RPRY 2013 Dinner

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RPRY Annual Dinner Builder's Page

Mazel Tov to All the Honorees

Compliments of the

Abe & Bessie Hann Foundation Rabbi Abraham Mykoff & Rabbi Ronald Schwarzberg Trustees

RPRY Annual Dinner Builder's Page

The Students, Faculty & Board of Directors of

Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva gratefully acknowledge and express our heartfelt appreciation to the

PERTH AMBOY YMHA for their most generous gift.

RPRY Annual Dinner Builder's Page

The Officers & Directors of RPRY salute the efforts and successes of this evening's chairpersons

Iris Borger Devora Zinkin

Our heartfelt appreciation to you and all the volunteers for a job superbly done.

A special thank you to

Naomi Caplan for the beautifully written biographies.

Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva

RPRY Annual Dinner Platinum

In Memory of Milton Adler z"l Shulamith Shiloni z"l The lessons you taught us about communal responsibility will always be in our hearts and minds as a source of inspiration.

Nitza and Russell Shoshana, Jordon, Rafi, Ariel, Yair and Adina

RPRY Annual Dinner Platinum

RPRY Annual Dinner Diamond

Congratulations to

Nitza and Russell Adler and to

Josh Thank You for Your Service to the Jewish Community

Harriet and George Blank

RPRY Annual Dinner Diamond

In Tribute to and Appreciation of

Nitza and Russell Adler For their years of dedicated service to RPRY and our community

Josh Pruzansky For being our voice in the halls of government

Elliot and Susan Frank

RPRY Annual Dinner Diamond Dear ‫ אמא‬and Daddy, We’d like to take a look back and see how far you’ve come, A journey through RPRY, that may only be known to some. In 1991, RPRY met the Adler family, With Shana enrolling in the RPRY pre-nursery. Rafi, Ariel, Yair and Adina also came to learn at the age of three, Learning from outstanding teachers from the RPRY faculty. September 1994 began Ima's RPRY teaching debut, Where she found her famous nitch as “Morah Nitza” in Grade 2. Ima, being an amazing teacher, for your students you always care, You have also taken on parade coordinator and Chumash chair. Daddy, your responsibility as a parent and community member, you never ignore, You therefore have been a presence on the Board of Directors since 1994. VP of the Executive Board, as well as an OT captain for the Breakfast, Your desire to participate and get involved is always steadfast. In the sports arena, your eyes would clearly beam, Serving as assistant coach for the RPRY Hockey team. RPRY has been a presence in our lives for as long as we can recollect, It has been like a second home, a place of safety and comfort, to connect. To Rabbi Gross and the terrific faculty, we show much appreciation, For providing us with a “Mamish Gevaldik” foundation. The friends we have made through RPRY have become friends for life, And how many can say in preschool they met their husband or wife?. Ima and Daddy, you’ve taught us family and communal responsibility, You have taken on great leadership roles, always showing your flexibility. We are so proud of you today to receive this honor well-deserved, Because for the entire school and community you both have selflessly served. As great role models, you have really left your mark, Not just to our family, but to all of Edison/Highland Park.

We love you!!! Love, Shoshana (‘02) & Jordan (‘02), Rafi, Ariel (‘07), Yair (‘10) and Adina (‘16)

RPRY Annual Dinner Diamond

In Honor of: Nitza and Russell Adler: A teacher whose warmth extends far beyond the classroom and whose wisdom remains with her students for years. A lawyer who garners trust far beyond Trusts and Estates. Friends whose support is always appreciated.

Josh Pruzansky: A supporter of Jewish causes whose tireless efforts deserve this recognition. May you all continue to support Jewish education.

With much gratitude

Steve Mayer Alexis ('04), Carly ('07), Jared ('09)

RPRY Annual Dinner Diamond

The true awardees tonight are my family, My Eishet Chayil Adina, My wonderful children Elana, Koby and Michal For sacrificing their time to allow me to do what I can on behalf of the community. This is the most wonderful party I have had since my Bar-Mitzvah. I thank my daughter Elana for her special gift to me, Becoming engaged to Moshe Linsky. May they be blessed to build a Bayit Neeman BiYisroel and may they and our other children continue to be a true source of Nachat to my wife and I and all Klal Yisroel.

Josh Pruzansky

RPRY Annual Dinner Gold

Mazal Tov to

Our Much Honored Beloved Russell & Nitza on being selected (again) as guests of honor by RPRY. May Hakodesh Boruch Hu be mvorech you and your family to continue to be osek btzarchei tzibur bemunah l'arichus yomim vshonim.

Ma Adler Menachem & Miriam Yissacher & Chana Ileana & Jerry

Keep making us proud...

RPRY Annual Dinner Gold

In appreciation of a special principal, role model and friend Rabbi Shraga Gross

Thank you for all you have done for our family

Nitza and Russell Adler Shoshana, Jordan, Rafi, Ariel, Yair and Adina

RPRY Annual Dinner Gold

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees

The Hanian Family

RPRY Annual Dinner Gold

Mazal Tov &

Much Hatzlachah To

Nitza & Russell Adler On Being Named Guests Of Honor At The RPRY Annual Award Dinner

A Truly Deserving Couple And A Wonderful Role Model For Our Children

Dr. Rama (Zwillenberg) & Mr. Mark Koslowe Â

RPRY Annual Dinner Gold

Mazal Tov to Our Dear Friends Russell and Nitza Adler On this well deserved Honor May you continue to serve and impact the Jewish Community with your fine midot and dedication to Torah and Chesed.

Mazal Tov to our Dear Friends Josh and Adina Pruzansky On this well deserved Honor

Robert and Riki Kreitman and Family

RPRY Annual Dinner Gold

Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva wishes to acknowledge The SMART Board equipment generously donated by Legacy Heritage Fund Limited

RPRY Annual Dinner Gold

In Appreciation to Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva For this prestigious award.

