2019 Horoscope Forecast & Feng Shui Guide by Adelina Pang

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


INTRODUCTION Understanding Chinese Astrology and Ben Ming Nian (your Chinese Astrological sign) Chinese Astrology is a system that pairs each year with an Animal’s physical and symbolic attributes. This repeats every 12 years therefore you will encounter your ​Ben Ming Nian,​ or your birth year’s Animal sign every 12 years. The beginning of each year is termed “The Beginning of Spring” or Li Chun立春 and it typically commences on the 4th or 5th February each year in the modern (Gregorian) calendar 阳历. The Year of The Earth Pig 2019 falls on the 4th of February 2019 at 11.14am. It year does not begin on the Lunar New Year Day which is the 5​th of February 2019. It is a common misconception to match both events together as they are typically a day or two apart. Therefore, new born babies of 2019 fall under the Pig astrological sign if they are born on the day of 4​th​ of February 2019 onwards, not 5​th​ of February onwards.

Does an “Astrology Year” denote to an “Unlucky Year”? A lot of Chinese people are also strongly superstitious of their ​Ben Ming Nian as it may be a year beset with ill luck due to “offending” the Fortune God Tai Sui. They believe that wealth fluctuations, health setbacks, marriage woes and other related ailments may dog them during the year of their Animal sign. But many people also believe that it depends on the individual and that ​Ben Ming Nian ​is simply symbolic to life changes that may take place.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


How to maximise the potential for a smooth year As a general rule, one can enhance one’s luck and combat any potential bad energy by taking precautionary measures especially during important life matters such as marriage, moving house, travel, starting business. Below are more helpful guidelines on how to further neutralise bad luck. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Practise kindness. Help those around you more and be involved in charity work Celebrate milestone events enthusiastically - marriages, birthdays, anniversaries and achievements Do your due diligence, minimise risk and always strategise exhaustively when choosing anything important Try to go with the flow and be more open to different ways of thought Self-help and self-improvement pursuits will serve you well this year Avoid negative thoughts and hateful speech Keep away from those who harbour toxic personalities, regardless of how close they are to you Lift yourself emotionally and keep positive. Smile more

As the famous Star Wars movie character Yoda famously said, “Fear Leads to Anger. Anger Leads to Hate. Hate Leads to Suffering”, be mindful of your heart feelings, your thought process and the words that you speak. These are powerfully influential to your makeup as a person and keeping things loving and positive will do wonders in empowering you and increasing your potential for success and achievements.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com

Chinese Horoscope

Horoscope Year (Birth Year)


1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008


1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009


1938, ​1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010


1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011


1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012


1941, ​1953,​ 1965, ​1977,​ 1989, 2001, ​2013


1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014


1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015


1944,​ 1956,​ 1968,​ 1980, 1992, ​2004​, 2016


1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017


1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018


1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, ​1995,​ 2007, 2019

*actual clash Tai Sui

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide


Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


2019 Li Chun Bazi Chart HH 1114hr

DD 4th

MM Feb

YY 2019

丙 Fire

壬 Water

丙 Fire

己 Earth

午 Fire

申 Metal

寅 Wood

亥 Water

Generally speaking, the Year of the Pig sees a weakness in the Ren Water 壬element. The Earth element sits atop Water therefore 2019 foresees natural disasters such as earthquakes throughout the world. On the Wealth front, erratic movement and fluctuation is afoot and will cause you worry and stress so do be careful with your investments and never fall for dubious promises from stock analysts. Trust your sound judgement and always err on the safe side this year. On the health front be wary of being around people with infectious diseases as your chance to catch their sickness is high. Be mindful of what you eat, choose healthy options and avoid unsanitary outlets as you are susceptible of food poisoning, digestive issues and intestinal problems.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


2019 CHINESE ASTROLOGY FORECAST The Rat Lucky Star吉星: Tian yi 天乙 Heavenly Aid Star Tai Yang 太阳 The Great Sun Star Unlucky Star 凶星: Tao Hua 桃花 Peach Blossom Star Xian Chi 咸池 The Salty Pool Star Tian Kong 天空 Sky Emptiness Hui Qi 晦气 Emotional Star General Forecast The year sees both positive and negative luck for the Rat person. Let’s begin with the setbacks – health issues, wealth problems and troubling love luck is possible for you this year. On the positive end, your career prospects will blossom and you will shine as you seem to be protected by a guiding force at all times. Indeed, matters may seem hopeless from the outset but sudden U-turns will take place and keep you blessed instead. Aside from that work opportunities are aplenty for you this year. Reclaim good energies this year by looking to self-improvement workshops or training classes to enhance your work talent and always be on your best behaviour with others. Navigate your relationships both professional and personal carefully. Wealth With the influence of Xian Chi 咸池 The Salty Pool Star, there is a big potential for you to fritter away your income on frivolous and unnecessary expenditures. You may feel compelled to simply live beyond your means and spend a lot on your romantic partners, too. Keep your bank account on a tight leash this year and rethink anything rash when it comes to money. Store your valuables safe from untrustworthy eyes and do not show off your “bling” as you may encounter loss or theft. The Start Tian Kong 天空 Sky Emptiness deters you from hopes; You may feel blue and wish to give up at times, but stay committed and soldier on. Dream less of the good life and instead work hard to make it a reality. Career Career prospects are strong for the Rat this year if you have a mentor or benefactor who takes a lively interest in your career development. Look to friends and family members for

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


further support. New and auspicious career prospects are in the horizon when you are guided by these people in your life. Rats (males in particular) will see an enhanced career outlook as you stand to gain the blessing of Tai Yang 太阳 with possible promotions or lucrative opportunities underway, a chance to go international and receiving work prospects from abroad. Strengthen your contacts and look to joint ventures this year. It’s a beneficial time to think big and strike business deals with others. Recognition by peers and bosses for your strong work ethic is likely – a promotion may even be yours if you handle yourself well. Love Singletons seeking a wonderful partner, be cheered to know that this year sees great chances of doing so. Unfortunately, married Rats will experience emotions running high and you will find yourself receiving attention from desirable individuals. Squash any desire to cheat as it will not end well with you, your committed partner and the third party or parties in question. Those in early stages of a commitment will be on somewhat shaky ground. Do lavish attention and care towards your other half as philandering may be possibly likely from their end, not yours, due to neglect. Practise compassion, empathy and trust in your relationship and avoid idle chatter and gossip. Ground yourself with loving kindness and in heated moments, please try to stay calm. Potential loss of income due to arguments is afoot so be mindful. Health While your physical outlook is fair, your emotional health may potentially be at risk this year. There is a possibility of relationship setbacks leading to permanent separation. You will experience intense pain as a result that may lead you to hopelessness, self-harm and to give up on certain matters. Avoid this potential outcome altogether by keeping calm in relationship matters. If tempers are on a warring scale, a healthier option to step back to breathe and regroup than to fling yourself headfirst into hysterical outbursts.

