C O N V O C AT I O N TAY L O R ’ S L A K E S I D E U N I V E R S I T Y C A M P U S | 2 8 t h M a y 1 6
Adila ZAAS.
A L HA M D UL L I L A H Ne w Be gin n in g
Drawings complete, assignments done. Mortar board’s up; taking my degree scroll. It’s not the end, but it’s actually the newbeginning.
B AC KB ONE mama | ay ah
Thank you for everything. I cant really express and repay all the things that both of you gave me. Inshaa Allah, as a daughter, I will try my best to succeed in the future as well as having great attitude. Above all, I only want to express that I love both of you so much.
B E ST F R I E ND T I L L JA NN AH Nasre e n H ajibe igy
I did prayed to Allah to always have an awesome best friend that can always guide and motivate each other. Well, here you are always keeping me company. Thank you for such a wonderful memories for these 4 years in degree. May our friendship goes on until Jannah.
A I R P L A NE S S u r ay y n | You S h ing | D iya na | Jan n ah | T in g T in g | M e e ra | Son ia | G e rtrude
name of this whole friendship already pictures the whole
scenery. Up and down full with journey but we fight through it. Inspiration and motivation kept on been giving to me until the very end. Best of luck and always keep good intention in heart.
E R I C E MP I R E I I Eric | S a uf ie | Doal | R idh | Arif | T e n g We rn Sue Jing | Li am | You Shin g | Yao Nin g
may stay in the same studio for only a semester. But it
actually felt like years knowing all of you. This empire gave me a whole different galaxy which filled with awesome people. Thanks for making such wonderful memories. May the force be with us eternity.
SAPURA - IANS Na m ira | Azmin a | M y ra | M ariah
beloved bestiest from sapura high school. Thank you for
coming that day with a beautiful bouquet of flower. Besides, all of your support since high school had gave me motivation to reach on to this day. May Allah keep our friendship eternity and bless our journey
I M P O R TA N C E Archimate s | F rie n ds
T- Square, Autocad, Sketchup, Drawings can be put aside when I have these awesome people in studio. We may or may not cross patch with each other but I wish all of you a pleasant journey.
ONCE AGAIN A n e w be gin n in g
May Allah bless my journey in the future and hereafter. Ameen.