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Summer’s back

2 2 0 2 l l a F / r e m m u S • e d i u G n o i t a c V a k c a d n o r i d A / e s i r p r e t n E y l i a D k c a d n o r i d A Welcome to New York state’s Adirondack Park — and a return to more normal circumstances as mask mandates are gone in this late stage of the coronavirus pandemic.

For the past two years, Adirondack visitors had quite possibly the strangest summer vacations they’ve ever experienced. With COVID-19 guidelines in place, in-person events had disappeared, and a lot of the attractions and museums were closed. It was more of a DIY — do it yourself — kind of vacation.

But this year, everything’s back. Masks are optional, and events are going on as they did in 2019, the last “normal” summer season in the Adirondacks.

During the pandemic, people were seeking low-risk outdoor life — one thing that is abundant in the Adirondacks. It’s actually one of the main reasons tourists began arriving here in the first place in the 19th century.

They were swimming, hiking, rock climbing, fishing, biking, paddling, standup paddleboarding, wildlife watching, birding and picnicking. They were playing tennis, golf, disc golf and badminton. Families were playing outdoor games, such as horseshoes, shuffleboard, croquet, bean bag toss and Frisbee.

Now attractions and restaurants are open. People who are fully vaccinated and boosted will be enjoying the outdoors without their masks. While the risk is not totally gone, it’s safer this year. We can feel it.

So go out and explore all the wonders of the Adirondack Park — nature-made or man-made — and enjoy yourselves in this magical place.

Have fun shopping or visiting local food producers and drink establishments, whether it’s a trip to the farmers market or farm stand, enjoying a beer at one of our craft breweries or ending your day at a favorite ice cream stand.

Whatever this summer brings, we hope you stay healthy and happy and come back to the Adirondacks often — spring, summer, fall and winter. It is truly a year-round paradise for those who love the great outdoors.

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