The Ox Unlucky Star 凶星: Sang men 喪门 Mourning Star Yue sha 月煞 Monthly Sha Star Fei lian飞/蜚廉 Mishap Star Bao wei 豹尾 Leopard Tail Star

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


General Forecast WIthout any auspicious stars, there are potential hiccups in the wealth, health and relationship front. You may have to potentially manage some losses in your income and come relationship matters, this year sees somewhat cooling relations with family and neighbours. You may also feel chronic exhaustion year-round due to over work or unmanaged stress. As you are beset with inauspicious luck, you must be mindful of the potential pitfalls, too. A practical tip to employ all-year-round is to avoid attending funerals. This can greatly minimise the setbacks mentioned. Wealth As the saying goes, “if you believe, you will achieve.” As you experience a multitude of setbacks potentially coming your way, be optimistic and stay on course. True commitment will result in success for you this year. Be loyal to your vision and you may see potential ill luck turn around and bestow you with an increase to your Wealth. It is recommended for you to avoid risky investments and gambling. If you feel that you must capitalise on these two activities this year please do err on the safe side and be ultra conservative. You may also want to avoid loaning cash and valuables to family and friends and politely decline invitations to stand as guarantor even for close family members. If you are seduced and feel pulled to enjoy an affair with someone who is not your committed partner, please do not fall into temptation as this affects your Wealth prospects negatively. Career Are you about to embark in a new business or are you in between old and new ventures? You may experience cash flow issues, urgent setbacks, loss of good staff and strong competition from peers. To combat these potential ills do come up with an emergency back-up plan to cover any potential crises. Those in senior positions will enjoy good Wealth luck and if you’re keen to climb up the corporate ladder quickly, promotions are possibly underway for you this Earth Pig year. Take note that oftentimes you may be beset with feelings of losing interest or perhaps you may want to cut your losses and quit. It is recommended for you to keep calm and carry on as the luck of the year promises U-turns to hardships. Love Regular and silly disagreements that lead to volcanic tempers are a possibility for you and your beloved. These are easily managed by always communicating thoughts and feelings in a gentle way and to trust your partner. Do not let your emotions overcome you. If you are male, you may be tempted to embark upon an affair outside of your marriage or commitment. Please avoid this at all costs as not only would it end badly, you may simply be a target for con people motivated to only have you for your money and possessions.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Health As you work hard to forge your career, there may be a chance that you lose sight of basic necessities such as eating and going to bed at decent hours, causing you to fall ill. Be mindful of self-care and avoid sleeping too late or staying up well into the morning. Be careful also when you need to travel – it is recommended for you to be accompanied by a second driver if you need to take the wheel for extended trips on the road. If you live or stay in close vicinity with a senior person in your family, it is recommended to invest time and effort to care for them this year.

The Tiger Lucky Star吉星: Liu He 六合 The Six Harmony Tai Yin 太阴/隂 The Moon or Greater Yin Star Guo Yin 國印/国印 State Seal Unlucky Star 凶星: Guan Suo 贯索 Entrapment Star Gou Shen 勾神 Hook Spirit Star Wang Shen 亡神 Death God Star Gu Chen 孤辰 Solitary Star General Forecast Tiger people this year are blessed with fair luck. It is a mixed bag of incredible fortunes and potential bad luck, but prudency will see you through and help you overcome any setbacks. It is a year to be in your best behaviour therefore keep everything above board. The positive luck for your year is fragile and can easily fall apart if you aren’t careful therefore, do read on to know what’s potentially in store for you and how you can take action to preserve the good and eliminate the bad. Wealth Your Wealth luck is fair and it promises to be stable as you may be blessed with an increase of funds or a job raise. Do look to making your wealth outside of your usual methods – freelance work or part time employment will benefit you immensely. As you may see your hard earned cash getting lost, be wary of con artists who may be targeting you this year. These individuals tend to pop up strongly in your forecast this year

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


therefore use your instincts to keep away from people who want to cheat you out of your wealth. Retain your income further by avoiding all gambling as well. Legal setbacks may also potentially cross your path, which is why it is important to avoid shady transactions and any practise that smells fishy to you. Career You are blessed with incredible career prospects this year. You may see yourself achieving a brand new position where you are in a place of power. Trustworthy women close to you and those born under the sign of the Pig will greatly enhance your luck, so stay on their good side and be guided by them. Love You will receive plenty of opportunities to meet soulmate-material people who can match your personality well as your Romance luck is strong. If you are in a relationship, invest time and effort to keep yourself and your partner happy with romantic and thoughtful gestures. Do not stray outside of your relationship. If you are ready to be married, this year is a wonderful time to do so – choose auspicious dates for this purpose. On the down side, you may feel isolated, stressed, confused and feel as if nobody understands you at times. You may also want to procrastinate on important matters. This is a good year for you to shake off any possible low spirits by practising self-care – spend time with yourself and treat yourself with activities that you will enjoy. You will see a pickup in your emotional well-being when you get some me-time. Health I advise you to hydrate well this year. Water is beneficial for you therefore target 2 to 4 litres a day to strengthen your health. As mentioned earlier you may low-spirited, feel lonely and misunderstood at times therefore do take time off to be on your own and practise self-care. Not managing your emotional upsets may lead to career setbacks and further health issues.

The Rabbit Lucky Star吉星: Jiang Xing 将星 General/Commanding Star San Tai 三台 The Three Stages Star Jin Kui 金匮 Golden Luck Star San He 三合 Three Harmony

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Unlucky Star 凶星: Wu Gui 五鬼 Five Ghosts Star Guan Fu 官符 Litigation Star Fei Fu 飞符 the Flying Star General Forecast You possess one of the most blessed Animal signs for the year. Your luck is soaring high and much will go incredibly well for you. Even as you encounter setbacks these instances will realign and get back on the correct path. Assistance is also everywhere for you. A smooth sailing year indeed. Select auspicious dates if you are going to embark on important life activities such as moving house, travelling and such. On the negative end, overt suspicion towards your life partner may cause troubles and aside from this you may also be prone to legal setbacks. Overcome these issues by keeping your nose clean from any type of mischief. Wealth It is a very good year for you in terms of wealth activation. You will be able to make money though it comes in gradual amounts and not windfalls. It is a year that sees you getting to meet people of autonomy and status who can elevate your wealth prospects. You have great instincts this year to make money, so follow your judgment and take care to minimise any kind of risk by going through documentations legal or otherwise with a fine tooth comb. Gossips may plague you sometimes but they cannot harm you so long as you keep on the straight path. Career Stay on course and be fully committed to your work. There is a good chance of status elevation, procurement of power and an enhanced salary package. New job prospects are also there for you. People of the Pig and Sheep sign will be able to assist you further in all career aspects. Protect yourself by keeping vigilant with all paperwork and avoid empty chatter as well because there are potential ills related to lawsuits and con people out to impede or feed on your amazing progress. You will be the recipient of jealousy from backstabbing-minded people but this can be overcome if you maintain a low profile – meaning, do not be flashy this year. Love Single Rabbits can enjoy blossoming love luck this year, but those who are married or in a committed relationship will receive more blessings. You will get along splendidly with your other half and travels are in the cards.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Health Focus on your fitness and watching your diet. There may be a chance of accidents and injury so do take care of yourself.

