Homeland February 2019

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Vol. 6 Number 2 • February 2019 www.HomelandMagazine.com

Homeland Veterans Magazine

ABC’s of Transitioning into civilian life

Discovering New Passions in a Civilian Career

EMPOWERING VETERANS Fitness’s Role In Transitioning



“Why I Do What I Do”

Treatment Court


Enlisted to Entrepreneur Careers In Law Enforcement

DAV, Veterans

TOUR OF HONOR The Next Trip to Washington, D.C. is May 3-5, 2019

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HOMELAND / February 2019

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Greetings and a warm welcome to HOMELAND Magazine! Please take some time to get to know the layout of our magazine. Homeland Magazine focuses on real stories from real heroes; the service member, the veteran, the wounded and the families that keep it together. Our magazine is driven by passion, vision, reflection and the future. The content is the driving force behind our magazine and the connection it makes with service members, families, veterans and civilians. Homeland is about standing your ground, resilience, adaptation, inspiration and solidarity. HOMELAND is inspirational, “feel good” reading; our focus is on veterans, military and civilians alike. I believe HOMELAND is where the heart is, and our publication covers a wide variety of topics, and issues about real life and real stories. We are honored to share the work of so many committed and thoughtful people.

Publisher Editor-In-Chief Mike Miller Contributing Writers CJ Machado Vicki Garcia - Enlisted Holly Shaffner - Honor Flight Joe Molina - VCCSD Lori Boody - VANC Shelter to Soldier Eva M. Stimson Boot Campaign Barry Smith Wounded Warrior Project DAV - Dan Clare American Warrior Jim Lorraine Operation Homefront Kelly Bagla. Esq. Billieka Boughton Shya Ellis-Flint Lara Ryan Daniel Chavarria

Public Relations CJ Machado Thomas McBrien Marketing/Sales Mike Miller Gina Henderson Entertainment Media Bob Dietrich Calvin Goetz Homeland Magazine is published monthly. Submissions of photographs, Illustrations, drawings, and manuscripts are considered unsolicited materials and the publisher assumes no responsibility for the said items. All rights reserved.

We appreciate your support and are so happy to have you as a reader of HOMELAND Magazine.

Homeland Magazine 9528 Miramar Road, Suite 41 San Diego, CA 92126

With warmest thanks, Mike Miller, Publisher

858.275-4281 Contact Homeland Magazine at:

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HOMELAND / February 2019

DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE www.HomelandMagazine.com

transitioning Inside This Issue 6 ABC’s of Transitioning 8 Fitness’s Role in Transitioning 12 New Passions in a Civilian Career 17 Second Chance, DAV 18 Why I Do What I Do 20 Suicide of Young Veterans 22 How Can We Empower Veterans 27 MILITARY MONEY MINUTE 28 VANC - 2019 30 ENLISTED TO ENTREPRENEUR 34 Legal Eagle 38 “Pucks & Paws” 40 American Legion is turning 100 43 Careers in Law Enforcement

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Transitioning Venturing into the civilian life could be a daunting task. According to the Pew Research Center, 44% of veterans were reported to have difficulties transitioning back to civilian life. These challenges vary in nature from emotional, to physical to loss of purpose, facing several transitioning challenges. 1. Feeling Connected: When serving in the military, we build a lifetime of friendships with strong bonds. In the military we are used to having friends who we trust and learned to rely on. But as we transitioned out of the military, those strong bonds get lost or broken and those friends who we learned to trust may no longer be around and those strong bonds shared while in the military are no longer there.

Suggestion: Now, as civilians, we face new challenges, new obstacles new ways of life. While it is true that we no longer wear the uniform, we still feel very connected to the military way of life. Therefore finding fellow veterans in our new communities is important and very helpful. It will help us reconnect with likeminded individuals, fellow veterans, who may help us identify available resources who who understand what we are going through. 2. New Purpose, New Direction Serving in the military is about dedication and commitment to a unique way of life. Everyone serving identifies with the “Organizational Culture” of the military. Moving into a civilian environment means that we must “adapt” to a new way of life, new “Organizational Culture”. These may create a sense of unclear direction unclear sense of purpose causing us to feel a little lost and we may struggle to find our new purpose or our new direction.

“We were trained to face challenges, we can do this!”

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Suggestion: Sense of purpose and sense of direction are our internal guiding points. First of all, we must be realistic, and understand that we are now moving into a new environment and that this could be a great opportunity and a great new beginning. Locating a transition coach to work with in identifying that internal drive may help in identifying a new direction a new purpose, Your New Adventure. 3. Using your Military skills to land a Career In the civilian workforce, the chain of command is less clear, there is no visible identification as it is in the military. The civilian workplace can be very confusing for some and it could make obtaining and securing employment a challenge. Some veterans may experience difficulty in translating acquired military skills into the civilian workforce. The problem compounds further due to the fact that some special skills that are acquired in the military do not translate well into civilian employment and/or may not come with certifications that are fully recognized and currently needed in the civilian workplace. Suggestion: Think about education before transitioning out of the military, most colleges and universities offer a variety of programs that could be of interest to you. I will also suggest to secure the service of a Job-Coach who knows and understands what employers are looking for and the type of education employers expect from applicants. 4. Savings and handling finances Having a healthy savings account could make the transition much easier. Whether you are retiring or separating after a few years, having a financial plan will make a world of difference. Start your plan as early as possible, even a Year in advance and before separation, but even if you missed the mark, the sooner you start a plan the easier it will be once you transitioned from the military. It is advised to have enough to cover the bills for three or four months. Suggestion: A financial Coach may be able to work with you in creating a transitioning savings plan that could help make your transition smooth and easier on you and your family. A Financial-Coach can help with: • Create a reasonable savings plan • Reduce or eliminate debt • Learn to manage finances (as it may be very different now as a civilian) • Manage and monitor your credit score

In Summary: Transitioning from military into civilian environment is going to feel “different” like uncharted territory, just the way it felt the day we started our military training. Becoming aware that it is “normal” to feel “Not Normal” it helps to move forward and will feel lees of an obstacle and more like a challenge – We were trained to face challenges, we can do this! If you would like direct assistance, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help! Article prepared by: Joseph Molina Veterans Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director www.vccsd.org

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More than exercise, fitness’s role in transitioning to civilian life For active duty service members’ fitness plays a critical role in being able to do the job to the best of one’s ability, whether you are a Special Forces operator or a logistical staff member. But what about for veterans and the challenges faced during the transition from active duty to civilian life? HOMELAND recently caught up with Tee Major to talk about the role fitness can play in the transition from active duty to civilian life, fitness tips for veterans and his Militant Athletes Extreme Physical Training (MAX PT) program. MAX PT is a militaryinspired workout that is tough enough for the military athlete but also doable for anyone looking to kick start a new fitness routine. The program was created and developed for U.S. and Coalition Armed Forces that combines strength, cardio and core movements into intense 6-minute circuits.


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Major is the founder of TeeMajor.com, the creator of MAX PT and a FITFUSION.com trainer. He is also a long-time Military Fitness Trainer for the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy and Coalition Forces and served as a civilian fitness trainer during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom and spent eight months as a personal and group trainer for the U.S. Navy on Coronado Island on the North Island Base.

Starting any kind of new routine can be overwhelming so I try to preach starting with one day and one exercise at a time and building upon that.

