A Distinctive Style Spring 2010 with Summer Rayne Oakes

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Art & Artisans Dr. David Suzuki Solar Panel Jewelry Sustainable Fashion Wisdom | Inspiration Tim Martin Gleason in The Phantom of the Opera The Art of Living on The Sea

Eco-ModEl ExtraordinairE

Summer Rayne Oakes

2 A Distinctive style

ROYAYE SEFID Briday | Red Carpet Collection 2010

Photo: Emile Ashley/ Ashley Studio. Styling: Marcus AndrĂŠ Green Hair: Fin-Olav Prydz/ Adam & Eva. Makeup: Miriam Robstad/ Pudder Modell: Marianne Haugli/ Pholk. Design: Reload

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Ben GOODe photography

8 A Distinctive style


Ben GOODe photography

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COVER Model SUMMER RAYNE OAKES Photographer Makeup




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Contributing Writers for April issue Columnist




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JERRY MiLLER Production Manager MARK VASiLE

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Letter From The Editor I was recently asked by a

Musical series last month. The touring company

friend to describe what it is

made its way through Dallas on its final leg of the


company’s 17-year tour.








Resisting the more popular media buzz words that abound these days, here’s what I said: “The images and sounds that grace our

JANE WAIDE Senior Editor

pages are a unique blend of Style, Savvy and Sustain-

We took an amazing guided trip through the “pipeline,” as seen through the lens and perspective of water world photographer extraordinaire, Clark Little. We interviewed an amazing gal named Cashea Arrington who, at the age of 21, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma but refuses to give up. She is truly an inspiration to us all. Don’t miss her story.

ability that resonate with

Pete Mack interviewed environmentalist David

the interests and sensibilities of our readers. Our ded-

Suzuki. In this amazing dialogue, Peter gets right to

ication to balance, consciousness and eco-centered

the heart of the matter by asking “What did we get

living is evident. Our features and interviews always

right in 2009” and follows up closely with the inquiry

connect with the common threads of Art, Heart,

“What are two things ours readers can do in the next

Beauty and Sustainability. The artisans and designers,

24 hours that will actually have an impact.” We have

whose visions glide from page to page, are chosen

the opportunity to see beyond the intellectual, out-

based on their commitment to these same values.

spoken, power-packed nature of this highly visible

These are things which elevate and inspire us as

and committed environmental educator, to catch a

humans. They give us pause to wonder. They refresh

glimpse of a man with a very personal fervor and life-

our perspective. They bring us joy.” This is what we

long passion for his planet and his family.

aim to provide. This is our commitment to you, our readers, each time we publish a new edition of A Distinctive Style. It works for us. It’s what juices us! We hope it works for you as well.

As lights flickered to darkness around the globe in observance of Earth Hour 2010, then returned to illuminate our planet, we’re reminded of a glorious spring that is bursting all around us and our steward-

IN THIS ISSUE: Our cover story this month focuses on

ship of all things great and small, bright and beautiful.

Summer Rayne Oakes, an amazing talent who lends

April 22 is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Speak

grace and dynamism to each business and personal

up. Be heard. Stand for something. Express appreci-

commitment she makes. She’s quick to explain that

ation. Love the life you live and take steps to

she has figured out that by associating with the

participate fully in creating it. In her book Creating A

causes and companies that are in alignment with her

Charmed Life, author Victoria Moran suggests the fol-

values and aspirations, success comes naturally and

lowing; “Help bring into being the world what you

life takes care of itself in a beautiful unfolding. While

want by supporting those who hold a similar vision.”

she doesn’t like to be categorized with “brands” or “labels,” she has become her own highly visible and recognizable iconic brand. A Distinctive Style was fortunate enough to catch actor/vocalist Tim Martin Gleason of The Phantom of the Opera, while performing in The Dallas Summer

Jane A Distinctive style 11


12 A Distinctive style


Do you drink bottled water?

tary is a behind-the-scenes look

Do you know people who drink

into the unregulated and un-

bottled water? Watch this trailer

seen world of an industry that

called “TAPPED.” It’s sad that

aims to privatize and sell back

there is a generation of children

the one resource that ought

being raised right now that only

never to become a commodity:

knows bottled water.

our water.

When I was growing up, no

From the plastic production to

one drank bottled water. Some

the ocean in which so many of

might have taken old milk jugs to

these bottles end up, this inspir-

the grocery store to fill up for

ing documentary trails the path

$0.25 from their filtered water.

of the bottled water industry and

Perrier and Evian were the only

the communities which were the

bottled waters you could buy.

unwitting chips on the table. A

Then sometime in the late 80’s it

powerful portrait of the lives

started catching on more and

affected by the bottled water

more. At some point there was a

industry, this revelatory film fea-

mindset projected on the popu-

tures those caught at the inter-

lation that you were a bad per-

section of big business and the

son if you didn’t drink bottled

public’s right to water.

water. Water is a precious commodity


– protect it – drink it – from the tap. I know it’s hard to believe here in the U.S. that there will be wars fought for water, but there will be. It’s the next oil. Is access to clean drinking water a basic human right, or a commodity




bought and sold like any other article of commerce? Stephanie Soechtig’s debut feature is an unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water. From the producers of Who Killed





I.O.U.S.A., this timely documenA Distinctive style 13

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16 A Distinctive style

Distinctive Sustainable Fashions A New York duo is out to save the environment by challenging the established fashion industry By Margo Pierce


aving the earth one “sophisticated, sustainable, chic” ensemble at a time is what c. marchuska is all about. Not satisfied with having to leave her environmental conscience at the boutique door, Christine Marchuska shared her frustration with Brooke Bresnan and the two women came up with a solution: a new eco-friendly clothing line was born in 2009. “We need to preserve the earth and look out for future generations,” Marchiska says. “There is too much waste in the current production and manufacturing of fabric and clothing. I think eco-friendly and sustainable options are very important and necessary.” In addition to utilizing sustainable fabrics such as organic cotton, hemp silk and soy jersey, c.marchuska is home-grown, manufactured in New York City. “We manufacture domestically to reduce our carbon footprint,” Marchiska explains. “We try to always use recycled materials and as little packaging as possible to cut down on waste. “I think it is very important to support the local economy as well as the US economy. It goes back to the sustainability aspect of our

company and supporting our community and city.” These sophisticated, colorful clothes (the color wheel does include one shade of green) are designed to be as versatile as they are fashionable, making it possible to do more with any wardrobe using fewer pieces. Each piece in the ever-expanding line is available in retail shops across the country as well as on-line. Marchiska and Bresnan hail from the halls of Wall Street corporations and are leveraging technology for everything from high-tech promotions to e-commerce as they expand the reach of their clothing line. You can follow c.marchuska on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with ecofashion news—including how the “Christine Dress” can be worn dressed up, dressed down or as a light weight jacket—on the company’s blog. Those already in the know are retailers who are giving raves. “They like the designs first and foremost,” Marchuska says. “We always focus on the design aesthetic and how to incorporate luxury eco-friendly fabrics into our designs.” Customers agree.

“They like the versatility of the pieces and the flattering cut of the designs,” Marchuska adds. “I even have been told by other designers that they really appreciate how many different body types are able to wear our designs and look stylish and attractive.” Thanks to c.marchuska, the socially conscious woman no longer has to sacrifice style, price or comfort to help save the planet.

Christine and Brooke met in April 2008 while raising funds and awareness for Safe Horizon, the nation’s leading victim assistance organization. A percentage of c. marchuska proceeds is donated annually to Safe Horizon.

TWITTER: @cmarchuska FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/cmarchuska BLOG: www.cmarchuska.com/blog

A Distinctive style 17

LUX By Mae Yokoyama Photographer Andreas Nyquist

Mae Yokoyama brings technology into the world of haute couture and show how to profit from the sun and turn energy into beauty.

One piece that stands out in her production is a collar made of solar panels, accumulating energy during daytime. When the sun goes down a string of pearls is illuminated, turning the functional look of the solar panels into a subtle and fashionable necklace.

