Homeland Veterans Magazine Feb 2018

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Vol. 5 Number 2 • February 2018

Homeland Veterans Magazine

United We Stand

Black History Month U.S. Army Veteran Continues Family’s Military Path

Empowering Injured Athletes Award-Winning Couple Delivers on Promise

The Best Job In The Navy


National Public Safety Football League

law enforcement, first responders and active duty military (Giving Back)

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HOMELAND / February 2018

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Publisher Editor-In-Chief Mike Miller Contributing Writers CJ Machado Vicki Garcia Wounded Warrior Project Vesta Anderson John Roberts DAV M. Todd Hunter Steven Wilson Shelter to Soldier Eva M. Stimson Boot Campaign Barry Smith USO Sharon Smith Andrew McClure REBOOT Workshop Sara Wacker USAA Chad Storlie Operation Homefront Stephen Thomas Women Veterans Alliance Melissa Washington Public Relations CJ Machado Thomas McBrien

Greetings and a warm welcome to HOMELAND Magazine! Please take some time to get to know the layout of our magazine. Homeland Magazine focuses on real stories from real heroes; the service member, the veteran, the wounded and the families that keep it together. Our magazine is driven by passion, vision, reflection and the future. The content is the driving force behind our magazine and the connection it makes with service members, families, veterans and civilians. Homeland is about standing your ground, resilience, adaptation, inspiration and solidarity.

Marketing/Sales Mike Miller Gina Henderson Entertainment Media Bob Dietrich Calvin Goetz

We are honored to share the work of so many committed and thoughtful people.

Homeland Magazine is published monthly. Submissions of photographs, Illustrations, drawings, and manuscripts are considered unsolicited materials and the publisher assumes no responsibility for the said items. All rights reserved.

We appreciate your support and are so happy to have you as a reader of HOMELAND Magazine.

Homeland Magazine 9528 Miramar Road, Suite 41 San Diego, CA 92126

With warmest thanks, Mike Miller, Publisher


HOMELAND is inspirational, “feel good” reading; our focus is on veterans, military and civilians alike. I believe HOMELAND is where the heart is, and our publication covers a wide variety of topics, and issues about real life and real stories.

Contact Homeland Magazine at: info@homelandmagazine.com


HOMELAND / February 2018

inside this issue

09 United We Stand - Black History Month 10 U.S. Army Veteran Continues Military Path 16 Empowering Injured Athletes 22 Award-Winning Couple Delivers on Promise 26 Football In The Spring (Giving Back) 28 The Best Job In The Navy - Naval Special Warfare 32 Enlisted To Entrepreneur 34 From Idea To Business Start-Up 39 Careers In Law Enforcement


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Resources Support Inspiration 6

HOMELAND / February 2018

Celebrate the Year of the Dog with Chinese acrobats, special entertainment, exotic cuisine and NEW this year — enjoy an adorable puppy garden.


Pay for a Day, Play All of 2018 Free OR

Save up to $20 on Single-Day Admission

Visit Your Local Military Ticket Office for Specially Priced Tickets All prices and discounts are subject to change and subject to a ticket outlet surcharge. Offer not valid with any other offers, promotions, discounts or Membership purchase. Other restrictions apply. Single-Day offer valid now–12/31/18. Fun Card available for sale 09/28/17–5/31/18 and valid for use from date of purchase until 12/31/18. Blockout dates apply. © 2018 SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.

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HOMELAND / February 2018


DAV recognizes Black History Month As we celebrate Black History Month, the EJI offers a historical n the early pre-dawn hours of and detailed account of the injustices May 14, 1918, Army Pvt. Henry black veterans like Johnson endured Johnson, part of the all-black 369th in the late 19th and early 20th Infantry Regiment, took part in a fivecenturies, including instances of man patrol to defend against enemy violence and abuse, inequality of ambushes in the Argonne Forest in military pay and denial of earned France. veterans benefits. At 2:30 a.m., 24 German soldiers During World War I, more attacked the patrol’s position. Johnson than 350,000 African Americans defended his comrades by throwing all served in segregated units. When the grenades he could find at the enemy World War II erupted, more than a and then fired his own weapon until million were drafted or volunteered it jammed. When the enemy soldiers to serve. The Korean War saw swarmed the trench Johnson was the decommissioning of some, defending, he fought them off with the though not all, segregated units, butt of his rifle and then his bare hands. despite a 1948 executive order to Sgt. Henry Johnson of the 369th Infantry Regiment was awarded Johnson, wounded 21 times, integrate the military. And after the French Croix de Guerre for sent the Germans into retreat. This entering the Vietnam War, America bravery during an outnumbered encounter became known as “The saw the highest proportion of black battle with German soldiers. Battle of Henry Johnson” and was service members—but also casualty reported in national newspapers in the rates as high as 25 percent. United States later in the year. In spite of African Americans’ proud military heritage France subsequently awarded Johnson the Croix predating the Revolutionary War, the EJI study sheds de Guerre avec Palme (War Cross with Palm), France’s light on the treatment of black veterans after service. highest award for valor. And in a memo later that “It’s important that, as individuals and veterans, same month, Gen. John Pershing, commander of the we show that the history of how our country treated American Expeditionary Force during World War I, minority veterans in the past is not a pleasant one,” called Johnson’s actions “a notable instance of bravery,” said National Commander Delphine Metcalf-Foster, and Johnson was promoted to sergeant. whose father was a Buffalo Soldier. “We should never But after the war, Johnson was nearly completely forget the painful lessons this teaches. DAV knows the disabled due to his wounds. Despite his noted heroics, veteran community is made stronger by diversity, and we he and other black soldiers were denied medical care and will continue our mission of advocacy for all veterans.” ■ disability pay. He would be posthumously awarded the Learn More Online Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama on June 2, 2015, but the recognition came far too late. Johnson died The entire EJI report can be found in poverty at 32 years old, according to the Smithsonian at https://eji.org/reports/online/ and a study released by the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI). lynching-in-america-targeting-black-veterans.

