To Know If You Have Adrenal Fatigue? Getting tired after a day's work is something we all have to face everyday. It's a simple part of life that difficult to run away from. But, do you realize that this tiredness might not be as normal as you think, and it might be something that requires your immediate attention? Adrenal fatigue is a type tiredness that affects a many Australians in various ways, and you could be suffering from it right now without even realizing it. Check out these ways to figure out if you are struggling with normal tiredness or if it's adrenal fatigue. Having Trouble In Getting Out Of Bed - One of the leading causes of adrenal fatigue is insufficient sleep. The adrenal glands simply collapse and fail to perform properly with lack of quality and adequate sleep. A person dealing with the adrenal fatigue problem often wakes up in the morning feeling extremely tired no matter how much sleep they have had.
Extreme Level Of Fatigue - Extremely high levels of fatigue, tiredness or laziness everyday shouldn't be neglected ever. Yes, it's true that with ageing we all see a notable drop in our energy levels, but still there's a clear difference between usual tiredness and something more. Make sure you visit your doctor, if you fail to achieve any relief from your exhaustion and tiredness, even after getting proper rest and sleep you get or eating a healthy diet. Problem In Managing Stress - It's a fact that a lot of individuals are incapable of managing stress effectively. Sometimes many individuals seem to suddenly lose the capability of managing stress, even if they were once quite capable of handling it. When you start feeling a sudden change in your capability to handle stress, immediately visit an expert doctor and let them know about your incapability of managing stress. Excessive Craving For Salty/Sweet Foods - You need to keep a track of your food cravings. If you've a craving for salty/sweet food items quite often or have developed a new craving for salty foods that wasn't there before, then there's a strong possibility your body is telling you that the adrenal glands aren't performing properly. The sodium levels in your body drop when the adrenal glands are depleted, this results in causing the craving for a substitute like salty/sweet foods. A few other adrenal fatigue symptoms you need to keep an eye on: dizziness low libido joint pains dark circles under the eyes Do you think that all these things look similar to your present health condition? If yes, then make sure you get proper adrenal fatigue treatment by visiting an expert doctor. Adrenal Fatigue Solution specialises in adrenal fatigue solution, integrative medicine, anti-ageing medicine, cosmetic medicine and allergy. Treatments offered include bio-identical hormones and chelation therapy.