20 A Distinctive style


Ben GOODe photography A Distinctive style 21

22 A Distinctive style

Matt Venuti

A Natural Musician By Ginger Brashinger It may sound cliché to talk about

“I was obsessed,” Venuti said of

immersing yourself in the music, but

his subsequent search. “It took me

Speaking with passion about an

in the case of Matt Venuti’s pieces,

months just to find out what it was

instrument that Venuti truly plays

we’re simply talking reality. Venuti

really called.”

with his whole being, he honors

takes your heart away.”

is as one with the Hang, an instru-

When he finally made the con-

Felix and Sabina’s ultimate vision of

ment which defies definition, even

nection, Venuti discovered that

the Hang as a “complete holistic

as it creates music so complete

the artists who created the Hang


that it requires none.

were not just selling to anyone,

“We should wait before we put it

“The Hang is a work in progress,”

cautious about the possible ex-

into a box,” Venuti says of those

Venuti says of what is frequently his

ploitation of their artwork. A re-

who might want to categorize the

instrument of choice. “It has a new

quest by letter was required, and if

instrument. “It’s going to change.

resonance, a new look, a new feel.

the request was acknowledged, it

It’s almost as if it’s ancient, but it’s

It’s a sound sculpture.”

might result in an invitation to

brand new. It needs a story. It


needs time. I guess that’s my job.

Even that description does not




prepare one for the full effect of

Sabina, Hang creators, worked

the music—a soothing liquid sound

their magic.


with a heartbeat (think of the early

Venuti went on to order a Hang

morning song of a red-winged

from Switzerland (“before I even

When you get to know this pro-

blackbird) played on a “soft” steel

played one”) and then found one

foundly compassionate and loving


for sale online at almost the same

individual, it’s not surprising that he

Venuti and his band, The Venu-

time, going from a dearth to a vir-

and his music, his instruments are

sians, were “the darlings of the dot

tual “Hang plethora” in a very short

“one.” After his wife of 20 years,

com era,” according to Venuti,


Yolanda, was diagnosed with a






A natural musician, Venuti quickly

terminal illness, Venuti took a leave

healthy schedule of gigs ranging

recorded his first of many Hang

from his musical career to become

from Napa Valley to Mexico to

CDs, Dance of the Helix and sent it


Germany. Despite the success of

off to Switzerland.

caretaker. Despite her passing last




the band—together now for 20

“They loved it,” Venuti said of

year, she remains a presence in his

years—and the pleasure Venuti

Felix and Sabina, “and they asked

life through his music, their mutual

derived from playing yet another

me to please send more and

love of nature and compassion for

unique instrument, the Electronic

come to Switzerland.”

animals. When the author caught

Valve Instrument, he was looking for something new. “I put the word out to my friends that I needed something different.” One of those friends mentioned hearing a “hand pan.”

He took them up on the offer the

up with Venuti for this interview, he

following year and has visited sev-

had just come in from outdoors

eral times since.

where he takes care of 15 feral

“We became friends,” Venuti

cats on a daily basis, something he

said. “These two are brilliant artists.

and Yolanda shared. Check out his

Their new creation ‘Integral Hang’

Facebook page for more.

is so deep and beautiful; it just

A Distinctive style 23

Your dinner table becomes a riskier place for

on narrow ledges. They often have highly

glasses the longer you drink. Glasses are

conical eggs, which are less likely to roll off

likely to tip over, spilling wine on your table

the ledge, tending instead to roll around in a

cloth and in a worst case scenario, even

tight circle.

falling down and getting crushed on the floor.

The pyriform shape of the glass and decanter resulting in their orbital movement on

Andreas Dahlberg wanted to avoid those

the dinner table, also makes the wine breath

mishaps during dinner. So, when making a set

easier, giving it a richer taste and enhanced

of wine glasses and a decanter, he was in-

flavour prior to drinking.

spired by cliff-nesting birds who lay their eggs

24 A Distinctive style

Pyriform By Andreas Dahlberg Photographer Andreas DAHLBERG

A Distinctive style 25


By Lara Vander Ploeg For many, there is nothing quite as inspiring as the ocean canvas. The ebb and flow of tides, the vast landscape of wind-swept peaks and valleys, the incredible colors of sun-kissed shallows, and the silken curtain of gray as a storm sweeps across the horizon, are all evidence of an ecosystem with multiple personalities. The curl and spray of waves breaking on shore is another image that can sooth or exhilarate and no one captures these images like Clark Little. Clark has spent his whole life near the beach. He is distinguished in the world of surfing as a “shorebreak surfer” – one who surfs the waves that break very close to shore on the beach or rocky shoreline. These type of waves end up on the beach or rocks just a few seconds later. For surfing, the drops are usually very steep. Even if you make the drop, there is no escape out since the wave hits the beach soon after and engulfs you. While Clark doesn’t claim to be heroic, even a glimpse of other shorebreak surfers and you know this is not a passion for the meek. It was this unique surfing expertise (and a request from his wife for bedroom artwork) that helped him get started capturing the incredible, once-ina-lifetime moments you see here. Clark’s work is constantly evolving. Because he has the heart and mind of a student, he is always searching. He shoots in all kinds of weather, times of day, and sizes of waves. Over the years he has learned more and more about photography, equipment, shooting secrets, and let his own style emerge. He may take 250-350 shots in an outing and get 2-4 keepers. Some days he gets nothing at all. However, there is something incredibly satisfying about getting an amazing shot.

In fact, Clark’s work is so unique and compelling, he has been featured in magazines, newspapers, and other media outlets all over the world. In response to overwhelming interest and the sheer accumulation of images, he chose to publish his favorites in a book. The Shorebreak Art of Clark Little, is a breathtaking visual expose that not only serves to honor this force of nature but also chronicle Clark’s own journey. “To be able to create a book was a wild dream. As it started to look like it could become a reality, I just had to go for it. And then to have forewords written by singer/ songwriter Jack Johnson and 9-time

surfing world champion, Kelly Slater, is beyond what I could have ever imagined.” Truth is: The Shorebreak Art of Clark Little challenges the imagination of

most and not only stands out as an incredible photographic collection; it serves as a reminder to all of us that we “are just a speck of sand compared to the greatness of nature. Nature doesn’t stop for us. We are the ones who need to adjust to her.” Clark is blessed to enjoy the beaches of Hawaii on a daily basis. We are not all so lucky. However, Clark gives his readers and fans a view of nature they have never seen before and may never see again. It is his gift to us and it doesn’t just stop with his book. As the year goes on, Clark Little has many other projects in the works. To re-attune yourself to the awe-inspir-

ing display of water and surf, check out his website at www.clarklittlephotography.com and keep abreast of the exciting things that lie ahead. A Distinctive style 27

Inner Wisdom Seeking Peace

Harboring hostilities, even the

lack of awareness that each per-

tiny ones we pretend we don’t

son’s pain is not unlike our own

by Christina Grant, PhD

have, creates an ideal environ-

pain. When we can see that the

ment for conflict. Even the annoy-

person who just drove past us like

ances we feel toward others – their

a maniac, or our rude co-worker,

attitudes or opposing beliefs, their

or our angry partner is actually in

mannerisms and expressions, the

some sort of pain (otherwise there

Most everyone I know feels drawn

things they might say or do, the

wouldn’t be the aggression) then

to the idea of peace – inner

way they drive – have the opposite

we can begin to understand, “Ah,

peace, a peaceful home, a

effect of what most of us really

this person is suffering. It is not

peaceful country, a peaceful

want, which is peace.

about me. Perhaps the best thing I

world. But what does it take to

So what would it look like to

can do in this moment is offer them

have it? As we all know, peace

cultivate an inner sense of peace

compassion, for their suffering is not

isn’t an easy goal.

in a way that promotes external

unlike my own.”