By Steven Wilson


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By Barry Smith Boot Campaign

U.S. Army Veteran Continues Family’s Military Path En Route To Kentucky Colonel Honors With two grandfathers serving in

World War II in the U.S Marines, and his father retiring from a career in the U.S. Army after three tours in Vietnam, it is not all that surprising that 18-yearold Billy Ray Yates of Flatwoods, Ky., would have an interest in a military career. As a recent high school graduate in 1982, the option to enlist and attend college at the same time seemed like a tremendous opportunity. His decision was reinforced with the full support of his father Raymond, who was last stationed at Fort Knox, Ky., retiring as an Army Sergeant First Class after a 20-plus-year career in the military.


HOMELAND / February 2018

“I originally went into the Army for college, but once I got in there I realized I liked it,” says Yates, an awardwinning Army Sergeant First Class himself, who served 23 years before retiring in 2005. “I really enjoyed it, so that’s what helped me to stay in for so long. My father was a big influence and I kind of wanted to follow in his footsteps.” So Yates continued his family’s military legacy and also attended college, taking courses from his beloved University of Kentucky. But taking higher education courses did not happen right away.

Actually, collegiate studies did not begin until several years later after his career and adult life had already begun to take shape. So Yates continued his family’s military legacy and also attended college, taking courses from his beloved University of Kentucky. But taking higher education courses did not happen right away. Actually, collegiate studies did not begin until several years later after his career and adult life had already begun to take shape. After spending a few months in Fort Benning, Ga., to finish advanced infantry training, he received his first assignment overseas at Panzer Kaserne, a U.S. military installation in Böblingen, Germany, part of U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart. He served five years in Germany as an infantryman, learning the language and getting his first extended experience living outside the U.S. When he was transferred back to the states in 1987, he reported to Fort Knox as a married man. “My wife Nelly is from Germany and was already in the medical field,” explains Yates, whose bride went through paramedic school and later became a registered nurse after earning a bachelor’s degree from Montana State University. “I met her in the summer of 1983, we dated for a year and a half and got married in October 1985. So, had I not joined the Army, we obviously never would have met.” A year later he became a father to a son named Preston, who served as a personal inspiration to Yates as he stepped up his military responsibilities and a globetrotting career in the Army. Yates received a change in assignment from Fort Knox to Camp Casey in Dongducheon, South Korea, where he spent 12 months as a squad leader before returning back to Kentucky at Fort Campbell for a three-year stint that also featured deployments to Saudi Arabia for Operation Desert Shield and Kuwait for Operation Desert Storm. In 1992, Yates was sent back to Korea for another year of duty on a long-range surveillance assignment, before being reassigned to Fort Benning with a new career focus as an instructor with the 4th Ranger Training Brigade. In 1997, he was transferred to the Fort Wainwright post adjacent to Fairbanks, Alaska, where he served in various capacities for three years. In 2000, Yates garnering his final assignment at the Army Airborne School back in Fort Benning, serving with the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 507th Infantry, U.S. Army Infantry School. As a black hat platoon sergeant and pathfinder instructor, he helped conduct the basic paratrooper (military parachutist) training for the United States armed forces, including troops of both genders from all branches www.homelandmagazine.com

of the U.S. Department of Defense, Reserve Officer Training Corps, and allied military personnel. As a paratrooper himself, Yates earned his Airborne Wings followed by a Senior Parachutist Badge with 30 jumps and his Master Parachutist Badge with 65 jumps. All told, he finished his career with more than 100 successful static line parachute jumps on his resume. “I am still knocking on wood, but in all those jumps I never had a malfunction,” reports Yates. “Most of my jumps were from between 1000 to 2500 feet, and they varied from nighttime jumps with combat equipment to daytime jumps from aircraft like a UH 60 Blackhawk. “I passed all the way through trees before, but I never got hung up in the trees,” he adds. “I also remember getting blown off the drop zone one time where I almost landed in water, landing about 10 feet from the side of a lake. Other than that, most of my jumps I was lucky enough to land somewhere in the drop zone.” Were all of his jumps completed with smooth landings? “Every one of them’s a smooth landing,” he laughs, “when you can get up and walk away.” While his final assignment at Fort Benning lasted longer than he anticipated, he was not about to walk away from the military into retirement after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on American soil. Although he was never deployed back to the Middle East, his experience as an instructor was invaluable to America’s fighting forces. By 2005, he felt like it was time to call it a career, making good on an agreement he made with his spouse. “I made a deal with my wife that the morning I wake up and I don’t want to do it anymore is the day I go in and put my retirement paperwork in,” Yates explains. “I was about to hit my 23-year mark, and I figured 23 was enough. I had my fill. I promised I wouldn’t drag it out for the sake of dragging it out, and I didn’t.

“Without my wife’s support I wouldn’t have made it that many years anyway,” he acknowledges. “She always took care of everything on the homefront when I was away. That’s a heavy burden to be released from and not everybody has that luxury, so I’d like to give Nelly credit. When I went to Korea the first time, my son was only four months old, and she had to buckle up her boot straps and take care of everything. Spouses don’t get as much credit as they deserve.” Continued on next page

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“Ever since I got out, I still miss it,” Yates confides. “After you’ve spent the majority of your life in the military – and I went in when I was 18 – then you turn around and so many things have changed. I just didn’t know how I was going to fair with the civilian world coming out, but we’ve done alright.”

Nowadays, Yates finds himself working as a manager for the oldest sporting goods store in Anchorage, Alaska, while finding time to travel and enjoy his 34-foot ocean boat along with some serious hunting and fishing. In a recent bow hunting trip to Argentina, Yates bagged a prized animal he has wanted to hunt for years, a giant seven-point trophy red stag that did not go down without a fight. “It took me three arrows, to be honest,” admits Yates. “When I was stationed in Germany from 1982-87, I got to see many of the big red stags they have over in Europe, and ever since then it has been on my animal bucket list to hunt.” Among his other trophies are a 125-pound halibut he corralled in Seward, Alaska, and a 60-pound king salmon he reeled in from Alaska’s Kenai River, in addition to the countless giant shrimp he nets during the April-toSeptember shrimping season. Sharing his free time by giving back to the military community as a Boot Campaign Veteran Ambassador also is a new priority for Yates. He was introduced to the Texas-based military non-profit through Army Sgt. First Class Cassandra “Cassie” Cantin, a Boot Campaign Veteran Ambassador herself and the wife of one of Yates’ fellow black hat airborne instructors.