In admiration of tonight's Honorees Russell and Nitza Adler For all they do for our community.

In honor of Rabbi Shraga Gross Who truly deserves every award and honor for his decades of hard work on behalf of our children and the wonderful Peirot that he helped produce.

Josh and Adina Pruzansky

RPRY Annual Dinner Gold

In Tribute to Rabbi Zvi Pinter, A dear friend for decades, for his tireless efforts on behalf of RPRY and Klal Yisroel.

In recognition of

David & Lisa Goldberg Alan & Bonnie Borck Abe & Lorraine Schwartzbard Elliot & Susan Frank For bringing my family and me to such a wonderful community.

Josh and Adina Pruzansky

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Thank You

Iris and Devorah and the Entire Dedicated

Dinner and Journal Committee For Making This Evening So Special. Thank You to the dedicated

RPRY Faculty and Staff For your Selfless Efforts to Make our Children the Special People they are Today.

Nitza and Russell Adler

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Mazal Tov to

Russell and "Morah" Nitza Adler and

Rabbi Josh Pruzansky on your well deserved honors.

Your commitment and dedication to our community in general and to our Yeshiva specifically is very much appreciated.

Shoshana (Class of 1981) & Brian Allen Talia ('06), Dani ('09), Shira ('12) and Gila ('15)

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Congratulations to the Honorees

From the law practice of: Rachel Barlev-Lerner, Esq. 85 Raritan Avenue, Ste 125 Highland Park, NJ 08904 (T) 732-397-6835 (F) 732-694-3872 RBLesq@optonline.net

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver


Nitza & Russel Adler Guests of Honor and to

Josh Pruzansky Distinguished Community Service Awardee It is our pleasure to join in honoring you. We thank you for all that you do for RPRY and the community. May you be able to continue all your good work in good health and with success.

Charlie and Mimi Gershbaum

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Mazal Tov to the


Marcia and Barry, Eliron '01, Devorah '06 and Aviyam '04 Levinson

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva Gratefully Acknowledges

Maurice & Hester Lowenthal Proud grandparents of our students Eli and Benji Turansky

The Lowenthal Foundation has catapulted our yeshiva into the age of technology. You have given each of our children their very own set of wings with which to soar ever higher.

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Congregration Ahavas Achim Highland Park, NJ Salutes the Distinguished Service of

Josh Pruzansky and

Russell and Nitza Adler to RPRY and the greater community. Mazel Tov to RPRY for continuing to inspire the growth of our community, one neshama at a time.

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

In Honor of Nitza and Russell Adler and Josh Pruzansky In gratitude for your dedicated service to our Yeshiva and our Community

Susan and Hillel Raymon

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Mazel Tov Josh Mazel Tov Nitza and Russell Thank you for your dedication to RPRY and to making our community a great place to live for our entire family Steve Salit, Jerry Salit '90, Alan Salit '92, Michael Kornfeld '90

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Mazel Tov to the Honorees for all you do on behalf of RPRY. Gary Scheer, LLC Personal Financial Planning for New Jersey Retirees 65 Madison Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960

ph: (973) 539-4100 fx: (973) 539-5533 gary@garyscheer.com www.garyscheer.com www.garyscheerpresents.com

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Mazel Tov to Nita & Russell Adler Morah Nitza, You educated, inspired and imbued a love of Torah in our children that will forever be a part of their lives. Not only do we as parents appreciate this but more importantly, our children recognize and acknowledge this gift that you have instilled in them.

Mazel Tov to

Josh Pruzansky On being honored for service to the community. Your work and dedication in the field of Jewish education is renowned and appreciated by all who recognize the importance of sustaining Jewish education to all Jewish children.

Ronnie and Judy Schwarzberg and


RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Mazel Tov to the Most Worthy Honorees

Nitza and Russell Adler and Josh Pruzansky Thank You for Your Dedication to RPRY and the Community


RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

To our guests of honor Russell and Nitza, Mazel Tov to you and your entire family on this well deserved honor. We thank you for your tireless dedication to the yeshiva and our community.

Josh, Mazel Tov on being recognized for your contributions both to the yeshiva and the entire day school paying community for all you do in Trenton.

Thank you.

Marc, Deb Eli & Benji Turansky

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Mazal Tov To A Beloved Couple

Nitza and Russell Adler Who Devoted Many Years to Our Yeshiva, Shul and Community. Who Left Their Marks with Our Children and Family Simchas. Thank You To

Josh Pruzansky Who Provides Essential Leadership to Advance the Educational Interests of Our Edison-Highland Park Community.

Clara & Jonas Waizer Nechama & Michael Samel Zina & Ushie Freundlich Barbara & Allen Kessel Lori & Leslie Ney

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver Mazel Tov to

Russell and Nitza On Your Well Deserved Honor Your Committment To RPRY And To So Many Other Worthy Organizations Is Indicative Of The Caring And Involved People You Are. May You Have Much Nachas From Your Wonderful Family Mazel Tov Yasher Koach To

Rabbi Josh Pruzansky On the Invaluable Work You Do For Our Community and For Klal Yisroel Wasser Brettler Klar & Lipstein CPAs 132 Nassau St. Suite 300 New York, NY 10038 Max Wasser

Michael Lipstein

Yaakov Wasser

Charles Steinman

Rabbi Yaakov and Aviva Wasser

RPRY Annual Dinner Silver

Mazal Tov to

Nitza & Russell Adler and

Mr. Josh Pruzansky for this well deserved honor. Your commitment to RPRY is greatly appreciated.

Effy and Devora Zinkin

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Josh, Thank you for your communal efforts, leadership and friendship. It is an honor for us to share this evening with you.