The Dragon Lucky Star吉星: Hong luan 红鸾 Red Romance Star Yue De 月德 Monthly Virtue Star Guo Yin 國印/国印 State Seal Unlucky Star 凶星: Ban An 扳鞍 Pull saddle Si Fu 死符 sickness star Xiao hao 小耗 Small Indulgence star General Forecast It is a year of rewards and bliss for the Dragon this year. You are in great luck. Disastrous situations will magically right themselves, clearing a path for you to blaze new trails in business. On the down side, there is some potential for financial losses, as well as troubling waters ahead regarding stiff competition. You may also encounter minor threats to your health but if you pay attention and be careful you can effectively sidestep all setbacks this year. Wealth You will forge good relationships with contacts both existing and new and your performance will see amazing improvements this year compared to the troubling prospects of 2018. You have the opportunity to expand your core business with a promise of increase in profit. Though this is the case you may be bound to lose some of your earnings from your own actions. You may have a tendency to overspend and live the high life in ways that you really shouldn’t as such luxuries will burn a hole in your pocket. Be more sensible and spend wisely. Career This Earth Pig year sees wonderful luck in store for the Dragon. Opportunities to extend your contacts to circles which were previously beyond your reach is likely and furthermore you will enjoy the attention of benefactors or mentors who will be keen to enhance your career prospects. Make use of this year to begin new ventures with partners.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


I recommend you to outperform your expectations. Go the distance and take a few more steps ahead than you think you need. These actions will serve you incredibly well this year – you may find difficult situations transform to great opportunities. On the down side you may feel stress by being pressured and it may lead you to slapdash decision-making. It is imperative for you to pay close attention to all documentation and as for feeling the pressure, it is part and parcel of your strong career luck therefore find relief by leaving your work at the door when you come home and focus on your personal life during your off hours. Love Harmony rules the love front for you this year. Those who are in committed partnerships will enjoy fun and romance whereas single Dragons will be blessed with great luck in seeking partners. If you are seeking to get married, this is a wonderful year to do so. With all the joy you are set to experience this year, jealous people may wish to destroy your happiness. Therefore stay away from people who you know harbour toxic personalities and keep supportive friends and family close to you instead as they may themselves be faced with troubles. You may be able to assist them through their hardships. Health You may experience exhaustion from your heavy workload and experience laziness sometimes too. This may lead to illnesses as well as setbacks to your career path. Focus on relaxing activities and rest as much as you can when you are not focused on work. Meaning, consciously cultivate a work-life balance as it is crucial to your emotional well-being and wealth prospects. It is a good time for you to prioritise on exercise to enhance your fitness level and take good care in your diet as well. Dine on nutritious-dense foods and avoid unhealthy options.

The Snake Lucky Star吉星: Yi Ma 驿马 Travelling Horse Star Unlucky Star 凶星: Kan Gan 澜干 Trouble Star Da Hao 大耗 Big Indulgence Star Pi Tou 披头/頭 Danger Star General Forecast Challenging times are ahead for the Snake person this year. It is a crucial period in your life that can make you, or break you. The stars have aligned in a way to consistently throw

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


“curveballs” your way – meaning, you may oftentimes feel beset by setbacks that impede your professional and personal growth. Take heart in the fact that you can effectively turn the potential bad luck around and stand to gain great prospects if you remain consistent and persistent in your goals. Do not give up. It is a timely year for profound change and growth if you stay on course. Indeed, it is a year of “growing pains” – pains that lead to great things if you are committed to work for it. Wealth Luck will not come naturally for you this year. Your prospects now demands you to make certain sacrifices to retain your wealth and keep it safe from further diminishment as losses, unexpected expenses and legal setbacks may overcome you. You may be prone to fritter away your earnings on unnecessary expenditures and pay little attention to your credit limit. This leads you to dangerous waters therefore get to high ground by practising extreme frugality this year. Train yourself to watch your expenditures – “cut the fat”, if you will. You must also avoid speculative investments entirely as your entire fortune may possibly be wiped out from such ventures. You stand a good chance of keeping your wealth this way. Career Your career path sees a positive outcome in your career as long as you persevere and work through the hardships that may be in store for you. It is a good time for you to invest in training workshops or focus on studies as this opens up new avenues for you. Travelling is also recommended as you may profit for overseas businesses. In fact, if you wish to migrate this is a splendid year for you to do so. Be mindful to keep a low profile this year and avoid idle chatter and gossiping. Save your income for rainy days by spending only on the bare necessities. Avoid all manner of risk taking as speculation may not perform well for you. Keep to yourself, maintain ethical and clean work quality and avoid conflicts. You will be able to greatly minimise the impact of your sign’s potential ill luck this way, as failure to stay strong may see you feel undervalued and ignored in the workplace, your portfolio may drastically reduce from loss of clients and worse yet you may unintentionally cause turmoil with your seniors. If you work in the creative or arts industry vicious gossip mongers will try to tear your good reputation down. You may also find yourself having to work with negative-minded people that will distract you and your professionalism may suffer as a result.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Love Short tempers and quarrelsome tendencies will take over the usually calm Snake and this can lead to eventual separation and even divorce for married Snakes. Avoid conflicts by keeping open communication channels with your beloved and if you feel the urge to enter into a shouting match, it will not result in anything positive so therefore please refrain from doing so. Snakes in serious commitments should consider getting married this year as it’s an auspicious period. Tying the knot is an effective way of countering the negative effects of the year’s fortunes for you. Single Snakes will have a great chance of meeting potential partners if they socialise more this year. Attend launches, parties and such to increase the luck. Health Be careful with yourself when you are working or driving and watch out when you go for excursions. There is a strong potential for head injuries therefore please keep yourself safe. Strengthen your Health by exercising and watching your diet. Do attend celebratory milestone occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries as much as you can too.

The Horse Lucky Star吉星: Long de龙德 Dragon Virtue Star Zi wei 紫微 The Emperor/Benefactor Star Di jie 地解Earth Relief Star Lu Xun 禄勋 Move Fortune Star Unlucky Star 凶星: Bao Bai 暴败 Violent Defeat Star Tian Er 天厄 Distressed Sky Star General Forecast The Earth Pig year promises auspicious career prospects for the Horse. Promotions, an increase of wealth attainment and recognition from peers and seniors is yours. There is some potential for possible financial losses but if you are careful and diligent in your work, you can minimise the impact of this greatly.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


On the up side you will find negative situations turn around for the better and you even receive the attentions of people with authority who will be able to assist you. In the Love and Health front, you will see fair prospects. Wealth You can enjoy amazing promotions and a salary raise this year. It’s a time to shine, especially as you stand the gain the assistance of a mentor who will be able to help you out of tight situations. As you may be susceptible to loss of income this year, you can retain your money by being conservative – avoid any risky dealings and you will land on your feet with your wealth intact. Though it’s a generally good year, you may become a little clumsy and mistakes may follow suit. You may also find yourself procrastinating from completing your tasks. Stay on course and march ahead, Horse. You will do well to learn from your mistakes and move forward. Career Horses can enjoy tremendous luck this Earth Pig year regarding career prospects. Promotions and a salary increase is in the cards for you and it is also a good year to extend your contact lists to circles that you have yet to penetrate as there are new opportunities for partnerships and joint ventures. Troubles ahead in the career front will not worry you for long, as they will eventually turn around and bless you with good tidings instead. Love Overall, your Love prospects is good but there are some hiccups ahead. If you are in a relationship, you will find that there may be plenty of arguments and a constant “break-up–make-up” cycle which will fray relations. It is a good idea to not indulge in bad tempers – keep a cool head especially during heated moments. Married Horse people will see a cooling of romance between you and your partner as you are focusing too much on your career. Prioritise on your relationships to strengthen the bonds this year. If you are single and wish to find a partner, this is a good year to do so. Health As you work hard to capitalise your good Career luck, your health may take a toll. You may experience mental and physical setbacks due to sheer exhaustion from working too hard, so do explore and find a perfect work-life balance for you to ensure that your health is not further jeopardised by overwork. Do invest in health-related activities such as exercise and fitness and take good care of your diet. Avoid unhealthy activities such as drinking too much and smoking cigarettes. Aside from that, a visit to the spa will relax you further and revitalise you. If it advised for you to undergo regular medical check-ups to ensure that you are in the pink of health at all times and to catch potential illnesses before they get out of control.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


