Community Resource Guide 2024

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Your Connection To The Community 2024 L AKE PLACID NEWS © 2024 Adirondack Publishing Co. Resource Directory Community FREE

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2024 Community Directory

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 2 Volunteer of the Year ............................6 What to do if you experience a cyberattack ........................................7 Lake Placid Ecumenical Food Pantry ................................................10 A beginner’s guide to IPW 101 ..........14 Accountants ............................................20 Addiction Treatment ............................20 Agriculture ............................................20 Ambulance ..............................................20 Animal Shelters/Help ............................21 Arborists ................................................21 Art Galleries ..........................................21 Attorneys/Mediation Services ............21 Auto Repair ............................................21 Banking ..................................................21 Barber......................................................21 Business Assistance ..............................21 Chambers of Commerce ......................22 Charitable Organizations ....................22 Churches/Synagogues ..........................22 Clubs and Organizations ....................23 Conservation ..........................................28 Container/Dumpster Services ............28 Counseling ..............................................28 Day/Overnight Camp ..........................29 Dentists ....................................................29 Emergency Needs Pantries ..................29 Emergency Numbers ............................29 Emergency Services ..............................29 Fire Departments ..................................30 Fire Equipment......................................30 Food Pantries ........................................30 Funeral Homes ......................................31 Government............................................31 In Essex County ..............................................................31 In Franklin County ..........................................................32 In New York State 34 In Washington 34 Government Agencies-NYS ................35 Government-Towns/Villages ..............35 Health, Wellness, Fitness......................36 Hearing....................................................36 Heating ....................................................36 Heating (Plumbing & Air Conditioning) ....................................36 Housing Assistance................................36 Insurance ................................................36 Libraries..................................................37 Media ......................................................37 Medical ....................................................37 Monuments ............................................38 Museums ................................................38 Plumbing ................................................38 Post Offices ............................................38 Printers ....................................................39 Property Care/Maintenance................39 Real Estate ..............................................39 Rentals ....................................................40 Schools ....................................................40 Security Systems ....................................40 Senior Citizens Services ......................40 Senior Housing ......................................41 Services ....................................................41 Shipping Services ..................................41 Ski Areas ................................................41 Social Services ........................................41 Substance Abuse ....................................43 Support Groups ....................................43 Therapists ..............................................43 Thrift Shops............................................43 Transfer Stations/Recycling Centers ..43 Transportation ......................................43 Trash Removal Services ......................44 Travel Information ..............................44 Utilities ....................................................44 Veterinarians ..........................................44 Voting Information ..............................44 Website Design ......................................44 Wellness ..................................................44 Youth Centers/Programs ....................44 Zip Codes ................................................45
2024 Community Resource Guide www adirondackdailyenterprise com www lakeplacidnews com 54 Broadway, or P O Box 318, Saranac Lake, NY 12983 Phone: 518-891-2600 Fax: 518-891-2756 LAKE PLACID NEWS

We Have the Cause, You Have the EffectVolunteers Needed

The Foster Grandparent Program purpose is to provide opportunities for low-income persons aged 55 and older (that reside in Franklin, Clinton, Essex, Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties) to provide person to person services in health, education and the welfare of children ages 21 and below. Foster Grandparents are placed in a classroom setting with children who need development of basic learning skills, to provide friendship and unhurried help. You will also receive a small non-taxable stipend that will not interfere with current benefits you may be receiving. You will also receive mileage for travel, paid holidays, vacations, sick time, and personal days! We hope that you will be part of our team of volunteers in your community. Please call Melissa Howard at (518) 359-7688 for more information on how you can join TODAY!!!

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 3 AuSable Dental Center Dr. George Sarandev NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 30 N. Main Street, AuSable Forks, NY Dental Implants • Root Canals • TMJ Treatments Same-day Emergency Treatments • Crowns • Bridges • Veneers Participating with GHI and CSEA in full 518-647-5150 Terry Buckley Serving the Tri-Lakes and beyond 518-637-3458 Trusted Guidance and Protection New York Life Insurance Company Life insurance and retirement planning Your local Life Insurance Agent New York Life Ins Co & Financial Services Professional, NYLIFE Securities LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, A licensed insurance agency and New York Life Company 111 Main St., Tupper Lake, NY 12986 Forever Wild Arborist Danger Tree Removal Lot Clearing Bracing & Cabling Pruning & Chipping Landscaping Property Management The Adirondack Choice for Tree Care Nick LaMere Arborist 518-578-0980
A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 4 Dr. Mara Mariani, DDS Dr. George Sarandev, DDS Welcoming New Patients! 518-302-5502 518-302-5502 2051 Saranac Ave., Suite 103 at Placid Pond 2051 Saranac Ave., Suite 103 at Placid Pond Emergency Treatments • Root Canals Same Day Crowns and Veneers TMJ Treatments • Dental Implants Dental Cleanings and Prevention WILKINS AGENCY Auto - Home - Business Locals Serving Locals Since 1928 Lake Placid 2208 Saranac Ave Lake Placid, NY 12946 518-523-2508 Saranac Lake 83 River St Saranac Lake, NY 12983 518-891-0001 INSURANCE
A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 5 Serving Lake Placid, Long Lake, Saranac Lake and Tupper Lake school districts

Ringing in the new Volunteer of the Year

Charles Blackman holds the bell he rings for the Salvation Army outside his home in Tupper Lake.

(Enterprise photo Oliver Reil)

Charles Blackman goes into his 20th year as a Salvation Army Christmas bell ringer in Tupper Lake

T U P P E R L A K E C h a r l e s

Blackman is this year’s Volunteer of the Year, nominated for his nearly two decades of service to the Tupper Lake community as a Salvation Army bell ringer.

“ W e l l , I ’ m v e r y h o n o r e d , ” Blackman said in his Tupper Lake home the day he heard the news. “To be honest with you, there are more people who are more deserving, because they do it all year long ”

I n t h e l o c a l c o m m u n i t y , Blackman is well known as the bell ringer who brings holiday c h e e r t o t o w n w h i l e r a i s i n g money for the local food pantry outside Shaheen’s IGA grocery store around the holidays.

Blackman moved to town from New Jersey in 2003 and began ringing the bell in 2005 His wife, Joan, said that when she meets

someone she doesn’t know, she says, “Do you go to Shaheen’s b e t w e e n T h a n k s g i v i n g a n d Christmas, do you grocery shop?

I’m Mrs. Bell Ringer,” and they catch on immediately

F r o m t h e M o n d a y a f t e r

Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve, Blackman can be seen outside ringing his bell every morning from around 8:30 a m to 1 p m

This will be his 19th year

“I get to listen to Christmas music, talk to nice people and h o p e f u l l y I ’ m h e l p i n g s o m ebody,” he said “That’s kind of a nice way to spend a morning ”

Blackman said that this past season was very successful, but added that the fundraising effort always is.

“People were, as always, very kind, very generous,” he said.

B l a c k m a n p o i n t e d o u t t h a t Tupper Lake is not a wealthy community, and yet he feels the

generosity there is unwavering

The average donation is $1 or $2, with the occasional person leaving $50 or more The bell ringer raised $6,077 in his one month’s worth of mornings outside the supermarket in 2023.

The biggest donations he’s ever gotten have all been anonymous

One day, he was packing up his truck when he saw a man stick something in the kettle, which was still out. Blackman yelled “thanks” and walked over, only to find nearly $400. Later that day, when he was counting the day’s donations, he found another bundle of three or four $50s. He once received a check for around $500 with all the person’s info scribbled over and a squiggle for a signature

“I tell people I live in a beautiful area filled with nice people,” Blackman said “What else do you need?”

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e
2 0 2 4

What to do if you experience a cyberattack

The following information is provided by www Ready gov, an o f f i c i a l w e b s i t e o f t h e U S

D e p a r t m e n t o f H o m e l a n d Security. has extensive e m e r g e n c y p r e p a r e d n e s s i n f o rmation for many situations

C y b e r a t t a c k s a r e m a l i c i o u s attempts to access or damage a c o m p u t e r o r n e t w o r k s y s t e m . Cyberattacks can lead to the loss of money or the theft of personal, financial and medical information These attacks can damage your reputation and safety.

C y b e r s e c u r i t y i n v o l v e s p r eventing, detecting and responding to those cyberattacks that can h a v e w i d e - r a n g i n g e f f e c t s o n i n d i v i d u a l s , o r g a n i z a t i o n s , t h e community and the nation

C y b e r a t t a c k s c a n o c c u r i n many ways, including:

¯ A c c e s s i n g y o u r p e r s o n a l computers, mobile phones, gaming systems and other interneta n d B l u e t o o t h - c o n n e c t e d devices.

¯ D a m a g i n g y o u r f i n a n c i a l security, including identity theft

¯ B l o c k i n g y o u r a c c e s s o r deleting your personal information and accounts

¯ Complicating your employment or business services.

¯ Impacting transportation and the power grid

You can avoid cyber risks by taking steps in advance:

¯ Limit the personal information you share online. Change privacy settings and do not use location features.

¯ Keep software applications and operating systems up-to-date

¯ Create strong passwords by using upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. Use a password manager and two methods of verification

¯ Watch for suspicious activity that asks you to do something right away, offers something that sounds too good to be true, or needs your personal information Think before you click When in doubt, do NOT click.

¯ Protect your home and/or business using a secure Internet connection and Wi-Fi network, and change passwords regularly

¯ Don’t share PINs or passwords Use devices that use biometric scans when possible (e g f i n g e r p r i n t s c a n n e r o r f a c i a l recognition).

¯ C h e c k y o u r a c c o u n t s t a t e m e n t s a n d c r e d i t r e p o r t s regularly.

¯ Be cautious about sharing p e r s o

, such as your bank account number, Social Security number or credit card number. Only share personal information on secure sites that begin with https:// Do not use sites with invalid certific a t e s U s e a V i r t u a l P r i v a t e Network (VPN) that creates a more secure connection.

¯ Use antivirus and anti-malware solutions, and firewalls to block threats

¯ Back up your files regularly in an encrypted file or encrypted file storage device

¯ Do not click on links in texts or emails from people you don’t know Scammers can create fake links to websites.

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f i
a n c i a l i n f o r m a t i o n

Cyber attack

(Continued from Page 7)

¯ Remember that the government will not call, text or contact y o u v i a s o c i a l m e d i a a b o u t owing money

¯ Keep in mind that scammers may t r y to ta k e a d van t ag e o f financial fears by calling with w o r k - f r o m - h o m e - o p p o r t u n i t i e s , debt consolidation offers and student loan repayment plans

During a cyberattack:

¯ Check your credit card and bank statements for unrecognizable charges.

¯ Check your credit reports for any new accounts or loans you didn’t open.

¯ Be alert for emails and social media users that ask for private information.

¯ If you notice strange activity, limit the damage by changing all of your internet account passwords immediately

¯ C o n s i d e r t u r n i n g o f f t h e device that has been affected Take it to a professional to scan

for potential viruses and remove any that they find Remember: A company will not call you and ask for control of your computer to fix it This is a common scam

¯ Let work, school or other system owners know what happened

¯ Run a security scan on your device to make sure your system is not infected or acting more slowly or inefficiently.

¯ If you find a problem, disc o n n e c


h e Internet and perform a full system restore

Let the proper federal, state and local authorities know if you believe you have been a victim of a cyberattack. Contact banks, credit card companies and other

where you hold accounts. You m

n accounts that have been attacked. Close any unauthorized credit or c


File a report with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG ) if you think someone is using your Social Security number illegally File a complaint with the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) They will review the complaint and refer it to the appropriate agency File a report with the local police so there is an official record of the incident Report


Trade Commission. Contact the F

( F T C )

you receive messages from anyone claiming to be a government agent


depending on what information w a


Administration (800-269- 0271) if your Social Security number w

T h

Department of Motor Vehicles if your driver’s license or car registration has been stolen Report online crime or fraud to your local United States Secret Service (USSS) Electronic Crimes Task F o r c e o r t h e I n t e r n e t C r i m e Complaint Center

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 8
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A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 9 518-873-3500 As a local department of NYSDOH we support this vision through programs, services, interventions. ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Community Health Assessment 132 Water Street Elizabethtown, NY 12932 Emergency Preparedness & Response Communicable Disease Control Chronic Disease Prevention Environmental Health Family Health Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Home Health Children's Services NBT Bank of Lake Placid 2483 Main Street Lake Placid, NY 12946 518.523.9544 Member FDIC

‘A very special thing’

From left, volunteers Bernie Clarke, Barbara Persico and Linda Young stand in the main storage room of the Lake Placid Ecumenical Food Pantry on Feb. 23. After a three-hour shift, the food pantry served 55 households.

(Enterprise photos Sydney Emerson)

Lake Placid Ecumenical Food Pantry


Half an hour before closing for the week, the Lake Placid Ecumenical Food Pantry was still in full swing in the last week of February, with toddlers running around underfoot and volunteers chatting with clients as they filled out paperwork. By noon, they had served 55 households in three hours and had run out of cooking oil, ketchup, cheese, meat and other staples

The volunteers worked through it all with smiles on their faces

“When you help others, it makes you feel better,” said longtime volunteer Bernie Clarke She and her husband, Carmine Salvo, work at the pantry every Friday “When we get in the car when we leave, we’re exhausted. But it’s really good exhaustion ”

The food pantry is open to the public from 9 a.m. to noon every Friday in the basement of St Agnes Church in Lake Placid. Despite limited hours, the demand is high for the pantry’s services and

open every Friday

The Lake Placid Ecumenical Food Pantry provided more than 28,000 meals to local families in 2023.

there is no shortage of volunteers Linda Young manages the food pantry She said volunteers hold the food pantry together

“I can’t praise my volunteers enough,” she said. “Anybody that

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A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 11 Call 518-523-7319 for an appointment today! Surgery • Dentistry • Vaccinations • Annual Exams • XRay & Ultrasound Laser Therapy • Pet Food Products Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Saturday 8am-12pm Lake Placid AYRES INSURANCE Caring Insuring for New York Since 1889 “Friendly, Professional, Local Service with Very Competitive Prices For Your Car, Home, and Business!” Call Now For A Free Review and Quote, Email: Northern Extinguishers & Fire Safety LLC Northern Extinguishers & Fire Safety LLC Fire Extinguishers / Sales & Svc. 19 John Peria Rd., Saranac Lake, NY 12983 518-891-2023 Servicing the Tri-lakes region Residential & Commercial


(Continued from Page 10)

comes to work there’s a reason They all feel it’s necessary. They get a fulfillment from it Volunteering is a very special thing ”

On Thursdays, a group of volunteers restocks the storage room in preparation for Friday’s clients Friday mornings starting at 9 a m sharp, clients begin to line up at the door on Hillcrest Avenue

When clients enter the food pantry, they are greeted by front desk volunteers who take down their contact information a requirement from the regional food bank and give them a list of available food items The clients go through the list and circle or highlight anything they might want or need, and then the list is handed over to volunteers in the storage room. Those volunteers go through the list and pack shopping bags with as many items are available When supplies run short, they sometimes check with clients about substitutions

From left, volunteers Bernie Clarke and John Fay review a list of food and toiletry requests from a local family at the Lake Placid Ecumenical Food Pantry on Feb. 23.

(Enterprise photo Sydney Emerson)

the local economy

Many of the canned staples come from the regional food bank in amounts determined by the food pantry’s number of clients. The majority of items in the storage room, however, are donated: refrigerated or frozen goods, dog and cat food, toiletries and diapers

“(The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) does not give any toiletries or feminine products So this is very, very much in demand,” Clarke said “SNAP and food stamps can give you the food, but they all want shampoo and soap ”

Donations are a quieter form of volunteerism volunteering one’s resources or income Clarke said donations come from all over the community Local schools and churches regularly hold food drives and the Zonta Club of the Adirondacks supply feminine hygiene products Others donate toothbrushes, soap and baby wipes.

