A Distinctive Style Spring 2013 with Holland Taylor

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Embodies Governor Ann Richards on Broadway

homeless 2 hollywood A Child’s Journey to the Oscars

The Solar Revolution

The dawn of a

new journey

PaTriCk kennedy– workinG on a Cure for menTal illness


ebby halliday’s ROAD TO SUCCESS

sPrinG fashion


Charlize Theron–

“I’ve had enough I am rising!”

The Arctic Enjoy the view while you can because it’s disappearing fast.

Vicious Circle Narrated by John Hunt


Bruno Mars www.uNoRthodoxjukebox.com

"When I Was Your Man" is a soul piano ballad about a prefame heartbreak as he regrets a girl that he let get away, expressing his earnest hope that her new man is giving her all the love and attention he was unwilling, or unable to provide when they were together.

“When I Was Your Man�

Ji Hye Park for VoguE KorEa

This fun feature captures the youthful essence of a girl’s fantasies, hopes and ambitions. Each frame is shot in front of a playful light blue back drop while the focus is on the textured and boldly colored centerpiece.


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Lawrence Welker Studio

Nico Trinkhaus www.NtRINkhauS.woRdPReSS.com

contents a distinctive style magazine spring 2013



healthy living




eco favs








celebrating women


a real estate empire built by ebby halliday


holland taylor’s amazing tranformation into governor ann richards on broadway


homeless 2 hollywood a young artist’s journey



feature stories



human insterest



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seed: the untold story


the iran love story


landfillharmonics instruments made with trash


life according to sam a fight to save a son


one billion rising


booker’s place a father’s sacrifice for his children


c o ve r H O L L A N D TAY LO R

c o ve r m us i c DIANE SCHUUR

pub l is h er \ e d i to r - i n- c hi ef DENISE MARIE

s e ni o r e d it o r DEB AREL

fe a tur e s e d i to r R ACHE L SO KO L



fa s h i o n e d i to r T E R E S A LO U I S E J O H N S O N

c o py e d it o r E M I LY Z H A N G

h um a n i nt e r e s t e d i tor SURINDER MOORE

h e a l th y l i vi ng e d ito r C AR L O. HELVIE

c o nt r i buti n g w r i te r s M I K E A DA M S . SUGANDHI IYER. CELINDA EMISON. MIKAELA JONES.



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Josh Groban www.joshgroban.com

Josh Groban continues a career which has already encompassed 25 million album sales and two Billboard #1 hits with the new release of his new single 'Brave' on Reprise Records. The single is the opener track from his sixth studio album 'All That Echoes.' 'It's an inspirational song of strength and breaking through adversity and ďŹ nding strength in others to get through your day-to-day life,' says Groban. 'It's really a very upbeat, uplifting song. I'm really excited about it. I think it's a great way to start the process with this record.' Produced by Warner Bros. Records Chairman Rob Cavallo (Green Day, My Chemical Romance), the soaring 'Brave' was co-written by Groban with Thomas 'Tawgs' Salter (writer of Groban's 2006 single 'You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)') and Chantal Kreviazuk (Avril Lavigne, Gwen Stefani).

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Nico Trinkhaus www.NtRINkhauS.woRdPReSS.com

Paul Gauguin Eugène Henri Paul gauguin a leading french Post-Impressionist artist


The Lumineers www.thelumineers.com

The roots revival of the last few years has primed listeners for a new generation of rustic, heart-on-thesleeve music—the kind that nods to tradition while setting o into uncharted territory. The Lumineers walk that line with an unerring gift for timeless melodies and soul-stirring lyrics. Powered by passion, ripened by hard work, The Lumineers have found their sound when the world needs it most.

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hunter gatherer 24

by: renĂŠ romero Schuler

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www.reneschuler.com I am both fascinated and curious about the mystery of "the human condition." We are innately equipped to adapt and survive, even when faced with intense adversity. We constantly push to be better, and ďŹ nd peace when we are in pain. A Distinctive style . com




Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees. I say, It’s the fire in my eyes, And the flash of my teeth, The swing in my waist, And the joy in my feet. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.


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Men themselves have wondered What they see in me. They try so much But they can’t touch My inner mystery. When I try to show them, They say they still can’t see. I say, It’s in the arch of my back, The sun of my smile, The ride of my breasts, The grace of my style. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.

Now you understand Just why my head’s not bowed. I don’t shout or jump about Or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing, It ought to make you proud. I say, It’s in the click of my heels, The bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, The need for my care. ’Cause I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.

Dr. Angelou’s words and actions continue to stir our souls, energize our bodies, liberate our minds, and heal our hearts.

maYa One of the most renowned and influential voices of our time. She has received over 30 honorary degrees and is Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University.

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Maya angelou, “Phenomenal Woman” from and Still I rise. Copyright © 1978 by Maya angelou. used by permission of random House, Inc. www.mayaangelou.com

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oNe oF the moSt celebRated muSIcIaNS oF all tIme

A pioneer of 20th-century music, Tharpe attained great popularity with her gospel recordings that were a mixture of spiritual lyrics and early rock and roll accompaniment.

Sister Rosetta Tharpe

GodmotheR oF RockN'Roll


orn in Arkansas in 1915, singer Rosetta Tharpe began performing as a child with her mother. One of the first gospel artists to perform in both churches and secular clubs, she is credited with bringing gospel music into the mainstream in the 1930s and 1940s. Tharpe's mother, Katie Bell Nubin, was a singer, mandolin player and evangelist preacher for the Church of God in Christ (COGIC). The COGIC, founded by a black Baptist bishop named Charles Mason in 1894, encouraged musical expression in worship and allowed women to preach. At the encouragement of her mother, Tharpe began singing and playing the guitar from a very young age, and was by all accounts a musical prodigy.

One of the most celebrated musicians of all time, Sister Rosetta Tharpe enjoyed a celebrity rarely attained by gospel musicians. "She could play a guitar like nobody else you've ever seen," her friend Roxie Moore said. "People would flock to see her. Everybody loved her." Ira Tucker Jr., the son of the legendary gospel singer Ira Tucker of The Dixie Hummingbirds, put it simply: "She was a rock star."

More than just popular, Tharpe was also groundbreaking, profoundly impacting American music history by pioneering the guitar technique that would eventually evolve into the rock and roll style played by Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, and Eric Clapton. However, despite her great popularity and influence on music history, Sister Rosetta Tharpe was first and foremost a gospel musician who shared her spirituality with all those who listened to her music. Her epitaph reads, "She would sing until you cried and then she would sing until you danced for joy. She helped to keep the church alive and the saints rejoicing."

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act lIke a ladY. woRk lIke a maN. kNow YouR buSINeSS.

Ebby Halliday Ebby Halliday is largely credited with "single-handedly changing the face of real estate for women" when she opened her first real estate office in 1945. With her combination of business sense and feminine flair, she made selling real estate a fashionable and admirable profession.

by Rachel Sokol


ccording to RealTrends Inc., Ebby Halliday, Realtors® sells more homes than any other broker in Texas. And this company was founded by none other than its namesake – Ebby Halliday, who is 102 years old. (Yes, you read that right!) One of the first successful female entrepreneurs in Dallas, she’s created one of the most respected real estate firms in the country and she still goes to work nearly every day! But of course, she also benefited greatly from the help of Mary Frances Burleson, current president and CEO of Ebby Halliday, Realtors® and Halliday’s righthand woman for more than 50 years. "Mary Frances is the woman to lead us into the 21st Century," said friend and mentor, Ebby Halliday. "She has been a driving force in pointing us toward a vast utilization of all our latest technologies and impressive expansions." As a testament to Mary Frances' impact on the real


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estate industry, Inman News recently named her among the Inman 100: Most Influential Leaders, their picks for the most influential leaders from across the nation that affect today's real estate industry. According to Mary Frances, the company’s growth has had a lot to do with Halliday’s personal growth as well. “Ebby has always been very ambitious, has always been a voracious reader and always trying to learn and expand her horizons. She brought back the idea of computerizing the company when she attended the convention of the National Association of Realtors,” she states, “She was always willing to speak to groups around the Metroplex, around the state and around the country. That certainly led to her knowing Realtors around the country and to the fact that she was a founding member of the National Association of Realtors. As she grew and expanded, she gave many of us the opportunity to grow with her.

Thus she has always given the team as a whole the credit for her growth and success of the company.” And having worked together for such a long time, it’s almost impossible for Mary Frances to not know Halliday on a deeply personal level. “Ebby has always been willing to give time, effort, and money to many, many charities and to many, many families. Every year each branch office works to raise money for United Way, having many events, picnics, garage sales, parties and events, thereby having some fun and also sharing with those less fortunate,” she recalls, “Ebby has always written personal notes and I have had people tell me that they have treasured those handwritten notes and keep them in a special place of honor. She is a firm believer in gratitude and setting that example for all of us. She has also been known to send you a thank you note in reply to your thank you note,” she smiles.

Born in1911, Ebby Halliday lived through World War I, the Depression and World War II to reinvent the Real Estate industry

Ebby Halliday, Realtors®’ fame is self-evident. But how exactly did it begin? The seeds must have been sown a long time ago. “I’ve loved Dallas-Fort Worth from the moment I stepped off a train in 1938, having been transferred to Dallas by a national millinery company. I just loved the vibrancy of the city. Continued Next Page

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HALLIDAY Continued

I truly thought I had died and gone to heaven,” Halliday recalls. “I was in the millinery business and was in charge of the W.A. Green store in downtown Dallas. I really admired women who wore hats and gloves,” she remembers, “W.A. Green was right across the street from the original Neiman-Marcus store and I would spend my lunch hour perusing their merchandise, in particular, items in the millinery department.” But her story most definitely doesn’t end there. “After leaving W.A. Green, I started ‘Ebby’s Hats’ on Fairmount Street in Dallas. One day, a customer came in with a message from her husband, who happened to be Clint Murchison, a legendary Texas oilman. Clint had said to his wife, Virginia, ‘The next time you visit your friend who sells crazy hats, ask her if she has any ideas to sell my crazy houses.’ The 52 recently built homes were made of insulated cement panels put together one piece at a time,” Halliday describes, “That’s how I went from selling hats to houses. I dressed those houses up – what today is called ‘staging’ -- and proceeded to sell them one by one.” And although it might seem more uncommon, Halliday’s path to success doesn’t include gender discrimination. “I’ve never felt that I was discriminated against because I am a woman. In fact, men often noticed my youthful energy and took me under their wing. The leadership of the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce greeted me with open arms. Mary Frances Burleson was also received with open arms,” she says. With the gradual transformation of technology, Ebby Halliday, Realtors® also adapted to its rising importance. “After having served on a national real estate computer committee, I brought the concept of computerization to the Dallas real estate industry. Ebby Halliday, Realtors® was a very early adopter of computer technology – and, believe me, that changed everything for us,” Halliday states. And for Halliday, her company simply fits into her


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maRY FRaNceS buRleSoN aNd ebbY hallIdaY

conception of what joy is. “Happiness is doing work you love to do; being close to family and friends; and accomplishing something of value to benefit others,” she claims. For the young women pursuing their dreams, she has only one thing to say: “My advice is simple: Act like a lady and work like a man. And, know your business.”