The Goat Lucky Star吉星: Hua Gai 盖 華 Elegant Seal Sui He 岁合 Duke Collaboration Star Unlucky Star 凶星: Bai Hu 白虎 White Tiger Tian Xiong 天雄 Sky Warrior Star Tian Ku 天哭 Sky Crying Star Yang Ren 陽/羊刃 Goat Blade General Forecast The Earth Pig year 2019 is a generally good year where you experience new direction and motivation coupled with fantastic luck in important life aspects. You will find work and career a pleasure to pursue this year. An overall lucky year for Wealth and career activation is in store for you. Setbacks can be overcome with prudent action. Wealth As you enter year 2019, you will see stability and good gains in the Wealth front. If you are positioned in the creative industry such as advertising, branding, publishing, media and performance arts you will see blessings in the form of a larger income through different channels. Being in compatibility with Tai Sui this year, there is a possibility that you may become overly confident from being so blessed this year. Do maintain a modest and low profile and never shun good advice from others. Ignoring opinions may potentially lead you to wealth loss, therefore pay heed to others’ thoughts. Career As you receive great Career luck this year, it’s a good time to fine-tune and develop your business on a bigger scale. With the Hua Gai 盖 華 Elegant Seal Star in your chart this year, you will enjoy inspiration especially if you are in the creative and literary industry. You will find your status elevated to a higher degree than before. If you are working as a government official you will stand to gain the popular vote from the people for whom you serve. It is set to be a successful year for you. Love Under the influence of Sui he岁合 Duke Collaboration Star, single Goats will enjoy good opportunities to meet with suitable life candidates and there is a good chance that you may embark on a new relationship this year. If you are in a relationship, this is a wonderful year to

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


get married. If you are already married and would like to expand your family, there is a high chance that you will have a baby this year. On the negative end, you may experience miscommunication problems therefore do keep channels open at all times and talk matters through in a loving manner. Do also be modest and be humble with your loved one. Health There is a potential for accidents and injuries – offset these possible issues by avoiding high-risk sports activities this year. Be careful when you are travelling or if you are driving on the road, do not under any circumstances drink and drive. It is also advised for you to seek a medical check-up and to pay a visit to your dentist. Spend time with positive people to enhance your Health luck and partake in exercise and other physical activities to further receive good energy. There is a possibility that you become moody and experience misfortune due to the backstabbing of certain individuals in your life therefore keep away from gossip and better yet, avoid those whom you know have toxic personality tendencies. If you have sudden hateful urges towards another person, it is due to anger. Try to replace this negative emotion with empathy and understanding. Do not give in to temper tantrums during stressful moments as it will not serve you positively. Stay cool and calm. Be modest and humble towards others.

The Monkey Lucky Star吉星: Tian de天德 Heavenly Virtue Star Fu Xing福星 Fortune Star Ba zuo八座 Eight Seats Yu tang 玉堂Jade Hall Unlucky Star 凶星 Juan She卷舌Curled Tongue Star Jie Sha 劫煞 Robbery Sha Star Liu Hai 六害 Six Harms Sha Pi Ma 披麻 Mourning Star

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


General Forecast Auspicious tidings will see you through and keep you motivated whereas potential setbacks may strongly affect your emotional outlook so take all precautionary methods advised below to make sure that you sidestep any potential ills entirely. You fortune is precarious this year and the balance is delicate. Your are said to harm 害太歲 Tai Sui this year. You may also encounter constant disagreements with people around you and when it comes to family, your relationship with certain members are not as close as before. There is a potential for legal setbacks as well. You can effectively minimise the “blows” of these setbacks considerably by hosting joyful events – meaning, usher the arrival of celebratory milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries and seasonal celebrations with a big party and beloved family and friends in attendance. Build good rapport with others. Your luck will increase and the potential setbacks will decrease this way. Wealth Blessed by the auspicious stars Yu tang 玉堂 Jade Hall, Fu Xing 福星 Fortune Star and Fu De 福 德 Fortune Virtue Star, this year brings wealth luck and career advancement。 You can get to reap the full potential of your wealth luck, resulting in an increase in income. However, under the influence of Jie Sha 劫煞 Robbery Sha Star, it’s important to be careful in managing your money. Spend wisely and avoid risky ventures before putting serious thought into the decision-making. Get a good fund manager to help you manage your finances to minimise risk. Do not let greed overcome you. Protect your Wealth by not giving out loans to friends and family no matter how close they are to you because chances are these individuals may not be able to pay you back. Career Over-exceed your expectations and work harder than you need to this year – working beyond the requirement is a good thing for you as it will increase your luck prospects and furthermore you will receive positive attention from peers and seniors in the workplace. With Fu Xing福星 Fortune Star and Fu De 福德 Fortune Virtue Star, you are set to receive support from the right connections who can help you in strengthening your career prospects. Unfortunately this year sees some legal setbacks possibly coming your way but this can be avoided if you keep all your work above board, passing all scrutiny with flying colours. Be motivated and do more than you are expected to! This will bring favorable attention to you! Love It is highly recommended for you to attend social gatherings as it is auspicious for you to do so. Fill your calendar with events, launches, dinners and gala nights this year. All celebratory occasions will enhance your overall luck. Monkeys in relationships will see challenges ahead as you may find yourself a little over-sensitive at times and even a little suspicious of your partner. Your relationship will overcome these challenges so long as you are mindful of the other party’s feelings and to be understanding as well.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


There are people out to sabotage your love life and make you feel insecure and sad. Combat this potential setbacks from occurring by avoiding gossip and idle chatter. Health The preseof nce the 天厨 (Tian Chu) Heavenly Chef also commonly known as the Eating God, you will be blessed with many opportunities to dine out in nice restaurants and bars with full compliments from friends and new business contacts. It will be a delicious year indeed with plenty of food, wine and making merry so do exercise moderation and do not indulge excessively. This year sees the senior aged folks in your family falling ill or injuring themselves at home. it is a good year to spend time with them to care for their health.

