Nickola & Charles Wedding

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The Wedding of

Nickola Ellis & Charles Phillips

Musical Prelude

Entrance of Parents


Entrance of Bride

Bridal Party

Hymn In Your Hands Congregational Song

Opening Prayer

Pastor Sharon Phillips

Scripture Reading – Ephesians 5:22 28 Janiel Henry Bennett

Exchange of Vows Dr. Fredrick Thompson

Blessing and Exchange of Rings Dr. Fredrick Thompson

Dedicatory Prayer Pastor Andrew Eastman

Signing of Marriage Certificate Dr. Fredrick Thompson

Musical Selection/ Rendition Ann Marie Thomas

Unity Ceremony Cord of Three Strands Pastor Andrew Eastman

Presentation of Couple Mr. & Mrs. Phillips Dr. Fredrick Thompson


Wedding Party

In Your Hands

We place all our future

In your hands, in your hands

We bid you take over all our lives, Lord Our dreams, aspirations, all our best, Jesus Lord Our hopes, our fears, in your hands.


In your hands, Lord we place today tomorrow

In your hands, Lord we surrender all.

In your hands, we commit our joys, our sorrows In your hands, Lord we surrender all.

Keep walking beside us Every night, every day

And give us the courage for the fray, Lord

We need you to guide us, every step of the way Forsake us not, Lord we pray.

You place many duties

In our hands, in our hands, And shaping our world is our task, Lord

On you we depend Lord for the power; this we ask That all makes sense in our hands.

So Lord we are trusting Everything to your Hands,

And then we keep praying for this land, Lord To labour with others for the best, Jesus, Lord, Our all we place in your Hands.

A Story of Predestined Love

Love has a way of finding you sometimes at the most unexpected time. It hits you like a sudden, rushing wave. Even with being bowled over by the impact of its waves, there is an unexplainable sense of peace and contentment. It is the same with unexpected love, that feels so right. The deeper this love grows, the greater the peace and contentment. It leaves you yearning for more because you want it to become apart of your daily existence. So, it was for us. Before we arrived at this moment that you are witnessing today, there was a story. Allow us to take you briefly through a journey of unexpected, incandescent and unconditional love. Introduced by mutual friends not sure what were their true intentions for the introduction but with time something started to brew.

Charles’ Take:

When I was first introduced to Nickola I was struck by her beauty and smile. We had our first exchange in conversations one that went much longer than intended. You really do lose track of time when you are having fun and I soon realized I was talking to someone who talks more than I do. How was that even possible? As they say all good things must come to an end and so it was time to end the conversation. “When next I can call?”, I asked. “Let me think about it”, was her response; “maybe tomorrow at 5:00pm.” It was the longest 5:00pm I have ever anticipated. I could hardly wait for it to come. Of course, I reluctantly waited a few minutes after 5pm to call. When I did call, I heard, “You couldn’t wait a bit longer?!”, “Hmmm, this is a feisty one”, I said to myself. We soon started to communicate daily and would tackle any topic. Our conversations would always

end with prayer even if it meant someone fell asleep (and it wasn’t me). As I got to know her better and learn about her, I then realized my heart was singing a different tune and had superseded her beauty and smile. I was now enthralled by her loving, caring, determined, and supportive nature; likewise, her inquisitive mind, intelligence, her love for God, her family, and friends. I wanted to be more than just friends. I decided I was going to pursue her. Little did I know I was in for a roller coaster ride to win her heart. It was like trying to break through a wall, a wall I was determined to break down. I literally prayed and asked God to soften her heart because what I have been praying for was right before me and I wasn’t going to let it slip out of my hands.

Nickola’s Take:

I have a great circle of friends and share a good relationship with them. So, upon meeting Charles, I had already assigned him to the Friend Zone. As time went on, we got along really well. The more time we spent in conversation, the more we shared our experiences, the closer we became…but still in the Friend Zone. He became one of my go to to persons when I needed a lift. I admire how firmly he believes in praying about everything and not to worry about anything. The man even prayed himself in my life! I noted the love he has for his family especially his mother. I was captivated by how attentive and caring he was, even me having a simple headache was of grave concern to him. I soon felt a shifting in our friendship, but I allowed time to take its course. He then expressed his desire for us to be more than friends. I wasn’t going to allow my heart to sing any upbeat tunes for a 6 ft 2” tall guy to easily sweep my 5”2 short self, off my feet. Although he possessed the qualities I had desired in a partner, it was going to take more than words to melt my heart. While his words and actions were critical in pursuing me, what trumped all that was his consistency in leading my heart to God in prayer. Before any declarations of love, his priority was leading me to God in prayer.


