Adore Pin Up Magazine - Issue 9 July/August 2015

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Shannon Brooke Mitzi & Co.’s Australia & NZ Tour Tina Joy Teer Wayde Acid Doll Nashville Boogie Sabina Kelley Cooly Rocks On + More!

Issue 9 July / August 2015 ADORE PIN UP 1

AUS. 2015 QUEENSLAND - SEMI FINAL Friday July 10th New Globe Theatre

220 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Doors 7.30, show at 8pm


Saturday Aug 8th The Judith Wright Centre Level 2/420 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Doors at 7.30, show at 8pm


For more information visit



On the cover

Editor’s letter Welcome to Issue 9


of Adore Pin Up! For

Brianna Blackhart


those who know me I am all about setting


and smashing goals, and I have my own little

Alyssa Hanley

secret list of people I

Designed by

would love to feature in the mag. At the

Brianna Blackhart

very top was Cherry

Featured writers

Dollface, so I can’t tell

Alyssa Kitt, Pearl Davies,


Teer Wayde & Emily Russ

photography Paulifornia

you how excited I was when she said she wanted to shoot for us, and then again when I got to ask her a whole bunch of questions for our interview. If you’d love to have a little chat with Cherry too, make sure you check

Featured interviews

out her Australian and NZ tour dates. More of my top-of-the-list

Shannon Brooke, Sabina Kelley,

artists I am thrilled to bring you this month include American pin

Miss Britty Leigh, Cherry

up photographers Shannon Brooke and Mitzi & Co. Photography.

Dollface & Tina Joy

Our subeditor Alyssa was lucky enough to shoot with Shannon on her trip to the US last month for the Burlesque Hall of Fame, and

Get in touch

she has shared her experience with us in a lovely article. We can’t

wait to see the photos that came out of it! Of course we are always

all about our local talent, and some of the Australian artists in this

issue include Pearl Davies who continues her US roadtrip with coverage of Nashville Boogie, our regular curvy fashion columnist


ACID D OL L photography Sarina Mannaert

Teer Wayde, burlesque starlet Tina Joy and the talented Pinned Photography. Enjoy!

- Brianna Blackhart

© 2015 Adore Pin Up and the contributors. All rights reserved. Strictly no reproduction without prior permission by the editor. Proudly produced and printed in Australia.




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Shannon Brooke’s

A selection of work from her first book with Working Class Publishing, featuring Nico Jones, Kelly Eden, Jenna Sherrill and Marion Massacre Interview by Alyssa Kitt


NICO JONES photography Shannon Brooke Imagery styling Heathyr Lawrence muah Jennifer Corona art direction Todd Huber wardrobeADORE Lucky PIN13 UP 9

Shooting with Shannon A LY SS A K I T T, S A C R A M E N TO, C A L I F O R N I A


ou know those perfect mornings

Her versatility and technical skill has

I feel like it’s a cliché question but I also

when you wake up slowly after an

also spanned across fashion, music and

feel like I just can’t avoid it, “Why pin

excellent sleep? This was not one of

advertising work, with a client list too

up? Did your love for vintage inspire

those mornings. It’s still dark when my

long to begin to summarise.

you to take up portrait photography professionally, or did you find your

alarm begins screaming in my face and

interest in pin up along the way?”

I come to the realisation that I had set

As I fly into Sacramento and make my

it for 6.30 am Los Angeles time, and

way into her beautiful apartment, I see

I’m meant to be downstairs at my hotel

stacks of boxes containing her new

“Honestly, I love vintage fashion. I also

shuttle bus, not still curled up in soft

book ‘GIRLS,’ with a dreamy golden

love how the art of pin up can bring

sheets. Get up you blazing fool! I tell

embossed copy sitting casually on top.

out the confidence and strength in a

myself before leaping into my pre-laid,

The book itself feels divinely decadent,

woman. Back when I was in college, I

comfortable but cute pin up uniform of

with a turquoise material cover and

admired the work of Vargas, Elvgren,

black Deadly Dames capri pants and a

thicker than thick pages.

and Driben, giving me lighting and posing inspiration for my own work. I

floral Alannah Hill cardigan. Shannon is hot on the tails of releasing

learned from studying their work.”

Rushing through the airport is my

her first solo publication ‘GIRLS’. The

Shannon answers while trying on my

least favourite thing to do, but there

book, released through Working Class

favourite pair of yellow Pared Puss in

is no way in hell I’m missing this flight.

Publishing, brings together the iconic

Boots sunglasses, which look so good

After executing my sweetest smile to

models that are at the centre of her

on her that she immediately jumps

the security team, I finally jump on a

work. These “faces that have defined

online to buy a pair of her own (on sale,

short flight to Sacramento, California,

her career”, include Sabina Kelley,

of course! I quietly raise my fists and

to shoot with one of the best pin up

Masuimi Max, Kelly Eden (pictured), Gia

curse to the shopping Gods).

photographers in the world, Shannon

Genevieve and many more. Part of her style is about combining

Brooke Imagery. “I’m so glad you could come up here to

vintage glamour with modern design.

Flying dreamily over the rocky Yosemite

shoot,” Shannon says excitedly, while

So how does one describe the way you

cliffs, I muse upon the images that I first

introducing me to her hair and makeup

approach that combination?

saw of Shannon’s work. Both neoclassical

team. In all actuality, I’m completely

black and white monochromatic faces,

awestruck to be shooting with one of

“Keep it simple. I like to keep my

and eye-popping colours, come to mind.

my photographic idols. Her pictures

composition, lighting, and colour

have moulded the modern pin up

palette simple! It makes for a clean

Shannon Brooke is one of the most

world. While Shayna Rae begins rolling

and legible image that can speak

beloved names in modern pin up

my hair, my barrage of questions begin!

to anyone.” This use of simplicity is so evident when we turn up at

photography. Based in LA and shooting freelance worldwide, her work has

“How long have you been working as a

our first location. It’s sweltering hot

been integral to the generation of

photographer?” I ask, while looking up

in Sacramento as we roll up to the

photographers that have defined the

at all the massive prints adorning her

most gorgeous bed and breakfast. A

place for the pin up style in modern

polished cement walls. “Hmm, I started

romantic room with streams of natural

photography and the 21st century world.

shooting when I was 18 and I’m 34 now

light beaming through pink stained

She has shot the covers of over 50

and I can’t do math,” Shannon chuckles.

glass windows. It’s a perfect pin up

magazines, and worked with many of the

Jasmine Cardenas, our makeup artist,

equation: stunning room + sexy lingerie

top models, celebrities and designers in

whips her calculator out and shouts

+ curvaceous cutie (that’s me) + dream

the retro culture industry and beyond.