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“Cassie’s husband Carl is my best friend in the world and Cassie hit me up and I went down to participate in Boot Campaign’s annual Mike’s Hard Lemonade Fish Hard contest in Port O’Connor, Texas,” he says. “My buddy Carl caught the biggest fish, so he beat me out, but I got to meet some incredible people from the Boot Campaign, and people who have been through their ReBOOT program.

I kind of realized that Boot Campaign was all about recovery and the soldier, and I told Cassie I wanted to be a part of it.” While he is thrilled to be lacing up his boots again as a Veteran Ambassador with Boot Campaign, it is not the honor he is most proud of receiving since returning to civilian life. That would be reserved for the surprising honor bestowed upon him by Kentucky Governor Steven Lynn Beshear, on Oct. 16, 2008. “I was voted in as a certified Kentucky Colonel in the Commonwealth of Kentucky,” beams Yates, a proud native of the Bluegrass State. “I was nominated by a good friend of mine (Bill Mattingly Jr.) who was also from the state of Kentucky, and although I’ve never read it, whatever he wrote up was evidently good enough. It’s a very prestigious honor in the state of Kentucky.” According to the official Kycolonels.org website, the commission of Kentucky Colonel is the highest title of honor bestowed by the Governor of Kentucky. It is recognition of an individual’s noteworthy accomplishments and outstanding service to the community, state and nation. Prestigious indeed, and well deserved. Learn more about Boot Campaign at www.BootCampaign.org.


GET YOUR BOOTS ON. At Boot Campaign, we proudly serve our country by providing life-improving programs for veterans and military families nationwide to bridge the divide between military life and civilian life. We unite as Americans. As sisters, as brothers, as neighbors and friends. And we take care of our own. We are strongest when we stand together united. So stand with us, America. When they come back, we give back.

READY TO LACE UP, AMERICA? Learn more at bootcampaign.org |


HOMELAND / February 2018 13

Tour of Honor

“now for THe aTTenTion of all Hands...�

Honor Flight San Diego provides, at no-cost to the veteran, an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, DC to visit the memorials built for their service and sacrifice. Priority is given to the most senior veterans, currently WWIIera, and any veterans who have terminal illnesses. The next trip to Washington, DC is in May 2018. For more information, go to



HOMELAND / February 2018

Research Opportunities

VETERANS: WE NEED YOU VA San Diego Healthcare System and Veterans Medical Research Foundation are looking for participants for human subject research studies on Veterans health issues. Findings will help provide better treatments for Veterans and the general population. • We are one of the largest VA research programs in the nation • We employ the most advanced research technologies • We employ some of the best, talented and world renowned researchers in the country • We conduct approximately 400 human subject studies annually

Sign up for a research study TODAY!

Some studies provide medical care and/or reimbursement for participation.

Check out our current list of research opportunities.

Visit: www.sandiego.va.gov/studies.asp and www.vmrf.org/studies.html

HOMELAND / February 2018 15

Adaptive Winter Sports Equipment Empowers Injured Athletes By: James Herrera – Physical Health and Wellness Director, Wounded Warrior Project

The sheer determination of injured athletes to succeed in sports – and life – is inspiring, and Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) offers programs, support, and advice to our dynamic warriors to make that happen.

Most of us will watch the games on TV, and some will fly to South Korea to witness the events on the snowy sidelines. Even if you can’t travel on such short notice, you still can get outside and get active yourself.

By using specialized equipment, injured athletes can fully participate in most winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, hockey, and curling. Improvements in adaptive equipment technology have made it easier for these brave men and women to experience the thrills and challenges of athletics.

Adaptive physical activity innovations have made it possible for injured sports enthusiasts to participate in many winter activities, including downhill skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, sled hockey, and wheelchair curling.

Winter sports will hit primetime in February and March with the 2018 Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games in PyeongChang, South Korea. 16

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Adaptive equipment is constructed with lightweight and strong metals, such as aluminum and titanium, that can endure the extreme conditions and rigors of winter sports.

Downhill Skiing and Snowboarding Skiing is one of the most popular outdoor winter sports. Don’t worry if you have limited experience or don’t own the adaptive equipment you’ll need to enjoy schussing down a crisp, powdery mountain. Most ski resorts have adaptive ski programs (some also teach adaptive snowboarding) and provide accessibility to ski areas based on adaptive needs. Adaptive equipment usually can be rented or loaned, and instructors will be happy to teach you to use the type of equipment that’s right for you.

Adaptive Ski Equipment • Four-track ski equipment is designed for individuals with leg weakness or prosthetics. The skier stands up, and metal forearm outriggers with ski tips on the front ends provide support and balance. Tip clamps or ski stabilizers keep skis in either a wedge or parallel position to help with side-to-side stability. • Snow sliders assist skiers who have more severe balance struggles. The sliders resemble walkers with skis. Athletes can use their own regular boots. • Three-track ski equipment is designed for stand-up skiers with above-knee amputations or singleleg weakness. This specialized equipment uses one regular size ski and two handheld outriggers. • Two-track ski equipment is also for stand-up skiers who may need support from tethers, tip clamps, or spacers.

Continued on next page


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Cross-country Skiing

How WWP Can Help

Stand-up cross-country skiers use adaptive equipment similar to the adaptive equipment used for regular skiing. When the stand-up option isn’t feasible, injured crosscountry enthusiasts can use either a sit-down sled or prostheses-adapted equipment that they propel with poles over grooved or natural terrain. This low-risk sport is a great cardio workout for athletes who have visual impairment, spinal injuries, or amputations.

“Where there is a will, there is a way” perfectly describes the incredible athletes who find a way to compete regardless of limitations.

Most adaptive ski programs offer cross-country instruction and access to standard ski equipment that has been modified to accommodate injuries. For visually impaired skiers, cross-country offers less-crowded skiing at a slower pace. Guides aid skiers by clearing obstacles and providing directional and speed instructions. Cross-country sit-skiers use a seat and metal frame over two skis and support their extended legs on a footrest. Arm and upper body power propel them on the course.