Nitza and Russell

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazel Tov to

Russell and Nitza Adler and to

Josh Pruzansky on your well deserved honors. Thank you for all you do for RPRY and the Edison-Highland Park Community.

Mrs. Ethel Roth Rifky and Jack Atkin

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazel tov to our friends Nitza & Russell We are awed by your tremendous accomplishments on behalf of our school and community. Your generosity, unassuming nature and grace at all times are an inspiration

Special hakarat hatov to Josh Pruzansky for your vigilance and tireless efforts on behalf of our community's interests May all the honorees and their families be blessed with good health always

Mindy & Seth Berman and Family

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to Our Honorees Morah Nitza & Russell & Josh On These Well Deserved Honors

May You Continue Your Good Work On Behalf of Our School and The Entire Community

Bonnie and Alan Borck

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to Nitza & Russell on a well deserved honor

Elie and Iris Borger

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze Mazal Tov to Our dear friends Nitza and Russell Adler Upon receiving this well-deserved honor

‫באמונה‬ ‫ציבור‬ ‫בצרכי‬ ‫שעוסקים‬ ‫מי‬ ‫וכל‬ ‫שכרם‬ ‫ישלם‬ ‫הקב"ה‬

We are in awe of the myriad ways in which you have given of yourselves throughout the years. May your blessings match your generosity. Kol Hakavod to Josh Pruzansky For devoting decades to community service with a focus on Jewish education and Jewish continuity. May Hashem give you the strength to continue with your sacred endeavors.

Naomi and Josh Caplan Ariel (’02) and Ariella

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to the Guests of Honor, Our Dear Neighbors and Friends Russell and Nitza Adler & Community Service Awardee Josh Pruzansky

For all their hard work and dedication to RPRY and our community.

Raquel and David Dessau Aleeza ('10), Benj ('11), Shayna ('15)

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazel Tov to

Morah Nitza and Russell Adler as well as

Josh Pruzansky Thank you for all that you do for our school, community and Klal Yisrael.

Iva & Steven Dyckman Jake, Jordan and Brandon

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to All the

Honorees All of you have and continue to work with the community, for the community, and on behalf of the community. The ideals of ‫השם‬ ‫קידוש‬ is shown through your many actions. Thank you for all the time, effort and work that you do.

This is a well deserved honor.

Lynn, Neer, Tamar, Yael and Nina Even-Hen

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to Nitza and Russell Adler on this well deserved honor for their many years of service to RPRY and our community.

Mazal Tov to Josh Pruzansky on receiving the Distinguished Community Service Award for his tireless efforts on behalf of the Jewish Day School community.

Jennie, Josh, Dovie and Sophie Fine

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

We would like to thank Mrs. Bick Morahs Shayna Yablonsky Shulamis Benjamin Chani Weisel and their wonderful assistants Morahs Mina Bonnie & Etty for the great job they do.

They give 110% each and every day!

Gila & Zalmy, Leora, Miri & Kayla Ginsberg

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to all

The Honorees

Nitza and Russell Adler Thank you for all you do for RPRY and our community.

Josh Pruzansky Thank you for your tireless dedication to all worthy causes.

David and Lisa Goldberg and Family

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazel Tov to our friends

Morah Nitza and Russell Adler This is especially fitting because - on a daily basis - not one but both of you make valuable contributions to RPRY and to our community. We're glad you agreed to be honored (someone had to do it). Also Mazel Tov to

Josh Pruzansky who knows from experience that you need more than one honoree.

David and Nillie Goldman

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to Nitza and Russell Adler and to Josh Pruzansky on their well deserved honors

Aliza and Binyamin Goldstein

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

To our dear friends Nitza & Russell Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. May you be blessed with health, happiness and nachas to continue your efforts on behalf of Klal Yisrael. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mazel Tov Josh Pruzansky in recognition of all your efforts on behalf of the Jewish community.

Lynn & Marc Hanfling Rozzie & Jeff Slepoy Chaya & Joe Friedman

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov To All the Honorees on this well deserved honor.

Thank You for All You Do for the Jewish community and RPRY.

May You Go From Strength to Strength.

Rabbi Shimon & Mrs. Shaena Jakubovic

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze With Gratitude to Morah Nitza and all the Teachers and the Administration of RPRY. We are proud to be parents of RPRY Graduates. Thank you for all of your help and guidance in laying the foundation for our children's futures. Mazal Tov to Nitza & Russell Adler and to Josh Pruzansky

Rosa and Barry Katz

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazel Tov to the guest of Honor Awardees, our dear friends Russell and Nitza Adler and to our Community Service Awardee Josh Pruzansky May you continue with your noble work on behalf of our Yeshiva and entire community for many years in good health and happiness. Rabbi Eliyahu and Debby Kaufman Congregation Ohav Emeth Michael Garber, President

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to the Honorees Thank you Josh, Russel and Nitza for working so hard for our community. We appreciate your commitment and dedication. Thank you Morah Nitza, for teaching our children and being such a wonderful role model. You have brought Chumash, navi, parshat hashavua, and Eretz Yisroel alive for them while demonstrating a love of learning, middot tovot and ahavat yisrael for them to emulate. Fondly, The Klavan Clan

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to

Nitza and Russell on this well deserved honor

Your genuine dedication and devotion to RPRY and to the ideals of Jewish education are exemplary and are an inspiration to us all. May you continue to be exceptional role models to your family, friends and students.

Rena & Jeff Klein

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

In Honor of

Nitza and Russell Adler You are among our oldest and closest friends, teachers, and inspirations. May we continue to share Smachot, lunches, & DINNERS!

Chani and David Moss Talia ('08) and Eliana ('11)

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

MAZEL TOV To Nitza and Russell!! Thank You For Your Tireless Efforts On Behalf of Our Yeshiva, and The Entire Community! You Are Tremendous Role Models to Us All... We Admire You Greatly and Hope That Hashem Gives You the Strength to Continue to Inspire All Who Know You, Near & Far!! MAZEL TOV to Josh Pruzansky!! Thanks For All You Do Every Day To Help Build and Sustain Our Nation.