“16 years!”

photographer = ART!


K E L LY E D E N photography Shannon Brooke Imagery hair Danielle June location Switched On Audrey wardrobe Pretty Attitude


I always took this seriously, and I couldn’t stop shooting once I learned the ropes. I also paid for my own schooling, so I told myself ‘You better make this work!’ Luckily, I am so passionate about photography that it ’s all I needed to keep going.


K E L LY E D E N photography Shannon Brooke Imagery hair Danielle June location Switched On Audrey wardrobe Pretty Attitude


JENNA SHERRILL photography Shannon Brooke Imagery muah Jennifer Corona wardrobe Mantrap 1989 ADORE PIN UP 14

MARION MASSACRE photography Shannon Brooke Imagery muah Jennifer Corona

effortless style and relaxed

As she drops me off at the airport to fly back to L.A. I ask with a little whimper, “Can we look forward to seeing you in could be a highlight, but it begs the question to be asked. “What has been Australia any time soon?”

demeanour is made only better by

your personal favourite moment in

her determination and hard work.

your career so far?”

We get down to business shooting.

Flipping through Shannon’s portfolio

There is an infectious flow of

of images, it seems like every shoot

photographic energy, and Shannon’s

“Do you feel like there was a moment when you knew this wasn’t just a

“Making GIRLS has been the highlight

hobby, but was going to be a career

of my career. It was my dream to

for you? Do you have any advice for

publish my own book, and the

photographers looking to make that

moment is finally here. Pinch me! As

brave step from hobby to work?” I ask.

for past milestones, I would say that working for West Coast Choppers, Hot Topic Inc., having a gallery showing at Kat Von D’s Wonderland, and photographing Avril Lavigne have been some pretty big moments!”

“There was a moment like that! I believe it was in 2005 when I met my makeup artist Jennifer Corona. We shot Heidi Van Horne one afternoon for one of my school projects, and the shoot came together so well. The lighting, the styling, and the location. I finally had all the elements to shoot an image “worthy” to show as my unique style.” “I always took this seriously, and I couldn’t stop shooting once I learned the ropes. I also paid for my own schooling, so I told myself ‘You better make this work!’ Luckily, I am so passionate about photography that

Our shoot concludes on a rooftop overlooking Sacramento, lips painted blue as the sky in a stunning handmade gown by Rita Fontaine. I just want to stay longer and soak up all of Shannon’s stories. For me, one of the best moments is meeting someone who you truly admire, getting to work with them, and learning that they are not only incredibly talented, but also one of the nicest people I’ve met.

“I hope to come overseas next year for a possible gallery be announced! I love all my Aussie gals, especially my Deadbeat Magazine family. I can’t wait to come shoot in your country again. It’s one of my favourite places in the world!” Shannon Brooke + Australia + outback landscape + Aussie pin ups = sounds like another perfect pin up equation in the making. But for now, we’ll all have to wait until she announces her trip dates.

Purchase GIRLS at Find Shannon online shannonbrookeimagery @shannon_brooke

it’s all I needed to keep going.” ADORE PIN UP 15


photography Mitzi & Co. muah Heather Moss wardrobe Straight Cut Clothing ADORE PIN UP 16

M I T Z I & CO. P H OTO G R A P H Y ’ S

models Jennie, Bettie Butcher, Soda Fontaine, Meg Wilson, Francie Flathead, Lila Luxx and Madeleine Mayhem muah Heather Moss


B E T T I E B U TC H E R photography Mitzi & Co. muah Heather Moss ADORE PIN UP 18

S O DA F O N TA I N E photography Mitzi & Co. muah Heather Moss wardrobe Steady Clothing car owner Kenny Harrison – 46 Fleetmaster


photography Mitzi & Co. muah Heather Moss location Ol’ Skool Garage



photography Mitzi & Co. muah Heather Moss location Ol’ Skool Garage


F R A N C I E F L AT H E A D photography Mitzi & Co. muah Heather Moss location Ol’ Skool Garage



photography Mitzi & Co. muah Heather Moss


MADELEINE M AY H E M photography Mitzi & Co. muah Heather Moss





Pearl Davies roadtrips to the first Nashville Boogie Vintage Weekend Photography & words by Pearl Davies Studios Nashville, Tennessee had their first inaugural

North Carolina born roots rock ‘n’ roll artist Nikki Hill

Nashville Boogie Weekender this past May.

took the winning pie of the entertainment for Pearl.

Organiser Jason Galaz of Muddy Roots Records put

After blowing Australian audiences away with her

together an impressive musical line-up in celebration

crowd favorite set at Byron Bay’s Bluesfest, Nikki then

of the 40’s and 50’s sound that Nashville was

flew to perform at the Boogie. Hill independently

built on. Rockabilly, Country, Western Swing, Hillbilly

released her debut album ‘Here’s Nikki Hill’ in 2013,

Boogie and Blues were just a few of the genres

with her second due for release this year.

catered for. Along side this he added an indoor car show, a vintage fashion show presented by

“The first Nashville Boogie Vintage Weekender was

Nashville designer Riley Reed, and a designer line-

a huge success, which put us as a respectful top 3

up spanning from Nashville to Denmark to Russia.

contender of all vintage rockabilly events worldwide.