The military life is one of structure and routine. The absence of being told where to be and what to do is probably one of the hardest things to get used to during the transition from active duty to civilian life.

HOMELAND: How has your work with the military influenced your fitness programming and guiding principles? TM: Every military branch has a creed and is something the soldiers within each branch live and die by every day. Each creed consists of several core values such as discipline, physical and mental toughness, proficiency in tasks and drills, which resonated with me and helped shape the way I train and live my everyday life. Armed service members have job requirements, one of which is to stay physically fit even if deployed in austere conditions.

My special operators or recon guys are required to constantly carry extra weight in the form of vests and gear. So, when we train, I tend to use weighted vests and bodyweight exercises with added resistance to build strength and muscle endurance.

They should be able to train with little equipment, little time, and small spaces if necessary. So my workouts are quick, efficient, task oriented and develop mental and physical toughness. HOMELAND: How can fitness, and your approach to fitness, help service members with the transition from active duty to civilian life?

We also focus on injury prevention to keep them in the battle. Others, such as logistical staff, have very different job functions so their training tends to be more focused on overall strength, flexibility, and mobility. The MAX PT program on FITFUSION.com is a great place to start if a veteran is looking for a military inspired workout, but there are also several functional-inspired workouts on my YouTube channel – these are great examples of how I typically train my veteran clients.

TM: The military life is one of structure and routine. The absence of being told where to be and what to do is probably one of the hardest things to get used to during the transition from active duty to civilian life. Establishing a daily fitness routine will help veterans stay in shape and give a bit of structure to the day. Starting any kind of new routine can be overwhelming so I try to preach starting with one day and one exercise at a time and building upon that.

HOMELAND: What tips would you give to veterans on maintaining and improving their overall well-being? TM: Move purposefully, not habitually. Many people get stuck doing the same routine in the gym so mix it up a bit and make sure you are performing movements that help you perform in your life. With bodyweight movements, they can be done virtually anywhere. Get outside for a hike and do 5-10 pushups every 5 minutes or go for a walk/run on the beach.

HOMELAND: What kind of workouts would you give, or recommend, to veterans? TM: Regardless of your status, active duty or veteran, my overall approach doesn’t change. The training I deliver depends on the desired outcome.

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Go to a TOP college with the support of other veterans and FULL TUITION GUARANTEED. Posse is selecting veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces to attend:



POSSE IS LOOKING FOR VETERANS WHO: • Have not previously received a bachelor’s degree • Have served at least 90 consecutive days of active duty since September 11, 2001, and have received or will receive an honorable discharge by July 1, 2019 • Can commit to a one-month pre-collegiate training program in New York City in the summer of 2019 • Are leaders in their places of work, communities and/or families



WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE POSSE VETERANS PROGRAM? Visit our website at www.possefoundation.org/veterans or email the Posse Veterans Team at veterans@possefoundation.org. GET TO KNOW A POSSE VETERAN SCHOLAR...



COLLEGE DEGREE: Each cohort—a Posse—of 10 veterans attends college together to pursue bachelor’s degrees.

University of Virginia Navy Gallatin, TN

FUNDING: Vassar College, The University of Virginia, The University of Chicago, and Wesleyan University guarantee four years of full tuition funding after GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon benefits have been applied. SUPPORT: Comprehensive training from Posse prepares veterans for the college experience and support continues on campus through graduation. CAREER: Posse offers internship opportunities, career coaching and connections to a large professional network to prepare Posse Scholars for leadership positions in the workforce.

Grant joined the Navy after graduating from high school in 2015. He developed into a strong and effective leader while training at the Naval Special Warfare Preparatory School. At UVA, Grant hopes to study physics and international relations while actively engaging with the university and surrounding communities. Grant says, “the Posse Foundation is investing in groups of driven individuals with incredible leadership potential to have an impact on conversations, campuses, communities, and the world."

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Discovering New Passions in a Civilian Career By Tom Kastner – Financial Wellness Vice President, Wounded Warrior Project

When Douglas Young walked into the career counseling office at Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida, he had already accomplished much. He is a decorated veteran with 24 years of service in the United States Air Force. He already had professional achievements, educational accolades, and a beautiful family. In 2015, as he retired and relocated, he realized he wanted guidance turning his military career into a valuable civilian job opportunity, and specifically, writing a resume that reflected a lifetime of military achievement and relevance to today’s workforce.

Serving as Director, Support Directorate at the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait was one of Douglas’ favorite roles during his military career. During this time, his military training (Defense Intelligence Agency and Air Force Special Operations) and university education (international relations and economics) intersected into an opportunity of a lifetime. Transitioning from military to civilian career Douglas eventually moved on from his position in Kuwait and relocated to Denver where he served as Director, Air Force Reserve Promotion Board Secretariat.

Inspired to serve Douglas grew up in Belton, South Carolina. He spent summers with his four uncles – all veterans from the Vietnam War. They had served in the Air Force, Navy, and Army – and Douglas immediately saw common values of honor, service, and valor among them. “I learned very early that the military held a high value to the service of people,” Douglas said. “Visiting my uncles, I saw how communities on military bases were connected, strong, and supportive.” Douglas secured a Navy ROTC scholarship to the University of South Carolina, and after college, he chose the Air Force with plans to enlist for four years and possibly return to a banking career. But he was having too much fun with his military role, which turned into an impressive 24-year military career. During his Air Force career, Douglas held several high-level positions that placed him in charge of multimillion-dollar projects and managing hundreds, if not thousands, of military personnel. 12

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On a normal Colorado evening with the family sitting at the dinner table, Douglas floated the idea of retiring from the military. Family had always been a driving force in his life, and he valued the opinions of his wife and two children. “It was a good time. At some point in your life, your family’s needs begin to tip the balance of what is important. When that happens, it is time to hang up the uniform and follow a new path,” Douglas said. “The first day I retired, I felt the adjustment,” Douglas recalled. “However, I was confident knowing I could get a civil service job where I could use my experiences and training to further be involved on some level. I had faith that God had a plan for me.” After a move to Florida, Douglas applied for several open positions. He found more doors closing than opening, and felt that his location change had disconnected him from the relationships needed to secure the type of job he had imagined.

But Douglas was not deterred. He recalled how his military training had equipped him with a mindset that is crucial to helping transition from one role to another, one location to another, or in this case, one career to another. Douglas persevered and, with help from WWP, landed a civilian job. WWP career counseling Douglas found WWP and its Warriors to Work® program – a career counseling service – through his VA representative. He registered and immediately attended a resume writing workshop and networking event in Jacksonville. “This was a service I needed help with. My resume had been military for the past 24 years and highly technical, so having people at Wounded Warrior Project take my military resume and go through it line by line, translating my experiences into a resume that was civilian-jobfriendly was a huge help,” Douglas said. WWP offers career counseling services to empower wounded veterans to achieve their highest professional ambitions. This includes resume writing workshops, interviewing tips and techniques, and networking events with local companies looking to fill positions or offer specialized training in long-term career tracks. “The services, care, and guidance of Wounded Warrior Project gave me confidence in my ability to go out, knock on doors, and apply for jobs that I was interested in doing. This gave me the confidence to find something I was passionate about and worthy of spending time on during my retirement years,” Douglas said.