Vanessa Paradis FoR h&M coNScIoUS collecTIoN


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a RevealING look at the ImPaSSIoNed womaN who eNRIched the lIveS oF heR FolloweRS, FRIeNdS aNd FamIlY...

ann riChards holland Taylor by Rachel Sokol


n the midst of Broadway blockbusters such as Book of Mormon and Wicked, is a gem of a play simply titled ANN; which is based on the life and politics of Dorothy Ann Willis Richards (1933-2006), the 45th Governor of Texas who was defeated for re-election in 1994 by former President George W. Bush. This honest—and, at times, hilarious—one-woman show is the brainchild of Emmy-award winning actress Holland Taylor, who portrays Texas’ most controversial— and sassy—Governor. Richards was a powerful figure in the Lone Star state, however, would New Yorkers really be interested in a play about her? “Absolutely,” says Taylor via phone from New York, where she’s doing early press for ANN, which premiered at Lincoln Center. “The play is generational. Plus, she was an empowering figure,” says Taylor, who diligently wrote and crafted the play, which had successful runs in Texas and Chicago before making its Broadway debut. Continued Next Page A Distinctive style . com


TAYLOR Continued

And while many audience members in Texas had a direct connection to the late Ann Richards in some capacity, Taylor says, “The play is exciting and effective and not at all ‘local.’ In fact, I’ve had staffers at the theatres in Chicago and Texas tell me the men were talking about the show during intermission in the bathroom; and usually women do that! So, it really has something for everyone. Everything in the play is accurate, but the show is about how Ann lived her life, and what her character was—deeply infused with a sense of fairness and fair play. This show is about her persona. She was governor for four years and that’s sort of the landscape of the play, but not the heart of the play. ” Besides, adds Taylor, who grew up in Philadelphia and attended Bennington College before moving to New York City in the 60s to pursue acting, “Ann lived in New York for about four years after she was governor and she had an extraordinary, wonderful time when she was here. In fact, the building I’ll be going into--next to Lincoln Center—is where Ann lived!” (An ironic coincidence.) Taylor met Richards once during a luncheon, and they had a mutual friend—columnist Liz Smith—but Taylor had the opportunity to meet many of Richard’s family members and colleagues while researching her life for four years. Taylor says, “I hardly ever looked up,” because she was always so involved with the research and writing process—which evidently paid off, although social sacrifices had to be made. “I was compelled to (write a play about Richards) from the very beginning,” says Taylor. “I had to walk away from an active life with friends; I scarcely see a movie, TV show, or any of my friends. I usually go to London twice a year to see theatre; but haven’t been in four years...” explains Richards, who is not complaining in the least, just explaining how much of her heart and soul she poured into the play. “Patterns I was used to walking were completely thrown aside; this show really is a labor of love.


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The heRe AnD nOW iS All yOU hAve, AnD if yOU PlAy iT RighT, iT’S All yOU neeD.

Once the idea of how to do this play came to me in 15 minutes on the road--I was so dramatically struck by it.” She adds, “People connected with Ann Richards seemed really happy I was writing and performing the play. If anyone said ‘You’re getting too involved,’ I never heard it. I just kept doing what I was doing.”

In fact, Taylor’s play affected so many people, that her Two and a Half Men co-star Jon Cryer wanted to help co-produce the play. (Taylor plays his mother on the sitcom.) “Jon read about the response to the show at The Kennedy Center in D.C. and he said “I’d love to read it’,” recalls Taylor, adding, “I never thrust my play on to people, but I brought it to him, and a few weeks later on-set he said ‘I’d love to invest and become a producer. I was astonished.” Since Taylor is ANN’s sole cast member, (“Don’t remind me! You’re scaring me!” she jokes) finding downtime can be tricky. Performing eight live shows a week can be physically and emotionally demanding, which Taylor acknowledges. “It’s funny. I was just thinking about 15 years ago when I was about 55, I decorated a Spanish house in the Hollywood Hills and went to Home Depot at two in the morning! I’d never have any desire or wish to do that today,” laughs Taylor. “To stay alert and active, I eat carefully; I try to get enough sleep and don’t do things that will deplete me. Doing theatre is like being an athlete; you cannot afford to do life the way you used to do it!” She says the focus of the show is so intense but “my prep backstage is about two hours; so I have time to settle in. And when I’m on a raised platform backstage, getting ready to go on, I’m isolated up there on that prop, so I say a stabilizing prayer; I never perform without doing that.” Taylor often plays strong women—like her role as a Harvard professor in the movie, Legally Blonde—but

ANN RICHARDS QUOTES I get a lot of cracks about my hair, mostly from men who don't have any. Let me tell you, sisters, seeing dried egg on a plate in the morning is a lot dirtier than anything I've had to deal with in politics. If you think taking care of yourself is selfish, change your mind. If you don't, you're simply ducking your responsibilities.

she insists she’s not “rabid” about politics. “I do like seeing the American public becoming more knowledgeable about politics, which helps lose some of the bad reputation politics has,” she says. “I’ve played both Conservative women and more Liberal women. I’m often asked to play rich, educated women, which requires writers to understand what a rich, educated woman may be like. I’ve been in some situations where they get what it’s like, and others where they say ‘Let’s just get Holland Taylor to play this’.” I don’t care what that person is politically, it doesn’t matter to me, I’ll play a character I understand, and sometimes I’ve just had to make a living.” She adds, “I wouldn’t mind having a wonderful opportunity to have a real learning experience on film. But I’m so happy in theatre; it’s my habitat. I feel most competent there.” Taylor was at her home in California when she first heard the show was coming to Lincoln Center this Spring after a few false starts. “I gasped—literally,” she recalls. “When I finally regained my voice I said, ‘You know, Ann deserves this’.” ANN is playing at Lincoln Center’s Vivian Beaumont Theater until September 1, 2013. Written and performed by Emmy-award winner Holland Taylor (The Practice; Two and a Half Men), ANN takes a revealing look at the impassioned woman who enriched the lives of her followers, friends and family. The show is directed by Benjamin Endsley Klein. For more info, visit www.theannrichardsplay.com.

They blame the low income women for ruining the country because they are staying home with their children and not going out to work. They blame the middle income women for ruining the country because they go out to work and do not stay home to take care of their children. When you stop to think about it, you are really the only person you can count on living with for the rest of your life. Coming to peace with who you are brings a level of security. A Distinctive style . com


RUnneR. BAkeR. TRAveleR. WRiTeR. hOmemAkeR. ACTiviST. PReSiDenT Of PlAnneD PARenThOOD.

Cecile Richards

“Women are the majority of voters and when we stick together, we can make a huge difference in the direction of the country and the world.”

by Rachel Sokol


nvolved in social justice and public service since childhood, Cecile Richards, daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards, was involved in everything from the Roe v. Wade case (which legalized abortion) to serving as the president of America Votes, to joining Planned Parenthood as President in February 2006. This massive involvement in returning service to the community probably stems from her childhood experience. When asked about her childhood, Cecile Richards replied it was, “Wonderful and a bit unconventional! Growing up in Texas, my parents were involved in the civil rights movement from when we were quite young, and every political issue that was going on in Dallas. Other couples bowled or went dancing – my parents worked on campaigns!” But it was at times extremely normal too. “We had a pretty typical ’60’s household in that my mother spent her time raising kids and keeping house while my dad worked, as a labor lawyer. It wasn’t until I was already in college that my mother actually ran for office. Folks often say it must have been amazing to have Ann Richards as a mom – it was that, but for all my growing up years, she was simply Mom!” she laughs. Cecile recounts their family excursions with fondness. “We had great fun as a family and with four kids. There was always something happening, and in