Designers had local models and pin up pageant

We are truly honored and excited to be able to

entrants sweep across the ballroom floor of the

honor the music and culture we hold so near and

Opryland Resort, which holds seventeen restaurants,

dear to our hearts, and rebuild a stronghold for it

nine acres of indoor gardens and waterfalls, three

here in Nashville, the way it was in the 1950’s. We’ve

pools, one hundred and fifty-two meeting spaces,

expanded the days of the 2016 event and added

and six, yes six lavish ballrooms. Designers included

stages. The line-up is going to be ridiculous...” –

the amazing talents of Fables by Barrie (California)

Jason Galaz, Organiser of the Nashville Boogie

who quotes that “Old school glam belongs to

and Operator of Muddy Roots Music. For more

all ladies in all their glorious forms”, Katy K Ranch

information about the 2016 Nashville Boogie, head

Dressing (Nashville), American label Tatyana (Russia),


Ellie Monster and Riley Reed (both of Nashville). ADORE PIN UP 25

Miss Nashville Boogie Host

Sabina Kelley



s a judge and co presenter alongside Nashville’s own King Dado (UVUDU? Imaging and Music City Burlesque) for this years inaugural Miss Nashville Boogie; international super model, television personality, business owner and mummah of 3 Sabina Kelley is taking life by the balls in showing us that with hard work, determination and a dream you can do anything. In Sabina’s case, by the looks of it, that means E V E R Y T H I N G! Pearl Davies chatted with Kelley about her growing entrepreneurial success, how it is possible to be a successful heavily inked business woman, having a plan B, and her passion on a family first motto.


“ I’m a Super Momdel...I’m a single

mom and have dreams I still want to conquer. I have just learned to balance my life very well. It’s not easy, but I just don’t screw around. I use all my time wisely. Obviously no matter what family is first.

PEARL: How did you start your modelling career, and did you know you would become so successful? SABINA: I never wanted to be a model, modelling just kind of fell into my lap. I was asked to shoot for the cover of Car Kulture Deluxe Magazine and my career just snowballed from there. I was really good at modelling and just followed my heart and my own style and became successful being myself. PEARL: You own and run your own tattoo removal studio Bombshell Tattoo Removal in Las Vegas. What inspired you to put this together, did you want something removed yourself? SABINA: I opened up BTR as a plan B, if I could no longer model after the birth of my last child. I owned a tattoo shop and in no way could be a tattoo artist, but wanted to do something that had to do with the industry. A lot of people I know were wanting to get tattoos removed, so I went to school for it. BTR has been going strong for 7 years now. [You can check out Bombshell Tattoo Removal at] PEARL: You have been performing alongside Playmate of the Year and talented performer Claire Sinclair in the PinUp production at the Stratosphere in Las Vegas, as well as headlining the show yourself. What kind of training and rehearsals were involved leading up to its launch, and what do you like best about the production? SABINA: I trained for about a month before I went into the show. The show is extremely easy for me. I have a very strong dance background, so stepping into a role designed for a non dancer made the show easy to learn. I’m in the process of having them let me dance more when I’m in the show. I do like how fun the show is. We have a great cast and the show is super cute. Definitely a show you won’t want to miss. PEARL: You are a judge on ‘Best Ink’ and see a lot of artistic talent around. Who would be your top 3 favourite tattoo artists, and what

sets them apart from others in their field? SABINA: 1. Nixx @Nixx383 2. Chuey Quintanar @ChueyQuintanar 3. Franco Vescovi @Franco_Vescovi These three artists all have a unique style that is rare and incredible. They’re work is so clean, sharp, and perfect! PEARL: You are a busy entrepreneur, a performer, you have your own successful business, you are a model and also a mummy. How do you handle your busy schedule and take care of your little cutie pies? SABINA: I’m a Super Momdel, lol! I really don’t have a choice, I’m a single mom and have dreams I still want to conquer. I have just learned to balance my life very well. It’s not easy, but I just don’t screw around. I use all my time wisely. Obviously no matter what family is first.

about women in the modelling industry having tattoos, and about those that may oppose it? SABINA: I am the first heavily tattooed showgirl to headline on the Las Vegas strip. It still is not acceptable in the high fashion world for models to have tattoos, so if you truly want to be a [high fashion] model, do NOT get tattooed. Being tattooed will not make you a model, and will just make it a million times harder to model. PEARL: What are your life goals as an international model? Is there anyone you would want to shoot with or advertise with? As a public figure, what message do you want to send out into the universe? SABINA: Obviously you can’t model forever, and I’m lucky I have made a big name for myself. My biggest modelling goals are to shoot with Ellen Von Unwerth in couture clothes, on the cover of Vogue. My main message as a model is that you can still be heavily tattooed and still be sexy, classy, and a business woman. PEARL: You managed the pin up pageant at this year’s inaugural Nashville Boogie, and had 11 finalists. What was the application process for this competition and what did you like most of all out of the event?

Pearl Davies with Sabina Kelley, Clair Sinclair and fellow cast members at a showing of PinUp. PEARL: Your first tattoo was a horseshoe on the back of your neck, accompanied with a dead swallow, the number 13, flowers and flames. To date, what would be your favourite piece of tattoo artwork that you have, where is it located and what tattoo artist did it for you? SABINA: My favourite tattoo has to be the 3 roses on my neck, one for each of my little ones, which was done by Chuey Quintanar. PEARL: You are the first heavily inked showgirl to perform in Las Vegas. What are your thoughts

SABINA: The Nashville Boogie PinUp Pageant was a lot of fun, I can’t wait for next year’s. The application process was open to any pin up model. Then all the models were posted on Facebook and the 11 with the most votes moved into the pageant. All the girls in the pageant were so cute and fun, it was a blast. I was excited for a dope event to finally be in one of my favorite cities ever, Nashville. PEARL: A lot of women look up to you as an inspiration. If you could get them all in one room (and lets face it, it would need to be football fields of rooms), what would you say to them? SABINA: I would say follow your dreams and be yourself. Don’t ever try to be just like any famous model you look up to, because the world does not need another copy. It needs an original. ADORE PIN UP 27

e l l i v h s Miss Na e i g oo B

PIN UP CONTEST WINNER MISS BRITTY LEIGH As a Nashville local and after patrons flocked nation wide and from across the waters to attend, Miss Britty Leigh, winner of this years Miss Nashville Boogie, spreads light and much love on how it felt to win her very first pageant, how the bliss of her fellow contestants made her feel comfortable in the skin she’s in, as well as the excitement of her winning photo session with international photographer sensation Shannon Brooke. ADORE PIN UP 28

PEARL: What do you do for work

I actually won from Unique Vintage

some good people and if so, who

Miss Britty?

through Instagram or Facebook. The

stood out to you?

hat that helped complete the look was

BRITTY: I am the Director of Customer

from the 1950s and I snagged it on

BRITTY: I did! Every single one of the

Relations for a financial company. I

eBay. I’m pretty sure it was meant for a

ladies that competed was so incredible.

also perform as a variety of princesses

child, but I somehow managed to keep

We even have a private group on

at birthday parties and other events.

it on my noggin.