The food pantry has some unusual volunteers who monitor food waste, too: a herd of goats owned by another volunteer On the occasion that expired food which cannot be handed out to clients is donated, the goats get the expired goods as a snack, ensuring no food goes to waste

According to Clarke, 55 households is a “typical” Friday for the food pantry. In the fall, they had their biggest day ever at 78 clients Many of the food pantry’s clients are students from South America or Eastern Europe working in Lake Placid on a J1 visa Clarke said the food pantry holds the Lake Placid community together in many ways including feeding

“The hotels and restaurants couldn’t function without the J1s,” she said “In a roundabout way, we’re helping the hotels because their staff couldn’t work without the food we give them.”

Young said that the food pantry is about much more than making sure people’s stomachs are full.

“The food you need to give out You need to give out the clothes and the shoes But you need to give out the support. That’s where it all comes in, she said. “(It’s about) fulfilling something that needs to be done and having a good feeling of knowing that you’re touching someone else’s life.”

The food pantry has a deep bench of volunteers Some show up every week, like Clarke and Salvo, while others come when they can Clarke estimated that around half of the volunteers are retirees, but some are also doctors, registered nurses and lawyers. Young does not schedule the volunteers; they come in as they can

“There could be even two or three of us and we’d get it done,” Young said “I cannot praise the people that come to volunteer (enough). ... Everything just works ”

Clarke said she and her husband love volunteering because its a hands-on way to give back to the community

“I like it because it’s really tactile You’re not sending money to somebody and it’s not something you do twice a year,” she said “It’s emotional, but at the end of the day, the reason that it happens is because everybody pulls together ”

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 12

Mass Times

Saturday: St. Bernard’s 4:30pm

Sunday: Assumption 8am St. Bernard’s 10am

St. Bernard’s, 27 St. Bernard St., Saranac Lake, 518-891-4616

Church of the Assumption, 826 State Rte. 86, Gabriels

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 13 2699 Main St., Lake Placid • 518-523-3196 73 Church St., Ste. 1, Saranac Lake • 518-891-6600 Auto • Home • Life • Business GORDON W. PRATT INSURANCE AGENCY I.B. HUNT AGENCY Family Owned & Operated Independent Agents For all your insurance needs 518-897-1000 354 Broadway Saranac Lake, NY 12983 518-521-3322 3372 State Rt 11 Malone, NY 12953 315-705-0700 2 Hospital Dr. Massena, NY 13662 Walk-Ins or Telehealth Visits
St. Bernard’s Catholic Parish

Jacob Adams seals in ice blocks on a tower at the Ice Palace on Thursday, Jan. 25. (Enterprise photo Aaron Marbone)

A beginner’s guide to the IPW 101

The Ice Palace is a staple

THE staple of the Saranac Lake Winter Carnival The very name imbues wonder and magic into the air. But it doesn’t appear by magic

It takes a lot of hard work from a lot of volunteers to build the palace on the shore of Lake Flower. These folks go by the name of the Ice Palace Workers 101, a faux union representing the dozens of spudders, slush makers, knuckleboom loader operators, ice carvers and saw wielders who strike out on the ice each morning in late January to cut thousands of pounds of ice from Pontiac Bay and stack it all up into a royal palace

The Ice Palace is a thing of majesty, but the process is a thing of beauty in and of itself

This structure is the best and biggest representation of the spirit of Carnival and the spirit of volunteerism in Saranac Lake People volunteer their time and bodies to build something weird and wild

Six-foot long hand saws are fun to carry around while building the Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Ice Palace.

(Provided photo Shelly Manchester)

that thrills their neighbors, entices visitors and creates excitement in what can be a dull time of year

Several times this week, I’ve heard people wonder, “If you added up all the pay for all the people volunteering to do this work, what would it cost?” They do it for free and it is tough work. It’s cold and wet, physically exhausting and a little dangerous But there’s a reason people return year after year to do it.

There are IPW members who

live hours away but come up just to be part of the Ice Palace build. Some of them don’t even stick around for Carnival That’s how much they enjoy the process itself.

Ice community

For six years I’ve watched the IPW do their thing photographed them, admired them, bragged to my friends and family about them But I never joined

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Observed Holidays

Post Offices, schools, government agencies and financial institutions will be closed

May 27, 2024 Memorial Day

June 19 2024 Juneteenth Day

July 4, 2024 Independence Day

September 2, 2024 Labor Day

October 14, 2024 Columbus Day

November 11, 2024 Veteran’s Day

November 28, 2024 Thanksgiving Day

November 29, 2024 Franklin and Essex County offices are closed

December 25, 2024 Christmas Day

January 1, 2025 New Year’s Day

January 20, 2025 Martin Luther King Day

February 17, 2025 Presidents’ Day

SPARK Day Camp

Swimming • Field trips • Activities Grades K-5

download registration forms at 518-523-3771 | 2322 Saranac Ave., LP for more information 3 sessions to choose from June 24 to August 23

Saranac Village at Will Rogers offers independent retirement living with enhanced services, no-buy in fee and a great value! We are currently accepting new residents and we have immediate availability.

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Drive Saranac Lake, NY 12983
518-891-7117 78 Will Rogers
A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 16 Fortune-Keough Funeral Home Offering families Comfort & Peace-of-Mind during a difficult time 20 Church Street• Saranac Lake 518-891-3613
A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 17 Veterans Service Agency Suicide Prevention, Crisis Outreach, Service Referrals, Transportation & Linkage, Nature Retreats All Services FREE to the Veteran and their Family. Proud recipient of the SSGT Fox Suicide Prevention Grant & PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Veterans Peer to Peer Program Grant 24 Depot Street, Saranac Lake, NY 12983 518-354-5144

(Continued from Page 14)

them Doing so is easier than it seems

This year’s Winter Carnival queen, Liz Murray, is largely responsible for my joining the IPW We work together at the Enterprise and every January, she’s always raving about the Ice Palace and the IPW She’s a professional volunteer recruiter, always finding people to rope into helping put on events, kick start organizations or pitch in That is what the Ice Palace is all about

And now it’s my job to pass that message on to you, and to tell you joining the IPW 101 is a decision you won’t regret

Last year, the IPW was in crunch time Given only a week to build the monument to Carnival before it began, they worked long days and late nights

This time of desperation was what

prompted me to join them for an evening build after work

And I caught the bug

This year, I pledged, with the support of Enterprise Managing Editor Elizabeth Izzo, to spend much more time at the Ice Palace And I was greatly rewarded for it with the joy of community, the pride in building something incredible and the aches and pains

I’m so impressed with everyone’s ability to do this day after day I was only working half days and ended up feeling sore after most of them

After working a full day cutting, spudding and hauling slush last Saturday, I woke up on Sunday morning and I couldn’t move my neck Spudding worked muscles in my back and shoulders that I never use. These are some of what Joe Plumb calls “Ice Palace muscles” tissues in the body placed there for one purpose: building the Ice Palace

Sometimes people say I look like a “mountain man ” But you

Shawn Rohe, of Saranac Lake, sits in a tractor bucket and carves into the front of the Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Ice Palace on Friday. The lighting of the Ice Palace starts at 7 p.m. today, followed by a fireworks display.

(Enterprise photo Oliver Reil)

know who they don’t say that to?

Mountain men When you see a mountain man, you don’t have to say it It’s plain as day

Maybe it’s the beard.

A bunch of the regulars at the Ice Palace are local contractors who lend their skills, tools and strength to the construction Being out there gave me a renewed appreciation for their work Some people do this for a living Even then, contractor Darren Dalton said the Ice Palace is the hardest work on his body he does all year

Sometimes there’s a bit of “hurry up and wait” going on at the Ice Palace Fortunately, there’s also a lot of skilled conversationalists out there While waiting around for the work to begin, everyone is chatting catching up on life, learning about each other, swapping stories, sharing laughs, ribbing each other and having deep conversations

Murray has always said there’s certain people you only see at the Ice Palace. That is so true. Some of these people I hadn’t seen since last year’s build That’s partially because some of them are only in town for this special time

Kyle Tisdale lived in Saranac Lake for 15 years but moved to Vermont after last Carnival When he moved, he knew he’d come back for the Ice Palace build

“It was always going to happen,” he said.

So this year, using his vacation time from work, he came back to town to put in hours sweating at the Palace He said he will always do this.

“It’s always the happiest time of the year,” Tisdale said “I get to hang out with a bunch of buddies and have a bunch of fun ”

The IPW cure

I started work on the second day of the build, Tuesday, Jan. 23. Driving in that morning from my home in Bloomingdale, listening to the news on the radio and it was all war and politics Ugly business It’s important stuff to know about, especially in my profession, but I felt sad for the world. A hopeless sadness. It feels like there’s not much that can be done about it sometimes

My life is comfortable, but for much of the world, it is not The Ice Palace was a chance for me to make myself uncomfortable to

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bring more joy into the world. That’s part of the spirit of Carnival All these people giving of their time sacrificing something to bring people happiness The beautiful thing about that is it does not take much sacrifice to produce joy many times more great than what was put into it And the work is fun

Even while hard at work, everyone has a grin They’re working for a higher calling not a paycheck. Many people seemed to be there with someone in mind someone who they were building the palace for a child, a family member, a friend. Maybe someone who is not here anymore The Ice Palace is a gift in the truest sense of the word in that it takes sacrifice and has love put behind it

I could go on about the metaphysical impacts of the Ice Palace as a force for good in the world, but, really, you should go see for yourself.

Bored? Join the IPW Lonely? Join the IPW Trying to be active? Join the IPW. Feeling a lack of pride in the human race? Join the IPW

The beautiful thing about volunteering is it grows exponentially There are so many people who support the work of the IPW, too. From Paul Smith’s College loaning them its knuckleboom loader to put blocks on the high towers, to the numerous local restaurants that donate soup and pastries, to the Women’s Civic Chamber, who bring coffee, hot cocoa, homemade energy bars and breakfast goodies to keep everyone warm and fed

Building the Ice Palace also makes one feel tapped into an ancient tradition Not only of Ice Palace building, but of the great human tradition of constructing monuments This is as close as you can get to feeling like an ancient people building some monument for a reason that will be unclear a millennium in the future It’s like you’re working on the Moai Easter Island heads.

But it isn’t building a monument to a god or a king It’s a celebration of the community as a

Par Carnell, left, and Karen Russell scrape off the bottoms of ice blocks picked up by a knuckleboom loader and placed on top of an Ice Palace tower on Thursday, Jan. 25. (Enterprise photos Aaron Marbone)

whole And there is a pervasive sense of working as part of a collective.

Join the union

The IPW is always open to new members and they are especially looking for young people to join. Not only do they want their muscles, they need someone to pass all the ice harvesting and Palace construction knowledge they have down to, so the Ice Palace can continue to be a Saranac Lake tradition for generations to come

It can seem intimidating to get into.

But there’s no corporate structure The organization of the build is decentralized There are of course leaders, but there’s not a bureaucracy weighing it down. If you ask, someone will give you something to do

The process of building the Ice Palace is a great clockwork machine, and every part needs to be there for it to work as efficiently as possible

For example, slushing is not a glamorous job. It’s wet actually, the wettest It doesn’t have the cool tools And it doesn’t happen up high or on a frozen lake. But it is essential essential to the success of the palace. If the palace is not safe, it cannot be enjoyed to the fullest extent Slush, and thereby slushers, are literally the glue

that holds the palace together

And of course, the slush makers! Slush doesn’t grow on trees. When I first arrived, I looked for what I should do and someone handed me a six-foot long saw with teeth the size of a megalodon’s. Matt Webster taught me the proper technique to saw with using the arms, not the back in a sort of circular motion. This is what I imagine operating a railroad handcar is like.

After the first couple strokes, I felt like I could do it forever After 10 blocks, my head started to swim Muscles I haven’t used in a while started to ache But words of encouragement kept me going. When Carnival Chairman Rob Russell came over and said, “Hey, you’re pretty good at that,” I kept pumping away, but I’m sure he could see me beaming through the back of my head

If you want to join the IPW next year, show up and bring multiple layers of clothes, microspikes and an open mind to learning. Former Carnival Committee Chair Jeff Branch said if I did well this year, they’ll double my salary next year

Aaron Marbone is a staff writer for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise covering the Saranac Lake Area and politics

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 19
IPW 101

Community Directory 2024 Accountants

Boushie & Associates Certified

Public Accountants*

1 Stevenson Lane P O Box 1013

Saranac Lake

Phone: 518-891-1754

Fax: 518-891-1755 www boushieandassociates com

Martin & Dukett, LLC* Tax & Accounting Services

Jay Martin

Brian Dukett

39 Lake Street P O Box 1110

Tupper Lake

Phone: 518-359-2955

Fax: 518-359-3282

office@martindukett com martindukett com



Al-Anon & Alateen Family Groups 518-561-0838 888-425-2666 nynafg com al-anon org

Alcoholics Anonymous

AA for Northeast NY State Area 48 Clinton, Essex, So Franklin County 518-561-8444 www aa org www ny-aa org aahmbny org

Citizen Advocates Inc.*

Leading provider of intellectual/developmental disability, mental health and addiction prevention, treatment and recovery services in Franklin, Essex, Clinton, St Lawrence, Jefferson, Hamilton and Lewis counties In addition to leading-edge clinical services, Citizen Advocates provides supports that promote individual health through stable housing, job training and transportation

-Mental Health

-Addiction Recovery -Youth Services

-Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities -Supported Housing -Community Support

Behavioral Health Clinics: -Saranac Lake 70 Edgewood Road 518-891-5535

-Malone 31 Sixth Street 518-483-3261

-Massena 16 Phillips Street 315-764-8076

Behavioral Health Urgent Care: -Malone

125 Finney Boulevard 518-481-8160

-Ogdensburg 1003 Park Street 315-713-9090


650 State Street 315-755-1251

Day Programs: -Saranac Lake 70 Edgewood Road 518-891-5535


324 Creighton Road 518-483-1250

24 Hour Crisis Line: 518-483-3261 518-891-5535

citizenadvocates net

St Joseph’s Addiction Treatment & Recovery Centers*

Inpatient Program: 159 Glenwood Drive

Saranac Lake


Toll Free: 877-813-8647

Outpatient service sites: Elizabethtown 518-873-9144

Keeseville 518-834-5550

Lake Placid (Mountain Lake Academy) 518-523-5671

Malone 518-483-6566

Saranac Lake 518-891-5353 Ticonderoga 518-585-7934 Tupper Lake 518-359-5401

Adolescent Treatment Program: Rose Hill 100 County Route 43 Massena 315-764-9700

www stjoestreatment org

Veterans Addiction and PTSD Treatment Program: 444 Kiwassa Lake Road Saranac Lake 518-891-8387

Toll Free: 844-891-VETS

www stjoestreatment org

Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration

Lead public health and service delivery efforts that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and provide treatments and supports to foster recovery 877-726-4727

samhsa gov

Veteran’s Crisis Line

Dial: 988 Option 1 Text: 838255

www veteranscrisisline net


Cornell Cooperative Extension, Essex County*

8487 U S Route 9 Lewis 518-962-4810

Fax: 518-962-8241

essex@cornell edu

essex cce cornell edu

Cornell Cooperative Extension, Franklin County* Franklin County Courthouse 355 West Main Street, Suite 150 Malone 518-483-7403

Fax: 518-483-6214

franklin@cornell edu franklin cce cornell edu


AuSable Forks Volunteer Ambulance Service 26 School Lane P.O. Box 835 AuSable Forks Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-647-8860 afvasboard2019@gmail com

Lake Placid Volunteer Ambulance Service Inc

388 Mill Pond Drive P O Box 107 Lake Placid Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-523-9512 lpvas46@gmail com LakePlacidAmbulance com

Saranac Lake Volunteer Rescue Squad 110 Broadway P O Box 431 Saranac Lake Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 800-314-8056 slrs@saranaclakerescue com saranaclakerescue com