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Texas most of it was outdoors. We grew up camping and canoeing and gardening – you haven’t lived until you’ve rafted in the Big Bend National Park or eaten a homegrown tomato.” Cecile’s mom played a key role in defining her. “Ann Richards was the original advice giver, and the extraordinary thing is, people almost always did what she said. I’ll never forget toward the end of her life, when she was being treated for cancer at MD Anderson – she was giving her oncologist advice about what kind of car she needed – and wouldn’t you know the doctor went and bought the exact car Mother had recommended!” she recalls with a smile. “Her most important advice to me was to never turn down a new opportunity. She believed strongly that the answer to life should always be “yes” – and reminded us that this wasn’t a dress rehearsal; it’s the only life you get.” Ann Richards also advocated for women’s rights— just like Cecile does today. “She felt that too often women had a list of reasons why they couldn’t do something – they didn’t have the right degree, their kids were too young, or their parents too old, or they didn’t have the right experience – you get the idea. I believe Mom would have loved Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” philosophy; she was always telling women

cecIle RIchaRdS

not to wait to be asked, whether it was about a job or running for office. She came into her own during a period of enormous change for women, and she wanted to make sure that young women didn’t sell themselves short.” Speaking of women’s rights, the current double standard makes certain issues a struggle. “A lot of the

health care issues we work on at Planned Parenthood wouldn’t be half the struggle if women and men had equal representation in public office. This past couple of years, women in Congress had to fight for maternity benefits in health plans, and we are still battling over coverage for birth control, even though 99 percent of sexually active American women have used it at some point in their lives,” she explains. But there’s always hope for the future! “It’s great to see more women running for office and winning, and recent studies show that women in office are more successful in actually getting things done! Women are the majority of voters and when we stick together, we can make a huge difference in the direction of the country and the world.” Cecile Richards loves reading, and found inspiration in some classic literary works. “Cry, The Beloved Country by Alan Paton is one of my favorite books. When I was in college I majored in history but kind of minored in agitating: the first big national campaign that I was involved in was getting Brown University to divest their investments in South Africa,” she recalls, adding, “This book has always had a special place in my heart, and it deals with issues of culture and race and rural/urban and generational divides in a way that is still true today. And like every great novel, it has all the wonderful elements of struggle, tragedy, and reconciliation.” Another great book she suggests is Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder. “It’s the story of one person, Paul Farmer, who decides to change the world, and you can’t help but feel inspired. I made all my kids read it,” she says. Richards imparts just a little pearl of wisdom that helps her get through her day. “Those who preach patience have never known pain.’ That keeps me going,” she smiles. A Distinctive style . com



homeleSS hollYwood

the ReleNtleSS PuRSuIt oF a dReam by SURINDeR MooRe


nocente Izucar’s dream of becoming an artist is alive and flourishing today, and the documentary in her name, produced by Fine Films, recently won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Film. But under the vibrant and whimsically painted face is the painful story of a girl and her journey through a deeply unsettled childhood. Inocente Izucar’s story brings to light the dynamics of poverty and the impact of circumstances faced by many of the 1.8 million undocumented immigrant children. Izucar was brought to the US as a young child by her parents who entered the country without legal documents. Her father was deported shortly after


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their arrival, for domestic abuse. With no legal status, Izucar’s mother couldn’t work, and with no income the family soon found themselves homeless and destitute. In the 9 years that followed, Izucar and her three younger siblings moved from shelter to shelter more than 30 times. Despite the unstable conditions she relentlessly held on to a dream: To be an artist. Art allowed her a brief escape from the severe realities of being a homeless child. A Distinctive Style recently had the honor of interviewing Inocente to learn about her journey from homeless to Hollywood. Continued Next Page

Inocente Izucar aRtISt. INNovatoR. SuRvIvoR. www.INoceNteaRt.com

INOCeNTe Continued

I No c eNte I Zuc aR

Do you reflect on those days now that you’ve come so far? I don’t recall much because I was very young. I really try not to think so much about those times. I can’t live in the past. It doesn’t help with moving forward. When I watched the documentary for the first time, it was then that I learned about my mother taking us to the bridge to end it all. When I saw that scene I just cried a lot. We were interviewed in separate rooms for the documentary so I didn’t see it until it was all done. What was life like for you as a homeless child? When I was younger I wasn’t aware of it much, but as I got older I would hear other kids bragging about what they had, and their homes, their rooms…I felt out of place. I didn’t feel like I belonged there…I thought it was a school for privileged kids. When did you become a student at the Monarch school and how did you connect with ARTS? I came to Monarch (School for homeless children) when I was about 12, and was there for about a year and a half. I felt like I really fit in. They had a program once a week offered through ARTS (ARTS - A Reason to Survive provides art-based programs, created by Matt D’Arrigo, for children facing life challenges). The program was only once a week but then I began to attend more regularly and just felt like I wanted to stay there. Were you painting much before you attended the school? I was always artistic. It was only when I went to the ARTS center that I was encouraged and became more interested in expressing myself more creatively. What can you share about The “Lost Planet” painting, one of my personal favorites, featured in the documentary? Everyone has dreams and goals when they’re younger. As they get older they let go of them, thinking the dreams are silly or something. The Lost Planet is where the dreams go… others pick up those dreams from the Lost Planet and bring them to life. Are there other artists that inspire you? Yes. Kyle Bowen, who was also a student at ARTS,


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is a very strong inspiration. His work is the complete opposite of mine, it’s very detailed and intricate…and it’s something I could never do. Tell us about the bunny theme featured throughout your paintings? They are inspired by my pet bunnies, Luna and Bun Bun. I’ve always loved bunnies. Once I moved into an apartment I adopted two bunnies from the Wee Companion program and recently raised $600 for them through one of my art shows. What does a typical day look like for Inocente? For me it’s important to respond to people and stay connected. I want to stay in touch and show them that I’m a real person. So, first thing I do is reply to emails. It makes me happy to see the comments from people and the positive things they share. People don’t think I’ll reply but I’m still just a normal person.

lo S t PlaNet

aRt allowed a bRIeF eScaPe FRom the SeveRe RealItIeS oF beING a homeleSS chIld How has the Oscar changed things for you? There’s been more exposure for sure. I’ve met some really great people. I’ve even had schools contacting me to come and speak to their students. It’s allowed me to do more of the things I dreamed about doing. Your relationship with your mom has been strained over the years. How is your relationship with her now? Even before the Oscar win mom and me started to get along better…mostly because we don’t live together. Now I go over to visit often and we cook together. Contrary to what people say about her being an alcoholic, she’s changed. It’s like she woke up one day and decided she needed to make a big change for her kids.

What can we expect to see from you in the future? Matt (from ARTS) has been helping me manage my schedule. We have some art shows in the plans too. What would you say to other kids who have dreams and maybe going through trying times? Never give up. It may sound cheesy because everyone says that. When I grew up people used to say that to me… eventually, with hard work I made my dreams real for me. So, I would say: Never give up. Facebook: www.facebook.com/artbyinocente aRtS webSIte: www.areasontosurvive.org wee comPaNIoN: www.weecompanions.org FINe FIlmS: www.fine-films.com/inocente.php A Distinctive style . com


Photo bY tuRtle womaN

SPeak out aGaINSt

aNIMaL aBuSE aND abaNdoNmeNt ~ WENDY LEE

NdY PoNGo waS ReScued bY we



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Animals are here to give us love and calm us when we’re stressed. They are our four-legged friends and we should take care of them.

by celINDa eMISoN


elvIS waS ReScued FRom a tRee

Rescue seRvIces: www.animalrescueservices.net No KIll ANIMAl shelteRs: www.nokillnetwork.org Best FRIeNDs ANIMAl socIetY: www.bestfriends.org

Photo bY tuRtle womaN

icture this – five puppies found on the side of a road in a box, some eaten by buzzards, others barely alive. A box of kittens found in a taped up box on the railroad tracks – covered with fire ants. A dead Doberman found on the side of a country road, covered with a blanket. Sound horrific? Too many times Wendy Lee has been witness to gruesome sightings such as these. She rescues many of these animals, nurses them back to health and finds homes for them or keeps them. Many times she’s had to bury those that didn’t make it. Lee wants to get the word out about this and pleads with citizens not to drop off their unwanted animals. “People think that someone will find the abandoned dog or cat and give them a good home, but the fact is, when animals are dumped off, they’re exposed to all kinds of dangers like coyotes, rabies, guns and cars. It’s so bad that I started a pet cemetery,” Lee tells us. Many of them die on the side of the road because they keep coming back to the spot where they were dropped off, checking to see if the next car is you coming back to get them. Lee remembers several months ago when a Sheltie was dumped near her home. The neighbors saw the dog and tried to catch it, but he was scared and ran from everyone. “The poor guy was terrified because he was confused and didn’t know what was going on,” Lee stated. The dog was eventually found, but unfortunately he had been killed by coyotes. Dogs dumped in the country could revert back to their instinctive behavior known as ‘packing.’ It’s possible they could hurt children or other animals. “This can be very dangerous,” Lee states. Animals depend on us for veterinary care, for food, for shelter and for friendship. Please spade and neuter your pets, keep their shots current and microchip them so they can be tracked if lost. Please don't abandon your pets! The possibility that they will be seriously harmed or suffer a slow, painful death through starvation and dehydration, is too great. If you can’t keep your pet for whatever reason please contact www.petfinder.com.

To order a copy of Wendy Lee’s CD, Breakfast With Mama, that includes the song Don’t Drop Them Off © email distinctivestyle@gmail.com. a portion of all proceeds go to stop animal abuse.

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“muScle ShoalS” documeNtaRY

Located on the banks of the Tennessee River, Muscle Shoals, Alabama is the unlikely breeding ground for some of the most creative and defiant music in American history www.muScleShoalSmovIe.com

Under the spiritual influence of the "Singing River" as Native Americans called it, the music of Muscle Shoals is some of the most important and resonant of all time. "I’ll Take You There," "Brown Sugar," "When a Man Loves a Woman," "I Never Loved A Man the Way That I Loved You," "Mustang Sally," "Tell Mama," "Kodachrome," and "Freebird" are just a few of the tens of thousands of tracks created there. At its heart is Rick Hall who founded FAME Studios. Overcoming crushing poverty and staggering tragedies, he brought


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black and white musicians together to create music that would last for generations while also giving birth to the unique ‘Muscle Shoals sound’ and the rhythm section ‘The Swampers.’ In this movie legendary artists including Aretha Franklin, Greg Allman, Bono, Clarence Carter, Jimmy Cliff, Mick Jagger, Etta James, Alicia Keys, Wilson Pickett, Keith Richards, Percy Sledge, Steve Winwood and others bear witness to the magnetism and mystery of Muscle Shoals and why it remains a global influence today.

