part of Chinese culture and heritage. Feng Shui can enrich and fulfil. Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

Adelina was a founding Committee Member of the International Feng Shui Association and panel speaker in 2004 & 2005. She continues to travel and speak widely on the topic of authentic Feng Shui. Adelina has attracted wide media coverage with her geomancy and has appeared on BBC News, Channel News Asia, MediaCorp 5, International Zee TV Channel as well as several leading newspapers including Business Times, Straits Times, Shin Min Daily and Lian He Wan Bao. In addition, she has participated as a professional advisor for a documentary on Feng Shui by the Nanyang Technological University. High Profile Clients Our high profile clientele includes senior corporate executives, prominent business leaders, professionals and other well-known public figures, both local and foreign. Our professional code of conduct ensures that we undertake engagements in a discreet manner, with utmost respect for client confidentiality. ADELINA PANG IN THE MEDIA  Adelina gained international coverage through a feature in Channel News Asia, where she spoke on how Feng Shui can be subtly incorporated into the interior design of her own home. 

She was interviewed in BBC News, Business Times, Straits Times, Lian He Wan Bao, Shin Ming Daily and several leading newspapers on several occasions.

International TV Channel, Zee TV invited Adelina to the talk show ‘Open Mind’ where she discussed the Art of Placement.

Adelina was invited to do a chat show on TV MediaCorp 5 to talk about Feng Shui.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. Reg No. 200410939W 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com www.adelinapang.com

WHAT IS FENG SHUI Feng Shui boosts the quality of our life. Through the application of its principles to work with the different energy courses that run through our work and living spaces, we can achieve equilibrium in these places. The study of Feng Shui identifies the best way to harness qi to improve your health, prosperity, relationships and well-being.

"Feng Shui is a practical discipline. It's essentially about understanding your environment and directions to activate an energy flow that benefits you. It has nothing to do with the placement of commercial Feng Shui cures or figurines...."         

Feng Shui is about the study and application of metaphysics. Feng Shui is about locating positive energy directions and activating them. Feng Shui identifies the areas in your environment which give rise to negative situations or such as disputes and poor health, or create obstacles. Feng Shui locates your prosperity corner which you can then activate. Feng Shui can be applied in a practical way without requiring massive renovation works. Feng Shui is NOT simply about interior design. Feng Shui is NOT about placing or wearing 'good luck' items. Feng Shui has NOTHING to do with religion, culture or superstition. Feng Shui is NOT a quick-fix or miracle cure for the tribulations of life.

HOW DOES IT WORK? Feng Shui is a study in precision. The interaction between the environment and the individual is never the same in different locations and for different people. Feng Shui must be personalised in order for it to be effective. A typical consultation involves an on-site inspection of the landscape (environment), an analysis of the occupants’ birth data and observation of the energy flow at the premises. Feng Shui analysis starts with the layout and exterior of a building and extends to minute details in the interiors. The position and angle of doors, location of the stove, direction the beds face – all of these can be adjusted to enhance positive qi, thereby improving your wealth, health and general wellbeing. THE BENEFITS OF FENG SHUI Being wealthy isn't just about having lots of money. It also means having abundance in happiness, good health and quality of life. Good Feng Shui can enhance your family’s health, peace and harmony. At the work place, Feng Shui can create an environment that aids concentration and therefore, bring about improved performance. Other benefits such as promotions and salary increments, will naturally follow. Use Feng Shui as a tool to help us move forward in life and make better decisions. The choice to lead a better life is yours. We are happy to help you achieve it.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

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