The Rooster Lucky Star吉星: Wen chang文昌 Intellectual Star Unlucky Star 凶星: Tian gou 天狗 Heavenly Dog Star Diao ke吊客 Mourning Guest Star Zai sha 災/灾煞 Disaster Sha General Forecast As you enter the Earth Pig year, you will see marked improvements in your career and academic luck. You may receive a promotion this year as well. As you enjoy these good tidings, you may also need to manage potential bad luck arising in your Wealth and Health prospects. There is a possibility of financial loss from theft and you may run into debt, which is why it is important for you to be supported by trustworthy colleagues and staff this year. In the Health front, you may experience health issues such as illnesses and injuries if you are not careful with yourself. It is a good year for you to practise self-care and to be alert for any potential accidents. Partake in good rest and relaxation activities to balance out your professional pursuits. Do not take any risks this year and take time to take note of good advice from trusted sources. Wealth Your Wealth prospects this year may possibly be on shaky ground due to certain alignment of stars in your astrological chart. You will be able to procure Wealth this year but it will be

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


limited in nature and furthermore there is a possibility that you will experience income loss this year. One of the ways that you may potentially use up your expenses is when you need to pay the bills caring for an illness-prone family member – do put some money aside for this possibility. You may also potentially encounter Wealth loss through theft, accidental injury or legal matters so be careful with yourself and your possessions. Make sure that your conduct is above board at all times. Miscommunication may occur between you and those around you and this leads to a decrease in earnings. Work hard on your interpersonal skills and be more perceptive to others to minimise these setback from occurring. Career As your academic skills are on a high this year, it is a good time for you to pursue studies and training to capitalise on this good luck. You will be able to easily utilise your newfound knowledge in the work place and enhance your efficiency and creativity. Authority figures and seniors in the work place will take notice of your good achievements this year and you may enjoy a promotion or a pay raise. This year also sees improvements to your management skills. You are quick-witted and will do well this year come any career matters coming your way. Focus on receiving support from good staff and colleagues, as there is a possibility of your good career luck getting dragged down by the unscrupulous actions of a troubled co-worker or subordinate. Love Single Roosters will find great opportunities to make new friends in social settings related to your career. Interestingly, though you think that you want to be in a relationship, you may at the end treasure your singlehood and freedom more. If you are in a relationship, the year 2019 sees you entering some potential disagreements with your loved one. In fact, you may even feel that the more time you spend with him or her, the more you discover differences with each other. Overcome this issue by being thoughtful and understanding. Practise compassion towards your partner and you will see matters improve. If you are married, prioritise on your spouse and do not let work take up your personal time. Be present and be romantic. Health As you focus on your career, it may cause health setbacks due to lack of proper rest and sleep. You may also feel incredible pressure to perform and this leads to further stress. To soften the blow of these potential ills do practise self-care and find a way to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Spending time to relax is just as important as working hard, so do take time to energise and revitalise. You may feel emotional at times, too – in fact a shift of emotions and moodiness may overcome you, leading you to feel sad. Do remember to rest well and seek therapeutic activities to relax you.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Under the influence of the Tian gou 天狗 Heavenly Dog Star, be careful of your personal safety at all times and do seek medical opinions if you have any nagging health issues. You should also refrain from smoking and indulging in alcohol to unwind after a long hard day – instead, seek therapeutic and relaxing activities to rejuvenate yourself. Do make a point to be more present in your senior family members’ lives and spend quality time with them.

The Dog Lucky Star吉星: Tian Xi 天喜 Sky Happiness Star Unlucky Star 凶星: Bing Fu 病符 Sickness Star 陌越 Mo Yue Achievement Star. Lonely Star 寡宿 Gu Xu Huang fan 黄幡 (Depressive Star) General Forecast The Earth Pig year sees you coming of age. You are more mature than ever before and you nowadays have a more balanced outlook in life matters. This year sees of pleasant surprises in store for you. On the down side, you may sometimes feel a little lonesome in your personal and professional life and there is also a possibility that close relationships in the past may now be a little distant and cool. Wealth The year sees stable Wealth gains for you, so long as you put in the commitment to perform well. A modest and humble outlook will serve you brilliantly this year. Also, diversify your portfolio by looking into new and different avenues to build your Wealth. You will receive support and guidance from others along the way this year – the people who assist you will benefit you immensely. Your income will come in through hard work and perseverance. “Fast” money is not in the cards this year for you therefore avoid gambling activities as these will not serve you well. You are blessed with a great outlook in life while you’re activating your Wealth potential, with lots of fun moments along the way. It’s a great year of laughter and hard work with great gains. On the negative end, you may fall ill and suffer some financial loss as a result. Therefore make sure to keep yourself healthy and fit all year long to capitalise on your great Wealth outlook.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Career Portray a demure and modest persona in your professional life this year as this will help you gain traction in your career. If you would like to venture into a new business this year, you will find that you receive plenty of helping hands and support from good-intentioned people around you. It’s a good idea to expand your network circle this year to meet new people who share the same values as you. In fact, these individuals will be very suitable for joint ventures. There is a possibility that you may encounter people with negative intentions towards you. They may even want to pull you down from your good career trajectory. Keep this potential at bay by maintaining a low profile and maintain a modest “look” during your professional hours. Your hard work and achievements will be noticed by your superior or those in positions of power. Love Make new friends and join larger circles to be introduced to people. This opens up great opportunities for the single Dog. If you are female, you will find ample opportunity to connect with wonderful potential partners and if you are a male, your natural charm will shine brightly this year. If you are already in a serious commitment, 2019 is a wonderful year to tie the knot. If you are married and are keen to start a family, you may be blessed with a pregnancy this year. Married Dogs may feel a little lonely at times therefore focus on your spouse and enjoy romantic outings together to stimulate the dormant loving feelings towards each other. 陌越 ​Mo Yue Star will create a distance between you and your lover. Those who are currently in long distance relationships should prioritise on regular visits with each other as there is a possibility of feeling neglected and lonesome. If you find difficulty in managing the feeling of loneliness, make time to seek trusted friends and family members to ground you and feel connected. Health As the feeling of loneliness may sometimes overcome you, it may lead to health setbacks therefore spend time with close friends and family. You may also partake in relaxing activities to find relief – meditation, fitness and yoga are wonderful outlets for you to shake off these emotions. Dine on healthy and nourishing foods this year as there is a chance that you may fall ill and affect your Wealth luck as a result. This illness could be recurring from an old sickness that you once suffered. Take note that if you fall ill the recovery process is long therefore you stand much to gain if you prevent illnesses from occurring.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


The Pig Lucky Star吉星: Tian Jie 天解 Sky Resolve Auspicious Star Sui Jia' 岁驾 Duke Unlucky Star 凶星: Jian feng 剑锋 Sword Star Tai sui太岁 Grand Duke Xue Ren 血刃 Blade Star General Forecast The Pig sees somewhat rocky waters when it comes to fortune. You may find yourself encountering possible setbacks and unexpected troubles such as competition in career, disagreements and miscommunications, injuries and financial loss, leading you to feel low in confidence and utterly exhausted. Do not worry much about these potential issues as you will be able to bounce from any potential bad energy easily. You may even shine this year as you overcome your obstacles, which is why it’s important to stay committed to your dreams and push hard to make it a reality. On the up side, you will find a mentor who can help you gain much in your career path and he or she will extend assistance in a timely manner. You will also be blessed with job opportunities therefore it is a good year to switch careers or embark on your own business. Wealth Unexpected financial losses and a feeling that you are in poor luck for Wealth activation may possibly beset you this year. Do not worry about these potential hazards if you work hard and stay diligent – in fact, you are able to procure Wealth by simply overcoming the odds and marching on relentlessly. You may want to dabble in speculative Wealth creation such as the stock market. Analyse all matters with full scrutiny and do not make rash decisions. Your mentors will open up new doors of opportunities for you this year therefore when in doubt, look to these people for guidance. Career Keep on track and do not change course, as you will be able to minimise setbacks this way. Take assistance from others and depend on trustworthy people around you to gain traction in your career.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