Wars and invasions have pre-

peace? We would begin by taking

What people need most of all

vailed in the world throughout his-

responsibility for our feelings. We

is compassion for their ignorance

tory. In order for this to be the case,

are a society addicted to blaming

and the way they inadvertently

I think the majority of people who

others for our own unwanted cir-

hurt others.

live on the planet are at war within

cumstances. We wouldn’t do this

So maybe you will join me on a

themselves. How could it be any

anymore. Instead, we would work

quest for peace. But let’s not just

other way?

through disturbing thoughts and

talk about it or march for it or won-

If we have mini-wars within us,

emotions, refusing to fling them out

der why it hasn’t happened yet.

what do we do about them? This

into the world the way we some-

Let’s actually cultivate it within our-

is an important question for all suc-

times do. Instead of taking oppor-

selves. In this way no matter what

cessful peacemakers. If you be-

tunities to express our hostilities to-

happens in our world we can know

lieve, like I do, that inner conflict

ward others, we would express

our own role has been to actively

ultimately leads to wars in the

them constructively (exercise, jour-

promote peace.

world, then doing our own inner

naling, singing, dancing, releasing

housekeeping is the most powerful

the sounds of hostility in healing

Dr. Christina Grant is a holistic healer

way we can contribute to plane-

ways). And we might even think

and spiritual counselor who works in per-

tary peace.

about cultivating compassion and

son and by phone. She has helped hun-

understanding for our own suffer-

dreds of people attain physical, mental,


emotional and spiritual well-being

The noble goal of seeking a more peaceful environment includes fostering serenity and har-

“If we could read the secret his-

through personal transformation. Her

mony in our innermost selves. If

tory of our enemies, we should find

writing is published nationwide. She is

each of us maintained our own

in each man’s life sorrow and suf-

co-author of Eight Minute Muse and is

serenity, we would never consider

fering enough to disarm all hostil-

completing a book with a fresh perspective

invading or harming another per-


on women’s health.

son or “tribe.” It wouldn’t even occur to us. 28 A Distinctive style

This quote by Henry Wordsworth Longfellow appears to reveal our


30 A Distinctive style

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32 A Distinctive style

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www.racingforachange.blogspot.com 34 A Distinctive style

RACING FOR A CHANGE Marathons, Bandanas and a Cure


ather than putting her life

“I was trying on hats and ball

Cancer patients can request their

on hold during cancer



bandana directly from Cashea or


head,” Cashea said. “Then I went

through friends and family—and


through my sock drawer and

they can choose their favorite

enhance the lives of others. The

found four bandanas. I knew that

color! Many ask to have the ban-

young Georgia native, a die-hard

this would really work for a lot of

dana personalized with a name or

vegetarian who has been living


a saying, something Cashea is



21-year-old decided



with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for

happy to do. She is hoping that as

the last few months, understands

Cashea jumped right in with both

people recover from their can-

every nuance of a disease that

feet, literally, and planned to

cer—hair grows back and lives get

must be dealt with on a daily basis.

make a bandana for every mile

back to normal—they will “pay it

she logged in her training for an

forward” and share both the ban-

“I was diagnosed on November

upcoming marathon to raise funds

dana and the spirit that goes with

13th,” Cashea said when I caught

for the Leukemia and Lymphoma


up with this busy young woman.

Society. Setting her goal at 200

Then she added, “Friday the 13 ,”

bandanas for as many cancer

“The favorite color seems to be

with a wry laugh. “At this point, I’ve

patients, she spread the word to

camouflage,” Cashea said. “I think

done six rounds of chemo and my

friends and family via email, Face-

that’s appropriate because it is the

next round starts in June.”

book, and her own blog. The

color used when people are fight-

response has been overwhelming.

ing. We’re basically fighting, too.”


Enduring the chemotherapy was

Not only has Cashea surpassed her

one thing, but when Cashea

original goal, her idea has grown

Note: Cashea Arrington can be

began to lose her hair—on her 21st

to include people all over the U.S.

reached via Facebook and at

birthday, no less—she felt she had

and even some foreign countries.


feel better about her appearance.

“A man in Germany is sending me

Cashea just doesn’t quit! She is

Rejecting wigs as expensive, un-



also teaming up with Spiritjump.org

comfortable, and obvious, Cashea

Cashea, who has personally sewn

and Cards 4 Cancer. She’s actively

needed an acceptable alterna-

and personalized 150 bandanas to

looking for team leaders in every

tive. When she found it, she instinc-

this point, commented. “My new

state and, of course, donations for

tively knew that many others must

goal is to have 1,000 bandanas

her marathon, as well as money

feel same way.

distributed by the time I start my

and/or fabric for bandanas. If you


want to help Cashea please visit

to do something to make herself to







her website for more information.

A Distinctive style 35


Ben GOODe photography 36 A Distinctive style


Honda is a company founded by a

Honda proudly presents these thought-

dreamer. And they believe in the

provoking stories—told through the ex-

Power of Dreams.

perience of visionaries, friends, and as-

In this spirit, they have created a series of short documentary films celebrating those who have the courage to turn failure into success, and to forge dreams into a better future. Empowered by their deeply held beliefs and guiding philosophies, these individuals





through the candid perspectives of renowned filmmakers Derek Cianfrance and Joe Berlinger. SEE LIVING WITH ROBOTS AT:


make the impossible real.

A Distinctive style 37

Photographer Katie Meehan

The Beauty Corner WITH

Shelly Ballestero Shelly is a licensed esthetician, make-up artist, beauty contributor to CBN.com, and author.

Spring Clean your Beauty Cabinet According to the FDA, cosmetics

aging makeup—even though it’s

two years (some have no expira-

aren’t required by law to have ex-

got preservatives in it to stave off

tion date depending on the ingre-

piration dates. Old makeup is a

the infiltration (and sorry, germs still

dients that are added). Quick tip:

breeding ground for bacteria, and

get in no matter how gentle and

Use a disposable applicator and

yet how many of us have mascara

clean you are when using it). It’s a

the front of your hand as a palette.

or lipstick or even foundation from

losing battle.

years ago? Even though healthconscious companies are voluntarily adding expiration dates to their




safety may go bad long before the designated date if it hasn’t been stored properly. In fact, cos-

Concealer has a shelf life of six to

How long can we keep our cos-

eight months, sometimes more de-

metics and skincare products, and

pending on the ingredients.

is there a way to extend their shelf life to protect ourselves from infections like pink eye and skin breakouts?

Powders, including eye shadows and blush, last one to two years. Mascara lasts for three months. Never pump your mascara, as air

metics that are exposed to high

Here’s the beauty breakdown:

temperatures or sunlight or are


Clean your wand with tissue every

opened and examined by con-

Liquid foundation lasts three to six

couple of days to help prevent

sumers prior to purchase may sub-

months. Cream foundation can


stantially deteriorate before the

last four to six months. Foundation

expiration date. All makeup starts

in a pump dispenser will last a little

out with a little bacteria in it from

longer because it is less exposed to

the get-go. Then once you open it,

air than jar foundation. If founda-

airborne bacteria swarms in. Add

tion has a higher percentage of

the bacteria from your hands and

pigment, such as mineral powder

you’ve got a war against your

makeup, then you have a year to

38 A Distinctive style

just pushes back into the tube.

Lip gloss and lipstick have a shelf life of one year sometimes longer but only by a few months or so. I had spoken to Monave’s company www.monave.com about the expiration of their lipgloss and it will last a year and a half be-

cause of the vitamin E and castor

Makeup sponges need to be

on the cosmetic counter when

oil which helps to extend the shelf

cleaned after every use. Toss within

people constantly stick their hands

life (and a natural preservative).

one to two months, or when the

in the makeup and try it on without

sponges show wear and tear. For

asking for help. Please be careful

longer-lasting sponges, Beauty-

at the counters and make sure

blender (www.beautyblender.net)

pencils are sharpened and tools

is an excellent choice. Shaped like

are used when makeup is applied.

a teardrop, it’s nontoxic, odor-free,

Beauty WiSdoM

Eye and lip pencils will stay fresh over a year with continued sharpening. You’ll know when it has gone bad if it crumbles. Skincare & Body WaSheS Facial cleansers and moisturizers are good for about six months, unless these products have acids in them like glycolic acid, salicylic acid and beta hydroxyl acid— then they will have a longer shelf life. Try putting eye cream in the fridge—it makes tired eyes feel alive and it keeps it out of the heat. Quick tip: If you don’t want to keep it in the fridge with your food, get a cosmetic fridge. Check out www.frontgate.com or

latex-free and lasts up to four months






back they will recycle it for you). You could also try a flock sponge, an









(www.janeiredaledirect.com) that lasts three to four months or longer. Nail polish has one to two years, if you see orange or other funky stuff going on at the top and the original color is, lets say pink…it went bad.