Facebook so that everyone can keep in touch. There was a lot of friendliness

PEARL: As a Nashville local how

PEARL: As part of the pageant,

and support throughout the moments

did it feel winning a pageant that

each finalist were required to do a

leading up to the pageant and it

people travelled world wide to

swimsuit change of costume. Were

certainly followed afterwards.

take part in?

you comfortable with this and how

BRITTY: It really made the moment that

do you feel costume changes fit in

PEARL: A wonderful prize of the

with a pageant contest?

competition was winning a photo shoot with Shannon Brooke. How

much more special for me (if that’s even possible!) It’s still amazing to

BRITTY: At first, I was a nervous about

excited were you and how did the

me that so many people flock to our

having to be in a bathing suit in front

shoot go?

little city, too. I’m so happy that the

of a big crowd of people. I think that

Nashville Boogie is helping do that!

the other ladies and I bonded on the

BRITTY: The shoot happened almost

nerves from this and it made it a lot

immediately after the pageant

PEARL: There were 10 finalists (I

easier. I also think that the costume

concluded. I was a mixture of nervous

actually counted 11 on the day,

changes helped show a little more of

and excited because Shannon Brooke

the more bliss the better), for the

our personalities more than our bodies.

has worked with so many models that

Nashville Boogie Pinup pageant,

Everyone seemed to dress according

I admire and her work is phenomenal.

what did you need to do to take

to their style and taste, which I really

Once we started shooting, all of

part and become a finalist?

enjoyed. Luckily, I checked my suit

my nerves vanished because she

the night before and noticed the back

is an absolute doll, not to mention

BRITTY: In order to register for the

wasn’t all that secure, so I had to

ridiculously talented. We’ve been in

contest, we had to purchase our ticket

make sure the back was pinned before

communication since the shoot and

to the Boogie, fill out a questionnaire,

running out so that there wasn’t a

she continues to extend her kindness

and submit a photo. The first round of

wardrobe malfunction. Ha!

towards me.

contest that began at the beginning of

PEARL: How did you feel about the

PEARL: As a successful pinup model

March. The top 10 ladies with the most

contestant questions that were

and someone we look up to – what

likes on their submitted photo by April

asked throughout the competition?

message do you have for the world?

1st moved on to the next round. Due

What question(s) were you asked

to a little miscommunication, 11 ladies

and did you think they were

BRITTY: Oh my goodness! That’s

were allowed to take the stage.

relevant to the competition?

incredibly kind to say. Thank you. Two

PEARL: Your outfit choices were

BRITTY: I think that King Dado does

the present messages floating in my

amazing. What were you trying to

a great job pulling out real answers

head are: “Have courage and be kind”

represent and where did you get

from the contestants. He’s able to

- Cinderella, 2015, and “A day without

them from, or did you make them

get past the phony responses and

laughter is a day wasted” - Charlie


let personalities shine. I was asked

Chaplin. Also, I think it’s really important

the competition was a Facebook “like”

of my favorite quotes that help sum up

something along the lines of what pin

to love yourself and treat yourself

BRITTY: Thank you so much! I really

up meant to me. I wasn’t able to hear

kindly. Life is short and you mustn’t

enjoy making felt skirts with a little

much of what the other ladies were

waste it by trying to fit into a mould that

extra character, so I decided to make

asked, but from speaking with them

someone else has carved out.

one with square dancers reminiscent

after, they all seemed to be related to

of the dancers on the Nashville Boogie

the pin up community.

flyers. It took several hours, but it turned out just like I had envisioned it

PEARL: Pageants and competitions

(how often does that happen?!) The top

are well known and popular for

was a vintage square dancing shirt from

peer bonding and making industry

Rusted Rags & Relics. The bathing suit

contacts and friends. Did you meet




photography Paulifornia muah & styling Cherry Dollface


Cherry Dollface is truly a queen of the Rockabilly scene. Her modelling career began in 2005 when a photographer snapped a photo of her at Viva Las Vegas, and it made it onto the cover of Ol’ Skool Rodz Magazine. It’s been up and up for her from there, and Cherry has cemented herself as one of the top names in modern pin up, with an impressive portfolio, an array of business partnerships, and a huge, dedicated online fan base. Cherry particularly found popularity with the YouTube channel she started in 2011. She uploads regular videos ranging from hair and makeup tutorials, styling tips, modelling advice, lifestyle content and personal video blogs. She now has over 280,000 subscribers to her channel, and tours the world teaching hair and makeup classes and hosting photo shoot sessions. In late July to early August 2015, Cherry is bringing her classes back to Australia, after the popularity of last year’s visit. She is adding more cities to her trip this time ‘round, with dates set for Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Townsville and New Zealand, including appearances at the Brisbane and Melbourne Greazefest events. ADORE: What were the highlights of your trip to Australia last year, and what do you hope to see or experience this time? CHERRY: The people! Seriously, every Australian that I met was so nice and funny. Petting six koalas was definitely a close second though. Last time I was only in Sydney and Newcastle, so this time I really hope to experience more of the culture of the whole country since I will be doing so many different cities! ADORE: What can one expect from a hair and makeup class or a photo session with you? CHERRY: Lots of silly dances and laughs! I also pack a TON of information, tips, tricks, and questions into the 3-hour sessions. I try to be as positive and helpful as I can while also making it a fun experience and not just another boring class! No one wants to feel like they are in school again. I feel like I provide a sort of class cabaret! ADORE: On your mission to help girls feel beautiful, you don’t only focus on outer beauty. What in your view is the connection between pin up and vintage culture, and body positivity and self-love? How do you try and encourage that connection? CHERRY: I feel that pin up is for everyone. All body types, shapes, ages, races, confidence levels... Any girl can do it, rock it, and feel amazing. I would say 9 out of 10 first time girls come in insanely nervous and ready to throw up and run away... and when they leave, they are super confident ADORE PIN UP 32