Sled Hockey Sled hockey has all the action, rules, and common features of stand-up hockey, except the six players on each team use their arms to propel themselves and their hips to move from side to side on the ice. Athletes with a variety of mobility limitations can participate in this adaptive physical activity. Lightweight aluminum-frame sleds are mounted on two skate blades and have custom bucket seats that hold players’ legs and feet. Athletes use two three-foot-long hockey sticks with metal picks on one end for movement and regular paddles on the other end for passing and shooting. For those with limited grip, hockey sticks are secured to their hands or forearms.

Wheelchair Curling The popularity of curling has grown over the years and is a great sport for athletes with spinal injuries, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, or double leg amputation. Wheelchair curling is a relatively stationary sport for athletes with a wide range of ability levels. Players use a regular or slightly modified wheelchair (power or manual) for this sport, as well as a telescopic delivery stick to push the stone. Wheelchair curling and the standard game are very similar, but there is no sweeping in wheelchair curling because it would be difficult to propel and control a wheelchair while sweeping. In wheelchair curling, there are two teams of four players each. They slide 42-pound polished granite stones (known as rocks) from one end of a sheet of ice toward the house, their target at the other end. Each team attempts to place more of its stones closer to the center of the house, called the button, than the other team. 18

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WWP’s Independence Program helps warriors, their families, and caregivers set goals for how they want to live. The program includes alternative therapies, community resources, and adaptive sports opportunities. Through Independence Program, individualized plans are developed for warriors who rely on their families and/or caregivers because of moderate to severe brain injury, spinal cord injury, or other neurological conditions. Each warrior’s personalized plan is a comprehensive and evolving partnership. It focuses on reaching and exceeding goals and provides a future with purpose at no cost to the warrior and his or her support team. Warriors seeking help to enhance their recovery process, stay active, and grow stronger through adaptive physical activity can meet those goals through WWP’s Physical Health and Wellness program. While warriors explore exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle goals, they also reap the benefits of getting out of the house and connecting with fellow service members. Remember to watch and root for all the amazing athletes in the Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games. Be inspired, extend your horizons, and challenge yourself (and your friends and family) to get outside and experience the camaraderie of winter sports. Go USA!

About Wounded Warrior Project We Connect, Serve, and Empower The mission of Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) is to honor and empower Wounded Warriors. WWP connects wounded warriors and their families to valuable resources and one another, serves them through a variety of free programs and services, and empowers them to live life on their own terms. WWP is a national, nonpartisan organization headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. WWP is an accredited charity with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), is top rated by Charity Navigator, and holds a GuideStar Platinum rating. To get involved and learn more, visit woundedwarriorproject.org.

Wounded Warrior Project was there when I needed them most.




©2017 Wounded Warrior Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

HOMELAND / February 2018 19

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HOMELAND / February 2018 21

By Eva M. Stimson

Award-Winning Couple Delivers on Promise by “Saving Lives, Two at a Time” at Shelter to Soldier In 2012, husband and wife team Kyrié and Graham Bloem made a joint commitment to establish a non-profit organization, Shelter to Soldier, to help alleviate symptoms related to mental health diagnoses in combat veterans by pairing them with homeless shelter dogs to form a unique partnership to save two worthy lives; their shared passion for animals and helping U.S. veterans from the perils of mental illness lead them to establish Shelter to Soldier.

Shelter to Soldier dogs are trained over 12 to 18 months to be highly obedient and handler-focused in all environments, to ignore distractions, and to mitigate symptoms of stress, anxiety, hypervigilance, insomnia, fear, over stimulation, and depression through taskrelated work.

Shelter to Soldier is a San Diego-based non-profit organization that adopts dogs from local shelters and trains them to become psychiatric service dogs for post-9/11 combat veterans suffering from PostTraumatic Stress (PTS), Traumatic Brain (TBI) and/or other afflictions associated with traumatic combat experiences. Every day on average, twenty (20) U.S. veterans and one (1) active duty service member commit suicide (Department of Veteran Affairs) and every day, 3200 dogs are euthanized in the U.S. The services Shelter to Soldier provides for free to veterans and their commitment to adopt dogs, fulfills the mission of this organization by “Saving Lives, Two at a Time”. Shelter to Soldier visits a variety of local shelters and rescue groups and evaluates dogs that are four months to two years of age, of any breed, weighing 40-70 lbs., and in good health for their service dog training program. They evaluate temperament for: social skills with people and dogs, ability to handle loud noises as well as different environments and new situations, toy and food drive, desire to work, and an overall stable and social demeanor. Graham and Kyrié Bloem 22

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Each service dog/veteran team costs an average of $12,000 from adoption to graduation. This includes the adoption, housing, medical care, grooming, food, treats, training, training equipment, bedding, toys, testing, handling training, service dog equipment and documents, graduation ceremony and materials for the veteran recipient and service dog pair. Upon qualified match, veteran-handlers train for an average of four to six months depending upon handling abilities and how well the team picks up on training. Handlers learn to communicate effectively with their dog to create a loving bond while learning all commands and service dog laws/regulations to prepare them for a life with a service animal. Both Graham and Kyrié Bloem have extensive backgrounds in their respective areas of expertise. Kyrié is the Co-Founder and Director or Operations of Shelter to Soldier. Working behind the scenes, Kyrié is constantly in motion working in all facets of the organization. Although Kyrié has been an avid animal lover since her childhood, her professional and academic interests were in Sciences and Nutrition.

During this experience, Graham and Brian became close friends. Their story as well as his personal interaction with Nubs and Brian, further inspired Graham to develop the concept of Shelter to Soldier. Together, this dynamic husband and wife duo has been bestowed with numerous awards for their community outreach efforts: the ABC 10News Leadership Award, The Red Cross San Diego/Imperial Counties Real Heroes Award, the Honeywell Life Safety Award and the 2016 Waggy Award in the Animal Welfare category. They currently lead a team of animal care technicians, dog trainers, veteran advocates, case managers and a diverse, professional group of active board members. Shelter to Soldier recently relocated their headquarters to the Pacific Pet Resort and Dog Training Center located at 2909 San Luis Rey Road in Oceanside, CA, to better serve the increasing number of veterans in need of their services. www.pacificpetresort.com. At this new location, they will be able to adopt and train more dogs that will ultimately be paired with a veteran in need.

