You Are Not Alone WWP Warriors Share Their Journeys to Help Others Heal from Invisible Wounds James Rivera spent six months in Iraq with the Marines, driving convoys for 120 to 150 miles each day. When he returned home, James isolated himself and felt depressed. He used to spend days and weeks on his couch.
“Living with PTSD is like a rollercoaster, but thanks to Wounded Warrior Project my roller coaster is flatter,” James said. “When I first got out of the Marine Corps, the first few years were pretty rough.” James moved from New Jersey to Houston, eventually finding his way to support via Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP). A VA counselor gave him a WWP brochure. Through WWP, James learned how to manage his PTSD. “Before being connected with Wounded Warrior Project, my tough days consisted of sitting on the couch all day, thinking about what I wanted to do, flipping through the channels,” James recalled. “It was hard to hold down a job, and I felt depressed and listless.
18 / September 2021