You may experience some moodiness due to challenges that overcome you and you may also possibly encounter communication breakdown with people around you as well as loss of income, legal setbacks, illnesses and injuries while you’re working hard in your career. Combat these potential setbacks by staying strong and moving on. Work hard and stay committed. If you fail, take it as a good life lesson and learn from your mistakes – you will do well by seeing these situations as interesting challenges and opportunities to grow. Love It is a sort of a mixed bag when it comes to your Love life. You stand to enjoy good Romance luck but there may also be possible troubles coming your way as well. If you are in a relationship, you may feel argumentative towards your partner and silly issues become giant problems between you. Be understanding towards your partner and practise compassion to diffuse any raging emotions. Health On the Health front, take note that there are some potential setbacks this year for you. You may be susceptible to unexpected health issues and more accident-prone. To counter these problems from occurring, choose auspicious dates to do major activities such as moving house, construction or renovation work. Uninformed date selections may “activate” Tai Sui and the chances of these health related issues to occur will go higher. Therefore, choose good dates for big plans ahead this year. Be careful on the road and be a very safe driver this year. Avoid risky activities such as mountain climbing and scuba diving to minimise the risk of hurting yourself. Do also look to regular medical check-ups to keep abreast of your health status and to avoid potential illnesses from overcoming you. Partake in sufficient sleep this year as you may become clumsy and not as sure-footed in your judgement with poor sleep patterns. Do also eat healthily and avoid foods that are not nutritious and beneficial for you.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com

2019 Earth Pig Year Flying Star Analysis 己亥年玄空飞星图 (beginning on 4 February 2019 1114hrs till 3 February 2020 1703hrs) 冲巳,申,亥,寅生肖 in conflict with Snake, Monkey, Pig, Tiger Horoscope

*2019 Yearly Afflictions

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


An Introduction To Flying Stars Feng Shui Feng Shui is a study of invisible energies around us. It is an ever-moving medium and possesses a powerful ability to influence our lives for the better. Though these energies are in constant movement and ​its shifting energies can be studied to a microscopic degree, the most important and major shift takes place each year during the coming of the Lunar New Year. ​The terminology of this Feng Shui study is called ​Xuan Kong Fei Xing or Flying ​Stars Feng Shui. To harness the positive energies of the Flying ​Stars​, one ​must ​understand that each year these Stars shift ​location every 12 months and affects nine major grids in your home or office. Certain energy types reside in each corner of your home. For instance, one ​location may be very auspicious to spend a lot of your time in as it is the ​annual ​residing place of an ​especially beneficial ​Star​, while you may need to ​avoid another spot in your home or office as it is the current home of a rather “unhealthy” ​Star​. There are also somewhat positive or negative ​Stars that may not impact you but with rearrangement of energies with the use of recommended cures, a ​Star​’s positive attributes can ​be enhanced while a not-so-positive ​Star​’s bad qualities can ​be suppressed​. Follow this Guide to know more about how each ​Star impacts a ​location to increase your chances in achieving ​happiness, financial success and good health​ for the year.

A Practical Solution To Enhancing or Suppressing Energies In Your Home And Office

1 Whitе Stаr (Opportunity and Rоmаnсе) and 8 Whitе Stаr (Prоѕреritу) Financial success and ​wealth activation ​areas are within these spots. A water feature such as an aquarium or a desktop fountain will ​enhance this great ​location​’s impact. ​Do spend big amounts of your time here​ as well​.

2 Blасk Stаr (Siсknеѕѕ) A ​location infested with ​Health setbacks. This area is ​literally ​poison to your physical and mental wellbeing therefore you stand to gain a good deal by making only minimal use of this area. You may also further quell this bad ​Star with pendulum clocks, metal wind ​chimes, metal ornaments and coin tassels​. If you have a bronze singing bowl or a metal bell used for energy cleansing, ​utilise​ these items to ​neutralise​ the bad energy here.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


3 Bluе ​Star​ (Quаrrеlѕоmе/Conflicts) Possible miscommunication, conflicts and arguments are aplenty if you spend too much time here. ​Minimise the bad energies by decorating this area with metallic items such as ornaments and other cures. A ​red ​coloured carpet or lamp may also do wonders to keep the disagreements at bay.

5 Yеllоw S ​ tar​ (Miѕfоrtunе) Not only does this ​Star ​harbour ill intentions to your productivity, it ​actively ​tries to put your positive actions to a halt. If you are keen to keep it a smooth year ahead with no untoward setbacks, spend only minimal time in this area. To cure the bad energies, place a glass container filled with salt water and place six coins within. Please make ​sure that the bowl is made of glass or porcelain. A musical box will further ​neutralise the bad ​luck​, as will metal based ​ornaments, a pendulum clock or a wind chime​. Do you own a bronze singing bowl or energy clearing bell? Make use of these items here.

Flying Stars Feng Shui Forecast For Year 2019

North - Aсаdеmiс and Romance (4 Grееn Stаr 四绿) The North is a ​blessed ​location this year. Academia or any kind of literary pursuit which enhances mental development will see improvement thanks to the auspicious ​star Aсаdеmiс and Romance (4 Grееn Stаr) which ​resides here. Make use of the North to excel – both children and adults. Those who ​are inclined towards Love and Romance matters should take note that the North is also ​beneficial for couples ​as well as singles who are seeking a relationship. The energy here is ​incredibly ​powerful and the chances of securing a strong relationship is high. Enhance the academic ​luck of the 4 Grееn Stаr with ​the placement of Chinese calligraphy brushes here – 4 is a good number. A vase containing bamboo stems in water is also a good choice. For those seeking a relationship, decorate this area with fresh flowers. People born under the sign of the Rat and of Gua 1 are ​especially ​prone to receiving the luck​ of 4 Grееn Stаr in the North this year.

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Northeast - Siсknеѕѕ (2 Blасk Stаr 二黑) As its name implies the Sickness ​star 2 Blасk is ​incredibly bad for your ​health ​prospects​. Health is ​wealth​, yet 2 ​Black aims to ​seek and ​destroy both by affecting your wellbeing to the point of impairment. It ​particularly ​attacks the ​ѕtоmасh, ѕkin and ѕрlееn​. Thus​, the Northeast area of your home and office is not fаvоurаblе this year. ​Mature aged ladies and expectant mothers may be affected more from this ​star​’s ill intentions. I must also caution that not only does it cause ​health disaster, the 2 ​Black may even affect family ties. Disagreements and anger may erupt between couples and family members if you spend too much time in the Northeast. There is also a potential for loss of income due to this ​star​. Keep the Northeast from clutter (​especially ​garbage) and clean the area ​consistently ​throughout the year to help ​neutralise​ the bad energies. Needless to say, senior aged ladies and pregnant women should steer away from 2 ​Black as much as possible. If keeping away from the Northeast is not possible, combat the energy by not only keeping the area clean and clutter-free but also placing a porcelain or glass container with a lid filled with salt solution (1/3 sea/rock salt and 2/3 water) with six coins inside. ​This is called a salt water cure 安忍水. Also put a few ​metallic ornaments and items here to​ mitigate the negative energies. Be cautioned that those born under the sign of the Ox, Tiger ​as well as Gua 8 ​people may be most affected by this star​.