A little common sense goes a long way: Wash your hands before applying makeup and skincare products to prevent the spreading of bacteria, keep lids firmly screwed on and use spatulas (or your kids craft sticks) or Q-tips for products in a jar. These general guidelines can help keep you safe and give you confidence when purchasing and preserving products. And remember, like the old saying goes: When in

www.amazon.com and search for


doubt, throw it out—especially if

“cosmetic cooler.”

According to Annette Green of

there’s no date.

away after one year, but if it has vitamin C in it, the nutrients can lose potency before a year. Sunscreens need to be tossed

the Fragrance Foundation, your perfume





months to a year. Storing it in the fridge does not extend the life of a fragrance. In fact, it can disrupt the balance of the perfume and

within a year.

eau de parfum. However, after-

Natural body washes last for six




Brushes should be washed regu-

Sharing iS not So caring

larly, as often as once a week, with

Sharing makeup heightens the risk

mild soap and warm water, or you

for infection because it increases

can use a spray brush cleaner. You

the risk of contamination. Don’t do

can also use alcohol—it’s a little

it! And speaking of sharing, how

harsh, but it works for emergencies.

about those testers located at de-

Good brushes are expensive, so if

partment store cosmetic counters?

you want to protect your invest-

I used to work at a popular cos-

ment, pick up The Brush Guard

metic counter 15 years ago, and


procedures have not changed





much. It’s hard to keep your eyes

http://www.flickr.com/photos/9738004@N08/ Photo by George Hall

Facial toner should be thrown

A Distinctive style 39

Photo: Jonathan Dennis Stylist: Cynthia Altoriso Hair/Makeup: Erica Grey

40 A Distinctive style

Summer Rayne Oakes Eco-Model Extraordinaire By Rita Cook


o who is Summer Rayne

Tell me a little about who you are

Talk about your projects, you had

Oakes, well we thought

as a person — three words to

a book that just came out too.

you’d never ask. Describing

describe yourself.

herself as an eco-model, she actually





instead she says “About eight years ago now, I started doing what





values-based modeling—aligning my values with who I am as a

I’ve wanted to write a book since

I had this same question on my

I was 13; it’s just not the same book

college application, except it

I ended up writing. My book is en-

asked “What three objects best

titled Style, Naturally: The savvy

describe you and why?” My

shopping guide to sustainable

answer would be the same: A


magnifying lens, a swatch of

Books). I wanted to write a book




that looks and feels and reads like

person and assisting companies,

a style guide, but would touch

programs, designers and projects

upon greater issues like conserva-

be better stewards. The media

tion, organics, women’s issues,

started referring to me as “The

and fair trade, without feeling so

Eco-Model,” but it’s more than

daunting. I was able to accom-

about being the face for a

plish this with some witty personal

greener brand.”

vignettes, great girl-on-the-street

So, modeling career, check; green

style profiles, awesome designer

lifestyle and good causes she

profiles, and more than 500 color

cares about, check and what

images and product reviews. I

else; well, even a book that has

wanted a book that was very

just hit bookstores. Read on!

global, very accessible, something that each woman can make their

What was your first big break?

own, and overall would fly in the

It’s been a lot of hard work every

Velcro, and a bridge. Magnifying

face of what most people think

day—there’s never been that

lens: I’m very analytical … I like to

“green” is. One of my main goals

“one thing.”

look at complex issues closely and

is to push the environmental con-

try to figure them out. Velcro:

versation forward by keeping it

Once I find something I like, I stick

fresh and real. I wanted to ac-

to it - no matter how challenging.

complish that with this book; for

A bridge: I love connecting dis-

one, it’s on recycled paper, veg-

parate groups together. You get

etable-based inks, and 1 percent

more accomplished that way,

for the planet with proceeds going

hence the reason why I started in

to Energy Action, but it looks,

the space of sustainability and

reads and feels “invisibly green.” I

Where did you grow up and how did that contribute to the person you are today? I was born and raised in Northeastern Pennsylvania. My house was bordered by farm, fields and forest, so it was a perfect place for a curious kid who liked getting dirty.


Continued next page

Summer Rayne Oakes

Photo: Jonathan Dennis Stylist: Cynthia Altoriso Hair/Makeup: Erica Grey

Photo: Jonathan Dennis Stylist: Cynthia Altoriso Hair/Makeup: Erica Grey

Photographer:Rodney Young Hair/Makeup: Jasmine Irbrahim

Photographer: Joe Moe Makeup: Lotstar Hair (Aveda): Denis Clendennen

Photo: Jonathan Dennis Stylist: Cynthia Altoriso Hair/Makeup: Erica Grey

Photo: Jonathan Dennis Stylist: Cynthia Altoriso Hair/Makeup: Erica Grey Photo: Portico Home

Photo: Jonathan Dennis Stylist: Cynthia Altoriso Hair/Makeup: Erica Grey

Photographer: Esther Havens Photographer:Ninelle Efremova Hair/Makeup: Cassandra Renee

Photo: Jonathan Dennis Stylist: Cynthia Altoriso Hair/Makeup: Erica Grey

Photographer: Joe Moe Makeup: Lotstar Hair (Aveda): Denis Clendennen Photo: Esther Havens Photographer: Esther Havens

Photo: Jonathan Dennis Stylist: Cynthia Altoriso Hair/Makeup: Erica Grey

Photo: Jonathan Dennis Stylist: Cynthia Altoriso Hair/Makeup: Erica Grey

Photographer: Esther Havens

Photographer: Esther Havens

Photographer: Joe Moe Makeup: Lotstar Hair (Aveda): Denis Clendennen Photographer: Esther Havens

www.SummerRayne.net Style, Naturally: The Savvy Shopping Guide to Sustainable Fashion and Beauty ORDER ON AMAZON 42 A Distinctive style

Photographer: Esther Havens

wanted a book that would sit

search, public relations, risk man-

I’m also helping re-launch Portico

comfortably between Tim Gunn’s

agement, and the like. The best

Home. They’re whole home textile,

Guide to Quality, Taste & Style and

clients for me are ones that I can

bath robe, linen and towel lines

The Lucky Style Guide, and do be-

represent both in front of the cam-

are certified organic which hit the

lieve we accomplished that be-

era as well as behind-the-scenes.

market in June 2009.

tween the patience and vision of

I’m a very hands-on-person. I like

the graphics design team and

to be involved and know that you


need to be fully immersed in a

You are an eco-model, activist and authority on all things sustainable in fashion and beauty, can you talk about that a little for me? I originally came into the fashion industry as a covert-model - a wolf in sheep’s clothing so to speak. I was in university and looking for in-

project for it to be successful. I know we can truly make things better if we put our minds, hearts, and some sweat equity into it.

On another front, I work with a partner—Allan Schwarz—out in Mozambique on nearly two dozen sustainable forestry programs in Mozambique. Locals are trained to do forest enrichment planting and make the highest-valued

What made you decide to be-

products out of the forests, which

come an activist and what is your

include high-end furniture, kitchen-

biggest project in this regard at

ware, jewelry/accessories, and a

the moment?

newly launched personal care product line.

novative ways to communicate

You know, it’s quite simple really. I

sustainability. My environmental

love nature. I love being out in na-

Lastly, has been a move more into

research kept pointing me to

ture; I love what nature brings to

media. I work closely as a corre-

something much bigger than the

people; and I believe in healthy


science lab. I originally thought I’d

ecosystems and a healthy quality

work’s Planet Green and have

partner with other personalities,

of life. I really found myself at a

filmed a number of shows. It’s

models and celebrities to help de-

young age in the world around

been really amazing - climbing

velop cool environmental pro-

me. I immersed myself in Native

250 feet in the air on the belly of a

grams, but many people in the

American history, knowledge and

wind turbine, swimming in the Pa-

space couldn’t manage to do it

culture - and do believe all of my

cific Trash Vortex - an area of trash

because their “work” conflicted

advocacy and activism stemmed

twice the size of Texas in the Pa-

with their values - meaning they’d

from there.