and excited to do it again! I just try to make girls feel their most beautiful selves and also relaxed. I love encouraging girls as much as I can! ADORE: You are also quite community-focused, and have been encouraging ‘Dollface Deeds of the Week’ on your social media pages, which involves doing specific things to help out other people, from small stuff like letting people in in traffic, to thanking someone who has inspired you. Can you tell us a bit about these deeds and why you decided to start posting them? CHERRY: I just see so much negativity online and in the world. I travel a lot and I see the general rudeness in humans these days so I figured I would try to put something out there with a positive spin. It’s fun to try to encourage people to be more thoughtful and mindful of other humans. It feels good to do nice things for each other for no reward other than knowing you weren’t an asshole that day. It’s a win/win. I have gotten a really great response from it too... I think even the most thoughtful person sometimes needs a little reminder, and I hope that my deeds are useful! ADORE: With all the time you spend on the road, how do you try to stay grounded to home and family? CHERRY: I am really lucky to have an amazingly supportive husband. He is a musician and is on the road almost as much as I am, so we both understand what it is like to be on the road and we are both really good at communicating and making each other feel missed and loved. He is my rock and there is no way I could do so much of what I do without him. I also send daily tour diaries back home to my family and best friends so that they can share in what I am seeing, and it helps to make me feel connected. ADORE: What are your favourite travel essentials and crucial pin up beauty or fashion items that you always pack in your suitcase on tours? CHERRY: Deodorant! Especially in Australia! So humid! Haha... but seriously, I am, like, the most insanely meticulous packer. I have two suitcases and one entire case is just my hair and makeup kit, so I only have one medium sized suitcase to fit all of my own clothes, hair, makeup, and toiletry stuff. I am usually on the road for 3-4 weeks at a time, so I have to really only take essentials. I take minis of whatever I can to save space. I try to do laundry when I can so I can minimize underwear, pyjamas, sweaters, jeans, etc. I scale down my makeup kit to the basic essentials I need for pin up makeup. I don’t bring any fun colors or palettes or anything bulky. It’s definitely the bare minimum of everything! ADORE: If you could pick one new country to take your classes on tour to, which would it be and why? CHERRY: Oh gosh! This is so hard! I would really love to do France or Spain, but I am really nervous to travel in a nonEnglish speaking country alone. It is hard enough in a



foreign country with all of my luggage and signs in English! But I have a lot of followers in non-English speaking countries and I would love to make it happen. Who knows... maybe one day!

ADORE: We’ve noticed that a lot of the Bomber Betty cosmetics that you are the face of are vegan products. Is animal welfare something you are passionate about?

ADORE: How many photos shoots do you think you would have done by now? Do any of your past photo shoots or other modelling experiences really stand out to you as particularly fun or special? What do you think are the most important ways that you have improved your modelling since starting out?

CHERRY: I try to use cruelty free as much as I possibly can. It was definitely important to me when putting my name on a product that it was cruelty free and paraben free. I want my girls to use good quality products!

CHERRY: Oh man... I don’t even know! I have been modelling for ten years so there have been hundreds of shoots! I think all of them are fun for their own reasons. I have gotten to work with so many fun, talented, interesting people. My favorite crew to work with is always Shannon Brooke (photographer), Jennifer Corona (MUA) and Danielle June (hair). We did a shoot last year for my cover of Deadbeat Magazine that was super fun. I tend to love the shoots I do that are a little bit different or weird! I can’t say that I have really improved since I am not a career model... but I definitely take more risks now. Since I only really do it for special projects these days, I am more likely to step out of my box! ADORE: What do you think you would have done for a career if you had never been snapped for that Old Skool Rodz cover back in ’05? CHERRY: Well modelling was never a career, so I am not sure how much that would have been different. But it definitely did lead to my YouTube and touring. So who knows! I have a business degree and I worked in film production before I started my YouTube channel. So perhaps I would be producing by now? CHERRY: Who are your favourite modern pin up girls that you’ve met? Oh man, there are so many! Honestly, I would say that 95% of the girls I meet are sweet as pie and we get along famously. Tess Holiday is probably my longest standing friend in the pin up world. She is a doll and cracks me up. Sabina Kelley is another old friend that is an absolute sweetheart. I shot with Bernie Dexter once and she was lovely as well.

ADORE: You’re also a spokesperson for Steady Clothing and have a dress named after you, which you actually personally designed. What was involved in that design process, and

“I guess my best

advice is to stay true to yourself, don’t sacrifice your morals and don’t fake something that isn’t you! People that watch you are going to want to see who YOU are, not who you think they want to see!

did anything or anyone in particular inspire the style you chose? CHERRY: I actually have a whole namesake line with Steady now! The design process is so fun. I go down to their offices and sort of bounce ideas around with their designer and also their owner. Then we sift through fabric samples and figure out which designs will be the most cost effective and what is viable. I am really inspired by atomic era 1950’s silhouettes. I love sexy, but still wearable. I love for my girls to feel like total bombshells wearing my designs! ADORE: You were one of the judges for the Miss Viva Las Vegas Pin Up Competition this year. What were the most important things you looked for when judging the competition?