That November day, General Manager Danny Assi and several members of the management staff interviewed Douglas. Within seven days, he was offered the role of client advisor. Reflecting on his professional life, Douglas admitted he had never sold anything but ideas, so selling BMWs was something he had never even considered. However, of the many differences in his professional paths, there has been one constant philosophy – do your best to move forward and connect with and serve people. “The first BMW I sold, which was my third day on the job and still in training, was to a Navy SEAL. I went on to become the 2016 salesman of the year along with many other performance recognitions,” Douglas said. In two years of employment with Tom Bush BMW, Douglas has been recognized with mounting accolades based on record-breaking job performance in sales and customer satisfaction surveys. Further recognizing and awarding his achievements, Douglas was promoted to sales manager in the summer of 2018. Douglas’ advice for other veterans is plain and simple, “You can do it!” “When you find your new mission in life, seek assistance from organizations like Wounded Warrior Project. They are excellent at what they do and can assist in ways you didn’t think of. They are able to highlight your strengths, help you realize potential, and in many cases can introduce you to potential employers or help you make the right connections toward your goals,” Douglas said.

“This was a level of support that I didn’t anticipate, but absolutely appreciated,” he added.

Douglas continues to check in regularly with WWP’s career counseling staff and is looking forward to meeting and interacting with other wounded veterans during future WWP programs. He hopes that, one day, he too can lend a helping hand to a fellow wounded veteran in the same meaningful way he was helped.

A brand-new direction Douglas has been a passionate admirer of BMW cars since 1986. While preparing his new resume and thinking about next steps, Douglas’ wife suggested he should do something he loves and consider working at BMW. “I absolutely loved that idea,” Douglas said. “The nearest dealer to us was Tom Bush BMW Orange Park, so I dressed in a suit and tie, placed my Wounded Warrior Project inspired resume in a briefcase, and walked through the dealership’s front door to the reception desk and asked to speak with the general manager.”

Continued on next page >

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Wounded Warrior Project helped me reclaim my life.



Dale, his wife Marie Elaina


©2016 Wounded Warrior Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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About Wounded Warrior Project Since 2003, Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) has been meeting the growing needs of warriors, their families, and caregivers – helping them achieve their highest ambition. WWP is a national, nonpartisan organization accredited with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), top rated by Charity Navigator, and holding a GuideStar Platinum rating. To get involved and learn how WWP connects, serves, and empowers, visit http://newsroom. woundedwarriorproject.org/about-us. Economic Impact of Warriors to Work For the first time in Warriors to Work® history, the Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) career counseling program has surpassed $100 million in economic impact in a single year, which represents the combined total salaries of newly employed veterans served by WWP. Warriors to Work builds on warriors’ enthusiastic desire to succeed, the hard work and commitment of WWP staff, and an emphasis on partnering with local and national companies seeking quality employees.

About the Author Tom Kastner serves Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) as financial wellness vice president. He provides leadership to Warriors to Work, Veterans Benefits, the Resource Center, Warrior Registration, and the Emergency Financial Assistance program. Before joining WWP, Tom worked at the senior manager level for Mercedes Benz, USA and Amazon, LLC. In addition, he served as a senior administrator and academic dean at two private military boarding schools. A graduate of the United States Military Academy, Tom retired from active duty after a 30-year career as an infantry officer and operations research analyst.

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Left: Twin brothers Robert (left) and William Heryford grew up with a very close bond between them. Center: Robert’s early days in the Army, before he was sent to Vietnam. Right: William and Robert (right) enjoy the great outdoors after being reunited thanks to Veterans Treatment Court. Robert’s struggles with alcohol abuse had separated the twins for more than a decade.

Second chances DAV, Veterans Treatment Court help reunite estranged brothers By Janice M. Hagar


ontana veteran Robert Heryford struggled for more than half his life with alcohol abuse—his attempt to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder stemming from his service in Vietnam. The drinking severed him from his family, including his twin brother, Bill. His substance abuse problems led to legal trouble, and in 2016 he entered the Great Falls Treatment Court. The program helps provide treatment options and alternatives to jail for military veterans who have committed lowlevel crimes and are struggling with PTSD. As Robert started the program, he reached out to his twin in Washington state and they began slowly rebuilding their relationship. “At the beginning of the program, Robert was still in denial,” said Bill. “But I decided I was with him all the way.” Life was getting better for Robert and Bill, and their relationship continued to heal. But shortly

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before Robert was set to graduate from the 24-month program, he was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease and given just six months to live. DAV (Disabled American Veterans) 3rd Junior Vice Commander Joe Parsetich learned about Robert’s diagnosis and began working to get his disability upgraded to 100 percent, making preparation for his end-of-life issues a bit easier. Robert graduated from treatment court two months early and, among the guests in attendance was a face he hadn’t seen in 11 years: his brother Bill. The brothers embraced and cried, reunited after many years of physical and emotional distance. “We were able to use DAV funds to bring Bill here for graduation,” said Parsetich. “It made Robert’s graduation even more special, and the brothers got to spend wonderful, quality time together.” “Without the DAV and my twin brother, I wouldn’t be here today,” said Robert. “He’s what keeps me going. He’s everything I need.” ■

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“Why I Do What I Do” By Shya Ellis-Flint Six moves in twelve years as a military family In 1997, I became a Marine Corps spouse and moved for the first of six times from San Diego, my home, to Pensacola, Florida. I left a 6- year career that I’d been building in marketing and production and had no job prospects, contacts, or friends in Florida. We had signed a lease, sight unseen, for a nice Pensacola apartment before leaving San Diego so that when we arrived at our new duty station we would be able to move right in.

Our nice apartment complex was directly behind a strip mall and flanked on the other side by train tracks. It was clean enough, but the area was lacking, and I had wished I’d known before we moved about the other parts of town that were so much more “us”. Had I had any connections to the community or had known anyone there who could have answered some personal questions, it would have made our transfer and ensuing year so much better. The second move was not as painful. It was a town over, and I had settled in a bit, but was struggling to find a job. There wasn’t much in my field, so I applied for anything that seemed interesting or for which I was remotely qualified or overqualified. After many interviews which always revealed I was a temporary resident due to being a military spouse, and receiving, “thanks but no thanks” I laid it all out there in the next interview; because really what did I have to lose? I like working, I had worked since I was 16, I’m good at what I do, and damn it, someone was going to recognize it, and someone finally did. It took a little begging and me demonstrating that the boss would be saving money hiring me as I didn’t need “extras “like health insurance... I’ll never forget Trademark Properties; Todd, the owner, for seeing the value in me even though I wouldn’t be there long term and my coworker, Tina Chiapetta (now Grimes), as she was my first true friend on this military spouse journey. 18

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The third move was to Meridian, Mississippi. I’d been a military spouse now for a year and a half, and this move was taking us to base housing. I dove head-first into all things Marine-, spouseand family- oriented. I became involved as a Key Volunteer (KV) and then the KV Coordinator, VP of the spouses club and unofficial squadron event planner for “carrier qual” and “winging celebrations” and “wetting downs” (promotions). And, since you can’t do everything on base, this took me into the community where I made a lot of connections which led me to an advertising job. I was in the right place at the right time and got lucky. We also knew we had at least another two years in Meridian, as the training pipeline had been shut down and was backlogged, which I’m sure made it less daunting to hire me. I was busy in Meridian. The fourth move was back home! Back to San Diego where I had family, friends and job prospects. At least I thought I did. But being out of the local workforce for four years does a number on your relevance. This was also the place where we had our son and the duty station when September 11th occurred. The world changed in many ways that day and continued to change and become more separated, and being a military family, even more isolated and disconnected.

