Selected Works Architecture Portfolio Page

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The main concept that my team and I tried to incept into the form is the form of prostration move every Moslem did within their “shalat� ritual.

The purpose of this competition is to design a dwelling that signiďŹ es “resilienceâ€? done by the urban life to create a small, resilience, habitat as a response to the rising land value that is occurring in some metropolitan area. The micro recycle house is a response to the growing population in the middle of an urban condition where the availability of open space is scarce therefore suppressed budget for building a dwelling is a challenge in this globalization era. The use of the plastic cup from mineral water and left-over wood supplies is supposed to keep the budget as low as possible.

Design intervention focused on creating a barrier-like tunnel that acts as a solution for the conflict zone between the informal settlements and the railways. For the biophilic purposes, it acts as a trigger for the currently occupying residents as it is filled with natural elements that could sustain the food requirements for the unfortunate by placing several food-producing plants and shrubs. In the later phase the material of the biophilic tunnel’s enclosure, which is made of dirt, will degrade over time and lose its capability to house natural elements. as the tunnel degrades we tried to create a trigger for the settler so that they had the urge to preserve the nature that once a part of their life and each of them intervenes in their dwellings with natural elements. In the later stage as the settlements gradually became more like a forest filled with nature the degrading tunnel structure that was a tunnel of nature now serve as a monument on how the kampong was triggered and now becoming like a forest as the innate attempts made by the squatter whom their background is still from the rural, nature itself, now eventually being connected physically with the nature that has been brought by the people.

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