CHERRY: Kindness and confidence! This year we had the advantage of a meet and greet before the actual contest so we really got the chance to get to know the girls. We chose girls who contribute to important causes and who had brains as well as beauty. I also looked for girls that got on stage and just showed a ton of personality and had fun! The hair, makeup, and clothing was pretty and we had separate categories for each, but the girl inside was what I was really looking at. Miss Victory Violet won and she totally deserved it. ADORE: Do you have any advice for girls who are not just aspiring to start pin up modelling, but who really want to take it to the next level, maybe with their own blog or videos, or turning it into more of a business for themselves? Any pin up monarch words of wisdom? CHERRY: I get asked this all of the time, and honestly a lot of the success I have had is just pure luck or being in the right place at the right time. I guess my best advice is to stay true to yourself, don’t sacrifice your morals and don’t fake something that isn’t you! People that watch you are going to want to see who YOU are, not who you think they want to see! ADORE: What do you plan to get up to after your Australian tour? (Other than sleep!) CHERRY: More sleep!! Haha. I am actually taking a weekend away in Napa with my girlfriends at a winery to just relax and get away from life for a few days. Then it is off to my fall tour and more planning for world domination! Cherry is holding her Australian and New Zealand workshops and photo sessions from the end of July until mid August. For more information and to book, email Cherry at Find Cherry Dollface online facebook/thecherrydollface @thecherrydollface ADORE PIN UP 35

photography Paulifornia






Queen featuring clothing by Bettie Page Clothing photography Mitzi & Co. Photography models Janelle (this page), Brittany Jean, Pinup Little Bit & Tara MiSioux muah Miss Rockwell DeVil



photography Mitzi & Co. muah Miss Rockwell DeVil wardrobe Bettie Page Clothing & Esther Williams Swimwear



photography Mitzi & Co. wardrobe Bettie Page Clothing



photography Mitzi & Co. wardrobe Bettie Page Clothing



photography Mitzi & Co. wardrobe Bettie Page Clothing




model, stylist & writer Teer Wayde photography Robin Elk Photography

This issue I wanted to focus on something that I’ve only recently started doing in the last two years. I’ve always been in super casual work roles, and have worn my own brand of comfortable, casual style outfits. In the past year, I’ve entered back into the corporate office environment and I’m having lots of fun mixing my work and pin up wardrobe together to create suitable outfits for the office that still have a lot of pin up flair. My office’s attire policy is smart casual, so I have a little more room to be creative and colourful, but each of these items can be adapted and worked into a more corporate style if need be. Two of my main work wardrobe staples are swing skirts and long sleeve blouses, both three-quarter and full length. A variety of these figure flattering and comfortable swing skirts, from knee length to tea length, can form the core items of your collection. Two great styles for everyday office wear are the Mandie Bee circle skirt from Heart of Haute, and the Yellow Plaid Aida Zak Natalia Skirt. Both create the perfect base to add printed or plain shirts, boat neck tops or any style combination you might create. The standard circle skirt shape works all year round, while the yellow woollen plaid skirt, complete with braces, offers the perfect winter warmth and looks amazing with stockings and boots. Each skirt featured is a size XL or a UK 16.

My go-to blouse choices for the office are scoop-neck basic cotton tees, and vintage inspired pussy bow blouses. Each offer a suitable amount of coverage, and for anyone tattooed like myself, this gives you the option to hide your ink beneath a longer sleeve. The Retro Red Long Sleeve Pussy Bow Top from Bonsai Kitten is figure flattering, soft and stretchy for all-day wear, and an amazing statement piece. Available in a variety of colours and prints, this top can take you from day to night with ease, and works perfectly with a structured black suit, offering that little pop of colour and vintage flair. The great thing about office separates is the ability to mix and match, so build a core selection of items in your favourite prints and colours. There is absolutely no need to feel drab or plain when you mix pieces like these into your collection. On my search for work friendly pin up dresses, I found a Canadian based retro inspired clothing lined named Cherry Velvet Plus. They create figure-flattering styles for sizes XS to 4X in a variety of stunning and fun prints. I instantly fell in love with the Brooke dress in a deep blue and black and stardust print, and I think this is a great option for the office. The higher bust lines on each Cherry Velvet dress means you don’t show off too much cleavage, which is an issue most large-busted and curvy girls tend to have. We don’t want to wear turtlenecks to work every day, but we also don’t want to have ‘too much’ on display. The Brooke dress offers just the right height in a sweetheart neckline and is comfortable enough to wear all day long. This dress is a short sleeve style, so I paired it with a black cotton Betty Bolero from Heart of Haute. Each dress featured is a size Large. ADORE PIN UP 47

I love mixing cute prints and pin up dresses into my work wardrobe, and if you pair these more dressy styles with a plain cardigan, bolero or wrap, you can instantly make it more work friendly. Top off the full look with a retro style trench coat and instantly transform into a film noir star. Not a fan of bold prints, but still want a stunning retro dress with less skin showing? Then the Daphne Dress from Cherry Velvet Plus will be perfect for you. The three-quarter-length sleeve swing style dress features a built in bolero or ‘crossover-style’ bust line to show just a hint of skin. The delicate pin dot print offers a much-loved pin up print in a more subtle and sweet way. The coverage of this style draws you in as it creates dynamic shapes and really flatters hourglass figures. If your office dress requirements are stricter and you need to wear a suit on a daily basis, why not play with shirt and suit combinations to show off your style? Heart of Haute have just released the stunning Diva Suit, which can be worn to the most elegant of offices. When paired with high waisted trousers and pussy bow blouses, you can create a sophisticated and stunning style with ease. Stores such as Collectif and Pinup Girl Clothing also offer fantastic tailored separates and high neck shirts perfect for wearing with suits and skirts. Don’t be afraid to let your creativity and style work its way into your office wardrobe. Our own personal style makes us more confident and can only help us enjoy life daily. So don’t be drab at work! Pop on a pussy bow blouse in a bright colour or step into your favourite swing skirt and feel amazing.