Leslie & Josh Ostrin Alex, Uri, Ayelet & Sigal

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to all of the Honorees for all that you do for our children & our community and a very special Hakarat HaTov to Morah Nitza Adler for giving both of our children a tremendous foundation on which to build a lifetime of learning!

Randi, Elliot, Jakey (RPRY '12) & Sophie ('16) Ostrove

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to All the Honorees

Keith and Rebecca Peckman

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

May you, The Outstanding Staff of this School Continue to be blessed with health and success in educating our children about the rich heritage of our community and keep the unbroken chain of Jewish Education and the dissemination of Torah that began with Yehuda in Egypt three thousand plus years ago continuing ever stronger Ad Biat Goel Tzeddek.

Josh Pruzansky

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazel Tov to tonight's well deserving Honorees we appreciate all that you do for our school. Thank you to the entire staff for a great year. We are so glad to be part of the RPRY family!

Jodi and Steven Reich Danielle, Jessica and Ali

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to Nitza and #9, Russell Adler, #9 as well as to

Josh For their outstanding contributions.

This is a well deserved honor

Tova, Miriam, Netanel and Jeremy Renna

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

In Honor of Russell and Nitza Adler Josh Pruzansky & Rabbi Zvi Pinter & David Levy For all their tireless efforts on behalf of the Yeshiva.

Abraham D. Schwartz, CPA Ephraim Silberberg, CPA

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to our dear friends, Nitza and Russell Adler You both work tirelessly for RPRY and the entire community! Thank you for all that you do!

Mazal Tov to

Josh Pruzansky On this well deserved honor!

Lisa, Barry, Natan, Doni, Sophie, and Anna


RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov To

All the Honorees May You Go From Strength to Strength.

Henry I. and Sheila Schanzer

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to All the Honorees On Their Well Deserved Recognition... Thank You For All You Do For RPRY and Our Community... Your Hard Work and Dedication Are An Inspiration to Us All.

Rob, Michelle, Josh, Benji, Raimee and Hallie Schanzer

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees! Your endless dedication to our school makes it the success that it is!

Yael and Josh Segal

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Congratulations to the Honorees You have each played an intrinsic role in our lives. Through your hard work and dedication in your various services you have shaped our community into a place of great pride. You have given of yourselves to us, and today we have the opportunity to say THANK YOU. We would like to wish a special warm Thank You to Morah Nitza, who has affected our children’s lives in, and out of the classroom. As a role model, your good heart and soft nature has been emulated in our home. May we continue to grow from strength to strength.

Penina and Asaf Shmuel

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

To my dear Administration and Faculty It is a sheer joy for me to come to school each and every day to share with you in the work of the Almighty. Your dedication and commitment to excellence and to touching the hearts and minds of each child of our yeshiva makes our educational institution second to none. May Hashem shower all his blessings upon you and give you the necessary strength to continue in your holy work.

A very proud and appreciative principal, Rabbi Shraga Gross

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to the Honorees! Thank you to Morah Nitza for an excellent year!

Mark, Rachel, Batya, Nechama and Avi Stein

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees

Francine and Carey Tajfel & Family

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Mazal Tov to Nitza and Russell Adler and to Josh Pruzansky On this well deserved Honor

Jonathan and Miriam Teitelbaum

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

Thank You for All of Your Hard Work and Committment to Our Beloved School and Community. Mazal Tov to This Year's Honorees

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adler &

Mr. Josh Pruzansky

Eugene & Heather Wishnic

RPRY Annual Dinner Bronze

It is with sincere appreciation that we pay tribute to the

Honorees for their tireless efforts to ensure the continuity of Torah in our community.

Aryeh and Shelly Zinkin & Family

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to all the Honorees For their dedication and hard work to RPRY. Dr. and Mrs. Evan Abrahams

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to the Honorees! Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of our school!

In Honor of our Daughters-Kayla and Tahlia who bring us such nachat each and every day!

Keren and Peter Avery

RPRY Annual Dinner

In Honor of

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Adler Your dedication to the needs of each and every member the community is a model for all to follow.

Keen insight offered with humility is the secret of your successful leadership. We value all of your efforts on behalf of the Yeshiva as a founding member of our Board of Directors over the last decade.

May Hashem grant you many years of good health and nachas from your beautiful family.

Rabbi Moshe Shaps Rabbi Asa Minkowich Rabbi Yitzchak Berkowitz

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to our friends NITZA and RUSSELL on this well deserved honor Thank you for all you do for R.P.R.Y

Best Wishes to JOSH PRUZANSKY on this wonderful honor

Elise & Sam Berlin and Family

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to this year's honorees Nitza & Russel Adler and Josh Pruzansky May you all continue in your path as community trendsetters in torah, tzedaka and chesed

Debbie and Chaim Blatt and family

A special note to the wonderful Morah Nitza, I loved having you as my Morah Love, Atara

RPRY Annual Dinner

We Pay Tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adler Guests of Honor For all their tireless service on behalf of RPRY and the Edison/Highland Park community. Their warmth and commitment to community causes endear them to all. May they be zoche to continued bracha & hatzlacha mishapacha.

Mr. Josh Pruzansky Distinguished Community Service Award For all his industrious service and devotion to RPRY, the Edison/Highland Park community and the greater New Jersey Jewish community. His untiring efforts and his humorous manner endear him to all who know him. May his efforts, be'ezras Hashem, be rewarded and bear fruit and may he, together with his wife Adina, be blessed with much bracha, hatzlacha & nachas from their wonderful mispacha. Rabbi Yisroel Auerbach Mordy & Dr. Susan Brill David & Pearl Dolinger Dr. Michael & Toby Eleff Moshe & Zehava Feuer Louis & Sharon Glinn Harold & Debbie Granek Avi & Yael Kamelhar Chaim & Raizy Krauss Rabbi Jeremy & Tali Lebowitz Rabbi Yechiel & Esther Posen Dr. Jeff & Dr. Lee Ann Schein Steve & Bonnie Steinhart

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to all the Honorees And a special thank you to Morah Nitza Who through her patience, respect and caring fosters a love of Torah in our children.

