Adrenal fatigue supplements

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Adrenal Fatigue Supplements

Adrenal fatigue solution 100 Fillmore Street, Fifth Floor, Denver, CO 80206


Analyzing Evaluation Ablutions

Analyzing adrenal fatigue The reason for adrenal fatigue problem goes through other hormones. Yes, not only are testosterone levels affected, they will also pay the consequences for thyroid hormones, as we discussed in my article testosterone and thyroid. Adrenal fatigue, a condition associated with our mood, energy and sexual performance. First of all, let's look at the Adrenal fatigue supplements and what happens to the hormones involved in this problem: 

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Scenario I. (high cortisol level, pregnenolone, reduced DHEA). During this scenario, stress will take a good part of your life, altering your employment, marital, social relationship, etc. And your adrenal gland will start pumping a lot more cortisol than the required. And as we well know, a high (and reduced) cortisol level causes brain damage in our brain cells. Scenario II. (Normal cortisol level, low pregnenolone and a much lower DHEA level). This is the be ginning of what we know as "fatigue" theory about this is that the adrenal gland cannot control the extra workload and begins to reduce the production of certain key hormones. Scenario III. (Low cortisol, low pregnenolone and very low DHEA level). This is the final scenario o f the problem. Where "fatigue" has been transformed into something habitual. This is where the production of certain key hormones is really low. At this point the adrenal gland has been overworked and cannot function properly.

However, endocrinologists are those who really put all the attention that the situation deserves. For lack of knowledge or to go to an untrained doctor with the subject, many men let reduce (or increase) their level of DHEA and cortisol. Do you know what kind of foods and fluids increase the strength of your erection by including nitric oxide? Check out our diet Guide to improve erectile potency where I will show you how to achieve it in a healthy and natural way.

Evaluation of adrenal fatigue To discover the symptoms. As we know if we suffer from adrenal fatigue? This is a very recurrent question in our forum and to answer it we must know that the adrenal gland is composed of two parts: the medulla and the cortex. In this page I will not focus on hormones related to the medulla, so we will refer only to the cortex. It is in this area that we will find the most important hormones, such as cortisol. Small substance that can make the difference between heaven and Hell in the story of our health . Let's take a quick look at the main symptoms of adrenal fatigue. How many of these do you have?            

Fatigue (No matter if it is in the morning or in the afternoon) Reduction in Libido Constant stress Muscle pain Dizziness When you're standing Anxious pictures Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) Diarrhea (depends on the current state of your adrenal gland) Mental gaps Constant desires to urinate (due to low Adolsterona) Low blood pressure (no explanation) Lack of memory

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Insomnia (high cortisol level) Increased abdominal fat (high cortisol level) Nausea or diarrhea (high cortisol level)

You may notice that several of these symptoms are very similar to those that cause hypothyroidism and hypogonadism. I will say it again; it is because of this why we should not assume that testosterone will cure the lack of libido, as many may be the causes of the problem. Assuming you have one or more of the symptoms listed, you should be cautious in finding a good doctor. Since as we said a while ago, many of them do not take all the seriousness that the adrenal gland deserves. If you think they are not focusing on the main point, you can visit some of the labs that will help you check your hormone and/or testosterone level. Many of the symptoms we have seen may be due to lack or excess cortisol and this information will only be given to you by a test result. Remember that the large amount of cortisol can reduce your testosterone level. The adrenal gland also c ontrols several functions of your body as a) regulation of sugar in the body, b) retention andloss of fluids, c) Immunity and D) blood pressure. b) 2 important figures. The good news is that you can get a lot of useful information by just analyzing two hormones. DHEA. DHEA is produced in various tissues; including of course the adrenal gland. And this can be considered the complement or a type of "adversary" for cortisol. When one is up, the other is usually lower and vice versa. There are several medical conditions that go hand in side with the cortisol-to-DHEA relationship. Like depression, for example. When you know your DHEA level you will know if you are near or if you suffer from adrenal fatigue. Schedule for the exam As I mentioned, cortisol affects mood, libido, and other symptoms related to adrenal fatigue. It is therefore recommended to practice the test as early as possible (near 8am) or during the afternoon. The reason is simple; men can have a low level of cortisol during the day. Saliva, blood, or urine? There are 3 ways to analyze your cortisol and DHEA. Many of the men who visit the Peak Testosterone forum have discovered their adrenal gland problems thanks to the saliva test. It is usually very economical and you can do it in the comfort of your home. In addition, there are several doctors who recommend the saliva test as they consider it much more accurate. However, if you prefer a blood test, the Life Extension Foundation will analyze both your cortisol and DHEA. Including, by the way, current insulin/glucose readings.

Now, how can you diagnose adrenal fatigue? Below I explain some of the points to consider: scenario II. If your DHEA is lower than the level stipulated by the lab and your cortisol amount is higher, you should consider yourself in stage II of adrenal fatigue. Scenario III. If your DHEA is lower than the middle range stipulated by the lab and your cortisol is near the lowest amount or even, if it is inferior, you should consider yourself within scenario III of adrenal fatigue.