Outfit #1 details : Collectif Aida Zak Natalia Yellow Check Skirt - £47.50 Scoop neck tee models own. Bordello Teeze Black Velvet Platform Heels from Shoe Me Gorgeous- $98.00

Outfit #2 details : Heart of Haute Betty Bolero - $34.00 Cherry Velvet Plus Brooke Dress in Stardust - $148.00 Bordello Teeze Black Velvet Platform Heels from Shoe Me Gorgeous- $98.00

Outfit #3 details : Bonsai Kitten Retro Red, Long Sleeve Pussybow top - $69.00 MB Circle Skirt from Heart of Haute - $68.00

Outfit #4 details : Cherry Velvet Plus Daphne Dress in Black Pin Dot - $185.00 ADORE PIN UP 48


Don’t be afraid to let your creativity and style work its way into your office wardrobe. Our own personal style makes us more confident and can only help us enjoy life daily. ADORE PIN UP 49

M I SS E L LY Z A G R AY photography All About Pout Photography muah Bee Voss



An interview with burlesque performer Tina Joy


ina Joy is an international burlesque starlet and pin up model. Exuding glamour and grace, Tina Joy began nurturing her passion for burlesque and glamour in Australia, where she fell in love with the art of tease. She has shared her passion and finesse with audiences worldwide, and has taught burlesque locally in Brisbane, and recently in Malta. Currently residing in Europe, Tina Joy has now graced the world with her wonderful performances on international stages, and is soon to be involved in some of Europe’s most notorious burlesque festivals; The 2nd Annual Amsterdam Burlesque Award and The Stockholm Burlesque Festival. Tina Joy is also due to compete in the Galway Burlesque Festival in Ireland in September. Tina considers Europe to be a hub of talent and creativity, where the art of tease is recognised and appreciated by all who experience it, and says she is honoured to share what she loves with such audiences thirsty for entertainment.


ADORE: What inspired your move to

ADORE: You’ve obviously been

Europe, and where have you been

keeping busy performing, teaching

travelling and living since setting off?

and prepping for tours and competitions while overseas. Have

TINA: After an incredible one month

you also continued modelling

solo experience around Europe in

in Europe? Is it more difficult to

2014, I became inspired to immerse

accomplish all of this on the move?

myself in the history and culture of the continent. Since moving here I

TINA: Since I’ve arrived in Malta I have

have been residing in Malta, which

started a burlesque academy called

is a beautiful small island that acts

‘The Burlesque Boutique’, so I’ve been

as a very close (and luxurious)

incredibly busy teaching burlesque and

base for my showgirl travels. In two

glamour styling classes. It hasn’t left

months I’ll be travelling for three

much time for modelling, and there is

weeks around Northern Europe and

also a very small artistic scene on the

Scandinavia, and finalising my trip

island. But I must say that is has shown

in Galway, Ireland to compete for

me that the calibre of work that comes

the title of Star of the West for the

from some Australian photographers is

Galway Burlesque Festival. I’m also so

just incomparable – we have some truly

excited to announce that I have been

phenomenal talent, such as the likes

invited to perform at some of Europe’s

of Joel Devereux, Cam Attree, Jessica

biggest burlesque festivals; The

Eisner, Leather & Lace Creative, and

Stockholm Burlesque Festival and The

of course Pinned Photography who I

International Amsterdam Burlesque

collaborated with on this shoot, just to

Awards. I could have only dreamed of

name a few! I’m also so excited to be

these opportunities and I’m going to

working with the gorgeous Ayesha H in

need pinching to prove that it’s all real!

London in September.

photography Pinned Photography location The New Inchcolm Hotel



“ Australians are

SO much more expressive which I love, and I must admit that I do often miss the sounds of familiar voices screaming and hollering at me to ‘Take it off!’ Australian crowds win!

ADORE: Have you noticed any differences between Australian and European burlesque audiences? Or

we love. I love graceful, humble, gentle

who in the same year won the title of

women; but I love powerful, daring,

Miss Burlesque Australia AND Winner

fearless women even more.

of the best debut at The Burlesque Hall

ADORE: Can you tell us a bit about your favourite routines and what we might expect to see if we were lucky enough to be in the audience when you perform in Amsterdam, Stockholm and Galway City? TINA: My favourite routine is titled ‘Gal Moocher’. It’s a sparkly, sassy and classic inspired routine that I have performed on many wonderful stages,

of Fame in Las Vegas. The woman is a force to be reckoned with on stage, and absolutely mesmerising to watch. She’s also a sweetheart x10 who slept on my sofa once. ADORE: Do you have any advice for women wanting to try a burlesque class for the first time, or for new performers looking to improve and gain experience?

and I think the fact that I still get

TINA: My advice is to let go and have

butterflies every time I put my costume

fun! Where else in this world can you

on and share it with an audience is a

throw a sassy hair-flick like you’re

testament to my love for it!

in a Beyoncé music video, or stick sparkly things onto your nipples

ADORE: What is involved with

and be applauded? It’s an incredible

in venue?

preparing for an international tour

community of hilarious, supportive and

or big competition? Do you have to

creative individuals who love what they

TINA: I think naturally you can expect

make changes to your routines when

do, and we want you, the audience,

a variety of audiences in any venue, of

travel is involved?

to love it too! And don’t be surprised

do they just vary with any change

any city, in any country of the world. Some audiences are shy and others are

TINA: Well, showgirls don’t travel light!

ready to throw themselves on stage

The luggage is quite often bursting

with you in excitement! I remember

at the seams with Swarovski’s, glitter

performing at Cabaret Fledermaus in

and fabric (the essentials, of course). I

Vienna in November last year to the

personally love the idea of not knowing

biggest crowd I have ever performed to.

what to expect when you arrive in a

The venue was packed out wall to wall

new country to perform - what will the

and I could hear the noise of laughter

audience be like? How much do people

and reckless fun from backstage, and I

like their alcohol in this country? Do

remember thinking “This is going to be

you think they like going home with

wild!” But this few hundred something

glitter in their hair? Sometimes last

crowd of people stood mostly silent

minute dramas pop up and you have to

throughout my performance, and it

handle it the best way possible. When

wasn’t until after that I was bombarded

I performed in Italy last year my fellow

with compliments on how much

burlesque sister Vesper Julie was a

everyone enjoyed it. Australians are

star and drove me for blocks around

SO much more expressive which I love,

Rome trying to find a party shop that

and I must admit that I do often miss

could blow up balloons for my act that

the sounds of familiar voices screaming

evening after my earrings pierced holes

and hollering at me to ‘Take it off!’

in them!

Australian crowds win!