I found the one I have been praying for, the one whom my soul loves, my missing rib, the one I couldn’t see my life without. Now it was time to ask her to be mine forever, but I know it wasn’t going to be that easy. I had another rollercoaster ride ahead of me and that was to ask those who treasure and love her the most for their blessings. Her mom was easy going but I was duly warned…her other mom who she calls her international mom was sweet and calm. Now it was time for Davina and I sure got the talk but it was Sir Richard that had me shaking like a leaf. I literally felt sick. I was sweating. I was NERVOUS!!!, because I realised how protective he is of her. Having gotten all the blessings including from her Pastor, I now had the biggest hurdle to cross. I needed to ask the woman, who makes my heart quiver, the pivotal question that would make me either the happiest man on earth or the saddest. I made dinner reservation and as I looked at her across the table, I was overtaken by nervousness. I asked myself when is the right moment to pop the question? Will she say, Yes? What if she says, No? I went on my knees to her surprise and there I professed my love for her and what she meant to me. I then asked her if she will marry me. Well, we are all here today, so she did say YESS and I got off my knees being the happiest man alive! Thank you, Nickola, for honoring me with the gift of your love. I’ll spend the rest of my days showing you how grateful I am for such a blessing.

Meet our Parents

Sandra Hyman- Mother of the Bride

The mother who goes above and beyond to ensure that my brother and I were always taken care of even if it meant she would have to go without. She has been my greatest supporter. She has prayed and encouraged me through some of the most difficult times in my life. My mother, but also my friend. Thank you for being an amazing mother.

Sharon Phillips – Mother of the Groom

A lot can be said about my mother, who has been my rock and tower of strength. One I can always look to for sound advice and encouragement when faced with some sort of difficulty, be it physically, emotionally or spiritually, as she also holds the position of my pastor. The Lord knows I would go to the ends of the Earth for her. As a devoted Christian mother, she is selfless, always loving, caring and thoughtful towards me and my siblings, Shayne and Shari. I’ve witnessed countless times her sacrifices towards both our immediate and church families. If there is one thing I can always attest to, is that I have a mother who is always praying for me and I know your prayers have contributed to this day as I walk the road of marriage. A lot of times when I tell her where I’m going to be working the next day, I can look forward to hear the sentence that warms my heart to follow, “the Lord go with you son, praying for you.” Mom I just want to say thank you for the life lessons you have taught me, especially how to be a gentleman towards ladies and I promise to be the sober Godly young man that you raised me to be towards Nickola. I Love you, Mom.

Meet our Bridal Party

Davina: A friendship that started over 20 years. Even though we live in different parts of the world nothing has changed. I can always depend on her for her brutal honesty, although sometimes harsh. If there is anything I know is that she loves me unconditionally, and desire the best for me. Rest assured she’s going to be praying for me even if she’s on a subway or in a laundry mat (which she has done). The friend that everyone should have and the kind that everyone needs.

Cheryl: A friendship that spans over 20 years started at the altar. (Yes, you can form friendship at the altar too) A true gem of a friend that does not need daily communication but, know that she will make herself readily available once needed. To know Cheryl is to love her instantly because her beautiful spirit will welcome you.

Kadeish: I can’t recall how our friendship started but, we have been on this friendship trail for a very long time. She has been my late night chat mate and texter. We know each other so well that often times we are able to finish each other sentences. A friend who knows me inside out she’s and not afraid to express her opinion whether I like it or not.

Tahira: The apple of my eye. The niece I prayed for growing up I wanted a little sister to dress up and comb her hair. I got my little sister in the form of my beautiful and sweet niece. So proud of who she’s becoming currently in her final year in University.

Melecia: We had our first encounter in college, then we became group mates. It was an instant click as we both shared the same seriousness as it relates to our studies. Truly, a great friend and supporter who will defend me to the core. Oh, and very miserable!