Jay, Sara, Hanna and Sylvie Culang

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to Honorees NITZA & RUSSELL ADLER Good friends, pillars of the community. Their unassuming ways are lessons of Tzniyut, Tzedakah and Hadracha. *********

JOSH PRUZANSKY His hard work on behalf of the Tzibbur ensures the continued strenghth of our community and Klal Yisroel.

Shoshana & Ted Diskind and Family

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to the honorees A special thank you to Morah Nitza for being a wonderful teacher for our daughter.

And thank you to Josh Pruzansky for being an effective voice for our community. May you all be zocheh to continue your important work.

Michele and David Falk Jonathan '08, Daniel '11, Adina '13

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to the Honorees Sheldon and Bonnie Freidenreich

RPRY Annual Dinner



Josh Pruzansky THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO FOR OUR YESHIVA LOVE, Ephraim and Gila Gerszberg Shep, Eitan, Gabriel, Mia & Ella

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to our friends

Russell and Nitza Adler You are what RPRY is all about!

and to

Josh Pruzansky who works so hard for our whole community


The Getraers Andrew, Jean Sandy ’07, Alec ’10, Benjy ’10 Lindsay ’14, and Sarah ’17

RPRY Annual Dinner

In Honor of Morah Nitza!

Love, Oryah Hametz

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to all of the Honorees! We thank you for all that you do for our school. A very special thank you to

Morah Nitza for being such a wonderful teacher and inspiring a love of learning in our children.

Melissa, Leeor, Avi, Jake and Noah Jerushalmy

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to Nitza and Russell Adler, and to Josh Pruzansky, on their special recognition tonight.

We appreciate your dedication to RPRY and to our community.

The Jurkevich Family.

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov Nitza and Russell Adler and Josh Pruzansky on the well-deserved recognition for your sustained and substantial efforts on behalf of RPRY and its students May you go m'chayil l'chayil!

Penny and Michael Kaplan and Benjamin Sari and Michie Klerer and Family Marni and Arkady Broder and Family Shana and Jordan Kaplan

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to All the Honorees on a well deserved honor! To Nitza and Russell Adler and to Josh Pruzansky Yishar Kochachem

Dr. Rivka and Mr. Mark Kaplow

RPRY Annual Dinner

Congratulations to our colleague

Josh Pruzansky on this well deserved honor. May both Josh and RPRY continue their great work for Klal Yisroel.

Orthodox Union Advocacy Center www.advocacy.ou.org

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

Congratulations to the Honorees on this well deserved honor!

Your dedication and service to RPRY is appreciated.

Here's a toast to you and all you do!

Sincerely, Rachel and Alan Kluger

RPRY Annual Dinner


Russell and Nitza

Moti and Ronit Krausz

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

“Morah Nitza� We are forever grateful for the extraordinary time, devotion and love you have shown our children. May Hashem grant you continued strength to continue your labor of love on behalf of our community. Congratulations to you and all the honorees.

Ely & Madeleine Labovitz Jackie, Julia and Mia

RPRY Annual Dinner

Congratulations and Mazal Tov to

Nitza and Russell Adler and to

Josh Pruzansky upon their being honored. Your dedication and hard work are an inspiration to us all. May Hashem BE’H give you the health and strength to continue doing great things for the shul and for the community. May you BE"H continue to have much nachas from your family.

Eddie and Sharon Lowinger and Family

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to our dear friends Nitza and Russell Adler As a devoted teacher par excellence, Nitza has inspired and educated scores of students in RPRY. With selfless dedication, Russell has contributed to the growth of RPRY as well as Jewish institutions in our community.

Mazal Tov to our dear friend Rabbi Josh Pruzansky Who is driven by a profound sense of responsibility which has led to outstanding work on behalf of RPRY and numerous Jewish causes.

Yaakov & Faigie Luban

RPRY Annual Dinner The strength of our community rests upon outstanding couples such as

Nitza and Russell Adler Whose avodas hakodesh on behalf of the school and shul is appreciated by all of us.

The Edison/ Highland Park Kehilla has benefited immeasurably from the askanus of

Rabbi Josh Pruzansky Who skillfully represents our interests locally, in Trenton and Washington.

Finally, with great affection, we pay tribute to

Rabbi Shraga Gross For 20 years of outstanding leadership of the school. His indelible imprint on all our children has endeared him to every parent.

Mordy & Susan Brill Saul & Georgie London Arnie & Janice Lustiger Milton & Tammy Nussbaum Harvey & Leah Paretzky Yechiel & Esther Posen Eddie & Elise Schechter Jeff & Lee Ann Schein Moshe & Debbie Schneider Steve & Bonnie Steinhart Larry & Mina Tiefenbrunn Danny & Zelda Wildman

RPRY Annual Dinner Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to our Honorees Nitza and Russell Adler and Josh Pruzansky Much Thanks for your tireless dedication and hard work on behalf of RPRY and the Jewish community.

Avi, Lauren Seth, Liana and Jessica Maza and The Avi Maza Orchestra Music for All Occasions 732-342-9766

RPRY Annual Dinner

Dear Nitza & Russell Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor. Your dedication to RPRY and the entire community is amazing. Thank you for all that you do for RPRY and for us!

Ben, Emily , Sarah & Aviva Menasha

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Russell and Nitza Adler Who inspire all of us to be selfless servants of Hashem and the tzibbur.