ADORE: Who are your favourite

ADORE: How would you describe

burlesque dancers that you have

your own “brand” of burlesque, and

seen perform and why?

where do you draw inspiration from?

TINA: Well, there are too many to name!

TINA: I’m inspired by the women of

And I am yet to see so many more. But I

yesterday who made it possible for

think I really must give the biggest

myself and others to do exactly what

applause to Zelia Rose (Melbourne),

if you learn more about yourself than you bargained for along the way... Striptease is magic. Follow Tina’s travels on Instagram! @tinajoyxo Find the Burlesque Boutique Academy, Malta at burlesqueboutiqueacademy

“I personally love the idea of not knowing what to expect when you arrive in a new country to perform... How much do people like their alcohol in this country? Do you think they like going home with glitter in their hair?


M I SS C H E R R Y P LU M photography Pinned Photography muah Kelly Bausch



M I K AY L A F O R S T E R photography & mua Pinned Photography hair Hairlines Hair Studio location Ocean View Motel, Coolangatta



Words and photos by Emily Russ


hen the temperature drops and the air gets its bite, thousands of rockabilly and vintage lovers descend upon tropical Coolangatta for the annual Cooly Rocks On Festival. From the 29th of May to the 8th of June, crowds soaked up the sun and enjoyed row upon row of vintage markets, all to a soundtrack of some of the country’s best rockabilly and swing bands. UK sensation Si Cranston headlined the festival, and top names including The Hi Boys, A Band Called Twang and The Satellites provided plenty of rock and roll for dancers and spectators to enjoy. Festival highlights included the street parade, Shannons Show ‘n’ Shine, the Poodle-Oodle Parade, the dance competition and the Miss Coolly Rocks On Vintage Glamour Pageant. This year, twelve lovely ladies competed for the title of Miss Cooly Rocks On, treating crowds to their vintage outfits and perfect pin up poses. Congratulations go to Miss Fifi La Rouge, who took out the competition and claimed the coveted sparkling tiara.


Emily Russ spoke to Miss Fifi La Rouge, who discussed how her love for vintage fashion and history, as well as her desire to meet new like-minded people, motivated her to enter the competition. “There is something so elegant about what women used to wear during the day and the effort they would put into dressing just to go out in public. I have to admit I’ve recently discovered that I have an addiction to collecting vintage hats! Vintage fashion was a big part of me learning to love myself and my body. It made me feel elegant and beautiful, and still does. Also, honouring our past and history is important. It makes us who we are. Whether it is personal, family, country or era, invest some time into your history – you will find it very rewarding.” Miss Fifi recommends the competition to all inspiring pin up girls: “If you’re considering entering Miss Cooly Rocks On next year, DO IT! There are no prerequisites. If you have a love for vintage glamour, just enter. You will meet so many beautiful people and have a blast in the process.”


In full

AC I D D O L L photography Sarina Mannaert Photography wardrobe Pinup Girl Clothing, The Seamstress of Bloomsbury, Sophisticated Lady Hair Accessories and earrings by Glitter Paradise



Doll, ‘Your Vintage Doll

Hollywood glamour, and ‘Acid’ was a

in Technicolor’, is an

way to break up the sweetness and

internationally published vintage

pay homage to her love for horror

model from Bosnia, currently living

movies, zombies, metal music and

in Belgium. She began modelling in

the macabre. Acid Doll considers

2002, and is a lover of timeless and

modelling as “truly artistic” and an

classic glamour, fascinated by vintage

avenue for “personal blooming”.

lingerie, high heels, old music-halls,

“Elegance and refinement are my

retro horror movies and silver screen

key words, and this is what I’m trying

actresses. She took on the name ‘Acid

to achieve in my work.” You can join

Doll’ when she was 15 and looking for

Acid Doll’s online fan base at www.

a blogging name. ‘Doll’ represented and on

the part of herself that loved old

instagram at @aciddoll.




SHURLEE SWEET photography Rest Easy Photography




aisy Jean began at the end of 2014 as a small online store on Etsy with only a few select hair flowers, crafted by Miss Osiria Rose, a Sydney pin up model. The brand was started initially as a place where ladies could buy quality floral pieces where the flowers were the focus point, lending themselves to a range of pin up and retro styles. Since then, her small business has flourished into something more, beginning to slowly expand beyond hair flowers and into more floral-inspired accessories. With a company description of “Making beautiful flowers for beautiful women,” Daisy Jean are a company that is proud to support all women. They are supporters of local pin up talent and performing artists, sponsoring events such as Miss Burlesque Idol 2015 and Miss Lady Laces Pinup Parade (WA), as well as events abroad such as the Picnic in the Park organised by the British Belle’s, who used the event to raise funds for a donation to cancer research. Daisy Jean’s company description comes from the hope that wearing the pieces will help encourage personal positivity and self-appreciation, with customers both looking and feeling their best.


The Daisy Jean team comprises of Miss Osiria Rose as the sole trader of the business, with pin up ladies Miss Cherry Button and Miss Chelsea Kate on board as the faces of the brand for 2015, which is part of Daisy Jean’s ‘Pinup’s Supporting Pinup’s’ ideology. The ‘Face of Daisy Jean’ program came from Miss Osiria wanting to see Daisy Jean help make a difference through supporting local models and artists to grow, by using the business as the medium. The program is essentially a 12-month sponsorship for the successful applicants, which allows growth for both the girls and Daisy Jean through mutually supporting one another. During their 12 months with Daisy Jean, the girls participate in photoshoots with talented local photographers, and the photos become the primary promotional media for the company during the girls’ time with the brand. The sponsorship also involves delivery of monthly flower packages of Daisy Jean goodies, and the opportunity to attend markets and the events that the brand sponsors. Osiria plans to keep developing this aspect of Daisy Jean to help grow and support other upcoming pin up ladies in the coming years.


Jean Floral Designs photography Lauren Horwood models Miss Chelsea Kate & Cherry Button, with owner Osiria Rose


S O P H I A F O N TA N O photography & muah Gina Barbara car owner Alex Perieff car make 1964 Chevy C-10 Custom Truck


E L L A LU G O S I photography All About Pout Photography floral hairpiece All About Pout



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