The fifth move was the hardest – by far. It was to Hawaii. How could you not be excited about Hawaii? At least that’s what my family and friends kept telling me. But this was the move that I most thought about during my interview with Vets’ Community Connections. Here’s the story: I got on a plane September 6th, 2004: four large suitcases checked, three huge carry-ons and a 3 year old, who did not want to leave home or his grandma and grandpa. It was not a pleasant six- hour flight. My husband was supposed to have been at the airport to meet us, but six days earlier the battalion he was assigned to as a FAC (Forward Air Controller) was told they were deploying to Iraq immediately, not in three months as we had been planning. I literally knew no one getting off that plane. “I’m tough, I’ve been doing this for 7 years, I got this”, I told myself. But I didn’t. The base house we were supposed to move into was still occupied because transfers had been put on hold due to the uptick in force deployment. The four crates of household goods I had shipped out seven weeks earlier were now sitting on a dock. I had thirty days to get them moved into a house that did not exist; a rental car that had a cockroach problem (if you’ve lived in Hawaii, you know this isn’t as weird as it sounds); and a small hotel room that had no kitchenette with another 30-day time limit. Despite these sudden hurdles, my son and I were housed, we were financially OK, had food, and we were safe. But we were utterly alone. I have never felt more isolated and detached than I did those first weeks in Paradise.

Fast forward to the sixth move back home to San Diego four years later. Then fast forward to eight years of various schooling, jobs. And then to my interview with Vets’ Community Connections in June of 2016. I sat listening to Kari McDonough, co-founder of VCC, describe this new approach to community integration for military and veterans. An idea and mission created to help alleviate the struggles I faced every time we moved to a new community. An avenue for individuals from all walks of life within the San Diego community who want to do more than say, “thanks for your service”. People willing and able to connect directly with people like me and give us access to their local knowledge and experience. A path that provides people like me with easy access to trusted sources to get information specific to our own needs. Why do I do what I do as Program Director at the San Diego office of Vets’ Community Connections? I do what I do because while we don’t all share the same life story, we all share a same ’something’ that binds us. Something we’re all looking for – community. And I know Vets’ Community Connections works in connecting veterans, active military and family members like me with real people in the community. How do I know? Because I’ve lived it.

The base was great for on-base services, but I needed information outside the base and I needed a lot of it: A realtor. School information. A map. Things to do with my son. A chiropractor. I needed someone to talk to that wasn’t entrenched either in the battalion or base information. I needed a lifeline to the community, some sources I could trust -- and I had no idea where to start. We struggled through it, had great neighbors and slowly developed a close connection to the community there by becoming involved with everything we could -- but it took a solid year and a half to feel comfortable.


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Veterans in crisis or having thoughts of suicide — and those who know a veteran in crisis — can call the veterans crisis line for confidential support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Call 800-273-8255 and press 1, chat online at veterans crisisline.net/chat or text to 838255.

The Department of Veterans Affairs released an alarming report last September bringing black and white attention to what many of us connected to the military community have feared for some time: the rate of suicide among young military veterans has increased substantially. According to the report based on data through 2016, suicide rates among veterans age 18 to 34 have been swelling steadily for more than 10 years, jumping 10 percent from 2015 to 2016 alone. Shelly Kirkland, Morgan Luttrell, Alex Oliver It’s disheartening to know that more and more young men and women who donned a uniform in defense of freedom decide that the only freedom they have from the wounds of war they endure is to put a permanent end to their life. What’s even more troubling is that we are a nation still at war – the longest to date in modern times — and for the foreseeable future, that war will continue. That means there will be more and more Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, Reservists and National Guardsmen who will return from service needing our help to fully come home. According to the U.S. Census bureau, the post-9/11 veteran population is expected to increase 46 percent between 2014 and 2019*. THIS IS A COSTLY AND COMPLEX VENTURE. Across the country there are valiant efforts to curb these troubling numbers, but more funding for scientific research, more resources for reputable treatment programs and more awareness to shatter the stigma associated with seeking care is needed. 20

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Treatment costs are seven times higher for veterans with complex needs such as TBI and PTSD than those who suffer from physical wounds alone. Paying for treatment is only part the battle. Getting our military community to seek treatment is also a challenge. Less than 50 percent of military personnel and veterans with invisible wounds receive care, compared to 83 percent of warriors with visible wounds who do. The new Department of Veteran Affairs report states, “To prevent veteran suicide, we must help reduce veterans’ risk for suicide before they reach a crisis point and support those who are in crisis. This requires the expansion of treatment and prevention services and a continued focus on innovative crisis intervention services.” I couldn’t agree more. COLLABORATION IS KEY. When Boot Campaign launched its health and wellness program in mid-2016, the goal was to provide an individualized, comprehensive and holistic pipeline to address the top five health issues returning veterans face – traumatic brain injury (TBI), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chronic pain, addiction and insomnia. To date we, in conjunction with our health and wellness partners at top-tier providers like Marcus Institute for Brain Health, UT Southwestern and Virginia High Performance, have worked with nearly 100 veterans.

Generous donations from patriotic supporters have covered the $2.1 million price tag. The cost per participant can be upwards of $35,000 depending on an individual’s unique diagnosis and symptoms. We know that no one provider can address the myriad of issues. In order to produce quantifiable results, we are leveraging a network of multidisciplinary and evidencebased healthcare providers to diagnose and treat the root cause of debilitating wounds of war, not just the symptoms. Through our health and wellness program at Boot Campaign veterans are returning home to their families, to new professions and to their communities armed with the tools needed to face another day because our customized-care methodology fosters a culture of healing and lifelong habits that support physical exercise, nutrition, sleep hygiene and mental wellness. That’s not to say that it is a fail-proof system. My first week as Boot Campaign’s CEO, a potential program participant died by suicide before seeing our medical providers. There have been other setbacks, but 100 percent of program participants would recommend the pipeline to another veteran; 100 percent of candidates who received TBI therapies reported improvement and 75 percent of candidates who received PTSD therapies checked the box they benefited from care. Individualized, precision medicine, treatment and training is what will be needed to help warriors kickstart their road to recovery. And collaboration is key to creating positive resources for these issues. Suicidal ideology and its root causes are complex, multifactorial and wrought with individual variability between each veteran. But there is hope. HOW WE MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER. Pamela Hughes

Lisa Cupp

The time is now. There is a gap in services between the Department of Defense care offered while active duty and what the VA offers once recently separated or retired. This report is shedding light on the need for society to share the burden of this public health crisis. We need your support to make more significant forward progress.

Shelly Kirkland

As our near-term success with our health and wellness partners demonstrates, making progress with this complex issue requires collaboration between organizations and individuals. We have much work to do, but today we can start here. Let’s promote communication, engender patriotism (respect and honor for our military community), and take time to check in on our loved ones’ well-being. If you are a veteran struggling to overcome invisible wounds of war, there are many here willing to help. You are not alone; there are other veterans, other civilians, and other Americans struggling. Reach out. Let us serve you with the honor, dignity and courage like you served us and the United States of America. Veterans in crisis or having thoughts of suicide — and those who know a veteran in crisis — can call the veterans crisis line for confidential support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Call 800-273-8255 and press 1, chat online at veteranscrisisline.net/chat or text to 838255. Learn more about Boot Campaign and its Health and Wellness Program at www.BootCampaign.org.