Kyrié obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish and Biology at the University of San Diego, and her Masters of Science degree in Nutritional Sciences at San Diego State University where she also completed the Didactic Program in Dietetics. Similarly, Graham has a unique and diverse background that inspired him to apply his professional skills toward transforming the lives of U.S. veterans and rescue dogs. Graham, who serves as Co-Founder, Training Director and President of Shelter to Soldier, was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and has had an affinity with animals all his life, although his true passion is for dogs. At the young age of five, he immigrated to Toronto, Canada with his family, but enjoyed trips back to South Africa. His experiences in wildlife settings instilled a dream of one day working with animals. Graham specializes in behavioral cases, service dogs and mentoring others to do the same. He has helped save the lives of thousands of dogs from an uncertain future. In 2007, Graham volunteered to train a dog rescued from the war-zone in Iraq by LtCol Brian Dennis of the United States Marine Corps. LtCol Dennis bonded with a stray mixed-breed dog, Nubs, while serving his country in Iraq. Brian later wrote the NY Times Best Selling Book, “Nubs – The True Story of A Mutt, A Marine and A Miracle,” in which Graham is featured for his dog training skills to facilitate Nubs’ assimilation into everyday life in the U.S. with LtCol Dennis. www.homelandmagazine.com

Allison Shamrell Photography Additionally, Shelter to Soldier is a gold participant of GuideStar and accredited by the Patriot’s Initiative. www.sheltertosoldier.org. To learn more about veteransupport services provided by STS, call (855) 287-8659 for a confidential interview regarding eligibility.

HOMELAND / February 2018 23






FINAL WEEKEND FEB. 3–4 SEE WHAT THE VETS SEE A unique opportunity to enjoy 11 behind-the-scenes or up-close experiences. Meet the animals and the experts that make SeaWorld® an incredible place.

Pay for a Day, Play All of 2018 Free OR Save TOUP $20 on Single-Day Admission Visit Your Local Military Ticket Office for Specially Priced Tickets All prices and discounts are subject to change and subject to a ticket outlet surcharge. Offer not valid with any other offers, promotions, discounts or Membership purchase. Other restrictions apply. Single-Day offer valid 9/28/17–12/31/18. Fun Card available for sale 09/28/17–5/31/18 and valid for use from date of purchase until 12/31/18. Blockout dates apply. © 2018 SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.


HOMELAND / February 2018

Shelter to Soldier Monthly Giving Campaign Help us “Save Lives, Two at a Time” by starting your monthly contribution today.

You can give your gift at www.sheltertosoldier.org by clicking on the DONATE NOW link and checking the monthly recurring donation option on your donation form. Every day, 3200 dogs are euthanized nationwide, and every day 20 veterans and one active duty military personnel lose their lives to suicide – that’s one life lost every 69 minutes.

Donations large and small make a difference by allowing us to adopt, care for, house, train and place these highly trained companions with veterans in need.

Shelter to Soldier adopts dogs from local shelters and rescue organizations and trains them over the course of 12-18 months to become psychiatric service dogs for post-9/11 combat veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and other injuries associated with traumatic service experiences.

Your contribution will help us provide safe housing, medical care, vaccines, supplements, food, bedding, grooming, and training equipment for the service dogs in training while they reside in our training program as well as service dog and graduation materials to each veteran/ service dog team when they graduate as a pair. Ron Burns Studio www.ronburns.com

For as little as $10 a month, you can make a direct impact on these two populations that need our help.


HOMELAND / February 2018 25

Football in the spring? Giving back to local communities

By Holly Shaffner Just when the Superbowl ends each year, another league is getting started. Comprised of 22 teams throughout the country, the National Public Safety Football League (NPSFL) plays semi-professional, full-contact football and raises money for their selected charities. Every player is employed in law enforcement, as first responders or active duty military. San Diego has had a team since 1999. Their colors are red and black and they are the San Diego Enforcers. They are two-time National Champions and six-time Western Division Champions. For 19 years, the Enforcers have been playing semiprofessional football and giving back to their local community. And giving back to the community is what this nonprofit organization loves to do. Since their inception, they have donated over $200,000 to United Cerebral Palsy, Susan G. Komen, San Diego Brain Tumor Foundation and many military organizations such as Semper Fi, Team Red, White and Blue and the Travis Manion Foundation. Honor Flight San Diego, the organization which takes WWII veterans to Washington, D.C., was named the 2017 military charity and they have been selected again for the 2018 season. The Enforcers give back to the local community in more ways than through donations. They make visits to hospitals to cheer-up sick patients and they participate in the annual Holiday Celebration for Kaiser Kids with Cancer; most importantly they do it as a family. The Enforcer family is made up of football players, coaches, support staff, and the best dance team in the NPSFL – the Enforcer Girls! The EGs, as they are called, have performed internationally and a few of the dancers have gone on to become Charger girls.

“The Enforcers organization provides me with an opportunity to do two things I am extremely passionate about - football and helping the less fortunate. Being able to help others through the sport of football is truly a blessing. When you have a group of people on the same page of accomplishing a common goal, you can do anything.”

In 2015, John Buckley took the helm as President of the San Diego Enforcers. He works full-time as a U.S. Marshall and in his “free time” he volunteers as President of the nonprofit organization plus on game days you can find him coaching on the sidelines.