Mazel Tov to

Josh Pruzansky For his heroic efforts on behalf of yeshiva children in every corner of New Jersey.

Rabbi Steven and Gila Miodownik

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education Jason Cury, President Joel Beritz, Vice President Judy Lebovits, Director We gratefully acknowledge the partnership between Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva & Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education You have impacted the lives of our students through the technological advances that you have brought to our yeshiva.

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel tov to "Morah Nitza" and Russell Adler on their well-deserved honor. Thank you for all you have done for our children the encouragement, the patience and the wonderful years of teaching.

And Mazel Tov to Josh Pruzansky.

Barry & Allsion Schechter

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to

Nitza and Russell Adler on a well deserved honor. Your dedication to the community, and your commitment to Klal Yisroel is inspiring. We are truly blessed to have you as part of our RPRY family.

Mazal Tov to

Josh Pruzansky on a well deserved honor.

Marc & Ida Scheiner

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to Nitza and Russell Adler & Josh Pruzansky May Hashem grant you the ability to continue your passionate efforts on behalf of RPRY, our community, and Klal Yisroel Tizku l’mitzvos!

Shelley Schoenfeld and Matthew Holland Jonas, Nina, and Bella

RPRY Annual Dinner

A heartfelt "Yasher Koach" to honorees Nitza and Russell Adler and Josh Pruszansky for your unstinting commitment to RPRY and your tireless service on behalf of the klal. May you continue to go from strength to strength.


RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to Josh Pruzansky on receiving the distinguished Community Service Award. Thank you for all you have done for RPRY and for our community

Mazal Tov to Russell and Nitza Adler on being the guests of honor tonight. Thank you Morah Nitza for teaching our three children. They have learned and grown so much from you.

Sharon & Sandy Shulman Eli '08, Kaylie '11, Yaakov '13

RPRY Annual Dinner

Dear Nitza and Russell, This is an honor most deserved not only for your devotion and tireless efforts in support of RPRY and Jewish education but also for serving as role models to your students, your friends, your colleagues, your children, and all who know you. Your middot and your personalities shine forth in all your endeavors and you delight, inspire, motivate, and elevate all those who come into contact with you. You remain steady and true in all your spheres of life and you bring your good name to all that you touch, to the merit of your parents, your family, your institutions, and all of Klal Yisrael. The RPRY community has been most fortunate to be able to call you their own and you should continue to go from strength to strength. Thank you for all that you have done and all that you will continue to do, G-d willing, for many years to come.

With warmest regards and great affection, Estelle and Scott Siegel, and Family

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov and

Hakarot HaTov to the honorees for all that they do for the

Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva and the entire community. May they go from strength to strength.

Renee and Jerry Silverstein

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to Josh Pruzansky on receiving the Distinguished Community Service Award. Thanks for all you do for our community.

A special Mazel Tov to Russell and Nitza Adler on being named Guests of Honor. We really appreciate all your help over the years.

Leslie and Jeff Silber

RPRY Annual Dinner


Rabbi Shraga Gross Rabbi Zvi Pinter Henie Deutsch Chaya Friedmann Helene Lockspeiser Ethel Salomon Rabbi Eli Schostak Rivka Abrahams, Cindy Baruch, Marilyn Batson, Shulamis Benjamin, Brocha Berg, Jan Berg, Elise Berlin, Rebecca Bick, Cindy Boda, Trudy Bookbinder, Rivky Brisman, Rachel Callen, Janice Cove, Rochelle Dessau, Leah Drillman, Helaine Eisler, Shira Elbaz, Kayla Englard, Debbie Erdfarb, Michal Falk, Rochel Field, Carol Freudenberger, Miriam Frumkin, Chumi Gewirtzman, Batsheva Goldman, Miri Gordon, Chani Grunwald, Rabbi Shabsi Horowitz, Penny Kaplan, Debby Kaufman, Simi Khayat, Lisa Klinger, Josephine Krasnoff, Rabbi Nachman Lapa, Rabbi Daniel Lasar, Lori Lauber, Rabbi David Levy, Marla Liebhaber, Baila Lowinger, Faigie Luban, Chana Luchins, Michelle Mansdorf, Marion Marchese, Brian McNamara, Jr., Emily Menasha, Rabbi Steven Miodownik, Fay Moskovic, Tziporah Neustadt Guttman, Bonnie Orgel, Rebecca Peckman, Maxine Pilavin, Tzipporah Rapps, Rachel Razza, Mina Reich, Nancy Reich, Ilana Rozett, Jodie Salit, Ruth Schechter, Tobi Schilowitz, Judy Schwarzberg, Sari Shalmon, Marsha Shulman, Sharon Shulman, Sharon Stern, Jackie Weedall, Elke Weintraub, Chani Wiesel, Officer Richard Williams, Cheryl Willinger, Honey Wisotsky, Shayna Yablonsky, Milca Rana Yablonsky

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

Congratulations to Morah Nitza & Russell Adler Thank-you for everything that you do for our children and for RPRY!

The Tennenberg Family

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to Russell and Nitza on this wonderful honor.

Love, Naomi and Louis Tuchman

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to all the honorees Yasher Koach on all you do for RPRY and the community at large

With Thanks, Mindy & David Waizer

RPRY Annual Dinner

RPRY Annual Dinner

MAZEL TOV TO RUSSELL & NITZA ADLER On this well deserved honor You are both highly valued to RPRY and the community at large.


RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Russell & Nitza Adler and to

Josh Pruzansky Good wishes for continued success in all you do for our school and community.

Eva Weisz

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to our dear friends Russell and Nitza Thanks for all you do for RPRY and our community.

Mazel Tov to Josh Pruzansky Thank you for your efforts on behalf of RPRY. Continued success to the Yeshiva and its wonderful staff headed by Rabbi Shraga Gross.