Arthur: A one of a kind friend who goes beyond his call of duty to help those in need. A no nonsense person who is not afraid to say it as he sees it. A friend that can be rough on me at times, but I know he means me well. No doubt his love for God and his family is admirable.

Errol: The friend who will keep you laughing in other words never a dull moment when he’s around, but knows when to be serious. How can I forget he can sometimes be miserable but a very cool guy and will show up when you need him.

Israel: Coming all the way from Pentecostal Gospel Temple 111. A friend who I can always look to for encouragement and genuine advice a friend who is true to his words.

Hokeef: We were always teased about who was the best at putting away food whether at camp or group outings. Of course, I would always hold the title at the time. I’ve seen where God has elevated & blessed him tremendously.

Dain: The cousin who is more like a brother to me (the Bride). My little protector growing up and still is. Always in my corner.

Tributes & Wishes

Nickola is a pearl of great price. Anyone whose life she has touched can only agree. She is deeply devoted to those whom she has allowed a space into her heart. She wears her feelings on her sleeve not leaving anyone to guess what her heart is saying. She often bares her soul through the art of skillfully crafted words that reflect the truths in her heart and hit the intended mark.

Displaying remarkable tenacity and grace, Nickola has been many things to many people. To her mother she is a tower of strength, a helper, and one who cares deeply for her well being. To her friends she is more than a friend. She not only walks the paths of joy with her friends but also stays close when sadness looms. She has shouldered the burdens of others while battling to manage her own. Her willingness to help where needed most, sometimes in inconceivable ways, is noteworthy. She is the kind of woman, sister, aunt, friend, and daughter that makes life more meaningful.

One can easily conclude that Lady Nickola, who is usually donning fashionable outfits and craftily put together hairstyles, hasn’t had an easy life. But this rose has been pruned by struggle, hardship, and others of life’s pains. Thankfully, her intimate encounters with hardship have served to make her determined and courageous. She is a fighter in the ways that matter most and is definitely not a broken rose. This tender plant has withstood intense pruning and is now blooming a bloom that carries the fragrance of love in all its facets.

Without reservation I can say that my friend, Nickola, is ready for whatever is next. She was, perhaps, born ready Love and the light of God will be her guide today, tomorrow, and always.


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Nickola and Charles as they celebrate this happy day in love. As you both grow old together, remember that the heart that loves is always young. So never fail to remember to stay young at heart together. There is no remedy for love but to love more


With bated breath I waited for the opportunity to say these words, "Congratulations Charles”, I am so elated about what God has done!" Indeed, my heart is filled with gratitude to God. Charles, I have watched you being processed for such a time as this and I know that in this season you will reap God's blessings in abundance. The love, care and compassion I have seen you display and benefited from speaks volumes about the type of husband you will be to your beautiful bride.

God bless you now and always. May His blessings in abundance be in, above, around your marriage put Jesus at the center and it will last. I raise a hallelujah to a long and lasting love. I am honoured to celebrate this grand occasion with you both!


Charles and I have been friends for over 5 years. I find him to be a very humble and kind hearted young man. I must say Nickola you have found yourself a best friend, a man of God and an awesome husband. I am so happy to celebrate this day with you both.


I have been privileged to have been chosen by Nickola years ago, when she approached me during a church youth camp and thus began our journey as friends.

We have been present for each other’s milestones, disappointments, challenges and successes. In every obstacle Nickola had, she remained determined to get the best for herself. I’ve watched her growth, seen her fears dispelled when God moved in His way with the right timing. Her story is an amazing one I’ve been honoured to have a firsthand view of. I admire her resilience and the way she refuses to take her eyes off the prize, and sure enough you can see all her treasures in the people she has with her. Nickola, as you take this bold and beautiful step to don the title of wife, I know you will embody Proverbs 31 and have a blessed marriage. I have no doubts that the children of your union will indeed call you “blessed.” Cheers to your wonderful journey with Charles, he has found a precious gem.


Nickola has truly been a faithful and remarkable friend. It warms my heart to see that God has favored her, as she rightly deserves. She is such a gem; she waited patiently to be selected and picked out by the one God kept for her. Nickola you deserve nothing less than the best.

Nickola & Charles, may your heart be warm and happy with the lilt of loud laughter every day in every way, and forever and ever after. Let your love endure beyond the last sunset. May you grow old together on one pillow. May the light of friendship guide your paths together. May the laughter of children grace the halls of your home. May the joy of living for one another trip a smile from your lips a twinkle from your eye. May your love last forever. Cheers to a long & lasting love.