Tupper Lake Volunteer Ambulance and Emergency Squad P O Box 901

169 Main Street

Tupper Lake Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-359-9321 tupperlakerescue@gmail com

Wilmington Fire and Rescue 1197 Haselton Road P O Box 425

Wilmington Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-946-7187

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Community Directory 2024

(Continued from Page 20)

Animal Shelters/Help

Elmore SPCA 556 Telegraph Road P O Box 686 Peru 518-353-7755 info@elmorespca org elmorespca org

Essex County Animal Abuse Hotline 844-473-7763

Focus on Ferals, Inc Malone P O Box 274 Brainardsville 518-483-8189 518-856-9474 savinglives@focusonferalstoday com focusonferalstoday com

North Country SPCA 7700 Route 9N P O Box 55 Elizabethtown 518-873-5000 info@ncspca org NCSPCA org

The Joshua Fund Dog Rescue Rescues dogs from High Kill Shelters P O Box 408 Jay info@joshuafundrescue org joshuafundrescue org

Tri-Lakes Humane Society 255 George LaPan Memorial Highway P O Box 1111 Saranac Lake 518-891-0017 tlhsny@hotmail com Lena Bombard trilakeshumanesociety org trilakeshumanesociety petfinder com


Forever Wild Arborist* The Adirondack Choice for Tree Care

Danger Tree Removal; Lot Clearing; Bracing & Cabling; Pruning & Chipping; Landscaping; Property Management

Nick LaMere Arborist Tupper Lake 518-578-0980 foreverwildarborist@gmail com

Art Galleries

Young’s Studio & Gallery/ Yarns at Young’s* Sue Young | Handmade Pottery 6588 NYS Route 86 Jay

518-946-7301 - leave message suebyoung@hotmail com YoungsGallery com Facebook com/YoungsGallery

Attorneys/ Mediation Services

Flink Maswick Law PLLC* Edward B Flink eflink@flinkmaswicklaw com James L Maswick jmaswick@flinkmaswicklaw com Molly S Hann mhann@flinkmaswicklaw com

Jill E O’Sullivan josullivan@flinkmaswicklaw com

Sheila Goss Duerr sgossduerr@flinkmaswicklaw com

-Lake Placid: 2577 Main Street 518-523-2441

Fax: 518-523-2442

-Tupper Lake: 56 Lake Street 518-359-5175 Fax: 518-523-2442

Nicastro & Cantwell*

Attorney & Counselor at Law 163 Olive Street Saranac Lake 518-891-2420

nicastro cantwell@verizon net

Auto Repair

Twin “D” Automotive, Inc.* 155 Church Street Saranac Lake 518-891-6451


Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company*

-Plattsburgh: 5023 U S Avenue 518-324-4362

-Plattsburgh: 14 Durkee Street 518-561-3101

-Plattsburgh: 20 Smithfield Boulevard 518-566-6650

-Main Office: 250 Glen Street Glens Falls 518-793-4121

-Residential Mortgage Office: 2276 Saranac Avenue Lake Placid 518-324-4610

www gfnational com

NBT Bank 1-800-628-2265

-Lake Placid 2483 Main Street 518-523-9544 1944 Saranac Avenue 518-523-3025

-Saranac Lake 209 Lake Flower Avenue 518-891-2050

SeaComm Federal Credit Union* 30 Stearns Street Massena 1-800-764-0566

www seacomm org

Other Locations: Potsdam; Malone; Canton; Ogdensburg; Plattsburgh; Watertown; Essex and South Burlington, Vt

Tri-Lakes Federal Credit Union*

-Saranac Lake: 197 Broadway 518-891-1666

-Lake Placid: 453 Wesvalley Road 518-523-2775 www trilakesfcu com


Little City Haircutters* 62 Broadway Saranac Lake 518-891-6342

Lotus Barbery* 63 Main Street Saranac Lake 518-637-2590

Business Assistance

Adirondack Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) 67 Main Street, Suite 300 Saranac Lake 518-891-5523

Fax: 518-891-9820

info@aedconline com aedconline com

Franklin County Economic Development Corp 355 West Main Street, Suite 428 Malone 518-483-9472

info@adirondackfrontier com adirondackfrontier com (Continued on Page 22)

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Community Directory 2024

(Continued from Page 21)

Chambers of Commerce

Lake Placid Convention and Visitors Bureau

Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism 2608 Main Street Lake Placid 518-523-2445

Fax: 518-523-2605 info@lakeplacid com lakeplacid com

Malone Chamber of Commerce 497 East Main Street

Malone 518-483-3760 director@malonechamber ofcommerce com malonechamberofcommerce com

North Country Chamber of Commerce

7061 State Route 9 P O Box 310 Plattsburgh 518-563-1000

info@northcountrychamber com northcountrychamber com

Saranac Lake Area Chamber of Commerce

39 Main Street, Suite 2 Saranac Lake 518-891-1990 welcome@slareachamber org slareachamber org

Tupper Lake Information Center 121 Park Street Tupper Lake 518-359-3328 info@tupperlake com tupperlake com

Whiteface Mountain Regional Visitors Bureau 5753 NYS Route 86 P O Box 277 Wilmington 518-946-2255

Fax: 518-946-2683 info@whitefaceregion com whitefaceregion com

Charitable Organizations

Epilepsy Foundation of Northeastern New York* 3 Washington Square Albany 518-456-7501 www efneny org

Churches/ Synagogues

In AuSable Forks

AuSable Light House Church


Corner of Main and Pleasant Streets 14215 NY Route 9N P O Box 149

AuSable Forks 518-647-8445

Catholic Community of Holy Name and St Matthew Church of the Holy Name 14203 Route 9N

AuSable Forks 518-647-8225 cathalongtheausable@rcdony org

St James Episcopal Church

Mother Patti Johnson 14216 Route 9N

AuSable Forks 518-593-1838

st jamesausableforks12912@gmail com stjamesausableforks weebly com

In Bloomingdale

Pilgrim Holiness Church (Bloomingdale)

Pastor, Carol Williams 14 Oregon Plains Road 518-891-0597

In Childwold

Childwold Memorial Presbyterian Church 104 Bancroft Road

June through September 315-351-2802

childwoldmem@gmail com childwoldpres org

In Clintonville

Clintonville United Methodist Church 1268 Route 9N 518-834-0229

Pastor Nina Dickinson 518-742-0592

CUMCdiscipleship@yahoo com

In Gabriels

Church of the Assumption*

Roman Catholic Church 826 State Route 86 518-891-4616 saranaclakemgr@rcdony org stbernards church

In Jay

First Baptist Church of Jay Speaker Andy Kane 12987 Route 9N

In Keene

All Souls Chapel

Episcopal in St Huberts 22 St Huberts Road/ Just off Route 73 P O Box 486

Keene Valley Mid June through Mid Sept allsoulssthuberts@gmail com allsoulssthuberts net

St Brendan’s Catholic Church 25 Church Street 518-523-2200 lakeplacidsec@rcdony org stagneslakeplacid com

In Keene Valley

Keene Valley Congregational Church

John Sampson, Minister Rob Hastings, Choir Director 1791 NYS Route 73 P O Box 27 518-576-4711 kvcc12943@gmail com kvccny com

In Lake Clear

Adirondack Presbyterian Church

Rev Marty Weitz, Pastor Bill Young, Clerk of Session 6216 State Route 30 315-262-4684 memweitz@gmail com bill young@roadrunner com adirondackpresbyterianchurch@ gmail com

In Lake Placid

Adirondack Community Church

Rev Derek Hansen, Pastor 2583 Main Street 518-523-3753 info@adkcomchurch org adkcomchurch org

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

David White 26 John Brown Road 801-455-7320

www churchofjesuschrist org

Lake Placid Baptist Church

Pastor Jim Koenig 2253 Saranac Avenue 518-523-2008 lakeplacidchurch@gmail com lakeplacidchurch com

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Community Directory 2024

(Continued from Page 22)

Lake Placid Synagogue 2301 Saranac Avenue P O Box 521 518-523-3876 lpssynagogue@gmail com

Mountain View Bible Church

Pilgrim Holiness Church Pastor Paul Case, Jr 6067 Sentinel Road 518-523-2484 mtviewbible org

New Hope Church Michael Ducatt, Pastor 207 Station Street 518-523-3652 newhopelakeplacid com

Reiss Family Memorial Chapel 185 Old Military Road Elderwood of Uihlein

St. Agnes Catholic Church Corner of Saranac and Hillcrest Avenue 518-523-2200 lakeplacidsec@rcdony org stagneslakeplacid com

St. Eustace Episcopal Church 2450 Main Street 518-523-2564 steustacechurch@gmail com steustace weebly com

In Saranac Lake

Adirondack Alliance Church 72 Canaras Avenue 518-891-1383 info@adkalliance org adkalliance org

Episcopal Church of Saint Luke The Beloved Physician 136 Main Street Corner of Church and Main Streets 518-891-3605 info@stlukesadk org stlukesadk org

First Presbyterian Church 57 Church Street 518-891-3401 firstpresbyterianchurcsl57@ yahoo com presbyteryofnny org/churches/?churc h=Saranac Lake First Presbyterian

First United Methodist Church 63 Church Street 518-891-3473 firstumcsl@centralny twcbc com fumcsaranaclake org

High Peaks Church 97 Will Rogers Drive 518-891-3255 highpeakschurch@gmail com highpeakschurch org

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Meets at Church of St Luke the Beloved Physician Corner of Church and Main streets 136 Main Street 518-354-9999 northcountrylutherans@gmail com northcountrylutherans org

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses 5043 NYS Route 3 518-891-9233 jw org

Saranac Lake Baptist Church 460 Broadway 518-891-5473 saranaclakebc@gmail com saranaclakebc com

Saranac Lake Friends Meetings (Quakers)

At Baldwin House 94 Church Street 518-327-3885 518-891-4083 518-891-2719

Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Pastor Timothy Raymond 44 St Bernard Street P O Box 724 315-406-6701

St. Bernard’s Roman Catholic Church* 27 St Bernard Street 518-891-4616

saranaclakemgr@rcdony org stbernards church

In Tupper Lake

Beth Joseph Synagogue Corner of Mill and Lake Streets 59 Lake Street P O Box 625 bjs tlny@gmail com bethjosephtupperlake org

St. Alphonsus Holy Name of Jesus Parish

Roman Catholic Church 48 Wawbeek Avenue 518-359-3405

office@tupperlakecatholics org tupperlakecatholics org

St. Thomas Episcopal Church 8 Brentwood Avenue 518-359-8786 stthomastupperlake@gmail com

Tupper Lake Baptist Chapel Corner of Lake and Mill Streets 55 Lake Street 518-359-3402

Tupper Lake Christian Center 102 Main Street 518-359-7889 tupperlakechristiancenter@gmail com

United Community Church (Presbyterian) 23 High Street P O Box 717 518-359-9810 tupperlakeucc@gmail com

In Vermontville

Community Church of the Nazarene 8065 State Route 3 P O Box 7 518-891-0859

In Wilmington

Calvary Baptist Church 6065 State Route 86 518-946-2482 info@wilmingtoncbc com wilmingtoncbc com

Church of the Nazarene Pastor Grace Govenettio 5784 Route 86 518-946-7708 graceforus@gmail com

St Margaret’s Catholic Church Pastor Clement Rimonds 5789 State Route 86 518-647-8225 cathalongtheausable@rcdony org

Whiteface Community United Methodist Church 1169 Haselton Road 518-946-7757 whitefaceumc@yahoo com

Clubs and Organizations

Adirondack Death Care Community*

Supporting our community in rediscovering a meaningful relationship with grief, end of life and after death care adkdeathcarecommunity@gmail com

Adirondack Foundation

Enhancing the lives of people in the Adirondack Region through philanthropy

304 Bear Cub Lane P O Box 288 Lake Placid 518-523-9904

info@adkfoundation org adirondackfoundation org

Adirondack Garden Club Conservation and beautification of the Adirondacks P O Box 72 Keene adirondackgardenclub com

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A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 24
to Help You Reach Your Goals Faster ASK one of our helpful agents about our Home Mortgages, Home Equity Lines, Savings Plans, Education Savings, Vehicle Loans, and Retirement Planning. Tri-Lakes Federal Credit Union 197 Broadway Saranac Lake, NY (518) 891-1666 453 Wesvalley Rd. Lake Placid, NY (518) 523-2775
your loved one with a certified Home Care Professional • Personal Care Services • Light House Keeping • Grocery Shopping • Meal Preparation • Medication Management • Companionship
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For more information
Tri-Lakes Office 25 Church Street Saranac Lake, NY 12983 (518) 891-2641 Malone Office 155 Finney Blvd Malone, NY 12953 (518) 483-4502 Plattsburgh Office 159 Margaret Street, Suite 500/600 Plattsburgh, NY 12901
566-0183 Ticonderoga Office 18 Montcalm Street
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A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 25 518.302.6464 WWW.ACREADK.COM WHATEVER YOUR DREAM HOME LOOKS LIKE, WE'LL HELP YOU FIND IT.

Community Directory 2024

(Continued from Page 23)

Adirondack North Country Association (ANCA)

Building prosperity across northern New York by supporting strong, equitable systems for small business, local food and clean energy 67 Main Street, Suite 201 Saranac Lake 518-891-6200 anca@adirondack org adirondack org

Adirondack Singers’, Inc.

Linda Warner 518-523-2238

Beryl Szwed 518-891-5008 szwed@northnet org adirondacks com/adirondacksingers html

Find us on facebook

American Legion Post #326 Lake Placid New York

Committed to mentoring youth and the sponsorship of wholesome programs in the community 2710 Main Street P O Box 968 Lake Placid 518-523-3412

Find us on facebook

American Legion Post #447

Sons of the American Legion Post #447 Committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in the community 202 Broadway Saranac Lake 518-891-3685

Elks #1508

Dedicated to improving the community and its members Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7 p m 30 Bloomingdale Avenue Next to Sturdy Supply Saranac Lake 518-897-2125 518-637-6121

Garden Club of Lake Placid Serves the Community by encouraging civic plantings and promoting interest in the surrounding natural beauty and resources

P O Box 984 Lake Placid gardencluboflakeplacid org

Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York, Inc.