Susie and Barry Wolf and Family

RPRY Annual Dinner

In tribute to

Nitza & Russell A couple who exemplify Torah and Derech Eretz. May everything you do to help the klal be a zchus for continued easy nachas. We admire you

From your family, Raquel Wolf & Levy & Rivkie Zelishovsky

RPRY Annual Dinner Mazel Tov to Nitza & Russell On this well deserved honor & Mazel Tov to Josh Pruzansky Debby & Arthur Atlas Tonight we pay tribute to

Nitza and Russell Adler A couple who personify professional excellence and immeasurable communal devotion. & In honor of

Josh Pruzansky Whose creativity, humor and wit are exceeded only by his humility. Josh, For your special gift, we are eternally grateful! Charyn and Harvey Atlas

RPRY Annual Dinner

MAACO AUTO PAINTING 1515 Livingston Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08902 T. 732.249.1777 - F. 732.249.8317 MAACONBIDGL@gmail.com

Congratulations on your Wonderful Achievements Russell & Nitza Adler our dear friends & neighbors

Josh Pruzansky OU political director We appreciate all you have done for the community Jerry & Barbara Belsh

RPRY Annual Dinner

To All the Honorees, Mazal Tov Thank you for your devotion to the community and the Students at RPRY From the Alan's Enterprises, LLC Staff

Congratulations Josh Pruzansky Distinguished Community Service Award Assemblyman Peter J. Barnes, III 3 Stephenville Parkway Edison, NJ 08820

Assemblyman Patrick J. Diegnan 908 Oak Tree Avenue South Plainfield, NJ 07080

Assemby Candidate Nancy Pinkin

Paid for by: Barnes for Senate Election Fund 72 Buchanan Road Edison, NJ 08820 Committee to Elect Patrick J. Diegnan, Jr. to Assembly 2443 Plainfield Avenue South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Pinkin for Assembly 3 Crommelin Court East Brunswick, NJ 08816

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to the

Honorees RPRY is fortunate to have exemplary individuals like you. May you continue your work in the community & in Torah.

Edward & Bette Epstein

RPRY Annual Dinner

Freedman AUTO SERVICE 1690 STATE RTE 27 EDISON, NJ 08817 732-985-2211 www.freedmanautoservice.com WITH OVER 7,000 TIRES IN STOCK WE HAVE TIRES FOR WHATEVER YOU DRIVE competitive pricing, local warranty service, and same day installation. Call us before you buy tires anywhere else! Tires/Brakes/Alignments/Suspension Complete Auto Service since 1983

MAZAL TOV! We are delighted to be able to congratulate our dear son-in-law

JOSH PRUZANSKY and his loving and talented wife on the presentation of this well deserved honor! May he continue to have success in serving Am Yisrael.

Imma and Abba

RPRY Annual Dinner A heartfelt Mazal Tov to our good friends

Russell and Nitza Adler On receiving this distinguished honor for their tremendous dedication to RPRY and the entire Highland Park - Edison community.

Mazal Tov to

Mr. Josh Pruzansky Who continues to work tirelessly for our community and the Jewish community at large. May Hashem bless all the honorees with long lives filled with good health and nachat from their children.

Lani and Allan Kaye

Mazal Tov and Best Wishes To all the Honorees. May you continue to be an Inspiration to the Community.

Debbie & Barry Leskowitz

RPRY Annual Dinner Mazel Tov To My Dear Friends

Russell and Nitza Adler on this Well Deserved Honor May You Go MeChayil El Choyil David and Dalya Levy -------------------------------------

Mazel Tov To My Good Friend

Josh Pruzansky May You Continue to Be Osek B'Tzorchei Tzibbur B'Emunah! Hatzlacha Rabbah! David and Dalya Levy

Mazal Tov to all the honorees. A special thank you to Morah Nitza for being such a wonderful teacher.

Jenny and Irv Mandelbaum and Family

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to

Russell & Nitza Adler on this well deserved honor! May you continue to inspire us with your dedication and concern for all of Klal Yisroel. Kurt & Greta Oppenheimer Robbie & Naomi Oppenheimer Rabbi Maurice & Lori Oppenheimer

RPRY Annual Dinner

PETER J. and JOAN STRAUSS SALUTE NITZA and RUSSELL ADLER for their service and contributions to the community

RPRY Annual Dinner Best wishes for the continued success of Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva In Honor of

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Adler May you continue your outstanding work on behalf of the many organizations and individuals whose lives you have enriched. May you be blessed with Brocha V'Hatzlach.

Allen & Lenore Szrolovits

Mazel Tov to Our Granddaughters Kayla and Rachel Atara Tarlow

From their Proud Grandparents Betzalel and Penina Tarlow

RPRY Annual Dinner

In Honor of Russell and Nitza Adler and Josh Pruzansky

Mazal Tov to all of the

Honorees Thanks to RPRY for the wonderful experience offered to our Grandchildren, Joey and Sammy Zelingher.

Bella and Simon Zelingher

RPRY Annual Dinner Avi Driving School, LLC Years Of Experience & Second To None For Service !! Please Visit Our Website: www.Avidrivingschool.Com and Look For "Specials" Type The Promo Code: "Hagalgal Mistovev" As We Are Very Greatfull To Be Engaged With Rpry and we Offer All Future Customers10% Extra Discount Off Already Discounted Website Specials Just Type The Promo Code: "Hagalgal Mistovev" If You Wish To Call (732-640-2400), Mention "Hagalgal Mistovev", And You Will Get The Discount Too! We Also Will Donate 10% To Rpry On All Paid Deals P l e a s e E -M a i l T o : Youdrive@Avidrivingschool.Com

Mazal Tov to Russell & Nitza on this well deserved honor! We admire your dedication to RPRY& your hard work on behalf of your community! Allison & Elliott Adler

Thank You. Avi Adiv,Owner,Avi Driving School,Llc. 7 3 2 -6 4 0 -2 4 0 0


to our neighbor


Josh Pruzansky From your friends on North 10th Ave.