cific Ocean; learning about biodi-

have to fly out and film a movie for six months or they’d go and model for a company that was-less-thanimpressive socially and environmentally. The collar didn’t match the cuff. I thought, “Geez, if I can bring in my values and raise the bar - use my expertise, image and passion to create change, then why not?” Two of my partners and I run a mad cool strategic communications and brand management





companies and organizations on sustainability issues, market re-

I have a few biggies in the fire in terms of launches. I’m collaborating with Payless on the launch of their green shoe and accessories line, Zoe & Zac, which launched in April 2009. It’s a fun project and an incredible learning experience for everyone involved. They’ve been great partners. They allow me to push the envelope and we’re tak-




gestors on cow farms; shooting with Tommy Lee and Ludacris for Battleground Earth. I’ve also done work with MTV’s Real World this past season, taking the cast around through their pimped-out green house. I have a couple other programs and projects in the work, but I can’t spill the beans quite yet.

ing what we learn to see how we

This past spring, I worked with En-

can use sustainability as a source

ergy Action on PowerShift 09 in

of innovation across the other

D.C., which is the largest lobby


Continued next page A Distinctive style 43


44 A Distinctive style

day on climate change in the his-

and asked professors why they

What would you be doing if not in

tory of the United States. The

weren’t teaching students about

your current career?

coolest thing about it is that it is run

sustainability and many replied,

entirely by teens, tweens and 20-

“Well, it’s not in the text books

somethings. In 2007, we had 6,000

yet.” I was like, “WHAT!?! If we

young people show up from all 50

have to wait for this stuff to be in

states and 300 Congressional Dis-

the text books, we’re going to get

tricts and it was the first time

nowhere. We’ve got to start now.”

young people testified to the gov-

Also, just hopped on board a few





These were not paid lobbyists, but young citizens merely fighting for their democratic rights - passionate for change. This past year (2009) we expected double the amount of young people. There was




months ago as Acting Editor for the avant-garde environmental magazine, ABOVE. (www.abovemagazine.com). Right now it’s available throughout Europe (not launched in the states yet). What are your five year goals?

I would be working on large-scale ecosystem-based restoration and management programs. I love being in the complexity of issues that intersect with environment, politics, culture and economy. I’m comfortable in the unknown. I often joke that if I wanted a definitive answer, I’d be a mathematician. Two plus two equals four and that’s it. But when you get into the science and social side of issues, well that’s a whole other ballpark. There’s always more questions than there are answers - and best

speakers, music, rallies, and most

Flow like water. Empower more

importantly - lobby days to talk

people, keep the conversation


moving forward, build more rela-

Tell me something about you no

tionships, and grow our business …

one else knows?




elected officials. What are you working on in the future?

doors to more opportunities and ideas. My life is very organic that

Interactive sustainability educational programs; I launched a curriculum called ECOFASHION 101 (www.ecofashion101.com) back in 2005, which was met with some success, but I’m prepared to start expanding on the idea and programs. The United Nations Environmental



recently called to obtain the curriculum for possible use in developing

All that really helps open up the





happens. Going to college was a dream for me and I really feel strongly about educating young people and my peers. I speak at a lot of schools

way (no pun intended).

practices change all the time.

I’ll tell you something not many people know: I’ve been raising insects since I was a young girl. I’m fascinated by them! One of my

Aside from that, I have a couple of

majors in school was Entomology -

very cool projects in the pipeline

the study of insects - and I raise ex-

that will take a couple years to de-

otic arthropods at home. I have

velop, so I’m sure life will evolve

Madagascar hissing cockroaches,

rapidly, so I won’t even begin to

giant black African millipedes,

guess what my next five years are

desert millipedes, Hercules bee-

going to look like.

tles, blue death-feigning beetles,

Is there anything you would change in your life?

red-back darkling beetles, common darkling beetles and assassin bugs. They’re great pets to have,

No. Never. But maybe I’m just too

especially if you’re not home

young to think I made any “mis-

much. They don’t need that much



Was this your dream? If this is the impossible, then yes. A Distinctive style 45

Pura bottles are a the environmentally friendly choice. 38 billion plastic bottles are dumped in landfills every year and it takes almost 1,000 years for them to decompose. Reusable stainless bottles keep plastic out of the landfills. Be part of the solution not part of the problem. Love the pura bottles, easy to clean, environmentally friendly and they come in great colors. Thumbs up on the Pura Bottles! www.purastainless.com

LaVigne Organic Skincare is dedicated to making natural products that both heal damaged skin and protect against the effects of day-to-day stresses from our environment. All our products are 100% satisfaction guaranteed. This is one of my favorite products because of how creamy it is and how it made my face super soft. I would order it again! www.lavigneorganics.com

editor’S pickS

This non-aerosol mist neutralizes all odors, and it's chemical-free, non-toxic, and safe for you and the environment. Each droplet contains active electrical ions (nature's own air cleaners) that attract, neutralize and continuously clean the air you breathe. I was a little leary when I heard about this product, mostly because everyone has a different idea of what smells good, but I put my preconceived notions aside and tried it with an open mind. You know what? It really does smell great and it really, really works. I was totally surprised! I gave some to a friend of mine that is allergic to everything and she loved it too. This is a wonderful product that I’ll always keep in the office and at home. www.miarose.com 46 46 AADistinctive Distinctivestyle style

Finally a “natural” perfume that actually smells fantastic! My favorite is Yuzu Citrus. Citrusy, lemon verbena notes in harmony with exotic Indian harshingar and galbanum with a hint of honey absolute. Yummy! www.artemisiaperfume.com

Ladies this is a purchase you can not be without this summer! These shoes are so comfortable you won’t want to take them off—ever! They stylish and easy to clean and they come in every color you can possibly imagine...with heals or without, with flowers or without, you get the idea. They even have a whole catalog with white wedding shoes. I will be getting more for sure! www.shoesthatloveyou.com

The Gaya handbags have a unique design and feminie look. They look like high-quality leather yet their price is surprisingly affordable. I received the handbag shown above and it’s my new favorite bag! I know you’ll love their new spring line! www.gaya.ca

A dear friend recommended this product to me and said it is fantastic! I’ve heard nothing but good about it from others too, as they say it is far superior to other products on the market. They all notice a huge difference in their skin and all fine lines are going away. As I write this my U 24K Serum is on it’s way :-( so I’ll have to report, in detail in the next issue. www.beauticreams.com A ADistinctive Distinctive style style 47 47

Photographer Katie Meehan

48 AADistinctive Distinctivestyle style 48

“Your make-up is just an accent.” ~ Shelly Ballestero By Ginger Brashinger

Your skin is a sponge.” So says

user. Consumers might use up to

Shelly Ballestero, someone who

25 products a day—anything

knows all about it. An estheti-

from the shampoo, conditioner,





gels, and hairspray we use on

makeup artist, Shelly is also the au-

our hair to the lotion and polish

thor of Beauty by God, a book for

we use on our feet. Treating the

anyone with questions about be-

skin right, Ballestero says, is as

coming beautiful inside and out.

important to good health as

Although Shelly’s Christian attitude prevails throughout her dis-

eating your fruits and vegetables.

cussions of her own challenging

“The skin is our first line of de-

journey to physical, mental and

fense against the toxins of the


world,” she said. “It’s our shield,




emerges when she talks about what we unwittingly do to ourselves. “We go against a healthy system

our armor.” The Ballestero family, Shelly and her husband, Angelo and their





in so many ways,” Shelly noted.