“Forget the knowledge of mankind – we have access to the information of the entire universe.” ~ Frank Jacobs

Filippo Voltaggio radio Talk Show Host WWW.LIfECHaNgESWITHfILIPPo.CoM “Life Changes With filippo”

The Solar Revolution the dawN oF a New eRa by FIlIppo VolTaggIo


t might seem improbable that the sun has the ability to affect anything other than physical properties. But according to scientist and author Dieter Broers, it can do much more than that. A wealth of scientific research suggests an astounding correlation between increases in solar activity and advances in our creative, mental, and spiritual abilities. But don’t worry: this disturbance of the earth’s geomagnetic field isn’t the coming of the apocalypse—rather, according to Dr. Broers and Filmmaker Frank Jacobs, it’s the dawn of a new era. Their film, Solar Revolution, doesn’t really deal with the stereotypical idea of “solar power,” i.e. solar cells. “We are talking about the sun and the solar and planetary activity that we are and will be experiencing in the future and highlighting the revolutionary nature of these universal changes,” Jacobs explains, “In our film, we’ve carefully documented what kind of effects and changes this solar activity might have, not just in regards to the power grids and the


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electromagnetic fields, but also our consciousness as a species.” We recognize the sun’s power. But it’s not simply a ball of flame burning consistently a hundred million miles away. “The sun routinely goes through activity cycles, which generally appear as what many call ‘sun spot’ activity, which is associated with solar flares. These flares are essentially giant plasma clouds that spit electromagnetic and geomagnetic radiation out at hundreds of thousands of miles per second. This radiation generally goes away, or can be diverted away from the earth via our wonderful magnetic field,” Jacobs details. “But it is not just a case of magnetic energy. I’ve often heard people use the example of, ‘Hey, if you stick a magnet to your head, do you experience any change in conscience?’ There is a common misinterpretation of this idea, that is, ‘What exactly does it mean to be hit by magnetic energy?’ Think of the earth surrounded by a grid of magnetic lines forming a sort of drum skin almost,” he continues, “Pulses from the sun

slam into these lines or strings, and they begin to vibrate. With normal solar activity, these vibrations don’t have any particularly profound effect. But when you have really powerful solar activity, the pulses that come at us can really shake up this magnetic field, and can cause some pretty dramatic changes to us and our planet.” But this field doesn’t simply vibrate—it resonates. “These magnetic strings surrounding our earth have a specific “sweet spot,” you could call it, which triggers resonance at around 8 to 12 hertz. Coincidentally, this is the same window that our minds or consciousness reach peak resonance,” Jacobs explains, “Physics will tell you that when two objects are resonating at the same frequency, there is an exchange of information, which is so fascinating to think about. He finishes with a mind-shattering revelation: “Forget the knowledge of mankind — we have access to the information of the entire universe.”

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hen asked why One Mind for Research was different from other organizations, Patrick Kennedy responded: “One Mind has one overriding goal: to bring major improvements in diagnostics and treatments for brain disease within ten years. The only way to do it is to change the way we conduct research. There are many great organizations and institutions doing their best for the many individual diseases of the brain. But they are separate, and we aim to bring them together. I cofounded One Mind with Garen Staglin inspired by my uncle John F.

by Rachel Sokol

kennedy Co-fouNDEr, oNE MIND for rESEarCH www.1mINd4ReSeaRch.oRG

“ONE MIND was inspired by my uncle John F. Kennedy’s challenge to put a man on the moon within a decade. We had the technology, and we came together as a nation and did it.” ~PATRICK KENNEDY

Kennedy’s challenge to put a man on the moon within a decade. We had the technology, and we came together as a nation and did it. We can do the same for brain disease and mental illness. One Mind is different because we are about the whole brain, not just one disease, and we see a need for a unifying organization to bring everyone together. It is time for us to understand the brain, the final, unexplored frontier of the human body. I tell scientists that they are our astronauts in this new race to inner space. It’s a big mission, to be sure, and it will take the nation to get behind it.” “We have lots of work to do,” Kennedy stated, “and there are many things we can all do to help. As a society, we need to talk about brain injuries and PTS openly, just as we would other injuries. If you know someone or see someone who needs help, do whatever you can to help them get the help they need. Our government has a big role to play, too. We need to put the necessary resources into the research that will lead to faster and better diagnostics and treatments. When I was in congress, I worked hard to pass legislation that would provide access to mental health treatment for millions of Americans as a sponsor of the Mental Health Parity & Addiction Equity Act of 2008. Five years later, many key elements of that bill still have not been implemented, and we need to have the political will to do that. One Mind is working hard to make progress there, too.” ONe MIND Continued Next Page

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ONe MIND Continued


fter fighting fiercely for his country on the battlefield, Peter Chiarelli, a retired U.S. Army General who served as the 32nd Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, fights another crucial battle: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But perhaps, the more accurate term should be: post -traumatic stress (PTS) . One of the driving motivations behind his determination is personal. “I have a mom going through dementia and Alzheimer’s and that is, to me, one of the reasons,” he states, but his main motive arises simply from the statistics. “When I became Vice Chief of Staff of the Army in 2008, they briefed me and told me that the most prevalent wound coming from Iraq and Afghanistan was PTS,” he recounts, “We have a tendency to focus on visible wounds of conflict, but in reality the most prevalent wounds are traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post traumatic stress. The number of servicemen and women who are affected with this is 3.4 million.” Millions of dollars in funds have been spent on research in the last few years—but it’s not enough. “A hypothesis followed by a small research study on just a few patients, is completely insufficient to deliver any improved diagnostics or treatment to patients. We can’t even diagnose PTS with anything other than a series of questions from a manual—and those diagnoses aren’t always right. What we need are biomarkers,” General Chiarelli declares, “TBI and PTS are just difficult to diagnose, and it’s urgent that we develop better diagnostic tools immediately. I was at a conference the other day, and a National Institutes of Health (NIH) guy got up and said there are 26 different definitions of traumatic brain injury—we can’t get anyone to agree on exactly what it is. When science is that murky, you’ve got a huge problem. And TBI is a huge problem already: 53,000 people die from TBI in the U.S. every year.” More research needs to be done. “I think the biggest misconception about these invisible wounds is that people believe it’s something in your head; you can get over it. These are real injuries. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not real, and that’s the whole stigma involved with all this,” he stresses, “Most of the work that has been done on PTS has


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been done on women who were sexually assaulted because that group was and still is the largest that suffers from PTS.” And to think about PTS in terms of soldiers is, to say the least, extremely sobering. “To tell a soldier who had to pick up the body pieces of a best buddy who was next to him who got blown up while he banged his head—to say that he has a disorder, I think that’s just wrong,” Chiarelli declares. But even in other contexts, the negative connotation associated with “disorder” makes renaming PTSD a better option. “When you’re a football player with a history of concussions you don’t want to be told you have a disorder. We should stop using words like that to describe PTS. Post-Traumatic Stress is an injury, not a disorder. And like any other injury, it needs to be accurately diagnosed in order to be treated properly. We can’t do that today because we haven’t done the research,” he emphasizes.

by Rachel Sokol

General Peter CHIEf ExECuTIVE offICEr, oNE MIND for rESEarCH

53,000 People die from Traumatic Brain Injury Every Year ~ gENEraL PETEr CHIarELLI

But despite the status quo, there’s definitely hope for the future. “Team Science—look at what we did with the eradication of AIDS in this country. It wasn’t handled the normal way we did research,” Chiarelli details, “Congress created a public/private partnership, they said we’ve got to attack this disease differently, we want you to work together to find out what causes


Photo cRedIt: jIm tIllmaN/oNe mINd


aids, share info with each other. Tell pharmaceutical companies when they’ve hit a dead end to tell other pharmaceutical companies so they don’t hit a dead end. When you identify a virus, don’t just keep the identification of the virus as a single institution or scope; share it with everyone so everyone can work on a solution to curing the virus.” “One Mind takes what we’ve learned from this episode, transforming the status quo into a research environment conducive to good research. “The way it works now is that thousands of researchers apply for thousands of small government grants to perform small research studies. They keep their data private and hope to publish a paper in a science journal. That’s the goal of this type of research. Nobody shares data; nobody studies a large enough group of patients for long enough to come up with results that can be

immediately translated into improved patient outcomes.” Chiarelli explains, “One Mind is different. We’re all about sharing data and figuring out how we can move to better diagnostics and treatments in 3 to 5 years rather than 30 or 40 years from now, if at all.” In the end, it all boils down to one thing. “Our number one priority is to help patients. We believe the best way to help the most patients, save the most lives, is to do the big-data research now so that we understand brain disease the way we understand other major diseases,” Chiarelli states, “Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, A.L.S., dementia—they are all related, they are all brain diseases. We are bringing together all the great organizations and companies in the field to accomplish something substantial, something that will revolutionize brain science in a way that is truly meaningful to those with the most interest: patients.” A Distinctive style . com


Seed is not just the source of life. It is the very foundation of our being. ~ VANDANA SHIVA SEED: The Untold Story is a new documentary film that will investigate the dramatic story of seeds, the basis of life on earth. For 12,000 years man has been nurturing and cultivating seeds to form the backbone of civilization. Now, 94% of our seed varieties have been lost and many more are nearing extinction. SEED unveils a David and Goliath battle for the future of our seeds by examining how five chemical corporations have taken control of seeds through patents, copyrights and genetic modification. These companies are placing ownership on the seeds,

literally stealing the genetic material from our ancestors who nurtured these seeds for thousands of years. As Vandana Shiva says “the threat to seed freedom impacts the very fabric of human life and life on the planet.” SEED will reveal the awe, wonder and hidden beauty of seeds. It will ignite the imagination of audiences, inspiring them to be part of a new movement to help sustain seed diversity. We will unearth the resilience and power that all seeds have to sustain, enliven and enrich our humanity. A Distinctive style . com


healthy living

A Holistic Approach to Preventing and Treating Wrinkles without Surgery


mericans are preoccupied with youth and beauty. Some can afford cosmetic surgery and are happy with the results. Others lack the money for what they consider luxuries. Some view wrinkles as character lines and are proud of the years it has taken to develop them. Others wish for something better and do not want the wrinkles regardless of cost and risk involved in preventing or removing them. There are lifestyle choices everyone can make to prevent or reduce wrinkles and do not cost a lot of money. Some of these are presented below. At age 80 I am free of wrinkles so I know these in combination with good genes work. lI FeS tYle c ho I c eS I NFlueNc I NG w R I NkleS