HOMELAND / February 2019 21

Veteran-serving organizations and community groups constantly share ideas and insights on how to better support veterans, their families and caregivers. This collaboration is encouraging because it shows how we are all dedicated to going beyond simply providing services to veterans – we want to empower them to achieve the quality of life they have earned through their service. Our team at America’s Warrior Partnership approaches the goal of empowering veterans through a holistic approach embodied by our Community Integration service model. Each of our affiliate partners across the country utilizes this model to serve veterans, connecting them with various resources and service providers throughout their community. This emphasis on proactive, holistic service is exemplified by a story recently shared by our affiliate based near Buffalo, New York: the Veterans One-Stop Center of Western New York (VOCNY). Overcoming Multiple Challenges Through Holistic Support In 2018, the VOCNY team began helping an active Army reservist who was experiencing severe depression and anxiety. The reservist’s mental health issues impacted additional areas where she needed assistance, including employment and housing. Historically, this reservist would have to engage several different service providers to find the help she needed, a challenge amplified by the fact that she may not know where to start seeking these services. Our Community Integration model circumvents this issue by providing veterans with an advocate who can guide them towards the resources they need. The VOCNY took this holistic approach with the reservist, and she was connected with an advocate who made sure she received the assistance she needed as quickly as possible. The advocate worked with VOCNY’s community partners to secure temporary housing, while a connection with the local Goodwill helped the reservist begin a job search. The advocate also ensured the reservist could receive mental health services to address her depression and anxiety.


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Rather than simply connecting an Army reservist in need with a service provider and moving on to the next case, the VOCNY’s dedicated advocate built a long-term relationship with the reservist and focused on providing holistic support. This guaranteed the reservist would receive the resources she needed in the moment as well as assistance in the future to overcome new challenges. Making Veteran Voices Heard Providing holistic support to empower veterans can take several forms, and the key challenges that communities face often change from one year to the next. One of the reasons why our Community Integration approach continues to work is because we listen to the feedback of our affiliate partners and local veterans. Every year, we conduct a nationwide survey among veterans to learn about the areas where they are doing well along with those where they need support. We share these insights every summer in our Community Integration Annual Survey Report, which is made available to the public through the America’s Warrior Partnership website. As an example, our 2018 Annual Survey Report found that the top three areas where veterans seek resources are opportunities for recreation, networking with fellow veterans and volunteerism. These reports empower community groups across the country with the understanding they need to provide holistic, proactive services to local veterans. To ensure we can continue providing the most accurate insights, we have opened up our survey for the 2019 report to any veteran, family member or caregiver interested in participating. Those who want to have their voices heard can learn more about the report and participate by taking our online survey. About the Author Jim Lorraine is President and CEO of America’s Warrior Partnership, a national nonprofit that helps veteranserving organizations connect with veterans, military members and families in need. Learn more about the organization at www.AmericasWarriorPartnership.org.

veteran, r e d i v o r p & r fathe . d e r e w o p m i am e



HOMELAND / February 2019 23


HOMELANDMAGAZINE.COM Resources Support Inspiration

Homeland Veterans Magazine

Voted 2017 & 2018 BEST resource, support media for veterans, military families & military personnel. 24

HOMELAND / February 2019

TOUR OF HONOR Since 2010, Honor Flight San Diego has flown more than 1,300 veterans on their “Tour of Honor”

Do you know a WWII or Korea War veteran who has never flown on Honor Flight ? Sign Up Today For Our Next Trip?

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The Next Trip to Washington, D.C. is May 3-5, 2019 For more information, email us at: information@honorflightsandiego.org

HOMELAND / February 2019 25

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HOMELAND / February 2019

MILITARY MONEY MINUTE A Monthly Financial By Lara Ryan & Daniel Chavarria

“Congratulations on your enlistment or commission. We (DoD) promise to take care

• Service Member’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI) Are you aware that your military SGLI coverage expires at retirement or separation from the service? You have the option to enroll in Veteran Group Life Insurance (VGLI) and can do so without medical underwriting within 120 days of your last service date. Because it is “guaranteed issue,” it is really intended for those who can’t get other coverage. In other words, because it is available to all servicemembers, it is very expensive. If you’re healthy and have the option to get other insurance, the commercial market usually offers any number of options that cost considerably less.

Here’s an overview:

Work with a financial planner to review your financial situation and understand your military pay and benefits. You don’t know what you don’t know, and the more you know, the better off your finances will be!

of your financial needs: descent but moderate pay, health care needs, life insurance needs, housing needs, and investment needs. You give us 110%, and we will make sure you are covered.” This isn’t actually said to a service member, but it is implied. “Do your job, and we’ll worry about the rest.” It puts the service member at ease and gives them a sense of security. Unfortunately, that can lead to a false sense of security unless you are educated on those benefits and have the knowledge to fully leverage them.

• THRIFT SAVINGS PROGRAM (TSP): This is the military’s retirement plan, like a civilian 401k. Did you set up an account and is it Roth or traditional? Do you know the difference? Did you know can adjust the way the funds are allocated? Unless you manually adjust how your TSP is invested, the default option is known as the “G” Fund – “G” as in government securities investment fund. It is a “safe money” fund that has a low yield, which may be fine if you are aware of how slowly it will grow, but disappointing if you aren’t. Are you enrolled in Blended Retirement System, and if so, are you contributing enough to get the maximum matching contribution from the DOD – a possible 5%? Don’t leave money on the table.

Lara Ryan and Daniel Chavarria work with a team and run a comprehensive financial planning practice that specializes in working with active duty, retired, veteran and military-connected individuals, families, and businesses.

They are not fee-based planners and don’t charge for their time, but believe every servicemember needs and deserves a financial plan.

• GI BILL: Do you have the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) – the one you paid into at $100/month for a year) – or are you eligible for the Forever GI Bill (Post9/11)? Do you know the difference? Do you plan to use the education benefit or do you plan to transfer it to a dependent? A MGIB can’t be transferred to dependents, and a Forever can. If transferring the benefit is what you want to do, then you must understand that to transfer requires at least an additional 4 years of service, a realization many people have too late! And, an added consideration, use of the benefit for a full-time education is accompanied by an E-5 with dependents stipend (whether or not you’re and E-5 and whether or not you have dependents).

Lara.ryan@nm.com (307) 690-9266

Daniel.Chavarria@nm.com (702) 497-3264

HOMELAND / February 2019 27

“The men and women who serve our Nation deserve our support — Today, Tomorrow, Always —” www.vanc.me Starting off the New Year Right!

There is a lot going on at VANC in 2019 We are very excited about some of the changes First, please check out our new web site at: www.vanc.me A new design with lots of helpful information about activities for the first quarter. When you want to know what activities are being offered for Active Duty, Veterans and their families, this is the place. For Example: Our Super Bowl Party has almost sold out as of this writing. The tables were $50 each with room for 8, so it was a no brainer for watching the last football game of the season. With all you can eat hot dogs and snacks, watch the game from the enormous main screen, and even check in on the game when you are in the bar getting a beer. Our new Association members as well as many of the members who have been with us from the beginning will have links and information on our site as well. The site will provide all of our users with the information they need as well as a calendar of events, for meetings, and activities. Looking to attend the VFW meeting or need help finding housing, job opportunities or help with a VA issue? This is the place.