The team raises money in a variety of ways each season and just like a family everyone chips in. The players pay a fee to play on the team, the Enforcer Girls sell their annual swimsuit calendar, the team hosts an annual golf


HOMELAND / February 2018

Every player is employed in law enforcement, as first responders or active duty military. The Enforcers kick off their season with a home game on Saturday, February. 24 against the Bakersfield Falcons and a few weeks later they host the Camp Pendleton Marines in the annual “Salute to Service� game on March 17 The Enforcers are an experienced team with large players and they will look for redemption against their formidable opponents who are younger and faster. The stands will be packed for this game which will be held at the Army Navy Academy in Carlsbad. During halftime, WWII veterans will be honored for their service and proceeds from this game will benefit Honor Flight San Diego and pay for WWII veterans to make the trip to Washington, D.C. This season the Enforcers will play four home games and two away games. Tickets can be purchased at the gate and are just $10 (active duty and veterans receive a discount). To learn more about the San Diego Enforcers, to volunteer with the organization or at a game, to become a sponsor, or donate to the team, go to: www.sandiegoenforcers.com. You can also find the San Diego Enforcers and the Enforcer Girls on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Come out this season and support the best football team in San Diego!

www.sandiegoenforcers.com tournament in May. On game days they sell Enforcer merchandise, concessions, and hold a 50/50 raffle. They also rely on corporate sponsors throughout the country. Since every player, coach, board member, EG, and support staff is a volunteer, every dollar raised supports team logistics and ultimately goes back to the charities they support. www.homelandmagazine.com

Cover & photos by Josh McIntosh

HOMELAND / February 2018 27

THE BEST JOB IN THE NAVY! The Naval Special Warfare (SWCC) is a Special Boat Community that has quietly served alongside their SEAL counterparts for over fifty years. They are a highly specialized group of sailors trained in and for clandestine maritime operations. Jim Gray, a Retired Master Chief Gunners Mate and Special Warfare Combatant Craft (SWCC) Crewman, served in the US Navy, and Naval Reserve from 1969 to 1999. Most of his service was in the Naval Special Warfare’s Combatant Craft Community, known today as SWCC (Pronounced Sa-wick). The SWCC’s Primary Mission is conducting SEAL Support Missions of Inserting and Extracting Navy SEALs in the dark of the night, on hostile shores, muddy rivers, and coastal waterways, under combat conditions using their specially designed Combatant Craft anywhere in the world. They are the premier clandestine waterborne warriors. They have served alongside SEALs and Special Operation Forces (SOF) in Vietnam, Grenada, Lebanon, the Persian Gulf during Operation Earnest Will, Panama, Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Philippines, Southeast Asia, and Somalia. They routinely work with other countries maritime Special Operation Forces, improving their training programs and expanding self-sustainability of organic resources to increase coalition capabilities. Today these Combatant Crewmen are referred to as “SWCC,” and since 1994 they now must graduate a rigorous threemonth formal training school to earn the basic qualification and title of being called “SWCC.” It is why the SWCC motto of “On Time, On Target, Never Quit” is so fitting. Like most SEALs, the SWCC operate under classified restrictions when deployed. Currently, today’s SWCC operations are still classified. However, Gray can discuss Operations now declassified and will personally tell you what it was like to be a “Boat Guy” as the SEALs so fondly called them. These are Jim’s words, depicting his personal experience in the Persian Gulf during the “Tanker Wars.” 28

HOMELAND / February 2018

Jim Gray

“Operation Earnest Will in The Persian Gulf and often referred to as the “Tanker Wars,” is where I was deployed with my detachment to the Persian Gulf in 1988. Jim Gray I was Boat Captain of the “Sea Specter” Patrol Boat (PB), a 65’, tri-diesel, aluminum hulled boat, armed to the teeth with weapons. I was on Boat Hull number 753. Operation Earnest Will (Navy) and called Prime Chance (Army) was the first Operational Commitment of the newly formed Joint US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Classified at the time, we operated off Converted Oil Rig Barges. The barges were large floating platforms with onboard structures, and each barge had an equally large crane. A SEAL Commander was in charge of each barge and was under the Naval Special Warfare Task Units.

Jim Gray

Each Barge had a SEAL Platoon; four Patrol Boats Mk IIIs, Army Helicopter Gunships, from TF-160 and TF-118. We also had USAF Air Combat Controllers and Marines for manning Barge defenses. East Coast NSW Units manned the Barge Hercules.

The Barge I was attached to was called the Wimbrown VII, which was manned by West Coast NSW Units. Our Patrol Boats were primarily used as Interdiction and Patrol to stop the Iranians from laying Mines in the sea lanes and conducting ship attacks on Reflagged Tankers in the Northern Arabian Gulf (Persian Gulf). We also performed SEAL Support Operations and escorting Oil Tankers to and from Kuwait. The Threats from Iran were real and came in the form of mines, aircraft, missiles, and small attack boats operated by the IRGC Pasedarin Guard. Those bad-guy boats were comprised of Bog-hammers, armed Whalers, and cigarette speed boats. The Iranians were known to use Oil Platform support ships to lay mines as well as the native dhows (Middle-east traditional boat that came in multiple sizes used for fishing to cargo transport), to sow mines and gather Intelligence.

” We were not to let any boat or vessel get within a designated classified distance from our Barges. In the Northern Persian Gulf, it was divided by a mythical line that the Iranians drew down the middle. They called the exclusion zone the “Line of Death,” and the NSW Boat Operators called it the “Romulan Neutral Zone” from the old Star Trek shows. To Cross this Line was to be attacked. Some Oil Tankers strayed across and got shot up pretty-bad. We honored that line most of the time. However, on 23 July 1988 - My Boat 753 and PB775 crossed the line on a rescue mission for a downed helicopter gunship. We made contact within a couple of miles from Farsi Island and then saw it get bombed by the Iraqi Air Force. Operational language “Officially” back then meant “No Americans ever crossed that line.”

“On Time, On Target, Never Quit”

The Iranians used Farsi Is, Kark Is and Bushier and Feridoon oil platforms as Boat Bases in the Northern Gulf. The innocent Saudi native fishing dhows would get a close look at us on patrol, while the Iranians flew false flags for their ops as they gathered Intelligence on our operations. We were very concerned about possible suicide boat attacks on the Barges. One of our additional duties assigned to the barges was called “Pouncer Boat.

