Voice Threads Teacher Demonstration

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Voice Thread Assignment



Website: www.voicethread.com Username: _______________________________________ Password: ________________________________________

Step #1: After finishing your novel, re-examine the story’s plot and identify at least ___________ key situations in chronological order. Briefly record those elements in the top portion of the boxes below. Step #2: Then, think of a picture that would reflect this situation well and describe it in the bottom half of the boxes. You will later search for pictures on the Internet to add to your voice thread. Step #3: Finally, add your speaking lines below the plot and pictures. This will be what you narrate during your picture slides. Step #4: Go to the website above and register for the free subscription. Write your username and password in the spaces provided.

Plot Situation:

Plot Situation:

Plot Situation:

Plot Situation:

Picture Idea:

Picture Idea:

Picture Idea:

Picture Idea:

Voice Commentary:

Plot Situation:

Plot Situation:

Plot Situation:

Plot Situation:

Picture Idea:

Picture Idea:

Picture Idea:

Picture Idea:

Plot Situation:

Plot Situation:

Plot Situation:

Plot Situation:

Picture Idea:

Picture Idea:

Picture Idea:

Picture Idea:

Voice Commentary:

Voice Commentary:

Step #5: Search for pictures and save them to a common file on your computer (this step can be time-consuming). Step #6: Log onto www.voicethread.com and watch the “1 minute Voice Thread” tutorial under the MY VOICE tab. Step #7: Begin uploading all pictures from your file and rearrange them in chronological order based on your brainstorming page. Step #8: Hook up the mic to your computer and, using your voice commentary script, narrate the story’s plot for each picture. Step #9: Edit and revise your voice thread until finished. Need help? Revisit this example: www.voicethread.com/share/1238568/ Step #10: Use the rubric provided on your peer’s paper and evaluate their voice thread.

Rubrics Student Rubric

3 (Very good)

2 (Adequate)

1 (Lacking)

Teacher Rubric

3 (Very good)

2 (Adequate)

1 (Lacking)

Voice/Text Comments

Voice is clear and easily understandable. Sentences make sense. Pictures are detailed and match the situation being described.

Voice is muffled or quiet. Some sentences may be incomplete.

No voice or very difficult to understand. Several incomplete sentences. Pictures are sketchy and do not correlate with the situations being described. Story is not in chronological order and skips plot elements.

Voice/Text Comments

Voice is clear and easily understandable. Sentences make sense. Pictures are detailed and match the situation being described.

Voice is muffled or quiet. Some sentences may be incomplete.


Story is told in chronological order and appears to follow the story’s plot

No voice or very difficult to understand. Several incomplete sentences. Pictures are sketchy and do not correlate with the situations being described. Story is not in chronological order and skips plot elements.

The voice thread doesn’t retell the story. Pictures and sound distract from the presentation or are missing.

Overall Quality

The voice thread retells the story accurately. The pictures and sound add to the presentation.



Story is told in chronological order and appears to follow the story’s plot

Overall Quality

The voice thread retells the story accurately. The pictures and sound add to the presentation.

Pictures may be pixilated. They mostly match situations being described. Story is mostly told in chronological order but may be missing some plot elements The voice thread mostly retells the story. Pictures and sound occasionally add to the presentation.


Pictures may be pixilated. They mostly match situations being described. Story is mostly told in chronological order but may be missing some plot elements The voice thread mostly retells the story. Pictures and sound occasionally add to the presentation.

The voice thread doesn’t retell the story. Pictures and sound distract from the presentation or are missing.

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