Christopher, 8, use no toxic

“People may eat healthy foods,

chemicals of any type and there

organic foods, and think they are

are none in their home. In fact,

doing the right thing. They are, but

Shelly began mixing her own skin

they need to take it a step further.”

care products from natural sources

Ballestero has become very par-

about five years ago in her own

ticular about what she puts on her


body as well as in her body, fueled

But the seed of her discontent

by the knowledge that our skin is

began while Shelly was watching

the largest organ and absorbs

a makeup artist apply makeup on

what we put on it. The chemicals

an actress. She couldn’t help but

in skin, hair, hygiene, and make-up

think about the amount of toxins

products, according to Ballestero,

entering the actress’s body every

leach into our bodies, most likely

day, and that not only troubled

without a second thought by the

her, it got her thinking. She be-

came a “label detective.” While researching safe skin care alternatives for her book, Shelly discovered that, although the overthe-counter products contained too many toxins, “natural” products were not necessarily any better. “Natural doesn’t always mean it’s good,” Ballestero said. “The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) doesn’t regulate skin care products and many of them have hidden toxins.” Continued next page ADistinctive Distinctive style style 49 49 A

50 A Distinctive style

Ballestero wanted to help others Photographer Katie Meehan

who might experience the extreme symptoms




headaches which she experienced when around people with heavily scented products. “I was tired of seeing people die,” Shelly said, having lost her father to cancer shortly before beginning work on her book. “I said to my husband, ‘I wish there was an honest book out there that would tell the truth about how to achieve a healthy body inside and out.’” Angelo Ballestero told his wife to write the book herself. Cost-conscious Ballestero got to work creating a realistic approach to beauty and health, realizing that not everyone could throw out everything they had and start over. “I thought about how I could reach people who can’t afford to make all the changes at once they might need to make,” Shelly said. “I knew I had to think way outside the box.” Beauty by God, a book with a conservative price tag despite the priceless information, educates the reader on a variety of topics. Covering everything from “organic” labels and mixing home-made skin care products to increasing one’s self-esteem, Ballestero’s passion for people resonates. “I want your true beauty to come

OrDEr SHElly’S BOOK: http://www.beautybygodbook.com VISIT HEr WEBSITE:




through,” Ballestero, who believes in ‘less is better,’ said. “Your makeup is just an accent.” A Distinctive style 51

52 A Distinctive style


A Distinctive style 53

54 A Distinctive style

Dr. David Suzuki By Peter Mack


avid Suzuki, Co-Founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. He is renowned for his radio and television programs that explain the complexities of the natural sciences in a compelling, easily understood way. If I were to list all of Dr. Suzuki’s achievements and awards I would need another 100 pages for this issue. Suffice to say he ‘knows his stuff’ as we say in Australia. Born one hundred percent Japanese genetically and a third generation Canadian he is immensely proud of his dual heritage, a mix that even he finds interesting. He was born in British Columbia 1936 to a loving but not wealthy family. At the onset of World war II even though he, his parents and sisters were all born, raised and educated in Canada they were deprived of all rights of citizenship. Everything that his parents had worked for was taken from them and the whole family was sent to what can only be described as a concentration camp in the Rockies. When the war ended they were offered two choices. ‘Give up your citizenship and we’ll send you back to Japan or get the hell out of British Columbia.’ They decided to go east of the Rockies and set up home in Ontario. In David’s words (smiling)”You can see why I’m such a screwed up person.” He has a great sense of humour and laughs easily and wholesomely but the passion emerges when he talks about his work and his family. When he is relaxing he tries to sleep in the same bed as his wife and not some hotel or motel on the other side of the country or, like too often has been the case, the world. To do this he has cut down on travelling and drastically reduced his

own carbon footprint. References to his lifetimes work are never far from the surface. He and his family are heavy duty anglers, campers, hikers and canoeists. They never fish to catch and release they have only ever fished for food and never for sport. Catch and release is against their principles, they believe that if you’re not going to eat it don’t fish for it. David has five children from two families; four girls and a boy and from his first family there are three teenage grandchildren. His passion at the moment is his new grandson, who is eight months old, and he has taken the ‘Interesting mix’ to a new level in the family’s genetic make up. He is half American Indian and he lives with his daughter and her husband in northern BC. “My wife and I are over the moon with this little boy.” This is a whole new chapter in the Suzuki lives as they have all been adopted by the Haida tribe and are completely enchanted by them. The area where the reserve is has also captivated the family. With less travel and a moderately short distance, he and his wife get to see their daughter and grandson a lot more which is great.” He has a number of fond memories to relate to but his favourite is about his father who was his hero. He was dying of cancer at eighty five years of age when David moved in with him for what turned out to be the last month of his life. They had many conversations and he never once heard his father talk about his fancy car or buildings or other gains but only about his emotional wealth. “David” he used to say “You know; I am a rich man, I have friends, family, neighbours what more can a man want?” He only talked about what they all did together and the enjoyment he re-

ceived from it. His father couldn’t see the point in fancy plasma televisions or cars. Still stuck in the sixties and seventies with his music, he reckons he’s in a time warp. Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Credence Clearwater…”That’s my time; I’m stuck there.” He doesn’t read fiction books anymore but receives enjoyment from books about and by people he admires. Tim Flannery’s The Weather Makers is a fantastic book that he has recently finished. Most of his books are about our relationships with mother earth. After his first visit to Australia in 1989, he fell in love with the country and the people, and has been there a great many times. As the distance is so far, the carbon footprint so immense, he has cut back on those trips as well as visits to some of the worlds most majestic places, The Amazon, Serengeti, Galapagos, Arctic. His focus is now more on where he lives in BC, and in fact he believes it is one of the most incredible places on the planet anyway. The future holds a number of things in store for Suzuki but his main target is retirement. He is hoping that his two daughters from his present marriage will gain their PhD’s and take over the reins of his life’s work. They are both sensationally beautiful and very, very charismatic and he hopes they will also take over his television program that has been running for over thirty years. No interview with Dr Suzuki can be complete in such short commentary so please go to our website: www.adistinctiveworld.net and go to the David Suzuki page to see Peter’s interview in full including Dr Suzuki’s thoughts on some important environmental questions. A Distinctive style 55

www.lisalorenzpaintings.com 56 A Distinctive style

Lisa Lorenz Paintings CoLourfuL Canvases Lively and vibrant in colour, Lisa's paintings are creative, expressive, and stylized. Her lively, imaginative compositions and strikingly effective use of colours evoke in us a sense of happiness and a smile.

A Distinctive style 57

58 A Distinctive style

Photographer Joan Marcus


MARTIN Gleason

PLAYS By Ted Gambordella A Distinctive Style recently had the pleasure of interviewing Tim Martin Gleason, the star of Phantom of the Opera, when it was showing at Music Hall at Fair Park Dallas; he is an articulate, charming and talented performer who brings vigor, and excitement with every performance. He gave us a good insight into who he is and then graciously answered some of our questions. The Dallas press reviews showed him to be a flawless, passionate singer with a voice as close to perfection as is possible. He plays the role his way and characterizes the Phantom to be a more vulnerable malefactor than we have come to expect and it works. His portrayal of an emotionally fragile character gives the role its own signature. Gleason, a native of New Jersey is one of those fortunate and indeed brave people who suddenly decided he wasn’t prepared to live the utterly boring corporate life so he packed his bags for New York to pursue his dream. He had been singing all his life but oddly only took his first lesson at 26 years of age. He had always harbored dreams of being a star after he realized his ambition to be a baseball player had all but evaporated. In 1977 while enjoying one (or three) too many drinks one night in a piano bar singing, mostly to himself, he was discovered by an agent.

Not long afterwards he was touring the country in a van with the cast of the children’s production of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” The tour was 13 weeks of motels, rough sleeping and cafeteria audiences but it gave him a good grounding into the industry. He was performing in one of the Mecca’s of the industry, New York and was ‘on his way.’ ADS: How long have you been with Phantom? Gleason: I have been with Phantom since 2001, for nine years continuously but with different companies. This tour has been running for three and a half years. I did the Broadway production as Raoul for a year, and then they asked me to open the Las Vegas Company which I did for a year and a half, then back to Broadway for two years. Then about a year ago they asked me to become the full-time Phantom, which I’ve been doing, and it’s been an absolute blessing! ADS: Is it easy to stay in character after all these performances? Gleason: Laughs, well I wouldn’t have a job I guess, if it wasn’t, but that’s the challenge, after doing it so long. Having done the show with so many different Christine’s, with so many different companies, it really does stay fresh. The reaction from the people is so genuine and so sincere, that that keeps you going as well.