Ablutions for adrenal fatigue (high level of cortisol or scenario II) If you have elevated the cortisol level for a good part of the day, visit your doctor in the first place. Most experts will recommend 3 basic steps to lower the amount of cortisol: Stress Control: Instead of running or taking a lot of supplements, examines what the root cause of the problem is: this is probably the main reason why your cortisol continues to rise (and increase your stress). There are dozens of different forms of stress, but usually this has a common cause, adrenal fatigue. And let me tell you something very true, and all the drugs in the world can help you if you don't learn to handle it or you don't know the initial cause of the problem.

As you probably know, stress control can be a very broad field. And to help you find the original cause of the problem I recommend you read the summary of stress and Cortisol. And this is where I would like to highlight two points, full meditation and progressive Muscular relaxation. Both techniques tremendously effective help control the cortisol level. What's more, they're very simple to practice. You only need 15 minutes a couple of times a day and with that you will be improving many of the problems related to cortisol. Other natural forms that will allow you to control the problem are: Tai Chi, Yoga, walking (in a quiet environment), massage sessions, etc. Sleep Control. I don't exaggerate when I say that about half of the adrenal fatigue charts are solved when we improve our current cycle of sleep. A study this year showed that with at least 7.5 hours of sleep we will be giving a strong impulse to our organism. Remember that if we do not sleep the necessary time or if we do so unsatisfactory we will not be exposing to pictures of inflammation, alteration in the immune system, constant stress, etc. If you want to know more you can read my help page to sleep. In addition, many men with sleep disorders usually suffer from apnea, leg syndrome, snoring, etc. Many of these problems usually leave if we go down a few kilos or we undergo a natural therapy. The important point here is to go to the cause that causes the problem and find a solution as soon as possible. For more information I invite you to read the incredible benefits of sleep (including our testosterone).

The phosphatidylserine. If a man has a high level of cortisol, one of the most common solutions will be the use of phosphatidylserine. Usually it is taken when the cortisol level is elevated. In other words, if you have a high level of cortisol in the afternoon, then you should take the medication at that time. Unfortunately, it's a very inexpensive drug. We could try a lower dose, about 50 mg. And see if he gives us the desired effect. Personally I have seen men who take between 100, 200 or more milligrams of phosphatidylserine a day. Warning: Consumption for long periods of time must be monitored by your doctor. Vitamin C. Lines Pauling mentions that humans are one of the few mammals that cannot produce their own vitamin C. His theory is based on the bad mutation of certain genes that have adapted to life as we know it. Howev er, he stresses that this vitamin is vital to the health of men. Believe this theory or not, something is true, vitamin C can help to treat stress and control cortisol. Even, this vitamin could reduce the base level of cortisol. If you are looking for more details you

can read my articles "Why take vitamin C" and vitamin C and phosphatidylserine. Warning: Vitamin C should be taken in the form of "Ester-C" ideally on an empty stomach, as this improves iron absorption. Eyras Anti-stress. There are several herbs that can help with this problem. They can even give us a hand to improve anxiety pictures, stress, etc. Some of them are Korean Ginseng, Rheidol, Ashwagandha, etc. In my opinion, these are very good options to complement a treatment because if the stress becomes chronic you should consult your doctor for other solutions. (If you have other health problems, talk to your doctor first before eating supplements or herbs as it may alter other treatments.)

Solutions for adrenal fatigue (low cortisol or level III sce nario) 1. About training. Many men suffer from adrenal fatigue over training. It's hard for many of you not to ignore the pain, but you keep pushing yourself. If for some reason you're overstrained, you have to stop now. Personally I recommend the book of Phil Maffetone who speaks of the use of pulse monitors not to train at the time of exercising. 2. Pregnenolone. A supplement related to the adrenal gland is pregnenolone. This could be considered a s the "mother of all hormones" because it is just under the cholesterol in the hormonal pyramid. The theo

ry is that if a man takes pregnenolone his body will use it to reduce cortisol, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA, etc. Let us remember that our body will always know that it is better for its correct functioning. One of the good things about pregnenolone is that its adverse effects are usually mild or null. 3.Unlike other hormones like DHEA. Speaking in a practical way, pregnenolone may reduce cortisol in m en with symptoms of adrenal fatigue. The common dose is 50 mg a couple of times a day. Some men may ingest more to elevate their cortisol. Warning: Although adverse effects are usually insignificant, medical opinion is required if consumed for long periods of time. 4. Hydrocortisone (HC). This way the pharmacists call it cortisol. Some doctors use it by using doses of between 4 and 40 milligrams per day. This product is usually applied a couple of times a month. I personally recommend caution to use cortisol because large amounts of this hormone could cau se serious health problems. However, if your cortisol reading is low, these products will be helpful. However, I must comment that 20 milligrams of hydrocortisone could cause reduction in REM sleep cycle. And could also increase the anxiety charts according to a recent investigation. If you want to test its effects you should be cautious and know by the way what your actual level of cortisone is.

Adrenal fatigue solution Address: 100 Fillmore Street Fifth Floor Denver, CO 80206 Email: Facebook: Twitter: Website:

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