No awards were ever given for our efforts, because it didn’t “officially” happen. That was pretty standard for most of the things we did back then. It was the nature of the beast. Many of us served as Boat Captains and Crewman. We shared similar experiences that bonded us together as Forever-Brothers. My more senior years were spent working at the Training and Operations divisions at our West coast commands, preparing the younger guys for their deployments, so they could best represent the Naval Special Warfare Combat Craft Crewman and contribute to our history. Continued on next page


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When I retired in 1999 as a Master Chief Gunners Mate (SWCC), it was what I considered the best Job in the Navy! I must confess after a couple of years of retirement, I truly missed the bond of Brotherhood that the SWCC community gave me, and I knew my fellow retirees also did. So, in the great traditions of the Master Chiefs before me, I, with the help of my webmaster friend Dan Withers, in 2006, we created the website www.warboats.org. It’s where NSW Boat Guys contribute and share their personal stories and photos of their time served in the Naval Special Warfare Special Boat Community. Every NSW Boat Unit is represented with its own section/ page, from 1964 to present. It’s where the old Vietnam Boat Guys can see peer into the newer generations exploits and achievements. Time has changed the types of boats, tactics, and training, but the Primary Mission of the Naval Special Warfare Combatant Community has never changed. It created a sense of “Brotherhood of Respect” for those who share a common history and mission.” In 2013, Gray founded and was elected first President of the Combatant Craft Crewman Association (CCCA), a 501(c)3 Charitable organization specifically designed to meet the needs of this exclusive community and their families, no matter what generation they served in the NSW Combatant Craft Community. The CCCA have bought wheelchairs to improve mobility and quality of life, aided and comforted personnel and their families in hospital stays, helped with VA claims and networking with other organizational services. They have volunteers who help their brothers make their specific medical appointments. They personally upgraded a member’s house to meet disabled living standards. They also prepare care packages for deployed service members and in need members. The CCCA is there for the active duty SWCC and its retired brothers as well. Sadly, they also help bury our honored deceased veterans and comfort their families in their hour of grief. Current CCCA President, Joseph Zemlin CCCA President, CWO4, USN (Ret.) reminds us that, “Nothing is more

powerful than to know that you have the ability to help somebody, even if it is only for a short period of time.”


HOMELAND / February 2018

Joseph Zemlin CCCA President, CWO4, USN (Ret.)

I encourage you to visit their web-page and look at their mission to “Preserve the History and Honor the Brotherhood.” Their vision is to become a world-class charitable organization, dedicated to preserving the Naval Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crewmen history by honoring each generation’s contributions with integrity and compassion through their charitable services and public educational awareness events. For membership, sponsorships, donations, and request for services information, please visit their website www.combatantcraftcrewman.org and donate today. ALL your tax-deductible contributions go directly to help those in need, and not one Board Member, Officer or representative receives any pay, consistent of the CCCA standards, ethics and their “Brotherhood of Love and Respect.” -CJ Machado, Photo Journalist and Veteran Advocate

“Nothing is more powerful than to know that you have the ability to help somebody, even if it is only for a short period of time.” Joseph Zemlin CCCA President, CWO4, USN (Ret.)


HOMELAND / February 2018 31


Do You Have What it Takes to Be an Entrepreneur?

So much of success as an entrepreneur depends on character. There’s no other way to say it. Some people are built for business ownership and some aren’t. A fundamental desire to control your own destiny ranks very high on most entrepreneurs’ lists of reasons for starting their own businesses. Unable to feel truly fulfilled working for someone else, real entrepreneurs think they have a better way, or an idea that would really revolutionize their industry—or at least their little corner of it. Working within a corporate structure is simply stifling. Being a business owner can be exhausting, isolating, challenging and anxiety-provoking. But it’s worth every drop of blood, sweat and tears to pursue your passion, turning your dream into a reality. And, you’ll be in good company. There are over 27 Million entrepreneurs in the U.S.

Get used to not getting a regular paycheck. If you’re used to the military or being an employee, the transition to business ownership can be scary. Entrepreneurs realize that employment is an illusion of stability. In truth, you are at the whim of those in charge, and you can be out of a job if it doesn’t fit the company’s needs. When you’re successful as a business owner, you are in charge. Once you’ve built it, nobody can fire you and your security is in your own hands.

“Entrepreneurs cross the fine line between crazy and genius.” Greg Berry, Founder of meal kit company BurgaBox

Do you bounce back when something goes wrong? There’s a lot of ups and downs in business ownership. You can work on something a long time and it doesn’t pan out. You lose a big client. Things change. There’s lots of insecurity and anxiety, especially in the start-up phase. Successful entrepreneurs are resilient. Like a Timex watch, they can “take a licking and keep on ticking.” Are you innovative? It’s true that some of the best businesses are built on doing something in existence a little bit better. Ok, a lot better. Look at Fed Ex and UPS. There was the Post Office, but those businesses looked at the lack of service in the Post Office and did it better. Being good at business ownership means thinking about how you can do it better and serve the needs of your customers in ways that are innovative.


HOMELAND / February 2018

Do you listen to other people? Some people think they are the smartest person in the room. They are close-minded know-it-alls who believe they have all the answers. The shrewdest entrepreneurs listen, listen, listen. Listen to your mentor, your attorney, your financial advisor, your business coach, other business owners, and most of all your clients. You can execute on your ideas. You may have the best idea and even have funding for it but if you can’t implement, you have no business. Great ideas are great. You can have the most exceptional idea, but if it’s executed poorly, you will be out of business soon. There may be hundreds of people who may have had a similar idea as the one you are currently thinking about, but failed to execute. If you have what it takes to get an idea from nothing to a stable business, you will go far. Ideas are cheap, it’s execution that matters. My mantra was always “do not back up, sever tire damage will occur.” Are you decisive? Indecision is a killer. Mulling an idea or plan around and around is a good idea, but sacrificing the good waiting for the perfect is a form of insecurity and the search for perfection never ends. Indecision is a painful place to be and it keeps other more assertive people you work with on pins and needles. Decisive people are leaders, including leading your team to success.

”Being in the military taught me to risk it all early and to risk it all often.” Andrew Weins owner and operator of the Menomonee Falls, WI territory of JDog Junk Removal & Hauling

This is a competitive world. Get used to it. You’re allowed to spy on your competitors, hate their guts, and want to beat them into the ground with your success. You’re not allowed to let it bug you and make your head explode. Idiots will copy you and even use your language in their marketing.