Offers development experience for girls in the world

Saranac Lake, Lake Clear, Bloomingdale, and Paul Smiths

518-563-1560 518-489-8110

info@girlscoutsneny org www girlscoutsneny org

Historic Saranac Lake Saranac Laboratory Museum

89 Church Street, Suite 2 Saranac Lake 518-891-4606

mail@historicsaranaclake org historicsaranaclake org

Holiday Helpers

Ensuring local children have a Merry Christmas P O Box 543 Saranac Lake

slholidayhelper@gmail com Find us on facebook

Homeward Bound Adirondacks* Veteran retreats

24 Depot Street P O Box 1100 Saranac Lake 518-354-5144

WeCare@HomewardBound Adirondacks org homewardboundadirondacks org

Kiwanis Club of Saranac Lake Dedicated to improving the lives of children in the community New members welcome Meet Thursdays, 7:40 a m , Blue Moon Cafe P O Box 1076 Saranac Lake

SaranacLakeKiwanis@gmail com

Find us on facebook

Kiwanis Club of Tupper Lake Dedicated to improving the lives of children in the community Meet at VFW

Juli Dukett, Secretary P O Box 1023 Tupper Lake 518-524-6220

Knights of Columbus Club of Tupper Lake Council #2177

Catholic men building back a bridge to faith and charity

Thomas Arsenault

Meetings at Holy Name of Jesus Community Center on Marion Avenue

Mail 36 High Street Tupper Lake 518-359-2353

Knights of Columbus Council #2301

Catholic men building a bridge back to faith and charity

SK Robert F Eisenhauer, G K

Meetings at Holy Name Center 14207 State Route 9N

Au Sable Forks

Mail 253 Glen Road Jay kofc org

https://uknight org/CouncilSite/index asp?CNO=2301

Knights of Columbus Saranac Lake Council #599

Catholic men building a bridge back to faith and charity Grand Knight Stuart Darrah Saranac Lake kofc org

Lake Placid Community Beautification Assn Inc Dedicated to beautifying the community of Lake Placid

Cherise Bixler, Director

Gregory Peacock, President 2693 Main Street, Suite 301 Lake Placid 518-524-2211

lpbeautification@gmail com

Friend us on facebook

Lake Placid Ski Club

Dedicated to teaching children how to ski Carol Hoffman P O Box 691 Lake Placid 518-524-6914

lakeplacidskiclub@roadrunner com lakeplacidskiclub com

Find us on facebook

Lions Club - Lake Placid

Lions serve, it’s that simple Dan Wikoff, President P O Box 296 Lake Placid

Meets 2nd and 4th Monday of Month @ 6:30 p m at Cascade Inn Cascade Road - Route 73 Lake Placid lplions39@gmail com

http://e-clubhouse org/sites /lakeplacidny/

Lions Club - Saranac Lake

Lions serve, it’s that simple P O Box 113

Meet 1st Thursday of Month at 5:30 p m at Saranac Lake Free Library saranaclakelions@gmail com

Find us on facebook

Lions Club - Tupper Lake

Lions serve, it’s that simple Paul Chartier, President 71 River Road Tupper Lake

Literacy Volunteers of Clinton, Essex and Franklin Counties

Dedicated to teach adults reading, writing, GED prep , and English as 2nd language

Karen Dispo-De Boos

Executive Director -Clinton and Franklin Counties

101 Broad Street 052 Hawkins Hall Plattsburgh 518-564-5332

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Community Directory 2024

(Continued from Page 26)

-Franklin County 3265 Broad Street Port Henry 518-546-3008 info@lvcef org lvcef org

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #457

Supporting Moose Heart & Moose Haven

Dedicated to Serving the Community 176 Broadway Saranac Lake 518-891-0045 lodge457@mooseunits org

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #640

Dedicated to Caring for Young and Old, Bringing Communities Closer Together and Celebrating Life 31 Cedar Street Tupper Lake 518-359-5051

North Country Honor Flight Honoring America’s WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam Veterans

A non-profit organization funded entirely by donations P O Box 2644 Plattsburgh, NY 12901 518-569-7429 barrief22@icloud com www northcountryhonorflight org

North Elba Community Christmas Fund

Dedicated to providing local children in need with winter outerwear, toys, and holiday food baskets

Zachary Clark Lake Placid 518-524-6552 emmadelyn6@yahoo com emmarjco@roadrunner com Friend us on facebook

Raquette River Lodge #847 F & A M Masonic Hall 1195 Main Street Long Lake https://847-ny ourlodgepage com/

Retired Senior Volunteer and Foster Grandparent Programs of Franklin County (RSVP)* Volunteer Programs for those 55 and older Foster Grandparent Program Catholic Charities Diocese of Ogdensburg Melissa Howard 518-359-7688

Rotary Club of AuSable Valley Business and professional leaders providing humanitarian service, advancing goodwill and peace around the world

Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7 p m at Ward Theater, Jay Norman Jabaut, President Stephanie Battista P O Box 155 Jay 518-637-1018

Friend us on facebook

Rotary Club of Lake Placid Business and professional leaders providing humanitarian service, advancing goodwill and peace around the world

P O Box 1425 Lake Placid rotarylakeplacid@gmail com rotarylakeplacid org Find us on facebook

Rotary Club of Saranac Lake Business and professional leaders providing humanitarian service, advancing goodwill and peace around the world

Meets Tuesdays at 7:30 a m at St Luke’s Parish Hall 136 Main Street P O Box 628

Saranac Lake saranaclakerotary@gmail com saranaclakerotary org Find us on facebook.

Rotary Club of Tupper Lake Business and professional leaders providing humanitarian service, advancing goodwill and peace around the world P O Box 1055

Tupper Lake info@tupperlakerotary org

Saranac Lake Fish and Game Club Inc

Conservation and shooting organization featuring indoor and outdoor ranges 726 Bloomingdale Road P O Box 588

Saranac Lake


info@slfgc com slfgc com

Saranac Lake Mountaineers Rugby Club

Mens’ and womens’ teams working together to promote Rugby in the Adirondacks Katie Alexanian, President 518-524-3228 slmountaineer@gmail com facebook com/MountaineersRugbyClub/

Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Committee

Volunteer group dedicated to organizing the 2 week carnival that includes sports, a parade, royalty and fireworks. Rob Russell, Chairman P O Box 829

Saranac Lake info@saranaclakewintercarnival com saranaclakewintercarnival com

Saranac Lake Young Arts Association

Supports and nurtures the arts among youth P O Box 1130

Saranac Lake info@saranaclakeyoungarts org saranaclakeyoungarts org

Scouts BSA

Values based youth development organization providing programs that build character -Troop 12

Paul Smiths/Gabriels

Michael Martin 518-524-7655 troopwebhost org/Troop12PaulSmiths/ -Troop 1 Saranac Lake Jeremy Evans troop1saranaclakebsa@gmail com trcscouting org/ Troop-8001-SaranacLakeNY/Meetings -Troop 10 Meetings Mondays 6:30 p m Lake Placid Volunteer Fire Department Lake Placid lp troop10@gmail com troop10lakeplacid org facebook com/BSAtroop 10lakeplacid/

Shore Owner ’s Association of Lake Placid P O Box 1235 Lake Placid lpsoa@northwoodschool com lpsoa org

Tri-Lakes Snowmobile Club

Nathan Miller P O Box 55 Lake Clear trilakessnowmobilers@gmail com nysnowmobiler com

Find us on facebook

Tupper Lake Archers 119 Lake Simond Road P O Box 752

Tupper Lake tupperlakearchers net

Tupper Lake Snowmobile Club

Gary Beaudette, President 518-359-7040 garbeaud@verizon net

Find us on facebook

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Tupper Lake Sportsmens Club Inc

119 Lake Simond Road

P O Box 1005 Tupper Lake tupperlakearchers net

United Way of the Adirondack Region Inc.* Clinton, Essex and Franklin Counties 45 Tom Miller Road Plattsburgh 518-563-0028

uwadk@unitedwayadk org unitedwayadk org 211adk org

Veterans Memorial Association Post #3357 202 Broadway Saranac Lake 518-891-3685

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #3120

“Honor the dead by helping the living ” 196 Park Street Tupper Lake 518-359-7107 vfw org

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #3357

To improve the lives of veterans, service members and their families, and our communities

Ladies Auxiliary P O Box 766 Saranac Lake 518-891-3685

Village Improvement Society of Saranac Lake

Providing green spaces and beautifying public areas for community enjoyment P O Box 702

Saranac Lake saranaclakevis org Find us on facebook

Whiteface Mountain Lodge #789 F&AM

Russ DeFonce 173 Olive Street Saranac Lake 518-424-0371

Women’s Civic Chamber

Actively supports the community through fundraising and volunteerism P O Box 761

Saranac Lake womenscivicchamber@gmail com Friend us on facebook

Women’s College Scholarship Club Scholarships for area seniors and adults seeking advanced education

Kathy Root P O Box 343 Saranac Lake 413-275-4610

womenscsc@gmail com slwcscholarshipclub com Friend us on facebook

Zonta Club of the Adirondacks*

Helping to provide safety, education and dignity for woman and girls locally and globally P O Box 2141 Lake Placid

adirondacks@zontadistrict2 org www zontaadk org

Find us on Instagram and Facebook


Adirondack Architectural Heritage (AARCH)*

To promote better public understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of the Adirondacks’ unique and diverse architectural heritage 1745 Main Street Keeseville 518-834-9328 aarch org

Adirondack Council* Ensuring the ecological integrity of the Adirondack Park for current and future generations 103 Hand Avenue Elizabethtown www AdirondackCouncil org

Container/ Dumpster Svcs

Cochran Container Service* Dumpster Rentals, Demolition, Renovation, Construction, Residential, Roll-off Dumpster Doug Cochran Saranac Lake 518-891-5721 518-637-1488


Alcoholics Anonymous

AA for Northeast NY State Area 48 Clinton, Essex, So Franklin County 518-561-8444

www aa org

www ny-aa org aahmbny org

Citizen Advocates Inc *

Leading provider of intellectual/developmental disability, mental health and addiction prevention, treatment and recovery services in Franklin, Essex, Clinton, St Lawrence, Jefferson, Hamilton and Lewis counties In addition to leading-edge clinical services, Citizen Advocates provides supports that promote individual health through stable housing, job training and transportation -Mental Health

-Addiction Recovery -Youth Services

-Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

-Supported Housing -Community Support

Behavioral Health Clinics: -Saranac Lake

70 Edgewood Road 518-891-5535


31 Sixth Street 518-483-3261

-Massena 16 Phillips Street 315-764-8076

Behavioral Health Urgent Care: -Malone

125 Finney Boulevard 518-481-8160 -Ogdensburg

1003 Park Street 315-713-9090


650 State Street 315-755-1251

Day Programs: -Saranac Lake

70 Edgewood Road 518-891-5535 -Malone

324 Creighton Road 518-483-1250

24 Hour Crisis Line: 518-483-3261 518-891-5535

Franklin County Community Services/Mental Health*

3 Main Street 2nd Floor P O Box 1337 Saranac Lake 518-891-2280

Mental Health Association in Essex County, Inc 6096 NYS Route 9N Westport 518-962-2077

Hopeline: 1-800-440-8074 www mhainessex com

National Suicide Lifeline Dial: 988 988lifeline org

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Sacred Explorations*

Provide end-of-life practical, emotional and spiritual care, and support navigating life’s transitions (ex: puberty, marriage/divorce, parenthood, new home/career, aging, etc ) through companionship, ceremony and/or ritual Colleen Corrigan Life Transitions Doula

9048 State Route 30 Paul Smiths 518-241-6049 info@sacred-explorations com

St Joseph’s Addiction Treatment & Recovery Centers*

Inpatient Program: 159 Glenwood Drive Saranac Lake 518-891-3950 Toll Free: 877-813-8647

Outpatient service sites: Elizabethtown 518-873-9144 Keeseville 518-834-5550 Lake Placid (Mountain Lake Academy) 518-523-5671 Malone 518-483-6566

Saranac Lake 518-891-5353

Ticonderoga 518-585-7934 Tupper Lake 518-359-5401

Adolescent Treatment Program: Rose Hill 100 County Route 43 Massena 315-764-9700 www stjoestreatment org Veterans Addiction and PTSD Treatment Program: 444 Kiwassa Lake Road Saranac Lake 518-891-8387 Toll Free: 844-891-VETS www stjoestreatment org

Sukha Integrative Health*

Rivka Cilley, LCSW 126 Kiwassa Road Saranac Lake Cell: 518-637-7517

rivkacilley@gmail com www sukhaintegrativehealth com

Veteran’s Crisis Line Dial: 988 Option 1 Text: 838255

www veteranscrisisline net

Day/Overnight Camp

4-H Camp Overlook* Year-Round Camp 70 Beach Road Mountain View 518-483-4769 campoverlook@cornell edu www 4hcampoverlook org

Eagle Island Camp* Summer Camp

442 Gilpin Bay Road P O Box 304 Saranac Lake 973-996-8306

518-323-9424 (Summer Only) info@eagleisland org eagleisland org

St. Agnes Day Camp* Summer Camp 2322 Saranac Avenue Lake Placid 518-523-3771 www stagneslp org


AuSable Dental Center*

Dr George Sarandev, DDS 30 North Main Street

AuSable Forks 518-647-5150 www ausabledentalcenter com

Mountain Dental*

Dr George Sarandev, DDS

Dr Mara Mariani, DDS 2051 Saranac Avenue, Suite 103 Lake Placid 518-302-5502 www mountaindentallp com

Tupper Lake Family Dental*

Dr George Sarandev, DDS 148 Park Street Tupper Lake 518-359-5272 www tupperlakedental com

Emergency Needs Pantries

Ecumenical CouncilGrace Pantry

Baldwin House on Church Street at St Luke’s Church P O Box 194

Saranac Lake

Email: slecumenical@gmail com www slecumenical org

Emergency Numbers


AuSable Forks Fire and Rescue: 911 State Police: 518-897-2000

Bloomingdale: Fire and Rescue: 911 State Police: 518-897-2000

FBI Albany 200 McCarty Avenue Albany 518-465-7551 tips fbi gov www fbi gov

Lake Placid Fire and Rescue: 911 State Police: 518-897-2000

New York State Police Troop B headquarters 1097 State Route 86 P O Box 100 Ray Brook, NY 12977-0100 518-897-2000 https://troopers ny gov

Piercefield Fire and Rescue: 911 State Police: 518-873-2750

Saranac Lake Fire and Rescue: 911 Police: 518-897-2000 Hospital: 518-891-4141

Hospital Primary Care after hours on-call line 518-897-2744

Tupper Lake Fire and Rescue: 911 State Police: 518-873-2750

Upper Jay Fire and Rescue: 911 State Police: 518-897-2000

Wilmington Fire and Rescue: 911 State Police: 518-946-7181 518-897-2000

Emergency Services

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

National network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24/7

Veteran’s Crisis Line

LGBTQI+ Youth and Young Adult Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 Call or Text 988 988lifeline org

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American Red Cross Eastern New York Region

North Country Chapter 26 Emory Street Morrisonville 518-561-7280 National 800-733-7267 redcross org

National Domestic Violence Hotline 24-hour Hotline 800-799-7233 Text: 88788 www thehotline org National Coalition Against Domestic Violence ncadv org

National Runaway Safeline 1-800-786-2929 www 1800runaway org

National Weather Service (Burlington, Vt) www weather gov/btv

Salvation Army Emergency assistance with rent, utilities, furniture, etc 800-725-2769 www salvationarmyusa org Local Contact: Cathy Moore 518-524-1546 moorecatherine6@gmail com

Veteran’s Crisis Line Dial: 988 Option 1 Text: 838255 www veteranscrisisline net

Fire Departments

AuSable Forks Fire Department 29 School Lane

AuSable Forks Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-647-5582

Bloomingdale Volunteer Fire Department 1635 Route 3 P O Box 226 Bloomingdale Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-891-1770

Jay Fire District

RR 9 Box NYS P O Box 358 Jay Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-946-2552 www jaynyfire com

Keene Valley Fire Department

15 Market Street

P O Box 699

Keene Valley Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-576-4727 kvfire19@gmail com www kvfire org

Keene Volunteer Fire Department 10858 Route 9N P O Box 136


Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-576-4301

Lake Placid Volunteer Fire Department

456 Old Military Road

P O Box 569

Lake Placid Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-523-3211

Long Lake Fire Department

111 South Hill Road P O Box 576

Long Lake Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-624-4599

Paul Smiths / Gabriels Volunteer Fire Department

68 State Route 86

Paul Smiths P O Box 145 Gabriels Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-327-3600 www psgvfd org

Piercefield Volunteer Fire Company

32 Waller Street

P O Box 143

Piercefield Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-359-2376

Saranac Lake Volunteer Fire Deptartment 100 Broadway P O Box 509

Saranac Lake Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-891-2333 www saranaclakefire com

Tupper Lake Fire Department

21 Santa Clara Avenue, Suite 1 P O Box 849

Tupper Lake Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-359-2543

Upper Jay Fire Department

161 Valley Road

Upper Jay Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-946-7022

Wilmington Fire and Rescue 1197 Haselton Road P O Box 425

Wilmington Emergency: 911 Info/Business: 518-946-7187

Fire Equipment

Northern Extinguisher & Fire Safety LLC* Fire Extinguishers Sales & Service 19 John Peria Road Saranac Lake 518-891-2023

Food Pantries

Community Lunch Box St Luke’s Parish Hall 136 Main Street Saranac Lake 518-891-3605

Emergency Needs Program & Food Pantry ACAP 7572 Court Street P O Box 848 Elizabethtown 518-873-3207 ext 239