Soap has a drying effect and can be damaging to skin and cause wrinkles. Thus, some companies have developed alternatives to using soap. Another way to remain wrinkle free is to avoid direct sunshine. Sunlight dries the skin and causes eventual wrinkles. Tanning beds have the same effect. It is best to avoid sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily. If avoidance is not possible, or you choose not to avoid the rays, then, please, use a sunscreen. A sunscreen should be at least a number 30 to be effective for long periods in the sun and should be broad spectrum meaning it is effective against both ultraviolet A and B. Another useful activity to prevent wrinkles is exercise. Exercise increases oxygen to the cells and brings more blood to the skin. The increased nutrients and oxygen to the skin may help the skin produce collagen that starves off wrinkles. The oxygenated


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BY CARL O. HELVIE, R.N., DR.P.H. Healthy Living Editor–ADS Magazine. Host of the Holistic Health Show on BBS Radio Station 1 and author of “Healthy Holistic Aging and You Can Beat lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions” www.BeatLungCancer.net www.HolisticHealthShow.com www.bbsradio.com

blood also carries away waste products from the skin including free radicals. Exercise also reduces stress and, thus, reduces what I call worry wrinkles which are most likely related to poorer lifestyle choices when we are stressed. Another lifestyle choice that contributes to wrinkles is smoking. Not only is it an expensive habit but one of the most preventable blocks to good health and appearance. Smoking reduces the oxygen being carried to the cells and also causes wrinkles around the mouth by the repetitious motion of the mouth when it makes the sucking motion during inhaling the cigarette or cigar. An appropriate diet is also important to maintain adequate elimination and proper nutrients to the cells and thereby prevents wrinkles. Research shows that certain nutrients will help prevent or reduce wrinkles. According to Eliaz Zied, R.D., a registered dietitian in New York City and author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips, “While certain nutrients won’t entirely erase wrinkles, they may help keep your face more youthful-looking and are less apt to develop dryness and premature wrinkles. Some of the nutrients needed include: 1) Antioxidants such as fruit and vegetables that may help to correct long term free radical damage caused by the sun, pollutants, and stress. Research concluded that high intakes of vegetables, olive oil, and legumes might be protective against skin wrinkles. 2) Lutein, a phytochemical that is linked to eye health

has also been shown to protect the skin from fine lines and crow’s feet. Good sources of luetin are romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, garden peas, and Brussels sprouts. 3) Vitamin C helps build collagen that may reduce skin sagging and wrinkle. The top 10 sources of vitamin C in order from highest to lowest are guava, red bell peppers, kiwi, oranges, green sweet peppers, grapefruit juice, vegetable juice cocktail, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, and cantaloupe. 4) Omega 3-the skin oil production decreases with aging resulting in dryness and fine lines in the skin. Omega 3 oils may help replenish and reduce the wrinkles. Good sources of omega 3 are: flax seeds, walnuts, soy beans, navy beans, kidney beans, fish, winter squash, and olive oil. It should be noted that soy products are often genetically modified so

it is best to look for those that are non genetically modified. 5) Water. A lack of water leads to dryness and fine lines on the face so stay well hydrated. Water carries nutrients to the skin. Most people recommend 8 glasses of water daily. aNtI-wRINkle caRe –a multIFactoR holIStIc aPPRoach

Some ways have been identified in which our lifestyle influences the development of wrinkles. However, all aspects of health including wrinkles are a result of holistic processes. By holistic I refer to mental, physical and spiritual activities in our daily life. Thus, it takes more than applying creams on the skin and avoiding the sun to prevent wrinkles. It is a combination of the above and other daily activities that cause wrinkles and also requires a holistic approach prevent or reduce them. A Distinctive style . com


SeaSoNal alleRGIeS WITH DR. FRED PESCATORE www.dRPeScatoRe.com

healthy living

Food allergies, can cause health problems like nasal allergies, asthma, eczema, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, migraine headaches, fatigue, and weight gain. ~ DR. FReD peScaToRe by caRl o. helVIe, R.N., DR.p.h.


r. Fred Pescatore, MD, author of New York Times' Best Seller The Hamptons Diet and former Medical Director of the Atkins Center for five years, was recently interviewed by Carl Helvie. During the interview, Dr. Pescatore speaks about how food sensitivities, or hidden food allergies, can cause health problems like nasal allergies, asthma, eczema, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, migraine headaches, fatigue, and weight gain. Dr. Pescatore explains the difference between true food allergies and food sensitivities: "Food allergies and food sensitivities are two completely different things. Food allergies, you generally know about because your throat will close up, you'll get hives, you'll have all sorts of bad things happen to you. You can die from a food allergy." “Food sensitivities, also known as food intolerances and delayed food allergies, may not cause a inflammatory reaction until 72 hours after the offending food is ingested.” When asked how food sensitivities develop Dr. Pescatore explains: "Microscopic, little undigested food particles get caught in your blood stream, then your body says, 'Wait a minute, this isn't supposed to be here. This is a foreign body.' It's a foreign invader. So it sets up this whole cascade of immune system responses. You have to remember, most of our immune system cells reside in our digestive tract... When that's not functioning properly, so many things

can go wrong: Migraine headaches, indigestion, weight gain, inability to lose weight, headaches, allergies, eczema, arthritis." "I could probably list 40 or 50 different symptoms," says Dr. Pescatore. "Everybody in America needs an antigen leukocyte cellular antibody (ALCAT) test. If you're suffering from inability to lose weight, if you've got fatigue, if you've got hair problems, if you've got indigestion, if you've got arthritis, if you've got any inflammatory condition whatsoever, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, anything, you need to get an ALCAT test. There's no reason why you should have any level of inflammation going on in your body. Eczema, allergies, psoriasis, asthma - everybody who suffers from any one of those things needs this test." Patients who follow a diet plan based on the ALCAT test often experience a boost in energy as well as weight loss. Dr. Pescatore says, "Anytime you eliminate something that's an offender in your body, you're going to have more energy." Dr. Pescatore says that the ALCAT test works well for uncovering food sensitivities in children as well: "Thirty percent of my practice is pediatrics, and every one of them will get this test done. I like to do it after they finish nursing, then at two, then at three, then at six." The ALCAT test can also measure sensitivities to food additives, food colorings, preservatives, environmental chemicals, drugs, and different types of mold.

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Joyful ManifestationEmpower Yourself


Sugandhi Iyer is the author of Joyful Manifestation: Ten Steps to Empower Yourself and Attract a Happy and Successful Life, and a Law of Attraction Success Coach. www.JoyfulManifestation.com www.sugandhiiyer.com

by SUgaNDhI IyeR


onscious manifestation has become very important these days. Many are realizing that there is more to life than just facing situations, feeling destined to deal with whatever life throws at them and not having much of a say. There must be more to what goes on in this world, than just going through each day, not knowing what to expect next! As you ask questions about life, and study how the universe works, you start to have this feeling that maybe you are here for more than just coping, going from one helpless situation to another, having to always settle and make do. Maybe you can make a difference in your life, the only question being, how. The way to make a difference is to discover who you really are, get empowered, discover your joy, and from that joyful space, manifest whatever you want. Everything and everyone has a certain type of consciousness, and it is this consciousness that moves energy into action. The nature of consciousness decides what happens, and when it contains love,


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joy and power, the experiences you have are joyful, and filled with love. However, if your consciousness contains fear, grief, sadness and the feeling of constantly losing and being subject to negative forces, what you experience is just more of the same. Your mind, which is consciousness itself, has many thoughts in it, and each thought has a vibration which attracts matching situations when it becomes dominant. Joyful thoughts have the highest vibration while sad thoughts have a very low vibration. The types of thoughts you have are the result of your personality, and life situations. When sad situations continue to happen, you may feel as if you are not empowered enough to handle the situations and turn them around so that they can give you joy. Each life area, be it your job/ career, family, health, money, romantic love, all have a certain vibration and when you think about any of them, you either feel good or bad. Some life areas add to the general feeling of well being while some others may deprive you of life giving energy. Negative images of

past experiences remain like photographic memories in your mind, playing on emotions and attracting further negativity. Experiencing disheartening situations playing out again and again in your life may not necessarily make you feel confident about your future, creating doubt in your ability to attract good. When you feel good about yourself, good comes to you. Your feeling of self-worth is important and as you get empowered, you become happy and in this happy space, you will attract great situations to you. There is simply nobody better than you, and as you carry this feeling within you (in a good and happy way) your confidence reaches out to touch people, and they get back to you with opportunities that make you feel happy. Be convinced that there is nobody better than you. As you come to the conclusion that you are the best thing to happen to mankind, retain your love because true self-empowerment should always bring you into a state of love and joy. Feel empowered now!

Patrick Cornee

Patrick Cornee


Accessing Your Inner Strength


e all know many inspiring, strong women who have touched us directly and indirectly through the power of their example. But what if we’re experiencing a particularly challenging time and we don’t feel strong? How can we possibly be ‘strong’ for others while remaining authentic and in alignment with our True Selves? Let’s be real; being strong doesn’t mean ‘putting on a happy face’ and ‘white-knuckling it,’ which is at best exhausting, and at worst harmful for us and others. From both mine and my clients’ experiences, I’ve learned that it is paramount that we first go within and ask our True Selves (Higher Selves) what action is called for in the particular situation in order to ensure the highest and greatest good for all – which may not look ideal in outward appearances, but may be exactly what the person needs to experience for growth. When a woman (or man for that matter) confronts a challenge and ONLY uses their mind to determine appropriate action, it isn’t surprising that the results often fall short of ideal. By connecting with this higher wisdom within first, we are better able to utilize the fullness and wholeness of our being to rise to the occasion. We can do this via

prayer or meditation by simply closing our eyes, following our breath, and being open to that wisdom emerging from within. After we ask, we then need to trust and follow through on the information given. I’ve found that it becomes easier and easier to follow through on the actions given because you realize that you are not alone. In fact, you are always supported and loved by a network of unseen helpers who want nothing but your greatest fulfillment in life. Great strength can also be derived from being open to learning the lessons in any apparent challenge and accepting responsibility, by refusing to be the victim. We can ask ourselves: “How did I contribute to this situation?” Take stock, learn, forgive yourself, and move on. Remember, a strong woman makes mistakes, but she dusts herself off and stays on path. When we are going through a challenging time (and let’s face it, day-to-day life is often challenging), we can also become much stronger when we are tuned into what gives us pleasure and relaxation. If you can’t think of five things right now that give you pleasure, then go write a list– Now. Some of my favorites are:

Mikaela Jones www.mIkaelajoNeS.com Mikaela Jones is a published author and inspirational speaker who loves providing transformational Angel Readings for clients. Her latest book, “The Little Book of Light: 111 Ways to Bring Light Into Your Life,” is available everywhere books are sold. Sign up for her Weekly Beam of Light to help you live your True Self and Shine.

taking a bath with essential oils; listening to good music; eating lots of fresh organic fruit and leafy greens – preferably outdoors in the sunshine; receiving counsel from a trusted friend; cuddling with a partner or pet. When you put yourself first and keep your energy tank full, you will be far better equipped to be present and strong for others. Last but not least, please keep in mind that we are often at our strongest when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and ask others for help when needed. A Distinctive style . com



Peace, It’S eaSY Peace, It’S quIck Peace, It’S vIRal WWW.faCEBooK.CoM/IraNLoVESISraEL.offICIaLPagE

oNe New PeRSoN, oNe New coNNectIoN

When war between Israel and Iran seemed imminent, Israeli graphic designer Ronny Edry shared a poster on Facebook of himself and his daughter with a bold message: "Iranians ... we [heart] you." Other Israelis quickly created their own posters with the same message — and Iranians responded in kind. The simple act of communication inspired surprising Facebook communities like "Israel loves Iran," "Iran loves Israel" and even "Palestine loves Israel."

Peace is when we see each other as people. All we have to do is talk. Make a friend on Facebook with anyone from "the other side," from "over there" from "the enemy." Talk to him/her every once in a while, comment on a picture, share a post...the rest will just happen. Send a picture of you holding a heart we will post it on the page, then tag yourself, share it on your page, find a friend on the comment list—make PEACE. Peacefactory2012@gmail.com

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bringing hope to children whose future is otherwise spiritless A few years ago, one of the garbage pickers, Cola, an untutored genius of the slum, got together with local musician Favio Chavez to make instruments for the children of the slum. There was no money for real instruments so together they started to make instruments from trash — violins and cellos from oil drums, flutes from water pipes and spoons, guitars from packing crates. With children like Ada and Tania and with the support of many in the slum, Favio slowly put together one of the world’s most unlikely orchestras. It is entirely made of garbage. They call it “The Recycled Orchestra.”

The world generates about a billion tons of garbage a year. Those who live with it and from it are the poor – like the people of Cateura, Paraguay.

the Recycled orchestra And here they are transforming it into beauty. Landfill Harmonic follows the orchestra as it takes its inspiring spectacle of trash-into-music around the world. A Distinctive style . com


Geena Davis Fights for Girls and Gender Equality www.SeejaNe.oRG

Geena Davis is known for her quirky characters in films like "Beetlejuice," "Thelma and Louise," and "The Accidental Tourist." She won an Oscar for her portrayal of Muriel Pritchett, but it's her role as a mother that inspired her latest and most important work. While watching children's shows with her daughter, she started to notice that there were far fewer female characters than male characters in kids programs. Many of children’s entertainment is filled with negative gender biases and stereotyped behaviors. Children learn to accept the stereotypes represented. What they see affects their attitudes toward male and female values in our society. Since children tend to watch the same shows and movies repeatedly, it results in those negative gender stereotypes that are being imprinted over and over. The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media is the only organization working in the industry to show the need for gender balance. The objective is to start producing a variety of female characters, targeting children 11 and under to move away from gender stereotyping. “Our Institute is working to change these harmful perceptions by using education, training, strategic guidance and advocacy programs from within the entertainment industry, to alter how girls and women are reflected in media. In addition we use educational programs and research to teach parents, children and educators how to actively and critically view what they’re watching,” Davis states.

a FamIlY’S FIGht to Save theIR SoN

Life According to Sam CoMINg To HBo www.hbo.com

At the age of two, Sam Berns was diagnosed with Progeria, the progressive aging disorder so rare that fewer than 250 children in the world have it. His parents, Drs. Leslie Gordon and Scott Berns, were told that there was no treatment or cure, and they should simply enjoy what limited time they had with their son. The average life expectancy for a child with Progeria was thirteen. Leslie and Scott were not willing to give up so easily

and set out on a journey to save Sam and all the other children with the disease. LIFE ACCORDING TO SAM reveals the remarkable world of Sam Berns set against the backdrop of his parents’ relentless pursuit of a treatment and cure for Progeria, including launching the first-ever clinical drug trial, while also making the most of their time together as a family. Directed by Oscar®nominated filmmakers Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine. A Distinctive style . com



Moments with Donna

Donna Seebo RADiO/TeleviSiOn PeRSOnAliTy. TeACheR. TAlk ShOW hOST. AWARD Winning AUThOR. WWW.DelPhiinTeRnATiOnAl.COm WWW.BBSRADiO.COm/BBC/DOnnA_SeeBO

This is a new day! Shall we dance? by DoNNa Seebo


nteresting people are everywhere. I learned a long time ago to be open to opportunities of conversational engagement. Once I got past my own fearful limited thinking about talking with strangers life became much more engaging. Let me ask you a question...What are the odds of sitting next to a person who has worked in the exact same profession as you do? In my case I’m referring to my radio broadcasting position. Managing, producing your own show, interviewing people from all walks of life from around the world...how many people do that? Not many, I can assure you. Well, on a recent business flight coming home the plane was totally full with passengers. We had been sitting on the tarmac for an hour due to a mechanical glitch. Finally we were advised to deplane and wait in the terminal for repairs to be done to our plane. As it turned out a part had to be ordered so our flight was delayed for four hours due to necessary repairs. The airline was gracious enough to supply some refreshments. I walked up to the table to see what was there. As I was helping myself to some ice the flimsy plastic cup


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was not staying put and a woman was kind enough to stabilize it for me as she saw my hands were full. I thanked her and recognized she was sitting just a seat away from me in the departure section of the terminal. Tall, dark haired; her rich, sparkly deep purple shirt identified her quickly in my mind. Upon returning to our seats we began to chat and she asked what kind of work I did. I told her about my show, handed her my business card and she told me that she had been a broadcaster herself while in the Air Force. She even trained high ranking officers to overcome their fears of being interviewed. Our conversation took off and we exchanged stories. One of the stories that she shared was about her mother. Her father and his culture of religious beliefs deemed dancing as a sin. During the many years of her parent’s marriage the boundaries of this belief kept this woman’s mother from enjoying something she truly loved. This woman would encourage her mother to dance and sometimes she did but only in private when no one was around. The daughter would turn on music and take her mothers’ hand and they would dance together – just the two of them -

and her mother knew joy. After the father died the mother was freed from dogmatic perceptions. Now in her older years she dances again with her daughter at a family members wedding. After so many years, her life lived according to her husband’s dictates; this now elderly woman is releasing her boundaries of fear and false perceptions. I related to her story as my grandmother had adopted such a position to fit into the world she believed she should live in. Periodically we need to review our self limiting belief systems and boundaries and become explorers of the phenomenal experience called ‘LIFE.’ Whether it is climbing a mountain, trying a new cuisine, traveling to a new place, learning about a different culture... challenge yourself! I can tell you that this woman and I didn’t even notice the long hours of waiting in the terminal as we were having a great time visiting. Perhaps our paths will never cross again but I feel I made a new friend and her stories were delightful. The announcement was made that the plane was ready and we went our separate ways. This is a new day! Shall we dance?

voluNteeR. actIvISt. actoR. daNceR. motheR. FRIeNd. 1 in 3 women on the planet is raped or beaten in her lifetime. That is oNE BILLIoN women. on 14 february 2014 V-Day is inviting oNE BILLIoN women and those who love them to walk out, dance, rise up and demand an end to this violence. One Billion Rising will move the earth, activating women and men across every country. We want the world to see our collective strength, our numbers and our solidarity across borders.

What does oNE BILLIoN look like? on 14 february 2014, it will look like a rEVoLuTIoN. One Billion Rising is the beginning of the new world ignited by a new energy. It is not the end of a struggle but the escalation of it. NoW is the time to enact change. This is NoT an annual holiday, we are not waiting until 14 february 2014. NoW is the time to harness the power of your activism to change the world!

“I’ve had enough, I am Rising” ~ chaRlIZe theRoN


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Booker's Place: A Mississippi Story, a 2012 documentary film about Booker Wright, an AfricanAmerican waiter who worked in a restaurant for whites only. In 1965, Wright appeared in Mississippi: A Self Portrait, a NBC television documentary about racism in the American South. During his interview with producer Frank De Felitta, he spoke openly about racism, and his treatment as a waiter in an allwhite restaurant. The broadcast of his remarks had catastrophic consequences for Wright. An intensely personal film – a heartbreaking portrait of the legacy of intolerance. Presented with a deep sense of compassion and respect, DeFelitta's film is an unforgettable examination of the life of an ordinary man who changed the world around him when he decided to speak out and tell the truth. When the 1966 documentary aired, Wright was beaten, fired from his job and later killed. The most-compelling detail about watching the clip is that Wright sacrificed his pride for the sake of his children, maintaining a sense of professionalism even with the full knowledge that what was happening to him was unjust. Justice may be too late for Booker Wright, but for his family, there may be a fitting closure to a family mystery that have dogged the family for decades.

the ultImate SacRIFIce

FoR chIldReN www.bookerwright.com

y l f fire The FireFly by GeoSpace is an all weather, self-illuminated, human powered vehicle. The FireFly shell connects to the front boom of a recumbent trike to create a cycling experience that provides a high level of visibility and protection for any kind of weather, especially dark, cold, or wet environments.



Born with down Down syndrome, Tim Harris owns the ‘world’s friendliest restaurant’ and gives out hugs of kindness on a daily basis!