Nitza and Avi Bodlander Miryam and Yitzchak Block Marsha and Mendel Eiserman Fran and Harry Glazer Larry and Tasha Lennhoff Cheryl and Gary Minkoff Marlene and Sam Tarshish

RPRY Annual Dinner In Honor of

Congratulations to this years honorees!

Nitza and Russell Adler

Thank you for your tireless

From your friends and partners in business at

efforts to RPRY and extraordinary devotion to it's students which has

Midco Waste Systems

made RPRY the special school that it is.

Steven Britt 732-545-8988

Linda & Hillel Cohen Debby & Arthur Atlas Sharon Hirt

Mazal Tov to All the Most Deserving Honorees

Mazal Tov to the Honorees

May they continue on this well deserved honor their noble work on behalf of the Community and Klal Yisroel

Elaine and Michael Cohen

RPRY Annual Dinner

‫יקרים‬ ‫וראסל‬ ‫ניצה‬ ‫והאיחולים‬ ‫הברכות‬ ‫מיטב‬ ‫לכם‬ ‫בקודש‬ ‫לתמיכתכם‬ .‫והצליחו‬ ‫עלו‬

Dear Nitza and Russell, Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. May Hashem continue to bless you and your family.

.‫ישראל‬, ‫דויטש‬ ‫ובנימין‬ ‫סנדרה‬ Barbara and Isaac Edery

Mazel Tov to the Honorees on this well deserved honor Chaya & Thomas Friedmann

To Nitza and Russell, Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor! We are so proud of all your hard work and devotion!

The Horn-Lebensburger Family

RPRY Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to Russell and Nitza Adler on being honored by RPRY.

Josh and Adina Pruzansky Thank you for being my friend and being there when I need you, and thank you Josh for visiting my father OB"M in the hospital. Shepard Presser

Thank you Nitza and Russell For your constant and selfless efforts in nurturing many of the organizations in the Raritan Valley Jewish Community and Thank you Josh For your raising our awareness and mobilizing us into action in support of critical issues in the New Jersey Jewish community Mazel Tov! Marcia & Phil Rosen

Mazal Tov to Josh and Adina Thank you for all you do for the Jewish Community. You make Silver Spring (especially Midwood) very proud. May you continue to go from chayil to chayil. Fondly, Barbie and Yitzchok Siegel

RPRY Annual Dinner Mazal Tov and thanks to the

Adlers Mazel Tov

For all your hard work on behalf of RPRY.

to the Mazal Tov



on this well deserved honor

Rabbi Josh Pruzansky For everything you do.

Eric Silverman

We knew you when!

Steve & Helen Stein

Mazel Tov To our good friend and neighbor Nitza and Russell Josh Kol HaKavod on this wonderful accomplishment. May you continue M'Chayil el Chayil.

Fondly, Yechiel & Dafna Weiner & Family

On this well deserved honor You should get a lot of NACHAS!

The Widofskys

RPRY Annual Dinner Dear Nitza & Russell

In Tribute to Nitza & Russell

Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor. Francine & Bruce Adler

We are honored to be part of the RPRY Community.

Mazel Tov & congratulations ---You are a couple that is well-deserving of this honor. Best wishes for continued success in adding to your families' legacies. Rose Blumenkrantz Mordechai & Miriam Blumenkrantz Yecheskil & Laya Sevard

To Russell and Morah Nitza

Mazal Tov

We appreciate both your professional work and your warmth and caring.

from the Cypess family!

Aaron Epstein and Leora Wenger and Family

Mazel Tov

Mazal Tov to


Nitza & Russell Adler and to

Russell and Nitza Adler & Josh Pruzansky On this well-deserved honor.

Josh Pruzansky Kol Hakavod! Judy & Michael Goldrich

Charles and Ellen Fisher A very well-deserved Mazel Tov to the honorees


Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adler and Mr. Josh Pruzansky

Nitza and Russell Adler

For their dedication and commitment in furthering the education of our children. Scott & Ariela Grayman & our children, former RPRY students


May Hashem grant you the strength to continue using your talents and acts of kindness to further the development of the Jewish community at large.

Stanley and Rita Halpern

RPRY Annual Dinner In honor of our dear cousins,

Mazel Tov to this year's most deserving honorees:

Russell and Nitza Adler

Nitza & Russ and Rabbi Josh

May they continue all their amazing ma'asim tovim until 120 in good health.

Bruce & Lilly Jacobi Proud Parents of 4 RPRY Graduates

Judy and Siggy Handelman


Dear Russell & Nitza,


Your leadership and character are truly exemplary. We wish you much hatzlacha in all of your endeavors, and much nachas from your beautiful family!


Mazal Tov,

The Leiter Family (Marlboro, NJ) JULIE & STEVEN KATZ

Mazal Tov to the Honorees RPRY Alumnus 2005

Mazal Tov to Nitza and Russell Adler and to Josh Pruzansky Thank you for your years of service and dedication to RPRY. We are most fortunate to have friends like you. Elana Sasto and Howard Noveck

Mazal Tov to Russell and Nitza Adler & Josh Pruzansky On this momentous occasion Your tireless dedication to RPRY and the entire community is an inspiration to us all. Karen and Yoel Schwartz and Family

To our friends Nitza and Russell May you continue to serve our tzibbur. Your friends, Shelley and Phil Stein

RPRY Annual Dinner Gabor & Cindy Boda

Joel & Harriet Gersten

Herman Lipschitz

Rabbi Robert and Maxine Pilavin

Dena & Elan Vorzman

David, Shifra, Joey, & Sammy Zelingher

Brenda and Lambert Zirkind

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