Jay/Wilmington Ecumenical Food Shelf Whiteface United Methodist Church 1169 Haselton Road Wilmington Thursday 4:00-6:00 pm 518-314-6431

JCEO (Joint Council for Economic Opportunity)* 54 Margaret Street Plattsburgh 518-561-6310 - Clinton County 43 Valco Drive Malone 518-319-4028 - Franklin County

JCEO Food Pantry & Community Outreach* (Joint Council for Economic Opportunity)

Located at SLHS - Door 17 79 Canaras Avenue Saranac Lake 518-897-1446

Monday and Thursday 10:30 a m - 2:00 p m jceo@jceo org jceo org/community-outreach

Lake Placid Ecumenical Food Pantry

St Agnes Catholic Church 169 Hillcrest Avenue Lake Placid Fridays 9:00 a m - Noon 518-523-9620

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Saint Paul’s Food Pantry

Located at: Vermontville Town Hall 7 Cold Brook Road Vermontville 518-891-1619

Saranac Lake Interfaith Food Pantry

Back Entrance - Presbyterian Church Down Stairs P O Box 532

Saranac Lake 518-410-3608 slifpslny@gmail com

Saturdays 10:00 a m - Noon

SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)

-Essex County Department of Social Services

7551 Court Street P O Box 217

Elizabethtown 518-873-3441

SNAP 518-873-3428

-Franklin County Department of Social Services 184 Finney Boulevard Malone 518-481-1808

Tupper Lake Community Food Pantry

40 Marion Street Tupper Lake

Tuesdays 9:00 a m - Noon

Thursdays 1:00 p m - 4:00 p m 518-359-3080

Funeral Homes

Fortune-Keough Funeral Home* 20 Church Street Saranac Lake 518-891-3613 fortunekeough@gmail com fortunekeoughfuneralhome com

M.B. Clark, Inc. Funeral Home* 2310 Saranac Avenue Lake Placid 518-523-3337 mbclarkfuneralhome com


In Essex County


Laura Carson 518-873-3307

laura carson@essexcountyny gov

-Lauren DeZalia, Deputy 518-873-3308

laurie dezalia@essexcountyny gov

Board of Elections

Democratic Commissioner: Mary McGowan 518-873-3475

mary mcgowan@essexcountyny gov

Republican Commissioner: Jack Moulton 518-873-3478

jack moulton@essexcountyny gov

Board of Supervisors

7551 Court Street P O Box 217 Elizabethtown, NY 12932


fax: 518-873-3356 supervisors@essexcountyny gov (email goes to all supervisors)

Judith Garrison, Clerk of the Board 518-873-3353

judith garrison@essexcountyny gov

Dina Garvey, Deputy Clerk 518-873-3354

dina garvey@essexcountyny gov

Chair: Shaun Gillilland, R-Willsboro 518-963-8668

supervisor@townofwillsborony gov

Vice Chair: James W Monty, R-Lewis 518-873-6777 supervisor@lewistownhall com

Clayton Barber, R-Chesterfield 518-834-9042 townofchesterfield@gmail com

Charles Harrington, R-Crown Point 518-597-3035 supervisor@townofcrownpointny gov

Cathleen Reusser, R-Elizabethtown 518-873-6555 townhall@elizabethtown-ny gov

Ken Hughes, I-Essex 518-963-4287 supervisor@townofessexny gov

Matthew Stanley, D-Jay 518-647-2204 supervisor@townofjayny gov

Joe Pete Wilson Jr , D-Keene 518-576-4444 supervisor1@townofkeeneny gov

Stephen McNally, D-Minerva 518-251-2869 supervisor@townofminervany gov

Matthew Brassard, R-Moriah 518-546-8631 supervisor@townofmoriahny gov

Mr Robin DeLoria, D-Newcomb 518-582-3211 supervisor@newcombny com

Derek Doty, D-North Elba 518-523-9516 ddoty@northelba org

Chris Clark, R-North Hudson 518-532-9811 supervisor@townofnorthhudsonny gov

Davina Thurston, I-St Armand 518-891-3189 davinastarmand@gmail com

Margaret C Wood, P-Schroon 518-532-7737 ext 11 supervisor@schroon net

Mark Wright, R-Ticonderoga 518-585-6265 ext 1 supervisor@townofticonderoga org

Michael K Tyler, R-Westport 518-962-4419 supervisor@westportny net

Favor Smith, R-Wilmington 518-946-7179 townsupervisor@townofwilmington org

Community Resources

Anna Reynolds, Director 518-873-3895

anna reynolds@essexcountyny gov

County Clerk

Chelsea M Merrihew

Acting County Clerk 518-873-3600

Fax: 518-873-3548

chelsea merrihew@essexcountyny gov

County Manager

Michael Mascarenas 518-873-3333

Fax: 518-873-3339

michael mascarenas@essex countyny gov

County Treasurer ’s Office

Michael Diskin, County Treasurer 518-873-3310

Fax: 518-873-3318

michael diskin@essexcountyny gov

Lisa Decker, Deputy Treasurer

lisa decker@essexcountyny gov


Essex County Courthouse 7559 Court Street P O Box 217 Elizabethtown, NY 12932

Supreme Court

Hon Alison M McGahay 518-873-3424

chambersamcgahay@nycourts gov

Eileen Gonzalez, Chief Clerk

Nicole Cassavaugh, Deputy Chief Clerk 518-873-3370

Fax: 518-451-8738

County Court

Hon Richard B Meyer 518-873-3370

Fax: 518-451-8738

Eileen Gonzalez, Chief Clerk

Nicole Cassavaugh, Deputy Chief Clerk 518-873-3370

Fax: 518-451-8738

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Family Court

Hon Richard B Meyer


Jaime Valachovic, Chief Clerk

Mirra N Wheeler, Deputy Chief Clerk 518-873-3320

Fax: 518-873-3626

Surrogate’s Court

Hon Richard B Meyer


Mary Ann Badger, Chief Clerk 518-873-3384

Fax: 518-451-8740

Commissioner of Jurors

Andrew Quinn


Fax: 518-451-8741 essexjury@nycourts gov

District Attorney

Kristy Sprague


Fax: 518-873-3788 kristy sprague@essexcountyny gov

Department of Motor Vehicles

Charlotte McGinn, Deputy County Clerk for DMV Elizabethtown Office 7559 Court Street P O Box 247 Elizabethtown 518-873-3620

Ticonderoga Office

Closed until further notice Lake Placid Office

Closed until further notice

Department of Public WorksHighway Department 8053 U S Route 9 Elizabethtown 518-873-6326, 518-873-3666

Fax: 518-873-9195

Shop: 518-873-2034, 518-873-3667

Jim Dougan, Superintendent 518-873-3739

Todd Hodgson, Deputy Superintendent 518-873-3734

Emergency Services Public Safety Building 702 Stowersville Road Lewis, NY 12950


Emergency call 911 24-hour: 518-873-6410

Matthew Watts, Director 518-873-3901

Matthew Watts@essexcountyny gov

Animal Cruelty Tip Line: 844-473-7763

Essex County Health Department*

Linda Beers, Director

Linda beers@essexcountyny gov 132 Water Street


Children’s Services, Family Health & Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Chronic Disease Prevention and Management Community Health Assessment Communicable Disease Control

Emergency Preparedness & Response

Environmental Health Family Health

Home Health


(after hours will be connected with an on-call service)

www essexcountyny gov/health

Essex County Medicaid Transportation Dept 1-866-753-4442

www medanswering com

Essex County Office for the Aging*

Krissy Leerkes, Director 132 Water Street

P O Box 217



https://essexcountyny gov/office-forthe-aging/

Industrial Development Agency (ECIDA/ECCRC)

7566 Court Street P O Box 217

Elizabthtown info@essexcountyida com


Fax: 518-873-2011

Mental Health Services


Fax: 518-873-3777

Toll free emergency, after hours, weekends, holidays: 888-854-3773

https://essexcountyny gov/MentalHealth/

Personnel and Civil Service

Jennifer Mascarenas Personnel Officer


Fax: 518-873-3372

jennifer mascarenas@ essexcountyny gov


Heather Sheehan, Director 7551 Court Street



fax: 518-873-3649

Public Defender Office 103 Hand Avenue

Elizabethtown 518-873-3880

Fax: 518-873-3888

Real Property Tax Services

David R Wainwright, Director 518-873-3390

Fax: 518-873-3400

Sheriff’s Department

David E Reynolds, Sheriff Public Safety Facility 702 Stowersville Road P O Box 68 Lewis, NY 12950


Civil Office: 518-873-6907

County Jail: 518-873-6950

Road Patrol: 518-873-6915

sheriffcontact@essexcountyny gov

Social Services Essex County Main: 518-873-3441

Accounting: 518-873-3460

Adult Protective Services: 518-873-3550 or 518-873-3551

Child Support: 1-888-208-4485

Child Welfare: 518-873-3420

Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-342-3720

Day Care Unit: 518-873-3431

Fraud Investigations Unit: 518-873-3636 or 518-873-3638

HEAP: 518-873-3878 or 518-873-3446

Legal: 518-873-3497

Medicaid Unit: 518-873-3450 SNAP: 518-873-3428

Stop DWI: 518-873-3630

Temporary Assistance: 518-873-3470

Youth Bureau: 518-873-3630

TransportationEssex County Public

For schedules and route information, please contact 1-800-914-9266


transportation@essexcountyny gov essexcountyny gov/transportation/

Weights and Measures


Fax: 518-873-3486

In Franklin County


Mandy Cassavaw 518-481-1689

Fax: 518-481-1442

mandy cassavaw@franklincony gov

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Board of Elections

Republican Commissioner

Tracy Sparks

Democratic Commissioner

Brandon John Varin 518-891-1455 boe@franklincony gov

Board of Legislators

355 West Main Street, Suite 409 Malone, NY 12953 518-481-1640

Chairman: Edward Lockwood District 4, R-Malone 518-481-1642

edward lockwood@franklin countyny gov

Vice Chairman: Andrea Dumas District 3 518-524-9514

andrea dumas@franklincountyny gov

Majority Leader: Andrea Dumas District 3 518-524-9514

andrea dumas@franklincountyny gov

Minority Leader: Paul Lauzon District 1 518-358-2396

paul lauzon@franklincountyny gov

Gregory Janisewski District 2 518-497-3240

gregory janisewski@franklin countyny gov

Justus Martin District 5 518-521-9072

justus martin@franklincountyny gov

Nedd Sparks District 6 518-524-2925

nedd sparks@franklincountyny gov

Melinda “Lindy” Ellis District 7 518-354-3103

melinda ellis@franklincountyny gov

Community Services/Mental Health

Suzanne Lavigne, Director 3 Main Street, 2nd Floor Saranac Lake 518-891-2280

suzanne lavigne@franklincountyny gov

County Clerk

Kip Cassavaw 518-481-1681

kip cassavaw@franklincountyny gov

County Manager

Donna Kissane 518-481-1693 countymanager@franklincountyny gov

County of Franklin Solid Waste Management Authority*

828 County Route 20



Fax: 518-483-4880

326 Brand Road

Malone 518-481-6129

59 Dump Road Lake Clear 518-891-7218

131 Big Wolf Pond Road

Tupper Lake 518-359-3350

cfswma@westelcom com www cfswma com

County Treasurer ’s Office

Frances Perry


Fax: 518-483-2326

fran perry@franklincountyny gov


Franklin County Courthouse

355 West Main Street

Malone, NY 12953

All chambers, courts and offices

Supreme Court

Hon John T Ellis

36 Lake Street P O Box 900 Tupper Lake 12986 518-285-8788

chambersjellis@nycourts gov

Fawn Tatro, Supreme Court Chief Clerk 518-353-7340

franklinsupremeco@nycourts gov

County, Surrogate and Family Court

Hon Craig P Carriero 518-353-7320

ChambersCCarriero@nycourts gov

Fawn Tatro, County Court Chief Clerk 518-353-7340

franklinsupremeco@nycourts gov

Fawn Tatro, Surrogate Court Chief Clerk 518-353-7350

Family Court

Hon Derek P Champagne 518-353-7380

chambersdchampagne@nycourts gov

Emily Cartwright, Family Court Chief Clerk


franklinfamily@nycourts gov

Commissioner of Jurors

Darby Monette 518-353-7355

franklinjury@nycourts gov

District Attorney

Elizabeth M Crawford 518-481-1544

Fax: 518-481-1545

da@franklincountyny gov

Department of Motor Vehicles

Carole Anne Latulipe, Supervisor 518-481-1601

Franklin County Courthouse 355 West Main Street P O Box 70


518-481-1606 (recording only)

Fax: 518-483-9165 (Insurance cards only)

518-402-2100 (to schedule road test only) www franklincountyny gov www dmv ny gov

518-486-9786 (NYS call center)

Malone office hours: Walk-ins Monday- Friday 8:00 a m - 3:30 p m (closed 12:30 p m1:30 p m for lunch)

Saranac Lake Harrietstown Hall 39 Main Street, Suite 4 Office hours: Walk-ins

Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 a m - 2:00 p m

518-891-1748 (recording only) Fax: 518-891-9430 (Insurance cards only)

Department of Public WorksHighway Department 14981 State Route 30 Malone 518-483-1140

Edward Adams, Superintendent edward adams@franklincountyny gov

Emergency Services

55 Bare Hill Road


Robbie Demarse, Director robbie demarse@franklincountyny gov 518-483-2580

Derek Comins, Deputy Director 518-483-8584

derek comins@franklincountyny gov

Franklin County Public Health Department* 355 West Main Street, 2nd Floor

Malone Services: Acute and Communicable Disease Control

Chronic Disease Management and Health Education

Early Intervention, Children With Special Health Care Needs

Emergency Preparedness Home Care


Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

Maternal Child Health Program


Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Kathleen Farrell Strack, Director kstrack@franklincony org 518-481-1710 or 518-481-1709

Fax: 518-481-1108

FCHealth@franklincony org

Satellite Office: Saranac Lake 518-891-4471

After-hours emergency 1-877-410-5753 then press #5

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Industrial Development Agency

Adirondack Frontier

Jeremy S Evans, Chief Executive Officer

355 West Main Street, Suite 428 Malone 518-483-9472

jeremy@adirondackfrontier com adirondackfrontier com

Personnel/Self-Insurance Office

Kim Godreau, Personnel Officer


Fax: 518-483-2340

fcpersonnel@franklincountyny gov


Jonathan E Sanger, Probation Director

355 West Main Street, Suite 131 Malone 518-481-1432

518-481-1649 main line Fax: 518-481-1645

Public Defender, Conflict Defender and Assigned Counsel

-Thomas Soucia, Public Defender 518-481-1624

-Jonathan Miller, Conflict Defender 518-481-1593 -Jill Dyer, Assigned Counsel Coordinator 518-481-1423

Real Property Tax Services

Tammie S Brooks, Director Phone: 518-481-1600 or 518-481-1502 (front desk) Fax: 518-481-5995 tammie brooks@franklincountyny gov

Sheriff’s Department Jay Cook, Sheriff 45 Bare Hill Road Malone

518-483-3304 administration 518-483-6795 booking jay cook@franklincountyny gov Wade Sullivan, Undersheriff ade sullivan@franklincountyny gov 518-483-3305

Social Services Franklin County 184 Finney Boulevard Malone 518-481-1888

Soil and Water Conservation District 174 Finney Boulevard Malone 518-651-2097 www fcswcd org

Transportation-Franklin County Public

Tonya Allen, Transportation Coordinator 518-481-1508

For schedules and route information, please contact 518-483-9000 or franklinrides com