Tim Harris talks about life, marriage and and future dreams. Who is your hero? My brother John is my hero. He is a Firefighter in Albuquerque and has helped me all along. My SUPERHERO! What are the challenges you face working at the restaurant? When there are a lot of people in the restaurant, it is hard to keep it all together! We get really busy. But the challenge of being busy is a good problem to have. You do a dance before going into the restaurant everyday. What excites you on a daily basis? Being with all of my customers. Seeing them walk through that front door is the MOST exciting. Don't forget about the hugs though! Is there something you can share with us about yourself that no one else knows? It was very hard to get to where I am. There was a lot to overcome. Do you still compete in the Special Olympics. What is your favorite part of competing? Doing my best. I also love the team work. My team is really awesome.

Is there a special someone in your life? Would you like to get married and have children one day? My Girlfriend Whitney. She is a very special person to me. We have been dating for a year now but have been friends since Elementary school. I WILL marry her someday! Do you have a best friend? Ashten is my Best friend in the whole world. She was my inspiration and support through high school and has been my best friend since. What do you like to do when you’re not working? Exercise! I workout everyday. I also love spending time with my girlfriend. What advice would you give to children with Down Syndrome about reaching their goals and dreams? Stay in school. It is very important. Also never ever give up. Try Try Try. If you can dream it, You can do it! Where can our readers connect with you online? My facebook page is www.facebook.com/tim.monkey. You can also Reach me on my website at www.timsplaceabq.com. Send me a Wish!! A Distinctive style . com


eco favs

Me and The Girls www.meandthegirls.com

Certified Organic Cupuaçu Seed Butter is the key ingredient in all Me & The Girls organic waterless skincare products. The luxurious butter, which is harvested sustainably, possesses a high capacity for water absorption giving it superior moisturizing properties. Cupuaçu butter's unparalleled emolliency actively restores elasticity to your skin and softens the appearance of fine wrinkles and lines.

Hot Tot Haircare www.hottot.com

Hot Tot’s specialized formulas contain a unique combination of highly effective natural ingredients to optimize the performance of their product. Infused with antioxidants, protecting hair from harmful radicals and preventing oxidation damage.


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Jessica Alba www.honest.com

Without our health, without our planet we have nothing. It's serious business and we're in the business of making it better. Since our inception we've tried to rethink how to create a business that promotes health and sustainability. Our kids and all kids deserve a better world. We believe in giving back, doing our part, having a real impact and inspiring unpredictable beauty. We hope you'll join us.

eco favs

Osmia Organics www.osmiaorganics.com

Sinking into a warm bathtub at the end of a long day is one of life’s most pleasurable rituals. If you love ecofriendly bath products, you're going to love Milky Rose Soap by Osmi Organics. Every Osmia product is made with utmost attention to the scent and its aromatherapeutic benefits.

Paromi Tea www.paromi.com

An oasis from the ordinary with exquisite, carefully selected ingredients, meticulously combined in small batches, to acquire a perfect balance. The artfully blended finished product is then protected in a opaque


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glass jar so it retains its freshness and integrity on the journey to your cup. The result is uncommon – tea that looks, smells, and tastes unlike any you have tried. Savor the escape.

eco favs

Timothy Han London www.timothyhan.com

Timothy Han creates luxury allnatural, handcrafted scented aromatherapeutic soy wax candles to soothe the soul. Their philosophy is based on the concept of "Sustainable Luxury" and the belief that it is not necessary to sacrifice luxury in order to live responsibly. No: parabens, animal by-products, petrochemicals, sodium lauryl sulphate, sodium laureth sulphate, or synthetic or artificial fragrances or colours.

Waxing Kara www.waxingkara.com

Bees are responsible for a third of the food we eat; if they disappear, we can’t sustain our agriculture or our own survival.

You will feel the expansive energy of life in the bees, the sun, and the waves instilled within Waxing Kara products.

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eco favs

bReathe the dIFFeReNce! anna sova food paint 82

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eco favs

anna sova www.annasova.com Isn't breathing it the same as eating it? Anna Sova Food Paint is made with up to 94% FOOD ingredients. This patented food-based wall paint is easy to use, applies and protects like standard interior wall paint with good scrub ability. Made with Milk casein (as in milkshakes), bamboo cellulose (fiber bars), food emulsifiers, fungicide, bactericide, mildew retardant and preservatives (as in cookies, cakes and chocolates). Our food paint does not contain chemicals such as: mercury, formaldehyde, crystalline silica, ethylene

Malie, is an extraordinary line of all natural, organic, luxury beauty products with luscious ingredients that are scientifically formulated to clean, soothe, nourish and protect your skin. You’ll get a pampered, lush, spa-like experience with every use.

made wIth uP to 94% Food INGRedIeNtS. PateNted ZeRo voc. Food-baSed PaINt. glycol, toluene, mutagens, vinyl acrylics, or acrylic copolymers or any ingredients known to cause cancer, birth defects, lung, liver and kidney disease or any ingredients in California's proposition 65 known to cause cancer. Anna Sova Food Paint is a healthy decor option for pregnant women, children and elderly individuals with aggravated asthma, immune deficiencies and most allergies. Breathe the difference — it smells like a vanilla milkshake!

Malie Organics www.malie.com

Neom Luxury Organics www.NeomoRGaNIcS.com

a luxuRIouS exPeRIeNce Neom Luxury Organics Bath Oils are made using only the finest ingredients and are free from any synthetic products. Each bath oil is designed to give you a specific treatment, creating your very own bath spa. The essential oil content is incredibly high so a little really does go a long way.


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Neom Luxury Organics Candles contain beautifully scented and uniquely packaged candles with holistic benefits that suit your needs; made using only vegetable wax and pure essential oils to ensure that harmful pollutants, toxins and soot aren’t distributed into your home. Even better, these candles have 3 wicks and last for up to 50 hours.


100 Years of Fashion by Cally Blackman

Cally Blackman, a dress historian and instructor at Central Saint Martins, chronicles the shift from corsets to today's ready-towear, pulling together more than 400 photographs and illustrations to create “100 Years of Fashion,” published by Laurence King

The book “100 Years of Fashion,” documents in pictures the most exciting and diverse period in fashion: from 1900 to today, covering high society, uniforms, sportswear, streetwear and couture. It will appeal to everyone with an interest in fashion as well as students. The last hundred or so years bore witness to the transformation of womens fashion. The restrictive corsetry of the early twentieth century gave way to looser styles such as those made fashionable by French fashion designer


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Paul Poiret. As womens lives changed dramatically under the shadow of two World Wars, so the style of female dress was altered beyond recognition. From home dressmaking to couture, from rationing to The New Look, from the birth of the teenager to mass manufacture, from high society to celebrity culture. Over 400 photographs and illustrations, many published for the first time, tell the stylish story of a fashion revolution.

PhotoGRaPheR RYaN mcGINleY

Raising awareness of the African elephant while encouraging others to help protect this endangered species Shot by photographer Ryan McGinley, the Edun SS13 campaign is intended to depict moments of spontaneous interaction between animals and people in a studio setting. The series presents one of Africa’s most iconic animals against a tropical rainbow of colors under a gentle rainfall. The elephant is meant to inspire hope for change while the rain is a symbol of renewal and rebirth. Edun features a limited edition t-shirt of which all proceeds will be donated to WildAid, a non-profit foundation dedicated to ending the demand for illegal wildlife products. WildAid’s mission is to to help raise the awareness of the plight of the African Elephant and to stop the illegal wildlife trade. According to WildAid, elephants have existed on this planet for millions of years and only two species remain—the African and the Asian elephant. Now, the world’s largest terrestrial animals are being threatened


www.eduN.com www.wIldaId.oRG

due to international demand for their tusks. African elephants are currently found in 37 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Once reaching 1.3 million African elephants in 1979, there are only an estimated 500,000 – 700,000 left in the world, as a result of the ivory trade. Elephants are killed for their ivory, which is used for crafts, such as carvings, ornaments, combs, jewelry, and chopsticks. Diminshing elephant populations, public outrage and fear for the survival of elephants led to an international ivory trade ban in 1989. However, due to the combination of various loopholes and black market trading, the ivory trade is still thriving and threatening our elephant population. In 2011, CITES reported at least 25,000 African elephants were killed. Edun states that no elephants were harmed during the shooting of their campaign.

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Penelope Cruz loewe SS2013 camPaIGN PhotoGRaPheRS meRt & maRcuS

Christian Louboutin a SHoE HaS So MuCH MorE To offEr THaN JuST To WaLK. ~ CHrISTIaN LouBouTIN

SPrINg 2013


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Photographer Peter Lippmann

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Natalia Vodianova FoR STella MccaRTNey www.stellamccar tney.com Electrifying silhouettes unite with the great outdoors. Citrus hues and tropical prints meet modern lines in the new adidas by Stella McCartney Spring/Summer 2013 collection.

PHOTOGRAPHERS Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot

Natalie Suarez FoR NIcole MIlleR www.nicolemiller.com A colorful mix of tropical prints, tribal patterns and sweet shorts, can be found in the Nicole Miller Summer 2013 collection.

Vanessa Paradis FoR h&M coNScIoUS collecTIoN Hollywood glamour comes to H&M this spring with Conscious Exclusive – a partywear collection made from more sustainable materials. The collection is part of H&M’s Conscious work to offer more sustainable fashion. Materials used in the collection include organic cotton, recycled polyester, recycled polyamide and Tencel.


a photographic representation of reality

Hennessey’s paintings are viewed as a photographic representation of reality, but in truth his artwork transcends into it's own abstraction of reality. He does not adhere to a true mimetic depiction of a photograph, rather uses the camera as a source to assist with gathering information.


Hennessey’s process of adding or removing detail, altering depth, adding textures, form and colour values and their relationship within the painting, allowing him to create an illusion of a reality not seen in any photographic source. Therefore his paintings appear clearer and more distinct than a photograph. Constructing his own interpretations of a reality results in blurring the boundaries of what is real and what is made up. Presenting the viewer with a simulation of reality, or a hyper reality.

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Recycled portraits using buttons, bicycle chains, cassette tapes, empty cans and bottles and film canisters

Zac Freeman www.ZacFReemaNaRt.com

Zac Freeman creates portraits made from discarded objects, disposable goods, and leftover trash. The portraits are made by gluing recycled objects to a wooden canvas, layering the pieces to achieve depth and dimension.

