Professional Architecture Portfolio

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aboutadiyasa gunadi Jl. Penggilingan Baru 1 No. 49 Kel. Dukuh Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, Indonesia +628111638811

My architectural experiences made me interested in how an architect thinks and moving his/her thought from the creative process to the critical phase to visualize the architect’s works. I am also fascinated by how technology also participates in the changes in architecture today. From the book, Mechanic & Meaning by Lance La Vine is shown how nature is both the source of the problem and the resource to solve that problem. Nature creates the climate that threatens human survival but it also provides the possibilities to accomplish protection from the climates in the trees, stones, and earth that can be found within the problem’s context. And technology is the act of learning to reassemble these possibilities in ways that overcome the difficulties that nature presents.


• SMAN62EastJakarta(2011-2014)

• LBPPLIAAdultCourses(2012-2013)

• Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Surabaya | Undergraduate DegreeMajorinAtrchitecture(2014-2018)

• Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Surabaya | Professional ProgrammeinArchitecture(2018-2019)


Indonesian (Native), English (Pro cient) Japanese (Basic) French (Basic)

forum talks

Indonesian Architecture Convention 2018 3X4Talks

I gave a talk in one of the events ‘pecha kucha’ about how the future of high rise architecture will be shaped where the rise in the number of erected tall building in large city at general would create a space in-between those tall buildings named ‘light crevise’. In the mentioned space we will be designing spaces that hanging in-between the future erected skyscrapper.

organizational committe

• Archventure Department of Architecture Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 2015“Orientasi Keilmiahan & Keprofesian Berbasis Kompetensi”as a Freshman Guide

• Department of Architecture Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Archproject 2016“PLAY”as a committee member under the technical division

• Department of Architecture Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Archproject 2018“Memorabilia”as a committee member under the transportation and accommodation division.

• Member of the committee group for the 2018 Department of Architecture Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Bachelor graduate Final Project Compilation Book. Also responsible for designing the logo of the book.


• Indonesian Architecture Convention 3X4Talks, Surbaya, 2018

• Siapkah Indonesia Menjadi Poros Maritim Dunia 2020 National Seminar, Held in Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, 2016

• Forum for Indonesia Fenomena Latah Media Sosial: Saatnya Gunakan Media Sosial Secara Bijak, Surabaya, 25 April 2015

• Kompetisi NasionalTugas Akhir Ke- 12 Dies Natalis Ke 50 tahun Arsitektur ITS

• “PLAY”Talkshow Archproject InstitutTeknologi Sepuluh Nopember 2016


Arina Hayati

Class Instructor in Architectural Research Class; Senior Lecturer at InstitutTeknologi Sepuluh Nopember , Surabaya

publications + exhibitions

Indonesia Architecture Convention, 3X4 Pecha Kucha 2018

Publication, light crevise, 2018


Publication:“Paradox Preservation by Using Modern Projection inTall Architecture”| 2018

Pameran KaryaTugas Akhir Arsitektur ITS 2018

I Gusti Ngurah Antaryama

Former Design Instructor; Senior Lecturer; Head of Architecture Department (20152019) , InstitutTeknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya

Exhibition of the 2018 nal project studio projects at the Department of Architecture, ITS Surabaya, IDN | 2018

professional experience

Architectural Intern, Archimetric, Surabaya, East Java, IDN |

February 2019 - July 2019

• making alternatives to preschool designs for a private educational institution (Intan Permata Hati) in Surabaya using 3d modeling software such as Sketchup

• developing one preschool design alternative from concept into a detailed-engineering-drawing (DED) using AutoCAD software

• Attending building material presentation from a material supplier under the intern supervisor

• completing several Detailed-Engineering-Drawing that needed revision in an apartment project (detailed apartment unit and detailed bathroom of each unit) using AutoCAD software

• developing 3d models from an initial concept of a high-rise hotel design using Sketchup


• 3D modelling & drafting: Sketchup 2017, Autodesk AutoCAD 2015-2016, Autodesk Revit 2017, 3DS Max

• digital image & rendering: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, , Adobe InDesign,Vray Sketchup, Mental Ray 3DS Max 2015, Lumion

• physical modelling: Model Layout Preparation, Pre-Phase Foam Cutting

workshops, non-formal education

• AutodeskWorkshop 2015 - Surabaya | IDN

“Introduction to 3DS Max”22 October 2015

• The Complete Beginners’Guide to Autodesk Revit Architecture - Online Course - Bimscape | Status: completed, ended November 2017

• Grasshopper: Beginner to Advanced 2019- Online CourseUdemy | Status: Certi ed, ended September 2019

• Revit Architecture Course: Beginner to Advanced 2019-2020 - Online Course - Udemy | Status : Certi ed , ended January 2020

• Decode ArchitectureWorkshop 2017-2018 - Surabaya | IDN “Grasshopper Exploration workshop led by one of the CAD lecturer in the Department of Architecture InstitutTeknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

• Ideas For A BetterWorld: Leading ChangeThrough Policymaking, British Council 2019 - Online Course - Future Learn | Status: Certi ed, Ended July 2019

• - University of Bath - Online Course - Future Learn | Status: Completed | Ended September 2019

• Penataran Kode Etik & Strata 1 Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia 2019 IAI - IAI JawaTimur - Surabaya | IDN