Veterans Services Agency

Jason Murray 355 West Main Street, Suite 200 Malone

518-481-1540 fax: 518-481-1623

jmurray@franklincony org -Regional VA Office 1-800-827-1000

-VA Education Office 1-888-442-4551

-Saranac Lake VA Clinic 518-626-5237

-Plattsburgh VA Clinic 518-561-6247

-VA Medical Center-Albany 518-626-5000

-VA Retirement Services-Fort Drum 315-639-6522

-VA ID Cards-Fort Drum 315-772-5149

Weights and Measures

Derrick Degon


Fax: 518-483-0141

derrick degon@franklincountyny gov

In New York State

Assemblyman Billy Jones

Represents Assembly District 115: Clinton, Franklin, St Lawrence counties nyassembly gov/mem/Billy-Jones www facebook com/Assemblyman DBillyJones X: @jonesnyassembly

Albany office: Legislative Office Building, Room 551 Albany, NY 12248 518-455-5943

Nearest district office: 202 U S Oval Plattsburgh, NY 12903 518-562-1986

Assemblyman Matthew Simpson Represents Assembly District 114: Essex, Warren, Washington, Saratoga counties SimpsonM@nyassembly gov https://nyassembly gov/mem/ Matthew-Simpson https://www facebook com/Assembly manSimpson X: @mjsimpson22

Albany office: Legislative Office Building, Room 721

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5710

Nearest district office: 4 Southwestern Avenue, Suite 3 Queensbury, NY 12804


Fax: 518-792-5584

Attorney General Letitia James Office of the Attorney General The Capitol Albany, NY 12224-0341

X: @TishJames

General Helpline: 1-800-771-7755

TDD/TTY toll-free line: 1-800-788-9898

Health Care Hotline: 1-800-428-9071

Medicaid Fraud Control Unit: 212-417-5397

https://ag ny gov

-Plattsburgh Regional Office: 43 Durkee Street, Suite 700 Plattsburgh, NY 12901


Fax: 518-562-3293

Consumer Frauds: 518-562-3282

Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Office of the State Comptroller 110 State Street Albany, NY 12236 518-474-4044

contactus@osc ny gov

www osc state ny us

Governor Kathy Hochul

NYS State Capitol Building Albany, NY 12224 518-474-8390

www governor ny gov www facebook com/govkathyhochul X: @govkathyhochul

Senator Daniel Stec

45th Senate District www nysenate gov/senators/ daniel-g-stec -Albany Office: 188 State Street

Legislative Office Building Room 408 Albany, NY 12247 518-455-2811

Fax: 518-426-6873

-Nearest District Office: 5 Warren Street, Suite 3 Glens Falls, NY 12801 518-743-0968

Fax: 518-743-0336

stec@nysenate gov

In Washington

President Joseph Biden

The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500

www whitehouse gov

Facebook: www facebook com/ whitehouse X: @whitehouse

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Representative Elise Stefanik

Washington Office: 2211 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515


Nearest district office: 137 Margaret Street, Suite 100 Plattsburgh, NY 12901


Fax: 518-561-2408

https://stefanik house gov

X: @Repstefanik

Senator Charles E. Schumer

322 Hart Senate Building Washington, DC 20510


Fax: 202-228-3027

Closest district office: Leo O’Brien Building Room 827 Albany, NY 12207


Fax: 518-431-4076

www schumer senate gov

www facebook com/senschumer

X: @senschumer

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand 478 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510


Fax: 202-228-4977

North Country office: P O Box 273 Lowville, NY 13367


Fax: 315-376-6118

www facebook com/ SenKirstenGillibrand X: @gillibrandny www gillibrand senate gov



In Albany

Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Call Centers

518-486-9786 1-800-698-2931 dmv ny gov

In New York State

Adirondack Park Agency 1133 NYS Route 86 P O Box 99

Ray Brook, NY 12977


https://apa ny gov

Department of Corrections and Community Supervision 1220 Washington Avenue, #9 Albany, NY 12226


https://doccs ny gov

Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-4500


contact@dec ny gov

www dec ny gov

-Region 5 (Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Saratoga, Warren and Washington counties) 1115 Route 86 P O Box 296

Ray Brook, NY 12977-0296


Department of Transportation


www dot ny gov

-Region 1, Capital District includes Essex County) 50 Wolf Road, Suite 1S50 Albany, NY 12232


-Region 7, North Country (includes Franklin County) Dulles State Office Building 317 Washington Street Watertown, NY 13601 315-785-2333

Travel Information 511NY org Dial: 511

New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities

44 Holland Avenue Albany, NY 12229


North Country Regional Office 607-240-4900

info@opwdd ny gov opwdd ny gov

New York State Police Troop B headquarters 1097 State Route 86 P O Box 100 Ray Brook, NY 12977-0100 518-897-2000

https://troopers ny gov

NYS Department of Health 41 St Bernard Street Saranac Lake, NY 12983 518-891-1800

www health state ny us


Town of Brighton 12 County Highway 31 P O Box 260

Paul Smiths, NY 12970

Phone: 518-327-3202

Fax: 518-327-5387

www townofbrighton net

Town of Franklin Route 3 P O Box 209 Vermontville, NY 12989 518-891-2189

Fax: 518-891-6389

info@townoffranklin com

www townoffranklin com

Town of Harrietstown 39 Main Street Saranac Lake, NY 12983 518-891-1470

Fax: 518-891-6265

www harrietstown org

Town of Jay 11 School Lane AuSable Forks, NY 12912 518-647-2204

townofjayny gov

Town of Keene 10892 State Route 9N Keene, NY 12942 518-576-4444

www townofkeeneny com

Town of Long Lake P O Box 307 1130 Deerland Road Long Lake, NY 12847 518-624-3001 longlake@mylonglake com www mylonglake com

Town of North Elba 2693 Main Street Lake Placid, NY 12946 518-523-9516 Fax: 518-523-9569 northelba villageoflakeplacid ny gov

Town of Piercefield 48 Waller Street P O BOX 155 Piercefield, NY 12973 518-359-7544

Fax: 518-359-9409 www piercefield org

Town of Santa Clara 5359 State Route 30 Saranac Lake, NY 12983 518-354-8477 santaclaratownclerk@gmail com townofsantaclara com

Town of St. Armand 1702 NYS Route 3 P O Box 338 Bloomingdale, NY 12913

Phone: 518-891-3189 Fax: 518-891-6092

townofstarmandny gov

Town of Tupper Lake 120 Demars Boulevard Tupper Lake, NY 12986 518-359-9261

Fax: 518-359-2634

www tupperlakeny gov

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Town of Wilmington

7 Community Circle

P O Box 180

Wilmington, NY 12997


Fax: 518-946-7124

townclerk@townofwilmington org www townofwilmington org

Village of Lake Placid 2693 Main Street

Lake Placid, NY 12946


Fax: 518-523-1321

Police Department: 518-523-3306 (non-emergency) northelba villageoflakeplacid ny gov

Village of Saranac Lake 39 Main Street, Suite 9 Saranac Lake, NY 12983


clerk@saranaclakeny gov Department of Public Works: 518-891-4160

Police Department: 518-891-4428 (non-emergency) www saranaclakeny gov

Village of Tupper Lake 53 Park Street P O Box 1290 Tupper Lake, NY 12986


Fax: 518-359-7802

villtupplake@centralny twcbc com

Police Department: 518-359-3776 (non-emergency) www tupperlakeny gov

Health, Wellness, Fitness

Adirondack Health Institute* 100 Glen Street, Suite 1A Glens Falls 21 Plattsburgh Plaza Plattsburgh 518-480-0111

www ahihealth org

Adirondack Massage Therapy*

Dan Sullivan, LMT

Zero Balancing Mentor 449 Lake Street Saranac Lake 518-572-1881 adkmassage com


Adirondack Audiology Associates* 144 Broadway Saranac Lake 518-891-0487

adirondackaudiology com


HEAP - Essex County 7551 Court Street P O Box 217 Elizabethtown 518-873-3878 or 518-873-3446

After hours emergency calls 518-873-6321

HEAP - Franklin County Franklin County Department of Social Services 184 Finney Boulevard Malone 518-481-1533

Mandy Jarvis mjarvis@franklincony org


A Division of MX Petroleum Corp 89 John Munn Road Saranac Lake 518-891-1616 mxfuels com

Hyde Fuel* 196 Broadway Saranac Lake 518-891-3151

518-891-1900 www hydefuel com

Heating (Plumbing & Air Conditioning)

French Hill Heating & Cooling* Saranac Lake 518-524-5631

Irvine Plumbing & Heating* For all your plumbing & Heating needs Serving the Tri-Lakes & Beyond Saranac Lake 518-323-5297 irvineplumbingandheating com

Housing Assistance


211 is the most comprehensive source of information about local resources and services in the country

Dail: 211 www 211 org

Adirondack Roots*

Megan Murphy, Executive Director 103 Hand Avenue P O Box 157


518-873-6888 www adirondackroots org

Harrietstown Housing Authority* Information/Applications 14 Kiwassa Road Saranac Lake 518-891-3050 ext 101 www harrietstownha org

JCEO Food Pantry & Community Outreach*

(Joint Council for Economic Opportunity)

Located at SLHS - Door 17 79 Canaras Avenue Saranac Lake 518-897-1446

Monday and Thursday 10:30 a m - 2:00 p m jceo@jceo org jceo org/community-outreach

Samaritan House Transitional Housing Center Ecumenical Council of Saranac Lake P O Box 194 Saranac Lake 518-897-5005 slecumenical@gmail com

Tupper Lake Housing Authority Ivy Terrace 38 Boyer Avenue Tupper Lake 518-359-9220

Village of Saranac Lake Community Development Department 39 Main Street Saranac Lake, NY 12983 -Katrina Glynn 518-891-4150 ext 235 comdev@saranaclakeny gov -Chris McClatchie Code Enforcement Officer 518-891-4150 ext 233 ceo@saranaclakeny gov www Saranaclakeny gov


Ayres Insurance Agency, Inc * Car, Home, Business Rob Reyell - Jeff Reyell 59 Main Street P O Box 1300 Saranac Lake 518-891-2711 Toll Free: 866-235-4663 ayresinsurance@centralny twcbc com

Gordon W. Pratt Insurance Agency* 2699 Main Street Lake Placid 518-523-3196 gwpratt com

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I.B. Hunt Agency*

73 Church Street, Suite 1 Saranac Lake 518-891-6600 gwpratt com

John M Glover Agency* Personal, Business, Home, Auto, Life & Health Ins

Julie LaMere 88 Church Street Saranac Lake, NY 12983 518-304-8432 jlamere@johnglover com

New York Life Insurance Co * Financial Services Professional Terry Buckley 111 Main Street Tupper Lake Cell: 518-637-3458 Business: 518-359-2731 tbuckley02@ftnewyorklife com

S Curtis Hayes, Inc * Auto, Home, Business 20 Broadway P O Box 1325 Saranac Lake 518-891-2020 Wayne Feinberg wayne@scurtishayes com

Wilkins Agency* Lake Placid 2208 Saranac Avenue 518-523-2508 Saranac Lake 83 River Street 518-891-0001 www wilinsure com service@wilinsure com


AuSable Forks Free Library 9 Church Lane P O Box 179 AuSable Forks 518-647-5596 ausablelibrary@gmail com ausableforksfreelibrary com

E.M. Cooper Memorial Library 5751 Route 86 Wilmington 518-946-7701 library@wilmingtoncooperlibrary net wilmingtoncooperlibrary org

Keene Public Library 10928 Route 9N P O Box 206 Keene 518-576-2200 keenepubliclibrary@outlook com facebook@keenepubliclibraryadks

Keene Valley Library 1796 State Route 73 P O Box 86 Keene Valley 518-576-4335

kvla library@gmail com keenevalleylibrary org

Lake Placid Public Library 2471 Main Street Lake Placid 518-523-3200 librarian@lakeplacidlibrary org lakeplacidlibrary org

Saranac Lake Free Library 109 Main Street Saranac Lake 518-891-4190 Fax: 518-891-5931 info@slfl org www slfl org

Tupper Lake Public Library

aka: Goff-Nelson Memorial Library 41 Lake Street Tupper Lake 518-359-9421

tupperlakepubliclibrary org

Wells Memorial Library

12230 NYS Route 9N P O Box 57 Upper Jay 518-946-2644

upperjaylibrary@gmail com www wellsmemoriallibrary com


Adirondack Daily Enterprise

54 Broadway P O Box 318

Saranac Lake 518-891-2600 www AdirondackDailyEnterprise com

Lake Placid News

54 Broadway P O Box 318 Saranac Lake 518-891-2600 www LakePlacidNews com

North Country Public Radio*

Saranac Lake - 90 5 FM Lake Placid - 91 7 FM

Tupper Lake - 88 3 FM

Paul Smiths - 88 9 FM Jay - 102 1 FM

Keene - 90 1 FM

Keene Valley - 96 3 FM

Elizabethtown - 91 3 FM

Plattsburgh/Burlington - 88 1 FM

Westport/Essex - 90 5 FM

St Lawrence University, Canton 877-388-6277 315-229-5356 radio@ncpr org NCPR org

Tupper Lake Free Press 136 Park Street Tupper Lake 518-359-2166

TLFreePress@roadrunner com tupperfreepress com


Adirondack Health* adirondackhealth org

Saranac Lake

2233 State Route 86 P.O. Box 471 518-891-4141

Lake Placid 203 Old Military Road 518-523-3311

American Cancer Society 1-800-227-2345 www cancer org

American Heart Association 800-242-8721 www heart org

Colby Center Senior Behavioral Health Unit at Adirondack Medical Center* 2233 State Route 86 P O Box 471

Saranac Lake 518-897-2871

Outpatient Behavioral Health Services 518-891-2750 www adirondackhealth org

Elizabethtown Community Hospital

Part of the UVM Health Network UVMHealth org/ECH 24-Hour Emergency Care and Specialty Care and Services -Elizabethtown Campus: 75 Park Street Elizabethtown 518-873-6377

Franklin County Public Health Department* 355 West Main Street, 2nd Floor Malone Services:

Acute and Communicable Disease Control

Chronic Disease Management and Health Education

Early Intervention, Children With Special Health Care Needs

Emergency Preparedness Home Care


Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

Maternal Child Health Program


Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Kathleen Farrell Strack, Director kstrack@franklincony org 518-481-1710 or 518-481-1709

Fax: 518-481-1108

FCHealth@franklincony org

Satellite Office: Saranac Lake 518-891-4471

After-hours emergency 1-877-410-5753 then press #5

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Hearing Loss Association of America


www hearingloss org

High Peaks Hospice*

Serving the Adirondack Region 518-891-0606 admin@highpeakshospice org highpeakshospice org

Hudson Headwaters*

Serving The Tri-Lakes

-Saranac Lake Family Health 2249 State Route 86, Suite 3 Saranac Lake, NY 12983 518-891-3845

-Tupper Lake Family Health 7 Stetson Road Tupper Lake, NY 12986 518-359-7222

Medicaid & CHIP Coverage

Information on staying covered if you lose Medicaid or CHIP 1-800-318-2596

TTY: 1-855-889-4325 www healthcare gov

Mountain Medical* 354 Broadway Saranac Lake 518-897-1000

3372 State Route 11 Malone 518-521-3322 2 Hospital Drive Massena 315-705-0700 www mountainmedical net

National Cancer Institute 800-422-6237 www cancer gov

New York State of Health Health plan marketplace for New York residents 1-855-355-5777

TTY: 1-800-662-1220 https://nystateofhealth ny gov

North Country Home Services* 25 Church Street Saranac Lake 518-891-2641 or 800-273-2641 www nchs net

Obamacare Plans 877-725-9871 www obamacare-plans com

Saranac Lake Voluntary Health Association, Inc.* 75 Main Street, Suite 2 Saranac Lake 518-891-0910 saranaclakevha org

Tupper Lake Health Center*

7 Stetson Road Tupper Lake 518-359-7000 adirondackhealth org

Veterans Administration Clinic Saranac Lake Community Based Outpatient Clinic 33 Depot Street Saranac Lake 518-626-5237

VA health connect: 800-877-6976


Ron Keough*

Cemetery Monument Services 518-891-2184


Charles Dickert Wildlife Collection Saranac Lake Free Library 109 Main Street Saranac Lake 518-891-4190 www slfl org