HOMELAND / February 2019

Our Military Transition Services Program (MTS) offers 8 classes that will give you practical information and experience while preparing for your life after the service. Open to Active Duty, Veterans and their families, the opportunity to work with human resources and business professionals, (many of them veterans) as you practice interviewing skills and prepare resumes with the experts. Always aware of the challenges of taking classes after a long day of work, we will feed you dinner, give you a chance to socialize and then get high quality education. The next cycle is scheduled for March running each Tuesday and Thursday. Our friends with Hospice of the North Coast have their Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Celebration on Saturday March 30tth. What a great opportunity to show your support for the men and women who served the country in one of the most challenging times in our history. We will see you there. We look forward to meeting members of our local North County Community. If you want to stop in and learn more about what we do, or how you can help, the web site is a great first stop. You are welcome to stop in and visit us Monday through Saturday.

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The men and women who serve our nation deserve our support WE’RE ALL MAVEN. A Full Service Creative Agency changing the world through

--today, tomorrow and always.--

digital media one cause at a time. If you have a business or nonprofit you’d like to see doing its best, let’s connect. Ask about our Nonprofit & Military Programs. HONORED TO BE THE EXECUTIVE CHEF AT VANC

HOMELAND / February 2019 29


13 Networking Rules You Won’t Find Anywhere Else Every once in a while, it’s advisable to go back to the basics. You only have two things to work with: Your money and your time. So, you had better make good use of both.

The more you network, the better you get at it. It’s not as simple as all that, however. Follow these simple rules, overcome your reserve, and turn networking into an almost free form of marketing.

Success at networking rests on a couple of concepts. One is that visibility builds credibility. The more you’re seen, the more credible you become. Credible equates to trustworthiness, reliability, sincerity, believability, and the ability to become convincing. Without these attributes its difficult to sell anything.

Rule #1 – Be Shy and Die. Everybody is a bit shy when they start networking. Some never really conquer it completely, they just learn to relax with practice. It helps to know that most everyone feels a bit awkward and selfconscious. Remind yourself that everyone is there for the same reason...to meet someone new. Most people are grateful you started up a conversation.

Secondly, people tend to want to buy from and do business with people they know and like. So, the sheer act of dependably showing up at networking opportunities translates to being predictable, which is a valuable trait. Prospects are predisposed to doing business with individuals (not companies) they like because we trust people we like.

Rule #2 – Come Prepared. It’s always ridiculous to be fumbling around looking for your business cards when you make a new contact. Where did you think you were going... a pool party? Wear a jacket with two pockets. Keep your cards in the left pocket, and the cards of new contacts in your right pocket.

Networking Rules


HOMELAND / February 2019

Rule #3 – Keep Notes on Who You Meet. Trust me, it is easy to instantly forget who you met and what you said. Before you put that new card in your pocket, make a note on the card to follow up, call for lunch, remember the lady with the red hair...whatever helps to bring it back to your mind. Rule #4 – Never, Ever, Ever Sell at a Networking Event. There’s a name for people who start selling you something the minute they meet you. The technical term is shmuck. People will learn to avoid you. Networking is for meeting prospects, not looking like a hungry bear rifling through a dumpster. Rule #5 – Get to Know the Decision Makers. When you run an organization you quickly get to know who the givers and the takers are. Many people get loads of benefit from membership in a networking group but never contribute to running it. Dumb. The Decision Makers in every association have clout and know where the opportunities lie. They will not make introductions, referrals, or feature you as a speaker if you just take, take, take and then disappear. Rule #6 – The Real Payoff Comes from the Podium. Speakers get business leads from an association when they speak because it is an implied endorsement. Plus, speakers seem larger than life, smarter than everyone else, and successful. So, once you know the decision makers, you will know when they have a hole in their schedule and need a presenter. How about you? Don’t want to speak? Become the Chair of some committee that makes monthly reports. At least you’ll have a microphone in your hand every so often. Rule #7 – Be Helpful. Start every conversation hoping to learn, “How can I help?” Everybody, including you, are there for a self-serving purpose. If you have something to offer and are willing to support others, you will build a reputation for it. Remember, people do business with people they like. Rule #8 – Focus on the Person You’re Talking to. It’s the height of rudeness to be talking to someone and have wondering eyes, like looking over their head to see who else is in the room. I won’t name the politician who does this regularly, and he’s out of office anyhow now. Rule #9 – Follow Up. Ask a new contact you would like to get to know the best ways to follow up. Email, Linkedin, FaceBook, phone call...there are many options. Whatever you do, do it quickly or you will be forgotten. Get together for coffee, send them leads, etc. You will find that many of the same people will turn up at different networking events, which will make you feel like you’re part of the community.

Rule #10 – Make Yourself Memorable. The best networkers know that the crowd is a blur. I’ve seen oversized reading glasses, a rose always in the lapel, always wearing a hat, a white suit, and other visuals that individuals have worn to stand out. Get creative. Rule #11 – Network in the Food Line. For some reason, people relax and get more approachable in the refreshment line or at the bar. It also offers oddball reasons to start a conversation. “Thank goodness there’s no broccoli!” will make the person next to you smile and open up. Rule #12 – Don’t Stick to the Table You’re Assigned to. The worst events to network at are where companies buy tables. Usually all the attendees are getting a ticket as a reward, and are not very influential (with exceptions, of course). When that happens, DO NOT sit there like you’re glued to your seat. Get up and move around and introduce yourself. (see Rule #12). If you don’t know your tablemates, introduce yourself and keep the conversation going. Rule #13 – Don’t Join Until You Know It’s Right for You. Most organizations are hungry for members and you will feel pressure to commit. You should be able to visit a couple of times before you pay up. After that be consistent. You can’t meet everyone at one meeting. Stay in it for the long game.Many seasoned business owners will tell you there is nothing as affordable and productive as networking. You may think social media is great, but it’s hard to really make sincere, lasting, meaningful business relationships on line (I expect some push-back on that). On the other hand, face-to-face introductions and repetitious interactions lead to consequential friendships and productive affiliations. Just yesterday I hired a longterm business friend I started networking with over 30 years ago. Ok, that took a long time, but when I needed a dependable sub-contractor, I turned to someone I could trust. Vicki Garcia is the Co-Founder of Operation Vetrepreneur & President of Marketing Impressions, a 30+ -year- old marketing consulting firm. Join us for our two FREE Spring 2019 Veteran Entrepreneur Musters on Money Feb 12 http://evite. me/Xdz7PG6vbQ and Marketing Feb 23 http://evite. me/GnquNenFDj. | Apply NOW to join Operation Vetrepreneur’s FREE Brainstorming Groups launching again in March 2019 for veteran entrepreneurs at www.veteransinbiz.com and visit https://www.nvtsi.org/ov/ for more info.

HOMELAND / February 2019 31

an r e et s! V on neur i t e ut en pre v t i t t A c o tre a b n r E A te

n ions I 2 uss isc


& ey

n o M

k r a M

g n i t e Meet the


Pa r t n e r s

In the last few years many new organizations have established a beachhead in the veteran owned business community. All are willing and eager to help you gain success in a variety of ways.

Tuesday, Feb 12

This is your chance to meet them all together in one place.

