Rachel Leigh Portfolio
A 2 010
A lphabet Psa lms Series of miniature books that
interpret emotions and concepts of seven different psalms, each using a different letter of the alphabet. Digitally painted in Photoshop; hand-bound and packaged.
Bread of Life Ministries Identit y Successfully branded a church for whom freedom and creativity in worship is a core value. Developed logo, stationery, website,
and related promotional materials with another designer. Chosen logo stems from my conceptual sketch.
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Persona l it y Play ing Ca rds Conceptual playing cards illustrate
DISC personality types based on medium used:
Rubber stamp
Dominant type
Magazine collage Inf luencing type
Stable type
Drafting pencil
Conscientious type Digitally created in Photoshop
and Illustrator.
2 010
End Times Site
Experimental website employs mostly type to narrate biblical
end-time events. Horizontal
scrolling simulates animation
effects. Designed in Illustrator;
coded in Dreamweaver.
Narnia Cover Series Redesign of Chronicles of Narnia book covers, imitating different historical styles. Created in Illustrator and InDesign.
2 010
Tr i l ing ua l Inter iors If a language were an interior
space, what would it look like? My
interpretations of French, English,
and German (top row left to right). Overlaid writings are my own.
Digitally painted in Photoshop.
2 010
Nonparei l Branding Developed my own brand inspired by the aesthetics of old world Europe. Created name, logo, stationery, website, desktop wallpapers,
refrigerator magnet, and a motion graphic that guides the viewer
through the branding process and standards. Made in Illustrator, Photoshop, and After Effects.
2 010
Pa r E xcel lence Poster and DVD case for autobiographical film concept.
Now I K now My A BCs I wrote a children’s book that
discusses and shows the history of typography in a way that is
engaging and easy to understand. Tongue-in-cheek illustrations
serves as conceptual examples of period styles.
Life Maps There’s something about seeing a map of your
hometown... the names of
neighboring communities,
roads, and landmarks make
up everyday life. Life Maps are a product concept for people who lead highly
mobile lives. These pocket-
sized brochures unfold with maps and memories.
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Ecole de Danse Tanetz Loge and website created for
French client. Dance
school offers instruction in
latin dance, aerobics, and
wedding dance instruction.
Home page inspired
by client’s comparison of
dance to poetry.
Vector Dragonf ly I recreated this photo from Wikimedia Commons entirely in Illustrator with vector shapes and extensive use of gradient mesh.
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Life Draw ings Drawn from observation for an anatomical drawing class.
Nauti lus A lbum I served as project manager, co-
producer and art director of a local band’s debut album. My tasks
included collecting and putting
together significant imagery, music editing, creating promotional
materials and scheduling their
display, lending direction to the
photo shoot, album art and layout.
2 010
Spread Your Wings E x hibit The Art Institute of Indianapolis
saw a need to advertise the student housing program on campus. Our team of four worked to interpret
the given space. Our main feature
is map of area businesses, helpful to new and current students alike. For our proposal, we submitted a scale model and a book explaining final design, which is currently under
consideration by school management.
20 08 – present
E xercises in F lourishing
Personal blog chronicling the design school experience.