Franklin County Historical & Museum Society By Appointment 51 Milwaukee Street Malone 518-483-2750 fcohms@northnet org franklinhistory org

Historic Saranac Lake Saranac Laboratory Museum 89 Church Street, Suite 2 Saranac Lake 518-891-4606 mail@historicsaranaclake org historicsaranaclake org

John Brown Farm State Historic Site 115 John Brown Road Lake Placid 518-523-3900

Lake Placid Olympic Museum Olympic Center 2634 Main Street Lake Placid 518-302-5310 lakeplacidolympicmuseum org

Robert Louis Stevenson Memorial Cottage and Museum 44 Stevenson Lane Saranac Lake 518-891-1462 robert-louis-stevenson org

Six Nations Iroquois Cultural Center Seasonal 1462 County Route 60 Onchiota 518-891-2299

geninfo@6nicc com www 6nicc com

The History Museum of the Lake Placid North Elba Historical Society Seasonal 242 Station Street P O Box 189 Lake Placid 518-523-3830 info@lakeplacidhistory com lakeplacidhistory com

Tupper Lake History Museum 291 Park Street P O Box 824 Tupper Lake 518-359-3328 tlhistorymuseum org

Wilder Homestead Where Almanzo Wilder grew up Opens May 24th for the season. 177 Stacy Road Burke P O Box 283 Malone 518-483-1207 farm@almanzowilderfarm com almanzowilderfarm com


Irvine Plumbing & Heating* For all your plumbing & Heating needs Serving the Tri-Lakes and beyond Saranac Lake 518-323-5297 irvineplumbingandheating com

Post Offices

AuSable Forks Post Office 35 Forge Street AuSable Forks 12912 518-647-5591

Bloomingdale Post Office 1711 NYS Route 3, Suite 1 Bloomingdale 12913 518-891-2868

Gabriels Post Office 846 NYS Route 86 Gabriels 12939 518-327-3609

Jay Post Office 12941 NYS Route 9N Jay 12941 518-946-7200

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Keene Post Office

2841 NYS Route 73, Suite 2 Keene 12942 518-576-9966

Keene Valley Post Office 1901 NY-73

Keene Valley 12943 518-576-4330

Lake Clear Post Office 6379 NYS Route 30

Lake Clear 12945 518-891-3608

Lake Placid Post Office 2591 Main Street Lake Placid 12946 518-523-3071

Paul Smiths Post Office 7833 NYS Route 30 Paul Smiths 12970 518-327-3200

Piercefield Post Office 39 Waller Street Piercefield 12973 518-359-3410

Rainbow Lake Post Office 555 County Route 60 Rainbow Lake 12976 518-327-5298

Saranac Lake Post Office 51 Broadway Saranac Lake 12983 518-891-4390

Tupper Lake Post Office 9 Cliff Avenue Tupper Lake 12986 518-359-9401

Upper Jay Post Office 12197 NYS Route 9N Upper Jay 12987 518-946-7182

Vermontville/Onchiota Post Office 6 Coldbrook Road Vermontville/ Onchiota 12989 518-891-2800

Wilmington Post Office 5720 NYS Route 86 Wilmington 12997 518-946-7159


Adirondack Daily Enterprise Newspaper Printing 54 Broadway P O Box 318 Saranac Lake 518-891-2600

AdirondackDailyEnterprise com

Compass Printing* 42 Main Street Saranac Lake 518-891-7050

Fax: 518-891-7046 www compassprintingplus com

The UPS Store* 1936 Saranac Avenue #3 Lake Placid 518-523-1865 Fax: 518-523-1868 store3190@theupsstore com www theupsstorelocal com/3190

Property Care / Maintenance

Allen Moody Landscaping & Tree Service*

Roof shoveling, Snow Removal, Plowing, Tree Removal, Clean-up, Retaining Walls, Paver Stone Saranac Lake 518-891-9138 518-637-1799

Real Estate

Acre ADK*

Real Estate • Cleaning • Design/Build Saranac Lake, Lake Placid, Tupper Lake and neighboring communities Stephanie Colby Real Estate Broker/Owner 518-302-6464

steph@acreadk com www acreadk com

Ayres Realty, Inc * Real Estate Service for Buyers and Sellers

Rob Reyell - Jeff Reyell 57 Main Steet P O Box 1300 Saranac Lake 518-891-2713 866-235-4663 or 866-ADK HOME info@ayresrealestate com www ayresrealestate com

B A Straight Real Estate* 6567 Route 86 Jay 518-946-2600 www bastraightrealestate com

Coldwell Banker Whitbeck* 164 Boynton Avenue, Suite 101 Plattsburgh 336 W Main Steet Malone 5 Broadway, Suite 3 Saranac Lake 96 Park Street Tupper Lake 35 Main Street Potsdam 518-562-9999 cbwhitbeck com

Engel & Völkers

Lake Placid Real Estate* 2297 Saranac Avenue Lake Placid 518-523-4404

Toll free: 1-800-724-8778

Real Estate: lakeplacid evrealestate com Vacation Rentals lakeplacidvacationhomes com

Colleen M Holmes Real Estate Broker/Owner

Four Seasons Sotheby’s International Realty*

Robert (Bob) Martin

Associate Real Estate Broker 2527 Main Street, Suite 7 Lake Placid Cell: 518-524-7242

Office: 518-523-2550

bob martin@fourseasonssir com www fourseasonssir com

Four Seasons Sotheby’s International Realty* Alix Landau

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Certified Re-Marketing Specialist 2527 Main Street, Suite 7 Lake Placid Cell: 518-669-9331 Office: 518-523-2550 Fax: 518-523-2555

Alix Landau@fourseasonssir com www fourseasonssir com

Four Seasons Sotheby’s International Realty*

Corey Iaria Purcell

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 2527 Main Street, Suite 7 Lake Placid Cell: 518-524-6608 Office: 518-523-2550 Fax: 518-523-2555

Corey Purcell@fourseasonssir com coreypurcell fourseasonssir com

Judy Guglielmo, Associate Broker* Fesette Realty, LLC 176 US Oval Plattsburgh, NY 12903 518-572-8808

Judy @fesetteralty com

“For all your real estate needs”

Rob Grant and Associates Real Estate* 43 Broadway Saranac Lake 518-891-3745

www AdirondackRealEstate com www AdirondackRentals com

S Curtis Hayes, Inc * Full Service Brokerage 20 Broadway P O Box 1325 Saranac Lake 518-891-2020

Wayne Feinberg wayne@scurtishayes com www adirondackproperties com

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Sandy Hayes Realty*

206 River Road P O Box 288

Bloomingdale Office: 518-891-4343 Cell: 518-524-4343

sandy@sandyhayesrealty com www sandyhayesrealty com

Rural lots, land & lakefront


Say Rentals*

Carl “CJ” Hagmann 19 Church Street Saranac Lake 518-524-6363

sayrentals1@gmail com StaySaranacLake com


Adirondack Christian School

A Ministry of Calvary Baptist Church 6065 NYS Route 86 Wilmington 518-946-2487 Harold@adkcs com www adkcs com

Adirondack Educational Center (BOCES)* 711 NYS Route 3 Saranac Lake 518-891-1330 www fehb org

AuSable Forks Elementary School 28 Church Lane AuSable Forks 518-647-5503 avcs org

AuSable Valley Middle-High School 1490 State Route 9N Clintonville 518-834-2800 avcs org

Bloomingdale Elementary School 93 W Main Street Bloomingdale 518-891-3198 bloomingdale slcs org

Franklin/Essex /Hamilton BOCES 23 Husky Lane Malone 518-483-6420 www fehb org

Head Start ACAP* 518-873-3207 ext 224 Lake Placid 518-523-0003 Saranac Lake 518-891-4314 www acapinc org

Keene Central School

33 Market Street P O Box 67 Keene Valley 518-576-4555 www keenecentralschool org

Keeseville Elementary School 1825 Main Street Keeseville 518-834-2839 avsc org

L.P. Quinn Elementary School 294 Hosley Avenue Tupper Lake 518-359-2981 www tupperlakecsd net

Lake Placid Elementary School

318 Old Military Road Lake Placid 518-523-3640 www lpcsd org

Lake Placid Middle/High School

34 School Street Lake Placid 518-523-2474 www lpcsd org

North Country School/ Camp Treetops

4382 Cascade Road Lake Placid 518-523-9329

info@northcountryschool org northcountryschool org camptreetops org

Northern Lights School 26 Trudeau Road P O Box 228 Saranac Lake 518-891-3206 www northernlightsschool org

Northwood School 92 Northwood Road Lake Placid 518-523-3357 www northwoodschool org

Saranac Lake High School off LaPan Highway 79 Canaras Avenue Saranac Lake 518-891-4450 highschool slcs org

Saranac Lake Petrova Elementary/Middle School 141 Petrova Avenue Saranac Lake 518-891-4221 middleschool slcs org

St. Agnes School* 2322 Saranac Avenue Lake Placid 518-523-3771 admin@stagneslp org www stagneslp org

St Bernard’s School* 63 River Street Saranac Lake 518-891-2830 stbernardsschool org

Tupper Lake Middle/High School 25 Chaney Avenue Tupper Lake 518-359-3322 www tupperlakecsd net

Security Systems

Mahoney Alarms Lake Placid* 518-523-1600 mahoneyalarms com

Senior Citizens Services

Adirondack Adult Center

Stacey Button, Director 179 Demars Boulevard P O Box 1198 Tupper Lake 518-359-9070

Alzheimer ’s Disease Caregiver Support Initiative* Caregiver Support Line 1-800-388-0199 wehelpcaregivers com

Elderly Nutrition Program ACAP* 518-873-3207 acapinc org

Essex County Coordinated Care Unit and Adult Protective Services Social Services Department 132 Water Street P O Box 217 Elizabethtown 518-873-3550 www co essex ny us

Essex County Office for the Aging*

Krissy Leerkes, Director 132 Water Street P O Box 217 Elizabethtown 518-873-3695

https://essexcountyny gov/ office-for-the-aging/

Franklin County Office for the Aging*

Michelle Breen, Director 518-481-1526 or 518-481-1660

Fax: 518-481-1635

frankofa@franklincony org www franklincony org

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Community Directory 2024

(Continued from Page 40)

Jabaut Insurance Agency Inc.*

Specializing in Medicare enrollment assistance Serving the community for over 20 years 33 Montcalm Avenue Plattsburgh 518-561-6100 info@jabautins com

Meals on Wheels Saranac Lake Saranac Lake Adult Center 136 Broadway P O Box 864 518-891-2980

Medicaid Department of Social Services Essex County 518-873-3441

518-873-3450 (main line for Medicaid) Franklin County Office of Aging 518-481-1526 or 518-481-1660

Medicaid gov Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850 Toll-Free: 877-267-2323

Local: 410-786-3000

TTY Toll-Free: 800-877-8339

TTY Local: 410-786-0727 www medicaid gov



TTY: 1-877-486-2048

U S Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21244-1850 www medicare gov

Mercy Care for the Adirondacks* 185 Old Military Road Lake Placid 518-523-5580

www adkmercy org facebook com/mercycarefortheadirondacks

North Country Home Services* 25 Church Street Saranac Lake 518-891-2641 or 800-273-2641 www nchs net

Retired Senior Volunteer and Foster Grandparent Programs of Franklin County (RSVP)* Volunteer Programs for those 55 and older Foster Grandparent Program Catholic Charities Diocese of Ogdensburg Melissa Howard 518-359-7688

Saranac Lake Adult Center 136 Broadway P O Box 864 Saranac Lake 518-891-2980

Senior Companion Program Sunmount Development Center Tupper Lake 518-359-4097

Steve Criss Consulting LLC*

Local Licensed Insurance Agent

Specializing in Medicare Insurance Consulting Serving Clinton, Essex and Franklin Counties 518-561-4131 518-566-7432 stevey33@outlook com

The Essex County Office of the Aging/ The Essex County Nutrition Program for the Elderly Lake Placid Senior Center 214 Station Street Lake Placid


www acapinc org/programs1/ aging-services/

Senior Housing

DeChantal Apartments* 60 Church Street Saranac Lake 518-891-4004

www dechantalapartments com

Saranac Village at Will Rogers* 78 Will Rogers Drive Saranac Lake 518-891-7117

www saranacvillage com


Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth* Foster Care, Home Finder 13 Lawrence Way Elizabethtown 518-390-6863 Fax: 518-873-1400 www berkshirefarm org

Shipping Services

The UPS Store* 1936 Saranac Avenue #3 Lake Placid 518-523-1865 Fax: 518-523-1868 store3190@theupsstore com www theupsstorelocal com/3190

Ski Areas

Dewey Mountain Recreation Center Route 3

238 George H Lapan Memorial Highway Saranac Lake 518-891-2697

deweymountain@gmail com www deweymountain com

Mt Pisgah Recreation Center 92 Mt Pisgah Drive Saranac Lake 518-891-0970 or 518-891-6222 pisgahmanager@saranaclakeny gov www saranaclakeny gov

Olympic Sports Complex Mt Van Hoevenberg Cross Country Biathlon Center 31 Van Hoevenberg Way Off of NYS Route 73 Lake Placid 518-523-2811 mtvanhoevenberg com

Whiteface Mountain 5021 NYS Route 86 Wilmington 518-946-2223 Snow Report 877-SKI-FACE whiteface com

Social Services

211 211 is the most comprehensive source of information about local resources and services in the country Dail: 211 www 211 org

Adirondack Community Action Programs, Inc * -Aging Services -Child and Family Services -Emergency Needs -Employment Training -Weatherization and Energy Services 7572 Court Street, Suite 2 P O Box 848 Elizabethtown 518-873-3207 acapinc org

Catholic Charities* 6866 State Highway 37 Ogdensburg 315-393-2255

Centers for Disease Control 800-232-4636 www cdc gov

Child Abuse Hotline New York State 800-342-3720

NY Mandated Reporter Hotline 1-800-635-1522 www nyschildrensalliance org

Child Find of America Hotline 800-426-5678 childfindofamerica org

Children and Family Services of Essex County 7551 Court Street Elizabethtown 518-873-3420

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Community Directory 2024

(Continued from Page 41)

Citizen Advocates Inc.*

Leading provider of intellectual/developmental disability, mental health and addiction prevention, treatment and recovery services in Franklin, Essex, Clinton, St Lawrence, Jefferson, Hamilton and Lewis counties In addition to leading-edge clinical services, Citizen Advocates provides supports that promote individual health through stable housing, job training and transportation -Mental Health

-Addiction Recovery -Youth Services -Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

-Supported Housing -Community Support

Behavioral Health Clinics: -Saranac Lake

70 Edgewood Road 518-891-5535

-Malone 31 Sixth Street 518-483-3261 -Massena 16 Phillips Street 315-764-8076

Behavioral Health Urgent Care: -Malone

125 Finney Boulevard 518-481-8160 -Ogdensburg 1003 Park Street 315-713-9090 -Watertown 650 State Street 315-755-1251 Day Programs: -Saranac Lake 70 Edgewood Road 518-891-5535 -Malone 324 Creighton Road 518-483-1250

24 Hour Crisis Line: 518-483-3261 518-891-5535

citizenadvocates net

Early Intervention, Children With Special Health Care Needs

355 West Main Street Malone 518-483-1529

cfrederick@franklincony org franklincountyny gov

Essex County Coordinated Care Unit and Adult Protective Services

Social Services Department 132 Water Street P O Box 217 Elizabethtown 518-873-3550

www co essex ny us

Essex County Home Health Unit Essex County Health Department Home Health Services Elizabethtown 518-873-3500

www co essex ny us/Health

Essex County Medicaid Transportation Dept 1-866-753-4442

www medanswering com

Families First Serves families who have children with mental health issues 196 Water Street P O Box 565 Elizabethtown, NY 518-873-9544


familiesfirstessex org

Franklin County Foster Care Department of Social /services 184 Finney Blvd Malone 518-481-1812

www franklincountyny gov

Hearing Loss Association of America 301-657-2248

www hearingloss org

Homeward Bound Adirondacks* Veteran retreats 24 Depot Street P O Box 1100 Saranac Lake 518-354-5144