• Strata 2 Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia 2019 IAI - IAI JawaTimurSurabaya | IDN

Kerja Praktek, ITS, Surabaya, East Java, IDN |

March 2017 - May 2017

Overseeing a construction project of a small boarding house in Keputih, Surabaya

Key construction phases include :

• Sandwich Panel Construction

• Ceiling assembly

• Windows and doors assembly and pre-assembly

• Concrete staircase construction

• Wall construction

• wall nishes phase using plaster layer

Freelance, Hospital Project, RSU HAJI SURABAYA, IDN | Supervised by Saadillah Yoga Iswara S.T. April 2020 - Juli 2020

• 2d and 3d drafting in a hospital renovation project (IGD and ICU) using Autodesk Revit and Autocad Software

• 2d detailed drafting of each proposed ICU and IGD rooms (detailed oor plans, detailed sections, detailed frame elevations, and lighting detailed ceiling plans)

featured projects

Kerja Praktek ITS Boarding House in East Surabaya by Andyrahman architects 150 sqm | Co Housing Facility | Surabaya, IDN | 2017

Overseeing a small co-housing construction projects within several construction phases

Sugihwaras Apartment, Internship PT. Archimetric High Rise Residential | Public and Commercial Facility | Surabaya, IDN | 2019 Made revisions based upon the client request for the apartment unit (Shop Drawing revisions) using AutoCAD Software

Graha Kartika, Internship PT. Archimetric High Rise Hospitality | Public and Commercial Facility | Surabaya, IDN | 2019 Generate 3D models of a High-Rise Hotel design based of a 2d shop drawings for future presentations with the clients.

IPH East Pre-School, Internship PT. Archimetric A Part of Educational Institution in Surabaya 800sqm | Public and Commercial Facility | Surabaya, IDN | 2019

Designed a private educational facility for a private educational institution in Surabaya.The design was developed from one of the alternatives by one of the mentor in the design program.The characteristic of the growing children incepted with the narrative method would become an icon where the design would represent the ability of the children to grow and the architecture would only act as the medium for the children to grow.

Rumah Sakit Umum Haji Surabaya Provinsi JawaTimur, Freelance Hospital Facility in Surabaya 49 sqm (ICU), 318sqm (IGD) | Public and Commercial Facility | Surabaya, IDN | 2020

Accompanied a senior architect tasked with a renovation of a Healthcare Facility in Surabaya due to the COVID19 Pandemic. Tasked with architecural drafting and BIM implementation using Autodesk Revit and Autocad Software




:150m2 :600m2


For this project, my group chose one of andyrahman architects’ boarding house projects to understand the implementation process of its architectural tectonic features are embedded into real life construction process. During this projects observation we were able to gather some on-site construction issues from the builders and crafters from the construction of exposed concrete stairs, Installation of sandwhich wall panel partition, and instalation of exposed suspended ceiling.

During this phase, we learnt about the importance of precision and specificity of building materials in order to realize some conceptual design into real-life functional buildings.

Hand drawn sketch of Sandwhich Wall Panel Construction Concrete Stairs Construction Casting Phase Suspended Ceiling Construction Phase Concrete Staircase Landing Construction Phase Digital sketch of Sandwhich Wall Panel Construction
:SugihwarasApartment(byPT.Archimetric) :HighRiseResidential :Sidoarjo,Eastjava :NA :NA :Ir.HarjonoSigitB.,S.,IAI :DennyEvandranaS.T.,Ar :IvanPriatman,M.Arch.,B.A.A.S.,LEED

For this project, I was tasked by my senior architect to revise some apartment unit due to several changes requested by the clients after a design meetings. Scope of task including Floor Plans, Floor Pattern Plans, Wall Finishing Plans, Ceiling Plans, and Room Sections of all 4 apartment unit types.







For this project, I was tasked by my senior architect to revise some 3d high rise hospitality project model to match the revised plans concluded after the recent project meetings with the clients. Some alteration includes facade panel, lobby, and courtyard.

:Ir.HarjonoSigitB.,S.,IAI :DennyEvandranaS.T.,Ar :IvanPriatman,M.Arch.,B.A.A.S.,LEED

:IPHEastPreschool :EducationalInstitution :Keputih,EastSurabaya :800m2 :800m2

At around the same time with the Sugihwaras Apartment and Kartika Graha, I was tasked to develop one of the preschool design concept into the later stage during my internship. The major concept used within the project is the spiraling courtyard that signified the child ability to grow and play.







During the COVID19 pandemic, I accompanied my senior in college to finish some renovation projects of a health care facility in Surabaya that will be accomodating some functional aspects to mitigate the impact of COVID19 to the healthcare facility. I was tasked to complete the shop drawings and review the building materials that would be used within the projects




:290m2 :187m2

A proposed schematic design of a 3 storeys modern Boarding House located in Jakarta.

:DukuhHouse77 :Residential :EastJakarta,Indonesia :224m2 :64.45m2

A proposed design of a small single storey residential house for a young couple in the middle of Jakarta City


:Residential :EastJakarta,Indonesia

:224m2 :120m2

A proposed minimalist tropical design of a 2 storeys residential house for renting purpose

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