~ World War I Bridge Text Project LP 9th grade World History Video and Reading over Causes of WWI (90 min class, BCA and Closure left off) Standards
History /Government/Social Studies Content Standard: Standard #1: Choices have Consequences Standard #3: Societies are shaped by beliefs, ideas, and diversity High school World History /The World at War 1910-1945/ pg. 89 Common Core Literacy Standard(s):9-10 Key ideas and details #3: Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine whether Earlier events led to later.
Materials Needed
Essential Question: • How did World War I start? • What were the M.A.I.N. causes of The Great War? • What were the effects of World War I?
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John Green Crash Course video over WWI link: ttps://www.youtube.com/watch ?v= XPZQOLAIR41 9th grade World history text book (# of students) Copies of WWI Causes Reading Guide, over section one of chapter 14 stopwatch
Objective(s): Students will Identify the key cause of WWI.
Developmental Activity #1:Crash Course video Thinkpai share 20mins
Brief Explanation/Steps: The video covers a brief overview of the M.A.I.N. causes then goes over how the Archduke's death led to several countries declaring war, as well as some of the effects of the war.
1. Open link "htt_ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v= XPZQOLA1R4" and play the video. (12mins) 2. Give students 2 min to think about the most important part of the video and the worst part of the video answer the questions on a sheet of paper. 3. Then have Students share with a partner their thoughts. ( 2mins) one minute for each partner to share, time it. 4. Then call on several students to share what their partner said and explain why. (3 mins)
Assessment(s): Informal Formative: Monitor student participation during the video and in the Think Pair Share. Rationale: Cain and Cain Brain based learning theory principle #5 States emotions are critical to patterning. Creating a positive emotion leads to better retention of information. The humor and use of many different sources from soldiers hit on many different human emotions introducing the concepts for today's reading in a powerful yet positive way. While allowing students to discuss what they felt was the most important and worst part teaches them to collaborate and critically look at sources for their best and worst parts. Preparing the scaffolding to give a base level understanding when moving to the reading will create a better retention and understanding of both texts.
Developmental Activity #2: Reading Strategy Study Guided Reading 40 mins
Objective(s): Students will summarize key events, people, and places from World War I.
Part 1: Steps for BRIEF Preview of Reading Section (Pre-reading) 5mins Instruct students to: 1. Read headings and title of chapter. 2. Skim the introduction. 3. Look at visuals. 4. Look at terms. 5. Skim the summary. 6. Skim review questions.
Part 2: Steps for Reading Strategy (During Reading) A. Reading the Assigned Section (10 mins) 1. Individually students will read pages 274-279 titled "Causes of WWI"
B. Completing the Reading Strategy Handout in Pairs (15 mins) 1. Students can pick their partner for the Reading study guide. 2.
Then one student of each pair can come to the front of the room to get two WWI Causes Reading Guides.
3. Tell the students they have 15 minutes to complete the reading guide with their partner. 4.
Patrol the room to make sure they are not just copying off one another. Make notes on clip board if seen copying to deduct points. Tell students that point will be lost for copying and to work together to find answers instead to discourage one student from doing all the work.
When finished students will hold on to their papers for the post reading activity.
Part 3: Steps for Checking/Discussing Reading Strategy (Post-reading) (10 mins) 1. Call on pairs to share answers by throwing the review ball to them in order on reading guide. 2. Continue until all questions have been answered. 3. Have students turn in papers to the front of the room.
Assessment(s): Formal formative: Study guides will be collected and graded for accuracy. Summative: Information on the reading guide would be on the test.
Rationale: Gardner's theory of Multiple intelligences says that people learn in different ways. The main intelligences affected by this reading activity are, Verbal Interpersonal, ect ... Students use the Verbal intelligence when they read the text and write their answers on their reading guide, Interpersonal intelligence when they discuss answers with their partners, Kinesthetic by playing catch, Auditory by going over the answers aloud, and so on ...
-andEL416 July 5, 2016 Bridge Text Project The new literacy was incorporated into our lesson plan with a John Green video describing the First World War. The video is fast-paced and goes through the causes as well as effects of the war. The video covers a large amount of information in just twelve minutes. This video will act as scaffolding for the reading over the causes of World War I. The John Green video acts as an icebreaker to the text. He explains the information in a humorous way, allowing the students to get comfortable with the content. Reading straight from the textbook can often be boring and unsuccessful and so aligning these two activities together allows for the student to become more engaged with the text and help them to further understand the information being presented to them. Using this video to introduce the students to the content will help them with their reading development by putting the information in layman' s terms so that the students can understand what is going on in their reading when the text is difficult. The video creates scaffolding for the text by introducing the students to the content in order for them to get some background knowledge before delving into the reading. The video will give the students a better understanding of the information they are reading so as to help them through the difficult text. The Think Pair Share is designed to keep all students active and participating because each partner is held accountable for the information that they have seen and discussed. This will help to engage the students for this video and will be used to bridge the gap between the student's understanding and the text. This is how we will hold them accountable for the information presented on the video. If the technology used wasn't working, I would use a lecture over the M.A.I.N. causes of World War I which are Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism.
Each of these were essential causes of the war and having students understand each of them would create a supplement to the scaffolding for the text. The information covered would essentially be the same, but with better humor. Overall, I have found these humorous yet educational videos to be an incredible resources for bridging the text from scholarly to layman' s terms. I have found that the internet holds many useful tools for teaching, especially videos that give the information in a way that can keep students engaged and entertained while still getting the message across.