East - Pоwеr аnd Prоmоtiоn (6 Whitе Stаr 六白) Enhancement to your powers of ​persuasion, authoritative energy and status level dominate the East this year. It is ​an incredibly ​positive ​location and one of the best spots of your home and office this 2019. If you believe, you will achieve – ​especially ​with hard work and a relentless commitment. Those who are keen to climb up the corporate ladder and gain recognition from bosses and peers should work as much as you can here. Though this is a very auspicious ​location​, it comes at a cost if the outside (external) formations of your home or office does not “support” the East. With the good things coming your way, you may feel a little lonesome and ​blue at times​. At the extreme end you may ​encounter lawsuits, accidents or financial losses​. To suppress these bad energies, decorate the East with earthenware, crystal or stone items and ornaments. 8 ​white pebbles are a traditional cure that ​you can also use. You may also make use of metallic ​bells, music boxes and metal ornaments​. Avoid water-based cures here. Rabbit people ​as well as Guа 3 people will ​be most affected by the energies of the 6 ​White star​ this year.

Southeast - Rоbbеrу (7 Rеd Stаr 七赤) This 2019 sees the Robbery stay 7 ​Red entering the Southeast sector of your home or office. This is a negative ​star with energies that can influence you to feel volatile and quarrelsome with others and ​especially ​your significant other. You may experience unhealthy rivalries with

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


others in the work front and aside from that you can even ​accidentally ​injure yourself and get ​hospitalised as a result​. Those with their ​main ​door, window or bedroom ​located ​at the Southeast may be susceptible to problems with ​investments, theft and loss of money so you must beef up security measures to err on the safe side. If you are seeking a romantic partner you may find yourself in an ​unfavourable​ match. Those with the Chinese astrological sign of the Dragon or Snake, or Gua 4 people will ​be more vulnerable to the attacks of the Robbery ​Star​. To ​counter these bad energies from affecting you, if your ​main door is in the Southeast ​do ​place a ​blue toned or ​black carpet at the entrance. A porcelain or glass container with a lid filled with salt solution (1/3 sea/rock salt and 2/3 water) with six coins inside helps remove the negative energies. Do also take note to ​avoid all ​renovation, ground breaking or construction work in this sector as such ​activities ​can possibly ​disturb Sui Pо (“Wrаth оf thе Grаnd Dukе”). Diffuse the potential bad ​luck​ further by keeping the area quiet.

South - Quаrrеlѕоmе (3 Bluе Stаr 三碧) The South sees ​the arrival of ​the 3 ​Blue ​star this year, denoting to ​an imbalance of emotions leading to quarrels, arguments and general discord. Your usual sense of calm logic and rational thought is overtaken by incredible anger and bad tempers. ​Disputes and disharmony is set to occur and this leads to loss of ​income, frayed relationships and health setbacks especially ​liver or limb-related ailments. Be mindful of flaring tempers and resist the temptation to ​follow your fiery emotion. Calm yourself with the help of elemental cures and you may find yourself the beneficiary of great luck – if you are seeking to have a child, ​there is a chance ​for a male boy and if you’re looking to strengthen your career and ​wealth​ ​prospects​, your ​luck​ is ​pretty ​fair. Skin or liver problems may be an ​issue​. Cure the South if your ​main ​door, office or bedroom is in this ​location – a ​red door mat or a lamp placed at the entrance is ideal. Avoid water-based cures ​whatsoever ​so ​relocate your aquarium if need be. ​No ground-breaking works are recommended here​, ​as well as renovation and construction work. These are big no-nos. Those born under the sign of thе Horse аnd Guа 9 реорlе may find themselves ​strongly affected by the 3 ​Blue ​star​. Skin or liver problems may be an ​issue​, therefore ​do follow the recommended cures.

Southwest - Miѕfоrtunе (5 Yеllоw S ​ tar​ 五黄) The Five Yellow (五黄) ​star is in alignment this year with the Southwest sector of your home. Disaster, misfortune, ​wealth ​diminishment, accidental injury and loss of blood are potential setbacks that may occur if you spend too much time in the Southwest or if you ​accidentally activate this negative ​star​. Is your door, window, ​seat, bed, or stove ​located ​in this ​position​?

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Implement the recommended remedies early this year before the Lichun sets in on 4 February 2019 at 11.14am. Please ​completely avoid this area for the entire year, much less conduct important work or personal activities here. Avoid all renovation works if possible too and расifу thе nеgаtivе еnеrgiеѕ further with metallic items such as wind chimes, musical boxes or 6 coins in a glass container with a lid filled with salt solution. This area will ​greatly ​affect ​Goat, Monkey and Gua​ 2 people.

West - Opportunity and Rоmаnсе (1 Whitе Stаr 一白) The West is awash with wonderful blessings and joy. The noble ​star 1 ​White ​resides here for the year and enhances your good reputation – it can even elevate your social status. This is an excellent ​star for ​prosperity, recognition and good luck​. If you are seeking popularity and fame or if you ​simply ​wish for your superiors and colleagues to ​acknowledge your work achievements, this ​star is for you as it ​positively ​increases your fame ​prospects​. If уоur frоnt dооr iѕ lосаtеd in thе Wеѕt you will find yourself beset with good news all year round and opportunities to travel the world is ​in the cards​, too. A word of caution – this year sees the West also being occupied by Thrее Killingѕ sо do аvоid ground breaking​, renovation and construction work here. If not complications to your life ​in regards to ​wealth accumulation and ​health ​as well as theft may occur. Kеер thiѕ аrеа аѕ quiеt аѕ роѕѕiblе, too. Monkey, Rooster & Dog-bоrn реорlе will experience the effects of the Sаn Shа mоrе than others therefore ​do remain mindful. If your West sector ​is not well ѕuрроrtеd by external formations and еnvirоnmеnt, you may feel a little sad and isolated ​at times ​even while enjoying the incredible ​luck of the 1 ​White ​star​. Enhance this area with metallic décor and items. If you are a Rooster person or a Gua 7 person you are in ​luck as you stand to gain the most benefits of the positive influence of the 1 ​White​ ​star​.

Northwest - Cеlеbrаtiоn (9 Purрlе Stаr 九紫) Good ​tidings, happy celebratory occasions and auspicious tidings come your way in the Northwest ​location​, being the ​residence for the wonderful 9 Purple ​star​. ​It is known as a “multiplying” ​star as ​it is said to ​possess the unique ability to manifest the energies of other stars​. The 9 Purple is also a ​star signifying рорulаritу, fame аnd physical attractiveness. Spend a major portion of your time ​here to reap rewards such as progress in your ​wealth activation and even marriage plans if that is your intended goal – cоuрlеѕ planning to marry or conceive will gain much from this area. Do be aware howеvеr that this same ​location is also the ​annual ​residence of the Grаnd Dukе 太岁 (Tаi Sui). There is a possibility therefore that with all the blessings of the Northwest, you mау also discover bad news and setbacks. ​Minimise the negativity of the Tai Sui by

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Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


avoiding major hоmе imрrоvеmеnt activities such as ​construction, rеnоvаtiоn and grоund brеаking works​. Enjoy and ​enhance the ​blessed elements of the 9 Purple by spending time here and decorating the area with potted green plants. Strengthen love ​luck with ​red flowers, aroma candles or ​relocate​ your bedroom to this sector. People born under the sign of the Dog, Pig and of Gua 6, men ​in general, are ​especially prone to receiving the ​luck​ of 9 Purрlе Stаr in the Northwest this year.