The data shows that if your skill set matches up with what you’re doing, it will be more pleasurable. That means you need to know your skill set, of course. Get clear about your strengths and weaknesses. Not sure? Ask your adolescent kids or your spouse. They’ll give you a list. ”When you’re an entrepreneur, you have to understand that no one is going to swoop in and save the day. You have to enjoy solving problems for your customers and for your business. ” Nick Palmisciano, f ounder of Ranger Up apparel and media company

They will have more financial resources than you. This should spur you on to keep on pushing to beat them and supply your customers with obvious superiority. Competition is actually good for business. It makes everyone try harder. Real entrepreneurs do it all. Successful entrepreneurs wash the floors, stay open late, work on weekends, and answer the phones when they are totally exhausted. It’s a big mistake to hand off jobs you think you can’t do, or don’t like doing, especially sales. I’ve seen viable businesses go down the tubes because ownership depended on a key role, like sales, to others. “Buyers are liars,” a phrase borrowed from the auto sales industry, but “sellers are liars” too. The sales “department,” which could be your brother-in-law, will inflate their successes and deflate their losses. Watch things closely. Do you love what you’re doing? If you don’t have a passion for your business, you won’t have the energy it takes to birth your baby and grow it into something productive. It can’t be just about making money. This is a marathon, and if you love it, you will get up every morning excited to get to it. You won’t be able to build a business that can last if it doesn’t mean more than money to you.

Are you risk averse? If so, get off the entrepreneur train right now. Business ownership is an exercise in risk management. There are ways to reduce the risks, especially getting as informed as possible about your industry and customers. If you’re risk averse, be sure and check out the people who come into your life carefully. Much of the risk comes from being too trusting. Don’t be a Muppet in sharkland, Ok? Is personal freedom important to you? Business ownership has its perks. You can go to your kid’s baseball game. You can work from home if you like. Sleep in. Set your own hours. There’s no accountability, except to yourself. If you are goal oriented, and a bit driven, entrepreneurship could be for you. The truth is you will never get rich working for someone else. That is unless you work for Google, which most of us will never do. Entrepreneurship is the route to riches and freedom for the average guy or girl. It’s not a cake walk, but at least it’s your own cake.

Vicki Garcia is the Co-Founder of Veteran Entrepreneurs Today (V.E.T.) & President of Marketing Impressions, a 30+ year old marketing consulting firm. Email her at vicki@veteranentrepreneurstoday.org for free help in starting and running your business.


HOMELAND / February 2018 33

The Power of an Idea “From Idea to Business Start-Up”

By Joe Molina,

Executive Director, Veterans Chamber of Commerce veteransccsd@gmail.com www.vccsd.org

The Birth Of A New Idea Ideas trigger a set of powerful emotions. Ideas change the way we see things and may even give us a “can-do” attitude. Every business starts with an idea, an idea that lands unexpectedly in our mind and makes us see something from a very different perspective and opens our mind to a new set of experiences. Once the idea enters our mind, it creates an emotional charge that makes us see the world from a different angle and under a different set of eyes.


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Adrenaline then kicks in, our world changes and suddenly, we see an opportunity – it is an amazing feeling (according to entrepreneurs who have experienced the birth of a new idea).

• Do the numbers. This step is crucial before we continue as it will determine if this can turn into a business venture. The way to identify the potential earnings of the business idea is easy. 1. Identify the cost (Cost per unit) of the product, add any of your cost that apply (labor, transportation, etc.) this becomes the cost 2. Identify how much people currently pay for the product 3. If you have over a 60% margin, it is then a good business idea and should move forward (there may be additional costs, but this just helps us in identifying the potential) Idea to Objective: Think how much you would like to make and how much you are willing to do to make your idea come to life. I will use an easy example to help you in this step. 1. Let’s say that you decided $120,000 is a reasonable goal. 2. Keep it simple, just divide 120,000 by 12 than by 4 it should give us $10,000 per month and $2,500 per week. 3. Now we know that in order to make our annual goal we must commit to selling a minimum of $2,500 each week 4. Keep in mind that this just selling cost, we may want to also translate this into units which will tell us how many we need to sell in order to make our goal. Let me know if you need help with this and I will be happy to go over it with you and help you create a reasonable, achievable annual goal.


Idea to Concept: Now that the idea has been identified, what’s next? How do we know if the idea could be turned into a venture/ business? Well, we must test it with an approach of “Sell it before you make it”. This approach states that in order for an entrepreneur to know if the idea has merit, the level of need from customers must be identified. “Sell it Before you make it” • Identify people who are currently using the product/service • Ask those who already use it why they buy it and what they like best about the product/service – This will help you understand the psychology behind the product, and to know whether people buy the product because they need it or just because they like it (Products with high levels of NEED tend to be more profitable and easier to enter the market) Why it’s easy to start a business. Starting a business is simple, if we can keep it simple and we have the right attitude. Business is not just about making money, it is also about creating a sense of purpose for us and others.

HOMELAND / February 2018 35

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HOMELAND / February 2018


Veterans Chamber of Commerce www.vccsd.org

We are the Voice and Action of our Veteran Community. Access a Network of Veterans, Service Providers and Resources to Help your business Grow! We support programs that Improve the quality of life of our Families and our

For more information please visit our website www.vccsd.org or send us an email veteransccsd@gmail.com


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HOMELAND / February 2018 37

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HOMELAND / February 2018

Military service can be a perfect entrance into a law enforcement career. Military and law enforcement personnel have had a long-standing relationship with overlaps in training exercises, equipment, and, most important, personnel. It is not uncommon for a service member to make the jump from the military to law enforcement, as both professions look for the same characteristics; leadership, fidelity, chain of command, and teamwork are all common themes in both professions. Quite understandably, many American military veterans often gravitate to a career in law enforcement when the time comes to rejoin the civilian workforce. The two professions have many fundamental similarities; from the uniforms they wear with pride, to the firm command structure they serve under, to great personal risk they endure while protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

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HOMELAND / February 2018 39


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HOMELAND / February 2018

HOMELAND / February 2018 41

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HOMELAND / February 2018

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HOMELAND / February 2018 43

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HOMELAND / February 2018

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HOMELAND / February 2018 45

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HOMELAND / February 2018

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HOMELAND / February 2018 47


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HOMELAND / February 2018


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HOMELAND / February 2018 49

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HOMELAND / February 2018


HOMELAND / February 2018 51


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