ADS: Did you know much about the Phantom roll before you took it? Gleason: Not really, I’d seen it a couple times. Of all the big Cameron Mackintosh shows of the Phantom, Les Misérables, and Miss Saigon, Phantom is the one show I never thought I would do. I wanted to play Chris in Miss Saigon so bad, and Les Mis, I thought someday I’d have to do Les Mis, but here I am in Phantom. I just knew it was a very difficult thing and that’s why I never thought I’d be part of it, but here I am. ADS: You’ve had such great reviews about your talent as an actor and a singer. Did you ever have voice lessons? Gleason: I never took a voice lesson until I was 28 years old. I’ve been singing in church choir from the time I was about 6 years old. And I never studied it, I never took acting classes, I just wanted to be a baseball player. I played baseball in high school, I was pretty terrible but I was good enough to make the team. Then I changed my cleats into running shoes to go do play practice at night. I would do the musicals there. I was only doing musicals because it was fun and I could sign a little but it was never a goal of mine until I got into my late 20’s when I decided I had to do something with my life. Continued next page A Distinctive style 59

Photographer Wendy Lee ADS: How do you stay fresh after all of these years of performing? Gleason: The bigwigs come out about once a month, the people from New York, to look at the show to make sure the show is still what it should be, and they stay on you. That is their job, they really help with that and they push you really hard. No one slacks off. No one gets lazy. Not at all. ADS: You mentioned that the audience inspires you. What kind of audience do you like? Gleason: Well, I like an audience that likes the show (laughs). Every audience is different, every audience reacts differently ... for example we played Durham which, was a very polite and reserved audience. They loved the show, they clapped and cheered but only at the end of the show ... the audience was sophisticated and was listening. They didn’t want to miss anything. This also shows a lot of respect towards the performers. ADS: Everyone wants to know how you put on your mask? Gleason: It takes about an hour, and basically I just sit in a chair, a make-up chair, and our make-up 60 A Distinctive style

artist does everything. He uses two wigs and two prosthetic pieces, then make-up all around that. ... It’s a nice way to center yourself and get focused for the role. It is not painful; it feels sticky, but when it dries you don’t even feel it. ADS: So what is next for you Tim? Gleason: This tour has been running for 17 years and is ending in November. March 14 was the last show in Dallas and it will never be back again. People come and go, but the tour continues. Eventually somewhere down the road they may redesign the show ... at the moment there are no plans. This will be the end of my job with this tour. But there are still shows going on in Las Vegas and in New York on Broadway. So who knows, they say once you’re with Phantom you never leave. But I am sure there will be other opportunities. Mr. Gleason is a proud member of AEA. For a full list of theatres and roles, visit him online at TimMartinGleason.com. Ted Gambordella is the author of 42 books and 38 DVD's. Find out more at: www.tedgambordella.com

Photographer Joan Marcus A Distinctive style 61

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A Distinctive style 63


64 A Distinctive style

CRUDE THE REAL PRICE OF OIL Sometimes it's easy to forget just what a dirty, messy, polluting process it is to get crude oil out of the ground so we can turn it into fuel. That's because most of the pollution takes place "somewhere else" -- in another country, in another part of the world.

behalf of 30,000 rainforest dwellers. Berlinger shows both sides of the story, which is by turns sad, outrageous and inspiring, but never preachy. The filmmaker leaves conclusions up to you.

The indigenous people of the Ecuadorian Amazon don't have that luxury. As we see in "CRUDE", a documentary from award-winning filmmaker Joe Berlinger, the rainforest where they live has been polluted across an area the size of Rhode Island in an effort to extract black gold. It's an environmental disaster referred to in the film as being thirty times more devastating than the Exxon Valdez spill.

(That said, OMG, it's so obvious that Chevron-Texaco needs to admit responsibility, and fix this mess. I mean, come on, failing to clean up ponds of sludge? Just covering them with dirt and letting people build homes on top of them? Fouling drinking water sources that now shimmer with the rainbow slick of oil? And responding to a twenty-day old baby, covered with sores from bathing in that polluted water, by blaming it all on "poor sanitation" -- lame.)

"CRUDE" is the story of the $27 billion-dollar, multi-year environmental lawsuit brought against Texaco -- now owned by Chevron -- on

In many ways, "CRUDE" is a classic David and Goliath story. We meet lead attorney Pablo Fajardo, the young Ecuadorean trial lawyer

who put himself through law school -- this is his first case. Ever. You can't help rooting for this hero who has sacrificed so much to help his country. By comparison, the Chevron executives seem like cold, corrupted corporate shills, particularly when juxtaposed with footage of a brave but helpless mother of a teenage girl dying of cancer. There is also an impressive appearance by Sting's wife, Trudie Styler, who has been instrumental in helping get clean water to the people of the region. "CRUDE" is about of human rights, environmental stewardship, and the question of international corporate responsibility. It's also a wellconstructed story that Sundance (and seemingly every other festivals) deemed worthy of seeing.

A Distinctive style 65


66 A Distinctive style

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“Button, button, who’s got the button?” By Ginger Brashinger


am Biesen is a born recy-

Biesen, granted an Illinois Artisan

cler. Nothing, but nothing,

designation in 2009, creates artistic

should be discarded, in her

impact with a handful of antique

view, until it is truly worn out. That’s

buttons and a saucy sprinkling of

a lesson begun in childhood.

bling buttons for a melding of past

“I had my own notion of what a

and present.

experience – eBay” for new finds. So many buttons, so little time. “My high school art teacher told us that an artist does not reuse materials,” Biesen recalled. “Even as a compliant 16-year-old, I knew there

scavenger hunt was,” Biesen said

“A common button from 150 years

was something wrong with that

about her earliest recycling memo-

ago becomes completely modern


ries. “I would get out our wagon

and trendy,” Biesen noted.

and go door-to-door asking neighbors for their old stuff. Empty perfume bottles, bric-a-brac, those were treasures to me.”

Happily, Biesen has never lived ac-

Her personal research has afforded

cording to that philosophy. Her art

Biesen the uncanny ability to pick

reflects her life.

up a button, any button, and reveal where and when it was made,

When growing up Biesen spied an

as well as the media from which it

“Button, button, who’s got the

old barrel filled with hundreds of

was created. That ability has led to


moldy buttons, she immediately

her designing “heirloom bracelets”

asked the owner if she could have

which, in turn, allows others with a

it, “just like a 10-year-old.”

family stash of buttons to have

“I couldn’t help myself,” Biesen laughs. Serendipity - Her recycling instincts kicked in as she pondered what to do with all those buttons. Coupled with her life-long artistic bent (“I knew from a young age that I saw things differently from other people”), she began to create individual pieces of art - art with a past as well as a future.

them recycled into wearable art. Everything is fodder for the artistic and the recycling mill, even on the business side of things. It’s not un-

The age of a button does not always determine its value. Bakelite buttons, which were made until 1970, are presently ranked No. 1 in value and might well be sitting in Mom’s sewing basket. Chinas, jet, picture buttons

usual to see Biesen “garbage pick-


ing” for her display stands, her

painted on them), and celluloids

favorite find being a candy rack


she picked up on her Route 66 tour.

second as desirable buttons.

buttons the



pictures era


As for her button quests, Biesen pe-

Biesen’s newest artistic pursuits

ruses antique and resale stores, at-

are original fabric designs using

tends auctions, and makes use of

natural materials and recyclable

the ultimate “eco-friendly shopping

wrapping paper.

A Distinctive style 67

68 A Distinctive style

A new art of living on the sea is born

WHY WHY (Wally Hermès Yachts) is the

echoes Luca Bassani Antivari.

In comparison to a yacht of the

stunning result between the ultra-

Our aim was to reduce diesel

same size, WHY 58x38 has re-

expensive luxury brand Hermès,

consumption per year and per

duced drastically its energy

and one of the world's premiere

yacht: 20 to 30 % for propulsion

consumption, saving up to 200

yacht builders, Wally. The WHY is a

and 40 to 50 % for generation.”

tons of diesel per year.

sustainable yacht unlike any seen

Thanks to its specific hull, WHY

The WHY R & D program in-


58x38 requires less power at

cluded a tank testing for hull

cruising speed than a boat of

stability in the SSPA facilities in

equal size. Its diesel-electric

Sweden, and constructioned of

propulsion is the most efficient

a full-scale mock-up in order to

motorisation today, and the sur-

allow the design team to fine

“We were very interested in cre-

face of the photovoltaic pan-

tune the living areas correctly in

ating a yacht that has a low en-

els, almost 900 square metres,



covers most of the boat’s auxil-

unique shape.

36,000 square foot, energy-saving, costing



$150.8 million.