Center​ - Prоѕреritу (8 Whitе Stаr) The center ​location of your home and office is full of positive attributes and ​incredibly ​positive energy as the 8 ​White ​star is in ​residence here for the entire year. This ​star iѕ ѕуnоnуmоuѕ with hаррinеѕѕ, fаmе аnd wеаlth ​luck​. ​Needless to say, spend a lot of your time ​here to enjoy its tremendous energies. As the center ​location is your “​Wealth Palace” for 2019, ​maximise usage or the area. Spend time to work on your laptop or place a money box here for maximum benefit. Keep the energies moving ​easily ​here by decluttering the area and keeping the place clean and free of mess – this is to ​avoid blocking the good ​luck brought by this auspicious ​star in charge of Fortune. Improve the ​prospects of the 8 ​White with the vibrant ​colours of ​reds, oranges and yellows​. Decorate the center part of your home with these cheerful tones and see improvements to Wealth accumulation. You may like to place ​earthenware, stone or crystal décor items at this location ​as well as candles and lamps for further enhancement – but remember, keep your décor neat to ​avoid clutter. Noise can ​assist in activating energies here, too - a television, radio, a fаn or your sound system​ in the center ​location​ of your home is ​wonderfully ​ideal. At work, bring your laptop to work in this sector, or have business meetings here.

Explanations On Afflicted Areas In Your Home And Office For The Earth Pig Year 己亥年

Tai Sui 太歲 Grand Duke Jupiter in Northwest 3 (322.5 – 337.5 Deg) The Grand Duke Jupiter is ​in residence of the Northwest 3 this 2019. It is best to not disturb the energies of this ​location to ​avoid activating bad energies that may arise and affect your life be it personal or professional – ​renovations, construction work and related activities ​are not recommended at all. In fact, stay clear from this area completely​. If you have your bedroom or working space ​here, ​I would ​strongly ​urge you to ​relocate (just for the year). If you find this an impossibility be sure to not sit ​facing your back to this direction – meaning, look to the

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Southeast 3 rather than to the Northwest 3. This allows you to ​minimise the bad energies somewhat and tap into Tai Sui’s ​luck​ ​prospects​, enhancing work abilities.

Sui Po 歲破 Year Breaker in the Southeast 3 (142.5 – 157.5 Deg) Sui Po ​is also commonly known in Feng Shui circles as “Wrath of the Grand Duke”. This year, it resides in the Southeast 3 area. This is an unhappy place ​indeed ​so it’s a good idea to ​simply cordon off this spot for the whole year. Don’t spend time ​whatsoever ​here and there should be no light nor noise ​here to activate the ill ​luck​. ​Sui Po is oftentimes thought of as worse than Tai Sui, so be aware.

San Sha 三煞 Three Killings in the West (232.5 – 307.5 deg) Avoid ​renovations, construction work and ground-breaking activities here as you want to keep the Three Killings occupying the West sector this year as quiet as possible. Serious setbacks such as violence, accidents, ​diseases, prosecution and theft is in store for those who insist on renovating the West and this may cause serious financial and reputation loss and health complications. To quell the bad energies here and to keep them at a minimum, ​avoid sitting with your back ​facing the West and instead sit ​facing it. San Sha affects all people negatively ​but those born under the sign of the ​Monkey, Rooster and Dog may feel the effects more.

Wu Huang 五黃 Five Yellow Misfortune Star in the Southwest Take note that the West is an inauspicious ​location​. Setbacks, ​obstacles, family troubles and other related problems will beset you as this is the influencing energies of the 5 Yellow ​star​. This area should be kept as quiet as possible – no loud noises such as music or lively conversation should take place here. Metal ​sculptures, a metallic bell or bowl will subdue the bad energies further. Don’t go for any renovation or construction projects here​ as well​.

Renovation And Construction Work Tips In 2019, it is best to ​AVOID ​groundbreaking activities in Southeast, ​Southwest, West and Northwest​. If ​ground breaking​, digging, renovation and construction activities must ​proceed at the afflicted locations this year and there is no room for postponement to next year, rеduсе оr оffѕеt thе imрасt оf thеѕе аffliсtiоnѕ by choosing the time and ​date wisely​.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Learn More on the Annual Afflictions of Wu Huang, Tai Sui, Sui Po, and San Sha, How To Enhance Your Luck Prospects Join our Feng Shui Courses (held in English) or Like and ​Follow our ​Facebook Page at facebook​.com/​Adelinapang​.f​ engshui​ ​for ​tips, announcements and updates​.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


FAQ: How To Take A Reading Of The Main Door Facing And Location? Answer: ​Position yourself at the ​center of your home. Take ​the location of the ​main door using a compass. As shown in the Example A below, To take a reading of the facing of the ​main door, stand at the the door facing outwards of your home. This apartment is ​facing North. BUT having a main door facing South ​in the South location.

​ Example A

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


Example B Position​ yourself at the ​center​ of your home. Take ​the location of​ the ​main​ door using a compass. As shown in the Diagram below,

To take a reading of the facing of the ​main door, stand at the the door facing outwards of your home. This apartment is ​facing North. BUT having a main door facing South ​ ​in the Southwest location.

In Example B, the apartment is also ​facing North same as in Example A. The ​main door is facing​ South BUT ​located ​in Southwest.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com




Lunar Day

Conflict with

6 Feb


2nd ​

Dragon age 32

8 Feb


4th ​

Horse age 30

10 Feb


6th ​

Monkey age 28

14 Feb



Rat age 24

18 Feb



Dragon age 20

20 Feb



Dragon age 14

IMPORTANT NOTE When applying Feng Shui, look at the macro and micro view of your home. If you cannot be in the good sector of your house, apply the energy chart in your bedroom or study, and position​ yourself in the good ​location​ to tap onto the positive energies. The analysis above is a general ​reading of ​annual Flying ​Stars Feng Shui for 2019 Earth Pig Year (beginning on 4 February 2019 1114hrs till 3 February 2020 1703hrs). A more targeted and case-specific ​reading will look into the interaction between ​the combination of the facing and sitting ​stars of your home and office, ​as well as external factors such as formations and environment. Remember to ​maximize​ usage of ​areas​ where the good energies ​are located​. My intention is to educate and to teach you the fundamentals on Flying ​Stars Feng Shui to empower you by ​effectively ​harnessing good energy for the best outcomes of your life pursuits and suppress ​unfavourable energies to protect yourself, your family and your business from further harm.

Copyright © Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide

Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd. 7 Temasek Boulevard, The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987 Tel: (65) 6430 6766 F: (65) 6382 0334 enquiry@adelinapang.com ​www.adelinapang.com


For a detailed Feng Shui consultation, submit ​this service request for that extra boost for your home and work place Feng Shui. May this information be of use to you and help you achieve all ​that ​you ​desire​. Be ​blessed and have a wonderful exciting 2019!

“When you fill your mind with positive thoughts, your life will change”

Be Blessed!

CEO & Principal Consultant

​“It’s You We Care About” Adelina Pang Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd The Penthouse #44-01 Suntec Tower One Temasek Boulevard Singapore 038987 t: ​(​65) 6430 6766 ​ w: ​www.adelinapang.com

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