WeCare@HomewardBound Adirondacks org homewardboundadirondacks org

JCEO (Joint Council for Economic Opportunity)* 54 Margaret Street Plattsburgh

518-561-6310 - Clinton County 43 Valco Drive Malone 518-319-4028 - Franklin County

Medicaid Department of Social Services Essex County 518-873-3441


(main line for Medicaid) Franklin County Office of Aging 518-481-1526 or 518-481-1660

Medicaid & CHIP Coverage

Information on staying covered if you lose Medicaid or CHIP 1-800-318-2596

TTY: 1-855-889-4325

www healthcare gov

Medicaid gov Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

7500 Security Boulevard

Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850

Toll-Free: 877-267-2323

Local: 410-786-3000

TTY Toll-Free: 800-877-8339

TTY Local: 410-786-0727

www medicaid gov

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children


24-hour Hotline

CyberTipline org www missingkids org

National Domestic Violence Hotline 24-hour Hotline 800-799-7233

Text: 88788

www thehotline org

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence ncadv org

National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673

Online chat online rainn org www rainn org

New York State of Health Health plan marketplace for New York residents 1-855-355-5777

TTY: 1-800-662-1220

https://nystateofhealth ny gov

New York State Social Programs (Assistance) www ny gov/services

North Country Home Services* 25 Church Street Saranac Lake 518-891-2641 or 800-273-2641

www nchs net

Obamacare Plans


www obamacare-plans com

Parent to Parent of New York State Support for New York State Families of Individuals with Special Needs 1-800-305-8817 or 518-381-4350

www ptopnys org

Saranac Lake Voluntary Health Association, Inc.* 75 Main Street, Suite 2 Saranac Lake 518-891-0910

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Community Directory 2024

(Continued from Page 42)

Social Security Administration and Supplemental Security Income

U S Department of Health and Human Services 14 Durkee Street, Suite 230 Plattsburgh

Local 1-866-967-7430

TTY: 1-800-325-0778

National 1-800-772-1213

TTY: 1-800-325-0778

www ssa gov

Social Services Essex County Main: 518-873-3441

Accounting: 518-873-3460

Adult Protective Services: 518-873-3550 or 518-873-3551

Child Support: 1-888-208-4485

Child Welfare: 518-873-3420

Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-342-3720

Day Care Unit: 518-873-3431

Fraud Investigations Unit: 518-873-3636 or 518-873-3638

HEAP: 518-873-3878 or 518-873-3446

Legal: 518-873-3497

Medicaid Unit: 518-873-3450

SNAP: 518-873-3428

Stop DWI: 518-873-3630

Temporary Assistance: 518-873-3470

Youth Bureau: 518-873-3630

Social Services Franklin County 184 Finney Boulevard Malone 518-481-1888

United Way of the Adirondack Region Inc.* Clinton, Essex and Franklin Counties 45 Tom Miller Road Plattsburgh 518-563-0028

uwadk@unitedwayadk org unitedwayadk org 211adk org

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration

Lead public health and service delivery efforts that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and provide treatments and supports to foster recovery 877-726-4727

samhsa gov

Support Groups

Adirondack Chapter of Bereaved Parents of the USA

For infomation, local contact Deb Jerdo deb jerdo@gmail com 518-637-3004 www bereavedparentsusa org


Mental Health Matters* Dr Nadine F Case, Psychologist 43 Broadway, Suite 205 Saranac Lake 518-891-3053

Thrift Shops

Go Fish! Thrift Shop High Peaks Church 89 Will Rogers Drive Saranac Lake 518-891-3255

Open Wednesday 10:00 a m - 3:00 p m and Saturday 10:00 a m - 2:00 p m facebook com/GoFishHPC

Helping Hands Thrift Shop Linda Young, Coordinator George Bliss Road Lake Placid 518-523-8151

Riverside Thrift Shop 1169 Haselton Road Wilmington Wednesday and Saturday 10:00 a m - 2:00 p m 518-946-2922

Find us on facebook

Seventh Day Adventist Community Services 44 St Bernard Street Saranac Lake 518-354-5076

Transfer Stations/Recylcing Centers

Constable/Regional Transfer Station 828 County Route 20 Constable 518-483-8270

www cfswma com Monday - Friday 7:00 a m - 4:00 p m Saturday 10:00 a m - 1:00 p m Scale hours: 7:30 a m - 3:30 p m , Monday-Friday 10:00 a m - 1:00 p m Saturday Closed Sunday and all legal holidays

Keene Transfer Station 61 Town Shed Lane Keene 518-576-4692

www townofkeeneny com/transferstation/

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 8:30 a m - 4:30 p m

Closed, Tuesday, Thursday and all legal holidays

Lake Clear Transfer Station 59 Dump Road Lake Clear 518-891-7218

www cfswma com

Monday - Tuesday Thursday - Saturday 8:00 a m - 3:30 p m

Closed Wednesdays, Sundays and all legal holidays

North Elba Transfer Station 74 Recycle Circle Lane Lake Placid 518-523-2940 northel-

ba villageoflakeplacid ny gov/departments/ recycling waste php Monday- Wednesday Friday - Saturday 8:00 a m - 4:15 p m

Recycling closes at 4:00 p m

Closed Thursdays, Sundays and all legal holidays

St. Armand Transfer Station 112 River Road Bloomingdale 518-891-3189 townofstarmandny gov Saturday 8:00 a m - 1:00 p m

Closed Sunday through Friday and all legal holidays

Tupper Lake Transfer Station

131 Big Wolf Pond Road Tupper Lake 518-359-3350

www cfswma com/locations/tupperlake-transfer-station Monday - Wednesday Friday - Saturday 8:00 a m - 3:30 p m

Closed Thursday, Sunday and all legal holidays

Wilmington Transfer Station 51 Evergreen Lane Wilmington 518-946-7174

Landfill Attendant 518-390-8580

www townofwilmington org/transferstation/ Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 a m - 5:00 p m Saturday 8:00 a m - 4:00 p m

Closed Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and all legal holidays


Airports and Airplanes

Adirondack Regional Airport 96 Airport Road Saranac Lake 518-891-4600

www adirondackairport com

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Community Directory 2024

(Continued from Page 43)

Plattsburgh International Airport 42 Airport Lane Plattsburgh www flyplattsburgh com


Adirondack Trailways 800-858-8555 trailways com

Transportation-Essex County Public

For schedules and route information, please contact 1-800-914-9266 Elizabethtown

Email: transportation@essex countyny gov essexcountyny gov/transportation/

Transportation-Franklin County Public

Tonya Allen, Transportation Coordinator


For schedules and route information, please contact 518-483-9000 or franklinrides com



Westport/Plattsburgh Reservations and Schedule information 800-872-7245 www Amtrak com

Trash Removal Services

DeMarco Disposal* 518-354-8237

DemarcoDisposal518@gmail com demarcodisposal com

Travel Information

511 Travel Information

U S Dept of Transportation Travel Information ops fhwa dot gov/511

New York Travel Information Dial: 511 511ny org


Bloomingdale/Town of St Armand Water and Sewer Department 518-891-3189 Ext 3

Town Clerk Water Department Emergencies 518-637-9185

Sewer Department Emergencies 518-354-3898

Lake Placid Power House 77 Powerhouse Lane Lake Placid 518-523-2021

Lake Placid Water and Sewer Department

Sewer Department 518-523-1581

DPW 518-523-2002

Water Department 518-523-3612

Billing Department 518-523-2597

In case of Emergency: 518-523-3211

National Grid


Outages & Electric Emergencies 1-800-867-5222

www nationalgridus com

New York State Electric and Gas

Customer Service

Electric Interruption/Emergency 1-800-572-1131 or 911 Non-Emergency 1-800-572-1111

Automated Account Information 1-800-600-2275

Payment Arrangements 1-888-315-1755

www nyseg com

Saranac Lake Water Department

DPW 518-891-4160

Waste & Water Treatment 518-891-3037

Tupper Lake Municipal Electric/Sewer 518-359-3341 ext 202


Lake Placid Animal Hospital* 5673 Cascade Road Lake Placid

Dr Alison Flanigan, DVM Dr Gracey Frenette-Welsh, DVM 518-523-7319 lakeplacidanimalhospital com

Voting Information

Board of Elections

Republican Commissioner Tracy Sparks

Democratic Commissioner Brandon John Varin


boe@franklincony gov

Board of Elections

Democratic Commissioner: Mary McGowan


mary mcgowan@essexcountyny gov

Republican Commissioner: Jack Moulton 518-873-3478

jack moulton@essexcountyny gov

Vote org

Nonpartisan voting registration and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) technology platform in America www vote org


VOTE411 org is a “one-stop-shop” for election related information It provides nonpartisan information to the public with both general and state-specific information www vote411 org

Website Design



Veteran’s Crisis Line

Dial: 988 Option 1 Text: 838255 www veteranscrisisline

Youth Centers/Programs

Lake Placid Youth Athletic Association P O Box 129 Lake Placid www lpyaa org

Saranac Lake Youth Center

29 Woodruff Street P O Box 1003 Saranac Lake 518-891-5846

saranaclakeyouth@gmail com saranaclakeyouth wixsite com/slyc facebook com/saranaclake youthcenter

Shipman Youth Center

61 Cummings Road P O Box 1122

Lake Placid 518-523-8786

shipmanyouthcenter org facebook com/ShipmanYouthCenterLP

Town of Tupper Lake Recreation & Youth Activities

120 Demars Boulevard Tupper Lake 518-359-8370 youthdir@townoftupperlake com

Wilmington Youth Center Park Lane

Wilmington 518-946-2255

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Adirondack Website Design* 75 Main Street Saranac Lake
adirondackwebsitedesign com

Community Directory 2024

Altona ......................12910

AuSable Chasm ......12911

AuSable Forks ........12912

Bangor ....................12966

Bloomingdale ..........12913

Brainardsville ..........12915

Brushton ..................12916

Burke ......................12917

Cadyville ..................12918

Champlain ..............12919

Chateaugay ............12920

Chazy ......................12921

Childwold ................12922

Churubusco ............12923

Clintonville ..............12924

Constable ................12926

Dannemora ..............12929

Dickinson Center ....12930

Elizabethtown ..........12932

Ellenburg ................12933

Ellenburg Center ....12934

Ellenburg Depot ......12935

Essex ......................12936

Fort Covington ........12937

Gabriels ..................12939

Hogansburg ............13655

Jay ..........................12941

Keene ......................12942

Keene Valley ..........12943

Keeseville ................12944

Lake Clear ..............12945

Lake Placid ..............12946

Lewis ......................12950

Loon Lake ..............12989

Lyon Mountain ........12952

Malone ....................12953

Mooers Forks ..........12959

Moriah ....................12960

Morrisonville ............12962

Mountain View ........12969

New Russia ............12964

North Bangor ..........12966

Onchiota ..................12989

Owls Head ..............12969

Paul Smiths ............12970

Peru ........................12972

Piercefield ................12973

Plattsburgh ..............12901

Plattsburgh AFB ......12903

Port Kent ................12975

Rainbow Lake ........12976

Ray Brook ..............12977

Redford ....................12978

Rouses Point ..........12979

Saint Huberts ..........12943

Saranac ..................12981

Saranac Lake ..........12983

Schuyler Falls ..........12985

Standish ..................12952

St. Regis Falls ........12980

Tupper Lake ............12986

Upper Jay ................12987

Upper St. Regis ......12945

Vermontville ............12989

Wadhams ................12990

West Bangor............12991

West Chazy ............12992

Westport ..................12993

Whallonsburg ..........12994

Willsboro ..................12996

Wilmington ..............12997

Merrill ......................12955 Moira ......................12957 Mooers ....................12958

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 45
Zip Codes

Polling sites in Franklin & Essex Counties

Franklin County:

BRIGHTON (All Districts)

Brighton Town Hall, 12 County Route 31, Paul Smiths

FRANKLIN (All Districts)

Town Hall, 7 Cold Brook Road, Vermontville

HARRIETSTOWN (All Districts)

Harrietstown Town Hall, 39 Main Street, Saranac Lake

SANTA CLARA (All Districts)

Santa Clara Town Hall, 5359 State Rte 30, Saranac Inn

TUPPER LAKE (All Districts)

Holy Ghost Parish Center, 40 Marion Street, Tupper Lake

Essex County:


Elizabethtown Fire Dept , 22 Woodruff Lane, Elizabethtown

ESSEX (All Districts)

Essex Fire Hall, 2659 NYS Rte 22, Essex

JAY (Districts 1 & 2)

Jay Town Office, 11 School Lane, Ausable Forks

KEENE (All Districts)

Keene Valley Fire Hall, 15 Market Street, Keene Valley

LEWIS (All Districts)

Lewis Town Hall, 8574 US Rte 9 , Lewis

NORTH ELBA (Districts 1, 3 ,4, 5, 6)

Shipman Youth Center, 61 Cummings Road, Lake Placid (District 2)

Saranac Lake Town House, 193 River Street, Saranac Lake

ST. ARMAND (All Districts)

Bloomingdale Town Hall, 1702 NYS Rte. 3, Bloomingdale

WILMINGTON (All Districts)

Wilmington Community Center, 7 Community Circle, Wilmington

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e 2 0 2 4 46

What to know when applying for a Limited Liability Company

When forming a new business and a p p l y i n g f o r a n L L C ( L i m i t e d Liability Company), there are laws you must comply with for it to be properly formed.

According to Section 206 of the New York State Limited Liability Company Law (LLCL), it requires the following:

• Within 120 days after the effect i v e n e s s o f t h e i n i t i a l a r t i c l e s o f organization an LLC must publish a copy of the articles of organization or a notice related to the formation of the LLC in two newspapers, which are paid publications.

• The newspapers for publication must be designated by the county clerk of the county in which the office of the LLC is located.

• A notice which is published in a newspaper other than the newspaper(s) designated by the county clerk is not a publication required by LLCL Section 206.

• LLC notices must run six successive weeks, in two newspapers of the county with paid circulation and a P e r i o d i c a l M a i l i n g P e r m i t O n e newspaper to be printed weekly and one newspaper to be printed daily, designated by the county clerk.

• A specified sworn affidavit of publication with a copy of the original notice must be filled with the NYS Department of State

N o t f o l l o w i n g t h e s e l a w s f o r a L i m i t e d L i a b i l i t y C o m p a n y c o u l d result in it not being recognized or legally binding, and if challenged, could result in a costly lesson.

For instructions regarding publication of an LLC, consult your county clerk or the Department of State’s website.

The importance of a working smoke alarm

The following information is provided by, an official website of the U S D

paredness information for many situations.

A w o r k i n g

y increases your chances of surviving a deadly home fire

¯ Replace batteries twice a year, unless you are using 10-year lithium batteries

¯ Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, including the basement.

¯ Replace the entire smoke alarm unit every 10 years or according to manufacturer’s instructions.

¯ Never disable a smoke alarm while cooking it can be a deadly mistake.

¯ Audible alarms are available for visually impaired people and smoke alarms with a vibrating pad or flashing light are available for the hearing impaired

¯ Test smoke alarms at least once a month using the test button.

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a r t m e n t o f H o m e l a n d S e c u r i t y
y g o v h a s e x t e n s i v e e m e r g e n c y p r e -
e p
R e a d
m o k e
a r m s i g n i f i c a n t
a l

G u i d e 2 0 2 4

D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e

A d i r o n d a c k


The Medicare Savings Program (MSP) could put up to $7,000 back into your Social Security check each year thanks to newly expanded income limits.


Franklin County Office for The Aging is here to help with services. This project was supported, in part by the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking project with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy. Call 518.481.1526 Get
Help Paying for Medicare Costs
Individual $2,280/month
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