Saturday, Feb 23

And, we’re giving you an opportunity to experience firsthand Operation Vetrepreneur’s brainstorming model. Meet successful Vetrepreneur graduates! Share munchies and network! Pick the brain of an expert on Money & Marketing! All in one short morning 3-hour, fast-paced get together.

O pe r a ti O n



Veteran & Military Entrepreneur Programs in San Diego!

HOMELAND / February 2019

ToPIc: MonEy Location: VANC 1617 Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA 92058 RSVP at http://evite.me/Xdz7PG6vbQ ToPIc: MARkETIng Location: 211 Connection Center Bldg, 3860 Calle Fortunada, San Diego, CA 92123 RSVP at http://evite.me/GnquNenFDj

Agenda 8:30 am / Registration 9:00 am / Introduction of Programs 9:30 am / Expert Presentation 10:00 am / Break into Brainstorming Groups 11:00 am / Reporting Back 11:30 – 12:00 Noon / Networking/Refreshments Questions? Email Vicki@veteransinbiz.com

Presented by

calling all Vets & Military startups! growing business owners!


Free helP is here!

r u e n e r p e r

building a Foundation For your success. one-on-one coaching | certiFication suPPort | think tank grouPs Veterans make great entrepreneurs. Building a company is tough & requires lots of work. It can be lonely. The vets & active military we work with, from start-up to experienced owners, polish their business smarts the same way they learned skills in the military.

Need A Coach? We’ll Match You with A Mentor

Think Tank Groups 13-Weeks, 1 Night A Week, Accelerates Business Growth

THE BASICS Management / Marketing / Money Presented by Recognized Local Experts in San Diego


JoIN uS!

Takes off where to the SBA’s Boots Business left off!

New Think Tank Group forming Now! Apply at www.veteransinbiz.com Questions? Call 619.660.6730 operation Vetrepreneur is a Project of the National Veterans Transition Services, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit

IN THE TRENCHES . . . What You Can Expect Certification & Supplier Diversity Concept Review for Startups Perfecting Your Pitch Speaker Training Brainstorming with Experts Publishing Knowhow Personal Branding Mind Mapping Crowdfunding Writing a Business Plan Branding, Graphics & Visuals Internet Marketing Social Media & SEO Legal Issues Budgeting Where & How to Get Money High Velocity Growth Strategies Employees & Contractors

HOMELAND / February 2019 33

legal Eagle

Straight-forward legal tips for Military and Veteran Business Owners By Kelly Bagla. Esq.

WRITING With agreements being the cornerstone of most business arrangements, I am surprised by the number of business owners who continue to ignore the importance of putting it in writing – that’s right, a written contract. No matter how well-intentioned both parties are, operating on a handshake is far too risky for your business. I think we can all agree that the days of doing business on a handshake are long gone. Some might ascribe this to a decline in business ethics. More charitably, we might attribute it to the overload of information (resulting in “selective memory” regarding verbal agreements). Whatever the causes, the solution is to always GET IT IN WRITING! This is true whether you’re doing business with family, friends or strangers.

The purpose of a contract is to outline terms and conditions that are mutually agreed upon by both parties. When you reduce those terms and conditions to writing, you will be surprised at how many additional factors there are to consider. Not putting your agreement in writing, however, prevents you from having that full discussion with the person on the other side of the deal, and sets you up for possible misunderstandings down the line. Good intentions and trust are important to business relationships, but they are not a substitute for a written agreement.

1. Partnership Agreement This document should define among others, such issues as: • Each partner’s financial investment as well as non-monetary investment or “sweat equity.” • The share of ownership each will relinquish if more capital is raised. • How ownership will be redistributed when a partner leaves the business.

2. Employment Agreement Clearly describe expectations and guidelines for employees. Make sure to designate if employees are “at will,” meaning they can quit or be terminated at any time for any reason.


HOMELAND / February 2019

Also, if employees are creating copyrightable works, it is important to indicate that their work is “made for hire,” thus, the employer— not the employee—is considered the legal author. Confidentiality and invention assignment agreements could be essential depending on the nature of your business.

3. Business Practices Document your practices including hiring, firing, receiving income, making expenditures, shareholders meetings, stock transfers, and other practices involved in the operation of your business.

4. Contracts All business arrangements should be agreed to in writing. Some arrangements require formal contracts with signatures by both parties.

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You may not think you need to take such formal steps to protect yourself when you are dealing with close friends or family. But my advice is that the closer the relationship the more important it is to put your agreement in writing. Not only will it protect you legally and financially, but perhaps more importantly, this could prevent misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and damaged relationships. For more information on how to legally protect your business please pick up a copy of my bestselling book: ‘Go Legal Yourself’ on Amazon or visit my website at www.baglalaw.com


-4 E m ployer Identification N um ber

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Disclaimer: This information is made available by Bagla Law Firm, APC for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of the law, and not to provide specific legal advice. This information should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.


HOMELAND / February 2019 35


HOMELAND / February 2019


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HOMELAND / February 2019 37

San Diego Gulls Announce 2019 “Pucks & Paws” Calendar to Benefit Shelter to Soldier by Eva M. Stimson

All Photo’s by © Allison Shamrell Pet Photography 38

HOMELAND / February 2019

The American Hockey League is a 30-team professional ice hockey league based in the United States and Canada that serves as the primary developmental league for the National Hockey League. The local team, San Diego Gulls, is launching their 2019 annual calendar to benefit Shelter to Soldier, featuring 14 Gulls players with Shelter to Soldier service dogs on each calendar month of the year. This is the second consecutive year that the San Diego Gulls Foundation has selected Shelter to Soldier as their charity of choice for the calendar project. Sponsored this year by Raising Cane’s, the “Pucks & Paws Calendar” is available for sale in person at a San Diego Gulls game and through the DASH Auctions mobile App; all proceeds will be donated to Shelter to Soldier, a San Diego-based non-profit organization that adopts dogs from local shelters and trains them to become psychiatric service dogs for post-9/11 combat veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Disorder (TBI) and/ or other afflictions associated with traumatic combat experiences. “The San Diego Gulls Foundation, members of the Gulls Team and their significant others and Raising Cane’s, all worked to put on a different kind of game face in an effort to share the story of Shelter to Soldier. Together we thank all for supporting a cause that is near and dear to their hearts as dog owners and supporters of our local military families,” said Melissa Werman, Director of Community Relations for the San Diego Gulls. Unsigned copies of the calendar are available for $15 and a limited number of autographed copies are available for $30 each. In addition, the San Diego Gulls are extending an invitation to a “Pucks & Paws” VIP Meet Up and Dog Party on Sunday, March 10th, with a donation of $50 that includes an autographed copy of the calendar. Additional “Pucks & Paws” VIP event information will be provided to those who qualify by February 1, 2019. Raising Cane’s will be catering the VIP event. According to Mica Brandt, Raising Cane’s Marketing Advisor, “Raising Cane’s is thrilled to partner with both the San Diego Gulls and Shelter to Solider --- we’re committed to supporting our local community organizations that align with our company philosophies of Athletics, Education and Pet Welfare. The work that both organizations do to support the community and our military is commendable, and it’s an honor to align with both to raise funds to help our military receive the support they deservingly need through service dogs.” While supplies last, calendars may be purchased in section 10 on the concourse at a San Diego Gulls game or via their mobile action app ‘DASH Auctions’ (available for iOS and Android users) as a ‘Buy it Now’ item.