Sustainability impact,”


Pierre-Alexis Dumas. “Its rela-




iary system needs. “The WHY 58X38 yacht looks

tionship with the sea must be respectful and easy. WHY offers a

WHY Research and Develop-

very unfamiliar. Space is the

new way of moving over water

ment optimized this project’s

greatest luxury on the sea, but I

by creating an innovative way

energy consumption by improv-

believe the new luxury will be

of managing and recycling its

ing the isolation of the yacht

the time to enjoy it,” concludes

sources and uses of energy.”

and the heat recovery of its en-

Pierre-Alexis Dumas.

gines, and has also investigated “If you want to go totally eco-

he latest wind energy produc-

logical, the only solution is sail-

tion and wind propulsion system

ing. The reality is that today, 90


% of the market is powerboats,

A Distinctive style 69

70 A Distinctive style

A Distinctive style 71

72 A Distinctive style

New Zealand Ferry Company accelerates profits by slowing down Fullers Group a NZ Tourism Com-

The total cost of implementing

The audits found on average

pany actually followed through

the energy efficiency improve-

each business could save 15% of

on an initiative identified by the

ments recommended by the TEEP

energy consumption and 15% of

Tourism Energy Efficiency Program



energy costs by introducing a va-

(TEEP.) The financial rewards on

$150,000. The savings will recover

riety of measures around things

the Waiheke Island service are

that investment within six months.

like heating, lighting, water use,





and changing energy plans or CEO Douglas Hudson says ”We

providers. Often the return on in-

The savings identified are prima-

are pleased with the outcome of

vestment is less than a year.

rily associated with operating ves-

the audit and it’s heartening to

sels at a slightly slower speed

see evidence that our efforts are

Tourism is one of New Zealand’s

when appropriate, applying new

already making good progress. In

top foreign exchange earners,

technology foul release coatings

terms of vessel fuel efficiency, the

worth $59 million per day. Their

on vessels and propellers, and im-

audit identified the design and

environment is the primary reason

proving the efficiency of lighting.

condition of propellers as some of

that international travellers visit.

the most important factors. New

Energy efficiency has been just

The TEEP energy audit found that

propellers have recently been

one of the avenues that the in-

Fullers already had good energy

purchased for some of the vessels

dustry is engaging with, along


and their effect on performance

with waste, water, community

given the constraints of maintain-


and conservation initiatives.

ing a high-speed ferry service with

whether to upgrade propellers on

a fixed schedule. But, its annual

other vessels. We are also already

energy bill could be reduced by

using antifouling systems with

over a quarter of a million dollars

great results and recognise the

(about 7% of its annual energy

opportunity to trial some of the

bill) and carbon emissions cut by

upgraded, more advanced prod-

715 tonnes.

ucts,” says Mr Hudson.







A Distinctive style 73

WINNER OF 26 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS! 10 Audience Choice Awards including the 2004 Sundance Film Festival.

74 A Distinctive style

The Corporation If Academy Awards were given for films most likely to start arguments at dinner tables, this hot-button polemic would have won the 2005 Oscar hands down. It begins with the revelation that, according to a Supreme Court ruling, a corporation must be considered a person rather than an entity. Under this definition, reasons profiler Robert Hare, corporations can be categorized as psychopathic because they exhibit a personality disorder: that of single-mindedly pursuing their objectives without regard for the people in and around them.

Watch the full documentary online at:


A Distinctive style 75

76 A Distinctive style

“Kids are ultimately the ones who are inheriting the earth.” ~ Ally Maize By Ginger Brashinger


lly Maize is a young woman

her parents about how she could

“Even though it might not be of the

who doesn’t let the grass

make a difference, Maize con-

magnitude it was stated, it’s still a

grow under her feet—not

ceived the Green Youth Move-

huge problem,” Maize noted. “It’s


going to be that large of a problem

that she would mind if it did! In fact, her mission is to make the world as “green” as possible.

if we don’t change anything.” Now, she’s driving her hybrid vehicle all over the city. Whether it’s a

The goal of GYM is to educate as

The force behind “GYM-Green

Girl Scout meeting, a high school

many young people as possible.

Youth Movement,” Maize planted

seminar, or a Head Start program,

Although her time with the group is

the seeds of this organization at the

Maize is on a tear to get the word

limited, she plans to pass the torch

tender age of 15. It’s blossomed

out to as many young people as

to younger group members when

into a nonprofit group of con-

possible that they can and must

she moves on to Emory University in

cerned teens who want to take an

make a difference.

Georgia in the Fall, “the greenest

active role in bettering their world.

campus in the United States.” “I cater to whoever the audience

“I was learning about the environ-

is,” Maize said. “I spoke to a kinder-

“Our group caters to kids because

ment in my science classes,” Maize

garten class in Beverly Hills about

we are ultimately the ones who are

said, “and we watched An Incon-

garden planting. I’ll go back there

inheriting the earth,” Maize said

venient Truth. I realized I hadn’t

on Earth Day to see what they’ve

passionately. “It’s important that

known the magnitude of the prob-

done. Some groups get pledge

we’re the ones who step up now.

lems in the world.”

sheets they can put on their refrig-

Instead of trying to change habits

erators with 10 different things they

when we’re older, we try to instill

Maize began to pay more atten-

can pledge to change for the ben-

the right habits in the kids’ daily lives

tion to environmental issues, check-

efit of the environment. We make it


ing out news over the Internet and

really kid-friendly.” www.greenyouthmovement.org

reading articles about the earth’s ecological dilemmas. Through dis-

Her reaction to those who may

cussions with her parents, initially

think global warming has been

about the type of car she would


drive, and then brainstorming with A Distinctive style 77

78 A Distinctive style

I want to tell anyone from anywhere, You can do anything you want to do. ~ Desmond Blair By Ginger Brashinger


f a passion is truly a passion,

coloring, tracing, and drawing.

“When the parents of my students

then it’s always in the driver’s

“She would make me redo what-

talk to me,” Desmond said, “it kind

seat. There is no choice. There

ever I colored on a page, over and

of puts them at ease about the

over until I colored within the lines,”

scope of capability of their child.”

are no obstacles. For no one is that more true than for Desmond Blair, a young man

Desmond remembers. “By the age of four, I had it down.”

A role model as well as an inspiration, Desmond Blair is on the verge

who embraced the irony of his life’s

And, Desmond Blair has never

of the rest of his life. As a recent

passion—to be an artist despite the

looked back. With the encourage-

graduate, he’s now putting his shy

fact that he was born without

ment of people who believed in

self out there, looking for a job to


him, from Miss Prince who “chan-

fulfill his passion.

“I’ve always had a fascination

neled” his talent in third grade, to

“My focus shifted in grad school,”

with cartoons,” Desmond notes.

his middle school art teachers, Miss

Blair said, revealing flexibility un-

But, that fascination wasn’t just with

Henry and Mr. Sledge, Blair found

usual in one so young. Not only did

watching, even at the age of

his style as an artist and animator.

he become aware of his limitations,


Using his arms, rather than prosthet-

but he used that knowledge to find

ics, the artist inside him prevailed.

a way to fit into the industry he

“I wanted to know how they took a static image and made it move.”

He acknowledges challenges on

Shy and self-conscious outside of

his way to undergraduate and

“If one thing doesn’t work for me,

his family circle, Desmond was con-

graduate degrees in art and tech-

let me do what does work,” Blair

stantly encouraged by his mother,

nology, but as one of his mentors


Joyce, and his grandmother, Leila,

put it, he always “manages to do it

with whom he has lived in the

and do it well.”

Dallas, Texas area for all of his 23


For Desmond Blair, what “does work” is moving from 2D to 3D, the

Blair currently teaches an intro-

wave of the future—a timely move.

ductory class in 3D computer mod-

His personal future? A graphic

Joyce Blair, a single mother, subtly

eling at the University of Texas at


worked on building her son’s confi-

Dallas, his alma mater, as well as

“I think I have a really interesting

dence and character, reminding

completing an internship at the

story to tell,” Blair, said, stating what

him often to take his arms out of his

Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Chil-

is obvious to others. “I have a ton of

pockets when he would hide them,

dren. Giving back to an institution

stories, a ton of characters and the

conscious of his physical difference.

which has been like a second

sub context of my stories will be for

“Just be yourself,” she would tell

home for him, a place where he

people born with disabilities. I want

was given ongoing care and ther-

to tell anyone from anywhere, ‘You

And, Grandmother Leila saw

apy throughout his life, Desmond

can do anything you want to do.’”

what being himself meant for

teaches and inspires other children

Desmond, encouraging his love of

with disabilities.



www.blairmediadigital.com A Distinctive style 79

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