Congratulations my friend and brother. I have always admired your meekness, your gentleness and your raw love for the Lord. I am so happy for you on this momentous occasion


Charles and Nickola this is your day, the day that the Lord had prepared for you even before you met. I wish you both the very best as you begin this new chapter. Congratulations and every blessing in your marriage.

Nickola is one of the dearest friends I have in my life. Our relationship is quite unique where we love on each other.

She has the ability to just know when her friends are hurting and will do anything, even the "goofiest" things, to put a smile on her friend's face.

My wish for you Nickola and Charles, is that you both grow to love each other. Marriage is not always easy and it’s based on the willingness to understand each other's feelings and when that is not possible with the naked eye, both revert the case to God who is the author finisher of their faith. I pray your union will bless others (ie, be an inspiration.


Nickola, has been a dear friend to me for over 20 years. We met at my home church, it was during the Altar Service that we held hands and prayed for each other and ever since then we have been inseparable friends. I am constantly smiling as I recall the countless moments we have shared in our prolonged friendship. Ever since the day I met Nickola, she has remained the same. She is loyal, kind, a no nonsense person, caring, and forgiving. She highly respects friendship; she does not take it lightly. She remembers every birthday, wedding anniversary, children’s birthdays, and every milestone worthy of mention, I don’t know how she does it but she never misses a single one, even when I forget. Sir Charles, you have been blessed with a wife that is very creative. She is a natural caregiver, I have observed her caring for her niece, Angel, since she was a baby until she became an adult, who by the way stands beside her today as well. She cares deeply for her mother and ensures that she has all she needs. We have


been there for each other through some very rough times, we have cried together and dried each other’s tears. She stuck with me through the good times and the bad. You can always count on her to be there. Girl, you are a true woman of God, and the Lord, who is wise in all His ways, blessed you with an equally true man of God in the form of Mr. Charles Phillip, so you can both serve and be a blessing to each other and those around you. You deserve to be loved by a true man of God. I thank God for making you smile again; you deserve this and so much more. Nickola, I am so honoured to stand beside you and serve you today. You stood beside me and supported me 16 years ago when the Lord Jesus Christ blessed me with the love of my life. You deserve every blessing that the Lord Jesus Christ has in His perfect timing presented to you. The one whom your soul loves, your missing rib, the man that will be one with you forever. You cried, you prayed, you fasted and waited on the Lord Jesus Christ and He has honoured you with Charles, the one He kept just for you until it was time. May the Lord bless and keep you both in love and happiness, and give His peace continually.

Congratulations Charles on this wonderful journey. May the true love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.


Bridal Party

Maid of Honor - Davina McDonald

Maid of Honor Kadeish Burke Dixon

Bridesmaid – Tahira Ellis

Bridesmaid Cheryl Thompson

Bridesmaid Melecia Hewitt

Best Man - Arthur Harriott

Best Man Israel Wilson

Groomsman Hokeef Francis

Groomsman Dain Allen

Groomsman Errol McKenzie


➢ Welcome and Opening Remarks Master of Ceremonies Shawn Gordon

Introduction of the Bridal Party

Entrance of Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Nickola Phillips

Blessing of the cake and meal Careen Fisher

Musical selection Jewel Stubbs

Unveiling of the cake - Sandra Hyman & Mrs. Sharon Phillips

➢ Cutting of Cake Bride and Groom


Mother of the Bride Desrine McIntyre

Mother of the Groom Camillia Smith

Bride - Davina McDonald

Kadiesh Burke Dixon

Tamickia Anderson

Bridesmaids - Owen Bell

Maid of Honors Bride

Groom Arthur Harriott

Mark Smith

Groomsmen Patrene Davis Walcott

Best men Julieann Eccleston

The newlywed toast Bride and Groom

The shoe game Bride and Groom

Couple’s First Dance

Groom’s Reply

Tossing of Bouquet

Closing Prayer Richard McDonald

Dear family and friends thank you for celebrating with us!

Thank you for the support, encouragement, love and laughter that you bring to our lives. You have helped to make us who we are,and for that we are forever grateful.

Continue to pray for us as we go on this journey.


Nickola and Charles

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