© Allison Shamrell Pet Photography

Visit https://web.dashapp.io/auctions/sandiegogulls to access or to download the DASH Auctions App on a mobile device, text “Dash” to 66866. (All calendars purchased on DASH will require a handling fee of 3 percent. The calendar will be mailed to the billing address provided in the payment information section. Calendars will be mailed within three business days to the address provided at payment unless otherwise notified). Shelter to Soldier Co-Founder and President Graham Bloem comments, “We’re extremely honored and grateful that the San Diego Gulls have selected STS for a second year as the charity-recipient of their calendar program for 2019. The funds raised from calendar sales will be utilized to help serve the deserving veterans who are waiting to be paired with a psychiatric service dog through our program. The amount of applicants reaching out for assistance continues to grow, and we could not fulfill each request without the help and support of our partners, such as the San Diego Gulls, Raising Cane’s and Allison Shamrell Photography. Each sponsored service dog serves the critical role of psychological support to his/her veteran handler and our sponsors help us make this happen.” To learn more about veteran-support services provided by STS, call (855) 287-8659 for a confidential interview regarding eligibility. Shelter to Soldier CoFounder, Graham Bloem, is the proud recipient of the 10News Leadership Award, The Red Cross San Diego/ Imperial Counties Real Heroes Award, Honeywell Life Safety Award, CBS8 News Change It Up Award, and the 2016 Waggy Award. Additionally, Shelter to Soldier is a gold participant of GuideStar and accredited by the Patriot’s Initiative. www.sheltertosoldier.org.

HOMELAND / February 2019 39

The American Legion is turning 100 Featured distinguished guest: 97 year old, WWII Paratrooper, Tom Rice The American Legion is turning 100, and San Dieguito American Legion Post , Encinitas, CA is planning to celebrate! • You are cordially invited to celebrate, “A SALUTE TO THE GREATEST GENERATION”, featuring distinguished guest, 97 year old, WWII Paratrooper, Tom Rice. Festivities will be held at our Encinitas Post, 210 West F Street, Encinitas, CA, 92024. • Saturday, March 2, 2019. Gates open at 11:00 AM; National Anthem at 11:30AM, with Festivities at Noon. The Organization as a whole traces its roots to March 15-17, 1919, in Paris, France, in the aftermath of World War I. The American Legion was federally chartered on September 16, 1919, and quickly became an influential force at the national, state and local levels, dedicated to service to veterans, strong national defense, as well as youth and patriotism with over 5,400 local posts; 13,000 worldwide and more than 2.2 million war-time veteran members. “The American Legion Family of Encinitas is excited to share both the legacy and the vision of our organization,” Post Commander Matt Shillingburg said.

“We’ve done a tremendous amount of good for our Veterans in this Community, and intend to keep doing it for a second century. Please RSVP at 760-753-5674 at your earliest convenience. Thank You Again for Your Continued Support for Our Active Duty Veterans. Matt Shillingburg Commander, Post 416 United States Army Retired


HOMELAND / February 2019

Tom Rice A native of Coronado, Thomas M. Rice was born on August 15, 1921 to a naval aviation family, Marcus and Katherine Rice. The 600-square-foot house that his father built on H Avenue is still standing and it is where Tom lives today. During Rice’s childhood, his father was killed in an air crash in the Panama Canal Zone in 1934. Rice graduated from Coronado High School in 1940 and he enlisted in the US Army at Fort Rosecrans in San Diego, California on November 17th. In 1943 he entered basic training at Camp Toccoa, Ga. and completed the parachute jumping school at Fort Benning in 1943. After eighteen months of training, he became a member of the 501st Regiment, newly formed infantry, 101st Airborne Division. While serving in the 101st Airborne Division, Rice led a squadron of twelve soldiers and served as a platoon sergeant for six months. In the early hours of D-Day, June 6, 1944, Staff Sergeant Thomas Rice, 22, jumped into Normandy as part of Operation Overlord, the largest and most complex military campaign ever undertaken. Rice remembers the hours before parachuting into France: “On the night of June 5, 1944, as we boarded the planes that would lead us into combat, I am not sure that we realized the full extent of the dangers and difficulties we faced, or if we thought to the hundreds of thousands of other men who have faced similar or even worse trials, but if we had known all that, it would not have made any difference to us. We were ready and almost eager to go into action and get the whole bloody thing over with. “ Shortly after midnight, in terrible weather, Rice and thousands of other “Screaming Eagles” of the 101st Airborne Division parachuted into the night sky and over the Germans. While his plane was taking heavy anti-aircraft fire, the pilot maneuvered to escape the fire and, flying too fast and too low to jump, he hung up Rice in the door of the plane. Rice finally landed near Utah Beach, 4km north of Carentan, near heavily armed Germans and miles from the planned drop zone.

He joined about fifty other Americans, and they fought in Normandy for more than a month, sheltering in hunting holes, having little equipment and capturing hundreds of German soldiers. During the Normandy Campaign, a key event in the liberation of Europe, Rice was wounded by shrapnel and a sniper bullet that hit his left knee. He attributes success in Normandy to a “complex mix of physical and mental fighting spirit”.Rice also made a fight jump in Holland during Operation Market Garden in September 1944, and the Battle of the Bulge from December 1944 to January 1945. He was seriously injured in Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge and other bullets tore a four-inch piece of the radial just below his right elbow. His last combat experience of the Second World War took place in Birtchengarten, Austria. Rice’s military awards include a Purple Heart with two Oak Leaf Clusters, Two Invasion Arrows, Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star with Cluster, Good Conduct Medal, French Fourregue, Belgium Lanyard and Parachutist Badge. In April 2015, the French government honored Rice and thirteen other veterans by appointing them Knights of the Legion of Honor for their heroic service in the liberation of France during the Second World War. This prize is the highest honor that France grants to its citizens and foreigners.

Rice’s quote for Bronze Star Metal reads in part:

“He deployed his abilities and courage in the Normandy campaign on June 6, 1944, the airborne assault on Holland on September 17, 1944 and during the defense of the key town of Bastogne in Belgium from December 19, 1944 to December 27, 1944. Throughout the three campaigns, Sergeant Rice demonstrated his dedication to service and outstanding service to his regiment, and his actions were consistent with the highest standards of military service. “ After Rice’s honorable discharge at Fort MacArthur, CA, on December 21, 1945, he returned to his studies at San Diego State University. He then taught social studies and history in the San Diego area for nearly 44 years, married and had five children. His memoirs “Trial by Combat: A paratrooper of the 101st Airborne Division remembers the Battle of Normandy in 1944” (AuthorHouse 2004), tells of his preparation, training and participation in Operation Overlord.

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Careers In Law Enforcement Visit Today For Law Enforcement Profiles & Job Openings


HOMELAND / February 2019

Military service can be a perfect entrance into a law enforcement career. Military and law enforcement personnel have had a long-standing relationship with overlaps in training exercises, equipment, and, most important, personnel. It is not uncommon for a service member to make the jump from the military to law enforcement, as both professions look for the same characteristics; leadership, fidelity, chain of command, and teamwork are all common themes in both professions. Quite understandably, many American military veterans often gravitate to a career in law enforcement when the time comes to rejoin the civilian workforce. The two professions have many fundamental similarities; from the uniforms they wear with pride, to the firm command structure they serve under, to great personal risk they endure while protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

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