ARTIST STATEMENT My work focuses primarily on portraits created by assembling found objects, disposable goods, and the leftover trash of things we consume in our society. I glue the bits of junk to a wooden substrate, a canvas, which forms the image of a portrait. The result is a stunningly realistic portrait at a distance and an interesting array of objects up close. I am interested in communicating through visual representation in apparent 2-dimensional space and also communicating through the actual objects used for the medium in 3-dimensional space. It is very important to me that I incorporate the actual objects into the art as opposed to a picture or


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rendition of it because it better expresses the intention of the artwork. I feel the junk is more powerful being present. It is an actual thing to be reckoned with that existed in this time and place and carries energy in and of itself. The result is a time capsule of objects that reects our culture. My assemblage artworks have continued to encapsulate cultural change. For example, grey ďŹ lm canister tops used in my early junk portraits are very rare now as our society has moved to digital cameras. An iPhone used as shading on a cheek looks desired one year and archaic the next as society, technology, and consumables continue to change.

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Wendy urlow HAMMERED BY WENDY www.hammeRedbYweNdY.com

Sculptural jewelry influenced by nature’s lines and textures. Subtle detail, sculptural land, erosion and decay evoke a mysterious and strange beauty. Photo cRedIt: melISSa eNdeRS


Copper Raku Pottery Kerry Gonzalez has been making pottery for over thirty years and has been working on perfecting his Copper Raku glaze for more than a decade. Gonzalez says he mixes the Raku in a blender. A secret formula is used that he’s spent years perfecting, to achieve the bright colors he is so well known for. Gonzalez explains that Raku is a copper solution; the copper oxide is a metallic powder, which is really heavy. His ‘secret formula’ is blended, stirred and then sprayed onto his pottery. Gonzales’ work is exhibited in national shows and featured in galleries across the country.

Kerry Gonzalez www.ebaY.com keRRY GoNZaleS


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Exquisite Work in Paper

A poetic designer, Siba Sahabi’s work aims to show how one culture can influence another, leading to renewal and cultural richness. Her designs are inspired by the European and Middle Eastern history of ceramics. A passion for crafts and imperfection drives the process of Siba’s work.

Sahabi’s expansive knowledge of ceramics, and a cross-cultural richness inspire designs which blend classical aesthetics with a modern point of view. Handcrafted from the potter’s wheel, tea sets, carafes, and vessels repurpose ancient customs of the Orient and the results are simply divine!

Siba Sahabi www.SIbaSahabI.com

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Whitney Smith www.whItNeYSmIthPotteRY.com/home


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Influenced by Art Nouveau and the Arts and Crafts movement of the 19th early 20th Century.

Whitney Smith’s design sense is primarily informed by her obsession with flowers and other forms found in nature. Starting to paint and draw as a small child, many of her designs are influenced by other painters and 2-D artists.

Smith likes the look and feel of old things and antiques, and her glaze choices have a certain look that reminds people of a different era.

Photo cRedIt j. joNeS

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a global campaign created to raise awareness for the environment and sustainable living www.thehouStoNeFFect.com

Australian-born photographer James Houston has partnered with Global Green USA and Milk Studios to create Natural Beauty, a book of celebrity photographs that will be displayed at the Milk Gallery in New York City through May 5. The book consists of 120 portraits of ecoconscious celebrities and models, including Emma Watson, Adrien Grenier, Elle Macpherson, Brook Shields and Christy Turlington. Houston incorporated natural elements into many of the images, that were inspired by the beauty of nature. The Natural Beauty Project is a global campaign created to raise awareness for the environment and


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sustainable living. Proceeds from the book sales and supporting initiatives go to benefit Global Green USA. New York based Houston has shot advertising campaigns for L’Oreal Paris, Donna Karan, Hugo Boss and GAP, directed commercials for Clinique and HUGO BOSS, and worked with celebrities such as Hugh Jackman, Jessica Alba, Kirsten Dunst and Cate Blanchett. Global Green promotes initiatives for sustainable energy and solar power, recycling programs, and rebuilding efforts after accidents or natural disasters.



ll across the country, people are rising up and demanding that the foods they eat be properly identified and honestly labeled. And the constituency of the state of Oregon is no exception, where a trio of legislative bills recently introduced would require that all genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) be properly labeled, as well as prohibit the import and sale of GM salmon, the first transgenic animal to ever be preliminarily approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human consumption. H.B. 2175, whose chief sponsor is Representative Deborah Boone Beach, provisions that all foods containing or made with geneticallyengineered (GE) material be properly labeled in the state of Oregon. Any food products made with or containing GMOs that are not properly labeled beginning on January 1, 2014, will be deemed misbranded, and its manufacturer held liable for breaking the state's food labeling requirements. In the same vein, H.B. 2530 prohibits GE salmon not only from being cultivated and farmed within the state of Oregon, but also from being imported and sold there. As reported in years past, the "Frankensalmon," known officially as "AquAdvantage," was approved by the FDA against the will of the people, and without adequate safety studies proving the fish was safe for human consumption and that it would not contaminate wild fish.


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Oregon set to ban gM salmon and mandate gMO labeling by JoNaThaN beNSoN

there has been an alarming increase in chronic health conditions, many of which appear to be linked to Gmo consumption. In the event that H.B. 2530 is not passed, H.B. 3177 is waiting in the wings as a backup. This bill, which was proposed by both Rep. Paul Holvey and Rep. David Gomberg, proposes to require that GE salmon be properly labeled. Like H.B. 2175, H.B. 3177 designates that all GE salmon sold without a proper label is misbranded, and thus in violation of the law. "Oregon consumers have the right to know whether or not the food they purchase was produced using genetic engineering," states the website www.OregonRightTo Know.org." Genetic engineering of plants and animals often causes unintended consequences. Manipulating genes and inserting them into organisms is an imprecise process. The results are not always predictable or controllable, and they can lead to adverse health or environmental consequences." GMOs destroy health, and people want to know when they are being used in the food supply. Supporters of GMO labeling throughout the state have been busy spreading the word about the lack of proper GMO safety testing, and the

fact that GMOs have been linked to causing organ damage, gastrointestinal problems, allergies, and even cancer. The Center for Food Safety, a nonprofit public interest and environmental advocacy group, says GMO labeling legislation has been proposed in nearly half of all states. And even though a single one has yet to pass, awareness about the presence of GMOs throughout the food supply is growing, and individuals everywhere are saying "Enough!" to all the political gerrymandering being prompted by the biotechnology industry. "The profit-driven motives to prohibit GMO labeling are reprehensible and represent an egregious indictment of the current health care system," said Dr. Mary Zesiewicz, a board-certified psychiatrist, to state lawmakers in Colorado during a recent hearing. During her testimony, Dr. Zesiewicz explained that she has "seen an alarming increase in chronic health conditions" at her practice, many of which appear to be linked to GMO consumption. www.NaTURalNewS.coM


FDA to approve aspartame as hidden, unlabeled additive in milk, yogurt, eggnog and cream by MIke aDaMS | www.NaTURal NewS


ou probably already know that the FDA has declared war on raw milk and even helped fund and coordinate armed government raids against raw milk farmers and distributors. Yes, it's insane. This brand of tyranny is unique to the USA and isn't even conducted in China, North Korea or Cuba. Only in the USA are raw milk farmers treated like terrorists. But now the situation is getting even more insane than you could have imagined: the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) have filed a petition with the FDA asking the FDA to alter the definition of "milk" to secretly include chemical sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose. Importantly, none of these additives need to be listed on the label. They will simply be swept under the definition of "milk," so that when a company lists "milk" on the label, it automatically includes aspartame or sucralose. And if you're trying to avoid aspartame, you'll have no way of doing so because it won't be listed on the label. This isn't only for milk, either: It's also for yogurt, cream, sour cream, eggnog, whipping cream and a total of 17 products, all of which are listed in the petition at FDA.gov. As the petition states:


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IDFA and NMPF request their proposed amendments to the milk standard of identity to allow optional characterizing flavoring ingredients used in milk (e.g., chocolate flavoring added to milk) to be sweetened with any safe and suitable sweetener -including non-nutritive sweeteners such as aspartame. This is all being done to "save the children," we're told, because the use of aspartame in milk products would reduce calories. mIlk INduStRY SPecIFIcallY aSkS to hIde aSPaRtame FRom coNSumeRS Astonishingly, the dairy industry is engaged in extreme doublespeak logic and actually arguing that aspartame should be hidden from consumers by not listing it on the label. Here's what the petition says: IDFA and NMPF argue that nutrient content claims such as "reduced calorie" are not attractive to children, and maintain that consumers can more easily identify the overall nutritional value of milk products that are flavored with non-nutritive sweeteners if the labels do not include such claims. Further, the petitioners assert that consumers do not recognize

PhotoGRaPheR PhIlIPP häFelI

how to make almoNd mIlk at home clIck to See vIdeo milk -- including flavored milk -- as necessarily containing sugar. Accordingly, the petitioners state that milk flavored with non-nutritive sweeteners should be labeled as milk without further claims so that consumers can "more easily identify its overall nutritional value." In other words, hiding aspartame from consumers by not including it on the label actually helps consumers, according to the IDFA and NMPF! Yep, consumers are best served by keeping them ignorant. If this logic smacks of the same kind of twisted deception practiced by Monsanto, that's because it's identical: the less consumers know, the more they are helped, according to industry. And it's for the children, too, because children are also best

served by keeping them poisoned with aspartame. Consumers have always been kept in the dark about pink slime, meat glue, rBGH and GMOs in their food. And now, if the IDFA gets its way, you'll be able to drink hormone-contaminated milk from an antibioticsinundated cow fed genetically modified crops and producing milk containing hidden aspartame. And you won't have the right to know about any of this! The FDA confirms this "secret" status of aspartame, stating, "If the standard of identity for milk is amended as requested by petitioners, milk manufacturers could use non-nutritive sweeteners in flavored milk without a nutrient content claim in its labeling." A Distinctive style . com


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